Discover the Latest Journals in Architecture and Architectonics
Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
Several types of punching shear reinforcements are available for increase of the maximum resistance against punching shear failure of flat slabs. Conventional punching shear reinforcement in form of stirrups or double headed studs are in use for decades. They are well known due to their simplicity and good performance. A new type of punching reinforcement has been developed for the case, where the flat slab exposed to extreme load and resistance of conventional type of punching shear reinforcement is not sufficient. Another designs point out that new construction system can reduce the amount of CO2. This paper presents some results of parametric study focused on design of the flat slab using different types of punching shear reinforcement and considering the concrete consumption.
Genesis of Spatiology •
Works of Gyula Hajnóczi on the Field of Architectural Theory of Space
A Spaciológia Genezise •
Hajnóczi Gyula Építészeti Térrel Foglalkozó Munkái
We can find the sprouts of the architectural approach of space in ancient Greek Philosophy. The process lasts from the Pythagorean notion (kenon) – which is the emptiness between the numbers – to the definition of space by St Augustine, where he determines the forming of space as the main role of architecture. The enquiry regarding architectural approach of space intensified after the Second World War – Hajnóczi joined into this discourse with his works on the field of spatial theory in the 1960’s. He intended to create a unified framework for the different approaches of space from different fields of science. This common range of interpretation is deriving from the analytic understanding of space – that is Spatiology. Overviewing Hajnóczi’s theoretical works we will try to show the evolution of his thoughts and will try to identify the antecedents of his theoretical structures in the works of contemporary thinkers. In his academic doctorate dissertation in 1977 with the analytic approach he subdivided the architectural space into its elemental spatial relations generated by the constructional objects and then he has attempted to give the quantitative and also the qualitative understanding of them. In his Genesis – as the last accord of his oeuvre – he tried to understand the particular elements of this system and also build an intelligent whole of them again.
A tér építészeti értelmezésének megalapozását az európai kultúrában már a görög bölcseletben megleljük. A püthegóreusok számok közötti ürességétől (kenon) az építészeti tér Szt. Ágoston általi meghatározásáig tart a folyamat, melyben végül az építészet legfőbb feladataként a tér alakítását határozták meg. Ezen értelmezések körüli érdeklődés felizzott a második világháborút követő időben – ebbe a diskurzusba kapcsolódott be Hajnóczi Gyula térelméleti munkássága az 1960-as években. Azzal a szándékkal lépett fel, hogy egységes keretet adjon a sok tudományág felől érkező építészeti tér-értelmezéseknek. Ez a közös értelmezési tartomány a tér analitikus értelmezéséből sarjad – ezt a tértudományt nevezte el spaciológiának. Végigtekintve Hajnóczi Gyula térelméleti műveit igyekszünk bemutatni a gondolatok kifejlődésének folyamatát, valamint kísérletet teszünk arra, hogy felmutassuk a kortárs kutatók munkásságában Hajnóczi Gyula gondolati rendszerének előzményeit. Az 1977-ben megjelent akadémiai doktori értekezésében az építészeti tér analitikus értelmezésével szétbontotta az építészeti teret az azt meghatározó konstruktív közegek elemi térviszonylataira, és ezek mennyiségi és minőségi értelmezését kísérelte meg. Az életmű végső akkordjaként írt, Az építészeti tér genezise c. műve az analitikusan szétbontott és egyenként értelmezett térelemek rendszerének megértésére, az elemek újbóli összeépítésére tett kísérletet.
Inside the Mind and Heart of Homo Aedificator
Towards Revealing the Psychological Meaning of Historic Buildings and Sites
Hogyan Észleli Környezetét A Homo Aedificator? •
A Műemlékek Pszichológiai Jelentésének Feltárása Felé
While the reasons that lead to the current crisis of the heritage preservation sector in Hungary are manifold, it is worth looking into what might be done to draw attention to some issues that may help consolidate the ground of common values; the foundation, upon which a meaningful dialogue can be constructed, leading to the appreciation of and willingness to care for the historic environment by all actors. There seems to be a hidden conflict between the values of conservation experts and those of laypeople. Possessing thorough knowledge about the nature of historical and architectural values and trained to easily identify these, we are bound to focus more on people, their meanings and values. Much can be learned from pervious, human-centred architectural theory and practice, some of which are reviewed in the study, with special attention to the work of Gyula Hajnóczi. Referring to his space theory and ideas about the perception of space, we are especially grateful for his term homo aedificator suggesting that architecture satisfies material and spiritual needs universal to all human beings. Recognizing the challenges that stem from the differences between architects and non-architects, and likewise, heritage professionals and laypeople, the concepts of environmental psychology can help us show the way to universal values. We look into the method of the semantic differential scale to identify the affective meanings of built historic environments. The first steps of an empirical psychological research allow us to see into the minds and hearts of heritage professionals by assessing how they qualify the subject of their daily expertise. While these preliminary results are definitely intriguing, shedding light on how professionals tend to give meaning, our research continues with the aim to reveal the attitudes and meanings people associate with built historic heritage and find viable tools to mitigate the discrepancies between the profession and the general public.
Miközben a magyarországi műemlékvédelem jelenlegi válságának számos oka lehet, érdemes figyelmet fordítanunk arra, hogy mit tehetünk azért, hogy megerősítsük a közös értékek talaját; azt az alapot, amire olyan értelmes párbeszédeket építhetünk, melyek a történeti környezet értékelése és törődése iránti hajlandósághoz vezetnek. Egyre gyakrabban üti fel a fejét az a rejtett ellentét, ami a műemlékes szakértők és a laikusok értékei között feszül. Szakértőként, átfogó ismerettel a történeti és építészeti értékekről, melyeket megtanultunk könnyen azonosítani, hasznos lehet a figyelmünket az emberekre, az ő jelentésadásaikra és értékeikre fordítanunk. Sokat okulhatunk a korábbi, ember- központú építészetelméleti és gyakorlati példákból, melyek közül néhányat tanulmányunkban átte- kintünk, kiemelve Hajnóczi Gyula munkásságát. Térelméletére és térészlelési gondolataira hivat- kozva, különösen hálásak vagyunk a homo aedificator fogalmáért, utalva arra, hogy az építészet minden emberi lény anyagi és szellemi igényeit kielégíti. Felismerve az építész–nemépítész és ehhez hasonlóan a műemlékes szakember–laikus közötti különbözőségek kihívásait, a környezetpszicholó- gia segíthet az univerzális értékek felé vezető út megtalálásában. A szemantikus differenciál módsze- rét hívjuk segítségül az épített történeti környezet érzelmi jelentésének feltárására. Empirikus kutatá- sunk első lépéseivel betekintést nyerünk a műemlékes szakemberek vélekedéseibe, pontosabban abba, hogy hogyan minősítik szakértelmük tárgyát. Bár már ezek az előzetes eredmények is – melyek rávilágítanak arra, hogy a szakemberek hogyan értelmezik a műemlékeket – érdekesek lehetnek, kuta- tásunk azzal a céllal folytatódik, hogy általánosságban feltárjuk az emberek vélekedéseit és a történeti épületeknek tulajdonított jelentéseket. Eredményeinkkel használható eszközöket kívánunk nyújtani a szakmabeliek és a laikusok közötti ellentétek feloldására.
Principles and Progress in the Shipbuilding Part of the EU Interreg DTP Project “Living Danube Limes”
Prinzipien und Fortschritt des Römischen Schiffsbaus Im Rahmen Des EU Interre Dt Projekt „Livin Danub Limes”
A „Living Danube Limes” Elnevezésű EU Interreg DTP-Projekt Hajóépítési Szakaszának Alapelvei És Folyamata
In the article, the reconstruction of a Roman lusoria named “Danuvina Alacris” is first embedded in the field of ancient navigation and shipbuilding in general, then in ever narrower circles in Roman navigation, inland navigation, navigation on the Rhine and especially on the Danube. Then the basics of reconstruction, the reconstruction plans based on them, the construction schedule and the place of construction are described. In the second part, the progress of the construction according to Roman craft methods is discussed as well as the parallel actions developed within the frame of the Living History Principle. The progress of the construction is demonstrated until the submission of the manuscript, that is, 24 January 2021.
Im Aufsatz wird zunächst der Rekonstruktionsbau einer römischen Lusoria mit Namen „Danuvina Alacris“ in die Antike Schifffahrt allgemein, sodann immer engere Kreise ziehend in die römische Schifffahrt, die Binnenschifffahrt, die Schifffahrt an Rhein und besonders Donau eingeordnet. Sodann werden die Grundlagen der Rekonstruktion, die darauf basierenden Rekonstruktionspläne, der Bauplan und der Ort des Baus beschrieben. Im zweiten Teil werden die Fortschritte im Bau nach römischen Handwerksmethoden erörtert sowie die parallelen Aktionen im Sinne des Living History Prinzips entwickelt. Der Fortschritt des Baus bei Abschluss der Redaktion wird bis 24.1. 2021 vorgeführt.
A tanulmány a „Danuvina Alacris” nevű római lusoria rekonstrukcióját tárgyalja az általános ókori hajózás, majd a római hajózás, a belvízi hajózás, a rajnai és különösen a Dunai hajózás téémaköreiben. Ezt követően bemutatja a rekonstrukció alapelveit, az alapelvek szerint kéészült rekonstrukciós terveket, az építéési programot az építkezéés helyszínéét. A tanulmány második fele az élő törtéénelem alapelvei szerint tárgyalja a római kéézműves módszerek szerinti párhuzamos építkezéési folyamatok előrehaladását. Jelen összefoglaló a rekonstruált hajó építééséének előrehaladását a tanulmány leadásáig, vagyis 2021. január 24-ig követi.
Watermills in Kosovo have been for centuries a characteristic element of river valley landscapes and have played a very important socio-economic role in the country. Although nowadays some preserved and functioning watermills exist, most of them are abandoned, destroyed, and many with very few remains to trace. This research aims to identify and describe the current state of the watermills in the western part of the Lipjan Municipality, as well as to mark them on a geographic information system map. This study examines the possibility of restoring these mills to their original function or adapting them to a new function. The study sampled one of the identified mills, analyzed its characteristics, and the possibility of restoration and preservation for tourism and cultural heritage purposes.
The ‘Archpro Carnuntum’ Project – Integrated Archaeological Interpretation of Combined Prospection Data, Carnuntum (Austria)
Az „Archpro Carnuntum” Projekt – Kombinált Kutatási Adatok Integrált Régészeti Értelmezése, Carnuntum (Ausztria)
The potential of large-scale, non-invasive prospection methods has been widely recognized in archaeology in recent years. Their outstanding possibilities for the exploration of urban centres have been realised early on and applied at selected sites. The ‘ArchPro Carnuntum’ project stands out for its extensive investigation of a Roman provincial capital by the combined application of a wide variety of survey methods (aerial archaeology, magnetometry, ground penetrating radar, extensive field survey) resulting in detailed information on the ancient infrastructure of the Roman metropolis. Within the project, it was not only possible to discover new settlement areas, but in some cases even to deduce their former purpose. As a result, the military administrative centre, newly built residential areas, and temporary military camps could be detected in the archaeological landscape of Carnuntum. This paper presents an overview of the results of this internationally unique prospection project.
Az elmúlt évek során széles körben felismerték a régészet tudományterületén alkalmazható nagyszabású, nem invazív jellegű kutatási módszerekben rejlő potenciált. A módszer települési központok feltárásának területén alkalmazható lehetőségei már korán valósággá váltak, és alkalmazásra kerültek a kiválasztott helyszíneken. Az „ArchPro Carnuntum” projekt a római provinciális főváros átfogó vizsgálatával a legkülönfélébb felmérési módszerek (légi régészet, magnetometria, földradar, kiterjedt terepi felmérés) együttes alkalmazásával kiemelkedik ezek közül, és részletes információval szolgál a római város antik infrastruktúrájával kapcsolatban. A projekt során nem kizárólag új települési területek felfedezésére nyílt mód, hanem egyes esetekben következtetni lehetett a területek egykori funkciójára is. Mindezek eredményeként a carnuntumi régészeti területen kimutathatóvá vált a katonai igazgatási központ, valamint az új építésű lakónegyedek és az ideiglenes katonai táborhelyek is. Jelen tanulmány ezen nemzetközi szinten is egyedülálló kutatási projekt eredményeiről nyújt áttekintést.
Preservation, Sustainable Use and Revitalisation of the Roman Heritage along the Danube – the EU Interreg DTP Project “Living Danube Limes”
A Duna Menti Római Örökség Megőrzése, Fenntartható Használata És Újjáélesztése – Az Európai Unió „Élő Dunai Limes” Című Interreg DTP Projektje
The Interreg DTP project “Living Danube Limes” aims to establish a stepping stone and sound foundation for the creation of a cultural route spanning the whole Danube area. The project identifies the Roman heritage in the Danube Region as unifying, common historical and cultural heritage. Four tiers compose the holistic approach to valorising the Roman heritage along the Danube: archaeology and history, museums and sites, preservation and sustainable tourism solutions, and raising public awareness on the importance of the Roman heritage; the latter is achieved by an authentic reconstruction of a Roman Danube ship.
Az Európai Unió Interreg Dunai Transznacionális Programja keretében megvalósuló „Elő Dunai Limes”, vagyis „Living Danube Limes” elnevezésű projekt célja, hogy egy kezdő lépcsőfokot, egyúttal szilárd alapot biztosítson egy, a Duna teljes vonalán végighúzódó kulturális útvonal létrehozásához. A projekt a Dunai Régió római kori örökségét egységesítő, közös történeti és kulturális értékként azonosítja. Négy szint alkotja a Duna menti római örökség értékelésének holisztikus megközelítését: régészet és történelem, múzeumok és helyszínek, megőrzés és fenntartható turisztikai megoldások, valamint a római örökség fontosságának tudatosítása a lakosságban. Ez utóbbi célt segíti elő egy római dunai hajó hiteles rekonstruálása.
In this research, the long-term potential cracking of normal concrete internally cured with clay brick waste as a sustainable approach was investigated. 10% and 15% volume of sand was substituted with corresponding quantity of pre-saturated clay brick waste to enhance the hydration of cement and improve properties of concrete. Four beams internally cured were compared with two control beams. The use of clay brick waste can improve the compressive and splitting tensile strength and also a significant reduction in cracks were observed. Depending on the recorded results, it is demonstrated that the exemplary percentages of clay brick waste to natural fine aggregate was found to be 15%, which developed greatest compressive and splitting tensile strength, and reduce the crack by means of flexural test.
Variable renewable energy sources, e.g. solar and wind power, require flexible management of energy sources to stabilize the power grid. Immediate changes in power generation and power usage is compensated for by the operation of hydropower plants. This subsequently leads to frequent flow fluctuations – hydropeaking downstream of the hydropower plant. This study examines the short-term impacts of hydropeaking of hydropower plants on the sediment transport using numerical morphodynamic model. The model is calibrated to field measurements and subjected to various hydropeaking scenarios on daily to sub-daily scale. Based on this study, the effect of hydropeaking of hydropower plant 23.42 km upstream of the studied river section would have negligible effect on the bedload transport in the studied cross section.
Hyperspectral images (HSI) present a wealth of information. It is distinguished by its high dimensionality. It served humanity in many fields. The quantity of HSI information represents a double-edged sword. As a consequence, their dimensionality must be reduced. Nowadays, several methods are proposed to overcome their duress. The most useful and essential solution is selection approaches of hyperspectral bands to analyze it quickly. Our work suggests a novel method to achieve this selection: we introduce a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on mutual information (MI) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) as fitness functions. It selects the relevant bands from noisiest and redundant ones that don’t contain any additional information. .The proposed method is applied to three different HSI: INDIAN PINE, PAVIA, and SALINAS. The introduced algorithm provides a remarkable efficiency on the accuracy of the classification, in front of other statistical methods: the Bhattacharyya coefficient as well as the inter-bands correlation (Pearson correlation). We conclude that the measure of information (MI, NMI) provides more efficiency as a fitness function for GA selection applied to HSI; it must be more investigated.
This survey has been performed as part of a wider survey within the Western Balkan Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) Competitiveness Support Project. It presents the current situation of occupational health and safety (OHS) management at 18 SMEs in Kosovo. SMEs in the Republic of Kosovo are facing many difficulties in identifying the real need for interventions, recruiting adequate professional staff to support their activities in OHS. Exposed to an opened market under the regional and international competition, their sustainability has become more difficult and their financial fragility leads very often to the ignorance of OHS issues within their organization.
The first objective of this research aimed to understand the OHS contextual factors, barriers and drivers based on the current practice of SMEs in Kosovo. The second objective was to find out if the OHS “ideal intervention process” is applicable to achieve improvements for SMEs in Kosovo. Data collection was expedited through internal documents review, site visits and questionnaires. The statistical data were subject to descriptive analyses and inferential statistics. The findings showed that the contextual factors which influence the intervention process, were of participatory nature, cognitive and physical workplace environment, while the perceived barriers were mainly coming from lack of resources and information. Finally the features of OHS “ideal intervention process” were analyzed and compared for applicability to the SMEs in Kosovo and several interventions in this regards were proposed.
The Roissypole is a complex residential area within Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. There are already accommodations of different levels with bars, cafes and more in this area, but there is a lack of simple connection between existing buildings, which help brings life to the outside atmosphere. The proposed concept is not a simple public facility renew instead of a new social and functional design, which is to reinvent the airport region design to transform the Roissypole district into an appealing enjoyable and lively living environment. While enhancing the life quality for both long and short-term residents, for people to share their life, live in an active way, it also provides passive life and initiative social activities, which form a new lifestyle.
This paper presents the results of a theoretical-numerical study of laterally-restrained thin-walled steel rectangular hollow flange beams subjected to bending, shear and bending and shear interaction. Finite element analyses were carried out by using ANSYS software, and validated by previous experimental tests. Furthermore, the effect of intermediate stiffeners was investigated, where the improvement percentage in bending capacity was 4.4%. Additionally, all the corresponding outcomes were calculated according to EN 1993-1-3. The results showed that current standard rules tend to be somewhat conservative in both bending and bending and shear interaction cases, while they are not quite accurate in shear case.
University campuses and the surrounding urban environment are an integral part of each other's lives. The subject of this article is the relationship between them, primarily in relation to Pécs and University of Pécs. During the examinations, the network of connections regarding the city, university and its education sites will be visible. As it stands, the education sites of University of Pécs are not yet able to function as campuses. The creation of urban public spaces for the development of campuses is essential, as it can be seen through international examples and design. This may be the result of the numerous reductions and reorganization of educational sites.
The focus of this research is the connection between architecture and water, how this natural element has formed the way of thinking. To give a complex answer, it is required to observe this complex topic from different aspects: time, space (with macro and micro space typology), meaning, technology, art and architectural design method, which all together can create a network of ideas. This outlined network could provide a theoretical basis for a new complex design method – from the building scale to the urban scale – for the upcoming challenges of built environment in connection with water in the future.
The structural parts of intake structures directly affect the flow velocity distribution in the turbine intake of small hydropower plants, where inhomogeneous flow leads to uneven load of the turbine units causing operational problems. A 2D numerical flow modeling was used for investigations of the flow in an intake structure of a low-head small hydropower plant. The effects of shape changes of the intake structure on the flow velocity distribution in the turbine intakes were investigated and assessed proving significant effect of the shapes of the intake structure on the flow homogeneity in turbine intakes.
The Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) of India has been calculating and publishing the Construction Cost Index (CCI), monthly, since 1998. Construction cost variations interrogate different kinds of projects such as roads, power plants, buildings, industrial structures, railways and bridges. The success rate of completion of construction project is diminished due to the lack of prediction knowledge in CCI. Predicting CCI in greater accuracy is quite difficult for contractor and academicians. The following factors are influenced higher in CCI such as population, unemployment rate, consumer price index (CPI), long term interest rate, domestic credit growth, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and money supply (M4). CCI can be used to forecast the construction cost. The relevant resource data was collected across the nation between 2003 and 2018. As outcome-based, non-econometric tools such as smoothing techniques, artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machines (SVMs) have produced a better outcome. Among these, smoothing techniques have given the notable low error and high accuracy. This accuracy has measured by Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The major objective of this research is to help the cost estimator to avoid underestimation and overestimation.
Gyula Hajnóczi and a New Dimension of Heritage Restoration
Hajnóczi Gyula És a Műemlék-Helyreállítás Új Dimenziója
The restoration of monuments: a distinctly cultural act realized by the means of architecture; thus, it is an architectural work, and as such is not independent of the prevailing architectural conception of its own age. Gyula Hajnóczi created added value by implementing his heritage restorations in a moderate and authoritative way, as one of the periods of the monument’s lifetime and history that respects the previous ones, but at the same time has its own significance measurable to them. The fact that Hajnóczi was both an archaeologist and an architect contributed to the development of his holistic approach. His oeuvre mainly focused on the conservation and restoration of archaeological monuments and ruins. Closely related to this area there are particularly challenging issues, namely the conservation/technical solutions and methods or (in addition to preserving values) the other main purpose and mission of monument restoration: presentation. Hajnóczi placed emphasis on the faithful representation of the remains from the “original” age, at the same time, he consciously applied fitting/imitating supplementation as much and to such an extent that was necessary for understanding and interpreting the monument, and/or for satisfying the physical requirements of conservation. Everything else, however, that was additional or supplemented the heritage, in particular the design of protective buildings serving the display of the mass/space of monuments was strictly realized by choosing materials and technical-aesthetic solutions typical in the restored era. Hajnóczi’s approach to heritage restoration added a new dimension to the conservation and restoration of monuments, especially Roman ruins, incorporating and further developing the experience of his predecessors’ work as well as the knowledge of international theory and practice. He had his own way in the contemporary context that was not far from the slightly dogmatic interpretation of the Venice Charter. Not contradicting the philosophy of the Charter, even carefully fulfilling its requirements of giving priority to the respect of existing values, he had the personal commitment to create restorations that not only preserved the values, but also served the understandable and experiential learning of heritage. The heritage restoration works of Gyula Hajnóczi became examples and sources of inspiration in such a way that they were incorporated into the practice of heritage restoration with quiet naturalness.
A műemlék-helyreállítás meghatározóan kulturális tett, amely az építészet eszközeivel valósul meg, azaz építészeti alkotás, s mint ilyen, nem független saját korának uralkodó építészeti felfogásától. Hajnóczi Gyula hozzáadott értéket teremtett, mértéktartó és mértékadó módon valósítva meg a műemlék-helyreállításait, mint a műemlék életének, történetének egyik, a korábbiakat tiszteletben tartó, ugyanakkor azokhoz mérhető jelentőségű periódusát. Egészlátó szemléletének a kialakulásában közrejátszott, hogy régész és építész képzettséggel is rendelkezett. Munkásságának fő területe a régészeti műemlékek – romemlékek konzerválása, restaurálása. Ehhez szorosan kapcsolódnak az e területen különösen is nagy kihívást jelentő kérdések, nevezetesen a konzerválási-műszaki/technikai megoldások mikéntje és a műemlék-helyreállításnak az értékmegőrzés melletti másik fő célja és küldetése: a bemutatás. Hangsúlyos az „eredeti” korból fennmaradt részek hűséges megjelenítése, de tudatosan alkalmazza az olyan mértékű, illeszkedő-utánzó kiegészítést, amilyen és amennyi a megértéshez, értelmezéshez, és/ vagy a konzerválás fizikai követelményei miatt szükséges. Minden más viszont, ami ezen felül van, illetve ehhez kapcsolódik, így különösen a tér-tömeg megjelenítést is szolgáló védőépületek kialakítása már szigorúan a helyreállítás korában „járatos” anyaghasználattal, műszaki-esztétikai megoldással készül. Hajnóczi műemlék-helyreállító szemlélete új dimenziót jelent a műemlékek, elsősorban is a római romemlékek konzerválásában és helyreállításában, beépítve és alkotó módon továbbfejlesztve az elődök munkájának és a nemzetközi elméletnek és gyakorlatnak a tapasztalatait. A Velencei Chartában megfogalmazottak kissé dogmatikus értelmezésétől sem idegen közegben a maga útját járta. Nem ellentmondva a Charta filozófiájának, sőt, gondosan teljesítve a meglévő értékek tiszteletben tartásának elsőbbségét előíró elvárásait, kiegészítve azzal a rá jellemző törekvéssel, hogy az értékek megőrzésén túl azok érthető, átélhető, élményszerű megismerését is szolgálja. Hajnóczi Gyula műemlék-helyreállításai oly módon váltak példává, inspirációs forrássá, hogy csendes természetességgel épültek be a műemlék-helyreállítási gyakorlatba.
Satellite thematic maps in geological field studies are an important tool for the delineation, interpretation, representation, and visualization of geological processes, while the development of seismic sections offers an increasingly detailed analysis of subsurface geology and inferring and understanding the subsurface structure of the earth. This combination promoted a fast-growing research in the fields of morphotectonics and neotectonics. The area under investigation is one of the most significant Iraqi places which includes several oil fields. The study area is located in northern Iraq and administratively follows Kirkuk governorate. Landscapes in this area are characterized by asymmetrical, cylindrical and extended folds. Kirkuk, Bai-Hasan and Qarachuq Anticlines reflect these structural elements and their fold axis trends towards northwest-southeast within the Zagros folded zone. The main objective of this study is to use the visual and digital interpretation of Landsat image to discriminate the sudden breaks and omissions of rock beds in the study area. Therefore, a morphotectonic map was created, the accurate location of the sudden breaks was provided and the zones affected by tectonic deformation, which left its imprint on the successive lithological units were detected. Seismic data were used to assess the tectonic impact on subsurface formations and their reflections on exposure rocks. The seismic lines were selected based on the locations of the identified sudden breaks as interpreted from satellite images. The hypothesis derived from this study is that the sudden breaks in the study area were triggered by a series of faults. In addition, the region was affected by the vertical stresses resulting from these faults and morphological aspects of the region were determined by the temporal variations of the above stresses.
The Oeuvre of Professor Gyula Hajnóczi in the Presentation of the Built Roman Heritage in Pannonia
Hajnóczi Gyula Professzor Életműve a Pannóniai Római Kori Épített Örökség Bemutatásában
His activity as a teacher, a researcher and a monument expert architect evenly characterises Gyula Hajnóczi’s oeuvre. As a teacher, he held lectures for almost half a century on the subjects of the ancient history of architecture and the universal theory of architecture. He studied and published his findings as an architectural historian, as a researcher of the theory of architecture, as the scholar of Roman architecture, and last but not least, as the discerner of spatial theory of ancient architecture. His life-work in heritage conservation and restoration has not only become well-known in Hungary. Italian, German and Austrian colleagues read his publications, who continuously contacted him to get acquainted with his latest works of art. As a regularly invited lecturer of international conferences, he made particular efforts to promote and to make Hungarian heritage preservation internationally recognised. This paper, due to its restrictive volume, presents the ruin conservation methods from a theoretical point of view, introduces the presentation of protective buildings – being attempts of reduced quality reconstructions; last but not least, it aims to show the theoretically grounded work that supported completing the schematic reconstructions of the buildings.
Hajnóczi Gyula professzor munkásságát azonos súllyal jellemzi oktatói, kutatói és műemlékes építész tervezői tevékenysége. Oktatóként közel fél évszázadon keresztül adta elő az ókori építészettörténetet és az egyetemes építészetelméletet. Kutatta és publikálta eredményeit építészetörténészként az építészetelmélet kutatójaként, a római kori építészet tudósaként és nem utolsó sorban az ókori világ építészete térelméletének megismerőjeként. Műemlékvédelmi munkássága nem csupán Magyarországon vált ismertté. Publikációi nyomán itáliai, német és osztrák kollégák keresték föl rendszeresen, hogy megismerhessék legújabb alkotásait. Nemzetközi konferenciák rendszeres előadójaként maga is sokat tett a hazai műemlékvédelem nemzetközi megismertetéséért és elismertetéséért. A dolgozat, a szűk terjedelmi korlátok miatt, elméleti megközelítésben vázolja föl a romok konzerválásának módszereit, a védőépületeknek, mint redukált minőségű rekonstrukciós kísérleteknek a bemutatását, és nem utolsó sorban azt az elméleti megalapozottságú munkát, amely az épületek elvi rekonstrukciójának elkészítését kísérte.
Once Again on Memorism…
Még egyszer a Memorizmusról…
In 1993, Gyula Hajnóczi added supplementary thoughts to Lajos Fülep’s earlier interpretation of Memorism, according to which the mentioned concept would also apply to the history of architecture, similarly to other branches of art. He perceived a remembering-like continuity in architecture, starting from ancient times, through the Renaissance, to the present day. He formulated three topics that generate a theoretical problem, thus require further investigation. According to him, the form-based approach shows the otherness of the Middle Ages. And after the age of historicism, he perceived a kind of “agonization” with negative content. His third conjecture was the transcendence being inherent in architec ture and unfolding in history.
The line of thought, originating from nearly thirty years ago, may come into new light if the history of architecture is approached not exclusively from the direction of the history of forms. If not the differences but continuity gets into the focus, and all this is extended to the problems of the present and the future. Of course, all the above issues can only be interpreted with further contemplation.
Hajnóczi Gyula 1993-ban Fülep Lajos korábbi memorizmus értelmezéséhez kiegészítést fűzött, miszerint az említett fogalom az építészettörténetre is vonatkozik, hasonlóan a művészet egyéb ágaihoz. Emlékező jellegű folyamatosságot érzékelt az építészetben, az ókortól kezdve, a reneszánszon keresztül, egészen napjainkig. Megfogalmazott három témát, mely elméleti problémát gerjesztve, további vizsgálatot igényel. Szerinte, a formai alapú szemléletből kitűnik a középkor mássága. A historizmus kora után pedig egyfajta negatív tartalmú „agonizálást” érzékelt. A harmadik sejtése az építészetben rejlő, a történelemben kibontakozó transzcendencia volt.
A közel harminc évvel ezelőtti gondolatsor új megvilágításba kerülhet, ha az építészettörténet nem csak formatörténet szerinti megközelítésű. Ha nem a különbözőséget, hanem a folyamatosságot vizs gálja és mindez kiterjed a jelen és jövő problémáira is. Természetesen mindez csak továbbgondolva értelmezhető.
The study deals with the numerical analysis aspects that are necessary for identifying of modal parameters of the tower structure as the most important part of the horizontal axis wind turbine, which are basic for the dynamic response analysis. In the present study, the modal behavior of an actual 55-m-high steel tower of 850 KW wind turbine (GAMESA G52/850 model) is investigated by using three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element (FE) method. The model was used to identify natural frequencies, their corresponding mode shapes and mass participation ratios, and the suggestions to avoid resonance for tower structure under the action wind. The results indicate that there is a very good agreement with the fundamental vibration theory of Euler-Bernoulli beam with lamped masse in bending vibration modes. When the rotor of the wind turbine runs at the speed of less than or equal to 25.9 rpm it will not have resonant problems (stiff–stiff tower design). Furthermore, in case the rotor runs at the speed of between 25.9 and 30.8 rpm, the adequate controller is necessary in order to avoid the corresponding resonant susceptible area of the tower structure (soft–stiff tower design).
This paper involves the study on the hardened and durability properties of the concrete at two different grades containing silica fume (SF) with various replacement percentages. Investigation on the performance of the SF was performed for M25 and M40 grades concrete with 0, 5, 10, and 15 % replacement levels at 7, 14, 28, and 90 days. The behavior of SF on the autogenous shrinkage of the concrete was studied for both the grades of concrete in the sealed (SC) and unsealed conditions (USC). The workability of the SF concrete was examined at various levels of replacement by the slump cone test. The hardened properties of the SF concrete were investigated through the estimation of compressive strength (CS) and elastic modulus (EM) at 7, 14, 28, and 90 days, respectively. Acid attack was conducted at 28 days and autogenous shrinkage of the SF concrete was investigated using length comparator at 28 day in SC and USC. Results indicate that upon increase in the percentage of SF, the hardened properties of the concrete increases at higher ages of curing and the shrinkage of the concrete tends to increase for both the grades of concrete.
Due to the technological progress, new approaches such as model-based design are spreading in the development process in the automotive industry to meet the increased requirements related to lower fuel consumption and reduced emission. This work is part of a research project which focuses on dynamic modeling of vehicles aimed at analyzing and optimizing the emission and fuel consumption. To model the driver behavior, the simulation control algorithm requires a predetermined speed-time curve as an input. The completeness of this driving cycle is a crucial factor in the simulation, and as far as the legislative driving cycles are not accurate enough, it is indispensable to develop our own one representing our narrower area and driving conditions. This article considers two common drive cycle design methods, comparing the micro-trip-based approach and the Markov-chain approach. The new driving cycle has been developed applying the Markov-chain approach and compared to a driving cycle introduced in our recent paper using the micro-trip method. The comparison basis is the Speed-Acceleration Probability Distribution, which sufficiently reflects the dynamic behavior of the vehicle, and the root mean square error, including parameters such as the average speed, average cruising speed, average acceleration, average deceleration, root mean square acceleration, and idle time percentage. The representative Bus Driving Cycle for Debrecen is prepared to be applied in the vehicle dynamics simulation for evaluating and improving the fuel economy of vehicles, selecting the proper power source for various applications and the optimization of the powertrain and the energy consumption in researches to be continued.
Increasing food demand poses a challenge for the economy and places a burden on the environment. In agricultural food production, each product chain stage shows scarce resources and negative environmental impacts are becoming increasingly significant. Food consumption has a significant impact on the environment and on human health. Sustainable food consumption is characterised by health and environmental consciousness. This study focuses on the relationship between perceived and real consciousness – more specifically on environmental and health consciousness – concerning food consumption. Following a concise overview of the conceptual background, the definitions of conscious consumption, conscious food consumption, health conscious consumer and environmentally conscious consumer behaviour are explained based on the available literature. The primary research draws conclusions from the results of a 500-person questionnaire survey among the students attending the University of Debrecen on the relationship between perceived and real health and environmental consciousness regarding food consumption. It was concluded that environmental consciousness (10.0%) was less characteristic of students than health consciousness (18.2%); the relationship between perceived and real consciousness is significant; the role of price in determining food purchases is less pronounced for those claiming to be self-conscious food consumers than those who are neither health conscious, nor environmentally conscious.
The helical gear pair is widely used in different mechanical constructions such as vehicle industry and working machine industry. The main property of them is the skew tooth direction with which better tooth connections could be available than in case of straight tooth direction. The analysis of the effect of the addendum modification coefficient for the normal stress and the normal deformation is the aim of the research which could be determined by finite element analysis. Five helical gear types are designed and modelled. The difference among them is only the different addendum modification coefficients. All of the other initial parameters are constant. After the result we determine the conclusions based on the diagram's results which are received by the mechanical parameters and the addendum modification coefficients.
In this project an ECG measurement and wave identification system was made. The measuring system hardware is based on a Texas Instruments ADS1298ECG amplifier and analog-to-digital converter board. The measurement and processing software was created in LabVIEW environment using the built-in functions of the Biomedical toolkit. Initially, the theory behind heartbeat and its effect on the skin surface potential are presented. Then the measurement techniques of these are described. The research group provide information on the mathematical background of how the ECG curve is processed and the waves are identified. The HRV analysis, the statistical analysis of identified R waves are described. Subsequently, publications dealing with electrocardiographic examinations in various fields will be presented. Then an overview of the specifications of the amplifiers used in this work and the capabilities of their original software are given. The final device structure is presented. The system validation process and the properties of the reference devices are illustrated.
Nowadays, vehicles with alternative drives are playing an increasingly important role in road transport. Among the various types of alternative-drives, the most widespread ones are hybrid and electric ones, thanks for the rapid development of modern batteries, and hybrid and electrical systems. The above fact establishes the importance of research on various types of electric motors. The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen has more than a decade of experience in developing prototype race cars with pneumatic and electric drive. For the more effective and conscious development and racing a simulation program has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment for the computation of the dynamic functions of a vehicle moving in a linear path. The program is characterized by a modular structure, so the different structural units (vehicle body, front and rear wheels, power train, motor) are modelled and simulated separately. In this study we present models and simulation programs for different electric motor types (series-wound DC and brushless DC motors) in MATLAB/Simulink and apply them in our vehicle dynamics simulation program. From the simulation results the performance of a vehicle – driven by an electric motor – can be predicted in a race situation, consequently the most suitable motor with the optimal characteristics can be selected to it.
A magyar főúri paloták és európai előképeik diszpozíciója a 18–19. századi városi környezetben
The arrangement of the hungarian noble palaces and their european prefigurations within the urban environment in the 18th and 19th centuries
Die anordnung der ungarischen edlen paläste und ihrer europäischen vorbilder in städtischer umgebung in 18–19. jahrhunderten
A főúri palota mint sajátos épületfajta rendeltetéséből következően azon túl, hogy egy-egy család lakóhelyéül szolgált, az arisztokrácia társadalmi helyzetét, rangját is reprezentálta. A palota az ókor óta a legvagyonosabb és uralkodó társadalmi réteg városi lakóhelye, hatalmának, jelenlétének reprezentatív szimbóluma volt. A város társadalmi életének újkori fejlődése az arisztokráciát vidéki birtokairól a sűrűbb városi tartózkodásra ösztönözte. A politikai és hatalmi életben való részvétel mellett a városi tartózkodás együtt járt a „szezon” (báli szezon, színházi évad, lóverseny) eseményein való személyes reprezentálással is. Az arisztokrácia városi lakóhelyeinek a településen belüli elhelyezése, rendeltetéselemeinek építészeti diszpozíciója (elrendezése), az építtetők sajátos életmódjával összefüggésben, elsősorban viselkedésszociológiai szempontú megközelítéssel válik igazán értelmezhetővé, mert az elhelyezés és az elrendezés változatai a jellegzetes életforma reprezentatív „építészeti leképezéseként” tűnnek fel a nagyvárosi szövetben. A 18–19. században a főúri életforma változása az arisztokrácia társadalmi osztályában a főnemesség történeti-jogi és viselkedésszociológiai értelemben is vett elválását, rétegképző hatását mutatja. Ez a városi környezetben a palotáknak a városi központ köré centralizálódó, ide csoportosuló, illetve koncentrálódó vagy a városfalakon kívüli, elkülönült térbeli elhelyezkedésében és sajátosan izolált építészeti kialakításában jelent meg hazánkban, valamint a hazai előképül szolgáló – példaként kiemelt – jelentős európai nagyvárosokban is. Pozsony és Pest-Buda esetében a 18–19. században kialakított hatalmi központok – a királyi várpalota és az országgyűlés üléstermei – voltak a főúri politizálás és hatalomgyakorlás elsődleges helyszínei. A magánpaloták nagy számban ezért ezek köré rendeződtek, ugyanakkor kedvelt volt a városfalakon kívüli, de ahhoz közeli terület is, amely a 17. század végétől alkalmasnak bizonyult tágas kertekkel övezett paloták felépítésére. A palo-tákhoz kapcsolódó kertek kialakítására a sűrű városi szövetben csak igen korlátozott lehetőség volt, amely alól szinte páratlan kivétel a prágai várhegy déli lejtőit elfoglaló, teraszos kialakítású főúri magánkertek pompás csoportja. A paloták térbeli elrendezésének előzményei már a 13–14. századi itáliai városokban megtalálhatók. A típusalkotó épületek Firenzében jelentek meg a 15. század közepén, a hazánkban mintaadó változataikat a 16–17. században Rómában, a 17–18. században pedig Párizsban és Bécsben érlelték ki.
The noble palace as a special type of building – due to its function – served as the residence of a family, and also represented the social position and the rank of the nobility. Since the ancient times the palace was considered as the urban residence of the wealthiest and ruling social class and as the representative symbol of its power and presence. The development of the social life in the city in modern times encouraged the nobility to stay rather in urban areas than in rural estates. In addition to participating in political and executive functions, the stay in the city was considered also as a personal representation at the events of the “season” (ball season, theater season, horse racing). The disposition (location) within the city and the architectural arrangement and design of the urban residences of the nobility, i. e. the palaces are related to the specific lifestyle of the builders. It can be interpreted and understood from a sociological point of view, because the palaces appear as the representative “architectural depiction” of a characteristic way of life in the urban area. In the 18th and 19th centuries the change in the way of noble life within the social class of the aristocracy indicates the separation and the stratifying effect of the nobility in historical-legal and sociological meaning. In the urban environment this is reflected either in the centralized location of the palaces around the city center or in the separate spatial location outside the city walls which was applied in Hungary as well as in the major European cities which served as role models for the Hungarian towns. As for Pressburg and Pest-Buda, the seats of ruling power – namely the royal palace and the rooms of the parliament – which were established in the 18th and 19th centuries, were the primary sites of noble politics and exercising power. Therefore a large number of private palaces were arranged around them. At the same time there were popular areas outside the city walls, but close to them, too, which proved to be suitable for building palaces surrounded by spacious gardens from the end of the 17th century. In the dense urban areas there were only very limited opportunities to create gardens connecting directly to the palaces. An almost unique exception for that is the group of the terraced private noble gardens occupying the southern slopes of Prague Castle Hill. The forerunners of such spatial arrangements of the palaces can be found in the Italian cities in the 13th and 14th centuries. The type of these buildings emerged in Florence in the middle of the 15th century, their first versions in Hungary were based on the buildings in Rome in the 16th and 17th centuries, and in Paris and Vienna in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Der Adelspalast als besonderer Gebäudetyp diente aufgrund seiner Funktion als Wohnsitz einer Familie und repräsentierte auch die soziale Lage und den Rang des Adels. Seit der Antike galt der Palast als städtische Residenz der reichsten und herrschenden sozialen Klasse und als repräsentatives Symbol ihrer Macht und Präsenz. Die Entwicklung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens in der Stadt ermutigte den Adel in der Neuzeit, sich eher in Stadtgebieten als in ländlichen Gebieten aufzuhalten. Außer der Teilnahme an politischen und exekutiven Funktionen wurde der Aufenthalt in der Stadt auch als persönliche Vertretung bei den Veranstaltungen der „Saison“ (Ballsaison, Theatersaison, Pferderennen) angesehen. Die Disposition (Lage) innerhalb der Stadt und die architektonische Anordnung und Gestaltung der städtischen Residenzen des Adels, d.h. der Paläste beziehen sich auf den spezifischen Lebensstil der Bauherren. Es kann unter soziologischen Gesichtspunkten interpretiert und verstanden werden, daß die Paläste als repräsentative „architektonische Darstellungen“ einer charakteristischen Lebensweise in dem großstädtischen Gefüge erscheinen. In 18. und 19. Jahrhunderten zeigte die Veränderung der Art des Hochadelslebens innerhalb der sozialen Klasse der Aristokratie eine Trennung und Schichtung des Hochadels in historisch-rechtlicher und soziologischer Bedeutung. Im städtischen Umfeld spiegelt sich dies entweder in der zentralisierten Lage der Paläste rund um die Innenstadt oder in der getrennten räumlichen Lage außerhalb der Stadtmauern wider, das wurde auch in Ungarn sowie in den europäischen Großstädten, die als Vorbilder für Ungarn dienten, angewendet. Was Preßburg und Pest-Buda betrifft, da wurden die im 18. und 19. Jahrhunderten errichteten Regierungssitze – nämlich der königliche Palast und das Parlament – die Hauptorte der edlen Politik und der Ausübung von Macht. Daher wurden eine große Anzahl privater Paläste um diese Gebäude angeordnet. Zur gleichen Zeit gab es beliebte Gebiete außerhalb der Stadtmauern, aber in ihrer Nähe, die sich ab dem Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts als geeignet erwiesen, Paläste, die von weitläufigen Gärten umgegeben waren, zu bauen. In den dichten städtischen Gebieten gab es nur sehr begrenzte Möglichkeiten, Gärten, die mit den Palästen verbunden waren, zu schaffen. Eine fast einzigartige Ausnahme bildet die Gruppe der terrassierten privaten Hochadelsgärten an den Südhängen des Prager Burgbergs. Die Vorläufer solcher räumlichen Anordnungen der Paläste konnten in den italienischen Städten in 13. und 14. Jahrhunderten gefunden werden. Der Typ der Paläste entstand in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts in Florenz. Die ersten Versionen der Paläste in Ungarn basierten auf der Struktur der Gebäude in Rom aus den 16. und 17. Jahrhunderten sowie in Paris und Wien aus den 17. und 18. Jahrhunderten.
A thematic-analytical review of knowledge production culture in architectural design
Az építészeti tervezés tudástermelési kultúrájának tematikus-analitikus áttekintése
Architectural design, whether as a knowledge production process or as a ‘means’ for producing knowledge, has been the hot topic of theoretical debates since the late 1990s. Despite the developments, it requires more clarity as a young culture in the discipline. This research aims at deciphering the theoretical body to identify and bring the central themes into sight and provide a legible interpretation of knowledge production in architectural design. To this end, a unique methodology, adopted form content analysis, has been utilized. In this paper, a piece of the relevant literature was analysed by a computer application namely NVivo. The analysis has revealed a set of words from which the central themes are extracted. Out of thirty emphatic words, ten central themes are generated. According to the findings, ‘design and research’, ‘design process and methods’, and ‘newness and novelty’ appeared to be the key themes when knowledge production in architecture matters. The remaining seven themes are mainly included in the key themes. The findings show that knowledge production in architectural design is much more influenced by the field of design studies rather than architecture. This study remarks that the objective and generic aspect of architecture is investigated for knowledge production, however, taking architecture-specific dimensions into account could bring new insights into the discipline.
Az építészeti tervezés a tudástermelés folyamataként és „eszközeként” is az elméleti viták központi témája az 1990-es évek vége óta. Bár még fejlődésben van, a tudomány fiatal területeként szükség van arra, hogy fogalmait egyértelműbbé tegyék. E kutatás célja egy elméleti törzsanyag meghatározása, hogy a tudástermelés területe jól körülhatárolható legyen, célkitűzései láthatóvá, és fogalma értelmezhetővé váljon az építészeti tervezésben is. Ennek érdekében egyedülálló módszertan, formai tartalomelemzés alkalmazására került sor. A tanulmányban a vonatkozó szakirodalom egy részét az NVivo elnevezésű számítógépes alkalmazás segítségével elemeztük. Az elemzés gyakran ismételt szóhalmazokat gyűjtött, majd ezek alapján kivonatolta a szövegekben leggyakrabban előforduló témákat. A program harminc hangsúlyos szóból tíz központi témát generált. Az építészetre vonatkozó tudástermelés vizsgálata során a leggyakoribb találatok a „tervezés és kutatás”, a „tervezési folyamat és módszerek”, valamint az „újdonság és újszerűség” voltak. A többi hét témát nagyrészt magukba foglalták ezek a kulcstémák. A további eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az építészeti tervezésben megjelenő tudástermelésre nagyobb mértékben hatnak a tervezéselméleti stúdiumok, mint az építészeti gyakorlat. Noha jelen tanulmányunk az építészet objektív és általános aspektusát vizsgálja a tudástermelés szempontjából, e tudományágban később új fejezetet nyithatnak a kifejezetten építészeti szempontú megközelítések is.
Transfer and export in architectural history •
Three case studies from the Carpathian Basin
Transzfer és export az építészettörténetben •
Három esettanulmány a kárpát-medence területéről
Transfer und export in der baugeschichte •
Drei fallstudien aus der pannonischen tiefebene
Transferring a building type from its original context (in the sense of genius loci) into a foreign environment for which it was not intended, is equivalent to transplantation. As the case studies show, the evoked response does not necessarily have to be negative. Rather, this phenomenon is to be understood as an external impulse that influences regional architectural development.
This paper examines the principle of the architectural-historical process in the territory of the Carpathian Basin in three periods. The case studies of the article are derived from the architecture of the Roman era (1st–5th centuries CE), the Ottoman era (16th–17th centuries CE) and the historical industrial architecture of the era of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (19th–20th centuries CE), since the Carpathian Basin, the interference territory of Western and Eastern Europe, Northern Europe and the Balkans, was under the influence of states with centres in a different area. These being the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, all having a determinative influence on the following period’s architecture.
Consequently, the influence of a relatively different culture with global dimensions can be examined within a regional context. This perspective leads to the actual question of architectural history: how the interaction of local and global architectural tendencies and features, the relationship between the centre, semi-periphery and periphery influence the examination of architectural processes and preservation of unique values. By examining the case studies, the paper establishes the categories of architectural transfer and architectural export. The aim of the paper is to stimulate discussions through further examples.
Az olyan eset, amikor egy épülettípus eredeti kontextusából (a genius loci értelmében) átkerül egy, a kialakulási helyéhez képest idegen környezetbe, megegyezik az áttelepítés jelenségével. Amint azt az esettanulmányok mutatják, a kiváltott hatás nem feltétlen negatív, így a jelenséget sokkal inkább egy olyan külső impulzusként lehet értelmezni, amely befolyásolhatja a regionális építészeti fejlődést.
A tanulmány három szakaszban vizsgálja az alapvető építészettörténeti folyamatokat a Kárpátmedence területén. Az írás esettanulmányai a római kor építészetéből (Kr. u. 1–5. század), az oszmán hódoltság korszakából (Kr. u. 16–17. század) és az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia-korabeli történeti ipari építészet (Kr.u. 19–20. század) témaköreiből származnak. A Kárpát-medence Nyugat- és Kelet-Európa, valamint Észak-Európa és a Balkán-félsziget találkozási pontjában fekszik, és számos olyan államalakulat hatása érte, melynek központja e területen kívülre esett. A Római Birodalom, az Oszmán Birodalom és az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia jelentős befolyást gyakorolt a vizsgált korszakok és terület építészetére.
Következésképp a területen a tárgyalt időszakokban a helyitől viszonylag eltérő, globális léptékű kultúra hatása vizsgálható, regionális összefüggésben. Ez az aspektus az építészettörténet aktuális kérdéseihez vezet: miként befolyásolja a regionális és globális építészeti tendenciák és tulajdonságok kölcsönhatása, valamint a központ, a félperiféria és a periféria kapcsolata az építészeti folyamatok vizsgálatát és az egyedi értékek megőrzését. Az esettanulmányok vizsgálatával a tanulmány az építészeti transzfer és az építészeti export kategóriáit vezeti be. A szerzők szándéka, hogy írásukkal további példákat bemutató diskurzust ösztönözzenek.
Was wir heute Architekturgeschichte nennen, ist die bauliche Manifestation einer Vielzahl von Faktoren, die auf den vielschichtigen Entstehungsprozess von historischen Gebäuden Einfluss genommen haben. Einer dieser Einflussfaktoren ist der Architekturtransfer, im Sinne eines Austausches von Wissen über das Bauen, der zwischen Regionen, Ländern und Kontinenten wirksam war. Durch diese Erweiterung des Aktionsradius wurde die Wirksamkeit von Architektur in der Baugeschichte vom Regionalen zum Überregionalen vergrößert, ab dem 17. Jh. gar zum Globalen expandiert. Im Rahmen des vorgelegten Artikels kann das Thema nicht umfassend und abschließend aufgearbeitet werden. Vielmehr soll das Phänomen an Fallstudien aus drei verschiedenen Zeitepochen (Römische Bauten 1–5. Jh., Osmanische Bauten 16–17 Jh. und Industriegebäude 19–20. Jh.) des geografisch klar umgrenzten Gebietes der Pannonischen Tiefebene angesprochen und zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Ausgangspunkt der Überlegung ist die Frage, ob der Architekturtransfer hinsichtlich seiner Motivation und seines Mechanismus vom Architekturexport zu unterscheiden ist, oder dieser lediglich eine Variation des Transfers darstellt.
This study intends to examine the soil behaviour in the case of finite thickness, represented by the hard layer under a soft layer of soil. A further aim is to define load-bearing capacity parameters (n and k). The experimental work is carried out under laboratory conditions by using hydraulic bevameter to apply the load. A circular plate with a diameter of 100 mm is used to push down the load over the targeted area with a penetration rate of about 9 cm/min for sinkage plates. The study was conducted in a soil bin (length of 200 cm, width of 100 cm and variable thickness) using a sandy loam soil. First, the study has been done with loose soil with a thickness of 11 cm, which maintained with 10% moisture content and initial density of 1.190 g/cm3. After that, a two thickness of 6 and 18 cm with 8% moisture content and initial soil density of 1.375 g/cm3 were tested to explain the effect of thickness. In each test, the bevameter plate was loaded at multiple locations, the result showed the soil was near uniform. The result suggests that it is not easy to obtain one equation for the load bearing capacity because the layer near to the surface behaves like soil with infinite thickness and the deeper layer like soil with finite thickness.
During the production of natural gas one of the major problems is the formation of hydrate crystals in the pipeline. The forming hydrate crystals can form hydrate plugs in the pipeline. The hydrate plugs lengthen production outages and result in financial losses for the producer, because the removal of the plugs is a time consuming procedure. One of the solutions used to prevent hydrate formation is the injection of modern compositions to the gas flow. The modern compositions help to dehydrate the gas, thus, the size of hydrate crystals does not increase. The substances, used in low concentrations, have to be locally injected, at the gas well sites. Inhibitor dosing depends on the amount of gas hydrate present. In the article a neural network based predictive detection solution is presented, which uses four factors.
Nowadays huge datasets can be collected in a relatively short time. After capturing these data sets the next step is their processing. Automation of the processing steps can contribute to efficiency increase, to reduction of the time needed for processing, and to reduction of interactions of the user. The paper brings a short review of the most reliable methods for sphere segmentation. An innovative algorithm for automated detection of spheres and for estimating their parameters from 3D point clouds is introduced. The algorithm proposed was tested on complex point clouds. In the last part of the paper, the implementation of the algorithm proposed to a standalone application is described.
In this study the competitiveness of Hungarian enterprises was analyzed, because relatively little research has been conducted to investigate small enterprises. More specifically, the paper examines to what extent the use of online solutions gives companies a competitive advantage. Nearly 800 companies were involved in the research, for which a new methodology was used. It is built on a multi-step model, which is based on mathematical calculations. From the result of a questionnaire survey, variables were generated to create a number of competitiveness pillars, which were used to determine the final competitiveness index of each company. The research was carried out at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs. Scientists form the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs were involved in the online analysis of the companies, the results of which were integrated into the research findings. The analysis shows that the companies, which do not use online solutions during their operations can be competitive but generally those present in the online space are more competitive, and use more sophisticated solutions in their business processes, which has a positive effect on several functions of the company. Overall these companies have a higher competitiveness index, which confirms that it is worth using online solutions for companies.
Reactive powder concretes are a set of ultrahigh-strength concrete reinforced with fibers. Their compressive strength is greater than 100 MPa. For assuring connection of steel beams and a concrete slab, steel stud connectors are used. The investigation of that kind of shear connection efficiency, in the case of this higher strength concrete deck using standard push-out test specimens has been executed. The experimental results are presented in the paper.
Chemical industry has a high demand for ethylene quantity, especially with high quality. This paper discusses dynamic simulation models of an ethaneethylene high-pressure cryogenic rectification column with Unisim Design process simulator software. Distillation is one of the most essential technologies in chemical industry, it is important that the operation of the procedure can be modeled not only in steady-state mode but also in a dynamic way. The goal during this study is to make simulations with system-controlling and to investigate the effect the disturbance on the behavior of the columns.
This study aims to experimentally investigate the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer performance of magnesium oxide nanoparticles MgO based deionized water nanofluid at the atmospheric pressure condition. Dilute volumetric concentrations within a range of 0.001% to 0.01% Vol. were used to examine the pool boiling heat transfer performance represented by pool boiling curve, and pool boiling heat transfer coefficient. The heating element was a horizontal copper heated tube with a typical diameter 22 mm submerged inside the cubic boiling chamber. Efforts have been made to measure the surface temperatures along the heated tube to ensure the proper and accurate heat transfer coefficient calculations in this work. The results indicated that the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient enhancement ratio (PBHTC /PBHTC ) was intensified for volume fractions i.e. 0.001%, 0.004%, and 0.007% Vol. while it was degraded for volume concentrations i.e. 0.01%, and 0.04% Vol. compared to deionized water as baseline case.
The paper presents an experimental research on anchoring devices developed for the pre-tensioning of fiber reinforced polymer tendons in the stress range between 40 and 70% of tensile strength. The technique of testing, the criteria of assessing the load capacity and the influence of preloading applied on the anchor wedges on the initial tendons slippage are described. The optimal technical configurations of the anchoring device have been obtained, including parameters regarding the necessary prior anchorage of the tendon ends based on the strength properties of the tendon bar and the requirements to avoid slippage during the tensile tests.
The propagation of an ultra-short light pulse is studied in the framework of scalar diffraction theory. Light pulses are focused by different types of wavy parabolic surfaces. The temporal-spatial behavior of the two-dimensional wave field is computed in the vicinity of the focal plane. It is shown that the slightly perturbation from the perfect parabolic shape leads a space-time dispersion of the pulse in the neighborhood of the focus.
Examining a human movement can provide a wealth of information about a patient’s medical condition. The examination process can be used to diagnose abnormal changes (lesions), ability development and monitor the rehabilitation process of people with reduced mobility. There are several approaches to monitor people, among other things with sensors and various imaging and processing devices. In this case a Kinect V2 sensor and a self-developed LabView based application was used, to examine the movement of the lower limbs. The ideal gait pattern was recorded in the RoboGait training machine and the measured data was used to identify the phases of the human gait. During the evaluation, the position of the skeleton model, the associated body joints and angles can be calculated. The pre-recorded ideal and natural gait cycle can be compared.
With the self-developed method the pre-recorded ideal and natural gait cycle can be compared and processed for further evaluation. The evaluated measurement data confirm that a reliable and mobile solution for gait analysis has been created.
Presented paper deals with the hydraulic assessment of groundwater flow in the area affected by the realization of the hydraulic gate on the Klátov branch and in the adjacent territory of a dike, which is located on the right-side of Little Danube. This hydraulic assessment is part of the project of the Slovak Water Management Enterprise, which also aims to increase the height and seal the dike on the right-side of the Little Danube. Generally, the project is divided into three phases (Phase I, II and III) to implement different technical measures to protect the area from flooding. The assumption for the execution of the technical measures of the mentioned three project phases is a continuous flood protection of part of the Žitný ostrov area around the Little Danube and the Klátov River branch in the reach from Kolárovo to Jahodná town. Therefore, a 3D mathematical model was created to simulate groundwater flow by changing boundary conditions of surface water flow during flood periods.
Ignition of waste paper sludge at elevated temperatures to produce electricity in power generation plants utilizing fluidized bed combustion generates paper sludge ash. Due to the high concentration of lime and gelignite in paper sludge ash, it is expected that it will play a vital role as a cementitious material. This paper investigates the use of paper sludge ash to improve the mechanical properties of the granular materials, which are suitable to subbase course for road and building constructions. Also, a comparison study with the use of Portland cement as an additive to granular materials has been covered. The mechanical properties were evaluated by conducting the California bearing ratio test for the two adopted methods. Moreover, the compressive strength of the samples using paper sludge ash and cement are investigated. In accordance to the California bearing ratio test, 4% paper sludge ash was indicated as the optimum ash content at which the California bearing ratio value increased by 173% and 111% in comparison with untreated material and 6% cement, respectively. On the other hand, and by means of the compressive strength, the granular materials with 4% paper sludge ash has compressive strength higher than those with 6% cement.
Packing density of aggregate influences greatly the properties of concrete. Maximization of packing density increases the flowing ability and segregation resistance of the fresh concrete and the compressive strength of the hardened concrete. The determination of maximum density is difficult experimentally; therefore several models have been developed for that purpose. However, these models do not take the size of the formwork into account. In this study, 20 different formwork shapes were examined with defined aggregate fractions. Results show that increasing the formwork size increases the packing density of aggregate, and the growth depends on the formwork size and compaction method.
In this article, the investigation of a press machine with 30 tons of pressing weight is presented. The beam of this machine is an I-beam, which has an open cross-section. It is known that this version of cross-section is sensitive to torsional stress. The stress from warping torsion is normal stress, so the opened cross-section is more sensitive to this type of stress. The bimoment that causes normal stress can also be very high, so dealing with this stress is very important.
The aims of the research are to focus on the analysis of qualitative parameters of surface runoff from the urbanized area (parking, roadways); subsequently, to compare the measured concentration with the recommendations of Danish and Slovak standards. Rainwater sampling carried out at several sites in Serbia and Slovakia. In the analysis were monitoring, the qualitative parameters as pH value, water conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, and heavy metals. The results show the presence of copper, zinc, lead, aluminum, cadmium, chromium and nickel. The concentration of these parameters was several times higher than the allowed limit values. Based on these results, it is necessary to design measures to ensure surface runoff before infiltration.
Sudan is suffering from harsh summers, but most of the modern buildings in urban areas are not compatible with the recent and future climate phenomena. Application of cooling devices is relatively expensive and therefore beyond reach. The main objective of this research is to give an overview on the overheating problem and the thermal comfort in buildings. A dynamic energy simulation has been performed for a selected case study using Design Builder Code. The results show that the share of discomfort hours for a typical modern building is 78% and 33% above 26 °C and 32 °C per year, respectively, but after using a combination of different ventilation, shading and building materials options the discomfort hours can be reduced to 77% and 26%, respectively.
The present research work is a part of a project was a semi-active structural control technique using magneto-rheological damper has to be performed. Magneto-rheological dampers are an innovative class of semi-active devices that mesh well with the demands and constraints of seismic applications; this includes having very low power requirements and adaptability. A small stroke magneto-rheological damper was mathematically simulated and experimentally tested. The damper was subjected to periodic excitations of different amplitudes and frequencies at varying voltage. The damper was mathematically modeled using parametric Modified Bouc-Wen model of magneto-rheological damper in MATLAB/SIMULINK and the parameters of the model were set as per the prototype available. The variation of mechanical properties of magneto-rheological damper like damping coefficient and damping force with a change in amplitude, frequency and voltage were experimentally verified on INSTRON 8800 testing machine. It was observed that damping force produced by the damper depended on the frequency as well, in addition to the input voltage and amplitude of the excitation. While the damping coefficient (c) is independent of the frequency of excitation it varies with the amplitude of excitation and input voltage. The variation of the damping coefficient with amplitude and input voltage is linear and quadratic respectively. More ever the mathematical model simulated in MATLAB was in agreement with the experimental results obtained.