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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

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The target (dependent) variable is often influenced not only by ratio scale variables, but also by qualitative (nominal scale) variables in classification analysis. Majority of machine learning techniques accept only numerical inputs. Hence, it is necessary to encode these categorical variables into numerical values using encoding techniques. If the variable does not have relation or order between its values, assigning numbers will mislead the machine learning techniques. This paper presents a modified k-nearest-neighbors algorithm that calculates the distances values of categorical (nominal) variables without encoding them. A student’s academic performance dataset is used for testing the enhanced algorithm. It shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms standard one that needs nominal variables encoding to calculate the distance between the nominal variables. The results show the proposed algorithm preforms 14% better than standard one in accuracy, and it is not sensitive to outliers.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Jamal Eldin F. M. Ibrahim
Emese Kurovics
Mohammed Tihtih
, and
László A. Gömze


In this research, ceramic bricks were produced based on natural zeolite from Tokaj (Hungary) using the dry pressing technique. The microstructure, morphology and properties of the produced samples were examined via scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. The X-ray investigation revealed various minerals in the natural zeolite; moreover, the samples’ physical and thermal properties were also investigated. The sintering temperature and composition play a major role in the microstructure and the properties of the prepared ceramic samples. The produced ceramics bricks have excellent thermal insulation and good mechanical strength. The results of this research work confirm the potential use of natural zeolite from Tokaj as an eco-friendly building material.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Stepan Shapoval
Nadiia Spodyniuk
Oleksandra Datsko
, and
Pavlo Shapoval


According to the energy development strategy of Ukraine, implementation of energy efficient buildings is needed, in which external protections are converters of solar energy into heat. The article presents studies of solar coating with direct coolant supply. Studies of the average value of the heat loss coefficient of the solar coating were also carried out. As a result, the efficiency of the solar coating under the mode of forced circulation of the coolant is 0.67, at natural circulation of the coolant – 0.57 and at its direct supply is 0.71. Experimental researches of thermal and physical parameters of a solar covering and system of heat supply on its basis showed in the corresponding dependences influence on its thermal characteristics of dynamic modes of the heat carrier, energy, kinetic characteristics of the environment.

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Horizontal good technology is one of the recent methods in the drilling and exploitation of geological formations in the best and optimal ways, because of the many and comprehensive advantages that these wells enjoy with the most important measurement and prediction index called productivity index. Which is equivalent to several times higher than the vertical well productivity index, if the field is invested by drilling vertical wells only.

The current research focuses on calculating the productivity index by proposing the development point of view of the reservoir formation in the Burgan oil field through the production of oil from the production units approved in the formation (MB21, MC1, MC2) by using of horizontal good technology and comparing it with the value of the productivity index of vertical wells in the same production units.

Well-known published methods adopted in the case of steady state and pseudo steady state were used in the calculations of the productivity index, and by comparison with the standard observed results, it was found that the Joshi method was closer than others in the calculations of the productivity index for both steady and pseudo steady state cases. Then the calculations were completed taking into account all conditions and factors that have a significant role in the value of the calculated productivity index.

The obtained results revealed that PI increases with [well length, isotropy ratio (Kv/Kh), well thickness vs. well length] increase, while it was decreased with [ drainage area] increase in the case of steady state conditions. Also, the PI increase with length increase in the case of Pseudo steady state condition for all the studied methods, and both of Kuchuck and Economides methods seem to be close in obtained results, but Economides is the closest one to the reality and importance in application with the present case. Completion configuration has an effluence on the PI, and it is increasing with the increase of well opening to the production for such well length.

Also, all the results indicated that the use of this type of technology in the field development is good and promising, and gave valuable, excellent, and optimistic results for the future production of the field in a profitable manner.

Open access


For the past few decades innovation in construction material has grown a lot. This leads to special concrete such as self-compacting concrete, geopolymer concrete, self-healing concrete, etc. To prepare a special concrete apart from regular concreting material some sort of special materials was also needed, like mineral and chemical admixtures. Hence it is necessary to study the effect of these admixtures in cement paste and mortar before studying the same in concrete. Hence an attempt is made to study the effect of mineral and chemical admixtures in the fresh and hardened properties of cement paste and mortar. For this study ultrafine natural steatite powder is taken as mineral admixture and polycarboxylic based superplasticizer and glenium stream 2 were taken as chemical admixtures. Ultrafine natural steatite powder was used as additive to cement in various percentages like 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. Superplasticizer and viscosity modifying admixture were taken as 1.5% and 0.5%, respectively. Then various combinations were worked out. To study the fresh property of cement paste consistency, initial setting time and miniature slump cone test were done based on the results yield stress of cement paste also calculated empirically. To study the hardened property compression test on cement mortar was done. Based on the test results it is clear that the addition of ultrafine natural steatite powder increases the water demand hence reduces the workability. On the other hand, it increases the compressive strength up to a certain limit. Adding superplasticizer increases the workability and reduces the water demand and viscosity modifying admixture reduces the bleeding and segregation effects hence increases the compressive strength.

Open access


Educational data mining is an emerging exquisite field that has been successfully implemented in higher education. One of the best ways to increase the efficiency of this emerging phenomenon is to select efficient professors and effective teaching methods. This study is intended to show academic success factors to have better management in student curriculum, contextualizing the progress and to prevent unfavorable conditions for students. In this research, students of Shahrood University of Technology were studied. Initially, 3,765 samples of students' educational background were considered. Then, pre-processing was performed to make the data normalized. Next, several predictive models were developed using a supervised data mining approach. Next, five algorithms by the best result were selected. Comparing the results of algorithms applied to data, the two algorithms, radial basis function network and the Naïve Bayes with respectively value F-measure 0.929 and 0.942 showed more accurate results. Finally, the most effective feature was selected, the attributes ‘maximum semester’ and ‘the total number of units dropped’ were ranked an the most important, and the three attributes of ‘the basic courses average’, ‘the number of units of main courses’ and ‘the total average’, were placed in the next ranks.

Open access


In recent years, managers of both private and public organizations in developing countries have been struggling to double production and improve service delivery in their organizations. Successful organizations in the western world were, however, identified with the use of Information Technology (IT). The paper examined the magnitude of IT and its application in human resource management. Four organizations from private and public sectors were selected from all. Two organizations from each sector, members of staff, Human Resource (HR) professionals and managers of these organizations were targeted. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the staff and unstructured interviews were designed to gather data from the HR practitioners and managers of these organizations. A statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. In general, about 76.9% of the participants said that IT application in HR functions enhances organizational productivity. The selected organizations could boast of basic IT facilities, but their numerical strength still remains a challenge especially among organizations in the public sector. Organizations in both sectors must invest more in IT and its related accessories as a means of solving problem of inadequacy. Internet connectivity and company website were lacking in some organizations across both sectors and should be considered so as to improve upon the human resource functions and quality service delivery in the deprived regions of Ghana. Staff motivation, wage and salaries, strategic management and organizational leadership were mentioned as factors when put together with IT would augment productivity in any given economy.

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Over the recent years metallic foams have become a popular material due to their unique characteristics like low density coupled with beneficial mechanical properties such as good energy absorption, heat resistance, flame resistance, etc. However, their production processes (foaming) is highly stochastic which results in an inhomogeneous foam structure. Hybrid aluminum foam with closed-cell has been manufactured using direct foaming method coupled with the Taguchi Design of Experiments (DOE). Image analysis has been carried out to determine the average porous area and pore size. The influence of the production parameters (amount of foaming agent added, mixing speed and temperature) on the pore size and the porous area has been analyzed using the statistical Taguchi technique. From the experiments it was seen that the most important control factor for both the pore size and the porous area is the amount of the foaming agent added, followed by temperature and stirring speed. Furthermore, the statistical significance of these manufacturing parameters on the response was also investigated by performing analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical method.

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Szemléletváltás a budapesti bérházépítésben, •

avagy Újlipótváros mint az új városépítészeti paradigmák helyszíne

Changing Approaches in Multi-Storey Rental Housing,

or Újlipótváros as the Location of New Urban Design Paradigms
Építés - Építészettudomány
Zsuzsa Körner
Kornélia Kissfazekas

A budapesti bérházépítés során a volumenközpontú szabályozástól a korszerű lakóháztervezési elvek felé történő elmozdulás folyamata felölelte a 20. század első harmadát. A tanulmány ezt az időszakot kívánja megvilágítani, az átmeneti időszak általános városépítészeti szemléletváltásainak, főbb jellemzőinek, és az ezek nyomán kialakuló beépítési mód változásainak a bemutatásával. A folyamatot a városépítészeti szempontból példaértékűnek tekintett Újlipótváros néhány tömbjének részletesebb elemzése illusztrálja, melyek kutatási alapját eredeti térképi anyagok és korabeli szakmai publikációk képezik.

In multi-storey rental housing in Budapest the first third of the 20th century was characterized by a transition from quantity-centered regulation to modern principles of residential house planning. The study seeks to shed light on this period by presenting attitude changes in general urban design in the transitional period, as well as their main characteristics and resulting development patterns. The process is illustrated by a more detailed analysis of some blocks in Újlipótváros considered exemplary from the point of view of urban planning, based on original maps and contemporary professional publications.

Open access


In this paper the shear resistance of a member without shear reinforcement according to Eurocode 2 is investigated. This expression, as most expressions of design codes typically used to estimate the nominal shear resistance, has been created based on experimental investigations. It will be verified that in case of non-prestressed reinforced concrete member without stirrups, the shear resistance is carried by the shear resistance of the compressive zone; and the shear resistance given by the empirical expression of Eurocode 2 is actually the shear resistance of the compressive zone.

Knowing the mechanical background of the empirical expressions of Eurocode 2, the limits of its applicability can be shown, thus its error can be predicted. Using the reports of experimental investigations, it is easy to find cases to prove the correctness of the error-prediction. In this paper simple modifications will be suggested to Eurocode 2 shear design procedures, by which a more consistent level of safety can be ensured.

Open access


Microgrid (MG) is a system of production and distribution of electrical energy that can operate both in grid-connected and islanded modes. This capability leads to significant variations in the fault current level. Moreover, dynamic changes corresponding to the line outage contingencies or outages of the distributed generations (DGs) that are implemented for local generation in the MGs lead to the changes in the fault current level. These changes in the fault current level make some miscoordination between the overcurrent relays (OCRs) in the conventional protection schemes. To overcome this drawback, there is a need for an adaptive protection scheme that can adapt to both operational and dynamic changes and takes effective protection decisions accordingly. This paper first presents a statistic-based review of MG and its protection including total publications, type of publications, the ten most researchers, and the ten most sources. Finally, comprehensive remarks of the 30 most cited papers related to adaptive protection of MG are presented. This paper will help the researchers of the MG protection to learn the most desirable techniques and the concentration of studies in adaptive protection of MGs for future works.

Open access


This article contributes a novel technique based on cascade classifiers for smoke detection by utilizing the image processing method. It has been a difficult issue for ten years or so due to its variety in shape, texture, and color. In this article, a machine learning methodology is represented to tackle this issue and simulated with MATLAB software. The smoke detection issue acted like a classification issue. The solution is demonstrated as a binary classification issue. Hence, the support vector machine (SVM) is represented for classification. In order to train and test the SVM classifier, both samples of positive and negative are gathered. Two SVM classifiers are utilized in the cascade. The first classifier distinguishes the presence of smoke if smoke presents in a provided input image; the second classifier is utilized to find the locale of smoke in a provided input image. The size of the window is set to 32 × 32 and slided across the whole image to identify the smoke in a zone of the window. The novel technique is a training dataset and utilizing linear kernel function. In this manner, the novel technique is tested with a test dataset. The first SVM classifier obtained 100% accuracy in training and 96% accuracy in testing. A training accuracy of 96% and a test accuracy of 93.6% were obtained by the second SVM classifier. This novel technique proved to be more proficient and cost-savvy than the traditional strategies.

Open access

European and Slovak Examples of Pop-up Theaters •

Alternative Theaters Across Europe

Pop-up színházak európai és szlovák példái •

Alternatív színházak Európa-szerte
Építés - Építészettudomány
Kristína Boháčová
Alexander Schleicher

A large group of emerging cultural spaces abroad and in Slovakia has the adjective independent. In this context, this means that they were not established by public institution and are looking for sustainable forms of funding themselves, operating on grants and volunteering system. The limited amount of funding also determined the architecture that covers such cultural centers. Historic ruins, neglected public spaces, abandoned industrial buildings are common factors that appear throughout Europe. Is there a difference between Slovak alternative and its foreign counterparts, or is it a global phenomenon with identical characteristics? And can it be established at all based on such a small sample as the independent cultural and theater centers are?

A kulturális terek nagyobb csoportja külföldön és Szlovákiában is független jelzővel jelenik meg. Ebben az összefüggésben ez azt jelenti, hogy nem közintézmény hozta létre őket, maguk keresik a finanszírozás fenntartható formáit, támogatásokból és önkéntesekkel működnek. A korlátozott összegű finanszírozás meghatározza az ilyen kulturális központok építészetét is. A történeti romok, az elhanyagolt közterületek, az elhagyott ipari épületek Európa-szerte gyakran jelennek meg helyszíneikként. Van-e különbség a szlovák alternatív és a külföldi gyakorlat között, vagy ez globális jelenség azonos jellemzőkkel? És egyáltalán ez kiderülhet-e a független kulturális és színházi központok egy ilyen kis mintája alapján?

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Ayad Q. Al-Dujaili
Amjad J. Humaidi
Daniel Augusto Pereira
, and
Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem


Ball and Beam system is one of the most popular and important laboratory models for teaching control systems. This paper proposes a new control strategy to the position control for the ball and beam system. Firstly, a nonlinear controller is proposed based on the backstepping approach. Secondly, in order to adapt online the dynamic control law, adaptive laws are developed to estimate the uncertain parameters. The stability of the proposed adaptive backstepping controller is proved based on the Lyapunov theorem. Simulated results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.

Open access

Hat törvényhatósági jogú város székházépítési pályázata •

Hivatalszervezés és helyigény

Office Organization and Space Requirements on the Examples of the Headquarters of Cities with Municipal Rights

Építés - Építészettudomány
Zoltán Megyeri-Pálffi
Katalin Marótzy

A magyar nagyvárosok városházái – amelyek többsége a magyar historizmus legszebb építészeti emlékei közé tartozik – jól reprezentálják azt a robbanásszerű polgárosodást és modernizációt, amely az Osztrák– Magyar Monarchia (1867) létrejöttével bekövetkező változások velejárója volt.

Tanulmányunkban a korszak építészeti tendenciáinak megismeréséhez kívánunk egy új szempontot adni: a nagy városházák térszervezetét vizsgáljuk meg a közigazgatási struktúra történeti alakulásának fényében. Ezzel az elemzéssel egyúttal az adminisztráció és az építészet sajátos viszonyrendszerét is megvilágítjuk.

A vizsgálat alapját a dualizmus korának magyar építészeti szaksajtójában közölt hat törvényhatósági jogú város részletesebb pályázati dokumentációja adja, amely látványosan tükrözi a korszak városháza- építészeti tendenciáit. Győr (1893–1894), Pécs (1902–1903), Marosvásárhely (1905), Szabadka (1906), Pozsony (1907) és Kolozsvár (1910) városi székházainak tervpályázati anyagát dolgoztuk fel, aminek köszönhetően a városháza mint jelentős közigazgatási épülettípust elemeztük az építészeti funkció és a hely igény relációjában. Így – a legnagyobb városházák pályázatain keresztül – a kor városházáinak mint adminisztratív épületeknek – ismert építészeti reprezentativitása mellett – alaprajzi rendszerükben, helyiség struktúrájukban megfigyelhető speciális vonásait rajzolhatjuk fel.

The city halls of the Hungarian large cities – most of which are among the most beautiful architectural monuments of Hungarian historicism – well represent the explosive civilization and modernization that accompanied the changes that took place with the establishment of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy (1867).

In our study, we want to give a new perspective to get to know the architectural tendencies of the period: we examine the spatial organization of large city halls in the light of the historical development of the administrative structure. With this analysis, we also shed light on the specific system of relations between administration and architecture.

The study is based on the more detailed tender documentation of six cities with municipal rights published in the Hungarian architectural press of the age of dualism, which spectacularly reflects the city hall architectural tendencies of the period.

We wrote up the design competition material of the city headquarters of Győr (1893–1894), Pécs (1902– 1903), Târgu Mureş (1905), Subotica (1906), Bratislava (1907) and Cluj-Napoca (1910), thanks to which we analyzed the city hall as a significant administrative building type in relation to architectural function and space requirements. Thus, through the tenders of the largest city halls, we can draw the special features of the city halls of the age as administrative buildings, in addition to their well-known architectural representativeness, in their floor plan system and room structure.

Open access

Olyan átfogó stílusok, mint a gótika a reneszánsz vagy a barokk voltak, napjainkban nem segítik az építész munkáját a formaalakításában, de különböző stílusok, brandek és ideológiák nagy számban választhatók. A választás létre is jön – elsősorban az azonosíthatóság és a jó eladhatóság érdekében az építészirodák formaalkotási metódusát alapvetően meghatározva. Az így létrejövő építészeti formák nem az adott feladatból következnek, nem az adott feladathoz kapcsolódnak, hanem a meglévő formakészlet elemeinek használatával, adaptálásával jönnek létre.

A kortárs művészetben nem csak az építészet küzd a forma ellehetetlenülésével, kiüresedésével. Az irodalomban ugyanúgy kérdésessé vált a forma, a stílus, és kérdésessé vált a gondolat, a mondanivaló direkt ábrázolása. Az irodalomra is figyelve, a párhuzamok segíthetnek a helyzet pontos leírásában, értelmezésében, és szélesíthetik az építészeti horizontot.

Azonban nem csak a huszadik század végi, huszonegyedik század eleji építészet sajátja a formai dogmatizmus, az már a kezdet kezdetén megjelent a Modern Mozgalomban. A CIAM és Le Corbusier stiláris diktátumával szemben aktív és passzív ellenállás fejlődött ki. Több jelentős, korszerűen gondolkozó építész hangoztatta, írta le ellenvéleményét, tiltakozva a Modern Mozgalom kiáltványai ellen. A passzívan tiltakozó építészek egyszerűen távol tartották magukat a Mozgalomtól és járták a saját maguk szabta, de modern útjukat. Az aktív és passzív ellenállást tanúsító építészek vonulatát St. John Wilson a modern építészet másik hagyományaként írta le.

A modern építészet másik hagyományának folytatásaként a kortárs tervezésben a stiláris, formai, esztétikai, gondolati, ideológiai megközelítések elutasítása lehetőséget jelenthet az építész számára egy olyan tervezés gyakorlására, ami a sokrétű építészeti feladatra tud koncentrálni, nem a formai kérdések határozzák meg a tervezést. Az építészet elemi sajátosságaira alapozva, a tervezési helyzet kiértékelése, a funkció betöltése a fundamentum. Minden más ezekből kiindulva alakul, következik, az építészetet praktikus művészetként (techné) gyakorolva.

Ez a vonulata az építészetnek nem használ olyan formákat, amelyek nem a tervezési helyzetből következnek, így az épület populáris gesztusok, formák híján a legtöbb esetben nem lesz érdekes a primer érzékelés számára. Az ilyen mű befogadásához csend és elmélyülés kell.

However, such overall styles as gothic, renaissance and baroque do not help contemporary architects in creating forms but different styles, brands and ideologies could be chosen freely. The choice is maid – usually for identification and marketability – defining the form creation method of the architecture offices. The forms created like this do not follow the assignment task nor are connected to the architectural or natural context, but these forms are stylistically or ideologically preconceived.

The architectural form, structure which is independent from task is not only the contemporary architecture’s peculiarity. At the beginning of the architectural Modern Movement Le Corbusier and the CIAM canonized the International Style. But W. M. Dudok, the Dutch architect (and several other prominent architects) protested against a regime of pre-ordained geometrical form.

In the contemporary architecture the MVRDV is diligent to create interesting architectural forms to raise their popularity, however, a few decades ago Winy Maas protested against the formalism: admonishing the architects to design buildings just with transforming the abstract statistic information into a concrete form. Daniel Libeskind said about his Jewish Museum in Berlin: “that was my intent in creating a building that tells a story. Architecture just like any art should tell a story.” And he developed a useless populist building using deconstructive ornaments.

But there are a few star architects who do not care about brand building and popularity. One of them is Peter Zumthor, who wrote about the design process of Thermal Baths in Vals: “I remembered how we recently developed a project…not by forming preliminary images of the building in our minds and subsequently adapting them to the assignment, but by endeavouring to answer basic questions arising from the location of the given site, the purpose and the building materials – mountain, rock, water – which at the first had no visual content in terms of existing architecture.”

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Location specific services are widely used in outdoor environment and their indoor counterpart is gaining more popularity as well. There is no standardized technology exists for indoor localization, usually smart phone is used as a localization platform and the field strength of an existing radio frequency infrastructure is used as the location specific information. Smart devices are also equipped with several sensors capable of capturing the motion data of the device. Detecting the walking step, turn, stairs motion type can refine the indoor position using digital indoor map as a reference. The real-time recognition of the motion type is possible with a precisely constructed and trained convolutional neural network and therefore it can improve the stability of the localization.

Open access


Brigittaplatz located in the 20th district of Vienna, which is a mixed culture residential community with various issues. This paper attempts to uncover the existing problems, weaknesses, potential opportunities of the site and explore a set of local interventions to accomplish site regeneration through architectural and landscape measures. Study utilizes two axes to improve and reconnect the public service, green corridor as well as the interactive relationship. All the proposed interventions are not merely public facility renewal but a new functional and social design, which is trying to reactivate the various relationships in the site that can enhance the quality of life and carry over the impact to larger scales. Authors seek a holistic approach to regenerate Brigittaplatz.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Máté Hidvégi
Gergely Mezei
, and
Sándor Bácsi


Multi-layer metamodeling is a metamodeling method that provides great flexibility for domain prototyping, while it also ensures rigid validation of domain rules. Visualization of multi-layer models would be essential in order to promote this new modeling technique in industrial setups; however, the traditional way of representing model entities is not sufficient here. Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra is a multi-layer metamodeling approach that addressed the challenges of multi-layer modeling, but uses a text-based language to create models. This paper presents Dynamo, a visual notation for Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra, which is also applicable to other multi-layer metamodeling approaches. The paper elaborates the graphical syntax and the design decisions.

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This paper studies the two widely used material models for predicting the dynamic behavior of soils, the Ramberg-Osgood and Hadrin-Drnevich models. Resonant column and torsional simple shear test results on dry sand were used to calibrate and evaluate the model built in the finite element software Midas GTS NX. Both material models are already implemented by the software. This study estimates the ability and efficiency of both soil models coupled with the Masing criteria to predict the behavior of soil when subjected to irregular loading patterns, (e.g., earthquakes), and measure the two most important dynamic properties, the dynamic shear modulus, and the damping ratio.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Zuzana Sabová
Zuzana Németová
Tatiana Kaletová
, and
Silvia Kohnová


The objective of the study is an assessment of a Ratka small water reservoir in Slovakia by using two main aspects, i.e., the hydrotechnical, geotechnical and environmental aspects.

An evaluation of the actual state of a small water reservoir was solved in a complex way. Based on the field measurements, the quality of surface water was controlled in order to check if the surface water quality indicators meet the requirements of government regulations. In addition to the terrain measurements, laboratory measurements were performed. The results assess the actual state of the small water reservoir in details, including an assessment of the water quality with proposed measures for improving the condition of the water reservoir.

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This research work is related to the study of effects on properties of concrete having rice husk ash as cementitious supplementary materials. Total four mixes of concrete were done with varying percentages of rice husk as 6%, 12% and 18%. The tensile, flexural and compressive strengths that contain rice husk ash were determined by testing cubes, cylinders and beams. There was a replacement of 6%, 12% and 18% of rice husk ash in all mixes except the control mix. The concrete's flexural strength with rice husk ash increases at the beginning and at the later age (i.e., 28 days) similar to control mix; however, variation in compressive and splitting tensile strength is negligible. The optimum results are achieved with 6% replacement of cement with rice husk ash. Therefore, it was inferred that rice husk ash could be used as partial replacement of cement in concrete to produce economic concrete.

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In recent years, in order to increase the energy efficiency of older buildings in Hungary, several tenders have supported the modernization of the thermal insulation. Various thermal insulation materials have been installed on walls, on slab and on floor. Unfortunately there are cases where thermal insulation materials are not installed in accordance with the construction permit or the manufacturer’s instructions, which poses a serious danger in case of a fire. During the research the effects of heat on the behavior of Expanded PolyStyrene, a thermal insulation material often used in Hungary is examined. Laboratory tests and computer simulations were carried out, which are presented in detail in this paper. The aim of the research is to contribute to increase the fire safety of buildings.

Open access


With the rapid economic development, the original layout structure and spatial functions of the city have been affected. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate the potential and vitality of space through social interaction based on the analysis of activity behavior and traffic travel. Through communication in the existing leftover space, a living community with the purpose of spatial emotional connection is established or reconstructed. The social habits of residents have also undergone many adjustments and reorganizations. In this way, the degree of connection between people and space is deepened, to guide the public to actively participate in the adjustment of the characteristics of leftover space and space optimization, broaden the application boundary of space.

Open access


During the following research project, the effects of an electrically heated window on the thermal comfort parameters of permanently occupied spaces were examined. A thermal manikin and a Testo 400 comfort-meter were used for the tests. To characterize the space, the predicted mean vote and predicted percentage of dis-satisfied method was applied. The examination of the comfort indices took place in the vicinity of an electrically heated window glass. During the measurements the surface temperature of the glazing was changed, alongside the distance from the glazing at which the measuring instruments were set up. The project aimed to assess the results measured by the thermal manikin and assess the usability of heated window glazing, taking thermal comfort into account.

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A calculation system has been developed to determine the optimum dimensions of asymmetric I-beams for minimum shrinkage. The objective function is the minimum mass; the unknowns are the I-beam dimensions; the constraints are the stress, local buckling, and deflection. Different steel grades have been considered (235, 355, 460 (MPa) yield stress) and other aluminum alloys (90, 155, 230 (MPa) yield stress). The material, the span length, the loading, and the applied heat input have been changed. It is shown, that using optimum design; the welding shrinkage can be reduced with prebending and can save material cost as well.

Open access


A conceptual rainfall-runoff model was used for estimating the impact of climate change on the runoff regime in the Myjava River basin. Changes in climatic characteristics for future decades were expressed by a regional climate model using the A1B emission scenario. The model was calibrated for 1981–1990, 1991–2000, 2001–2010, 2011–2019. The best set of model parameters selected from the recent calibration period was used to simulate runoff for three periods, which should reflect the level of future climate change. The results show that the runoff should increase in the winter months (December and January) and decrease in the summer months (June to August). An evaluation of the long-term mean monthly runoff for the future climate scenario indicates that the highest runoff will occur in March.

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Pollack Periodica
Michaela Červeňanská
Dana Baroková
, and
Andrej Šoltész


During the flood situations in May and June 2010, the culmination of the Váh River and the Danube River was accompanied by the groundwater level rising in the Rye Island, in some boreholes even to their maximum measured levels. The increased groundwater level caused major problems, e.g. flooded cellars and underground spaces, contaminated drinking water in wells, flooded railways and farmlands. As a part of the research concentrating on the groundwater flooding phenomena in the Rye Island, the flood situation from the year 2010 was reconstructed, establishing the basis for a construction of the flood hazard maps and flood risk management plans. The problem was solved with a MODFLOW numerical model using the Groundwater Modeling System.

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Nowadays, self-driving cars have a wide reputation among people that is constantly increasing, many manufacturers are developing their own autonomous vehicles. These vehicles are equipped with various sensors that are placed at several points in the car. These sensors provide information to control the vehicle (partially or completely, depending on the automation level). Sight distances on roads are defined according to various traffic situations (stopping, overtaking, crossing, etc.). Safety reasons require these sight distances, which are calculated from human factors (e.g., reaction time), vehicle characteristics (e.g., eye position, brakes), road surface properties, and other factors. Autodesk Civil 3D is a widely used tool in the field of road design, the software however was developed based on the characteristics of the human drivers and conventional vehicles.

Open access


The study demonstrates and evaluates an approach in the structural analysis phase when assessing reinforced concrete slabs.

Due to different values of a parameter in the tests’ results, 10 models was crated for the first case study and 4 models for the second one.

In order to compare the results in terms of the flexural bearing capacity, the slabs were analyzed by using elastic finite element analysis and yield-line analysis.

Comparing the results shows that minor modification in the parameters associated with bearing capacity and the boundary conditions can affect the adequacy factor considerably, while the parameters those relate to boundary conditions affect the distribution of the yield lines.

Open access


The examination of the human gait cycle can be useful for physiotherapists for identifying and/or predicting body motion disorders and it provides important data about the patient's condition in many ways. In this paper, the progress of a special TheraSuit physiotherapy treatment of a child, who has reduced mobility due to cerebral palsy, has been investigated. Generally, this type of disorder is classified into strict levels and the effectiveness of the therapy is expressed by changing between distinct levels. On the other hand paper describes a new markerless self-developed movement analysis system, which is able to show the effectiveness of the treatment with quantitative parameters. These parameters are determined by statistical methods.

Open access


The manifestation of installation art is becoming more and more diversified and closer to the people in the urban public space. It forms an interactive environment with the urban space. This article discusses the relationship between installation art and urban renewal from the perspective of art intervention in urban public spaces. Through the observation, investigation and case analysis of installation art in the city, above all, it summarizes the development context of installation art, then elaborates the intervention strategies and characteristics of installation art in urban public space, analyzes the role of installation art in urban public space, and finally summarizes the value of installation art to urban renewal.

Open access


In this study, an endeavor is made to discuss mainly the mechanism, use, and application of polymer modified concrete which is increasing in general fame due to its simplicity, ease of handling, proficiency, and agreeable outcomes. This work explores the impact of adding a new polymer named glycoluril on the mechanical property through the estimation of compression, tension, and flexural strength. Physical properties such as density, sorptivity, and acid resistance were studied to establish the durability of concrete. This examination additionally ponders the impact of polymer in concrete and polymer dosage. Series of concrete mix with 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% glycoluril by the mass of binder were prepared, cured, and tested in 7 days and 28 days. Results indicate that there is no adjustment in the workability aspect, however, the improvement of strength factor in compression, tension, and flexure is recorded when compared with the conventional concrete. The experimental results show that by increasing the proportion of glycoluril, the strength of concrete increased up to 3% in addition. In the meantime, the 3% addition provided a higher outcome than the other blend. Further expanding the polymer content marginally decreased the strength. The outcome affirms that the utilization of new polymer in concrete will increase the desired property.

Open access


On August 24th, 2016, the town of Accumoli has suffered from a strong earthquake of 6.2 magnitudes, which caused a life loss, destroyed buildings, and huge numbers of homeless people. Now, four years after the earthquake, the village has not yet been reconstructed, no long-term housing has been provided for the inhabitants, and even the rubble of the destroyed houses has not been removed from the site. The significance of this paper is to provide some design scenarios for shelters using wood and membrane as construction materials, in order to provide housing in Accumoli for the existing population in a new site next to the destroyed one. These proposed design projects are part of the consortium of the “Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli”.

Open access


At present, many great Chinese cities are undergoing changes in urban development models, from focusing on speed construction to quality construction. People pay more attention to the improvement of construction quality, from the perspectives of culture, spirit, urban image and function optimization.

The creation of place scripts is an important method of modern urban space, and in specific place to design, deepen, and arrange certain procedures and content, so that people can experience different feelings, learn more stories, or cultivates sentiment through various experiences, inherit diverse memories. This paper is based on design projects to analyze research and build place scripts to summarize the expressions that shape memory.

Open access


Implementing wind farms in heights of a hilly terrain where wind speed is expected to be large may be viewed as a means to increase wind energy production without occupying fertile lands. Micro sitting of a wind farm in these conditions can gain dramatically from CFD simulation of fluid flow in the ABL above complex topography. However, this issue still poses tough challenges regarding the turbulence model to be used and the way to operate the near wall treatment in the presence eventually of separation. In this work, prediction capacity of RANS turbulence models was studied for a typical hill under the assumption of steady state and incompressible airflow regime in neutral ABL. Two models were analyzed by using COMSOL Multiphysics software packages. These included standard k ϵ , and shear-stress transport k ω . The most up-to-date procedures dedicated to near wall treatment were applied along with refined closer coefficients adjusted for the particular case of ABL. Considering wind tunnel test data, performance of the previous models was discussed in terms of converging mesh, computational time, reattachment point position and propensity of the model to retrieve the right level of turbulence flow in conditions of neutral stratifications. Then, a numerical simulation of the turbulent airflow over two slopes shapes of the symmetry hill by the validation of the experimental data has been then carried out. Both turbulence models agree well with air-velocity tested windward of the hills H3 and H5. Therefore, it was found that the standard k ϵ model performs very well at the different positions of the low slope hill, and at the summit of a steep hill, but it over-predicts wind speed close to the wall, which requires an improvement of the near-wall treatment. However, the S S T k ω model in neutral case of the ABL was given consistent simulation results with experimental data for prediction of the flow separation and recirculation region at the leeward side of a steep hill, whereas standard k ϵ model under the neutral condition and the S S T k ω model by using standard coefficients were failed to predict accurately detailed characteristics of recirculation region process.

Open access


In a broad scope, the term Information System (IS) is a scientific field of research study that approaches the scope of managerial, strategic, and operational activities complex in the storing, processing, distributing, gathering, and utilizing of knowledge and its associated technologies in organizations and industry. The model of railway supplier selection using BI-KM framework is situated on a horizontal structure of the organization and its technology transformation to execute the organization goal, with technology as enabler and driver (technology adoption), organization as the principal environment (business process analysis), and Information Management (data modeling). This study is significant in supporting data scenarios by focusing on the heuristic view of an industry approach to problem-solving management issues. Furthermore, the research development was to identify integrated framework adoption that contributes to strategic performance diagnostics dashboard. By understanding the factors of theoretical framework adoption, these conceptual frameworks assure competitive advantage. Besides, this railway supplier selection excellence model analyzed the extent and provides a potential solution to strategic decision-making issues. The study directs to regulate the adoption of the theoretical framework towards conceptual framework by using the role of Business Intelligence (BI) to analyze the quality of data presented as the railway supplier selection criteria from operational management through data analytics. Moreover, this will be united to help the best cycles and instruments in essential execution by the executives of a railway supplier selection dashboard for simulating data as interactive supplier performance.

Open access


The anaerobic digestion is a well-known method in waste management of biodegradable wastes to transform waste to energy. Proper digestion requires optimal fermentation conditions to improve the quality and yield of biogas.

The objective of this study was to characterize the biodegradation process of synthetic and organic wastewater. Microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) were utilized as a bioindicator for anaerobic digestion and monitoring of the fermentation process. Besides bioindication, the viability of the microalgae and the chlorophyll concentration were also assessed in such fermentation processes, since microalgae can be a potential source for biofuel production and a plant nutrient.

The biodegradation process was studied for a month in an anaerobic tank reactor. The fermentation processes and lengths of the fermentation stages were successfully monitored and separately identified based on the pH and gas development. Furthermore, the amount and dynamics of the biogas yield also revealed that the fermentation process was about 510 hours in both cases. In contrast, increased temperature in thermophilic range (45°C) accelerates the degradation processes and resulted in shorter hydrolysis (60 hours), acetogenesis (24 hours) and longer methanogenesis (81 hours) stages, where higher biogas yield was also achieved (59.3%). During the process, the concentration of nutrients showed logarithmical tendencies and COD showed power tendency in time. The extent and the direction of the changes were in correspondence with microalgae activity. In thermophilic circumstances, living microalgae biomass dropped significantly without recovery therefore such an environment is not a viable option for microalgae growth. Moreover, dead microalgae biomass seems to act as a substrate for fermentation slightly increasing the concentration of some nutrients in the wastewater.

Open access


The main contribution of this paper is to present the efficiency of LabVIEW in simulating and controlling a servo system with conventional methods (PI and PID control), as well as sliding mode control (SMC). The control of an actual system with LabVIEW and NI hardware provides an efficient implementation platform, using both LabVIEW’s graphical programming and the text-based m-file language MathScript RT. Both programming environments and the connection to NI hardware are relatively easy to use, therefore, ideal for education. The graphical “coding” can help novice users to see through their algorithms. However, the mathematical background of sliding mode control is difficult compared to conventional PID control; the SMC implementation for practical uses can be quite simple, as the presented example demonstrates. The first didactic step is a simulation with the Control Design and Simulation, as well as MathScript RT Modules. Then a myRIO Student Embedded Device is used to control a real servo system. LabVIEW code can be compiled to run on computers, (soft) real-time targets, and FPGAs (hard real-time targets), so students can easily and quickly step up to real industrial measurement and control problems without the need to learn new programming environments.

Open access


The irregular buildings constitute a large part of urban infrastructure and they are currently adopted in many structures for architectural or esthetic reasons. In contrast, the behavior of these buildings during an earthquake generates a detrimental effect on their regularity in elevation which leads to the total collapse of these structures.

The objective of this work is essentially to model reinforced concrete framed buildings irregular in elevation subjected to seismic loads by the Finite Element Method (FEM). This modeling aims to evaluate several parameters: displacements, inter-storey drifts and rigidities, using two dynamic calculation methods; one modal and the other spectral modal. The latter is widely used by engineers.

For this purpose, a detailed study of the frames which have several setbacks in elevation is carried out to validate the correct functioning of our FEM calculation code in both cases of modal and modal spectral analyses. The performance, accuracy and robustness of the FEM calculation code produced in this study is shown by the good correlation of the obtained results for the treated frames with those obtained using the ETABS software.

Open access


Crash tests of vehicles are specified by government programs. This laws are includes only minimum requirements for individual components. Therefore additional consumer protection load cases have been developed by independent private institutes. Finite element method simulations can reduce development periods and the number of cost-intensive real crash tests. The goals of the calculations are that the early detection of component failure, the protection of occupants or pedestrians. The biggest challenge of the future, in the field of vehicle occupant safety is the interaction of the airbags and belt system with dummy by the electric vehicles, which have the concept of autonomous driving function. The aim of the research is to investigate this area using a simulation model.

Open access


A quaternary supplementary cementitious materials as partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement decreases CO2 emission. This paper has investigated the properties of mortars made from different quaternary blends of wood ash, steel slag powder and glass powder with ordinary Portland cement at different replacement levels of 0, 24, 25, and 30% by weight of the binder. The blended mortar mixtures tested for flow, compressive strength and density. The results showed that the flow of mortars is decreased with the combined use of steel slag powder, glass powder, and wood ash compared with control mix. Compressive strength reduced with the combination of steel slag powder, glass powder and wood ash but this reduction effects is acceptable especially at 24% replacement contain super-plasticizer compared with the ecological benefit.

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Recently, one of the most common needs of people are to be connected to the Internet anytime, anywhere, anyhow. The Internet of Things is a materialized paradigm in which everyday objects are implemented with Internet connectivity, enabling them to collect and interchange information. As energy is expected to be more expensive, the energy supply is often not available for IoT devices, the low power wide area networks attempt to be the solution to this problem. LoRaWAN provides radio coverage over long distances by enhancing the reach of the base stations via adapting transmission rates, transmission power, modulation, duty cycles, etc. This paper aims to decrease the power consumption using machine learning and deep neural network by applying support vector regression and deep neural network algorithms, which can support to extend the battery lifetime.

Open access


This article considers factors of number of sidings and the occurrences of transit traffic and presents a comparison of selected railway lines in Poland. Multi-criteria analysis methods were used, like the zero unitarization method and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method. The comparison made it possible to arrange the selected railway lines in the order from the most to the least useful. The obtained results showed also that zero unitarization method is limited only to the analysis of all lines on which transit traffic occurs or all lines without transit traffic. The comparison of all lines is possible using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method.

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As it is clear, worldwide buildings are the largest consumer of the final energy consumption. In Algeria, it has been reported that 33% of the overall energy consumption was attributed to buildings. This is due to the design and constructional techniques of the residential buildings, which do not address the local climatic condition. To assess this situation, the study is focused on analyzing the existing residential buildings in Algeria, in terms of energy, thermal, daylight, and indoor air quality performance, using a dynamic simulation software. Typical building design in a hot and dry climate was selected. The results revealed that the existing residential buildings do not comply with the energy-efficient design standards. It was concluded that further strategies should be applied in this sector, in terms of building design, materials, and façade configuration.

Open access


The urban story of the Ex European city in Biskra presents an inevitable impact on the perceptive images of the Algerian cities. The examination of the building’s condition in the historical center indicates a deteriorated state in most of the structure caused by various degradations. The field study aims to classify the French quarter’s constructions according to multiple criteria, based on the identifications of related conservation statuses. Thus the census data contributes to the regeneration of the checkerboard condition while proceeding with the resolution of the threatening mutations - amplifying the qualities and potentials for a sustainable renewal of this built heritage.

Open access


The most crucial function in drilling wells is the rate of penetration, which is modeled by many researchers, and the best one is Young-Bourgyen model, which is used in this study. Eight factors affecting rate of penetration have been studied and approved in developing a mathematical equation that shows the combined effects of these variables on rate of penetration optimization. This paper presents an efficient way to find the optimum values for parameters of the Young-Bourgyen model using metaheuristic algorithms. An actual drilling data was used from Khangiran field to calculate the difference between the actual penetration rate and the predicted one by different optimization algorithms. Particle swarm optimization, dynamic differential annealing optimization, artificial bee colony, gray wolf optimization, Harris hawk's optimization, flower pollination algorithm, firefly algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, and sine cosine algorithm are used to find best possible solution.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Mohammad Reza Ganjali Bonjar
Bálint Baranyai
Kristóf Roland Horváth
, and
István Kistelegdi


The aim of this paper is to present a solution for optimizing the operation of the Szentágothai Research Center. This building has several different functions at a high degree, so it can represent most of the difficulties in achieving an ideal level of operation energy consumption while assuring an adequate comfort level.

As a first stage of a generic office building optimization research, a monitored reference building of common type was chosen. Various active operation optimization experiments were carried out. The successive reduction of operation intensity and schedules resulted in 63.3% operation energy savings. The results provide considerable potential in generic office design applications.

Open access


The energy performance of residential buildings depends on a large number of interrelated factors. The present paper outlines an approach to developing a building thermal simulation model through real-time data and sensitivity analyses. To this end, three existing multi-family apartment buildings in Pristina, Kosovo, were selected. Initially, thermal simulation models were created using multiple data sources. Model outputs were further evaluated via comparison with available and measured data. Consequently, the most influential input parameters were identified and adjusted to calibrate the models. The resulting calibrated models can be deployed to investigate the potential of alternative retrofit measures.

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In this paper, to improve the durability of concrete, fly ash has been used as a percentage of cement and copper slag rather than a percentage of sand. Using a resistance test and water permeability test, four series of concrete specimens containing fly ash and copper slag, each containing 49 concrete mixing designs, were evaluated. After obtaining the results, eight samples with the highest electrical resistance were selected and the specimens were again tested in different environmental conditions. The results show that the environmental conditions of sulfate and carbonate have the least and most impact on reducing durability and there is a power relationship, with good precision, between the water penetration of the test specimens and the electrical resistance of the test specimens.

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