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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

Architecture and Architectonics

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Pollack Periodica
Gabriel Földes
Silvia Kohnová
Marija Mihaela Labat
, and
Kamila Hlavčová

The paper focuses on the impact of climate change on runoff in the Ipoltica River basin in northern Slovakia. The analysis is divided into two parts: the first part contains an analysis of predicted changes in short-term rainfall intensities at the Liptovská Teplička climatological station; the second part is focused on the impact of runoff on a small mountainous river basin. The predicted short-term rainfall intensities were analyzed using the Community Land Model, which is a Regional Climate Model. The analysis was performed in durations of 60 to 1440 minutes for a warm period. The focus was aimed at comparing changes in rainfall characteristics, especially changes in seasonality, the scaling exponents, and design values. The second part focuses on the impact of changes in short-term rainfall on changes in runoff. The estimation of predicted runoff changes was provided for the period 2070 - 2100. These results were compared with the results from actual observations. The design floods were calculated using the Soil Conservation Service - Curve Number method. The results show that the runoff will be affected by climate change. Hence, it is important to reevaluate the land use management and practices at the Ipoltica River basin.

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Pollack Periodica
Réka Csicsaiová
Ivana Marko
Jaroslav Hrudka
Ivona Škultétyová
, and
Štefan Stanko

The aim of the study is to assess the hydraulic capacity of the sewer network and sewer collector recovery in the urban catchment area of Trnava.

The analysis focuses on the evaluation of situations with different precipitation frequencies. Elaboration consists of modeling the current state of the assessed sewer collector B and subsequent loading of this collector by several block rainfalls. Based on the results of the analysis, the recovery of the sewer network proposed.

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China has experienced rapid urbanization, and the countryside has been abandoned over the past few decades, with some of it left in ruins. Faced with the many challenges brought by urbanization, people are tired of traffic jams and polluted air, which is the disadvantages of urbanization and the countryside, is beginning to be re-recognized and explored with new possibilities. The countryside has become the front line of contemporary Chinese architectural practice. Architects, artists and other different roles try to realize the rebirth of the countryside in many aspects, such as nature and humanity, production and community, through architecture and space.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Yongting Shi
Anna Mária Tamás
, and
Gergely Sztranyák


Based on the consensus that the rural cultural landscape with regional characteristics is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of rural areas, this study explores how to use multiple means to restore the countryside with insufficient or severely damaged landscape resources and rebuild the contemporary rural landscape with regional characteristics. Combining the design of practical cases, the article proposes the use of low-tech, low-interference vernacular technology, and the integration of artistic intervention methods can more effectively restore landscape characteristics and stimulate rural development vitality.

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The aim of the research was to develop a new lightweight sandwich structure, which can be used for elements of air containers. The structure consists of aluminum foam core with fiber reinforced composite face-sheets. Nine different laminated glass or/and carbon fiber reinforced plastic face-sheet combinations were investigated. Finite element analysis of the sandwich structures was introduced. Single-objective optimization of the new sandwich structure was achieved for minimal weight. Five design constraints were considered: stiffness of the structure, face-sheet failure, core shear, face-sheet wrinkling, size constraints for design variables. The elaborated composite structure results significant weight savings due to low density.

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The warm-up effect is a well-known phenomenon, which occurs in all types of laser trackers. The series of experiments was performed to determine the influence of warm-up effect on measurement and a warm-up time of device – the time after the temperature inside the tracker is stable. In this paper, the tested tracker was Leica AT960-MR. Results showed that the warm-up effect could cause errors up to tenths of millimeters, and a warm-up time of instrument is around two hours, which is similar to the other researches.

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Our research team has developed a system and methodology for measuring psycho-physiological parameters, which can be used to determine the level of fatigue and fitness of the person being measured. This article describes the electroencephalography (EEG) part of this system. This article covers the technical and mathematical background of EEG measurement, the selection and implementation of the measurement tool in the development environment, and the development of the measurement and processing algorithm. The result is a system that can detect, digitize, and process the digitized signal from the brain, and save the processed signal in an XML database.

Open access


Plukenetia conophora (Nigerian Walnut) leaf extract was studied as a corrosion inhibitor on Al–Zn–Cu alloy in acidic (HCl and H2SO4) media using gravimetric, gasometric and electropotential techniques. The study showed that the inhibition efficiency (IE) increased as the concentration of the leaf extract increased and reached the peak (94.8%) at 0.8 g/L in 1 M HCl. In the two acidic media, P. conophora leaf extract exhibited good corrosion inhibition properties on the Al–Zn–Cu alloy samples due to adhesion of the extracts on the samples' surfaces. The adsorption process of the extract on the alloy sample surfaces was found to be spontaneous and perfectly obeyed the Langmuir isotherm model. Thus, P. conophora leaf extract is recommended for utilisation as a potential replacement for toxic inorganic inhibitors and for application in paint and coating industries.

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Olena Yakymchuk
Dmytro Yakymchuk
Nataliia Bilei-Ruban
Iryna Nosova
Serhiy Horiashchenko
Kostyantyn Horiashchenko
Tetyana Kisil
, and
Viacheslav Tuz


The objective of this research is to develop the equipment for liquid-jet forming of women's headwear hats, which will allow expanding design assortment of these products. The equipment for cyclic liquid-jet forming of headwear hats in liquid-active working environment (LAWE) with forming element rotation was designed. The mechanism of movement and orientation of liquid -jet forming nozzle was developed, which allows influencing fabric parts by flooded and controlled liquid-jet, repeating the contour at a certain distance and with appropriate angle attack on each technological section of the part. The conducted experimental research allowed to receive semi-spherical forms of headwear hats from six fabrics suit-coat assortments, which are one of the most difficult forms of non-seam forming. Completely formed hats of a given complex configuration were obtained by liquid-jet forming, different from standard semi-spherical ones. The developed equipment provides mobility of the production from the point of view of quick equipment adaptation due to action use of flooded controlled liquid-jet and forming of a significant number of various hats contours, various combinations of technological forming modes.

Open access

Evolution of the building-machine hybrid on the example of historical oast houses

Épület-gép hibrid evolúciója történeti aszaló példáján keresztül

Evolution eines gebäude-maschinen hybrids am beispiel einer historischen darre

Építés - Építészettudomány
Martin Pilsitz

Hybrid buildings are not a modern invention. In the case of certain types of buildings in historical production facilities, a degree of inseparable fusion of static buildings and dynamic mechanics can be detected. This goes far beyond the multifunctional use of a room and also includes constructional and architectural design to the same extent. They are not simply rooms or buildings in which machines for the production of an item or a product are installed, but the room, or the building, itself, is the “machine”, or at least an essential part of it. Or is the machine the building? This relationship will be explained using the example of historical oast houses. For this type of building, architectural development from an integrated yet barely perceptible component to a free-standing solitary building can be demonstrated over a period of around 80 years. It is not clear which part is the building and which is the production technology. These two main components have become an indissoluble unit, making the oast house a real hybrid.

A hibrid épületek nem a jelen kor találmányai. A történeti gyártólétesítmények egyes épülettípusainál az épület és a gépek már-már feloldhatatlan egymásba fonódása figyelhető meg. Ez a jelenség jelentősen túlmutat a többcélú helyiségeken, és egyaránt jellemző a szerkezeti és az építészeti kialakításra is. Itt már nem olyan épületekről beszélhetünk, amelyekben gépek vannak felállítva, hanem maga az épület válik a „géppé“, illetve annak szétválaszthatatlan részévé. Vagy a gép maga az épület is egyben? A fenti összefüggés bemutatása a történeti aszalók példáján keresztül történik. Közel 80 év leforgása alatt az épületben korábban alig látható berendezés szabadon álló épületté fejlődik, amelyben már-már meghatározhatatlan, hogy melyik rész tartozik még magához az épülethez és melyik rész már a gyártástechnika. A két fő komponens szétválaszthatatlan egységet alkot, vagyis az aszaló igazi hibriddé fejlődik.

Hybride Gebäude sind keine Erfindung der Neuzeit. Bei bestimmten Bautypen historischer Produktionsstätten ist eine Größenordnung der Durchdringung von statischem Gebäude und dynamischer Mechanik festzustellen, die nicht aufzulösen ist. Dies geht weit über die multifunktionale Nutzung eines Raumes hinaus, und umfasst in gleichem Maße auch die Konstruktion und architektonische Gestaltung. Es sind keine Räume, oder Gebäude in denen Maschinen zur Produktion eines Gegenstandes oder einer Ware aufgestellt werden, sondern der Raum, oder das Gebäude selbst ist die „Maschine“, oder zumindest ein wesentlicher Teil von dieser. Oder ist die Maschine das Gebäude? Am Beispiel historischer Darren soll dieser Zusammenhang erläutert werden. Für diesen Gebäudetyp kann in einem Zeitraum von etwa 80 Jahren eine architektonische Entwicklung vom visuell kaum wahrnehmbaren und integrierten Bauteil zum freistehenden Solitär nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ist nicht eindeutig festzustellen, welcher Teil das Gebäude ist, und welcher die Produktionstechnik. Aus den beiden Hauptkomponenten ist eine unauflösbare Einheit geworden, womit die Darre zum echten Hybrid wird.

Open access

On the centenary of Gyula Hajnóczi’s birth, we commemorate the architect, the archaeologist, the teacher, the writer, the scientist, as well as the man and our colleague in the framework of a conference. This time, in memory of the teacher of architecture history and our colleague at the department, his teachers are introduced from the time of the start of his career, from life and regime changing times. Hajnóczi’s specialization, i.e. choosing the history of ancient architecture, took a definite direction from the very beginning of his practice. In addition to his certification in architecture, he soon obtained his diploma in archaeology, then achieved scientific titles and professional results. As an instructor, he conveyed the introductory knowledge of the architect profession, architectural drawing, and the history of the profession to the students on the basis of well-developed principles, performed in various ways. He followed the stages of architectural survey, technical drawing and graphic elaboration. His lectures on ancient architecture – Prehistoric Asia, Egypt, Hellas, Rome – were always performed according to an elaborated system, in a logical structure and always in an enjoyable form. His maxim was that architecture was the science of continuous building.

Hajnóczi Gyula születésének századik évfordulójára konferencia keretében emlékezünk az építészre, a régészre, a tanárra, a szakíróra, a tudósra, illetve az emberre, a kollégára. Ezúttal az építészettörténet tanárára, a tanszéki munkatársra emlékezve felvázoljuk az ő tanárainak sorát pályakezdésének idejéből, a sors és rendszerfordító időkből. Szaktudománya, az ókori építészettörténet választása határozott irányt vett már működése elején. Építészmérnöki oklevele mellé hamar megszerezte a régészdiplomát, a tudományos címeket és a szakírói eredményeket. Oktatóként az építész szakma elejét, az építészeti rajztudást és a szakmatörténetet kidolgozott elvek alapján és változatosan közvetítette a hallgatók felé, az építé szeti felmérés, a szerkesztés és a rajzi kidolgozás lépcsői szerint. Az ókori építészetről szóló – Elő Ázsia, Egyiptom, Hellasz, Róma – előadásai mindig egy kidolgozott rendszer szerint, logikus szerkezetben és mindig élvezhető formában hangzottak el. Alapelve volt, hogy az építészet a tovább építés tudománya.

Open access

When are we somewhere and when are we not? When is it “here”, when is “now” and when is it not? In everyday life, this question can usually have a clear answer. But we all know the state of mind – if not from elsewhere, then from school – when we are physically present somewhere, but in fact our minds are elsewhere we are in a completely different place in spirit, being busy with something else. We can barely remember what happened in the classroom, later we are left with only what caught our attention at that time, what we were really busy with at the time. One might think that in architecture it may not even be worth addressing this issue, the situation seems so clear: here is a definite place with specific geometric features and history, shaped and formed by the mysterious “genius loci”, and now is our age, the present in which we live. According to the common opinion today, good architecture expresses its own age and its own time, catching the spirit of the place. However, it is enough to think only of the Gothic cathedrals to see the very partial validity of this view. In cathedrals, the purpose of the now and here is exactly to serve, display, illustrate the time and place of the not-now and not-here.

Mikor vagyunk valahol, és mikor nem? Mikor van itt, mikor van most és mikor nem? A mindennapi életben e kérdésre általában egyértelműen válaszolunk. De mindnyájan ismerjük azt a lelkiállapotot – ha máshonnan nem, hát az iskolából –, amikor fizikailag valahol vagyunk, de valójában egészen máson jár az eszünk, lélekben egészen máshol vagyunk, mással vagyunk elfoglalva. Alig emlékszünk arra, hogy mi történt ott akkor az órán, később csak az marad meg bennünk, ami akkor figyelmünket lekötötte, ami akkor valójában foglalkoztatott. Azt gondolhatnánk, hogy az építészetben talán nem is érdemes foglalkozni ezzel a kérdéssel, olyan egyértelműnek látszik a helyzet: az itt, egy meghatározott hely sajátos geometriai tulajdonságokkal és történelemmel, amelyet a titokzatos „genius loci” alakít, formál, a most pedig a mi korunk, a jelen, amelyben élünk. Mai általánosan elterjedt vélekedésünk szerint a jó építészet a hely szellemét megérezve saját korát, saját idejét fejezi ki. Elég azonban csupán a gótikus katedrálisokra gondolnunk ahhoz, hogy belássuk e vélekedés nagyon is részleges érvényességét. A katedrálisokban a most és itt célja éppenséggel a nem most és a nem itt idejének és helyének szolgálata, megjelenítése, szemléltetése.

Open access


Recently, the thermal performance of the parabolic trough collector (PTC), augmented to be more applicable and efficient, received intensive research. These studies aimed to improve heat transfer in the receiver part, in order to decrease the heat loss, and enhance the heat transfer to the thermal fluid. Many previous review papers focused on the numerical sides rather than the experimental side. Several research papers recommended doing more research in the experimental field; in order to decrease the gap between the numerical and experimental results, as well as increase the confidence level of what has been done in the theoretical field researches. Regarding the recommendations of the recent papers to decrease the gap between numerical and experimental aspects, this review paper focused on the recent experimental research related to thermal enhancement performance in the receiver part of the parabolic solar collector. In this research, different categories of the enhancement methods are discussed in detail through this review, namely nanofluids, surface modifications, and inserts models or the two categories combined together. We discussed these categories for different parabolic troughs considering only the recent experimental research between the period from 2014 up to 2019. Some parameters were discussed, such as the main dimensions of the examined receiver and parabolic collector. Moreover, types of nanoparticle specifications and preparation methods with different base fluids were highlighted. In addition, we discussed different aspects of using inserts models and inlet and outlet surface modification methods. Finally, the main thermal efficiency and thermal performance enhancement results for each work were presented.

Open access


The control of higher order linear system is one of the main fields of research area that has been studied for decades because of the difficulty in designing a controller for such systems. One of the best approaches to solve this problem is by reducing the order of the system into a second orders, based on this reduction many approaches can be proposed for controlling the higher order system, therefore many reduction methods are suggested and developed for this purpose, one of these methods is the Mixed Reduction Method (MRM). The first contribution of this paper is to improve the efficiency of MRM by using a flower optimization algorithm.

The second contribution of this paper lies in proposing a hybrid Neuro-Robust deadbeat controller using Matlab facilities to control higher order linear systems based on the optimized MRM. Where the robust deadbeat control algorithm is combined with a modified adaptive radial basis neural network to improve the robustness and efficacy of the deadbeat controller, which is partially lost when designing this controller for the higher order based on model reduction. The suggested radial basis function neural network has a simple design. The proposed control scheme assures the stability of the overall closed loop-controlled system; therefore, it can be applied to control any linear higher order systems. Results of different simulation examples show the efficiency of the proposed hybrid controller (Neuro-robust deadbeat) in tracking different reference signals compared to the robust deadbeat controller.

Open access


The availability of freshwater is increasingly becoming an international concern because of the increase in population and the diminishing forest area as a source of water, leading to a freshwater crisis. The coastal and swamp areas abound in water, but humans cannot consume it due to the quality. One effort that can be done in overcoming this problem is by treating existing raw water with solar distillation methods. However, the main obstacle faced in this method is the intensity of sunlight that is not stable throughout the day so that the productivity of distilled water is disrupted. Using the appropriate phase change material (PCM) is expected to make the distillation process smoother and increase the production of pure water. In this study, myristic acid was used as PCM in double slope solar distillation system. Through observation, it was obtained that the average water temperature in the basin equaled to 42.5 °C while the melting point of the myristic acid was 58 °C. This shows that the use of myristic acid as an energy storage through phase change process does not occur. Therefore, the use of myristic acid as PCM for increasing the productivity of solar distillation in these experiments is not effective because the melting point of PCM is higher than water temperature in the basin. Therefore, material with a phase change temperature below 42.5 °C is more appropriate to use in these conditions.

Open access


Virtual machine (VM) management is a fundamental challenge in the cloud datacenter, as it requires not only scheduling and placement, but also optimization of the method to maintain the energy cost and service quality. This paper reviews the different areas of literature that deal with the resource utilization prediction, VM migration, VM placement and the selection of physical machines (PMs) for hosting the VMs. The main features of VM management policies were also examined using a comparative analysis of the current policies. Many research works include Machine Learning (ML) for detecting the PM overloading, the selection of VMs from over-utilized PM and VM placement as the main activities. This article aims to identify and classify research done in the area of scheduling and placement of VMs using the ML with resource utilization history. Energy efficiency, VM migration counts and Service quality were the key performance parameters that were used to assess the performance of the cloud datacenter.

Open access


Due to recent changes in the labour market, recruitment and retaining employees have become more important than ever. Research dealing with the appearance of new generations in the labour market has found that they are less loyal to their employers, have high demands, and the key factors that they consider when choosing a job are salary, career opportunities, working environment, and work-life balance. As numerous studies in recent years have proved the importance of a healthy lifestyle in the context of labour, the question has arisen whether opportunities for sport participation and services supporting the well-being of employees have an influence on young people when they are seeking employment. We carried out an online survey to find out what students of the University of Debrecen think about the issue. The results were in line with the findings of previous studies, that is, young people look for high salaries, good working conditions, work-life balance and career opportunities when choosing a job. However, respondents did not identify sports opportunities and well-being benefits as major factors Yet, we found significant differences between different groups in terms of preference of particular factors, depending on sex, marital status, and whether someone does physical exercises regularly, and whether someone works while attending a university course or not.

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Adebayo Surajudeen Adekunle
Adekunle Akanni Adeleke
Peter Pelumi Ikubanni
Peter Olorunleke Omoniyi
Tajudeen Adelani Gbadamosi
, and
Jamiu Kolawole Odusote


Heat treatment industries require various quenching media to improve the properties of the materials to be quenched. Petroleum based mineral (PBM) oil, a non-biodegradable oil, is popular amongst others quenchants in heat treatment processes. Recently, biodegradable oils mostly in their raw, unblended and unbleached forms have been employed for quenching of various engineering materials. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of some selected bio-quenchants in blended raw (BR) and blended bleached (BB) forms on the mechanical properties and microstructure of solution heat treated aluminum (Al)-alloy. Edible vegetable oil (70% by volume) was blended with 30% by volume of jatropha oil to form the bio-quenchant oils. Another set of bio-quenchants were formed by bleaching the raw oils before mixing so as to reduce the oxidation level and contaminations in the oil. The Al-alloy is solution heat treated at 500 °C and soaked for 15 min in an electric muffle furnace before quenching in the various established bio-quenchants. Results showed that samples treated in blended raw melon (BRM) oil have higher tensile strength of 151.76 N/mm2 while samples quenched in blended bleached melon (BBM) oil have higher hardness value of 61.00 HRC. In accordance to the results obtained the bio-quenchants were found to be effective replacement to the PBM oil.

Open access


The article highlights the worldwide dissemination of precision agriculture scientific researches published from the period of 1996–2018, data gathered in the Scopus citation database, using the science mapping method. The findings show that there is a constant rise in the number of publications in precision agriculture. The USA is not only leading in the adoption of precision agriculture technologies but also in the publication of papers, accompanied by China placed in second place. The most frequent keywords highlighted the main topics authors concentrated on more, and the national affiliation of most cited papers was the USA. The main prominence and contributions of the results present scientific research trends in precision agriculture in the last two decades, and demonstrate the main countries, authors and organizations who have contributed, and were more productive in this area.

Open access


The main idea of the current paper consists in introducing the fractional order calculus in a control system. To control the system, an adaptive control technique with reference model is used. The fractional order models for the plant and reference model are obtained. To achieve the performances imposed by the fractional order reference model, a fractional order adaptive control law is proposed, which is a combination of two methods (MIT and Lyapunov stability). The original contribution in this paper is the use of fractional order calculus in the combined MIT and Lyapunov stability method and showing the dynamic behavior of the system. Several simulations are used to emphasize the effectiveness and benefits of the proposed method.

Open access

Vámossy Ferenc, az Építés – Építészettudomány folyóirat szerkesztője

Editor of the Journal Építés – Építészettudomány

Építés - Építészettudomány
Ágnes Gyetvainé Balogh

A Szerző Vámossy Ferenc munkatársaként 2000 óta segítette az Építés – Építészettudomány folyóirat megjelenését. E rövid visszatekintésben a közös munka állomásai, az idősödő professzor módszerei és hatása szerepelnek, hogyan segítette részletes tanácsaival, módszertani javaslataival a fiatalabb szerzőket, hogyan gondoskodott a lap tudományos színvonaláról. A folyóirat érdekében 60 éven át végzett, kimagasló munkáját 2017-ben zárta le egy magyar és angol nyelven megjelent, összefoglaló, visszaemlékező tanulmánnyal.

Summary. As a colleague of Ferenc Vámossy, the author has been helping to publish the journal Építés – Építészettudomány since 2000. This brief review includes the stages of the joint work, the methods and impact of the elderly professor, how he helped the younger authors with his detailed advice and methodological suggestions, and how he ensured the scientific quality of the journal. He concluded his outstanding work for 60 years in the interest of the journal in 2017 with a summary, reminiscent study published in Hungarian and English.

Open access

A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszékén a műemléki és történeti épületek felmérése évszázados múltra tekint vissza. Az oktatásban is rendkívül fontos szerepet betöltő felmérőtáborok hagyományát oktatóink, dr. Istvánfi Gyula és dr. Kalmár Miklós hosszú évtizedeken keresztül éltették tovább megszerettetve hallgatóikkal – így velünk is – a régi házak, szerkezetek megfigyelését, rajzolását és kutatását. Tanulmányunkban a Tanszék által 2017-ben a Pest megyei Ipolytölgyesen szervezett nyári felmérőtábor emlékét és tanulságait történeti és néprajzi kitekintéssel szeretnénk összefűzni. A tábor során felmért tíz portát főleg építészeti szempontból vizsgáltuk és dokumentáltuk, de ahogyan az minden épület tanulmányozása esetén fennáll, betekintést nyerhettünk a falu mindennapi életébe és értékeibe is.

Surveying monuments and historical buildings at the Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation of Budapest University of Technology and Economics dates back to age-old traditions. The tradition of survey camps, that played an all-important educational role, had been kept alive for decades by our tutors Gyula Istvánfi and Miklós Kalmár, thus winning the affection of the students – and so ours – towards observing, drawing and studying historical buildings and structures. In our study, we wish to incorporate the memory and lessons of the 2017 survey camp organized by the Department in Ipolytölgyes, Pest county, with a historical and an ethnographical outlook. During the camp, we studied, surveyed and documented ten vernacular houses with their service buildings, mainly from an architectural point of view, but we could also inspect the everyday life and values of the village.

Open access

Az eucharisztia tiszteletének szimbolikus-építészeti formái.

Oltárarchitektúrák a Nyugat-Dunántúlról a 17. századból

The Adoration of the Eucharist. Symbolism and Architectural Context

Altars from Western Hungary, from the 17th century
Építés - Építészettudomány
Ferenc Veress

Tanulmányomban a templomhomlokzat és az oltárépítmény felépítésének, tagoló rendszerének párhuzamaira kívántam felhívni a figyelmet. Mind a homlokzatoknak, mind az oltárarchitektúráknak a tervezői építészek voltak, így természetes, hogy hasonló motívumokat használtak fel mind a két esetben. A tridenti zsinat utáni katolikus megújulás fontos szereplője, Borromei Szent Károly, új tabernákulumformát és tértípust hozott létre a lombard építész, Pellegrino Tibaldi közreműködésével. Pellegrinónak kulcsszerepe volt a jezsuita templomtípus megteremtésében, tervei nyomán nem csupán Milánóban, hanem Torinóban is épült templom; hatása kimutatható a bécsi domonkos templom homlokzatán is, amelynek építésze, a bissonei Giovanni Giacomo Tencalla családjának több tagja révén közvetíthette Magyarországra az itáliai hatást. Az építészek, mint például a bécsi Kirche am Hof tervezője, a luganói Filiberto Lucchese, maguk is terveztek oltárokat, vagy közreműködtek a stukkátorokkal, akik gyakran ugyanabból a régióból érkeztek, mint a tervező építész. Így fordulhatott elő, hogy a nyugat-dunántúli stukkóoltárokat általában észak-itáliai mesterek készítették a templomhomlokzatok nyomán.

Summary. This study proposes to re-examine the dynamic interaction between the frontispiece of the church and the high altar. While the façade often functions as an open-air altarpiece, the altar itself is a “gate of Paradise.” Both the frontispieces and the altar structures were designed by architects, consequently, they use similar motives. Carlo Borromeo, as a key-figure of post-tridentine church reformed the sacred space and the tabernacle of the Cathedral in Milan following the designs of Pellegrino Tibaldi. Pellegrino played an eminent role in creating a new Jesuit church-type in San Fedele, Milan, which served as a model for the Corpus Christi basilica in Torino as well as for the Santa Maria Dominican Church in Vienna. The latter one was planned by Giovanni Giacomo Tencalla from Bissone (Lugano), and from the same family stemmed well-known stuccators and painters, who also worked for Hungarian commissioners. The architect of the Jesuit church Kirche am Hof in Vienna, Filiberto Lucchese, also worked for the Batthyány family, and designed altarpieces. In this way, we are able to establish a strong interaction between the altar-structure and façade, bringing considerable novelty in analysing architectural forms and design.

Open access

Friedrich Lóránd építész (1891–1947)

Lóránd Friedrich Architect (1891–1947)

Építés - Építészettudomány
Katalin Marótzy

Tanszékünk, a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészmérnöki Karának Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszéke idén – 2020-ban – ünnepli alapításának 150. évfordulóját. A legendás professzortársak – mint Wälder Gyula, Hültl Dezső, Kotsis Iván, Sándy Gyula, … – mellett kevesebb figyelmet kapott az eddigi kutatásokban a csendesebb személyiségű Friedrich Lóránd, aki 1942-től az Újkor tanszék professzora, az 1946/47-es tanévben a Mérnöki és Építészmérnöki Kar dékánja volt. Életművének teljes körű feltárása még a kutatás további feladata, életrajzának és munkásságának vázlatos összefoglalására teszünk most kísérletet elsősorban sajtókutatás alapján.

Summary. Our department (the Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics) celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. Beside the legendary professors like Gyula Wälder, Dezső Hültl, Iván Kotsis, Gyula Sándy, etc., Lóránd Friedrich has not been in the focus of research. He was the professor of the Renaissance and Baroque Department from 1942 and was the dean of the Faculty in the school year 1946/47. The complete cognizance of his oeuvre is the objective of further research. We make an attempt to give a sketchy summary of his biography and life-work based primarily on press analysis.

Open access

Sharing-Based Co-Housing Categorization. A Structural Overview of the Terms and Characteristics Used in Urban Co-Housing

A lakhatási formák megosztás-alapú kategorizálása. városi lakhatási formák angol nyelvű terminológiájának áttekintése

Építés - Építészettudomány
Annamária Babos
Julianna Szabó
Annamária Orbán
, and
Melinda Benkő

The European urban areas are growing fast, with many contemporary housing forms. Among these, co-housing forms related to sharing have become a key issue for urban housing development. These housing forms are analysed (their physical and social characteristics or effects) in more and more publications, without a common terminology of this interdisciplinary research field. In our study, based on the overview of existing definitions, characteristics we introduce a comprehensive sharing based categorization that could be valuable for terms and projects, as well. With the note, that the social dimension of sharing methods would not exist without the physical ones, because in co-housing the shared space is the basic criteria. In this paper, we focus on three groups of the social fields of sharing related to housing: the shared creation, the shared tenure, and the shared activities. We conclude the structural approach of our overview unravels new perspectives for the classification of housing forms. Based on our categorization and methodology, we recommend the development of a sharing based scalable classification that measures projects consistent and comparable.

Összefoglaló. A városias, beépített területek aránya Európa szerte folyamatosan növekszik, ennek következtében kortárs városi lakhatási formák is teret nyernek. A megosztáshoz kötődő, úgynevezett co-housing formák a kortárs városi lakófejlesztések jelentős részét képzik. Éppen ezért egyre több elemzés és publikáció születik a témában (például a fizikai és társadalmi jellemzőikről vagy azok hatásairól), azonban a lakhatás kutatási területén nincs egyetértés a kifejezések és definíciók használatában. A következő tanulmányban egy, a lakhatási formákat megosztás alapján rendszerező kategorizáció kerül bemutatásra, melynek elméleti és gyakorlati haszna is lehet. A kategorizáció a meglévő kifejezésekre, definíciókra és jellemzőkre egyaránt épít. A co-housing lakhatás alapvető feltétele a – változó méretű és minőségű – megosztott tér, így a társadalmi dimenziók minden esetben kötődnek egy fajta tériséghez is. A lakhatási formákban jelenlévő társadalmi és fizikai dimenziók együttes vizsgálata nem képezi jelen kutatás tárgyát, a társadalmi típusúakra koncentrál: a megosztott létrehozásra, tulajdonlásra és a tevékenységekre. Megállapítható, hogy a kutatás során alkalmazott rendszerezett áttekintés új irányvonalakra mutatott rá a lakhatási formák osztályozásának területén. A tanulmányban tárgyalt megosztás-alapú kategorizálásra és módszertanra alapozva egy, a megosztásra épülő és skálázható osztályozás kidolgozása javasolt, melyben a projektek mérése és összehasonlítása egységes módon történhet.

Open access


Phosphorus is a major substance that is needed especially for agricultural production or for the industry. At the same time it is an important component of wastewater. At present, the waste management priority is recycling and this requirement is also transferred to wastewater treatment plants. Substances in wastewater can be recovered and utilized. In Europe (in Germany and Austria already legally binding), access to phosphorus-containing sewage treatment is changing. This paper dealt with the issue of phosphorus on the sewage treatment plant in Nitra. There are several industrial areas in Nitra where record major producers in phosphorus production in sewage. The new wastewater treatment plant is built as a mechanicalbiological wastewater treatment plant with simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, sludge regeneration, an anaerobic zone for biological phosphorus removal at the beginning of the process and chemical phosphorus precipitation. The sludge management is anaerobic sludge stabilization with heating and mechanical dewatering of stabilized sludge and gas management. The aim of the work was to document the phosphorus balance in all parts of the wastewater treatment plant - from the inflow of raw water to the outflow of purified water and the production of excess sludge. Balancing quantities in the wastewater treatment plant treatment processes provide information where efficient phosphorus recovery could be possible. The mean daily value of P tot is approximately 122.3 kg/day of these two sources. The mean daily value of P tot is approximately 122.3 kg/day of these two sources. There are also two outflows - drainage of cleaned water to the recipient - the river Nitra - 9.9 kg Ptot/day and Ptot content in sewage sludge - about 120.3 kg Ptot/day - total 130.2 kg Ptot/day.

Restricted access


First Hungarian Active House refurbishment won the Active House Award and the Energy Globe Hungary prize in 2017. This paper provides insight into the renewal design process of the typical home from the 70’s under disadvantageous site conditions. Dynamic thermal simulations helped to gain insight into space organization and building envelope concepts and their effects on comfort and energy performance. The Active House Standard was applied to evaluate the calculation results. The most advantageous concept was selected for final design elaboration and construction. The implemented building proved that in the refurbishment process it is possible to achieve highest level of efficiency in operation energy consumption with positive yearly balance by simultaneously being able to rearrange the complete interior space and as a consequence the building shape and envelope into a competitive design at international level.

Open access


During sketch design stage for the new block of the University of Pécs, Medical School comfort and lighting simulations were applied to quantify optimization strategies. Simulation cases about shading possibilities, façade glazing ratios and internal heat storage masses evaluate the impact of illumination, solar gains, loads and heat transmission on visual and thermal comfort. The goal was to select the most favorable comfort, coupled with maximum reduction of investment costs. Concepts represent 14% (shading), 10% (reduced wall-window ratio), 11% (slabs without suspended ceilings), and 17% (combined wall-window ratio and thermal mass) improvement in thermal comfort performance, and it was proposed for further design.

Open access


The aim of the research is to make a comparison between system integrated measurement technologies in the field of engineering education in order to the students getting more detailed knowledge about the high level problem solving. A comparative case study was conducted with 3 different types of systems, as follows: Beckhoff, National Instruments, and HBM. The criteria of the systems are determined based on experience and the importance level of them was calculated by preference matrix. The ranks of the alternatives are calculated by Kesselring method, which provides the effectiveness value of the systems compared to the benchmark. The result of the paper shows a suitable method for selecting engineering systems.

Open access


In wireless sensors networks, data are sensed and recorded as databases, and then acceded by relational queries. Joins are queries that are largely used. Joins collect data from several nodes’ table. These are operations that typically consume a lot of energy because they generate a large number of messages in the network. Researchers worked to decrease this consumed energy. Many strategies were proposed in this way, but most of them addressed only binary joins. N-way joins received few interests. N-way joins perform join operations between more than two tables. They cause greater energy consumption. Additionally, the number of execution order is very important; it grows exponentially with the number of considered tables.

Restricted access


Regional flood frequency analysis is considered to be an important and popular method for estimating different hydrological variables at ungauged sites. The estimation of the index flood is the essential problem when this method is applied. The objective of the study is a comparison of the estimation of the mean annual flood (or index flood) by using two approaches based on the ‘so-called’ index flood method and top-kriging. The concept behind these methods permits estimating the mean annual flood at ungauged locations using information taken from gauged sites located within the same homogeneous pooling groups. The study area comprises 104 gauging stations on the whole territory of Slovakia. The observation period of the annual maximum discharges of the selected stations was from 1961-2010. The identification of the homogeneous pooling group was performed using a non-hierarchical k-means clustering algorithm. The optimal number of clusters is determined by the Silhouette method. As a result, eight homogeneous pooling group clusters were identified. Finally, the results of the estimated mean annual floods using the index flood method and top-kriging were compared with the observed data. Top-kriging provided better results than the classical index flood method for estimating the mean annual flood at ungauged sites.

Free access


This paper presents a design procedure of a switched-mode power converter, the well-known synchronous buck converter: the calculating method, and how to choose the parts of the converter are presented in detail, like the inductor, the capacitor and the semiconductors as well as the design of the state feedback. During the design process the efficiency and the high switching frequency are very important: the switching semiconductors are Gallium Nitride based. Then, a linear-quadratic regulator is designed and applied to the particular case of a buck converter.

Open access


Numerous volume rendering techniques are available to display 3D datasets on desktop computers and virtual reality devices. Recently the spreading of mobile and standalone virtual reality headsets has brought the need for volume visualization on these platforms too. However, the volume rendering techniques that show good performance in desktop environment underachieve on these devices, due to the special hardware conditions and visualization requirements. To speed up the volumetric rendering to an accessible level a hybrid technique is introduced, a mix of the ray casting and 3D texture mapping methods. This technique increases 2-4 times the frame rate of displaying volumetric data on mobile and standalone virtual reality headsets as compared to the original methods. The new technique was created primarily to display medical images but it is not limited only to this type of volumetric data.

Open access


A building physics supported development was undertaken for the new block of the University of Pécs, Medical School. During sketch design stage climate, lighting and energy simulations were applied to quantify energy optimization strategies. Simulation cases assess the impact of shading technologies, wall-window ratios and thermal masses on used thermal energy demand. Based on a previous study about visual and comfort performance, goal was to identify the highest energy efficiency rates with maximum investment cost savings. Besides best comfort results, the most optimal development represents 9% saving in used thermal energy, and they were proposed for further design.

Open access


Development of thermal efficiency of the concentrated solar energy especially parabolic trough collector using various nanofluids types has a taken high interest in recent years. In this article enhancement thermal performance inside the heating collecting element of trough collector type LS-2 was simulated and improved using nanofluid consist of Tungsten Oxide WO3 inserting in Syltherm 800. Nanofluid effect was examined by solving the energy balance equation using MATLAB Software to cover wide range concentration volume 1-5% and inlet temperatures ranging from 350-650 K for the turbulent flow. The heat transfer performance and thermal efficiency were improved based on the results, and a notable increase was obtained when volume concentration had been increased compared with base fluid.

Open access


The phenomenon of capillary rise happens in soils, and it has a crucial effect on many engineering applications. Many researchers have concluded several experimental equations to estimate this height. This paper presents a comparative and practical study of the three most important equations used in most researches, which are Lane and Washburn, Fetter, and P-K equations. The estimated heights by these three equations were compared with the experimental tests on sand samples taken from Al-Adalah, Al-Furat, and Al-Jameah districts located in Al-Najaf city in the southwest of Iraq. The percentage change for each equation compared with the experimental work. The results illustrated that the Fetter equation is the closest equation to experimental height and gives moderate values, unlike the Lane and Washburn and P-K equations, to save estimation of the pollutants penetration in unsaturated soils.

Restricted access


This paper describes the adaptation of the formex configuration processing to the computer program Grasshopper 3D and focuses on the applied mathematical solutions. Formex algebra is a mathematical system, primarily used for planning structural systems like truss-grid domes and vaults, together with the programming language Formian. The goal of the research is to allow architects to plan truss-grid structures easily with parametric design tools based on the versatile formex algebra mathematical system. To produce regular structures, coordinate system transformations are used. Owing to the abilities of the parametric design software, it is possible to apply further modifications on the structures and gain special forms. The paper covers the basic dome types, and it introduces additional dome-based structures using special coordinate-system solutions based on a spherical coordinate system, vault structures and their modifications based on a cylindrical coordinate system and circular structures and their modifications based on polar coordinates. Moreover two rotational grid tools are introduced, which uses coordinate system transformations on a unique way to create surfaces of revolutions based on the given generating curve and create grid structures on these surfaces. It also describes the solution technique to implement the triangular grid version of every one of these tools based on diamatic domes. The adaptation of formex algebra and the parametric workflow of Grasshopper together give the possibility of quick and easy design and optimization of special truss-grid domes.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Dávid Nagy
Tamás Mihálydeák
, and
László Aszalós


Correlation clustering is a widely used technique in data mining. The clusters contain objects, which are typically similar to one another and different from objects from other groups. In the authors previous works the possible usage of correlation in rough set theory were investigated. In rough set theory, two objects are treated as indiscernible if all of their attribute values are the same. A base set contains those objects that are indiscernible from one another. The partition, gained from the correlation clustering, can be understood as the system of base sets, as the clusters contain the typically similar objects (not just to a distinguished member) and it considers the real similarity among the objects. In this work the extension of this study is presented, using the method to approximate graphs representing similarity relations.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
László Pusztai
Balázs Kocsi
István Budai
, and
Lajos Nagy


A key role of production managers at manufacturing companies is to make economy-based decisions related to production scheduling. If the production is subject to uncertain factors, like human resource or lack of standardization, production planning becomes difficult and calls for advanced models that are tailored to the manufacturing process. This research investigates a real furniture manufacturing system from both managerial and materialflow points of view. Statistical simulation was run on the manufacturing process, where the possible production structures were given. ANOVA analysis was calculated in order to identify those activities that have the most significant influence on the profit.

Open access


This paper deals with the dynamical analysis of a crane model. Truss finite elements are used to discretize the suspending chains with the so called updated Lagrangian description. This nonlinear model is regarded to be the best approximation to which linear models are compared. The inertia and independent degrees of freedom are also taken into consideration by linear models. The goal is to find a linear model, which can be used as an observer in antisway control of a crane.

Open access


Modeling and robotic handling of a plastic box buckle is discussed in this paper. The closing mechanism of the box buckle is simulated to determine the characteristic of the nonlinear load-deflection curve. An intelligent end-effector was designed and manufactured to handle the assembly with a robot. The closing force is measured by a built-in load cell and its values are processed by a micro-controller. The intelligent end-effector can be used in a robotic system, which deals with different snap-fit applications.

Open access


In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, devastated several portions of the Philippines, which resulted in more than 7,000 deaths and thousands made homeless. The aim of this study is to propose a design of a permanent shelter as a continuation of the I-Siguro Daan Transitional Shelter, which was successfully deployed in 2014 and produce a transitional shelter prototype, for the victims of typhoon Haiyan. In order to develop the methodological design of the Permanent Shelter, the author presented several factors into consideration: the understanding how the rural communities use the present I-Siguro Daan Transitional Shelter; to further develop and improve the interior space of the shelter; to propose a better roof design; and to design a sustainable toilet and kitchen area for the users. Methodologies used in the study were the use of surveys and interactions with the community, which focuses on gaining the understanding how the communities use the present I-Siguro Daan Transitional Shelter. By exploring related case studies and literatures, site surveys and consultations with different groups, the resulting Permanent Shelter will a promising solution for improving the lives of the communities while also providing groundwork for future shelter related studies.

Free access


This paper proposes the application of energy efficient, low tech (passive) building design strategies and concepts in an industrial facility case study, in order to create a building with high efficiency and comfort within the boundaries of a tight investment cost. The planning process is supported by dynamic thermal and daylight simulations. Two versions were considered, a conventional industry building and a low tech one with climate zone based space organization. According to the evaluation of thermal and visual comfort as well as energy demand the selected version with the innovative passive concept delivered considerably better performance. According to the constructor’s concept, the reference building had to be placed by minimal adaptation on the new site. After considering and calling this concept into question, a new ‘energy design’ concept was elaborated at the sketch planning level. The new concept was compared with the reference building and a quantified, simulation assisted evaluation was provided about the cases. Since there was an essential improvement in comfort and energy level and, in addition, at architectural standard, the constructor could have been convinced to accept the new concept.

Open access


Day-lighting studies in buildings play a major role in indoor environmental investigation and can be conducted at the early stages of building design. Window position significantly affects day-lighting performance. This paper assessed the impacts of the window position on the visual comfort through two main factors; daylight factor and light uniformity in the hot and dry climate zone. In this study different window positions have been examined to achieve optimal visual comfort, using a dynamic simulation through Vi-suit plugin for Blender 3D software that controls the external application Radiance software. The results revealed that the window position at sill start from 1.4 m of a room characterized by (4.30 m × 3.00 m × 3.00 m) is the best compromising solution that complies with the daylight factor and light uniformity standards in the indoor environment. The findings of this study provide a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the window design for architects/designers in the early building design stages in the hot and dry climate region.

Open access


Moment resisting frames are considered as an effective seismic force resisting system that is used for steel structures. Some of these structures that were built in high seismic hazard zones were designed according to old strength-based design codes. Currently, these structures do not meet the requirements of the new seismic codes. Therefore, the seismic retrofit of these structures is mandatory and cannot be overlooked. Steel braces and concrete-steel composite elements are common solutions for enhancing the seismic behavior of existing steel frame structures. This paper presents a numerical study that evaluates different possible techniques for the seismic retrofit of existing steel moment-resisting frame structures. The study investigates the performance of three multi-story buildings with different heights that are located in a high seismic hazard zone. Three retrofit techniques were introduced including; 1) X-Steel braces, 2) buckling restrained composite braces, and 3) composite concrete-steel plate shear walls. The seismic performance enhancement of the studied structures was evaluated in terms of the structure’s fundamental period, maximum inter-story drift and maximum base shear-to-weight ratios. Moreover, the cost of retrofitting material was estimated for each technique and they were compared to select the retrofit technique with the least constitutive material cost.

Open access


In this study the detailed One-at-a-Time sensitivity analysis of nonlinear mass spring-damper systems is carried out with numerical simulation. The degree of sensitivity was measured with a sensitivity index and based on its sensitivity Fuzzy-sets were established. The sensitivity of a parameter then can be expressed by the membership to the Fuzzy-sets. In this study the root mean square of acceleration, the maximum amplitude of acceleration and the peak frequency were chosen as output variables to measure sensitivity. With this research it was proven, that the root mean square of acceleration and the peak frequency can be used for sensitivity study of nonlinear vibration systems effectively.

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Ahmed S. Al-Zuhairi
Alaa H. Altimimy
Ali T. Al-Aqbi
, and
Hazim M. Al-Kargole


Growing ramification in WSN contemplations are not restricted to routing, construction of protocols, dynamic of mobile nodes and infrastructure of the network. Although transcended to geometric level demonstrated as computational and dynamical geometries in spite of graph theory. In this paper we present step forward recognition features of a network devoted to solve the problem of reconstructing the disconnected network by connecting any disconnected chains. It considers geometrical properties of random depletion nodes deviated from unit grid. Number of chains and number of nodes in each chain are calculated with the average number of connections to a total nodes and longest chain. Histogram represented number of chains and numbers of nodes for each chain are used to show fragmentation of the network. Algorithm included a method to translate adjacent matrix to chain matrix and vice versa to check the agreement of initial case with the results. The amount of chain deviation and average connections per node for longest connected chain and for the total network are drawn as bar charts and conduct interpretations.

Open access


The main cause of train derailment is related to transverse defects that arise in the railhead. These consist typically of opened or internal flaws that develop generally in a plane that is orthogonal to the rail direction. Most of the actual inspection techniques of rails relay on eddy currents, electromagnetic induction, and ultrasounds. Ultrasounds based testing is performed according to the excitation-echo procedure [1]. It is conducted conventionally by using a contact excitation probe that rolls on the railhead or by a contact-less system using a laser as excitation and air-coupled acoustic sensors for wave reception. The ratio of false predictions either positive or negative is yet too high due to the low accuracy of the actual devices. The inspection rate is also late; new numerical method has been developed in this context: The semi-analytical finite element method SAFE. This method has been applied in the case of anisotropic media [2], composite plates [3] and media in contact with fluids [4]. This method has been used successfully for several structures and especially in the case of beams of any cross-section such as rails that are the subject of this work and we were interested in wave propagation in waveguides of any arbitrary cross-section in the case of beams or rails.

Open access