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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.

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A budapesti államszocialista kislakótelepek környezetének vizsgálata a 15 perces városmodell elvein keresztül

Examination of the State Socialist Housing Estates’ Environment in Budapest Through the Principles of the 15-Minute City Model

Építés - Építészettudomány
Bence Bene

Az elmúlt évek városépítészeti hívószava a 15 perces város volt, melynek célja az újépítésű városrészek és a kortárs városrehabilitációk számára egy urbanisztikai keretrendszert, útmutatót nyújtani. Nemzetközi és hazai kutatások is vizsgálták már a kortárs lakóparkokat és az államszocialista nagylakótelepeket ezen keretrendszer alapján. Pont ezért a kutatás alaphalmaza a kislakótelepek lettek, melyek egyfelől a nagylakótelepekkel szemben / ellen / helyett valósultak meg, másfelől pedig a kapitalista lakóparkok előképeként szolgáltak az államszocialista időkből. Ezen kettőség mellett az 1945–1990 között épült budapesti kislakótelepek téri viszonyai egy eddig feldolgozatlan téma. Ám a több mint 100 db esettanulmánynak köszönhetően ez a vizsgálat lehetőséget teremt ezen lakhatási forma részletesebb megismerésére, és a 15 perces városmodell módszertanának kipróbálására, fejlesztésére. Vajon a kislakótelepek megfelelnek-e a 15 perces város keretrendszerének? Vagy a kislakótelepek környezete beleolvad Budapest nagy rendszerébe, s a városban betöltött lokáció (zóna) az, mely meghatározza a közvetlen szomszédság karakterét? Ezen kérdések megválaszolásához a 15 perces városmodell városépítészetileg releváns három elvén – közelség, sűrűség, diver-zitás – keresztül vizsgáltam Budapest összes 1945–1990 között épült kislakótelepének 15 perc sétálással elérhető környezetét hivatalos térképek segítségével. A kutatásban használt adatok leginkább az épített környezet leírására szűkülnek (pl. lakásszám, szintterületi mutató, beépítési mód), ám a tágabb kontextus (pl. lakosságszám, vásárlóerő) megjelenítése is realizálódik.

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The prosthetic feet available in the market are characterized by high costs and are made of carbon fiber materials, fiberglass, or silicone-coated wood. This study aims to design and manufacture a prosthetic foot to enhance biomechanical performance and user comfort and mimic the natural movement of the human foot; the foot will be designed and manufactured from low-cost materials, namely carbon fiber filaments, using 3D printer technology. The practical part consists of tensile, fatigue tests, and manufacturing the foot using a 3D printer. In this study, the ANSYS program will also analyze the designed model numerically to determine the stresses generated when applying the assumed body weight to the foot model. The results showed that the model is successful in terms of design and does not suffer any mechanical failure during use, in addition to the success of the selection of the material used in the manufacturing process due to its mechanical properties, where the yield stress value = 36.4 MPa, the ultimate stress value = 58.39 Mpa and Young's modulus = 1.23 GPa.

Open access


The purpose of this work is to establish the relationship between surface roughness and erosion processes of Ba35brass pipes subjected to abrasive particles. Brass samples were prepared with different levels of surface roughness, obtained by polishing using abrasive papers of various grain sizes: P80, P120, and P320. These samples were eroded using a recirculating erosion test bench. To analyze the erosion kinetics, the surface roughness values (Ra and Rz) as well as the cumulative mass loss were measured at specified time intervals. In parallel, mathematical models were developed to simulate the evolution of surface roughness and cumulative mass loss, based on optimization methods. The results show that rougher surfaces, such as those prepared with P80 grit paper, record a higher erosion rate, reaching 0.47 mg/h, compared to smoother surfaces, such as those obtained with P320 paper, whose rate is 0.19 mg/h. The developed mathematical models indicate that the surface roughness follows an exponential decrease, while the cumulative mass loss shows a logarithmic growth. Furthermore, a linear correlation was highlighted between the erosion rate and the surface roughness. This study highlights the crucial importance of surface roughness in erosion processes and provides guidelines for optimizing the design and maintenance of cast iron pipes.

Open access


This paper emphasizes the role of fuel substitution in mitigating vibrations and enhancing the performance and reliability of internal combustion engines (ICEs). Using MATLAB for modal analysis, the study investigates natural frequencies and identifies potential resonance issues within critical engine components. The primary focus is on analyzing a four-stroke single-cylinder engine under various speeds and measuring the effects of fuel type on engine performance and efficiency. A comparative assessment evaluated vibration levels between natural gas and petrol by measuring engine vibrations across a range of speeds and analyzing the impact of varying dimensions of internal moving components on performance parameters. Results indicate minimal differences between the engines at lower speeds (1,500–2,000 rpm), while significant increases in vibrations were observed at higher speeds (2,500–3,000 rpm) for the gas engine, highlighting potential mechanical instability. At higher speeds, vibrations peak at the top of the engine, reaching 200 m s−2 with petrol and 240 m s−2 with natural gas. The experimental setup, including accelerometer modules and control systems, enabled real-time vibration monitoring. Numerical results showed that the longest connecting rod (197 mm) yielded the highest displacement, velocity, and acceleration metrics. These findings underscore the advantages of using natural gas as a fuel, including its availability, cost-effectiveness, and environmentally friendly nature, as it produces significantly lower harmful emissions compared to petrol. Additionally, the study offers insights into vibration-damping mechanisms and the influence of modifications to internal moving parts, such as crankshaft diameter and connecting rod length, on engine performance and stability.

Open access


Recent advances have enabled solid waste byproducts to effective soil amendment in order to minimize the use of inorganic fertilizers and increase crop yields to provide food for a high-population world. This review aims to summarize the essential nutrients required for crop production, the ability of nutrient supply of solid waste byproducts as soil conditioners, and its impacts on plant growth and soil properties. This paper analyzes the sources of plant nutrients, functions, symptoms of deficiency, and corrective measures. This review analyzed the byproducts of municipal solid waste compost, waste biomass, biochar, farmyard manure, press-mud molasses, vinasses, olive mill waste, spent mushroom compost and fly ash (FA), cow dung vermicomposting with FA, FA mixed with biochar, sewage sludge-FA mixture, fiber sludge, sewage sludge, bauxite residue, poultry waste to determine their ability to supply nutrients, affecting plant growth and soil properties significantly. This review also discusses the challenges associated with solid waste byproducts used in agricultural soil amendment on the environment and human health and possible future strategies to be adopted. Overall, this review provides insights to farmers about the use of solid waste byproducts as soil conditioners for the enrichment of essential nutrients and soil properties in farming soil.

Open access


This study investigates the utilization of biochar (WHBC) from water hyacinth biomass (WHBM) for sustainable soil amendment to improve soil quality. WHBM and WHBC are prepared and characterized with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). For that, physiochemical, proximate, ultimate, and elemental analyses are done and characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) to identify the suitability of soil amendment. WH biomass is carbonized with a limited air supply in a muffle furnace, and the study found that 300–664 °C temperature is the optimum condition for producing biochar from TGA. XRD of WHBC displayed more crystallinity than WHBM. FTIR of WHBC showed higher carbon stability increment than WHBM. The SEM micrograph of WHBM showed that compact, and fibril structures and WHBC revealed macroscopic changes that can significantly improve the soil properties. EDAX analysis of WHBM and WHBC proved that various soil nutrients can be helpful for plant growth. The study shows that WHBM can be utilized as a soil quality amendment material by converting it to biochar and an effective material for carbon storage in soils.

Open access


This study uses numerical modeling to explore the intricate relationship between low-velocity impact and composite materials. The study investigates the impact response of composite materials under low-speed loading circumstances in great detail. Two specimens were prepared for the current study the first one has a uniform thickness for each layer, and the second is prepared with altering layer thicknesses. A tensile test was employed to obtain the mechanical properties to use it in the numerical analysis. An impact test was employed in this analysis, where the impactor was modeled also on a height of 300 mm, the analysis time was taken as 0.08 s to capture all the impact. The numerical analysis was verified with other studies, and the error percentage did not exceed 2%. The results showed that the second specimen with alternating thickness had the best behavior.

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The goal of this study is to develop a linear disturbance rejection control (ADRC) based on transfer-function approach. The proposed control strategy is applied to control the angular position of knee joint for rehabilitation purpose. The Extended State Observer (ESO) is the core of ADRC strategy and the performance of all ADRC controllers are assessed based on tracking and estimations errors due to controller and observer, respectively. The transfer-based approach of ADRC (TFADRC) is characterized by simplicity and direct control design. A comparison study in performance between conventional linear ADRC (CLADRC) and TFADRC approach has been made. The results based on numerical simulation showed that the proposed approach gives better tracking performance compared to conventional one. Based on Root Mean Square of Error (RMSE) metric, the TFADRC gives less tracking error (0.0205 rad) under load disturbances than that based on CLADRC (0.0547 rad). Moreover, better noise rejection capability can be obtained by TFADRC as compared to the conventional one. However, the price of better performance gained by TFADRC is to actuate higher level of control signal compared to its counterpart.

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A győri székesegyház berendezésének változásai a barokk korban

Mesterek és stíluskapcsolatok

The Cathedral of Győr in the Baroque Period

Masters and Stylistic Connections
Építés - Építészettudomány
Ferenc Veress

A győri székesegyház teljes körű felújítása lehetőséget ad a berendezés új elemzésére, a források újraolvasására. A bőségben rendelkezésre álló helytörténeti szakirodalom által felhalmozott adatmennyiség lehetővé teszi a szakrális bútorzat stílusalapú vizsgálatát, művészeti kapcsolatainak keresését. A 17. századi belső tér egyetlen fennmaradt emléke, a kanonoki stallum a II. világháborúig megvolt a kismartoni Szent Márton-templomban. Archív fotókból megállapítható, hogy a Bécsben készült stallum részletformái szorosan egyeznek a bécsújhelyi Neukloster cisztercita templom máig is meglévő kanonoki stallumával. A 18. században, Zichy Ferenc püspöksége idején is nagyrészt Bécsújhelyről hozták és helyben állították össze a márvány oltárépítményeket. A Simor János-féle historizáló szellemű restauráláskor továbbra is kimutathatók a Bécsújhellyel, Béccsel, Pozsonnyal ápolt művészeti kapcsolatok, ami Győr földrajzi fekvéséből is logikusan következik.

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Surveillance video processing requires high efficiency, given its large datasets, demands significant resources for timely and effective analysis. This study aims to enhance surveillance systems by developing an automated method for extracting key events from outdoor surveillance videos. The proposed model comprises four phases: preprocessing and feature extraction, training and testing, and validation. Before utilizing a convolution neural networks approach to extract features from videos, the videos are pre-processed. Events classification uses gated recurrent units. In validation, motions and objects are extraction then feature extraction. Results show satisfactory performance, achieving 79% accuracy in events classification, highlighting the effectiveness of the methodology in identifying significant outdoor events.

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Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are widely used in modern industrial applications due to their high efficiency, reliability, and compact size. However, faults in PMSMs, such as stator winding failures, can lead to significant performance degradation and operational failures. Traditional fault detection methods often rely on signal processing and manual analysis, which may be time-consuming and lacking in accuracy. This study explores the application of deep learning techniques for automated fault detection in PMSMs. The deep learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are employed to classify electrical faults in the motor data, which includes the scalogram images of stator current signal allowing models to learn fault patterns. The performance of the used networks has been compared, in order to choose the reliable one for classification purposes and hence to be utilized for developing the prediction system. The experimental results show that the ResNet50 has better capability to classify the variation of data used where it could achieve 100% of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score as compared to other techniques.

Open access


Aircraft wings encounter multiple forces during flight, like thrust, drag, and abrupt variations caused by storms. Although these forces aid in maintaining overall stability, they can also cause the growth of cracks and expand over time, a process referred to as fatigue.

The resulting lift, drag, and pressure distribution on the wing have been analyzed using computational fluid dynamics in ANSYS. These loads were then incorporated into the wing model to evaluate the shear and equivalent stresses.

Cracks growing on the aircraft wing surface. The wing surface manufactured from AL2024-T3 alloy was investigated when subjected to non-preoperational multi-axial cyclic loading. This fracture mechanics analysis employed two methods: experimental calculation and Numerical simulations.

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Pollack Periodica
Mykola Zablodskiy
Sergey Shvorov
Natalia Pasichnyk
Oleksiy Opryshko
Viktor Trokhaniak
, and
Nadiia Spodyniuk


An urgent problem today is the industrial production of biomethane using biogas plants from organic waste, which is environmentally hazardous to the environment. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the methodological approach to the formation of the raw material base for biogas production. Achieving this goal was carried out based on monitoring and assessing biomethane emissions into the atmosphere based on data from space satellites for various areas. The most significant results are the developed methodological approach to substantiate the raw material base based on indirect measurements of biomethane emissions during satellite sensing. Based on the use of this approach, a substantiation of a promising raw material base area was carried out.

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An analysis study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the transient groundwater table with and without impacts of seismic loads on stability of excavation nailed slope using Bishop and Janbu simplified methods. The results showed that the factor of safety values increased with increasing of the groundwater table depth and reached a relatively maximum level for each of the two methods of analysis when the groundwater table drops to the depths 18, 19, and 20 m. Also, the results indicated that the percentage of increase in the factor of safety decreased significantly, starting from depth = 13 m, and the differences converge greatly to the point of fading at depths 17 and 18 m and these findings support the notion that the presence of groundwater table in the upper layers of the excavation sides poses a greater risk and increases the possibility of collapse failure.

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Pollack Periodica
Maksim Portnov
Jaroslav Hrudka
Réka Wittmanová
Ján Ilavský
, and
Štefan Stanko


Today, due to the increase in urban infrastructure, it is faced with the problem of overflowed waters. In urban areas, reduced rainwater infiltration increases the volume of wastewater in the sewer system, leading to water quality issues in the receiving bodies. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of overflowed waters can help reduce pollution in in the recipient. To do this, firstly it needs to analyze the quality of the water in the recipient and the quality of the overflowed waters during precipitation. By monitoring and analyzing water quality, it will be possible to apply protective measures to solve this problem.

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Pollack Periodica
Raghad Awad
Réka Wittmanová
Štefan Stanko
Danka Barloková
, and
Jaroslav Hrudka


The main purpose of this paper is to design and model a sustainable water distribution network for the new housing development in Bernolákovo. WaterGEMS software and Microsoft Excel are used for the analysis and design of the water distribution network. The survey of the village was developed with the help of a global positioning system to ensure the layout and the satellite image of the study area. Steady-state analysis has been carried out for the calculation of hydraulic parameters. The analysis performed by the software is essential for identifying potential problems and performing quick diagnostics so that expensive errors can be avoided. The study results indicate that the proposed distribution network will provide high-quality drinking water in the required quantity.

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This study evaluated the strength properties of concrete produced with palm bunch ash–calcined anthill clay (PBA-CAC) as pozzolans. Two groups of palm bunch ashes were produced: ashes generated by burning only palm bunches (PBA) and ashes obtained by blending palm bunches and anthill clay at elevated temperatures (PBA-CAC). The PBA and PBA-CAC satisfied the requirements of Class C pozzolans. The concrete constituents were batched by mass, and the cement–fine aggregate–coarse aggregate ratio was 1:2:4. The cement content was partially substituted with PBA and PBA-CAC at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%, with the 0% specimen serving as the control. The concrete cubes were cured for 7, 14, 28, 56, and 90 days, whereas the concrete cylinders and beams were cured for 7, 28, 56, and 90 days. The 28th day strength values of the control specimens exceeded those of the PBA and PBA-CAC concrete specimens. By the 90th day of curing, the strength values of the specimens produced with 5% PBA and 5% PBA-CAC exceeded those of the control specimen. The PBA-CAC specimens generally had higher values of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength than PBA specimens containing the same amount of pozzolan.

Open access


Current digital education operates as a push-system, despite the content and subject characteristics suggesting a need for a pull-system. One of the features of the push-system is a tool-centered approach, where the focus on tools, including both hardware and software, is the belief that it is possible to build knowledge inventory. The consequences of the push digital education approaches are that (1) the fundamental concepts of Computer Science are not being transferred, (2) the lack of the development of supporting methods, (3) and education does not seem to be interested in revealing the root causes and to be open for fundamental changes. This paper proposes the extension of the theory of the industrial pull systems to present as a potential solution to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of digital education and reduce or eliminate data processing inefficiencies generated by undereducated but misled end-users. In addition to theoretical discussions, it also delves into the detailed analysis, design, implementation, and testing of a real-world data processing problem. The presented problem, its analysis, solution, and accompanying discussion reveal how one of the tools (kanban) of lean production can be adapted to support the Just-in-Time philosophy in digital education, focusing on end-user programming.

Open access


As of today, oil and gas wells are 6,000 m deep or more. In view of this, increased requirements are imposed on the grouting materials used in wells. Grouting fluids must have rheological properties with low values of dynamic shear stress (τ) and plastic viscosity (η). Reducing the values of τ and η will provide a turbulent flow regime of cementing fluids, which is favourable in terms of complete replacement of the washing fluid with the cementing fluid. In the course of the research, it was found that the Melamine-Formaldehyde Anionic-active Resin superplasticiser is a reagent that has a multifunctional effect on cementing dispersions. This makes it possible to use it in difficult geological and technical conditions for well cementing.

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This research highlights the role of sustainability aspects focusing on socio-cultural parameters and environmental performance in designing more comfortable and sustainable shelters. Following a two-mixed method approach, on the one hand, a comparative analysis is presented of IKEA Better Shelter, Rwandan Mud-Brick, and Nepali shelters by examining the cultural integration into their design (traditional layouts and shared spaces), their adaptability, and their environmental performance. On the other hand, a qualitative survey determines the level of satisfaction regarding space, comfort, social interaction, and cultural fit among residents. The results show that traditional building methods with the use of local materials, offer high privacy levels, excellent thermal and acoustics comfort, good cultural appropriateness and minimal environmental impact.

Open access


The hydraulic gradient method is an effective approach for localizing hidden leaks in water supply networks. Relative errors in leakage location depend significantly on head measurement errors, necessitating the use of high-precision pressure gauges with an accuracy class of 0.25 or better. An optimization function, defined as the ratio of the localization relative error to the probability of detection, was used to determine the optimal location for the control section. Dependencies of localization relative error on the pressure gauge accuracy class, section length, and piezometric head are obtained. Presented multi-leakage estimation model enables the assessment of the multi-leakage probability, enhancing decision-making efficiency for emergency repairs in water supply networks.

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Energy strategies at the international level increasingly support the utilization of hydrogen for energy purposes. One way to do this is to mix hydrogen into natural gas, which is delivered by the network to the combustion equipment of consumers. The paper examines the expected changes that will occur if the maximum amount of hydrogen permitted by law is mixed into the natural gas network. According to our results, the inflowing heat quantity in the gas has decreased, which is compensated by the increased flow rate due to the reduced density. The flame image changes spectacularly, the flame becomes lower, the half-cone angle increases in case of hydrogen mixing. Another noteworthy result is that the temperature of the equipment's burner did not change significantly as a result of mixing.

Open access


The oil and gas industry relies mainly on pipelines to transport crude and refined petroleum, so crude oil is mostly transported via pipelines. The work presented the study of light naphtha solution collected at the Al-Diwaniyah Refinery in southern Iraq, along with four different pipeline materials (Ductile Iron, Carbon Steel X60, Carbon Steel X80, A105), in which NALCO® EC1005A (neutralizing amine) was used to inhibit corrosion at three concentrations: 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05%, respectively. Analysis of acidity content and immersion method were used to test all samples. This study examined the effects of temperature 45 and 55 °C and light naphtha content. The corrosion resistance of A 105 for pipe samples is highest; ductile iron has the lowest value, and X80 steel and X60 steel is moderately valued.

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This article aims to achieve the hardening of geopolymer binder-based metakaolin under the same setting time and hardening temperature as traditional cement. It studied the hardening of the geopolymer binder-based metakaolin at two temperatures of 60 °C and room temperature using different liquid-to-solid ratios of 0.8, 0.95, and 1.1. The bulk density, compressive strength, sitting times, thermal conductivity, and microstructure were measured for geopolymer binders. Based on the specified range for cement characteristics, the geopolymer binder was solidified at room temperature, utilizing a liquid-to-solid ratio of 0.8 to achieve optimal results stratified according to the cement's ideal characteristics. It had a bulk density of 1.264 g cm−3, compressive strength of 19.12 MPa, initial setting time of 288 min, final setting time of 358 min, and thermal conductivity of 0.49 W m−1 K.

Open access


Cities worldwide are undergoing sustainable transformations driven by environmental, societal, and economic concerns. This includes improving living standards and addressing global challenges such as climate change and pollution. Urban planning strategies are being re-evaluated, emphasizing the expansion of green spaces. Pécs, Hungary, exemplify this trend through projects like the “Green Gate,” focusing on new pedestrian walkways and increased green areas. To optimize the project's impact, emphasis is placed on integrated water management and considering elements inspired by the “sponge city” concept for flood mitigation. The goal is to assess potential outcomes and feasibility in a real-world setting.

Open access


Reactive powder concrete is widely recognized for its remarkable mechanical characteristics and resilience, rendering it an ideal option for structural uses that include heavy loads. However, the intricate interaction of numerous material and geometric aspects makes constructing reactive powder concrete beams extremely difficult. By using MATLAB to provide an optimized design framework for beams, this research tackles these issues. Particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithms are two of the advanced techniques used in the study to solve the optimization problem. It also includes constraints other one as structural requirements and material limitations. Results demonstrate that MATLAB-based optimization facilitates effective design, lowering costs and material consumption, with potential for more applications in the building sector.

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Many countries are moving towards investing in solar energy, and concentrated solar energy presents one of the most important of these sources, as it is currently attracting many efforts to enhance its exploitation. Parabolic trough collectors are an emerging technology. The decrease in solar energy, changes in atmospheric conditions, and the limitation of the basin area, all of these factors lead to decrease in a thermal energy gained by an endothermic tube, and thus lead to decrease in a thermal performance of a collector. The goal of the presented study is to improve heat transfer in the endothermic tube. Experimental study had been carried out in order to study friction factor and heat transfer for a parabolic trough receiver.

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Phase change material in conjunction with a passive latent heat thermal energy storage approach is a potentially effective way to solve the growing concerns about building energy usage. This research examines the thermal performance of building envelopes in Miskolc, Hungary. The factors impacting the thermal performance of phase change material integrated into the building envelope were assessed. The findings indicate that the enthalpy and melting temperature of the phase change material significantly impact the effectiveness of phase change material-based walls. It was determined the optimal location of the phase change material layer is possible. This determination is intricately related to the thermal properties of the phase change material and the prevailing environmental conditions.

Open access
Pollack Periodica
Fatimah H. Naser
Maryam H. Naser
Ali Hameed Naser Almamoori
Mohammed L. Hussien
, and
Lina Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril


Twenty-eight piles were divided into four groups. Two groups were made of natural aggregate, while the other two were made of full replacement of recycled aggregate. In each group, the cement was replaced with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% of silica fume. Two groups were stored for 270 days under normal water conditions, while the other two were stored underground water conditions. Tests results have shown that it’s possible to improve the strength and the structural behavior of piles under sulfate attack considerably by using 20% of silica fume, while 15% is sufficient when the piles are under normal conditions. However, high levels of silica fume 25–30% in recycled aggregate concretes piles and 20–30% in normal aggregate concretes piles gave a clear decrease in ultimate load capacity.

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Pollack Periodica
Hocine Makri
Cherif Saib
Salah Amroune
Said Zergane
Barhm Mohamad
Mokhtar Benarioua
, and
Kamel Necib


The study examines Cu–Zn–Al shape memory alloys, vital in aeronautics and automotive sectors. It aims to characterize their thermo-mechanical transformations induced by composition and heat treatments, focusing on how these impact mechanical properties, especially grain size refinement. Analysis covers transformation temperatures, micro-hardness, induced transformations, and mechanical tests. Results show thermoplastic martensitic transformations, with micro-hardness aiding in identifying characteristic points. The study's novelty lies in understanding how grain size refinement affects these transformations and the role of micro-hardness in precise characterization.

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This innovative research adopts a comprehensive approach to delve into temporary intervention. It aims to gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of architectural decisions related to long-term interventions. The study is based on several compelling case studies, revealing that temporary interventions achieve a more sustainable outcome and showcase remarkable flexibility and adaptability.

Projects curated by the author serve as practical research tools, providing a deeper and more accurate insight based on user experiences. The study concludes that the strategic use of temporary intervention is a proven and effective method in architectural design. It promotes community engagement and sustainable urban development and addresses the issue of abandoned permanent structures.

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Architecture has evolved to address challenges, giving rise to new concepts. Today, global warming is a critical challenge mainly due to greenhouse gas emissions from energy-intensive buildings. The construction industry, primarily focused on housing, is both a culprit and a potential solution. This exploration delves into sustainable housing development, recognizing its pivotal role in mitigating environmental impact. The objective is to devise a model encompassing environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The proposed solution involves creating a net-zero energy community, addressing the surging growth of urban areas, and escalating greenhouse gas emissions. Emphasizing sustainability as a lifestyle, this approach aims to mitigate the construction industry's impact on global warming.

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Saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for the construction sector. Heating of buildings requires the burning of fossil fuels, which can be significantly reduced by insulating the building envelope. Nowadays, the thermal insulation of buildings is essential. There are several important, well-known data about most thermal insulation materials, but there is only negligible information about the change of their properties under installation conditions or if they are already exposed to additional stresses due to structural failures and damages. This study aimed to examine the changes in properties of three common thermal insulation materials when installed in a flat roof or facade and exposed to excess moisture due to the damage of waterproofing or façade and/or when exposed to direct strong sunlight.

Open access


Welding dissimilar metals by resistance spot welding offers several advantages, including lighter weight and better mechanical properties for the shipping, aerospace, and automotive industries. The resistance spot welding parameters effects (welding current, squeeze time, welding time, and hold time) on the welding results of AISI 1005 and AISI 304L were investigated in the present research. The joints' tensile shear force, microhardness, and microstructure were examined. The Taguchi design of experiments approach was utilized to analyze the tensile shear force results statistically. A welding current of 7 kA, welding time of 1.4 s, squeeze time of 1.2 s, and hold time of 0.8 s resulted in an optimum tensile shear force of 6.194 kN. Additionally, the nugget zone demonstrated a higher hardness compared to the base metal and heat-affected zones.

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Line scan cameras have found wide applications across various industrial sectors, serving as a valuable tool for inspecting products on conveyor belts and ensuring the quality of bulk materials. At the University of Miskolc, a system using a line scan camera was deployed to measure the rotational speed of high-speed rotating parts. This measurement process has already proven its effectiveness. The success of the measurement heavily depends on the system's ability to identify suitable measurement points within the image. This paper demonstrates the process of selecting these measurement points, the line of interest, in a dynamic setting through the application of a statistical image analysis approach.

Open access


With the corrosion resistance of glass fiber reinforced polymer bars, the durability of concrete structures can be improved. The tensile strength of a glass fiber reinforced polymer bar is primarily dependent on the tensile strength of the fibers and the total cross sectional area of the fibers, which are determined by the nominal diameter of the bar and the volume fraction of the fibers. Furthermore, the uneven distribution of fibers due to the manufacturing process may have a degrading effect. However, the shear lag effect also influences the strength of the bar, as it causes an uneven normal stress distribution among the individual fibers of the glass fiber reinforced polymer bars. Numerical modeling of a standard tensile test setup of a glass fiber reinforced polymer bar was performed to investigate the intensity of the shear lag effect at varying fiber volume fractions. Fibers and matrix were modeled separately assuming the matrix as an embedding continuum around the individual, non-contacting, evenly arranged, parallel fibers. The results were in good agreement with the manufacturer's data. The shear lag effect was shown to be more prominent at higher fiber volume fractions.

Open access


Scour around bridge piers threatens bridge stability. This study uses the Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System to improve depth estimates for various pier shapes. The Colorado State University and Froehlich equations were tested with a one-dimensional model calibrated for circular, square, rectangular, oblong, oval, and cylindrical piers. Sensitivity analysis identified coefficients K2, K3, flow velocity, and depth as key factors, with K2 being most significant. The Colorado State University equation overestimated scour depths, especially for square piers. The Froehlich method provided more accurate predictions, confirming the system's value in hydraulic modeling for bridge stability analysis.

Open access


In emerging economies, social entrepreneurship is becoming more widely recognized as a means of optimizing societal value. Examining the impact of emotional intelligence on students' intentions to pursue social entrepreneurship is the primary goal of this research project. The university students in Bangladesh were the study's target population. An online survey with self-administered questions was created to gather data from 334 Bangladeshi students. This study is exploratory and quantitative in nature. For this study purpose non-probability random sampling and convenience methods were applied to collect the data. Reliability was considered to be measured with a Cronbach's alpha (α) value of 0.70 or above. The study found the reliability of the constructs like self-awareness (α = 0.868), self-management (α = 0.895), social awareness (α = 0.867), relationship management (α = 0.948), and social entrepreneurial intention (0.864). The model was evaluated and the hypotheses were confirmed using SPSS v26.0 at the 5% significance level. Furthermore, this study's findings show 0.678 percent, or 67.8%, of the variance in Social Entrepreneurial Intention, which is valuable for the body of knowledge in this field of study. These findings could help academics, community organizations, non-governmental organizations, government, and civil society develop successful policies and initiatives to support students' plans to grow their social entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.

Open access


The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) molarity in Self-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC) is essential for activating the precursor and aggregate to develop strength, workability, and microstructure. In this study, SCGC mixes prepared with 50% fly ash (FA) and 50% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) to investigate fresh and hardened properties with NaOH molarities (M) ranges from 8 to 16, the ratio of Na2SiO3 to NaOH kept constant at 2.5 and ratio of alkaline solution to the binder at 0.45 with 2% SP for the polymerization process. SCGC workability studies indicate the NaOH concentration increased, the slump flow decreased, and 14 M was the optimum molarity. The compressive, split tensile, and flexural strength results showed 39.4 MPa, 4.72 MPa, and 5.91 MPa at 28 days. The C–S–H gel enhanced the strength qualities studied from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The scanning electron microscope showed microstructural densification of the entire system, which improved with the NaOH concentration, and the strength increased with the degree of polymerization and polycondensation. Hence, based on workability, the optimized NaOH concentration is 14 M with binder contents of FA (50%) and GGBS (50%). This study helps to improve the microstructure and strength properties with potential cost implications of SCGC.

Open access


This paper explores innovative and contemporary approaches to preserving and repurposing Mongolian temples, with a focus on maintaining their cultural and historical significance while adapting to modern needs. It examines the unique architectural and cultural aspects of these temples, the challenges they face, and presents design and preservation strategies that can ensure their continued relevance.

Open access


This study examines the impact of various external shading devices on key lighting metrics, such as spatial daylight autonomy, annual sunlight exposure, and mean illuminance in classrooms. By comparing the performance of different shading options, the study offers insights into optimizing natural lighting, enhancing visual comfort, and improving sustainability in educational buildings in warm, humid climates. The findings provide valuable guidance for architects, designers, and school facility managers aiming to improve energy efficiency and occupant comfort in educational environments.

Restricted access


This study examines the connection between repository structure, productivity, and management practices in software development collaboration. Analyzing open-source projects, it finds higher collaboration in Multi repository teams than in Mono repository teams, implying a nuanced interaction with team size. Effective management and well-structured architectures correlate positively with productivity, emphasizing strategic management's importance for optimizing collaboration and efficiency in software projects.

Open access


Geothermal energy is increasingly promising for residential use due to rising energy costs and environmental awareness. This work experimentally examines the impact of pipe distribution on the heat pump's performance at varying temperatures for both the incoming water and the ground. The pipes are buried in the soil, distributing them on layers of varying depths up to a depth of 2 m, separated by insulating layers. The quantities of heat gained in the evaporator and released in the condenser are calculated to determine the coefficient of performance of the heat pump. It was found that at the same temperature, the total heat loss in the soil is larger in the case of water entering from the bent pipe towards the great depth compared to water entering from the direct pipe, but the heat gain is larger in the case of water entering from the direct one.

Open access

Karácsony Rita „A műegyetemi építészoktatás 1945-56 között - Az építészeti fordulatok személyes történetei” című PhD-értekezésének vitája

Simon Mariann és Haba Péter opponensi véleményével

Rita Karácsony: „Teaching Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology between 1945 and 1956 - Personal Stories of Architectural Turns”

Public Discussion of the PhD Thesis (Opponent’s Opinions by Mariann Simon and Péter Haba)
Építés - Építészettudomány
Rita Karácsony

A nyilvános vita 2024. szeptember 19-én zajlott le a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen a Csonka Pál Doktori Iskola szervezésében. A Bíráló Bizottság elnöke Ferkai András, tagjai Ordasi Zsuzsanna és Wettstein Domonkos, titkára Székely Márton, az értekezés opponensei Simon Mariann és Haba Péter voltak. Témavezető Vukoszávlyev Zorán, BME, Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszék. Az alábbiakban az értekezés téziseit, Simon Mariann és Haba Péter opponensi véleményét, valamint a véleményekre adott választ közöljük.

Open access

Examining the Impact of Social Factors on Spatial Desirability of Urban Neighbourhoods

A Case Study of Yazd City, Iran

Társadalmi tényezők hatása a városnegyedek területi vonzerejére

Esettanulmány Yazd városáról / Irán
Építés - Építészettudomány
Somayeh Omidvari
Shariyeh Hosseininasab
M. Javad Ahmadi
, and
Elaheh Golzari

The increasing importance of neighbourhoods in urban planning, combined with an enhanced focus on the social aspects of designing desirable communities and societies, has emanated the necessity of developing a clear understanding of spatially desirable neighbourhoods. When considering various dimensions of social vitality and existing urban planning norms for residential neighbourhoods, it appears essential to consider and integrate both social and spatial aspects to formulate a desirable community. This article examines the impact of social factors on spatial desirability and vitality of residential neighbourhoods in the context of Iran. The historic city of Yazd has been selected as the case study. Following thorough evaluation of existing neighbourhoods in the city, three study areas have been selected for detailed study; Zortosht neighbourhood, Shahrak University residential complex and Baqiyatullah Azam residential complex. Based on the nature of this study, a qualitative method has been adopted to conduct this research. Extracting from the literature review, three factors of safety and security, sense of attachment to place and social interaction are among the most important socio-cultural factors that can affect the social vitality of a neighbourhood. After the content analysis of the interviews (through semi-structured questionnaires) from the stakeholders and residents of the study areas, observation and documentation of physical and spatial structure of the neighbourhoods and analysing data by interrelating social, as well as spatial aspects, the study concluded that social and spatial aspects are interconnected and both are impacting each other to result in social vitality and spatial desirability of a neighbourhood. Moreover, it was observed that spatial layout of neighbourhoods can increase the potential for social vitality and liveliness. Finally, research recommends design policies for socially integrated and spatially desirable neighbourhoods in the context of Iran, which may be applicable in other similar contexts too.

Open access

Geology, Architecture and Archaeological Overview of Four Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs in the Theban Necropolis at el-Khokha (Egypt)

Egyiptomban található négy sziklába vágott sír geológiai, építészeti és régészeti áttekintése (Thébai nekropolisz, el-Khokha)

Építés - Építészettudomány
Tamás Zomborácz
Ákos Török

Egyptian Dynasties, noble families and privileged people used the Theban Mountain for funerary purposes. The study site is located on the west bank of the River Nile in Upper Egypt, near Luxor. The use of this necropolis was long-lasting. Four tombs were studied, representing the late Old Kingdom, the First Intermediate Period and the 18th and 19th Dynasties of the New Kingdom. The tombs were reused as dwellings till the end of the past century, reflected in the alteration of the original structures. The paper describes the complex excavation history of the Theban necropolis. It provides an overview of the geological conditions of the region with a special focus on Tarawan Chalk, which is the host formation of the tombs, and briefly describes the overlaying Esna Shale and Thebes Limestone formations. The most important rock properties and their field appearance are also considered. Besides geological conditions, the current study includes the archaeological and architectural description of the four studied tombs, TT 184, TT 185, TT 412 and TT 413 (TT=Theban Tomb). It explains these tombs’ complex geometries and architectural elements with ground plans and cross-sections. The current conditions of the interiors and exteriors of the tombs, as well as the preservation of wall paintings, are richly illustrated. An overview of possible preservation measures and protection of these tombs is also given, aiming to provide data for further archaeological works and restoration projects.

Open access


Corrosion of steel tubes represents a major challenge for various industries, leading to significant economic and environmental impacts, such as material losses, operational interruptions and safety risks. This study focuses on the metallurgical, chemical and mechanical characterization of corroded steel tubes operating in mining installations using metallographic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM-EDS studies, chemical analysis and micro-hardness measurements. The results reveal the existence of a considerable extent of corrosion, of which, the main corrosion products are magnetite – 72% and goethite – 18.1 associated with corrosion. The corroded tubes measured 0.128% carbon, against 0.23% in new tubes, indicating a loss in weight and mechanical strength properties. The observed tensile strength for the new tubes was 481 MPa while the same for the corroded tubes was to a large extent lower. Furthermore, metallographic examination indicates that indeed the structure is ferrite pearlite as to the composition. This study indicates that 304 L or 316 L stainless steels may be utilized which have better corrosion-protecting coatings thus prolonging service life and reducing maintenance activities.

Open access


This study conducts an in-depth numerical analysis of debonding behavior in composite structures, with a particular focus on the critical role of thermal effects. Utilizing a frictional contact cohesive zone model, the research characterizes the debonding process while sequentially integrating thermal analysis to assess the impact of thermal loading. A thermomechanical coupled model is developed and implemented using the finite element software ABAQUS. The model's accuracy is validated through the Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test, ensuring reliable results. The methodology involves a detailed finite element analysis, where thermal loads are applied to composite specimens, followed by mechanical loading to simulate debonding. The frictional contact cohesive zone model accurately captures the interface behavior under varying thermal conditions. Quantitative results indicate that thermal loading significantly affects the debonding process, with a noticeable increase in debonding initiation and propagation rates, highlighting the critical influence of thermal effects on structural integrity.

Open access

Ihletett alkotószellem

Nagy Elemér hagyatékban őrzött tervei az elméleti munkásság tükrében

Inspired Creativity

Designs from the Personal Archive of Elemér Nagy in the Perspective of his Theoretical Oeuvre
Építés - Építészettudomány
Dániel Laczó

Nagy Elemér (1928–1985) tervezőként és teoretikusként egyaránt kiemelkedő életművet teremtett. Épülettervekben és elméleti munkákban gazdag életművének jelentős hányada jól megismerhető. Épületeit magas minőségben publikálta a Magyar Építőművészetben. Történeti, elméleti munkásságának eredményeit cikkekben és könyvekben is közreadta. Ezeken felül előadásokat, kiállításokat szervezett. Korai halála utáni visszaemlékezésekben életrajza több helyen is felidézésre került, munkáiból kiállítás készült. Ugyanakkor még egy ilyen jól dokumentált pálya képét is árnyalja és gazdagítja a Gyenesdiáson őrzött és mind ez ideig feltáratlan szakmai hagyatékának felkutatása. Különösen érdekes a tervezői és elméletírói pálya összefüggéseinek vizsgálata. Kutatásom célja annak felderítése, hogy Nagy Elemér elméleti érdeklődése mennyiben befolyásolta hagyatékban őrzött terveit.

Nagy Elemér a Budapesti Műszaki Egyetemen végzett, majd itt helyezkedett el mint oktató, emellett vállalkozott kisebb tervezési feladatokra, pályázatokra. Pályájának döntő fordulata az 1960-as évek fordulójához köthető: ekkor került a Magyar Építőművészet című folyóirathoz és a Középülettervező Vállalathoz, ahol később vezető beosztásban dolgozott egészen haláláig. A gyenesdiási családi nyaralóban őrzött hagyatéka is követi e változást, a hatvanas évektől kezdve ritkul a leletanyag, mivel innentől jellemzően a tervezővállalathoz kötődnek tervezési munkái. A hagyaték sajátossága így éppen az, hogy Nagy Elemér önálló szellemi munkáját dokumentálja, tervanyaga különösen alkalmas arra, hogy saját tervezői elképzeléseit megismerhessük belőle és összevessük azt az ihlető forrásként felhasználható elmélettel.

Jelen kutatás alapját e jól megőrzött hagyaték épülettervekre vonatkozó része, valamint az annak otthont adó nyaralóépület képezi. A hallgatói rajzanyag műszaki részei, így az ábrázoló geometriai, építészettörténeti, épületszerkezettani tervlapok oktatásmódszertani és -történeti szempontból ugyan érdekesek lehetnek, ahogyan a Dánia építészete című könyvhöz, illetve egyéb írásművekhez összegyűjtött források is egy elméleti-filológiai vizsgálat számára, ezek azonban nem képezik jelen kutatás tárgyát.

Open access