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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

Architecture and Architectonics

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Wastewater treatment systems are important sources of contaminants of emerging substances, including pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Onsite wastewater treatment systems provide alternative solutions to centralized systems; although they are becoming increasingly popular, little is known about the effect of maintenance on their performance. In the current study, chemical and microbiological parameters in the effluents from two identical on-site wastewater treatment systems were analyzed, one being properly maintained while the other not maintained at all. Taxonomic profiles vastly differed from each other, and organic micropollutants are present at higher concentrations in the effluent of the non-maintained unit. The results highlight the importance of proper maintenance.

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Ethiopia's government proposes paving existing roads or building modern intersections in cities to reduce maintenance costs. An unimproved signalized intersection at 6° 51′ 47.9″ N and 37° 45′ 50.1″ E is selected for this research. Cost-benefit analysis is used to evaluate the proposed innovative approach to designing and implementing an intersection and to compare whether the new road projects will have an adequate return. This research suggests converting the current intersection into a signalized roundabout to calm traffic. Signalized roundabouts have a higher net present value and a modified internal rate of return than improved signalized crossing intersections. Considering the country's high inflation rate, three scenarios recommend using a signalized roundabout.

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Geological conditions are an important parameter on hydrological modeling that strongly affects runoff generation processes. They are not usually taken into account in the parameters of hydrological models, especially karst catchments, where water transfers through fissures, cavities, caves, and phreatic channels are regularly discarded in studies because of their nonlinear behavior and the variability of their typology. The study compared using of base flow separation methods in the conditions of karst catchments, where the reference base flow values measured are not available. The base flow separation was realized by various methods and the models available, including BFI+ and WHAT

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Chinese city growth has transitioned recently. Urban regeneration that fits local conditions has replaced rapid urbanization. City modernization and historic preservation often clash. Qingdao's ancient blocks need preservation and utilization to develop responsibly. This article aims to investigate the design interventions of adaptive reuse using in practical preserved projects. The study intends to give relevant participants interventions to consider while renovating historic districts to make theories, concepts, and plans guide, promote, and constrain the practice. It should also offer practical solutions to historic city renovation issues.

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This paper presents a novel approach for reconstructing the characteristics of non-punctual impact events on elastic plates by introducing multi-parameter optimization. The objective function is minimized using two heuristic optimization techniques, particle swarm optimization, and differential evolution, to reconstruct impact force characteristics. The force was regarded as taking the form of a uniform pressure over a part of the plate called the patch. The Maxwell-Betti theorem was considered to decouple the problem of localization and the time history of the applying unknown load. The approach based on heuristic optimization methods has been proven a performance to locate the impact zone. A comparison between particle swarm optimization and differential evolution was discussed.

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Pollack Periodica
Andrea Raczková
Réka Wittmanová
Jaroslav Hrudka
, and
Ivona Škultétyová


The presented paper draws attention to the need to adapt urban areas to the negative impacts of climate change, more precisely to the solution of extreme rainfalls and long dry periods. The topic of rainwater management is popular worldwide due to the worsening situation in the field of climate change. Extreme weather fluctuations and torrential rains stress the urban hydrological cycle. Adaptation measures are proposed that mitigate the impact of climate change in cities. These also include measures to retain water in the country. The paper focuses on drainage density analysis, runoff coefficients and impermeability analysis, and the selection of appropriate measures to reduce surface runoff.

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U-bending tests are the most common method to predict springback and are influenced by the process and geometrical variables in addition to material behaviour. It needs a numerical study at a high level with many variables to reduce try-out time and loop. In this study, the U-bending test of DC01 steel has been researched numerically and experimentally to govern the influential parameters. The numerical analysis was conducted using AutoForm-Sigma code. The die radius has an excessive influence on the change of flange angle than the punch radius, but the punch radius has the greatest influence on the variation of the sidewall angle. The coefficient of friction played a great impact on both flange and sidewall angle deviation and its influence grows stronger as the blank holding force increases.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Ievgen Antypov
Nadiia Spodyniuk
Orest Voznyak
Iryna Sukholova
, and
Svetlana Tarasenko


An assessment of the moisture regime of the external enclosing structures of the building with a layer of insulation on the outer and inner sides was carried out, considering the thermophysical characteristics of all materials of the outer wall of the building. It is shown that brickwork without insulation to preserve the estimated term of its optimal operation, requires taking measures to bring its thermal resistance to heat transfer to a standardized value or to arrange more intensive air exchange in the premises of the building. It has been proven that when designing residential and public buildings, the results of assessing the moisture regime of external enclosing structures and the building's energy indicators for compliance with current requirements are a very important criterion.

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In this paper, a parametric study is done with various removal and replacement materials to study the effectiveness of the removal and replacement method on the wetting depth in the expansive soil and the amount of differential heave caused by climate conditions and common irrigation scenarios for the southern region of Syria. Soil suction changes and associated soil deformations are analyzed using finite element codes, VADOSE/W and SIGMA/W. The paper concludes that the optimum thickness for replacement with high permeability soil should be at least 1 m. In addition, it concludes that replacing soil with a permeability coefficient lower than the permeability coefficient of the site soil contributes to a 56% and 79% reduction in total and differential heave, respectively.

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Retaining walls are typical geotechnical engineering applications analyzed extensively in the literature. However, the optimal design of these walls is still unsolved due to the optimization problem's complexity and the unrecognized best solver that can be used. Most similar works present a single optimizer for this problem. This work used six metaheuristics to formulate and solve the optimal gravity retaining wall problem design. The comparative study was achieved among particle swarm optimization, grey wolf optimizer, artificial bee colony, dynamic differential annealed optimization, fertilization optimization algorithm, and whale optimization algorithm. The problem and its results were discussed in detail within the respective sections.

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This paper describes a novel hybrid technique with fractional order PID controller (FOPID) for simultaneously controlling the humidity of indoor air temperature and the direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system. The proposed hybrid system is a joint performance of the butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) and adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), hence forth it is called BOANFIS Technique (BOANFIST). The purpose of the proposed system is to disconnect the temperature and humidity control circuits. The proposed control is modeled and replicated on MATLAB platform and is assessed using existing systems. The statistical performance of the proposed and existing systems of mean, median and standard deviation is also evaluated. It reduces computational time up to 1.01 s and also reduces energy consumption to around 16.42 KWh/day. Furthermore, the simulation outcomes suggest that the proposed technique may efficiently and accurately obtain the optimal global solutions of the proposed technique compared to existing systems.

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In the recent trends of re-formatting the concept and definition of museums, the number of reached visitors is closely related to their interest in the collection and curatorial program and the quality of the museum buildings' physical spaces. Numerous studies have recently discussed the effect of spatial layout and topology in determining the pattern of visitors' movement, influencing their ‘path of cultural and educational experience.’ This research deals with the five current museums of Prizren in Kosovo. Direct observations and comparative analysis aim to provide factual data to assist museum managers, curators, and designers improve museum design solutions regarding space layout.

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The most flexible and reliable technological system is Wi-Fi, which is made possible by a wireless connection that transmits data using radio frequencies. Wi-Fi networks, however, encounter numerous issues related to power supply, availability, efficiency, and security as a result of the various access points. While relational waves describe the medical device, Wi-Fi radios produce radio waves that are very dangerous for patients. This document offers line-of-sight communication between the transmitter and receiver using LED technology. Li-Fi technology is a method that transmits audio data using LED light, which is faster and more efficient than Wi-Fi. Since it is practically ubiquitous, light can be used for communication as well. A cutting-edge technology called optical communication includes a subset called light fidelity. By sending out visible light, the Li-Fi device enables wireless intranet communication. This paper is an in-depth study and analysis of Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), a novel technology that transmits data at high speeds over a wide spectrum by using light as a medium of transmission. The research fields that are pertinent to Li-Fi networks are thoroughly analyzed and categorized in this paper: high speed data transmission, receiving, sharing, broadcasting through light in free space optical communication system by Li-Fi technology. In this paper, we followed some methods and developed a unique method to develop this study: VLC, OOK, a Lambertian discharge mechanism, LOS, NLOS, or a CMOS optical receiver. The proposed model tested transmits and receives audio, video, and other data, which is very high-rated and near the 2 GB/s range.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Xue Kang
Gabriella Medvegy
, and
Yufang Zhou


The exhibition design of modern museums increasingly relies on the creation of space to display the unique intrinsic cultural quality and place spirit of the exhibition hall, and the exhibition space has become the focus of the design. The exhibition space has become the medium language for the dialogue between the display content and the audience, and the typical venue space presents the required information to the public. In the development process of the information age, display design complements other disciplines and provides a solid foundation for the research and development of space for pavilion design. Narrative design can help the public to seek emotional commonalities and spiritual touches when visiting museums, pursue the real experience of the scene space, and feel the atmosphere and situation created by the theme space.

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The aim of the paper is to supply updated air convective coefficients h a by means of three empirical correlations set forth by Zukauskas, Churchill and Hilpert for cylindrical bodies in cross-flow. In this study, low Reynolds numbers and air velocities within the range of v = 0.5 5 m / s were considered, hence, sundry values of convective coefficients were obtained and applied in a lumped heat capacity model. Finite element analysis simulations were implemented, exhibiting good conformity based on these correlations. The findings show that among the three methodologies, Zukauskas's correlation presents minimum standard deviation s d = 0.02 and the maximum standard deviation is presented by Hilpert's correlation s d = 1.92 , Churchill correlation presents a standard deviation of s d = 0.3 . The results are reliable and can therefore be used for analyzing heat convection.

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This paper investigates the role of “The Yellow Pavilion” intervention by Architecture for Humans in reclaiming Rexhep Luci Street as a public space and promoting urban interventions in Prishtina. The temporary structure was installed for a week to transform the street into a public space, and the paper presents the findings of its impact on the neighborhood and city. By examining the effectiveness of temporary interventions, the article highlights the benefits and limitations of tactical urbanism while also considering the potential for this kind of intervention to create social connections, promote community engagement, and revitalize urban areas. Ultimately, this research contributes to understanding the value of temporary public spaces in urban design and planning.

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Increasing the number of electrical vehicles determine an increasing of electrical vehicle chargers number too. The best situation is reach when the zero emission vehicles are charged with electrical energy produced by solar panels or another green energy. This paper presents a solar electric vehicle charger system with energy storage capabilities. The system should be considered as a combination of three systems: solar energy production system, energy storage system and electric vehicle charger system. One of the novelty of the system is that for energy storage is used a 2nd life Nissan Leaf electric vehicle battery. The paper gives information about, simulation and measurement of the annual solar energy production of the system, measurements results of the currents, voltages and powers of the system, and a distribution of the maximum daily energy production.

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Visegrád is one of the smallest towns in Hungary with 1800 inhabitants, which was given the status of town because of its historical importance. Archaeological excavations revealed the remains of the medieval town's former main square and the surrounding buildings. Based on the archeological research the new town center was designed by the A+ Architect Studio and won the Pro Architectura and ICOMOS awards in 2016. Years later the need arose to expand the Áprily Lajos Primary School, which is located next to the site, and to accommodate new classrooms, special training rooms, and music school practice rooms in a new, modern building. The new three-story school building on the street frontage was constructed on the former place of a century-old, dilapidated building and was also designed by A+ Architect Studio.

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The paper presents the basic principles of static calculations of plates with discrete filling–ribs; the method is based on the analytical solution of the problem of the stress state of a ribbed plate. The bottom line is to use special discontinuous functions at the stage of writing the initial assumptions of differential equations, as well as in the process of solving them due to the nature and physical meaning of the problem.

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Pollack Periodica
Orest Voznyak
Iryna Sukholova
Nadiia Spodyniuk
Mariana Kasynets
Olena Savchenko
Oleksandr Dovbush
, and
Oleksandra Datsko


This article is directed on increase of the premise ventilation efficiency by using linear diffusers. The aim of the work was to carry out theoretical research, experimental investigations and numerical modeling of the linear diffuser air dynamic characteristics, to obtain the graphs and analytical equations for determination of the linear diffuser necessary parameters and to encrease of efficiency air distribution in the room. Graphs of air velocity dependence on current coordinate and plates angle have been created and approximated by empirical equations. There was established that air velocity decreases intensively with increasing current coordinate and decreases with increasing of the plates angle.

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Multi-agent simulation has received a lot of attention in recent years as an emerging design method. To improve the accuracy of the simulation results, the authors provide an optimization scheme that combines multi-agent simulation and visibility graph analysis. Investigate how to improve forecasting accuracy through model optimization.

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Growth of the world population and the globalization of trade are the origins of the fourth industrial revolution, called “Industry 4.0”. What engineers call systems are becoming more and more complex as businesses strive to stay competitive and meet ever-changing demand. While automation and information digitization and transmission technologies are increasingly becoming major assets in modern industries, the changes they bring are having an impact on the management of occupational health and safety.

The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the progress achieved in the understanding of complex systems and to test some of the published theory by comparing it to a case study. The major scientific databases were searched to retrieve the literature on complexity, and a large company in the steel products business was queried to determine how its complexity as perceived by its managerial staff compares to the theory of complex systems.

Our main conclusion is that, based on the data gathered in the case study, the perception that the managerial staff has of the company corresponds closely to the current definition of complex systems as proposed by researchers. However, it remains to be determined whether this correspondence holds over the range of business sizes.

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Drones, specifically quadcopters, have increased in importance during the last years due to their wide range of applications, from civil applications to military employment. One of the most important issues in quadcopters is the efficient control system. While many researchers have dealt with building control systems for symmetric quadcopters, this work presents an efficient control system for asymmetric quadcopters using evolutionary computations. The problem is well-defined throughout the paper, and the methodology is explained in detail in the respective sections. A genetic algorithm is used to tune the weighting matrix of the control system after formulating the control system as an optimization problem. The genetic algorithm was fast and active to increase the performance of the proposed system.

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A dolgozat összefoglalja az épületkutatás történetének legfontosabb korszakait Magyarországon, kezdve Schulek Frigyes és Möller István meghatározó munkásságától Dávid Ferenc és Tóth Sándor kutatói tevékenysége elméleti alapjainak a bemutatásáig. Elemzi a kutatás tartalmi komponenseit és bemutatja a speciális szakmai ismereteket, amelyeket szükségesnek tartunk a szakszerű eredményeket produkáló feladat végrehajtásához.

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Tipizált térrendszerű és szerkezetű, aulás általános iskolák Magyarországon az államszocializmus idején

Aula Centered Primary Schools with Type Designed Layout and Structure in Hungary During the State Socialist Era

Építés - Építészettudomány
Ádám Pirity
Kornélia Kissfazekas


1945 után, a háborús pusztításnak köszönhetően Magyarországon hatalmas hiány mutatkozott oktatási épületek tekintetében is. Ennek köszönhetően elindult az iskolaépületek tömeges építése, mely kezdetben központilag elkészített típustervek alapján történt a legtöbb esetben. Egyszerű alaprajzú és szerkezetű iskolák épültek országszerte, melyeknek uniformizált, a településképbe sokszor nem illeszkedő megjelenése a lakosság és a szakma ellenérzését is kiváltotta. 1968-tól kezdve a tervezőknek lehetőségük nyílt a típustervektől való eltérésre, amelyre addig csak alkalmanként kaptak teret. Ezzel a jelentős változással párhuzamosan az állami tervező vállalatok lehetőséget kaptak iskolák építésérére használható, előregyártott rendszerek fejlesztésére. A Borsod Megyei Állami Építőipari Vállalat (BÁÉV) és az Északmagyarországi Tervező Vállalat (ÉSZAKTERV) az addig iskoláknál legtöbbször alkalmazott, hagyományos folyosós-cellás alaprajzi rendszer helyett a tanulók közti közösség kialakulása szempontjából előnyösebb, aulás rendszerű iskolákra dolgoztak ki típustervet, országos szinten egyedülálló módon. Jelen cikkben a rendszer, annak előképei, alkalmazásai és jelenkori megítélésük értékelésére kerül sor. Az írás egy, az ÉSZAKTERV-vel foglalkozó átfogó kutatás részeként készült.

Open access

A zsámbéki Öregtemplom építőanyagának vizsgálata: esettanulmány

Experimental Test on the Building Material of the Old Church in Zsámbék: A Case Study

Építés - Építészettudomány
Benedek András Lógó
Balázs Vásárhelyi

A zsámbéki romtemplom az ország egyik legismertebb műemléke. Története során számos alkalommal átépítették, felújították már mielőtt lepusztult volna. Azóta már több terv is született, hogy milyen irányba kellene a rom hasznosítását terelni. Ezek széles variációkkal rendelkeztek, attól kezdve, hogy legfeljebb csak állagmegóvás legyen egészen odáig, hogy teljesen visszaépítsék. Időről időre előkerül mindig ez a kérdés. Ez az esettanulmány is egy tervezés előtti felmérés keretén belül született. A tanulmány a rom építőanyagainak, főleg az eredeti kőanyag és habarcs vizsgálataival, azok mostani állapotával foglalkozik. Egy átfogó felmérés is készült a templomról, amely feltérképezi, hogy hol, milyen anyagból áll a szerkezet.

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The manufacturing of cement liberates the green-house gasses into atmosphere. To overcome this problem so many alternative materials has been invented by researchers to minimize addition of cement. The incorporation of these alternative materials as cementitious material in concrete enhances the attributes of concrete. In this scenario metakaolin gained momentum as a substitution to cement in concrete. Most of the researchers studied the performance of concrete incorporating metakaolin as cementitious material in normal curing conditions. There is a need for analysing the impact of accelerated curing on properties of concrete by incorporating metakaolin as cementitious material. The current construction industry needs high early strength for removal of form work in early ages. The accelerated curing is a method which provides high early strength. In this study, different proportions of metakaolin are added as partial alternative to cement and cured in accelerated curing tank for 3.5 h. The strength parameters test, durability test, and micro-structural parameter tests are performed on these samples. Further, micro-structural analysis has been carried out using SEM, and EDX tests. Results depicted the incorporation of 15% of metakaolin as substitute to cement amplifies the overall performance of concrete in accelerated curing regime.

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A computational fluid dynamics numerical model addressed the problem of local scouring and deposition calculation for non-cohesive sediment and clear water conditions near single and double cylindrical piers. The numerical results of single cylindrical piers correlate very well with the physical model's results while are higher than the case of the double pier, especially when the large-eddy turbulence model, the van Rijn bed-load transport equation, and fine mesh size are considered. Additionally, the final numerical predictions are compared to experimental data after parameters effectiveness explores the range of results based on projected user inputs like the bed-load equation, mesh cell size, and turbulence model.

Open access


The gear is the most efficient and reliable portion of the transmission system. In machine tools, gears are utilized to handle heavy loads. These gears are used indefinitely if the prerequisites are met. Gear tooth bending stress for numerous spur gears has been examined in this research. The influence of changing the pressure angles on the spur gear tooth root stress has been investigated. The purpose of this study is to look for a new way of finding the stresses generated in the roots of the gear teeth as well as the effect of changing pressure angles on these stresses. Solidworks 2021 uses parametric formulation to model gears, analyzed for deformation and maximum bending stress in ANSYS. The airy stress function is used to conduct the nominal root tooth stress. The enhancement percentages of modified cases are 5.92%, 1.70%, 10.70%, 17.22%, 10.86%, 24.32%, 20.91%, and 26.15% for the cases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, respectively according to the stress function findings.

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The thermo convective instability of the Darcy-Benard problem (DB) using Robin (third-kind) thermal conditions is investigated here. We consider a viscous Newtonian fluid saturating a porous layer in which the layer is sandwiched between two impermeable boundaries. The upper and the lower walls are modelled in the form of the Neumann (second-kind) and the Robin (third-kind) thermal conditions, respectively. The difference in the temperature distribution between both phases allows the lack of a local thermal equilibrium model to be present. As a consequence, the third kind of thermal condition brings about one extra dimensionless parameter of the Biot number to the usual one of the inter-heat transfer coefficient and the thermal conductivity ratio. The normal modes method adopted in a linear stability analysis gives rise to perturbed governing equations. The eigenvalue problem is handled numerically as a result of the perturbed governing equations leading to the marginal stability condition.

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Kismarty-Lechner Jenő templomépítészete •

A két világháború közötti katolikus templomépítészet útkeresései

Church Architecture of Jenő Kismarty-Lechner •

The Attempts of Renewal of the Roman Catholic Church Architecture in the Interwar Period
Építés - Építészettudomány
Eszter Hajós-Baku

Kismarty-Lechner Jenő templomtervezői pályája 1916-ban indul – s ha a templomátalakításokat is számba vesszük, akkor az 1950-es évekig hatalmas ívet ír le tevékenysége, mely sok esetben nem választható el oktatói pályájától és műemlékes munkáitól. Templomtervezői munkásságának tetemes része a két világháború közötti időszakra tehető, mely egyben a korszak stíluspluralizmusának kiváló reprezentánsa. Esetében igen széles spektrum rajzolódik ki a pártázatos reneszánsztól kezdve a neoklasszicizmuson át a magyaros és nemzeti tendenciák újraértelmezésén túl a modern templomépítészetig, melyben máig kiemelkedőt alkotott. Kismarty recepciójához hozzátartozik, hogy lényegében a legtöbb szakirodalom az építész gazdag alkotótevékenységére helyezve a hangsúlyt a változatos stílusokban tervezés mellett a magyar szecesszió továbbéléseként, a magyar nemzeti stíluskeresés egyik állomásaként értékeli, kiemelve, hogy az önálló építészeti formanyelv megteremtésének forrásait inspiratív módon a felvidéki / felső-magyarországi pártázatos reneszánszban és a magyar népi építészetben találta meg. Emellett a kutatás során összegyűjtött és a korszak templomépítészetének tükrében értékelt épületei és tervei azt mutatják, hogy Kismarty-Lechner Jenő a modern templomépítészet létrejöttében jelentős szerepet játszott. Jelen kutatás törekszik Kismarty-Lechner Jenő hatalmas templomépítészeti munkásságát folyamatában, a források tükrében bemutatni s a különféle gyűjteményekben megőrzött terveit egymás mellett vizsgálni.

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Usage of single use plastics has been rapidly increasing in the recent past and it is challenging to dispose of these plastics safely, since they are non-biodegradable. Especially, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which is widely used in the form of water bottles cannot be easily recycled or reused. On the other hand, construction projects require sustainable materials having good strength, accordingly various studies have been conducted to reuse plastic wastes in the concrete and positive results have been obtained. In this study, the crushed PET bottles are partially substituted with fine aggregates and water hyacinth is added as a bio plasticizer in concrete. The concrete specimens are cast by substituting PET aggregates with the fine aggregates at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% and water hyacinth is added at 10 & 20% by weight of water. The specimens are tested and it is noted that with the addition of PET aggregates up to 4% the strength of the concrete increases and beyond 4%, strength of the concrete gradually decreases, and addition of water hyacinth enhances the strength of the concrete.

Open access


In this paper, a novel hybrid technique is proposed for transient stability analysis on grid connected Wind-Diesel-PV hybrid system. The proposed hybrid methodology is combination of the dwarf mongoose optimization algorithm (DMO) and the recalling enhanced recurrent neural network (RERNN) named DMO-RERNN. The main purpose of this work is to consider various elements on hybrid system for the analysis of transient stability according to different conditions. The voltage profile of hybrid system is enhanced using the proposed unified power flow controller (UPFC), which also has higher performance improving transient performance compared to the conventional ANN, PI and fuzzy-sliding mode controller. Considering the proposed technique, DMO is used to find the optimal global solution for the fault predicted by the RERNN approach. The proposed system is executed on MATLAB work platform; its performance with existing systems is analyzed. The result proves that the proposed hybrid technique based UPFC controller provides better results compared with other existing technique. The efficiency of the PI is 82.136, ANN is 77, Fuzzy Sliding Mode is 65.097% and proposed technique is 97.99038%.

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The design of the envelope in high-rise office buildings is a task of great importance as it can impact the entire building's energy performance. The study presented in this paper is an extension of a previous work reporting on the optimization of the façade and the shading systems of an east-west facing high-rise office building. This study aims to investigate the façade geometry design factors for other potential orientations, e.g., south, south-east, and south-west directions. The IDA ICE 4.8 complex dynamic building energy simulation program was used to assess thermal and lighting simulations. The optimization results revealed the best-performing façade configurations, appropriate for each orientation examined in terms of thermal comfort, visual comfort, and energy consumption.

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Fahad Mohanad Kadhim
Muhsin Jaber Jweeg
Rowaid Nabeel Yousuf Al-Kkow
, and
Muhammad Safa Al-Din Tahir


The pylon is an essential part of lower limb prosthetics. It is usually made of titanium, aluminum, and steel. However, it is expensive and difficult to be available in developing countries, especially for children who suffer from amputation. Moreover, they constantly need new pylon pieces during close periods due to the growth and increase in the child's length.


This study aims to design an adjustable pylon that can change in length to suit the increase in the length of the healthy leg of the child without the need for a new pylon and reduce the economic cost.


In this study, an adjustable pylon model was designed using the CAD software (Solid work) and work to manufacture the pylon from low-cost materials (carbon fiber filament) capable of bearing the amputee's weight, and manufacturing printed parts by using additive manufacturing technical (CREALITY CR20 3D printer).


The results showed that the pylon is successful in design and strength as it bears the patient's weight without any failure or buckling, and the proof that the maximum amount of stress generated is 27.8 MPa, which is far from the value of the yield stress.


The design of the adjustable pylon prototype offers good strength and ability to bear the patient weight, reducing the cost and time of manufacturing.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Ammar Jalil Almosawi
Ashraf A. M. R. Hiswa
, and
Tawfek Sheer Ali


Prying force formation at bolts is considered as an important problem in steel connection design. It affects the connection bearing capacity, ductility and serviceability negatively by increasing stresses induced inside connections. In the present work, behavior of steel connection under prying force is studied. A connection of steel beam-column has been modeled using software Revit program. Tension load is applied increasingly and the connection displacement has been measured until failure. Finite element simulation of steel angles under the effect of tension load and prying force has been studied. It is found that the connection has three phases of bearing behavior. Plastic hinge formation noticed increased with prying force presence.

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The common feature of streams in steep sloping watersheds is that there is a significant change from base-flow to flash-flood; sometimes two or three orders of magnitude. In Hungary, these streams are usually ungauged, with lack of available data, and models. The watershed features both urban and natural land use conditions, but the main area is quite homogenic.

This paper evaluates the impact of different model parameterizations, and rainfall duration on flash-flood events in the Morgó-creek watershed. The goal is to find the main parameters that can represent the uncertainty of a flash-flood sensitive area, and how the calibrated and determined parameters take effect on a model if these values are shifted on given intervals.

Open access


Nowadays, the use of plastic is very widespread, especially in packaging materials. Most packaging materials are made from fossil-based polymers, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The unprecedented leakage of single-use plastic waste into the environment is a major problem, with negative impacts on both ecosystems and human health. In this study we examine the development of packaging waste and recycled packaging in the European Union over a period of more than 20 years, highlighting changes in the regulatory context; assess the achievements of Hungary so far and forecast the expected developing of packaging volumes and recycling rates; and consider recycling and waste reduction options, including alternative sustainable packaging options. Our forecast based on the evidence shows that Hungary (47.62%), Germany (61.46%), Malta (26.27%), Romania (58.64%) and Croatia (49.41%) are not expected to reach the target set (65% by 2025) in EU legislation. Out of the 27 countries surveyed, 6 (Belgium 88.2%, the Netherlands 87.81%, Luxembourg 76.96%, the Czech Republic 77.79%, Finland 78.75% and Denmark 83.7%) exceeded the expectations, so we show their waste management and waste recycling good practice, as they can serve as good examples for Hungary and other countries.

Open access


In this paper, a comprehensive statistics-based review of islanding detection methods (IDMs) in microgrids (MGs) is presented. Islanding detection is the situation of isolating the MG from the main grid whether programmed as a result of load managing purposes or un-programmed due to the occurrence of faults. Islanding detection is a vital issue in MG's analyses due to the prevention of subsequent protection problems in the power system. In other words, when the MG's operation mode changes, the current passing through the protective devices changes subsequently and the protection system should be able to adapt the new settings to the protective devices. So, IDMs are vital for electrical engineers to overcome the abovementioned protection issue. This review paper surveys the existing literature in IDMs by concentration on total publications, type of publications (journal, conference paper, or book), five authors with the highest number of publications (including the affiliations), and five most published sources. Also, the five most cited publications and state-of-the-art IDMs are investigated in detail, utilizing some known and novel categorizations. This paper will be useful for the MG's researchers to know the most desirable IDMs, especially in recent years, and provides an insightful overview for future studies.

Open access


The technical and economic effects of the two methods of retrofitting with buckling restrain bracing and using concrete shear wall were investigated. The results of this study showed that using reinforcement, the amount of target displacement in the models was significantly reduced and it was observed that the concrete shear wall had a greater impact on the structure in this regard. The reinforcement methods used in this research have a significant impact on improving the technical performance of structures, which has been more in the strengthening method with concrete shear wall. Also, the evaluations showed that despite the fact that the shear wall of reinforced concrete has a better effect on the performance of the structure from a technical point of view, but in terms of weight, it can be seen that using a buckling brace can be more economical.

Restricted access


This study revealed the system of a lower limb exoskeleton created for knee rehabilitation. The exoskeleton has been extensively used in rehabilitation robotic device research, but its practical applicability is limited due to its high nonlinearity and uncertain behavior. As a result, the control technique is critical in increasing the efficacy of rehabilitation devices. For the rehabilitation and help of a patient with a lower-limb condition, a sliding mode control (SMC) with proportional derivative (PD) control approach are used as parallel loops. Active disturbances rejection control (ADRC) is used by these controllers to cancel any external influences. To overcome the degradation of disturbance rejection and robustness caused by a failure to fully adjust for the entire disturbance, a (SMC) loop was introduced to the control regulation. By assessing performance indices related to the estimated inaccuracy, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested controller. Simulink is used for simulation and analysis.

Open access


Nowadays, there is an increasing demand on environmentally friendly materials, so the environmentally conscious architecture and the use of environmentally friendly materials have also become preferred. It is becoming increasingly important to turn from artificial materials to products made from renewable raw materials. The straw quilt, which is considered to be a new, innovative product on the Hungarian construction market, can provide an alternative for this need. The aim of this research was to investigate the material properties and possible uses of straw quilt thermal insulation. Laboratory tests were performed before the product was placed on the market. The results have shown that it has several advantageous properties that can make it competitive in the market of thermal insulation materials.

Open access

A Cross-Vault System’s Relative Periodisation Based on Geometric Analysis •

The Vaulting System of the Apse of the Inner City Parish Church of Budapest

Egy keresztboltozat-rendszer relatív periodizációja •

A Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom szentélyboltozat-rendszere
Építés - Építészettudomány
Eszter Jobbik
János Krähling

The cross-vault system of the Inner City Parish Church of Budapest was the subject of numerous scientific works so far. In our present article, we aimed to supplement the information known about the vaults by providing exact geometric data gathered via laser scanning. Based on this data, we attempted to filter out common characteristics of the individual vaults, regarding the geometry of their ribs, their webs and the positions of their keystones. As a result, we proved that the cross vaults composing the system cannot be hallmarked as the remains of a given building period, and even within a given cross vault, more building periods can appear. Combining the results of the different geometric analyses, we concluded six distinct scenarios concerning the relative periodisation of the elements composing the cross-vault system, complemented by the evaluation of these. Thus, in the present article, we give an example of how to use point cloud-based building survey techniques to approach the questions of a given building’s relative periodisations.

Open access

A historizmus léptékváltó építkezései a budai polgárvárosban

Large Scale Residential Building Investments in Buda Castle District Between the Compromise and the First World War

Építés - Építészettudomány
Katalin Marótzy

A gótika építészetén nem szokás számon kérni, hogy a 15. században miért bontottak le egy román kori félköríves szentélyt egy sokszor ugyanakkora sokszögzáródású kedvéért, és egy barokk kastélytól sem várjuk, hogy a korábbi épületperiódusokhoz érzékenyen viszonyuljon léptékében egy 18. századi építészeti megoldás. A historizmus is megérdemli, hogy saját vonatkoztatási rendszerében szemléljük, és egy pillanatra eltekintsünk attól a szereptől, amibe a jelenkor kényszeríti a várbéli – nagyrészt már rég elpusztult – házakat. A budai vár területe a kiegyezés után lendületes fejlődésen ment keresztül, a királyi palota Ybl Miklós, majd Hauszmann Alajos tervei szerint kiépült, és nagy állami intézmények kaptak működésükhöz szükséges korszerű és monumentális épületeket elsősorban a Várhegy déli felén. Elkészült a Mátyás-templom purista szellemű helyreállítása és festői látványkerete, a Halászbástya Schulek Frigyes tervei szerint. Eközben a polgárváros telkein kisebb telekösszevonások, átalakítások és nagyobb léptékű építkezések is történtek, melyekre nagyrészt már nem is emlékszünk. A II. világháború rombolása után a napvilágra került – és a műemlékvédelem-tudomány fejlődése nyomán már más súlyon értékelt – középkori egyedi emlékek és a korai települési karakter új szemléletű helyreállításokat hoztak. A léptékükben nagyobb volumenű historizáló épületek megőrzése a 20. század közepének szemléletébe nem illeszkedett. Az előadás olyan példákat mutatott be, ahol a később már elavult, de a maga idejében korszerűnek tartott elképzelések szerint terveztek átépítéseket és új palotákat a budai vár polgárvárosába.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
István Benke
Csenge Papp
Zsuzsanna Kerekes
, and
Rajmund Kuti


Appliances used in everyday life, like smart phones, notebooks; do-it-yourself machineries usually operate with battery instead of power supply. It means comfort to users however; they expose them to different dangers. In the last few years, several fire cases happened in connection with these appliances while charging and usage, which have driven the attention to the dangers of battery technology. Regarding the actuality of the topic, combustion products developing during the burning process of batteries with 1:1 ratio burning experiments were investigated, experiences and results from that are represented in this paper. The aim of the research is to call the attention to the flammability properties of lithium-ion and other batteries, the possible dangers and in case of fire to support the involved personnel.

Open access


Most error-resilient media processing applications use multipliers as their basic building blocks. These are power-consumption and computationally intensive modules. In the existing works, several types of the multipliers were used to improve the hardware capacity, but those methods did not provide sufficient results. Therefore, in this manuscript, a Baugh-Wooley Multiplier design using Multiple Control Toffoli (MCT) and Multiple Control Fredrick gate (MCF) Reversible Logic gate (BWM-MCT-MCF) will be analyzed. Initially, Reversible Full Adder (RFA) is designed using Multiple Control Toffoli and Multiple Control Fredrick gate Reversible Logic gates. Then the proposed Reversible Full Adder is used in Baugh-Wooley Multiplier. By this, it reduces the hardware complexity with higher speed, lower area, lower power consumption. The proposed BWM-MCT-MCF multiplier is implemented in MATLAB, its performance shows lower Garbage output 22.78%, 24.88%, 20.95% compared with the existing designs, like BWM-FG-FRG, BWM-RL-TG, BWM-TG-FG respectively. Then the designed BWM-MCT-MCF is implemented using Xilinx ISE tool with the Virtex 5 device. From this, the performance of the proposed FPGA-BWM-MCT-MCF method shows lower delay 23.77%, 16.86% compared with the existing designs, like FPGA-BWM-RL-TG, FPGA-BWM-TG-FG respectively.

Open access


Nanotechnology applications have occupied a wide range in engineering applications and achieved distinctive performance due to their potential as a working fluid instead of conventional liquids due to their outstanding performance. Sustaining stable performance nanofluids for a longer time retaining their properties without clustering and nanoparticles aggregation in the base fluid represents a significant challenge that can influence nanofluid properties and thermal behaviour. This review highlights some important factors that influence the stability of nanofluids, such as the size, concentration ratio of nanoparticles, and the type of base fluid, in addition discussing the methods used to improve the stability of nanofluids, such as the effect of cluster formation of nanoparticles in the base fluid due to Brownian motion and the role of the surfactants in preventing or reducing the agglomeration of nanoparticles, zeta potential and pH in estimating nanofluids stability. The factors mentioned affect the thermophysical properties of nanoparticles in preparing nanofluids and enhance their performance. This review provides information which helps improve the wide range usability of nanofluids for preparing stable nanofluids with good thermophysical properties.

Open access

The preservation of existing buildings is desirable not only for the purpose of saving architectural values, but equally important is that it is an environmentally friendly–environmentally conscious activity as well, since by renovating existing houses less waste is generated, the environmental impact from transport decreases, the material and energy invested in the structures already built do not get lost and no additional energy is needed for demolition.

Open access

Fű – Fa – Agyag – Őrség •

Az építészeti anyaghasználat és a táji adottságok kölcsönhatása az Őrség területén

Grass – Wood – Clay – Őrség •

The Interaction Between the Use of Architectural Materials and Landscape Features in the Area of Őrség
Építés - Építészettudomány
Ágnes Bertyák
Kornélia Kissfazekas

Egy adott területen hagyományos népi építészet nemcsak egy adott korszak társadalmi viszonyaitól, igényeitől és technológiai fejlettségétől, hanem a helyben fellelhető környezeti és természeti adottságoktól és az azok nyújtotta lehetőségek megfelelő felismerésétől és hasznosításától is nagymértékben függ. A Magyarország nyugati határvidékén található Őrség aprófalvas települései a tájjal szoros kapcsolatban fejlődtek. Az itt élők tájalakító tevékenységüket a helyi erőforrásokra építve, ahhoz alkalmazkodva vitték végbe, így épületeiket is a helyi adottságok használatával és figyelembevételével alakították ki. Ezek nyomán elsősorban két építőanyag vált általánossá és a terültre jellemzővé, a fa és az égetett agyagtégla, melyek használata eltérő építészeti formákat, szerkezeteket vont magával.

Jelen kutatás célja a történeti, hagyományos anyagok és formák tájhasználati összefüggéseinek feltárása az Őrségben jellemző, épülettipológiát is befolyásoló anyaghasználati sajátosságok elemzésén keresztül. A kutatás az írott források feltárásán felül történeti térképek és webes térképészeti szolgáltatások vizsgálatával készült az Őrségre és annak három általunk kiválasztott, összetartozó településére fókuszálva (Őriszentpéter, Ispánk, Nagyrákos), ötvözve a tájépítészeti és építészeti szemléletet.

Open access


The topic of this study has been the examination and comparison of the competitive balance of the Spanish and the English first leagues of soccer, called La Liga Santander and Barclays Premier League. The basis for the research project has been provided by a database of sixteen hundred elements, containing the data of the two leagues starting from the 2014/2015 season up to the 2017/2018 season. When choosing the time period for the study, we intended to avoid having to deal with the impact of Covid-19, which is why we picked exactly these competition seasons. We have primarily used statistical indicators. In the case of sports-related data, our inquiries have included the following: comparing and averaging the winning percentages per season, furthermore, the winning percentages of championship seasons, the distribution of goals scored and conceded and, finally, the calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. Although there is one aspect of investigation according to which the competition balance of La Liga is closer to the optimal, the dispersion of winning percentages and the indicator of the goals conceded as well as the HHI index show that the Premier League is the more balanced competition of the two.

Open access