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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
Optimal Layout of Modular Systems by Geometric Perturbations
Moduláris rendszerek optimális kiosztása geometriai perturbációk segítségével
In this study, we investigate the potential of integrating geometric perturbations into the design process to optimise modular systems such as floor coverings, façade claddings, and masonry walls. By allowing small geometry adjustments of the initial design, we achieve significant reductions in material waste or labour requirements, leading to cost-saving and environmental benefits without compromising the design concept. We compared our approach to traditional methods, where the layout of the modular system is determined after the geometry of the design is finalised. To illustrate our method, we present case studies for two- and three-dimensional modular designs.
Fused filament manufacturing (FFF), also known as 3D printing, is one of the most commonly used additive manufacturing techniques for creating high-quality materials. This process demonstrates the intricacies and challenges involved in choosing appropriate manufacturing parameters to achieve the desired outcomes. Among these critical parameters is the nozzle temperature, which can be adjusted to enhance the mechanical properties of the 3D-printed Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) parts. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of the printing temperature on the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of 3D printed polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) parts during impact testing. To do this, a series of simple and repeated impact tests were carried out on printed PPS samples in the nozzle temperature range (320–350 °C). CHARPY tests were carried out on the samples manufactured with different sequences for the optimal orientation of the filaments. Furthermore, the impact energy absorption capacity and the induced damage as a function of nozzle temperature were evaluated. CHARPY test results showed that samples with stacking sequence (0/0) had the best impact resistance and specific absorbed energy (SEA). This sequence, printed horizontally, was used to test different print temperatures in single and repeated impact tests. Furthermore, the results indicated that samples printed with a nozzle temperature of 340 °C exhibited higher CHARPY impact resistance and specific absorbed energy (SEA), with a percentage difference of 45.57%, 41.95% and 44.21% compared to samples printed with nozzle temperatures of 320 °C, 330 °C and 350 °C respectively. For repeated impact tests, the results also show that samples printed with a nozzle temperature of 340 °C have a higher initial energy absorption rate and a greater number of impacts before complete failure of the sample. This result proves also that the changing of nozzle temperature does not have a significant effect on the induced damage after CHARPY and repeated impact.
The investigation of the effect of petrography and diagenetic features on the geomechanical properties of the sandstone and their relationship to rock failure are of vital importance for different construction projects. The present study involves analyzing multi-vertical lithofacies profiles around the region of Wadi Halfa, North Sudan. The sandstone is dominantly composed of monocrystalline quartz grains (60%) accompanied by some polycrystalline quartz, feldspars, lithic fragments, micas, and heavy minerals. Iron oxides are the main type of cementing materials (14%), with some (2%) of carbonates and clay minerals. The average porosity of all studied samples is 12%. The compressive strength ranges widely, influenced by weathering, grain size, cementing materials, and bedding planes. The uniaxial compressive strength is more influenced by wetting when the load is parallel to bedding planes. Sandstone anisotropy is suggested by a U-shaped curve, with lower values at 45° and higher values at 90° and 0°. The geomechanical behavior of rocks masses in Wadi Halfa was evaluated through a combination of field and laboratory analyses which revealed a variable Rock Mass Rating (RMR) ranging from 58 to 92 and a Geological Strength Index (GSI) ranging from 33 to 61.
A Régi Zeneakadémia építésének és helyreállításának története
The History of the Construction and Renovation of the Old Academy of Music
Jelen tanulmány összefoglalja és értékeli a Régi Zeneakadémiával foglalkozó szakirodalmi kutatás korábbi eredményeit; elsődleges források alapján rekonstruálja az épület 19. századi építéstörténetét, különös tekintettel a belső terek kialakítására és átalakítására (1881, 1883); foglalkozik a 20. századi történetével, tárgyalva a külső és belső átalakításokat, funkcióváltást és helyreállításának főbb szakaszait és eredményeit az 1903-tól 1986-ig tartó időszakban.
Az Andrássy úton a korabeli műcsarnokkal és a mintarajztanoda épületével egy csoportozatot képező Régi Zeneakadémia terveit Lang Adolf készítette, az építést Wechselmann Ignác építési vállalkozó hajtotta végre. 1879-ben adták át az épületet, amely 1907-ig a hazai zenei oktatás kiemelt helyszíne, Liszt Ferenc, Erkel Ferenc és Stróbl Alajos élete egy rövidebb szakaszának színtere volt. A Régi Zeneakadémia, ellentétben a tömböt alkotó két másikkal, kevésbé kutatott és publikált. Építéstörténetében vannak azonban olyan epizódok (meg nem valósult tervek, események), amelyek az építészeti értékein túl, még történelmi értékekkel is felruházzák. Az épület másfél évszázados története során több külső és belső átalakításon is átesett. A külső átalakítások eredményét ma is látjuk. Az 1980-as évek elején, az 1986-os átadásig, az addig különböző funkcióknak eleget tévő épület belső átalakításának és eredeti funkciójának visszaállítása volt a cél. Mivel nem állnak rendelkezésre eredeti tervek, ezért a főfalak szolgáltak információkkal, az eredeti állapot nehezen rekonstruálható. Az 1980-as évek visszaállító, nagyrekonstrukciós munkálatai mellett még két ismert múlt századi átalakítása volt az épületnek, 1907–1909-ben és 1957-ben. 1903-ban vette meg a Régi Zeneakadémiát Wodianer Arthur, aki az 1907. és 1909. évben kért engedélyt átalakításra. 1957-ben, már a Tannimpex külkereskedelmi vállalat tulajdonában álló épület hangversenytermét kettéosztották (új acélgerendákon nyugvó osztófödém került az első és második emelet közé), a nagyobb termeket kisebb helyiségekre osztották, ekkor épülhetett a lift, a lépcsőház eredeti nyílászárói rovására üvegtégla falat alakítottak ki. Az 1957-es átalakítás eredményéről az 1970-es években készült (Tannimpex tulajdonában) levő felmérési rajzok tanúskodnak. Az 1983-as felújítás során elbontották a másodlagosan épített válaszfalakat, a hangversenyteremben lévő osztófödémet, a nagyterem (mai Kutatókönyvtár) díszítőfestését, a hangversenyteremben a mennyezetet és az eredeti boltozatokat rekonstruálták (az azokat takaró másodlagos szerkezeteket, festést megszüntették), a homlokzati nyílászárókat felújították (a munkák összefoglalása a teljesség igénye nélkül). 1986-tól az épület újra oktatási intézményként működik, a mai napig.
Mikolás Tibor és a kelet-magyarországi modernizmus
Tibor Mikolás and Modernism in Eastern Hungary
Mikolás Tibor (1924–2024) Debrecen és Kelet-Magyarország egyik meghatározó építésze volt. 2024-ben a kétszeres Ybl-díjas és Széchenyi-díjas alkotóművész születésének 100 éves évfordulóját ünnepeljük. A Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Kar Építészmérnöki Tanszékén célul tűztük ki az igen gazdag életmű feldolgozását. A mesterszakos hallgatókkal együtt sorra vettük szakmai fejlődésének stációit, a háború utáni klasszikus modern építészetet oktató iskola és mesteriskola, a szocialista realizmus, az 1960-as évek szabadabb építészeti gondolkodása és az 1970-es évektől előretörő előregyártási kényszer keretei között született jellemző épületek, tervpályázatok és koncepciótervek bemutatásával. Az építészeti projektek feldolgozásánál azt a hallgatók által szerethetőbb módszert választottuk, mely szerint az épületeket mai vizualizációs programokkal reprodukáltuk, ezáltal azok érthetősége is változott. Párhuzamot vonva a tervek születésének dátumával tisztázódtak azok az építészetét meghatározó alapgondolatok, amelyek mentén az épületek születtek. 1963-ig például létezett egy rá jellemző színvilággal kevert homlokzati rajzosság, utána inkább a funkcióból eredő letisztultsággal találkoztunk. A tanulmány célja bemutatni az életutat, a terveken keresztül bizonyítani, hogy bár voltak a közel 50 éves tervezői pályafutásnak evolúciós lépései, de összességében ars poeticáját a klasszikus modernizmus és a funkcionalizmus határozta meg.
This research investigates the complex interplay between stress impact, concrete shrinkage, and its implications on crack development. Utilizing theoretical and computational methods, the study analyzes the detrimental effects of structural cracks caused by stress variations. A distinctive behavior of long-term shrinkage concerning stress levels was observed. It was found that, positive stress enhances the mean Young's modulus, while negative stress reduces modulus under negative stress conditions, heightened susceptibility to crack propagation under negative stress and improved resistance under positive stress. Temperature's uniform impact on long-term shrinkage is demonstrated, highlighting differences among various cement classes.
To highlight the systemic interdependencies in office building design, this paper dives into the complexities of converting old structures into modern workspaces. The study addresses the challenges of adaptive reuse by concentrating on case studies and design issues and provides insights into how to maintain historical integrity while satisfying the demands of contemporary workplace needs. The research concludes with a real-world example that shows how design concepts derived from the analysis may be successfully used.
The paper focuses on describing the developed low-cost mobile mapping system for the purpose of automated mapping using simultaneous localization and mapping techniques. The paper also focuses on testing the light detection and ranging that form that system. The mobile mapping system consists of a combination of multiple sensors, including a trio of 2D and 3D light detection and ranging a stereo camera, an inertial measurement unit, and rotary encoders.
The components make up three subsystems, which are detailed described. A section of the paper is dedicated to the light detection and ranging tests performed in the accuracy of measured distance and measured geometry. In the final section of the paper, planned tests for the remaining components of the mobile mapping system are described.
In this paper, a multiphase method based on the Level Set Method is employed to study the sloshing phenomenon of two-layer liquid inside a two-dimensional rectangular container subjected to horizontal excitation. Validation of the multiphase approach is conducted through a comparative analysis with existing studies. Results show a fair agreement between the numerical model and available numerical and experimental data. Initially, a series of simulations were used to compare the sloshing behaviour of a two-layer fluid with that of a single-layer fluid. Even under identical external excitation, layered fluids demonstrate different sloshing patterns compared to single-layer liquids. Furthermore, the influence of the periodic excitation frequency on the sloshing dynamics was examined. Analysis was also conducted to explore the effect of internal baffles on the oscillatory behaviour of layered liquid sloshing. The findings reveal that the baffles significantly mitigate the sloshing of the layered fluid.
In recent years, the number of road traffic crashes showed a decreasing trend in Hungary, but this cannot be stated about crashes at road-railway level crossings. The Hungarian Railways has repeatedly called attention to the dangers of rail transport. The main goal of this paper is to develop a new safety inspection method for road-railway level crossings based on the existing road safety inspection method. Based on the experiences of road safety inspections completed at ten locations suggestions were given for the adaptation of the method to railway crossings. The most important findings of the safety inspections are also presented in the paper.
Based on air quality index data for the period 2018–2022, Hungary ranks as the 80th most polluted country in the world. Given the air pollution data measured in Hungary and the health impact of air pollution, it is of utmost importance to measure air quality in Hungary focusing on PM10 and PM2.5 pollutants. One possible solution for high-density measurement is to utilize low-cost sensors at the population level. The calibration procedure has to be carried out in a way that does not incur extra costs and maintenance at the physical level. A potential solution is the development of an algorithm to perform the calibration with remote access. This publication presents a fragment of this development, where we attempted to implement the procedure using a neural network and performed a comparative analysis with official data.
Lightweight steel framing is one of the modern construction technology systems. This system is mostly used for low to mid-rise buildings. The lightweight steel framing system has many advantages, including lightness, ease of installation, high execution speed, and being more cost-efficient. Since the manufacturers of cold formed steel frames use bricks in an unprincipled way to cover these structures and because of less laboratory research in this regard, in the present research to principled use of this structure, the effect of the middle stud was evaluated on seismic behavior of brick shear wall in cold formed steel frame with brick face. For this purpose, four cold formed steel frames were made in two different configurations (without middle stud and with middle stud) using cement sand mortar, wire mesh, and brick shear walls. Based on the results, the middle stud would cause weakness in the permissible deformation of the brick walls, and in shear walls without middle stud, deformations occur along with the acquisition of resistance to larger deformations. Accordingly, the presence of the middle stud increases the average shear strength by 30%, and this increase in resistance causes a decrease in the behavior factor and ductility of the walls, which practically indicates the seismic behavior of the frames with the middle stud.
Iraqi buildings consume high-level electrical energy for air conditioning purposes to provide the standard human comfort condition. This paper adopted an experimental study by using Styrofoam adhesive or white cement as an alternative to ordinary Portland cement to manufacture building blocks with dimensions of 200 × 200 × 200 mm containing an internal core with dimensions of 90 × 130 × 130 mm, which were filled by using corrugated scratch-up or closed air gap. The samples were divided into two sets: the first had an aluminium foil layer applied to the external surface of the samples (reflective surface), while the second was without any layer (ordinary surface). The samples were tested under the climatic conditions of Baghdad city during the summer months (May to September) of 2021. These blocks were also evaluated by different structural tests. It can be seen from the test results that the use of Styrofoam adhesive with a reflective surface with panels of corrugated scratch-up increased the thermal insulation of the wall. It leads to reduce thermal leakage and the electrical energy consumed to provide comfortable thermal conditions by 52.7%, in addition to decreasing the mass density by 14.1% while compressive strength decreased by 21%.
The research was conducted for three types of houses, including a panel house built before 1991, a brick house built in 2006, and a brick house built in 2022. It was established that the temperature difference, which is decisive when assessing the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises, does not exceed the normative values for buildings built after 2006. In the building since 1991, the sanitary and hygienic indicators of the heated room deteriorate when the outside air temperature drops below −3 °C. At the same time, the fulfillment of the first condition of comfort in the room occurs at indoor air temperatures higher than the standard value, therefore, under the calculated conditions, residents feel discomfort when staying in such a room.
In this study, a numerical simulation technique is employed to predicate the temperature distribution and velocity profile data of cold and hot nanofluids within a T-mixer was studied. The mixing of nanofluid flow with Al2O3 nanoparticles of 50 nm flows at Φ = 0.4 vol.% in a T-shaped mixer. The present numerical problem has been solved using the COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4. Six angle of inclination was studied (θ = 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90°) of the gate and evaluated its effects on the temperatures and velocity contour in the T-junction. The study's findings indicated that the presence of a gate in a stationary, non-rotating flow regime has a noteworthy impact on the stationary vortex flow. Also, the mixing occurs more quickly at angles of 45 or 60°. Mixing at a 30° or 90° angle took longer.
This paper introduces a quantum-inspired ultra-lightweight encryption algorithm tailored for Internet of things devices with limited resources. The proposed algorithm excels in processing speed, memory usage, and energy efficiency, significantly outperforming existing lightweight cryptographic algorithms. With a processing speed of 12.4 ms, memory usage of 3.2 kilobytes, and energy consumption of 0.7 milli-Joules per kilobyte, the proposed algorithm stands out for its robust security and potential to enhance the security of Internet of things devices across various applications. This paper explores the methodology behind the proposed algorithm, comparing its performance metrics with conventional S-box generation approaches, and demonstrates its superiority in both theoretical and practical aspects.
As urbanization advances and societal shifts unfold, the integration of rural development and activity spaces has become a focal point in academic discourse. This study aims to explore the synergistic effects of the creative market model on rural activity spaces, dissecting its role in shaping these spaces, enhancing community engagement, and generating socio-economic benefits. Empirical findings highlight the affirmative role of the creative market model in this fusion. The research on community participation and spatial design reveals how creative markets enhance residents' sense of involvement and explores the influence of activity space design on community interaction. This study, by thoroughly examining the integration of the creative market model and rural activity spaces, offers theoretical and empirical support for advancing rural development.
Automation in the construction has seen progress in using modern techniques, which has opened new perspectives for the verification of construction structures using point clouds. This paper discusses wall structure geometry verification, using point cloud data with geometry information extracted from building information modeling models as reference data. The research is focusing on automating the verification of wall structures using a software solution developed in Python. It involves processing and extracting geometric data from models in industry foundation classes' format, comparing the data and visualization of deviation. Results, conclusion, and future workplans are given for achieving better understanding.
Nowadays, predicting the value of electrical usage has made it easier for electricity consumers to reduce their residential bills. This is done by introducing a new prediction method based on the design and foundation of artificial neural network (P-EANN) technology, which is a branch of intelligent machine learning (ML) technology. The P-EANN method is based on actual data of actual power quantities that can be measured by electricity meters for the electrical model and is compared with training data that is predicted and set to the electrical usage for comparison with the reading needed to reduce residential bills. From the root mean square error (RMSE), we can find the accuracy of the residential bills ($) in the P-EANN method, which is equal to 35.69%, and the accuracy of the residential bills ($) in the standard method, which is equal to 0.00%. then the results of the MATLAB simulation for the P-EANN method enhance and reduce the residential bills from 0.5 to 4.5 dollars per day. Thus, the problem of excessive electrical usage is solved, and consumers know how to consume energy well in any place.
Reduction of design errors, minimisation of rework and the improvement of the design productivity are key factors in building engineering systems (including structural and architectural solutions, ventilation systems, sewerage systems, water supply and heating systems, power supply systems, and communication networks). These goals can be achieved with a complex approach that prioritises the design of different building engineering systems in the model during the design phase, in order to provide a consistent design for different building engineering systems. The paper presents a novel approach for the application of plugins in building service systems with the elimination of collision in the focus. Collision reduction actions in this methodology are categorised into three levels: the code level, which pertains to plugin developers; the algorithm level, which relates to BIM coordinators; and the user level, which concerns engineers performing the check. This new systematic approach to collision resolution prioritises maintaining the consistency of collision detection across different systems and storing all information about each collision. Collision checking is based on several key factors, such as complying with the sequence of checking systems, excluding irrelevant collisions, and setting tolerances when joining system elements. The aim of our approach is to automate and expedite not only the identification of the intersections but also the subsequent work with it throughout the entire project life cycle. The results are demonstrated by a case study conducted in the frame of a real project.
The Energy Management System (EMS) is critical for electric vehicle (EV) in order to optimize energy consumption, improve efficiency, and enhance vehicle performance. The EMS provides the optimization of energy distribution among various vehicle components, reduces energy losses and maximizes the vehicle's efficacy. The EMS reduces battery stress to prevent excessive charging and discharging cycles; thereby, decreases the necessity for premature battery replacement which, in turn, contributes to the battery's life time. The goal of this research is to develop robust control technique to maximize the use of energy storage systems, renewable energy sources and the bidirectional power flow associated with EVs. The proposed robust control approach is based on combination of flatness theory with artificial neural network. The controller is responsible for maintaining the voltage DC bus stabilized and enhancing the quality of the power fed to the EV side. The performance of controlled EMS is verified via computer simulation within MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. As compared to classical proportional-integral (PI) control, the computer results show the proposed controller (FEMS-ANN) gives higher power quality of EV, lower overshot level in the DC voltage, faster response to abnormal conditions, and less steady state error.
The rise of e-commerce necessitates sustainable practices for a greener future. While the e-commerce boom offers immense economic opportunities, minimizing its environmental impact and upholding ethical business conduct are essential. Current research on e-commerce heavily focuses on information technology (IT) for understanding and improving consumer acceptance. However, a critical gap exists in exploring IT's potential contributions to sustainability, crime prevention, and environmental safety. This study bridges this gap by exploring the role of IT integration in managerial practices to enhance environmental protection, crime prevention, and foster sustainability within Bangladesh's booming e-commerce sector. Focusing on e-commerce managers' perspectives, the research examines effective leadership strategies for IT implementation. Additionally, it utilizes the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze the relationships between user perception and its impact on e-commerce performance. Using a structured questionnaire, we collected the data from 418 e-commerce managers. The research design incorporates a robust framework, hypothesis formulation, and methodological rigor grounded in TAM principles. The findings reveal a significant positive contribution of IT to environmental protection, crime prevention, and overall sustainability within the e-commerce sector. Managers' perceptions highlight that effective IT utilization ensures environmental safety, safeguards data against criminal activity, and promotes organizational sustainability. Furthermore, this research provides a roadmap for e-commerce businesses to accelerate their sustainability efforts. It also equips academics with valuable insights to advance knowledge on building a secure and sustainable future in the digital age.
As cities continue to grow and diversify, urban planners, and architects face the challenge of creating housing solutions that can flexibly respond to many demands and changes over time. This rapid change in the urban landscape necessitates adaptable housing design typologies to meet the evolving needs of urban residents. Several residential building, typologies have emerged with the intent of solving the problems arising from overpopulation. This paper aims to shed light on the importance of adaptability in urban housing design and its potential to enhance urban living environments. It reviews adaptability through various urban housing typologies, exploring the concept, its significance, and strategies that can be employed to achieve adaptable dense housing solutions.
Wildfire simulations can help to better understand the dynamics and effects of forest fires. The basis of wildfire simulation is the tree-burning simulation. In this paper, the fire simulation of 7 different geometry Hungarian trees in the case of arson is presented. It was observed that the trees were burned down fast. The maximum mass loss rate and maximum heat release rate were larger as the tree was larger. The largest intensity fire could be observed in the case of the smallest tree. The maximum temperature was higher in the case of a large crown diameter. The maximum aerosol reached high pollutant concentrations. In the case of large crown height, the maximum CO2 concentration was higher. The results presented in this paper can be the basis of the following forest fire simulations.
An intelligent tutoring system is a computer-based educational tool designed to provide adaptive learning environment to learners, mimicking the role of a human tutor. Its most typical areas of application are language learning, mathematics education, programming courses and medical training. Intelligent Tutoring Systems are based on the knowledge-module that is holding the system's knowledge in a well-structured format. Considering the current state of the art knowledge-module representations, a model that can represent evolving information is lacking. Representing evolving information is needed for those tutoring systems that are working with dynamically changing domains, e.g., software science. In this paper a new combined model is presented that is based on the ontology model and the fundamentals of knowledge space theory. The proposed model introduces the term of abstract time to be able to formulate an evolving knowledge graph. This paper introduces the term of evoking-hooks that makes it possible to realize connections between external domain elements and the nodes of the proposed model.
In a result of the increase in impervious surfaces in the urbanized area, there is an increase in surface runoff and at the same time an overload of the sewage network. In order to reduce the mentioned negative impacts in the inner city of Bratislava, this study was developed. The aim of this study was to design as possible the most efficient possible infiltration device for capturing rainwater and keeping it at the point of impact of precipitation of the addressed site. The Novohradska Grammar School campus was chosen as the area of interest. It is assumed that, together with elements of green infrastructure, these measures will be able to contribute in order to mitigate the adverse effects of urbanization in the capital.
The inorganic scaling in wells is a common problem faced by mining companies. At present, the use of protective coatings for tubing as a measure to prevent or reduce the formation of inorganic scale deposits on pipe walls has not been fully studied. To use protective coatings as a measure to counteract the deposition of inorganic salts, it is necessary to develop a method that allows assessing the ability of coatings, as well as polymer and metal materials, to prevent the formation of inorganic scale deposits on the inner surface of pipes.
The article proposes a method for assessing the ability of protective coatings to resist the inorganic scaling on the inner surface of tubing. The proposed assessment method allows to make an informed decision on the advisability of using internal protective coatings of tubing to prevent (or reduce) the formation of inorganic scale deposits. The authors consider design features of a test bench for assessing the resistance of coatings to inorganic scale deposits, which allows to simulate the conditions for the formation of scale deposits that are as close as possible to the real conditions of oil production facilities. The article presents the results of bench tests of nine coating samples, two polymer samples and one sample made of St 40G2 steel. To assess the effectiveness of using tubing with an internal anti-corrosion coating as a measure to combat scale deposits, additional research is required to assess the possibility of complex use of coatings in conjunction with other methods of preventing processes of inorganic scaling. Thus, the authors developed the Bench for assessing the resistance of protective coatings of tubing to inorganic scale deposits. A dynamic testing technique is proposed to evaluate the resistance of protective coatings to inorganic scale deposits. Based on the presented results, conclusions were drawn about the possibility of using protective coatings on tubing as a measure to prevent the formation of inorganic scale deposits on the inner surface of the tubing.
The work focuses in architectural dimension of urban form, by confronting the plans of three neighborhoods in Prishtina that represent potentially three main urban paradigms of the last decades in city's urban transformation. The study aims to unfold the main elements, confront them, and expose to possible transformation. The work progressively decomposes each case into basic components and deductively to their minimal unit.
The research, through interpretation and graphic illustrations, analyzes the three plans by layers: basic elements and their relational modalities, urban matrix, open space character and composing minimal units. The process will identify the main components, and their generic potentiality to be considered as future inputs in city's development.
Even though concrete structures are safer than steel structures in terms of fire resistance, the risk exists in concrete structures by spalling or exploding, especially in high-strength concrete. This study aims to produce a particular type of concrete using waste ceramics as fine aggregate and waste glass as coarse aggregate and compare data with normal aggregate concrete. Studies show that using waste ceramic and glass increases the fire resistance of concrete. After fire exposure in the control mix, the residual compressive strength was 10 MPa. The waste aggregate concrete was found to be 26.9 MPa after 800 centigrade exposures, which was an excellent result. Waste materials decreased construction costs and led to a clean environment.
Manufacturing ceramic green structures using starch consolidation casting is an established process that is simple, non-hazard, and low-cost. In this study, starch consolidation casting is used to prepare ceramics based on submicron monoclinic zirconia with additions of alumina and magnesia. Scanning electron microscopy results indicate that the size of pores decreased and the morphological irregularity increased when the tapioca starch content increased. The sample with 30 wt.% tapioca starch in a 55 wt.% slurry concentration had the highest estimated apparent porosity (around 56%), whereas the sample with 10 wt.% in a 68 wt.% suspension concentration had the lowest (about 35%).
In the ever-changing realm of the contemporary workplace, adaptability and flexibility have emerged as crucial attributes for office buildings. The method of axes system design, in conjunction with modular structures, fosters a workspace that can seamlessly adapt to the evolving needs of offices. This system embodies a comprehensive approach to office design, emphasizing the integration of four important principles: modularity, adaptability, interconnectedness, and flexibility. The modular nature of the structural axes design allows for swift and cost-effective adjustments, facilitating customer needs. The dynamism of this system ensures that office spaces are in a perpetual state of evolution, reflecting the changing dynamics of the contemporary workplace as to be shown in this paper.
Plastic pollution of oceans and seas is increasing every year and coastal countries need to pay particular attention to this problem. Four Asian countries – Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea – were analysed in terms of the amount of waste and plastic waste generated and their recycling rates. For each country, available data were collected and converted into a common unit of measurement – metric tonnes per 1,000 people. The countries' performance to date was analysed and used as a basis for projections for 2030. Based on the trends so far, Japan has seen an 11% reduction in plastics waste and a 6% reduction in waste over the period, while China has seen a 27% increase in waste and an 8% reduction in plastic waste. In South Korea, plastic waste increased by 49% and waste by 21%. In Singapore, waste decreased by 13% and plastic waste increased by 15%. On current trends, none of the countries are projected to reach their 2030 targets. However, by complying with current and newly introduced regulations, they have a chance to move closer to their targets.
Thermomechanical treatments and variations in chemical composition during the production of these alloys allow their properties to be adjusted as necessary. In the present research, the influence of chemical modification was analyzed by adding a combination of two rare earth elements (lanthanum and cerium) and performing a pretreatment before natural and artificial aging. With this, it was observed that said chemical modification led to an increase in hardness after artificial aging and specific suppression of the hardening speed at room temperature, combined with a pretreatment process to improve the density of the nucleation site and take advantage of the possible vacancy capture effect. Furthermore, microstructural changes were observed in the study alloys by scanning electron microscopy. The above allows the design of alloy production processes according to the requirements of each application.
Facial recognition technology is transformative in security and human-machine interaction, reshaping societal interactions. Robust descriptors, essential for high precision in machine learning tasks like recognition and recall, are integral to this transformation. This paper presents a hybrid model enhancing local binary pattern descriptors for facial representation. By integrating rotation-invariant local binary pattern with uniform rotation-invariant grey-level co-occurrence, employing linear discriminant analysis for feature space optimization, and utilizing an artificial neural network for classification, the model achieves exceptional accuracy rates of 100% for Olivetti Research Laboratory, 99.98% for Maastricht University Computer Vision Test, and 99.17% for Extended Yale B, surpassing traditional methods significantly.
The study aims to investigate and find natural fiber as concrete reinforcement using the self-compacting concrete method. Methods of adding fiber and self-compacting concrete methods are exciting because these two methods have different characteristics and advantages. Therefore, the performance of the fresh-state flow capability of the self-compacting concrete method, which contains various fibers, was observed. Coconut fiber, pineapple leaf fiber, ijuk sugar palm fiber, and artificial polypropylene fiber were used with varying compositions of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7% by mass of binder. The results show that coconut and pineapple fiber concrete met the European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete standards. The coconut and pineapple fiber concrete performed admirably in all tests.
With the rise of the digital era, digital reading and learning have become widespread. University libraries, as core locations for study and communication, face challenges in fully meeting the demands of modern teaching and learning. This paper takes the library at the Changqing campus of Shandong University of Arts as a case study to explore the environmental space design of constructed libraries in the digital era. By reviewing relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks, analyzing the existing environment, and researching intervention design methods, the paper discusses the positive role of adapting to the digital future in renovating established library spaces.
Streaming services spread rapidly. Among these services there are the linear TV, video library or program review system, while the online platform offering these contents is called mobile TV. A recommendation system may not only keep existing clients, but may also generate further turnover, should it introduce new content to the users. In this paper a recommendation system based on the Élő point calculation method is addressed. It is detailed how the programs should be grouped into different dimensions and what type of categories should be considered. Further, the idea of punch cards is introduced. Besides, the user profiles are set. The match system introduced by Élő is applied to the present situation. The system is introduced at a local mobile TV provider with 20,000 users.
A computational model is developed to investigate the convective heat transfer properties and the fluid flow characteristics of cupric oxide - water nano-fluid in a horizontal circular pipe aiming to provide insights into optimizing heat transfer in such systems. A twisted tape with varied twist ratios is inserted. This quantitative investigation used five Reynolds number from 4,000 to 12,000 under a uniform heat flux scenario of 25,000 W m−2. All experiments were performed as a single-phase fluid with cupric oxide values of 0, 0.4, 1, and 2% by volume. By reducing the twist ratio and increasing volume concentration, the average heat transfer coefficient of cupric oxide-water nano-fluid was improved. For a twist ratio of 4D, the maximum heat transfer improvement was 228% greater than the plain pipe. The presence of twisted tape with modest step ratios causes the friction factor to grow.
A computational model is developed to investigate the convective heat transfer properties and the fluid flow characteristics of cupric oxide - water nano-fluid in a horizontal circular pipe aiming to provide insights into optimizing heat transfer in such systems. A twisted tape with varied twist ratios is inserted. This quantitative investigation used five Reynolds number from 4,000 to 12,000 under a uniform heat flux scenario of 25,000 W m−2. All experiments were performed as a single-phase fluid with cupric oxide values of 0, 0.4, 1, and 2% by volume. By reducing the twist ratio and increasing volume concentration, the average heat transfer coefficient of cupric oxide-water nano-fluid was improved. For a twist ratio of 4D, the maximum heat transfer improvement was 228% greater than the plain pipe. The presence of twisted tape with modest step ratios causes the friction factor to grow.
This research aims to study the pullout resistance of a helical pile using three methods of machine learning techniques, which are: random forest regression, support vector regression, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, based on experimental results of a helical pile. The performance of these three techniques has been d compared and the results show that random forest algorithm has best performance than neuro-fuzzy inference system and support vector technique. The results show that machine learning considered a good tool in terms of estimating the pullout resistance of helical piles in the soil.
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printing is widely utilized for producing thermoplastic components with functional purposes. However, the inherent mechanical limitations of pure thermoplastic materials necessitate enhancements in their mechanical characteristics when employed in certain applications. One strategy for addressing this challenge involves the incorporation of reinforcement materials, such as carbon fiber (CF), within the thermoplastic matrix. This approach leads to the creation of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites (CFRPs) suitable for engineering applications. The utilization of CFRPs in 3D printing amalgamates the benefits of additive manufacturing, including customization, cost-effectiveness, reduced waste, swift prototyping, and accelerated production, with the remarkable specific strength of carbon fiber. This study encompasses tensile and compressive testing of distinct material compositions: recycled polylactic acid (rPLA), PLA enriched with 10 wt.% carbon fiber, pristine polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG), and PETG bolstered with 10 wt.% carbon fiber. Tensile tests adhere to the ASTM D3039 standard for specimens of rectangular shape, while the ASTM D695 standard governs the compressive testing procedures. Additionally, an inquiry into the influence of the primary 3D printing build orientation parameter on the tensile and compressive strengths of diverse materials was conducted. The outcomes reveal that rPLA exhibits superior mechanical properties in both tensile and compressive tests, irrespective of flat or on-edge build orientations. In the context of tensile strength analysis, it is noteworthy that rPLA demonstrated a superior performance, surpassing CFPLA by 30% in flat orientation and exhibiting a remarkable 39.2% advantage in on-edge orientation. Moreover, PLA reinforced with carbon fiber exhibits superior tensile and compressive properties compared to its PETG counterpart. A comparative analysis between CFPLA and CF-PETG indicates that CF-PLA demonstrates higher tensile strengths, with increases of 26.6 and 27.6% for flat and on-edge orientations, respectively. In the context of compressive strength analysis, rPLA surpassed CFPLA, PETG, and CF-PETG by 23.7, 53, and 67%, respectively. Intriguingly, the findings indicate that the incorporation of 10 wt.% carbon fiber diminishes the tensile and compressive properties in comparison to pure PETG.
The manufacture of High-Performance Concrete (HPC) in bridge deck construction is part of an experimental framework that is also developing in the numerical domain to fill the existing gaps in understanding its behavior. However, the numerical modeling of HPC for bridge decks remains largely under-explored. It is precisely this gap that has sparked our interest in this research area, thus giving our work its innovative character.
This study primarily aims to deepen the understanding of the behavior of HPC bridge decks while manufacturing an efficient and economical HPC using local materials possessing very high properties (mechanical, physical, elastic, durability, and implementation) and advanced numerical modeling. This modeling has enabled us to study the behavior of HPC bridge decks in relation to cracking through the Extended Finite Element Method (X-FEM), an innovative solution that enables the modeling of discontinuities without complicating the process. This has been confirmed by the quality of the results, which show an excellent correlation with experimental data, underscoring the accuracy of the modeling. These results also reveal that the use of HPC in bridge construction can significantly reduce degradation risks while enhancing their performance. Consequently, the adoption of HPC stands out as a beneficial strategy, not only to minimize bridge degradation but also to extend their durability.
Spatial data management is crucial for applications like urban planning and environmental monitoring. While traditional relational databases are commonly used, they struggle with large and complex spatial data. NoSQL databases provide support for unstructured data and scalability. This article compares the performance and disk space usage of SQL Server (a relational database) and MongoDB (NoSQL database) using an open-source library. Experiments conducted with the OpenStreetMap dataset from Central America show that the MongoDB database outperformed the relational SQL Server database in most cases, offering practical advantages for spatial data management in Geographic Information System applications.
The Geometric Construction of Hexagonal Apses in Mediaeval Hungary
Hatszögű apszisok geometriai szerkesztése a középkori Magyarország területén
Geometric construction in Gothic architecture has been a popular subject of research for centuries. The use and extent of quadrature and triangulation grids has long been debated, as the few architectural drawings that survived from the era do not indicate the construction process. Modern surveying methods, however, allow us to inspect the exact geometry of a building with all its irregularities – in the case of this article we use 3D point clouds created by laser scanning, from which accurate measurements can be taken.
In our study we analyse four churches from mediaeval Hungary: the Franciscan church of Szeged-Alsóváros, the fortified church of Cincu (RO, Nagysink/Großschenk), the Franciscan church of GyöngyösAlsóváros and the fortified church of Mediaș (RO, Medgyes/Mediasch). Each of these are built with elongated choirs and approximately hexagonal apses. We explore the possible construction systems of these buildings and compare them to each other. We aim to present the similarities and differences between them and to offer likely explanations of their irregularities. Moreover, we propose the significance of construction circles used for creating a triangulation grid.
This study is devoted to condition-based maintenance using vibration analysis. It proposes a numerical and experimental methodology to assist in the detection and vibratory monitoring of chipping faults on gear teeth.
The aim of this work is to model the dynamic behavior of the gear link and to treat the vibration behavior of gear flaws theoretically and experimentally. This article is going to study the case of a breast gear, a defect located on the wheel, another defect on the pinion and the wheel and the insufficient center distance defect based on experiments carried out on a test bench manufactured in the laboratory.