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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

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Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communication systems offer huge performance focal points in perspective on their low probability of block, improved performance in multipath fading situations and their capacity to stay away from interference by spreading the signal over a wide bandwidth subsequently conveying the power. For the transmitted sequence to be effectively received and demodulated, the spreading sequence utilized at the receiver ought to be like that utilized in the transmitter. This paper uses MATLAB Simulink to show a technique for synchronizing the code clock at the receiver with the code clock at the transmitter. This fine arrangement procedure is known as code tracking.

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Due to the extensive development of high-speed railway lines which are operating at increasing velocities, the dynamic performance of railway bridges has become an important issue of scientific research. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of reducing the vertical acceleration and displacement of pre-stressed reinforced concrete bridges beams by using passive nonlinear viscoelastic dampers to retrofit them. The proposed solution is based on connecting the dampers directly to the abutments and the bottom surface of the bridge deck with an eccentricity between the neutral axis of the bridge and the contact point of the viscoelastic dampers. First, the dampers are modeled through the concept of linearized fractional derivatives to obtain energetic equivalent linear viscoelastic dampers. Optimization of the configuration of these dampers was performed then as function of the orientation angle and the eccentricity. Considering two bridges having different length that were studied in the literature with other systems of damping, it was found that the best orientation angle of dampers is close to 60°. It was found also that, in order to satisfy Eurocode 1 requirements, the total equivalent damping coefficient for the actual damping system is less than half of that required for systems using auxiliary beam to fix dampers, which indicates higher efficiency of the proposed solution.

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Cells and building structures. Part I.

Cells – point-like, line-like and surface-like bodies – building structures

International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Géza Lámer


The rooms of each building can be interpreted as three-dimensional cells. Borders (sides, edges) of rooms can be identified as the two-, one-, or zero-dimensional boundary cells of the three dimensional cell. The building structures identified as two-, one-, or zero-dimensional cells can be modeled by distinguished geometrical forms, surface-, line-, and point-like bodies. In accordance with the latter, building materials (finished products) can also be considered as surface-, line-, and point-like bodies.

The aim of the study is to create compliance between the cell elements and the building structures. It will be done at different levels:

  • – interpretation of relationship between building construction and cells,

  • – interpretation of relationship between building construction and selected bodies,

  • – interpretation the loadbearing's structure using cells,

  • – structure of the surface-construction and the cells,

  • – interpretation building types using cells.

In this paper (as part I) the first two items will be studied. The other three cases will be studied in another paper (as part II).

Open access


The research team has developed a complex system that is capable to record and analyse various psychophysiological data. This article represents the program created in NI DIAdem which can automatically identify illnesses and generate reports based on the input and saved parameters. The created program can import data from different types of file formats. It is converted and saved in a new standardized format for further processing. It can play-back the processed data synchronized with adjustable speed, and visualize them on customized display areas. It can analyse the data based on the input parameters and the pre-defined mathematical equations. The program displays the input and calculated parameters, the results and the detected illnesses on automatically generated reports.

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Changes in Administrative Status and Urban Built Forms of the Town Centre of Berettyóújfalu After the Second World War

Változások Berettyóújfalu közigazgatási helyzetében és városközpontjának beépítési formáiban a második világhÁború után

Építés - Építészettudomány
Zoltán Megyeri-Pálffi
Katalin Marótzy

After the Second World War, Hungary adopted the so-called Soviet model, which gave rise to significant changes in the state organisation. “Centralisation” and “democratic centralism” are the keywords which described the operation of government and local bodies in the four decades between 1945 and 1990.

Through the change of the townscape of one settlement, this study throws light on how the change in administrative status and the centrally determined settlement policy affected urban development in Hungary, similarly to other former socialist states.

Our highlighted example is Berettyóújfalu, whose administrative status changed from period to period in its 19–20th century history. Today, Berettyóújfalu’s townscape is basically determined by three architectural periods: the era of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy (1867–1918), the period between the two world wars (1918–1944) and the age of state socialism (1949–1989). Out of these periods, the third one was the most significant, as the most important interventions into the townscape occurred at that time.

It seems that in Berettyóújfalu, the appearance of urban buildings has not been brought about by economic forces, but expressly by the change in the settlement’s administrative status. It was this change that influenced the town’s architectural character, which consists of two components: the official buildings and the residential building stock.

In the era of socialism, the construction of housing estates also falls into the category of public developments, as after the Second World War, the system of state organisation changed fundamentally. Local governments ceased to exist, their role was taken over by hierarchical councils. Consequently, urban policy and urban construction became central duties according to the socialist state concept.

The centrally developed industry and the resulting increase in the population was served by building housing blocks with system-building technology. These panel apartment blocks occupied the urban fabric that had been an integral part of the former townscape.

In this way, this changed townscape could become a kind of architectural reader on Central and Eastern European history and urban development of the 19–20th centuries.

Összefoglaló. A második világháború után Magyarország átvette az úgynevezett szovjet modellt, amely jelentős változásokhoz vezetett az államszervezetben. A „központosítás” és a „demokratikus centralizmus” azok a kulcsszavak, amelyek az állami szervek, s mellettük a helyi szervek működését jellemezték az 1945 és 1990 közötti négy évtizedben.

Jelen tanulmány egy település városképének változásán keresztül arra világít rá, hogy Magyarországon – hasonlóan a többi volt szocialista államhoz – miként hatott a közigazgatási státus változása és a központilag meghatározott településpolitika a városépítészetre.

A mai Berettyóújfalu településképét alapvetően három építési periódus határozza meg: az Osztrák– Magyar Monarchia kora (1867–1918), a két világháború közötti időszak (1918–1944) és az államszocializmus periódusa (1949–1989). Ezek közül a legmarkánsabb a harmadik, ugyanis ekkor történtek a legjelentősebb beavatkozások a településképben. E korszakokat és a mai városképet tekintve úgy tűnik, hogy a városias épületek megjelenése Berettyóújfaluban nem a gazdasági erő hozadéka volt, hanem kifejezetten a közigazgatási helyzetének megváltozásáé. Ez befolyásolta igazán a mai építészeti karaktert, amelynek két összetevője van: egyrészt a hivatali, másrészt a lakóépület-állomány.

Az államszocializmusban a lakótelepek építése is a középítkezések körébe esik, miután a második világháború után alapvetően megváltozott az államszervezet rendszere. Az önkormányzatok megszűntek, helyüket a hierarchikusan működő tanácsok vették át. Ennek velejárója volt, hogy a településpolitika, a városépítés központi feladattá vált a szocialista államfelfogásnak megfelelően.

A központilag meghatározott módon telepített ipart, a hozzá kapcsolódó lakosságnövekedést házgyári lakások felépítésével szolgálták ki. Ezek a paneles lakóházak épp azt a városszövetet foglalták el, amely egyébként a maga módján szervesen illeszkedett a korábbi városképbe.

Ilyen módon ez a megváltozott településkép egyfajta építészeti olvasókönyvévé vált a 19–20. század közép-kelet-európai történelmének és városépítészetének.

Open access


The objective of this paper is to present a proposed control model for the electromechanical damper mass spring system including the backstepping technique in comparison with the conventional proportional–derivative–integral (PID) controller unit to realize the best performance of the control systems. The suggested approach demanded the construction in laboratory arrangement of damper mass spring system which linked with electrical position sensor, and the theoretical work involved the derivation of the required mathematical equations in order to formulate the simulation models in Matlab software package. The obtained results show that the backstepping control technique provides the better performance associated with stable control system especially with increasing the value of selected mechanical load.

Open access


In the recently published researches in the object localization field, 3D object localization takes the largest part of this research due to its importance in our daily life. 3D object localization has many applications such as collision avoidance, robotic guiding and vision and object surfaces topography modeling. This research study represents a novel localization algorithm and system design using a low-resolution 2D ultrasonic sensor array for 3D real-time object localization. A novel localization algorithm is developed and applied to the acquired data using the three sensors having the minimum calculated distances at each acquired sample, the algorithm was tested on objects at different locations in 3D space and validated with acceptable level of precision and accuracy. Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) algorithm was used for finding an approximate sparse solution to the object location from the measured three minimum distances. The proposed system successfully localizes the object at different positions with an error average of ±1.4 mm, ±1.8 mm, and ±3.7 mm in x-direction, y-direction, and z-direction, respectively, which are considered as low error rates.

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The fourth industrial revolution, often identified as the terminology of Industry 4.0, more and more enforces changes and modifications from each participant of the socio-economic ecosystem. These enforced corrections concern the households, the governmental areas in different degrees, but the operation of the company sectors is rearranged most strongly by them. The study analyses this latter structure in the following respect: which are the most important supports of Industry 4.0 and what kind of competency elements are required from the employees and the management? According to the research data to be introduced, the domestic companies lag behind in preparations for the challenges raised by Industry 4.0; the international experiences are more favourable in this field. After—partial—review of the professional literature, the author concludes that the business sphere is in a condition before paradigm shift due to Industry 4.0. As per the analysis of decision-making based on digitalization, the question in the subtitle is answered—Industry 4.0 does not change fundamentally the traditional management functions of the company sector, but the decision-supporting applications based on digitalization must be learnt and applied. That statement seems to be founded that only company management, being able to live with decision making based on digitalization, can win competitive advantage.

Open access


Today, the use of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control units continues in many control applications due to their simple structure. In areas such as pressure, temperature, flow control, PID control element is used and many new methods are applied in adjusting control parameters. In this study, the LTR 701 Controlled Airflow and Temperature Experimental System was used to study the temperature and pressure control at different flow rates in the pipelines. In this control system, temperature was controlled with PID control element, pressure was controlled with PI control element, and reaction of control parameters at different temperatures and pressures were investigated. Also, temperature was controlled as cascade with PI element in elementary controller and P element in secondary controller. The manual adjustment method has been applied to adjust the control parameters. In addition, the experimental system is modelled in MATLAB-SIMULINK. On this model, simulation results showed that it is matching the experimental results.

Open access


In this work a multilevel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis has been applied for the design of a Formula race car exhaust muffler with improved characteristics of sound pressure level (SPL) and fluid dynamic response. The approaches developed and applied for the optimization process range from the 1D to fully 3D CFD simulation, exploring hybrid approaches based on the integration of a 1D model with 3D tools. Modern mufflers typically have a complex system of chambers and flow paths. There are a variety of sound damping and absorbing mechanisms working to quiet the sound flowing through a muffler and piping system. Two calculation methods were selected for this study. The muffler has a complex inner structure containing perforated pipe and fiber material. Computer-aided design (CAD) file of the muffler was established for developing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model in AVL BOOST v2017 and another commercial advanced design software (SolidWorks 2017). FEA model was made to monitor the flow properties, pressure and velocity. After the model was verified, sensitivity studies of design parameters were performed to optimize the SPL of the muffler. The software analysis results are included in the paper. Recommendations are made for obtaining smoother SPL curves for various measurement methods.

Open access


In this work, a numerical method is proposed in order to achieve design optimisation of phased array (PA) probes for the special application of defects detection in thin films. This approach relies on an extended Fourier-based model that was adapted to predict the two-dimensional ultrasonic displacement field taking place in a thin plate under individual excitation of PA probe elements which have arbitrary orientation with respect to the examined part surface. Excitation is applied through a fluid couplant and is operated at scheduled delays that are managed to enable emission of constructive pulses. This gives the possibility to steer sound waves towards a direction and to focalize the beam in a selected point. An optimisation algorithm based on the concept of pattern search that does not require evaluation of a gradient was used to find the best match in the multidimensional analysis space of possibilities including the elements orientation angles, the elements lengths, the inter-elements distances and work frequency. Optimisation was performed with the objective to maximize the displacement amplitude at the focal point while minimizing simultaneously the effect of beam side lobes. The results obtained by this approach reveal that focalisation can be achieved with enhanced features in comparison with previous algorithms assuming linear elements that are parallel to the surface of the plate.

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Norbert Novák
Péter Miklós Kőmíves
Mónika Harangi-Rákos
, and
Károly Pető


The role of rural areas partly changed in the last decades. The countryside is still functioning as the main food producer of the world and this role became much more important because of the global population growth and because of the change in dietary habits. But other rural functions appeared just like recreation, health preservation, and on the other hand the different ecological functions' importance increased. The population living in the countryside is continuously decreasing as more and more people try to move into urban areas. One of the main aims of this article is to give a brief literature overview on the services needed in the rural areas in order to stop migration from the countryside to the cities. Based on extensive literature review the article summarizes the changing functions of the countryside and tries to list those developments which are needed to preserve rural population.

Open access


In the building mechatronics research centre of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering, a new laboratory has been designed, named “Cyber-physical and intelligent robot systems laboratory”. The possibility to design and test unique and platform-independent systems was among the main goals, hoping that the system itself and its advancements may later be used in manufacturing industries as well.

Fulfilling the needs of “Industry 4.0” is a challenging task, as it requires every single device (e.g. industrial robots) to be connected to the same network, where they may be monitored and controlled. However, there are some factors that limit this, such as the periodical “instability” that some machines have, caused by singularity points.

The following material studies these so-called singularities of a KUKA KR5 industrial welder robot placed in a robot cell, from an engineering viewpoint.

Open access

Transformation of Tools and Conservation of Architecture

Some Researches on the Use of Digital Systems for the Intervention on the Historical Buildings

Az Építészet Megőrzésének És Észközeinek Atalakulása •

Digitális Rendszerek Használata Történeti Épületeken Végzett Műemléki Beavatkozások Edsetén
Építés - Építészettudomány
Donatella Fiorani
Marta Acierno
Silvia Cutarelli
, and
Adalgisa Donatelli

The use of digital technologies to study architecture and landscape has begun to represent an innovative aspect of the research when it started to allow the dynamic association (as input and output) of images and alphanumeric data: the different combination of this information through inferences and algorithms and the consequent generation of new data has freed digitisation from a strictly instrumental role making it a new methodological approach in itself.

As a matter of fact, recently architectural research has begun to take an interest in the problem ‘from within’, working not only on the application of computer tools but, more consciously, on their configuration. The work carried out by the Sapienza research group is aimed at developing ontologies and inferential models specifically dedicated to the representation of historical buildings and is devoted to the implementation of a national GIS platform for the historical centres, the Risk Map of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.

This kind of work involves a series of methodological issues specially oriented to the definition of the role of the history of architecture in itself and its use for the conservation project. These arguments are developed within this essay, mainly focused on: type and quality of information deriving by the new procedures; interpretative components that fuel the new research methods; cost/benefit ratio in the use of ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ approaches; future prospects of the two different (traditional and digital) investigative strategies. Moreover, both of the fields of digital research developed by the group (ontology and Risk Map) are here summarised.

A kutatásban azóta jelent meg innovatív szempontként a digitális technológiák használata az építészet és környezete tanulmányozásában, amióta a képek és alfanumerikus adatok dinamikus társítása (bemeneti és kimeneti formában) elkezdődött: az információk következtetések és algoritmusok révén létrejött különböző kombinációja, valamint az új adatok ezekből következő generálása megszabadította a digitalizálást szigorúan instrumentális szerepétől és önmagában új módszertani megközelítést hozott létre.

A közelmúltbeli építészeti kutatások tulajdonképpen „belülről” mutattak érdeklődést a probléma iránt, nemcsak a számítógépes eszközök alkalmazásával, hanem még tudatosabban a konfigurációval is foglalkoztak. A Sapienza egyetemi kutatócsoport munkájának célja kifejezetten történeti épületek bemutatására szolgáló ontológiák és következtetési modellek kifejlesztésére irányul azzal a szándékkal, hogy megvalósuljon a történeti központokra vonatkozó olasz nemzeti térinformatikai platform, az olasz Kulturális Örökség és Turizmus Minisztériuma kockázati térképe.

Ez a fajta kutatómunka módszertani problémák sorozatát foglalja magába, amelyek kifejezetten az építészettörténet szerepének meghatározására, valamint helyreállítási projektekben történő felhasználására irányulnak. Érveinket e tanulmányban fejtjük ki, elsősorban a következőkre összpontosítva: az új eljárásokból származó információ típusa és minősége; az új kutatási módszereket fellobbantó értelmező elemek; a költség-haszon arány az „analóg” és a „digitális” megközelítés alkalmazása esetén; a kétféle (hagyományos és digitális) vizsgálati stratégia jövőbeli kilátásai. Ezeken túlmenően összefoglalásra kerül a kutatócsoport által kifejlesztett digitális kutatás mindkét területe (ontológia és kockázati térkép) is.

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Főúri házikápolnák a 18–19. századi Magyarországon

The Noble Home Chapels of Hungary in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Építés - Építészettudomány
J. Csaba Fekete

A kastélyok, paloták, kúriák, „várkastélyok”, várak – vagyis a főúri lakóhelyek – elsősorban profán építészeti műfajt képviselnek, azonban funkcionális sokszínűségüket és komplexitásukat jól reprezentálja, hogy többségük szakrális rendeltetéselemeket is befogadott. A házikápolna a világi főúri lakóhelyekben az otthoni vallásgyakorlás legfontosabb színhelye, amely a 19. század közepéig jellemzően a főúri vallásosság szimbóluma volt. A házikápolnák térkompozíciója a liturgia egyszerűsített változatára specializálódott. Ugyanakkor a főúri, valamint a köznépi együttes jelenlét funkcionálisan differenciált, tagolt téralakítást eredményezett. A 18. századi példák nagy belmagasságú, karzatokkal kialakított, boltozott csarnokterei késő középkori hagyományon alapulhattak, ugyanakkor korabeli jellemzőjük, hogy közvetlen udvari bejáratuk révén nyilvános liturgiára is alkalmasak voltak. A házikápolnák diszpozíciója a 18–19. században rendkívüli változatosságot mutatott. Az 1850 előtti példáknál az épületen belüli térkapcsolatot a főúri oratórium-karzat biztosította, amely jellemzően a férfi lakosztály felől – annak földszinti vagy emeleti elhelyezésétől függetlenül – volt megközelíthető. Az időszakban volt példa arra, hogy a kápolna a női oldalon helyezkedett el, és volt példa a két lakosztály közötti diszpozícióra is. A nagyvonalú, attraktív kialakítású nyilvános kápolnák mellett kisebb, helyiségsorba illeszkedő, lakosztályokon belülre pozícionált magánkápolnát is gyakran létesítettek a korszakban. A 19. század közepétől a házikápolnák hagyományos funkcionalitása megmaradt, de elhelyezésükre jellemző volt a tulajdonosi lakosztályoktól távolabbi, esetenként a vendéglakrészekhez az épületszárnyak végén kapcsolódó, tehát az elsődleges forgalmi terektől kieső, „perifériás” diszpozíció, de előfordult a központi társasági terek monumentális csoportjához történő hangsúlyos kapcsolódás is.

Summary. Castles, palaces, mansions, fortresses – namely the noble households – are elements of the profane architectural genre primarily, but their functional diversity and complexity are well represented by the fact that most of them have sacred functions as well. The home chapel of the secular noble households can be considered as the most important venue for religious practice at home, which was a typical symbol of the noble religiousness until the mid-19th century. The spatial composition of the home chapels was specialized to a simplified version of the liturgy. Nevertheless, the joint presence of the nobility and the common folk resulted in a functionally differentiated, articulated space form. The 18th-century examples of vaulted halls with high ceilings and galleries could have been based on a late-medieval tradition, but they were suitable for public liturgy as well through their direct courtyard entrance. The disposition of the home chapels was very various in the 18th and 19th centuries. As for the pre-1850 examples their spatial connection within the building was provided by the noble oratorial gallery, which was accessible from the male apartments typically, regardless of its layout in ground-floor or upstairs. At the same time there were also some examples of a chapel on the female side, and between the two apartments as well. In addition to the generous, attractive public chapels, also smaller private chapels were often built within the apartments at that time. From the middle of the 19th century the traditional functionality of the home chapels was preserved, but it became typical that the location of the chapels was rather away from the owner apartments, in some cases connected to the guest apartments at the end of the building wings, which meant a “peripheral” disposition to the primary paths of usage. Besides, there are examples to an emphatic connection to the monumental group of central social rooms.

Open access


The sol gel method was used in preparing a series of A site partially substituted La1−xBaxCoO3 (x ≥ 0.1 ≤ 0.4) perovskite catalysts coded LBC1, 2, 3, and 4 and their potential as catalysts for soot oxidation were evaluated. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICPAES), Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analysis (TGA/DTG), X-ray analysis (XRD) were used in characterizing the prepared perovskite catalyst. The result shows that at (x≥ 0.2 ≤ 0.4), there was an increase in surface area when we compare it with that of x = 0. The increase in surface area helps in increasing the catalytic performance of the catalyst. Also, when evaluating the catalytic performance of the synthesized catalysts, it was observed that doping the perovskite catalysts helped in the general improvement of the catalytic performance for soot oxidation. The best performance in this research study with a T50 of 484 °C was observed at x = 0.2 catalyst (LBC2). This shows that the non-noble perovskite catalysts prepared in this research study has the potential to replace the noble metal based catalysts used presently in the diesel automotive industry.

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Though being an ancient trend, usage of the homogeneous material cement in the construction industry is steadily getting eradicated with the springing up of supplementary cementing materials (SCM). Metakaolin is an imminent mineral admixture extracted from the mineral ore kaolinite, which enhances the interfacial zone by more efficient packing at the cement paste-aggregate particle interface, thus reducing the bleeding and producing a denser, more homogeneous transition zone microstructure. This paper depicts the various repercussions of the pozzolanic material metakaolin in the fresh and hardened properties of concrete when replaced with cement in finite amount. Also, it states the behavior of high-performance concrete and self-compacting concrete with metakaolin.

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The inelastic buckling behaviour of different rectangular thin isotropic plates having a free edge is studied. Various combinations of boundary conditions are subject to in-plane uniaxial compression and each rectangular plate is bounded by an unloaded free edge. The characteristic deflection function of each plate is formulated using a polynomial function in form of Taylor–Maclaurin series. A deformation plasticity approach is adopted and the buckling load equation is modified using a work principle technique. Buckling coefficients of the plates are calculated for various aspect ratios and moduli ratios. Findings obtained from the investigation are found to reasonably agree with data published in the literature.

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Industry 4.0 is referred as the fourth industrial revolution that represents the information intensive transformation of industrial automation and manufacturing processes. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are building blocks in Industry 4.0 and part of the Industry 4.0 vision. This paper presents a cyber-physical platform development and implementation strategy for Industry 4.0 applications. It has been considered a cyber-physical platform model (CPP) built upon hardware reconfigurable technology based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor framework. The development strategy exploits the full benefits enabled by reconfigurable hardware, such as scalability of complex systems, platform-based design approach, adaptive processing, real-time constrains management, or high performance prototyping capabilities. The implemented experimental setup also combines major advantages of both the hardware and software platform-based design trends in Industry 4.0. In this endeavor, the used software toolkit comprises the entire system complexity as a high performance integration layer. The presented design method and implementation strategy can serve as rough orientation for future CPS research and development activities.

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Reliability is one of the most important criteria that characterize last generation digital systems. In a wide range of applications the required reliability level is achieved by using hardware redundant configurations. Perhaps their most common form is the triple modular redundancy (TMR) based on a majority voting structure. Researchers that use this strategy make a major assumption: in fault-free operation mode the outputs of these digital systems match in all. This paper proves that synchronization and matching in all the outputs of such systems is not such a trivial problem. In this endeavor FPGA-based (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) redundant topologies are considered for study and experiments. Upon these structures specially conceived redundant models have been developed and simulated. The results outline that synchronization of complex digital systems is a difficult engineering undertaking and any initial assumption should be managed with the adequate circumspection.

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Information management and sharing is an essential ingredient, but a difficult and challenging problem for disaster response management. This paper proposes an ontology as a model to organize and structure information in order to improve the information management and sharing in disaster response management. The ontology was designed and developed based on philosophically grounded foundational ontologies. It was also implemented in ontological languages and demonstrated and evaluated in a case study of the flood evacuation process. This paper also provides a systematic approach to develop a well-founded domain ontology that addresses both static and dynamic aspects of a given domain.

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The objective of this work is to investigate the rotary friction welding of AA1100 aluminum alloy with mild steel, and to optimize the welding parameters of these dissimilar materials, such as friction pressure/time, forging pressure/time and rotational speed. The optimization of the welding parameters was deduced by applying Response Surface Methodology (RSM). An empirical relationship was also applied to predict the welding parameters. Tensile test and micro-hardness measurements were used to determine the mechanical properties of the welded joints. Some joints were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in order to investigate the formation of intermetallic compound (IMC) layer at the weld interface. Experimentally, the tensile strength of the weld increases with increasing the forging pressure/time, while the low level of forging pressure/time allows the formation of an IMC layer which reduces the tensile strength of the weld.

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The use of energy in the world today is increasing with increase in population. The cost and availability of energy significantly impacts our quality of life, the health of national economies and the stability of our environment. The rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources on a worldwide basis has necessitated an urgent search for alternative energy sources to cater to the present day demands. In recent years there has been a significant global commitment to develop clean and alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind. Wind energy technology has been the fastest growing energy source because it is fairly distributed around the world and readily available for use. However, more penetration of wind energy into existing power networks has some impacts on the stability of the power system. Therefore, this paper studies and analyzes the stability of a power system with increasing wind penetration. The paper presents some analyses of a power system and the dynamic behavior which identify the issues that limit the large-scale integration of wind generators in a power system.

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Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) communications utilizes a pseudo random code to spread the bandwidth of the data being transmitted over a much wider range than is required by the data. Due to the pseudo random nature of the carriers selected for transmission, the spreading and dispreading process must occur simultaneously to recover the transmitted data signal. This requires the receiver have knowledge about the instant the transmitter began transmitting and the propagation delay between the two. However, in real world systems, this information is unavailable to the receiver. The paper utilizes MATLAB Simulink to demonstrate a method of synchronizing the code clock at the receiver with the code clock at the transmitter. This fine alignment process is known as code tracking.

Open access


Natural rubber (NR) vulcanizates were prepared from natural rubber and chitin using a two-roll mill. The chitin was extracted from crab shell waste obtained from a local market in Oron, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria using the chemical extraction method. The effects of the chitin at different contents (0–40 phr) on the mechanical properties of the NR/Chitin vulcanizates with carbon black as reference filler have been investigated. The tensile strength of the chitin filled natural rubber (NCH), and the carbon black filled natural rubber (NCB) vulcanizates were found to increase with an increase in filler content to reach optimum at 30 phr after which it decreased. The hardness, impact and abrasion resistance properties of the NCH and NCB vulcanizates increased as filler content increases. The tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the vulcanizates containing blends of varying percentages of carbon black to chitin (CBCH) increased as more carbon black (CB) is introduced while the hardness and impact strength increased with increase in chitin content. However, carbon black filled vulcanizates showed better property enhancement than the chitin filler.

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The Szentgyörgyi-Horváth-house is one of the major historical buildings of Balatonfüred. The design of the reconstruction was preceded by detailed architectural historical study. The reconstruction of the building was realized by retaining the original structures. For the new function the building was equipped with an air-conditioning engine-room. The air conditioner is a significant source of noise for the apartments facing the courtyard of the building, due to its continuous operation. The acoustic examination of the enclosed yard was calculated with two different approaches. The distance-dependent approximation, which is usual for large halls, was approved. Building construction structures were determined based on the results to meet the acoustic requirements.

Open access


Lifts are indispensable for the evacuation of mobility-impaired people from buildings in case of emergency. It is necessary to quantify the movement parameters of these people and describe the entire process using a suitable algorithm. The aim of the research was to quantify the times and speeds of movement for a person using a wheelchair and for an injured person. An experiment in situ was used. During the experiment, arrivals at the lift, cabin entries, and exits were monitored. The results include the times and speeds of a mobility-impaired person's movement. The experiments showed that a person using a wheelchair was slower than an injured person. The results can be used to expand computational models to account for the possibility of using lifts for evacuation.

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Pollack Periodica
Mohammed S. A. Khedr
Mona F. Ali
Abdullah M. A. Kamel
, and
Manal A. A. El-Ghanam


This research will shed light on studying a terrazzo pavement in Prince Mohamed Ali Museum (the case study). The authors used visual inspection, stereo microscope, USB microscope, XRPD analysis, and SEM.EDX to identify its components, deterioration aspects and execution techniques. The XRPD and SEM.EDX results revealed that Portland cement was used in the three layers of terrazzo because of the detection of Hatrurite, Alite, Anorthite, Albite, Aragonite, etc. Many pigments were used in the topping terrazzo layer as; Goethite, Greenalite, Hematite, Azurite and Magnetite. The divider strips were made of brass alloy and the topping layer chips were prepared from basalt, marble and sea shells.

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Construction project management is difficult process and important part of efficiency and productivity in construction industry. Currently, construction industry is increasing demands on technology, environmental and social construction parameters in the context of maintaining the balance of economic efficiency and sustainability of the construction and realization of buildings. Progressive technology as knowledge systems and building information modeling are the supporting tool for achieving this. Building information modeling is a progressive intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently in planning, designing and buildings and infrastructure managing. Knowledge and building information modeling technology include a lot of functions and opportunities for better and easier way to achieve project goal and affect to construction project management process. Research discusses the issue of construction project management trough building information modeling and knowledge technology. The main aim of the paper is to analyze impact of these technologies on efficiency in construction project management.

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The soil conservation service - curve number method is a globally used approach to simulations of surface runoff for its simplicity and applicability. Nevertheless, relevant simulations require proper setting of the model's components. This work focuses on optimization of initial abstraction ratio λ in the Husí potok sub-catchments in Czech Republic. Due to favorable morphology, the watershed is prone to flash floods and accurate modeling of surface runoff is of high interest. The analysis was conducted using pairs of discharge and rainfall measurements. The results outline that the traditional value λ= 0.2 is too high in this watershed and should be reduced.

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This paper studies the presence effects of two or more adjacent structures on the tunnel responses and vice versa due to surface and underground traffic loads. The study is numerically carried out by using Finite element Plaxis2D software©. The obtained results demonstrate that the dynamical interaction between the tunnel and the structures is significantly influenced by varying the number and distance between the adjacent structures, the depth of the tunnel and the location of the traffic load. These results can be considered and used in realistic and practical cases and also to help build efficient and more comfortable construction projects.

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The possibility of using mineral admixtures as a replacement for cement may reduce the carbon dioxide emission, which causes global warming and climatic changes on the environment. The objective of this study is to investigate the properties of early strength concrete produced with a constant replacement of alccofine (i.e. 25% by mass) and a new generation of chemical admixture that is Polycarboxylate ether. The constant dosage of alccofine and different proportions of polycarboxylate ethers are mixed in concrete and tested for workability and mechanical properties of concrete. Response surface method was applied to predict, validate and optimize the experimental data using regression equation. The results show that the performance of concrete improves with the addition of alccofine and Polycarboxylate ether into concrete.

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Pollack Periodica
Mykola Sysyn
Vitalii Kovalchuk
Ulf Gerber
Olga Nabochenko
, and
Andriy Pentsak


Railway ballast tamping is one of the cost-expensive renewal and maintenance works of railway superstructure. The quality of ballast consolidation influences its resistance to residual deformations and long-term deterioration of track geometry. The process of ballast compaction along the sleeper under the vibration loading is complex and depends on many factors. The ballast flow processes under the vibration loading can produce both consolidation and un-consolidation of ballast material. The present study is devoted to the experimental investigation of ballast consolidation inhomogeneity. The method of ballast local consolidation measurement is proposed. The method is based on the velocity of impact wave propagation that is measured with device. The application of modern microcontroller and sensor techniques provided simple and reliable multi-point velocity measurements in a ballast layer. That enables well enough spatial resolution of ballast consolidation inhomogeneity. The measurement analysis has shown more than 4 times higher consolidation under the sleeper center than for unconsolidated ballast.

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In the present study, the performance of concrete sandwich panel against fire and axial load has been considered. A finite element model of a sandwich wall is presented and evaluated the performance under different temperature (200, 400, 600 °C. The ratio of width, thickness and length of wall are constant and the axial load enters on the top of wall. The maximum displacement and stress in different models shows the capacity of wall is increased at high temperature. The displacement has dramatically increased at temperature loading of 800 °C and it has gained which shows poor efficiency of wall at high temperatures.

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This paper discusses the control of the electric energy consumption in a household equipped with smart devices. The household consumption pattern is the result of a two-level optimization framework. The scheduling of the electric appliances is determined by the first optimization, receiving Time of Use tariffs proposed by the utility company. The scheduler considers the consumer's preferences on the powering on for each appliance.

Secondly a model predictive controller is developed to control the electric heating system based on energy constraints resulting from the appliance scheduling.

Simulations show the energy efficiency and an optimized electricity cost of the strategy proposed.

Open access


In this paper, an evaluation was tried for the impact of structural design on structural response. Several situations are foreseen as the possibilities of changing the distribution of the structural elements (sails, columns, etc.), the width of the structure and the number of floors indicates the adapted type of bracing for a given structure by referring only to its Geometric dimensions.

This was done by studying the effect of the technical design of the building on the natural frequency of the structure with the study of the influence of the distribution of the structural elements on the seismic response of the building, taking into account of the requirements of the Moroccan earthquake regulations 2000/2011 and using the ANSYS APDL and Robot Structural Analysis software.

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A welded steel protective cover used for the heat treatment of steel sheet coils is investigated. The protective cover is made of austenitic stainless steel and consists of three main segments, welded together, which have 1400 mm height each. The plate thicknesses at the lower, middle and upper segments are different. The investigation aimed to improve the lifetime and the number of heat cycles of the protective cover by changing the geometry, the effect of the thicknesses and the material. Damaged covers have been evaluated, made calculations of stress and deformations, and carried out a series of finite element simulations. Both horizontal and vertical corrugated sheets were simulated and compared. The non-corrugated plates were also investigated, but their performance was behind the corrugated ones. The original geometry and that of the horizontal corrugated plate are identical from the stress level point of view. The vertical position of the corrugated plate provided a better result than the horizontal one. The calculated and simulated results for the original geometry are close to the measured damage.

Open access


The mechanical and physical properties of the crushed aggregate have been studied. The properties of crushed aggregate, which produced from recycled aggregate concrete is not discussed in the literature yet despite it could be a choice in some circumstances like in case of demolishing the structures that already constructed by recycled aggregate concrete. Twenty-two types of self-compacting high-performance concrete made by coarse natural aggregate and coarse recycle concrete aggregate have been crushed and their properties have been studied. The main findings of the present study that, the Los Angeles index and water absorption of crushed aggregate is affected by the coarse recycled concrete aggregate dosage in its parent concrete, as well as, incorporating cement replacing materials in parent concrete help to enhance the abrasion resistance of crushed aggregate.

Open access


The historic centers to retain their liveliness and vibrancy should be able to grow and change. It is a big challenge for the contemporary architecture to balance the socio-economic needs of the city and its community in one hand, and protection of the cultural heritage on the other. The aim of this study is to analyze the incorporation of the new structures in the historical context. How can the new structures harmoniously be incorporated in the historic centers without endangering their cultural heritage values? The paper discusses how to design a new contemporary shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren in order to create an attractive area and at the same time avoiding deterioration of the historical place.

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Stability is one of the most critical problems in the design of welded metal structures, since in many cases instability causes failure or collapse of the structures. The present study aims to show the minimum mass design procedure for welded steel box columns loaded by a compression force. The normal stresses and overall stability are calculated for pinned columns. The dimensions of the box columns are optimized by using constraints on global stability, local buckling of webs and flanges. Different design rules and standards are compared: Eurocode 3, Japan Railroad Association, American Petroleum Institute, and American Institute of Steel Construction. The calculations are made for different loadings, column length and steel grades. The yield stress varies between 235 and 690 MPa. Optimization is carried out using the generalized reduced gradient method in Excel solver. Cost calculations and comparisons show the most economical structure.

Open access


The article is presenting a consideration of the photogrammetry technology in the field of architectural usage. The technology overview is describing a basic knowledge to support the professionals. The processes, rules and best practices are examined through case studies, which introduce a dwelling house, an old precast concrete hall and a landscape surveying to cover most of the architectural usage. The purpose of the research is to give guidance for technical possibilities and assists in the development of the methodologies. The main part of the article is focusing on unmanned aerial vehicles as these tools provide many useful features.

Open access


Civil engineering industry represents important industry segment, which deals with building, performing and managing construction and business. In this sector, more and more pressure is generated for raising the effectiveness and productivity. Main tool, which supports the effectiveness and productivity, is process automation. Building information modeling represents intelligent process based on a model, which offers civil engineering specialists an overview and tools for effective planning, building blueprint, building management and infrastructure. Primary building information modeling goal is to create the uniform environment, which allows managing the life-cycle of building. Result of this work in enlisted environment is a multi-dimensional model, which carries all the information. This article deals with building information modeling issues, specifically with its dimensions and brings short description of each dimension and actual level of using the 5th dimension (cost estimating) in Visegrad Four countries. Level of 5D usage is demonstrated through surveys which were realized in Visegrad Four countries, and offers an overview of current implementation status in these countries.

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Amongst different approaches, dynamic time warping has shown promising results during the online signature verification competitions of previous years. To improve the results of dynamic time warping, different preprocessing steps may be applied and different dimensions of the samples may be compared. The choice of preprocessing steps and comparing dimensions may significantly influence the results. Thus, to aid researchers with these decisions, a comparison made between the results of promising preprocessing algorithms as horizontal scaling, vertical scaling and alignment using dynamic time warping in different dimensions and their combinations on two datasets (SVC2004 and MCYT-100). The results showed that preprocessing methods made a very promising improvement in the verification accuracy.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
David Honek
Zuzana Németová
Silvia Kohnová
, and
Monika Šulc Michalková


The modeling of soil erosion processes is affected by several factors that reflect the physical-geographic conditions of the study site together with the land use linkage. The soil parameters are significant in the modeling of erosion and also runoff processes. The correct determination of a soil's parameters becomes a crucial part of the model's calibration. This paper deals with a sensitivity analysis of seven soil input parameters to the physically-based Erosion 3D model. The results show the variable influence of each soil parameter. The Erosion 3D model is very sensitive to initial soil moisture, bulk density, and erodibility.

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Decentralized wastewater systems treat, dispose and reuse the wastewater in the vicinity of source, reducing the sewage transportation cost to minimal. As an alternative to centralized systems it can function as a satellite system or an individual wastewater treatment unit. Design an onsite facility applies the same sizing procedure compared the conventional large scale systems, whereas the input flow data and its variability, the model parameters could differ. In this study a small size treatment unit was designed by biokinetic modeling, where the model parameters were estimated using analytical methods. As a result of the calculation the biomass build-up and the quality of the treated effluent was predicted and the operation parameters were determined in summer and winter operation.

Open access


The paper discusses the theoretical background of the state space modeling of induction machines. The main goal is to present the necessary equations of the induction machine and the topic of the state space modeling. Although the induction machine is a highly non-linear system, LPV/qLPV model can be formulated from these equations.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Patrik Márk Máder
Dorottya Szilágyi
, and
Olivér Rák


Information-based modeling technology is supported by advanced information technology solutions in the building industry. The integration of its methodology into construction and design processes is already going on. However, many areas still have development possibilities; for instance, building surveys belong to these fields. Countless survey tools and methodologies endeavor to support and ease the work of professionals in design and construction, yet there is a need for comprehensive collaboration. This could be promoted by creating a direct link between survey tools and architectural design software.

This article demonstrates a tool under development that intends to provide a solution to this issue.

Open access


Ensuring the provision of suitable living units remains one of the most challenging issues among the architects. The economic conditions in Kosovo represent one of the factors that influenced the functional and spatial change in multi-apartment buildings. Taking into account the passing of time, economic conditions, the requirements and needs of the communities change, those affects change in the functional and spatial aspect. The construction of multi-apartment and individual buildings, as well as other buildings with other uses in the center of the cities represents a delicate issue. On the other hand, the need for reconstruction and re-destination of usage of the existing residential buildings is becoming an important topic for the society in Kosovo. The issue is somewhat sensitive regarding the multi-apartment residential buildings, given that the usable surface is increasingly limited. The next challenge for the architects will be the treatment of the existing areas, their adaption in harmony with the requirements of the new generations, social changes that Kosovo is dealing with. The entire endeavor to reach a more comfortable solution is realized through treatment of the residential spaces not only in function wise, as well as in the exterior, through the transparence in architecture. The aim of the paper is to show transformation of the living spaces through real example, in Prishtina.

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Jovan Korka, Đorđe Krekić and Georg Kiverov are important protagonists of modern Croatian architecture. The three architects worked together in the KKK Group (name derived from their last names) between 1931 and 1939 in Zagreb. During this period, “the group” produced an impressive mass of work including the realisation of public and residential buildings in Croatia and the region; participated in competitions in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia with brilliant design solutions; held exhibitions and published several professional papers. Famous from the beginning of their professional work in Croatia's capital, in the second half of the 1920s, they were forgotten after WWII. Their names emerged in almost every compilation or architectural guide of modern Croatian architecture due to the built edifices that were the outcome of the member's efforts in competitions, and yet for a long time, very little was known about the authors and especially about the KKK Group. Only recently is their body of work being studied systematically.

This article deals with competition projects, the unexplored body of work of the Group, and a crucial part in their success. In twenty instances of participation in competitions currently known, in only eight years of collaboration, the group was awarded 14 times (individually and jointly), often with one of the first three awards. A chronological overview of competition participation and a more detailed analysis of five available joint competition entries was carried out as a contribution to the valorisation of the body of work of these important and yet forgotten protagonists of modern architecture in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and especially in Croatia.

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