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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
A computational fluid dynamics numerical model addressed the problem of local scouring and deposition calculation for non-cohesive sediment and clear water conditions near single and double cylindrical piers. The numerical results of single cylindrical piers correlate very well with the physical model's results while are higher than the case of the double pier, especially when the large-eddy turbulence model, the van Rijn bed-load transport equation, and fine mesh size are considered. Additionally, the final numerical predictions are compared to experimental data after parameters effectiveness explores the range of results based on projected user inputs like the bed-load equation, mesh cell size, and turbulence model.
The gear is the most efficient and reliable portion of the transmission system. In machine tools, gears are utilized to handle heavy loads. These gears are used indefinitely if the prerequisites are met. Gear tooth bending stress for numerous spur gears has been examined in this research. The influence of changing the pressure angles on the spur gear tooth root stress has been investigated. The purpose of this study is to look for a new way of finding the stresses generated in the roots of the gear teeth as well as the effect of changing pressure angles on these stresses. Solidworks 2021 uses parametric formulation to model gears, analyzed for deformation and maximum bending stress in ANSYS. The airy stress function is used to conduct the nominal root tooth stress. The enhancement percentages of modified cases are 5.92%, 1.70%, 10.70%, 17.22%, 10.86%, 24.32%, 20.91%, and 26.15% for the cases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, respectively according to the stress function findings.
The thermo convective instability of the Darcy-Benard problem (DB) using Robin (third-kind) thermal conditions is investigated here. We consider a viscous Newtonian fluid saturating a porous layer in which the layer is sandwiched between two impermeable boundaries. The upper and the lower walls are modelled in the form of the Neumann (second-kind) and the Robin (third-kind) thermal conditions, respectively. The difference in the temperature distribution between both phases allows the lack of a local thermal equilibrium model to be present. As a consequence, the third kind of thermal condition brings about one extra dimensionless parameter of the Biot number to the usual one of the inter-heat transfer coefficient and the thermal conductivity ratio. The normal modes method adopted in a linear stability analysis gives rise to perturbed governing equations. The eigenvalue problem is handled numerically as a result of the perturbed governing equations leading to the marginal stability condition.
Kismarty-Lechner Jenő templomépítészete •
A két világháború közötti katolikus templomépítészet útkeresései
Church Architecture of Jenő Kismarty-Lechner •
The Attempts of Renewal of the Roman Catholic Church Architecture in the Interwar Period
Kismarty-Lechner Jenő templomtervezői pályája 1916-ban indul – s ha a templomátalakításokat is számba vesszük, akkor az 1950-es évekig hatalmas ívet ír le tevékenysége, mely sok esetben nem választható el oktatói pályájától és műemlékes munkáitól. Templomtervezői munkásságának tetemes része a két világháború közötti időszakra tehető, mely egyben a korszak stíluspluralizmusának kiváló reprezentánsa. Esetében igen széles spektrum rajzolódik ki a pártázatos reneszánsztól kezdve a neoklasszicizmuson át a magyaros és nemzeti tendenciák újraértelmezésén túl a modern templomépítészetig, melyben máig kiemelkedőt alkotott. Kismarty recepciójához hozzátartozik, hogy lényegében a legtöbb szakirodalom az építész gazdag alkotótevékenységére helyezve a hangsúlyt a változatos stílusokban tervezés mellett a magyar szecesszió továbbéléseként, a magyar nemzeti stíluskeresés egyik állomásaként értékeli, kiemelve, hogy az önálló építészeti formanyelv megteremtésének forrásait inspiratív módon a felvidéki / felső-magyarországi pártázatos reneszánszban és a magyar népi építészetben találta meg. Emellett a kutatás során összegyűjtött és a korszak templomépítészetének tükrében értékelt épületei és tervei azt mutatják, hogy Kismarty-Lechner Jenő a modern templomépítészet létrejöttében jelentős szerepet játszott. Jelen kutatás törekszik Kismarty-Lechner Jenő hatalmas templomépítészeti munkásságát folyamatában, a források tükrében bemutatni s a különféle gyűjteményekben megőrzött terveit egymás mellett vizsgálni.
Usage of single use plastics has been rapidly increasing in the recent past and it is challenging to dispose of these plastics safely, since they are non-biodegradable. Especially, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which is widely used in the form of water bottles cannot be easily recycled or reused. On the other hand, construction projects require sustainable materials having good strength, accordingly various studies have been conducted to reuse plastic wastes in the concrete and positive results have been obtained. In this study, the crushed PET bottles are partially substituted with fine aggregates and water hyacinth is added as a bio plasticizer in concrete. The concrete specimens are cast by substituting PET aggregates with the fine aggregates at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% and water hyacinth is added at 10 & 20% by weight of water. The specimens are tested and it is noted that with the addition of PET aggregates up to 4% the strength of the concrete increases and beyond 4%, strength of the concrete gradually decreases, and addition of water hyacinth enhances the strength of the concrete.
In this paper, a novel hybrid technique is proposed for transient stability analysis on grid connected Wind-Diesel-PV hybrid system. The proposed hybrid methodology is combination of the dwarf mongoose optimization algorithm (DMO) and the recalling enhanced recurrent neural network (RERNN) named DMO-RERNN. The main purpose of this work is to consider various elements on hybrid system for the analysis of transient stability according to different conditions. The voltage profile of hybrid system is enhanced using the proposed unified power flow controller (UPFC), which also has higher performance improving transient performance compared to the conventional ANN, PI and fuzzy-sliding mode controller. Considering the proposed technique, DMO is used to find the optimal global solution for the fault predicted by the RERNN approach. The proposed system is executed on MATLAB work platform; its performance with existing systems is analyzed. The result proves that the proposed hybrid technique based UPFC controller provides better results compared with other existing technique. The efficiency of the PI is 82.136, ANN is 77, Fuzzy Sliding Mode is 65.097% and proposed technique is 97.99038%.
The design of the envelope in high-rise office buildings is a task of great importance as it can impact the entire building's energy performance. The study presented in this paper is an extension of a previous work reporting on the optimization of the façade and the shading systems of an east-west facing high-rise office building. This study aims to investigate the façade geometry design factors for other potential orientations, e.g., south, south-east, and south-west directions. The IDA ICE 4.8 complex dynamic building energy simulation program was used to assess thermal and lighting simulations. The optimization results revealed the best-performing façade configurations, appropriate for each orientation examined in terms of thermal comfort, visual comfort, and energy consumption.
The pylon is an essential part of lower limb prosthetics. It is usually made of titanium, aluminum, and steel. However, it is expensive and difficult to be available in developing countries, especially for children who suffer from amputation. Moreover, they constantly need new pylon pieces during close periods due to the growth and increase in the child's length.
This study aims to design an adjustable pylon that can change in length to suit the increase in the length of the healthy leg of the child without the need for a new pylon and reduce the economic cost.
In this study, an adjustable pylon model was designed using the CAD software (Solid work) and work to manufacture the pylon from low-cost materials (carbon fiber filament) capable of bearing the amputee's weight, and manufacturing printed parts by using additive manufacturing technical (CREALITY CR20 3D printer).
The results showed that the pylon is successful in design and strength as it bears the patient's weight without any failure or buckling, and the proof that the maximum amount of stress generated is 27.8 MPa, which is far from the value of the yield stress.
The design of the adjustable pylon prototype offers good strength and ability to bear the patient weight, reducing the cost and time of manufacturing.
Prying force formation at bolts is considered as an important problem in steel connection design. It affects the connection bearing capacity, ductility and serviceability negatively by increasing stresses induced inside connections. In the present work, behavior of steel connection under prying force is studied. A connection of steel beam-column has been modeled using software Revit program. Tension load is applied increasingly and the connection displacement has been measured until failure. Finite element simulation of steel angles under the effect of tension load and prying force has been studied. It is found that the connection has three phases of bearing behavior. Plastic hinge formation noticed increased with prying force presence.
The common feature of streams in steep sloping watersheds is that there is a significant change from base-flow to flash-flood; sometimes two or three orders of magnitude. In Hungary, these streams are usually ungauged, with lack of available data, and models. The watershed features both urban and natural land use conditions, but the main area is quite homogenic.
This paper evaluates the impact of different model parameterizations, and rainfall duration on flash-flood events in the Morgó-creek watershed. The goal is to find the main parameters that can represent the uncertainty of a flash-flood sensitive area, and how the calibrated and determined parameters take effect on a model if these values are shifted on given intervals.