Discover the Latest Journals in Architecture and Architectonics
Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
The task scheduling is to map and arrange the execution of tasks on resources to optimize one or more efficient criteria. This paper tries to provide an improved model for scheduling workflow tasks of the cloud, which simultaneously considers three aspects of optimizing: makespan time, resource utilization, and scheduling length ratio. The model combines the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm and the harmony search approach to achieve these goals. Harmony search algorithm attempts to perform a local search around the best solutions in each repetition of the algorithm to prevent it from getting stuck in the local optimal. The results on the four Cybershake, Epigenomics, Inspiral, and Montage datasets depict that the suggested algorithm is more efficient for all three criteria.
Identification of online hate is the prime concern for natural language processing researchers; social media has augmented this menace by providing a virtual platform for online harassment. This study identifies online harassment using the trolling aggression and cyber-bullying dataset from shared tasks workshop. This work concentrates on extreme pre-processing and ensemble approach for model building; this study also considers the existing algorithms like the random forest, logistic regression, multinomial Naïve Bayes. Logistic regression proves to be more efficient with the highest accuracy of 57.91%. Ensemble bidirectional encoder representation from transformers showed promising results with 62% precision, which is better than most existing models.
Timber is a widely used material in construction. The moisture content has a significant impact on the mechanical and physical properties of it. This paper studies how the moisture content values are directly connected to the climate conditions, especially temperature and relative humidity, by measuring these factors for a non-renovated historical timber roof for a one-year period, combined with meteorological data for Pécs since 1901. The fluctuation in moisture content values created instability in the water content of the structural elements due to absorption and release of water in order to reach the equivalent moisture content point. This process led to continuous volume increase-decrease of the timber, thus to formation of cracks, discoloration and harmful fungi development.
The research simulates the precipitation-runoff process in an urbanized area. The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, is chosen as the locality of interest. The construction of a mathematical model of the area of interest and the existing sewer network was used the storm-water management model software. The rain type was stimulated by the block type of rain and real precipitation events. The study results showed that some parts of the existing sewer network are overloaded already during a lower intensity rain event. Based on the results achieved in the future, it is considered with the proposal of measures for rainwater management.
The comparison of Mono and Multi Repository structures is a highly debated topic in the software development field. Despite the choice of repository structure is the first main step in development; so far, this comparison has only been made on a small or local scale. Here, Mono and Multi Repository structures have been compared from different aspects using thousands of projects.
First, an algorithm shared for collecting and identifying Mono and Multi Repository projects and save them into the database. Database was used for making different comparisons for example the usage intensity of both structure types over time, the developer's preference over structure type based on their country and so on. Also, all these comparisons have been made according to the team size and development period for each repository structure.
Two different tire configurations consisting of a dual tire and a super single wide tire having different range and distribution of contact pressures have been analyzed. Along with the effect of speed on development of pavement damage at speeds of 5, 50 and 80 km h−1 under zero and uniform wander modes. Results show that at super slow speeds of 5 km h−1, at dual wheel moving at zero wander mode, decrease in fatigue life of the pavement is 3.5 years, which is 1.45 times more than the dual wheel moving at uniform wander and 3.4 times more than wide tire moving at uniform wander mode. The difference between fatigue damage at different lateral wander modes is prominent at speeds greater than 50 km h−1. A wide tire performs better than the dual wheel under zero wander configurations.
Elmélet és gyakorlat kapcsolata •
Műegyetemi építészkari tervezési munkák az 1950-es évekből
The Relationship Between Theory and Practice •
Design Works of the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest Technical University in the 1950s
Elmélet és gyakorlat kapcsolatát ezúttal az építészetoktatás történetén keresztül vizsgáljuk, azon belül is az 1950-es évek lehetőségeit oktatói, majd hallgatói szemszögből végignézve. Ez az időszak két okból lehet külön kutatás tárgya. Egyrészt mert az 1940-es, 1950-es évek fordulóján a magánirodákat a nagy állami tervezőintézetek váltották fel, és így a professzorok sem folytathattak a továbbiakban önálló tervezői tevékenységet az oktatás mellett, pedig nem sokkal korábban a kettő még fizikailag is szorosan összefonódott, hiszen az egyetemen belül működtethették irodáikat. A másik, ami miatt az 1950-es évek eleje érdeklődésre tarthat számot, az a szocialista realista stílusdiktátum megjelenése, amelyhez az oktatásban is alkalmazkodni kellett. A tervezést oktatók gyakorlati tapasztalatszerzésének fontosságát minden irányból elismerték, így hamarosan megoldást találtak a problémára: az építészkari tanszékek tervezői munkaközösségként kaptak meghívást nagyszabású tervpályázatokra, vagy közvetlen megbízással keresték meg őket. A tanulmány a Magyar Építőművészet folyóiratban ekkoriban publikált tanszéki munkákat veszi sorra és mutatja be rajtuk keresztül az aktuális építészeti tendenciákat, melyek a Műegyetemen is egyértelműen éreztették hatásukat. A továbbiakban a hallgatók lehetőségeivel foglalkozunk, hiszen az építészetoktatásban az elméleti tudás elsajátításán túl a gyakorlati ismeretek minél szélesebb körű bővítése is nagy jelentőséggel bír – a múltban és napjainkban egyaránt. A hallgatók is bekapcsolódhattak bizonyos tanszéki feladatokba, de tervpályázatokon is indulhattak, külön engedéllyel dolgozhattak, illetve mindegyikük számára kötelező volt 1951-től a nyári termelési gyakorlaton való részvétel. Egy-egy visszaemlékezés segítségével kitérünk arra is, hogy mennyire voltak elégedettek az oktatók és a hallgatók egyetemen kívüli feladataikkal – így személyes nézőpontokkal is kiegészülnek a levéltári és szakirodalmi források.
The design of supported embankments on soft soil is a common challenge for civil engineers. This article aims to evaluate the performance of three advanced constitutive models for predicting the behavior of soft soils, i.e., hardening soil, hardening soil model with small-strain stiffness, and soft soil creep. A case study of a rigid inclusion-supported embankment is used for this purpose. Plaxis 3D program was adopted to predict the settlements in subsoil layers and vertical stresses in the load transfer platform. Comparison between field measurements and result of Plaxis 3D modeling was performed. Results demonstrate that soft soil creep model yields predictions in a good agreement with the field measurements, while hardening soil small strain model gives slightly worst predictions.
This article discusses the topical issue of improving the distribution of air in the premise due to application of the all type rectangular air streams: flat, axisymmetric and rectangular ones. The purpose of the article is research of the all types rectangular air streams, analytical dependencies obtaining for determination of the air velocity attenuation coefficient, aerodynamic local resistance coefficient and noise level from the ratio of slit length to its height; optimization of the inflow slit side's ratio. It has been established that increase of the inflow slit sides ratio results in the air velocity attenuation coefficient decrease and results in increase of the noise level and resistance coefficient of the rectangular slit. The optimal ratio of the sides of a rectangular slit is determined by the combination of aerodynamics and energetics, as well as of the sound power level.
This article presents an analytical and numerical assessment of load-bearing capacity of a beam-to-column joint. Two possibilities have been examined: a joint reinforced with a fastened haunch on the side of a compressed flange of a beam and a joint with no reinforcement. The load-bearing capacity and rotational stiffness of joint and has been calculated. Distribution of stresses and deformations in particular components of the joint has been determined. The results of analytical and numerical calculations have been compared, proving that the load-bearing capacity of the joint calculated on the basis of analytical approach provides safer results (for a reinforced and non-reinforced joint), and however in certain cases it may lead to oversizing of the connection.