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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
Appliances used in everyday life, like smart phones, notebooks; do-it-yourself machineries usually operate with battery instead of power supply. It means comfort to users however; they expose them to different dangers. In the last few years, several fire cases happened in connection with these appliances while charging and usage, which have driven the attention to the dangers of battery technology. Regarding the actuality of the topic, combustion products developing during the burning process of batteries with 1:1 ratio burning experiments were investigated, experiences and results from that are represented in this paper. The aim of the research is to call the attention to the flammability properties of lithium-ion and other batteries, the possible dangers and in case of fire to support the involved personnel.
Most error-resilient media processing applications use multipliers as their basic building blocks. These are power-consumption and computationally intensive modules. In the existing works, several types of the multipliers were used to improve the hardware capacity, but those methods did not provide sufficient results. Therefore, in this manuscript, a Baugh-Wooley Multiplier design using Multiple Control Toffoli (MCT) and Multiple Control Fredrick gate (MCF) Reversible Logic gate (BWM-MCT-MCF) will be analyzed. Initially, Reversible Full Adder (RFA) is designed using Multiple Control Toffoli and Multiple Control Fredrick gate Reversible Logic gates. Then the proposed Reversible Full Adder is used in Baugh-Wooley Multiplier. By this, it reduces the hardware complexity with higher speed, lower area, lower power consumption. The proposed BWM-MCT-MCF multiplier is implemented in MATLAB, its performance shows lower Garbage output 22.78%, 24.88%, 20.95% compared with the existing designs, like BWM-FG-FRG, BWM-RL-TG, BWM-TG-FG respectively. Then the designed BWM-MCT-MCF is implemented using Xilinx ISE tool with the Virtex 5 device. From this, the performance of the proposed FPGA-BWM-MCT-MCF method shows lower delay 23.77%, 16.86% compared with the existing designs, like FPGA-BWM-RL-TG, FPGA-BWM-TG-FG respectively.
Nanotechnology applications have occupied a wide range in engineering applications and achieved distinctive performance due to their potential as a working fluid instead of conventional liquids due to their outstanding performance. Sustaining stable performance nanofluids for a longer time retaining their properties without clustering and nanoparticles aggregation in the base fluid represents a significant challenge that can influence nanofluid properties and thermal behaviour. This review highlights some important factors that influence the stability of nanofluids, such as the size, concentration ratio of nanoparticles, and the type of base fluid, in addition discussing the methods used to improve the stability of nanofluids, such as the effect of cluster formation of nanoparticles in the base fluid due to Brownian motion and the role of the surfactants in preventing or reducing the agglomeration of nanoparticles, zeta potential and pH in estimating nanofluids stability. The factors mentioned affect the thermophysical properties of nanoparticles in preparing nanofluids and enhance their performance. This review provides information which helps improve the wide range usability of nanofluids for preparing stable nanofluids with good thermophysical properties.
Environment Protection – Monument Preservation
Környezetvédelem – műemlékvédelem
The preservation of existing buildings is desirable not only for the purpose of saving architectural values, but equally important is that it is an environmentally friendly–environmentally conscious activity as well, since by renovating existing houses less waste is generated, the environmental impact from transport decreases, the material and energy invested in the structures already built do not get lost and no additional energy is needed for demolition.
Fű – Fa – Agyag – Őrség •
Az építészeti anyaghasználat és a táji adottságok kölcsönhatása az Őrség területén
Grass – Wood – Clay – Őrség •
The Interaction Between the Use of Architectural Materials and Landscape Features in the Area of Őrség
Egy adott területen hagyományos népi építészet nemcsak egy adott korszak társadalmi viszonyaitól, igényeitől és technológiai fejlettségétől, hanem a helyben fellelhető környezeti és természeti adottságoktól és az azok nyújtotta lehetőségek megfelelő felismerésétől és hasznosításától is nagymértékben függ. A Magyarország nyugati határvidékén található Őrség aprófalvas települései a tájjal szoros kapcsolatban fejlődtek. Az itt élők tájalakító tevékenységüket a helyi erőforrásokra építve, ahhoz alkalmazkodva vitték végbe, így épületeiket is a helyi adottságok használatával és figyelembevételével alakították ki. Ezek nyomán elsősorban két építőanyag vált általánossá és a terültre jellemzővé, a fa és az égetett agyagtégla, melyek használata eltérő építészeti formákat, szerkezeteket vont magával.
Jelen kutatás célja a történeti, hagyományos anyagok és formák tájhasználati összefüggéseinek feltárása az Őrségben jellemző, épülettipológiát is befolyásoló anyaghasználati sajátosságok elemzésén keresztül. A kutatás az írott források feltárásán felül történeti térképek és webes térképészeti szolgáltatások vizsgálatával készült az Őrségre és annak három általunk kiválasztott, összetartozó településére fókuszálva (Őriszentpéter, Ispánk, Nagyrákos), ötvözve a tájépítészeti és építészeti szemléletet.
The topic of this study has been the examination and comparison of the competitive balance of the Spanish and the English first leagues of soccer, called La Liga Santander and Barclays Premier League. The basis for the research project has been provided by a database of sixteen hundred elements, containing the data of the two leagues starting from the 2014/2015 season up to the 2017/2018 season. When choosing the time period for the study, we intended to avoid having to deal with the impact of Covid-19, which is why we picked exactly these competition seasons. We have primarily used statistical indicators. In the case of sports-related data, our inquiries have included the following: comparing and averaging the winning percentages per season, furthermore, the winning percentages of championship seasons, the distribution of goals scored and conceded and, finally, the calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. Although there is one aspect of investigation according to which the competition balance of La Liga is closer to the optimal, the dispersion of winning percentages and the indicator of the goals conceded as well as the HHI index show that the Premier League is the more balanced competition of the two.
An optimization approach for two-area power system with Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is the Atomic Orbital Search (AOS) approach. The proposed approach is applied to achieve full utilization of UPFC and keeps the parameters uncertain. The multivariable PI controller is utilized to control the system controller and eliminates the negative interaction of the controllers. The proposed approach combines the two subsystems by converting algebraic subsystem using differential approximation, which leads to a nonlinear system. The proposed approach provides efficient voltage regulation and quicker damping of inter-area mode oscillations. The proposed UPFC controller eliminates generator oscillation and fault condition, which guarantee the stability of the system as well as provides dynamic power flow control under the tie-line. At last, the proposed method is simulated on MATLAB platform and compared with existing methods. From this comparison, it is shown that the proposed approach provides less oscillation than the existing approach.
A hybrid approach is proposed in this paper to achieve the load power requirement for grid connected hybrid photovoltaic wind system. The proposed approach is the combined execution of both the Modified Dragonfly Algorithm (MDA) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interference System (ANFIS), hence it is called MDA-ANFIS. ANFIS approach is improved by the MDA approach to minimize the error functions. The main aim of the proposed approach is satisfying the load power requirement and obtains the maximum energy from the hybrid wind solar system. Through the modelling of operating modes of generation units, the proposed approach determines the switching states of the inverter. The MDA approach is utilized to generate the dataset and the data set is processed by ANFIS, which creates the control signal. By using the proposed approach, it was possible to minimize the system parameter radiation, external disturbances as well as optimally fulfill the load demand. The proposed method is activated in MATLAB/Simulink platform, and its performance is compared with existing methods.
Alkali Activated Concrete (AAC) is a moderately new form of concrete that has gotten a lot of interest in recent decades owing to its environmental advantages and features. However, further research into the effects of various proportions of fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), and lime on the characteristics of calcium-based AAC is still needed. This work aims to provide detailed information about the characteristics of AAC with various concentrations of fly ash, GGBS, and lime in order to produce the best combinations for engineering applications. The alkali activators in this investigation are sodium hydroxide and calcium silicate. All concrete mixes are examined for workability, strength, and durability for knowing the impact of fly ash, GGBS, and lime on AAC performance. The results specify that the increase in dosage of GGBBS diminishes the workability. The accumulation of only lime and GGBS shows optimum strength and durability results. In this study further regression analysis has been carried out for predicting the strength of the AAC. The regression equation was developed using the response surface approach for reliably predicting experimental outcomes with an acceptable margin of error.
Photovoltaic energy is a well-known term nowadays, and with the continuous increase in PV demand, it has become necessary to consider the other sides that may affect the success of it, which is considered one of the real effects on the environment. The PV waste has started to create a large issue with the absence of administrative procedures in many countries. Despite the estimated life of photovoltaic panels being between 20 and 30 years, many units have already started to stop working. However, research indicates the total cost of new materials to manufacture a PV panel is around USD 90 per square meter, compared to USD 13.62 for the costs of recycling a PV module. The regulations disclosed that the problem of EoL for PV modules and their management is still not considered an issue in many countries. Therefore, SWOT analysis was used to evaluate the EoL management of waste PV modules in three regions in Washington, California, and the European Union's WEEE Directive. This study presents recommendations to strengthen regulations to manage the problems of the EoL waste, and open the way for countries and the private sector to realize the responsibility that may affect the environment.