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Alvászavarok kora gyermekkorban krónikus szomatikus állapotok és atipikus fejlődés esetén – különös tekintettel a Down-szindrómára

Sleep disorders in early childhood with chronic somatic conditions and atypical development – with particular reference to Down syndrome

Orvosi Hetilap
Noémi Napravszky
Ágnes Gulácsi
Mária Alkonyi
, and
Ildikó Danis

Literature and parental reports suggest that young children with chronic illness or disability, particularly those diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, have a significantly higher prevalence of sleep problems than typically developing children of similar age. In the majority of cases, symptoms have a multifactorial etiology, with the child’s somatic condition, associated neurological and psychiatric disorders, as well as relationship characteristics and environmental circumstances, influencing their presentation. In groups of children with chronic illness, atypical developmental trajectories, specific neurological functioning and behavioral phenotypes, sleep disorders are underdiagnosed because it is difficult to separate the child’s illness from the characteristics and consequences of sleep symptoms in the complex symptom picture. For families of children with chronic illnesses or disabilities, the presence of sleep disorders can further complicate adjustment to more challenging life situations and have a significant impact on the well-being and quality of life of the family members. Children with Down syndrome face the challenges of the special needs groups of children that are the focus of our study, where syndrome-specific features, chronic somatic conditions, and structural and functional changes in the nervous system contribute in complex ways to the increased prevalence of sleep-related problems. In addition to early identification of sleep problems, prevention and intervention initiatives in practice can prevent, treat and alleviate a range of short- and long-term negative developmental and behavioral consequences, and contribute to improving the relationship characteristics and quality of life of affected children and their families. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1411–1422.

Open access

Meddőségi kezelésben részt vevő nők és férfiak életviteli szokásainak felmérése

Assessment of lifestyle habits of women and men participating in infertility treatment

Orvosi Hetilap
Gábor Máté
András Balló
Árpád Szántó
Zsolt Kopa
, and
Attila Török

Introduction: According to WHO data, about 17.5% of adults struggle with fertility problems, both women and men are equally affected. It can also be observed that over the past decades there has been a continuous increase in the number of people in need of infertility treatment, and this trend affects developed/industrialized countries much more. In these decades, our living conditions have also changed, which can be linked to the increase in the number of sterile relationships at several points. Objectives: We know from the literature that being overweight, smoking, alcohol consumption, high levels of untreated stress and even excessive vitamin consumption can negatively affect chances of fertility. The purpose of our study was to determine the extent of the known harmful lifestyle factors exist in couples undergoing infertility treatment. Methods: In our study, we assessed the lifestyle habits of couples applying for in vitro fertilization at our institute between 2020 and 2021, and compared our results descriptively with domestic statistics. 200 couples filled in the questionnaire. The age of the female respondents was 22–46 years, and the age of the men was 23–66 years. Results: 45% of women and 79.2% of men are overweight or obese. 24% of women and 54% of men drink alcohol at least once a week. Every fifth woman (19%) and every fourth man (26%) smoke regularly. In addition to this, only 21.5% of the respondents exercise at least 3 times a week. Our survey also covered our patients’ experience of stress. 27.8% of the participating women and 12.5% of the men claimed to be depressed, while 41% of the women and 15% of the men were stressed due to the difficulties of having children. Discussion and conclusion: According to our survey, the lifestyle risk factors discussed in detail in the literature are also typical in the lives of our patients, and this is a good indication for health awareness and importance of family planning education. The above factors may be partly due to cardiovascular and diabetes problems of the applicants presenting to our institute. Knowing the results, the high consumption of vegetables and fruits among the patients is surprising, and it is important to highlight that many of them use some form of vitamin preparation practically every day. Overall, it can be claimed that our patients have an unfavorable health picture, which fits the data of domestic statistics. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1423–1432.

Open access

A nanomedicina lehetőségei és korlátai a stroke-on átesett betegek gyógykezelésében

Potentials and limitations of nanomedicine in the treatment of stroke patients

Orvosi Hetilap
Ferenc Bari
Viktória Péter
Ákos Menyhárt
, and
Eszter Farkas

While nanomedicine is already helping stroke patients, it will offer many new opportunities in the future by enabling targeted therapy, faster and more accurate diagnosis and more effective drug treatment. Nanotechnology can be used to deliver specially designed molecules to the damaged brain area. There, the concentration of a given drug can be effectively increased to reduce unwanted side effects. This can lead to more efficient clot dissolution, improved reperfusion efficacy and more effective cyto- and neuroprotective strategies. Knowledge of the specific properties of the blood–brain barrier could facilitate drug delivery through a number of transport mechanisms that have so far been unexploited for drug delivery. Nanosensors and nano-based imaging techniques can significantly improve the early detection of stroke lesions and the accurate determination of the extent of injury. Nanotechnological solutions can significantly enhance the translational value of neuroprotective drugs previously found to be effective in animal models. This also offers hope for the regeneration of brain tissue and microcirculation. Furthermore, the very broad toolbox of nanomedicine allows the development of personalised therapies. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1403–1410.

Open access

Új módszer a májregeneráció fokozására: a máj kettős vénás sorvasztása

A new method to enhance liver regeneration: double venous deprivation of the liver

Orvosi Hetilap
Bálint Kokas
Gyula Krizsány
Damján Pekli
Anna Meltzer
Dávid Bárdos
Balázs Rózsa
András Bibok
Dávid Korda
Dóra Somogyi
Attila Doros
András Budai
Judit Halász
Klára Werling
Krisztina Hagymási
Dorottya Mühl
Bálint Tegze
Domonkos Nádasdy-Horváth
Tamás Györke
Attila Szijártó
, and
Oszkár Hahn

The resectability of liver tumors depends on having a sufficient amount of liver tissue remaining after surgery to ensure proper liver function. With portal vein occlusion techniques, slower and more modest growth can be achieved during a low-risk intervention. If hypertrophy is insufficient or there is a risk of rapid tumor progression, Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein ligation for Staged hepatectomy can be used, which provides the most significant induced hypertrophy in a short time. However, the morbidity associated with the combined surgery is high. The dual venous deprivation of the liver, which involves the occlusion of the ipsilateral portal vein and hepatic vein, aims to combine the advantages of the above techniques. This approach allows for rapid and significant contralateral lobe hypertrophy, comparable to the latter method, to be achieved safely. Through our case, we demonstrate this liver hypertrophy technique. A 75-year-old female patient, during the investigation of her abdominal complaints, was diagnosed with a large intrahepatic cholangiocellular tumor in the right lobe of the liver, also affecting the middle sector. Considering the localization, the tumor could only be removed with a right-sided trisegmentectomy. We performed liver volumetry, which showed that the volume of the remaining liver (S1-2-3) was less than 35%. We decided on dual liver vein deprivation. On the 7th day following the occlusion of the right portal vein and the ipsilateral right hepatic vein, significant hypertrophy (41%) was observed. We successfully performed the planned surgery. During the postoperative period, mild ascites was managed conservatively, and no other complications occurred. The patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative day. If the expected volume of the remaining liver is insufficient for planned liver resection, liver regeneration techniques are necessary. Among the available techniques, the newest solution offering low complication risks is dual venous deprivation, involving occlusion of the ipsilateral portal vein and hepatic vein. The above case demonstrates that rapid and effective liver regeneration can be expected with this method, with minimal burden, enabling the safe performance of extended liver resections. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1433–1439.

Open access

A Myeloma Munkacsoport nevében Varga Gergely foglalja össze, amit 2024 elején legjobb terápiás stratégiának tart a myeloma első, illetve többedvonalas kezelésében. Fontos újdonság, hogy nemcsak a protokollok előírás szerinti alkalmazását mutatjuk be, hanem azt is, hogy – főleg ott, ahol a gyógyszerek piacra kerülése óta sok év eltelt – hogyan lehet annál hatékonyabban, eredményesebben alkalmazni azokat. A lehetőségeknek nyilván az szab határt, hogy a NEAK mit finanszíroz az adott pillanatban. Az írás áttekinti azokat az új kezeléseket is, amik várhatóan a közeljövőben elérhetővé válnak a magyar betegek számára.

Open access


A key issue that teacher training programmes need to address is how well the contents of various methodology courses translate to in-class uses for pre-service teachers to use during their teaching practices. The paper addresses the problem from multiple angles in a longitudinal project that collected quantitative and qualitative data regarding fourth-year Hungarian pre-service English teachers' views about the practicality and applicability of various EFL methodology course contents. The study found that the key needs pre-service teachers have in connection to the applicability of their course contents corresponds to their developing identities as future teachers. Conclusions are drawn regarding a possible support model utilizing semi-open ended teaching material support and the application possibilities of blended learning.

Open access


Currently, there are no reported green “high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC)” methods for domperidone (DOM) and cinnarizine (CNZ) simultaneous detection. The objective of the present study was to design and verify a reverse-phase HPTLC method for the concurrent analysis of CNZ and DOM in commercial tablets that is fast, sensitive, and greener. As a green mobile phase, acetone and water in an 80:20 (v/v) binary ratio were used to simultaneously determine CNZ and DOM. The stationary phase was reverse-phase silica gel 60F254S plates. Concurrent measurements of CNZ and DOM were performed at 230 nm. Four different tools were used to assess the greenness of the current method: AGREE, AES, ChlorTox, and NEMI. For both medications, the current approach was linear in the 25–1,000 ng/band range. The accuracy, precision, robustness, sensitivity, and environmental friendliness of the suggested technique for the CNZ and DOM simultaneous detection were verified. The new method's profile was noticeably greener, as seen by the results of every greenness tool, including NEMI, AES (89), ChlorTox (1.08 g), and AGREE (0.83). Utilizing the current approach, the amount of CNZ and DOM in pharmaceutical tablets was found to be 99.53 and 98.87%, respectively. These findings validate the suitability of the existing method for measuring CNZ and DOM simultaneously in commercial tablets. The results of the proposed study indicated that measuring CNZ and DOM in commercial products could be done consistently with the current methodology.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Thaer Matlab Mezher
Kamal Ali Mohammed
Ashraf A. M. R. Hiswa
, and
Tawfek Sheer Ali


This research investigates the complex interplay between stress impact, concrete shrinkage, and its implications on crack development. Utilizing theoretical and computational methods, the study analyzes the detrimental effects of structural cracks caused by stress variations. A distinctive behavior of long-term shrinkage concerning stress levels was observed. It was found that, positive stress enhances the mean Young's modulus, while negative stress reduces modulus under negative stress conditions, heightened susceptibility to crack propagation under negative stress and improved resistance under positive stress. Temperature's uniform impact on long-term shrinkage is demonstrated, highlighting differences among various cement classes.

Restricted access


As instructors in higher education, we are responsible for student learning whether in undergraduate, master's or PhD programs. The extent to which we are successful in this responsibility depends on our ability to design and enact effective instruction. This paper draws on research about learning, particularly the notion of significant learning, as well as a research-based model for designing instruction to propose a range of ways to ensure students actively engage in embedding the knowledge we hope they will.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Rudolf Stark
Charlotte Markert
Sarah Golder
Rhea Psarros
Julian P. Discher
Said Khatib
Julia Metzger
Sebastian Palmer
Johanna Rechmann
Florian Storz
Bertram Walter
Sarah Allard
Stephanie Antons
Marta Bledzka
Matthias Brand
Sandra Dörrenbächer
Julia Englisch
Thilo Friehs
Katja Da Cunha Gonçalves
Anke Haberkamp
Mila Hall
Schahryar Kananian
Pascal Kemmerer
Doerthe Klingelhöfer
Wolfgang Lutz
Christiane A. Melzig
Tanja Michael
Anja Neumann
Silke Neusser
Anja Niemann
Michael Odenthal
Julian Rubel
Sarah Schlierenkamp
Christian Speckemeier
Luisa Ünlü
Rabea Vogt
Klaus Wölfling
Wiebke Zachariassen
Gerrit zur Hausen
, and
Christine Heinz



The introduction of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) into the 11th International Classification of Diseases has raised expectations for better treatment options for CSBD. Furthermore, the treatment demand has increased, particularly for pornography use disorder (PUD), a subtype of CSBD. Presumably due to the easy access to Internet pornography an increasing prevalence of PUD is observed. Consequently, providing tailored and effective treatment is essential.


This article provides an overview of the manualized short-term PornLoS Treatment Program (Pornografienutzungsstörung effektiv behandeln– Leben ohne Suchtdruck; translation: Treating pornography use disorder effectively - life without craving). The program combines 24 individual and 6 group psychotherapy sessions with an interdisciplinary approach by offering a novel treatment framework. This includes, e.g., a mobile app, establishment of self-help groups, and access to other social services such as couple counseling. The cognitive-behavioral treatment program contains interventions addressing psychoeducation, cue exposure, impulse control, cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation, and relapse management.

We here also describe the study protocol of an ongoing four-arm randomized controlled trial. The aim is to test two variants of the PornLoS Treatment Program differing with respect to their treatment goal (abstinence or reduced pornography use) against cognitive-behavioral treatment as usual and against a waitlist control group. The primary outcome is the absence of a PUD diagnosis at the end of therapy. The total target sample size will comprise n = 316 patients with PUD across eight study sites.


The results will be presented at international conferences and published in a scientific peer-reviewed journal.

Open access