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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

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A Balaton-parti nyaralók építészete a rekreáció 20. századi életformáinak tükrében

Holiday home architecture on the shore of Lake Balaton in the mirror of 20th-century lifestyles of recreation

Építés - Építészettudomány
Domonkos Wettstein

A Balaton-parti nyaraló a 20. század karakteres épülettípusává vált Magyarországon, miközben a feladat kis léptékéből adódóan a szakirodalomban kevésbé került előtérbe. A tanulmány a balatoni nyaraló mint regionális szintű jelenség elemzésével arra keres választ, hogy milyen jellegzetességek mentén definiálható az épülettípus kialakulása. Az építészeti jellegzetességek átalakulásai hogyan függnek össze az üdülőhelyi életformaváltásokkal? Az elemzés forrásai a 20. század nyaralóépítészetét koncepcionális szinten elemző korabeli publikációk. A feldolgozás módszere a nyaraló jelenségét eszmetörténeti szinten, mint a regionális modellre adott eszmei válaszokat vizsgálja, a megépült példákat a koncepciók illusztrálásaként mutatja be. A tanulmány a nyaralóépítészet sajátosságait a történeti villaépítészettől elkülönítve szemléli, és rámutat az üdülőhelyi életformákból, szerkezeti megfontolásokból és formálási stratégiákból adódó jellegzetességekre. A nyaralóépítészet karakteres megoldásai a nyári hónapokra korlátozódó szezonális életformára adtak válaszokat, napjainkban azonban a tóparti életvitel egyre inkább négy évszakossá válása a lakhatási formák fokozatos átalakulását és a nyaralóépítészet tóparti jellegzetességeinek elhalványodását okozza. A tanulmány rámutat a régión belüli tényezők és a régión túli formálási irányzatok hatásaira, és hangsúlyozza, hogy bár a Balaton-parti nyaraló fogalmát a helyi adottságokhoz alkalmazkodva alakították ki, az épülettípus jellegzetességei az üdülőhelyek életvitelének általános jellemzőihez kötődött, így a régióban kialakított mintázatok más üdülőhelyeken is megjelentek, feloldva a sajátos regionális karaktereket.

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A Bauhaus és a városépítés – néhány kritikai megjegyzés

Bauhaus and urban planning – some critical remarks

Das Bauhaus und der städtebau – einige kritische anmerkungen

Építés - Építészettudomány
János Brenner

A hozzászólás arra szeretné felhívni a figyelmet, hogy a Bauhaus elmélete és gyakorlata – minden, az építészeti felfogás és a design terén korszakalkotó érdeme mellett – a városépítésben korántsem olyan meggyőző, mint az előbb említett két területen. A Bauhaus városépítési elveivel, a városi funkciók túlzott különválasztásával, a városi beépítés szerkezetének feladásával, élhető és eleven várost létrehozni nem lehet. Az absztrakt és életidegen célok, melyek követése részben messze a 21. századba is benyúlt, kis híján megölték azt a minőséget, amelyet – a kifejezés minden félreérthetőségének tudatában – az „európai város” fogalommal jelölünk. A Bauhaus elvein alapuló – elsősorban német – lakótelepek beépítési formáinak, az építészeti kialakításnak sivársága többek között a „fény, levegő, nap” jelszavainak sematikus értelmezésére, valamint az akkor modernnek tartott gyors és a városban uralkodó gépkocsiforgalomhoz való alkalmazkodásra vezethető vissza, amire Ludwig Hilberseimer, a Bauhaus egyik tanára, szolgál elrettentő példával. Az 1920-as évekből a Bauhausnak olyan, a funkcionális és építészeti modernséget a helyi identitással ötvöző alternatívái ismertek, mint pl. Fritz Schumacher hamburgi városnegyedei. A Bauhaus városépítésével ellentétben már Camillo Sitte az „olmützi rendszerrel” lefektette egy olyan beépítési rendszer alapjait, amely alkalmas zárt, otthonos terek alkotására éppúgy, mint az építési telkek gazdaságos kihasználására. A hozzászólás röviden kitér lehetséges további kutatási területekre, mint pl. a „tradicionalista” és a „modern” építészet különválására és Harry Graf Kessler kapcsolati rendszerére.

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A Bauhaus ma!

The Bauhaus today!

Építés - Építészettudomány
György Alföldi

Bauhaus. Egy rövid idejű, de óriási hatású művészeti kísérlet arra, hogy képző- és iparművészek, építészek hogyan tudnak a társadalom megújításában felelősen részt venni. A műhelyekben kifejlesztett alkotói módszerekből a viharos 20. század során a társadalmi szál kikopott és művészeti stílussá egyszerűsödött. Bár a kezdetek óta viták kereszttüzében áll, de mind a mai napig erős hatással van a művészetekre, a környezetalakításra. Korunk felelőssége a még meglévő épületek védelme és az alkotó módszer komplexitásának megismerése és értékelése.

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Budapest legfontosabb városmorfológiai változásai (1867–1918) a szabályozásokon és esettanulmányokon keresztül

The most important urban morphological changes of Budapest (1867–1918) through regulations and case studies

Építés - Építészettudomány
Éva Lovra

Budapest városmorfológiai változásainak hátterében nemcsak a szabályozási rendeletek egy-egy megvalósított intézkedése áll, hanem azok a szakemberek is, akik aktívan részt vettek a városszabályozási diskurzusban. Budapest várostervezési, szabályozási rétegei nem értelmezhetők csupán a városmorfológiai elemzések, az aktuális és városrészspecifikus szabályozások által. Az 1872 és 1896 (1894), valamint 1896 (1894) és 1914 között lejátszódó városfejlesztési folyamatok megfelelő értelmezéséhez ismernünk kell a városfejlődés rétegeit, valamint a döntések mögött álló elveket és gyakorlati feladatokat. A tanulmány összefoglalja a városegyesítés utáni időszak tervezési és szabályozási sajátosságait, különös tekintettel a századforduló időszakára. A bemutatott esettanulmányok a szabályozás és tervezés egy-egy aspektusára koncentrálnak a folyamat ismertetése mellett. A pesti belvárosi és a budai oldalon található esettanulmány-területek vizsgálata kitér a területre vonatkozó szabályrendeletek, várostervek, pályázati anyagok, írott és rajzolt dokumentumok áttekintésére; a városmorfológiai változások elemzésére; a korabeli tervezéselméleti elvek megfeleltetésére és hozzárendelésére, valamint a területre vonatkozó főbb szabályozás áttekintésére.

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Feledésbe merült epizódok Hans Scharoun alkotói periódusai 1945 előtt

Forgotten episodes Creative periods of Hans Scharoun before 1945

Építés - Építészettudomány
Iván Nagy
Ádám Karlovecz

Hans Scharoun (1893–1972), német modernista építész, munkásságát az utókor jellemzően az ún. organikus modern irányzathoz társítja. Egyedi életútját nagyban befolyásolta a viharos 20. századi európai történelem. Számos rendkívüli alkotása ellenére életműve még mindig nem kellőképpen feldolgozott, illetve megfelelően kiértékelt, az összkép vele kapcsolatban csak lassan válik teljessé. A földrajzi közelség ellenére munkáinak jelentős része magyar viszonylatban nem kellően, vagy egyáltalán nem ismert. Scharoun életpályájának korai, 1933 előtti szakasza meghúzódik a II. világháborút követő rendkívül termékeny és jól ismert időszakának árnyékában, annak ellenére, hogy fiatalon is számos jelentős alkotása született. A két periódus közötti bő évtized történései, az 1933 utáni évek pedig sokáig homályban maradtak, az első ezzel is foglalkozó publikáció 2 csak 1978-ban jelent meg. Nem meglepő, hogy a róla kialakult összkép leegyszerűsítő. Írásunkban arra teszünk kísérletet, hogy Scharoun életművének, annak periódusainak megítélését árnyaljuk, korszakait a történelem tükrében és épületeinek vizsgálataival újraértelmezzük.

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Három Kossuth-díjas bajai építész

Three Kossuth prize laureate architects, born in Baja

Építés - Építészettudomány
Tamás Mezős

Két évtized különbséggel született Baja városában három fiatalember, akik az érettségi vizsga letétele után a Magyar Királyi József Nádor Műegyetemen az Építészeti Osztály, majd Kar hallgatói lettek. Mindhármójuk elnyerte a legrangosabb hazai állami kitüntetést, a Kossuth-díjat. Major Máté és Hajnóczi Gyula a Kar professzorai és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia tagjai lettek. A legidősebb, Miskolczy László pedig gyakorló tervezőként vált a hazai építészet kiemelkedő alkotójává. Míg Major és Hajnóczi pályája a Műegyetemhez, közelebbről az építészettörténet oktatásához kötődött, addig Miskolczy 1956-ban, néhány hónappal a rangos elismerés átvétele után az Egyesült Államokba emigrált. Szerkezettervezőként új, választott hazájában ért el sikereket.

A dolgozat az azonos környezetből, egy kisvárosi értelmiségi, középosztálybeli családból induló, azonos hivatást választó és Magyarországon a legrangosabb kitüntetést elnyerő építészekre emlékezik. Miskolczy születésének 2020-ban lesz 120., Hajnóczi születésének pedig 100. évfordulója. Az évfordulókat kutatva derült ki, hogy Majort akadémiai levelező taggá 70 évvel ezelőtt, 1949-ben választották.

A fellelhető adatok alapján részlegesen rekonstruálható volt Miskolczy László hazai munkássága. Az elegáns bajai I. világháborús emlékműtől a Haditengerészeti emlékművön át néhány bérház, lakóház és középület megvalósult terveiig. A csúcspontot Miskolczy esetében feltétlenül a mátraházi kórház jelentette, a maga organikus kapcsolatai miatt.

Major Máté professzor pályája tervező építészként a tatabányai élmunkás házak tervezésével 1949-ben lezárult. A két háború közötti szakmapolitikai tevékenysége professzori kinevezésének elnyerése után teljesedett ki. Építészetelméleti munkássága mind a hazai, mind pedig a nemzetközi szakirodalomban visszhangra talált.

Hajnóczi Gyula az antik építészet európai jelentőségű kutatójaként és helyreállítójaként vált ismertté. Az aquincumi romkert bemutatásának és kivitelezésének tervezőjeként részesévé vált szinte valamennyi római kori emlék revitalizációjának. Építészetelméleti munkássága egy sajátos építészeti térelmélet bevezetőjének megalkotásában befejezetlen maradt, de gondolatai segítették az utódok gondolkodásának kialakulását a térfogalom megismerése területén.

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Paul Klee Akinek a művészete nem a láthatót adja vissza, hanem láthatóvá tesz

Paul Klee Whose art does not reproduce the visible but makes it visible

Építés - Építészettudomány
Tamás Meggyesi

Paul Klee életműve szorosan kötődik az absztrakt művészet kialakulásához. Művészete és hatása is messze túlmutat a Bauhauson, ő a modernizmus spirituális hagyományának képviselője. Nem a látványban, hanem a keletkezésben, a genezisben fedezte fel a művészet gyökerét. Képein a tudat fejlődésének különböző korszakai, így az archaikus, a mágikus, a mitikus és a mentális hagyományok egyidejű jelenléte figyelhető meg: ez magyarázza az alkotások tematikájának rendkívüli változatosságát. Képei rokonságot mutatnak a gyerekrajzokkal, művészete sok tekintetben rokon Bartók zenéjével. Egyetemességre hajló világnézetében fontos szerepet játszanak a szimbólumok, mert szerinte az alkotás folyamata a tudat alatt történik. Klee nem misztikus, de szerelmes a valóságba. Hitvallása szerint a művészet nem a láthatót adja vissza, hanem láthatóvá tesz.

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Program- és paradigmaváltások a Bauhaus kistárgyépítészetében

Program and paradigm changes in small-object construction of the Bauhaus

Építés - Építészettudomány
Gyula Ernyey

A száz éve létrejött Bauhaus történetét mindmáig végigkísérik az összetett valóságát eltorzító leegyszerűsítések, félreértések, címkézések, le- és felminősítések. Ezek jelentős része sokszor csak felszínes ismerete alapján, egy-egy jelenségének kiemelésével, egyes stíluselemeinek általánossá tételével keletkezett és terjedt el (kockaházak, csőbútorok). Ismertek azonban sokkal durvább, súlyos gazdasági és politikai következményekkel bíró torzítások és támadások (elfajzott művészet, illetve a formalizmus, kozmopolitizmus melegháza) – mégpedig a második világháború előtt és után, Németország határain belül és kívül egyaránt. Ebben az írásban a Bauhaus változó sokszínűségének bemutatására történik kísérlet egyik markáns területének, a kistárgyépítészet bútortervezésének vizsgálata révén. Ennek legjobb – főként Breuer Marcell által tervezett – eredményei őrzik mindazt, „ami alkotó és konstruktív egy gazdaságilag és politikailag zavaros időszakban” (Herbert Read), és ami tanulságul szolgálhat napjainkban is.

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Bauhaus. Ortodox modern hívők szentként tisztelt műhelye, gyűlölet, megvetés, olykor cinikus gúny tárgya egyszerre. Ennek oka talán az, hogy száz évvel megalakulása után sem ismerik igazán az emberek, olykor mi magunk, építészek sem. Ismereteinket folyamatosan felülvizsgálnunk és gyarapítanunk kell, hiszen a Bauhaus megítélése is változik az időben, és e megítélésnek mi is tevékeny részesei vagyunk. Konferenciánkat ezzel az igénnyel szerveztük, és a magas színvonalú előadások jelentősen bővítették tudásunkat, árnyalták, finomították, gazdagították róla alkotott képünket.

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The research was carried out at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava with close cooperation with Institute of Water Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. One of the important goals was the determination of the most accurate approach related to the computational fluid dynamics modeling of the air-water interaction. Research consists of two main research methods to ensure the accuracy, set up the possibilities of cooperation and the results control. The first method was the physical model of broad-crested weir installed in collapsible canal in hydraulic laboratory and the second was numerical computational fluid dynamics model of broad-crested weir created in same scale. In free surface flows the air entrainment phenomena plays an important role. Air entrainment is affecting the volume fraction, velocity field, energy dissipation and many other parameters related to dynamic behavior of water near the crests. Different approaches were carried out to identify most accurate computational fluid dynamics setup compared to physical model measurements. Compared results and the accuracy assessment are summarized and the best computational fluid dynamics parameterization is recommended.

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It is well known that the civil engineering constructions are subjected to cost risk and time overruns. The uncertainties of the cost of construction many times result in disputes among stakeholders. The recent cost fluctuation in sand price in Tamil Nadu is a good example of time and cost overruns. There are too many models developed to predict the cost of construction by using different parameters and tools. The objectives of this research are to analyse the importance of research in this field, the countries focusing on this issue, level of implementation by the practicing engineers, the tools often or successfully used, the difficulties in predicting the cost and the accuracy of prediction and bringing out a useful conclusion to provide the direction for future research. In this research, a sample of 324 research papers out of more than 2000 papers listed in Scopus database between the years 1990 and 2015 were considered and analyzed on five factors. The five factors are 1) authors affiliation – academics, industry or both; 2) country; 3) tools used – ANN, regression, time-series models, etc.; 4) complexity involved or ease of use; 5) accuracy of results. The results show interesting information.

Open access


Diagnostics is an important and challenging task of the structural analysis and condition assessment of historic masonry structures. However the interpretation of the results of the measurements, especially for buildings made from brick and stone, is to be more subjective than that for concrete structures. Therefore improvement of the reliability of the used techniques and finding better correlations between the test results and the mechanical properties of masonry has proven to be of great importance.

While several diagnostic procedures are commonly used in practice to test mechanical properties of masonry, e.g. Schmidt hammer test, analysis of drilled samples, penetration tests, etc. the results of these methods are considered reliable under laboratory conditions, several additional factors have to be taken into account in case of an in-situ application of these methods, that may largely affect the obtained results and conclusions. The results of the diagnostic procedures therefore need to be interpreted with a view to these environmental factors.

The paper focuses on the practical use of several test methods for historic masonries via a real case study. The presented case study attempts to demonstrate benefits from the combined application of Pendulum Schmidt Hammer, moisture meter and scanning electron microscopy.

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The results of terrestrial laser scanning are point clouds, which are becoming an increasingly common initial digital representation of real-world objects. Since point clouds in the most cases represent a huge amount of data, automation of the processing steps is advisable. The paper brings a short review of the most reliable methods of cylinder extraction. An innovative algorithm is proposed for an automated detection of cylinders and also for estimating their parameters from 3D point cloud data. The method was tested on the complex point clouds of pipelines. The proposed algorithm was implemented to a standalone application based on MATLAB® software.

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The aim of the paper is to fulfill the parametric analysis on the heating performance of a compact automotive radiator using computational fluid dynamics. The analysis has been carried out at different air velocities with different fins modeling as real fins and as porous media. SC-Tetra computational fluid dynamics software was used for this study. The fluids are incompressible; the flow was three-dimensional and turbulent. The geometry of the fins has a high impact to the heat transfer coefficient and the heat performance, so the shape, the size and the thickness of the fins are compared to each other. The results show that the ratio of the fin pitch, the wall thickness of the fins, the number of the fins, the flow depth and the geometry of the tube are the main factors of the heat transfer. The main goal is to find a dependable Nu-number correlation for this type of heat exchanger. Furthermore with the usage of this function the goal is to find the optimal shape of the radiator, which can decrease the temperature of the cooling liquid to the necessary value and has the smallest weight.

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This paper is about comparing the effectiveness of the sorbent materials of granulated activated carbon in removing of bromates from drinking water. The limit value (10 µgl−1) of bromates in the drinking water was stated by World Health Organization. In order to insure the reduced concentration of bromates in the drinking water, an experiment was performed using the batch test. In this experiment different types of sorbent materials with different properties were testing. Based on batch test were measured the parameters like the immediate adsorption capacity, the adsorption efficiency, and the concentration of bromates after the adsorption were measured at the evaluated time.

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The aim of this publication is to show the process of computer aided designing of the spur gear pairs having normal and modified straight teeth. For designing, the determination of the geometrical parameters is needed. Computer programs have been developed with which gear pairs having normal and modified teeth, with any arbitrary parameters can be analysed, designed and modelled. With these programs gear pairs having concrete geometry have been designed and CAD models have also been drawn to have further meshing, geometrical and TCA (Tooth Contact Analysis).

Open access

Segmentation is one of important methods in medical images processing, particularly as it allows images to be analysed. The method used for segmentation depends on the image problem to be resolved. In this research, knee cartilage needs to be segmented to determine the level of the Osteoarthritis (OA) and for further treatment. Knee cartilage is a soft hyline sponge that is located at the end of the femur, tibia and patella bone to release friction during movement. OA is a knee cartilage problem wherein there is a thinning of the cartilage that results in a shift especially happening between femur and tibia bone causing discomfort and pain. Thinning of the knee cartilage is due to many factors such as age, body weight, genetic, accident, sport injury and extreme use such as physical work. OA can occur to a male or female, child or adult. The effects experienced by patients with OA are such as difficulty to walk, limited movement, and pain in the thin cartilage areas. Monitoring of patients' condition needs to be done to help reduce the problem and thereby enable specialists to perform the appropriate treatment. Imaging is a method used today to monitor the condition of patients with OA. Previous studies showed that MRI is a suitable method for monitoring the condition of patients with OA because of its advantages in visualising knee cartilage more clearly than other imaging methods. Thus, for segmenting the knee cartilage which as mentioned before is an important process in medical images processing, the MR images were selected based on many factors. Segmentation in this study was aimed to obtain the cartilage region to diagnose patient OA level. Various segmentation techniques have been developed by researchers in segmenting the knee cartilage region but they have been unable to segment precisely due to the thin structure of the knee cartilage, especially for patients with intermediate and severe OA. COMSeg technique was developed to segment knee cartilage, especially for those experiencing a normal and intermediate OA and try to implement it to severe OA. The development of this new technique takes into account the imaging method used, the images feature obtained so it can be suitable to process knee image and then selection of an appropriate technique to be applied to the selected images as input.

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Human beings live in a complex and magical system of nature. The constitution of everything is like the structure science of architecture, which presents various forms and combinations. The development of structure science makes modern architecture show the high unity of internal structure and external contour. Through the study of branch networks formed by rivers, the mystery of branch growth can be found, for instance fractal self-similarity, preferential growth at the tops, avoidance of homogeneity, etc. Based on the understanding of branch ecosystem, everyone can try to build a sustainable surface structure by mimicking the laws of river network.

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Every year the library of IIUM subscribes to quite a number of online databases with huge expenses but the utilization of these databases is countable. 10 out of 53 subscriptions have been terminated by 2015 to save the cost go in vain. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model based on the ISB elements to identify the reason behind this low usage and to increase the usage of online databases in the future. It has undertaken a quantitative approach to identify the elements of ISB among undergraduate (UG) students. The primary data has been collected through questionnaires based on the variables identified in the objective. There are 118 samples participating in this research and the proposed model has been adapted from Savolainen and Wilson. Psychological perception, searching strategies and the information resources have been considered as the independent variable and measured the usage of the online database among UG students as the dependent variable. The results have shown that there are seven elements which have an influence on the usage of the online database among IIUM UG students. Despite the limited number of samples and a specific group of students, the proposed model can enhance the usage of online database system subscribed to by IIUM library and a search engine can be developed to get the usage increased. In that sense, it is recommended to involve more participants from the different levels of students and users to get diverse elements of ISB. However, the paper contributes to bridging the gap between the online database usage and the users, believed to have an effective outcome for online database subscription. It is hoped that the proposed model would significantly fill this gap and help the library to increase the number of users for their expensive databases.

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The aim of this research is the analysis of the effect of the modification of the base profile angles of x-zero gear drives for the TCA parameters. We analyze the normal stress, the normal deformation and the normal elastic strain on the connecting zone of the gear pairs. Based on the received results we create diagrams which show the fluctuation of the analyzed TCA parameters in the function of the changing of the selected parameter of the x-zero gear drives. After the analysis we determine the consequences and select the appropriate variant.

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Sustainability and scarcity in resources are the two major issues to be dealt within the present scenario by effective utilization of alternative materials. In this present study, an attempt has been taken to study the effect of supplementary materials such as fly ash and silica fume as a partial replacement to cement and steel slag and M-sand as a replacement to river sand on strength and durability of concrete. In this study, concrete specimens were prepared based on five different mixes by varying the percentages of these supplementary materials. Various mechanical properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength were performed to ascertain the mix with optimum levels of replacement of supplementary materials for cement and fine aggregate. Durability property like water absorption test was performed on the mix with optimum values of strength. Results revealed that mix with higher percentages of steel slag, optimum level of silica fume and fly ash have shown higher strength and lesser permeability in concrete.

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This study empirically investigates the effects of the special, face to face supplier performance measurement system. Using supplier performance measurement system the supplier will have the possibility to make a self-assessment method through questionnaires according to different aspects. The customers make the same queries. After ranking from both sides, the results will be compared and confronted with the supplier. The effects on different areas and the nexus with supplier in the aftercare period will be examined in this study. The relation between the communication and reaction modes at the procurement side is deeply discussed.

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Constant stream of data has been generated and stored as more devices are being connected to the internet and supported with cloud technologies. The price drop of such applications along with industry 4.0 trending, triggered an explosive growth and demand for many IT modern solutions. From an industrial point of view, sensorization practices are spreading through factories and warehouses where software is constantly adapting to provide actionable insights in a data-driven configuration. The fourth industrial revolution is empowering the manufacturers with solutions for cost reduction, which translates in competitive advantage. The sector of maintenance operations is leading in engineering innovation, from reactive to planned preventive techniques the next step in history of proactive approaches is Predictive Analytics Maintenance.

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In recent decades many forests in Slovakia, especially those in mountain basins, have been devastated by wind or snow calamities. Hence, the main aim of this paper is to analyze land use and estimate the changes in runoff from the Boca and Ipoltica river basins in Slovakia for historical (1990 and 2006) and present land use (2012). The changes in runoff are presented as changes in design floods. For estimating the design floods, the curve number method was used. The values of the design floods on both of these river basins have increased due to deforestation.

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Pollack Periodica
V. Saravana Kumar
S. Anantha Sivaprakasam
Rengasari Naganathan
, and
Saravanan Kavitha


The proposed work addresses a novelty in techniques for segmentation of remotely sensed hyper-spectral scenes. Incorporated inter band cluster and intra band cluster techniques has investigated. With a new constrain validate the new segmentation methods in this proposed work, the fast K-Means is used in inter clustering part. The inter band clustering is carried out by fast K-Means methods includes weighted and careful seeding procedures. The intra band clustering processed using Particle Swarm Clustering algorithm with enhanced estimation of centroid. Davies Bouldin index is used to determine the number of clusters in the mentioned clustering strategies. The hyper-spectral bands are clustered in order to reduce the band size. In next phase, the above said enhanced algorithm carried out the segmentation process in the reduced bands. In addition, statistical analysis is carried out in various scenarios.

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The main design strategies of this Chinese project are connection and aesthetic. The new annex building conference and meeting center - presents the new contemporary form and sets up a new relationship with the original stadium surrounding and local traditional culture. The traditional symbol - ‘Lotus Flower’ is used as an effective design imagines, and it was transferred into contemporary form to create the new functional space and attractive volume. This project is a great possibility to explore the methods how traditional and cultural elements can show up in up-to-date way in contemporary architecture.

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The paper focuses on future changes in the short-term rainfall intensities in the western region of Slovakia. The analysis was performed for 4 climatological stations, namely: Malacky, Myjava, Vrbovce and šaŠtín. The short-term rainfall intensity data from the community land model that is a regional climate model were used in durations of 60 to 1440 minutes for a warm period. The focus was aimed at comparing changes in rainfall characteristics, especially changes in the seasonality and trends and changes in the scaling exponents and design values.

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In different Comfort Standards, for different building functions the requirements for summer and also for winter period differ. The operative temperature is one of these parameters, which in different Comfort Standards for summer-winter period specifies the building's comfort category.

This paper presents the results of measurement of the operative temperature in PASSOL laboratory with different heat storage and using night ventilation.

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Implemented flood protection measures come to a re-evaluation due to changes in the hydrological situation, due to more recently occurring flash floods whose robustness exceeds the capacity of the measures initially proposed. The problem is the structures constructed on the streams as well as the unpermitted house building on the banks, the pollution of the stream or sedimentation. Case study on small catchment with problems of flash floods in the middle Slovakia was solved. Stream channel capacity was not sufficient for higher flow rates; therefore new flood protection measures were proposed (river bed training, low training walls, detention reservoir). Their efficiency was verified via mathematical modeling.

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Nowadays heuristic methods are one of the most used tools for the optimization of problems. The proof of that is the fact that they are widely used in chemistry, economics and energy. Among the most popular of heuristic methods belongs differential evolution, belonging to the so-called ‘evolutionary algorithms’. They can handle difficult, large-scale problems with many parameters, like the optimization of the hydro-thermal coordination of hydro and thermal power plants. As with any other method, differential evolution also has certain parameters. These parameters, among others, are the size of the population, the maximum number of generations, crossover parameter and mutation factor. The effect of these parameters on the results of an optimization using differential evolution is the focus of this paper. The hydro-thermal coordination of one hydro and one thermal power plant was used as an example to explain this issue.

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As streets cover almost twenty-five percentages of the urban open spaces, designing streets is a vital issue in creating thermal comfort for urban environmental design. The geometry of the street (height/width ratio) as well as orientation directly influences the airspeed, solar access in urban canyon and as a result thermal comfort at the pedestrian level. This study examined the street geometry case study's scenarios with different street geometries and investigates its effects on outdoor thermal comfort as well as the weather parameters. However, according to the matrix assessment conducted by the author, the vast street canyons (height/width=0.65 m/14.5 m with an orientation parallel to the prevailing wind direction achieved the best results. Nevertheless, the aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of street canyon geometry on outdoor thermal comfort and its parameters in the summertime using numerical modeling.

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This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing quantitative techniques to improve decision making in construction projects by using time- and cost-oriented failure mode and effect analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. This research is limited to the project schedule and risk management of one phase of a construction project to build a new automated warehouse in Hungary. The results show that there are 80% and 100% chances that the duration and cost of the construction project phase will increase due to the uncertainty and individual risks associated with the construction project activities respectively.

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In this paper a detailed description of a method is presented to estimate the minimum structural dimensions of the robot arms. A comparative study is conducted between the harmony search and artificial bee colony algorithms in this scientific application. The comparison process was done through the kinematic equations of the serial robot manipulator to find the optimum lengths of links of the robot. A novel design for a seven-degrees-of-freedom robot arm was presented to conduct the comparative study on the presented optimization algorithms. This novel robot mimics the functionality of the SANDVIK robot arm for tunnelling works, but the presented type synthesis was designed to overcome the restrictions on the original SANDVIK arm.

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User experience is vital in usability evaluation to understand all aspects of user interactions with a product or system. The usability includes user satisfaction, efficiency, and effectiveness to achieve certain goals. On the other hand, to support the sustainability of the business, it is necessary to know the factors that significantly affect purchase intention through online travel booking application. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the usability of online travel booking system and consumer-level factors of purchase intention in online travel booking application. The research attempt to find whether product diagnosticity influences perceived quality and product trust and generally impacts purchase intention. In this study, we select an existing online travel booking application named Traveloka. The system usability scales (SUS) were used to evaluate the usability for web applications. A total of 1,225 respondents participate in online questionnaire using Google form. Most of the respondents recruited are based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The overall SUS score is only 56.13 from 100. The results show that intention for purchase is influenced by product trust and perceived quality. Moreover, the product diagnosticity (PD) supported perceived quality (PQ) and product trust (PT), and variable of product trust (PT) also supported perceived quality (PQ).

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This paper presents a proprietary open source code for analysis of granulometric properties of bed load material based on non-intrusive automated image analysis. Vertical bed-surface images are processed using the proposed tool and verified with results obtained by well tested optical granulometry tool Basegrain. The practical application of the proposed tool yields accuracy comparable that of the tested framework and traditional sampling methods. Additionally, results showed that the average D50 grain-size sampled from riverbed of studied river section of river Danube agrees up to 95% with the average D50 sampled from riverbanks.

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Due to the ISM band being unlicensed for communication applications, a lot of applications have been developed in this band and a good example is WiFi IEEE 802.11a, b, g, n of Bluetooth. This numeracy of applications motivated this paper. The paper is concerned with the design of a low distortion 20 dBm 2.4 GHz class-J power amplifier (PA) since PAs are indispensable in radio communications. The design is based on the AVAGO ATF-52189 transistor with a transition frequency of 6 GHz. The design is done as a hybrid circuit network realized using microstrip elements and surface mount device (SMD) capacitors. The schematic design and simulation are carried out using Keysight's Advanced Design System version 2016.01. The simulated PA exhibited a drain efficiency of 69% and a power output of 21 dBm.

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Providing quality requirements in Software Engineering is vital to ensure the product developed is able to deploy and function to meet the operational objectives. Software Requirement Engineering is the most complex process because it involves the integration of human, logics and process. Extracting or capturing what customers need and want is called Requirement Elicitation (RE) and it is the most crucial process in requirement engineering. If handled poorly, the cost of the failures would be very expensive. Most of the software projects that failed were due to poor requirements which occurred at RE phase. Thus, enhancing and optimizing the RE methods have been subject to a long research debate to ensure quality requirements are captured. Recently, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) had emerged as part of a continuous improvement in Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC). LSS is known for a systematic and structure business improvement successfully deployed in many fields of industry that contributes a significant gain not only in quality of products and services but also in operational costs and delivery. The objective of the research is to develop an integrated conceptual framework of LSS principles with Software Requirement Engineering methodology to optimize RE process. The article will produce conceptual framework as the comprehensive guidelines to capture quality software requirements.

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In case of field measurement it is essential to determine the measurement conditions. With accurate parameter identification credible measurement and simulation results can be achieved. In this paper the parameter identification of a CSD-755-10 heavy-duty fire truck suspension for vibration analysis is presented, which is an important base-point for further research.

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The aim of the paper is to discuss the post-conflict reconstruction of cultural heritage properties and involvement of peace agreement into a return of refugees and reconstruction of destroyed cultural heritage. Examples of monuments: Emperors mosque in Stolac, Handanija mosque in Prusac, Kujundžiluk bazar in Mostar near Old Bridge in Mostar (UNESCO site), Monastery in Zavala and Land museum in Sarajevo. An investigation focus is on results of the survey on the assessment of the impact of organization cultural heritage without borders engagements in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reflection of the economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, rather on attitude towards reconstruction of cultural heritage properties of importance.

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In heat transfer calculations, transmittance values are often used as a constant in practice. With the spread of dynamic simulations, it opens an opportunity to study the sensitivity of the external effects (e.g., wind speed) on buildings. With the proper amount of result, adequate simplifications can be made to reduce the duration of the simulations. In this paper several steady sate simulations were carried out by Ansys 19.1. Academic version. In the examined cases three building structures were examined with different thermal resistances. Average initial air temperature difference was applied on the two sides of the structures, at the cold side the wind speed was varied, while at the warm side natural convection was present. The surface temperatures and the heat flux were monitored and the transmittances were calculated as a result.

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The growing significance of renewable energy resources has been one of the most important processes in the field of energy management for the past two decades. This is due to phenomena related to environmental protection, security of supply, economic and rural development, as well as to the abundance of financial incentives (EU grants, constructive national off-take regime). As a consequence of this, the paper concentrates on the general and territorial characteristics of the EU financial instruments for Hungary in the 2007–2013 budgetary period with the objective to enhance the dissemination of renewable energy resources. As an outcome of our research, three very important conclusions were drawn. First of all, less developed regions were more active in submitting proposals though the more developed regions reached higher success rates. Secondly, it was noticed that the “identity” of the successful tenderers influenced the average volume of proposals to a considerable extent. Thirdly, in the case of the successful proposals, the development level and size (of settlements) of the territorial units (districts) had a direct impact on the identity of the applicants and on the average size of proposals.

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Double skin façades are façade technologies that have the perspective of reducing energy use and improving comfort in buildings due to their adaptable nature. Exhaust-air façades offer the possibility to utilize solar energy by recovering heat from the façade cavity. However, the cavity overheating can be detrimental on the summer performance. Predicting performance and optimizing the system during the design phase is a challenge, especially when the cavity-air is integrated into the HVAC system. Whole-building energy simulation (BES) software tools are an adequate tool for calculating whole building performance, although these can have limitations in the accurate replication of complex building elements. The paper analyses the available and applied modelling approaches within a BES tool, and compares the outputs in terms of cavity temperature, horizontal and vertical temperature profiles, and heat flux through the façade. The sensitivity of the results on the modelling approach is evaluated. Results can serve as a guide for practitioners on the selection of the modelling approach for a given task.

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Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) communication systems offer significant performance advantages in view of their low probability of intercept, improved performance in multipath fading environments and their ability to avoid interference by hopping into low interference frequency channels. For the transmitted sequence to be correctly received and demodulated, the frequency hop sequence used at the receiver should be similar to that employed in the transmitter. Code acquisition in frequency hopping attempts to address this problem by providing a frequency hop pattern at the receiver that is nearly identical to that used at the transmitter. Code acquisition brings the alignment between the transmitter and the receiver hop pattern to at least one hop period. In this paper, the serial search code acquisition, which is the first step of synchronization, is studied for frequency hopping spread spectrum (HFSS) system over Rayleigh fading channel. Simulation results show the effect of fading channel on the code acquisition.

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The resistance of steel-concrete composite trusses is significantly influenced by shear connection producing interaction between the steel beam and concrete slab. To create the interaction between these structural parts, it is needed to prevent the relative slip at the steel-concrete interface using the shear connectors. Push-out testing can reflect the more real effect of the longitudinal force and reproduce the distribution of the shear force between the steel section and concrete slab. The finite element analysis is used in the paper to investigate numerically this structural system behavior, exploiting finite element computer procedures.

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Solar energy systems have emerged over the last decades as the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy resources available worldwide. Solar trackers are devices specially developed to enhance the energy efficiency of solar energy systems. This paper presents the design and implementation stages of a reconfigurable hardware technology-based two-axis solar tracker platform, specially conceived to improve the energy efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) panels. The main module of this platform is the NI MyRIO ready-to-use development system built upon a high-performance Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor that controls the entire solar tracker unit. Optimal tracking of the sun movement and obtaining the maximal energy efficiency rate is achieved by simultaneous real-time controlling both the captured sunlight intensity and PV cell temperature magnitudes. In this way, a robust and versatile positioning system has been developed that performs a high precision and accurate tracking pathway. All the control algorithms are implemented there under the LabView graphical programming software toolkit. The final solution boosts in a useful and modularized tracking system that looks useful in a wide range of applications both in industrial and domestic project sites with different power scales.

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Wire ropes or rope strands are one of the most important load carrying components of transportation systems such as bridge, elevator, crane and mine hoisting. Wire ropes must have high tensile strength in order to carry high tensile load. Wire ropes are mainly subjected to axial tensile load in service. This axial tensile load is exerted upon wires of rope or strand. Due to this reason tensile load causes elongation, strain and stress on the center wire (core wire) and outer wires. In this study, theoretical calculations proposed by Feyrer are adopted in order to determine wire loads, stresses, elongations and strains for axially loaded rope strands. An illustrative example is given.

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3D printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) were used to prepare specimens utilising fused deposition modelling (FDM) technology. Two colours of PLA filament were printed; white and grey, whereas ABS only in white colour. Determining the tribological properties of 3D printed samples have been carried out, through obtaining the frictional features of different 3D printable filaments. Alternating-motion system employed for measuring the tribological factors. Studying the difference between static and dynamic friction factors and the examination of wear values were included. A comparison among the tribological behaviour of the 3D printed polymers has been investigated. The printed white ABS and PLA specimens show insignificant differences in the results tendency. On the contrary, the grey PLA exhibits a considerable variation due to the incredible growth in the coefficient of friction and wear average as well.

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