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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing a building or structure, while architectonics is the scientific study of architecture itself. Architectural works are often considered important cultural symbols and works of art, and we often identify past civilizations with their architectural heritage.
Architecture and Architectonics
The goal of this study is to develop a linear disturbance rejection control (ADRC) based on transfer-function approach. The proposed control strategy is applied to control the angular position of knee joint for rehabilitation purpose. The Extended State Observer (ESO) is the core of ADRC strategy and the performance of all ADRC controllers are assessed based on tracking and estimations errors due to controller and observer, respectively. The transfer-based approach of ADRC (TFADRC) is characterized by simplicity and direct control design. A comparison study in performance between conventional linear ADRC (CLADRC) and TFADRC approach has been made. The results based on numerical simulation showed that the proposed approach gives better tracking performance compared to conventional one. Based on Root Mean Square of Error (RMSE) metric, the TFADRC gives less tracking error (0.0205 rad) under load disturbances than that based on CLADRC (0.0547 rad). Moreover, better noise rejection capability can be obtained by TFADRC as compared to the conventional one. However, the price of better performance gained by TFADRC is to actuate higher level of control signal compared to its counterpart.
A győri székesegyház berendezésének változásai a barokk korban
Mesterek és stíluskapcsolatok
The Cathedral of Győr in the Baroque Period
Masters and Stylistic Connections
A győri székesegyház teljes körű felújítása lehetőséget ad a berendezés új elemzésére, a források újraolvasására. A bőségben rendelkezésre álló helytörténeti szakirodalom által felhalmozott adatmennyiség lehetővé teszi a szakrális bútorzat stílusalapú vizsgálatát, művészeti kapcsolatainak keresését. A 17. századi belső tér egyetlen fennmaradt emléke, a kanonoki stallum a II. világháborúig megvolt a kismartoni Szent Márton-templomban. Archív fotókból megállapítható, hogy a Bécsben készült stallum részletformái szorosan egyeznek a bécsújhelyi Neukloster cisztercita templom máig is meglévő kanonoki stallumával. A 18. században, Zichy Ferenc püspöksége idején is nagyrészt Bécsújhelyről hozták és helyben állították össze a márvány oltárépítményeket. A Simor János-féle historizáló szellemű restauráláskor továbbra is kimutathatók a Bécsújhellyel, Béccsel, Pozsonnyal ápolt művészeti kapcsolatok, ami Győr földrajzi fekvéséből is logikusan következik.
Surveillance video processing requires high efficiency, given its large datasets, demands significant resources for timely and effective analysis. This study aims to enhance surveillance systems by developing an automated method for extracting key events from outdoor surveillance videos. The proposed model comprises four phases: preprocessing and feature extraction, training and testing, and validation. Before utilizing a convolution neural networks approach to extract features from videos, the videos are pre-processed. Events classification uses gated recurrent units. In validation, motions and objects are extraction then feature extraction. Results show satisfactory performance, achieving 79% accuracy in events classification, highlighting the effectiveness of the methodology in identifying significant outdoor events.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are widely used in modern industrial applications due to their high efficiency, reliability, and compact size. However, faults in PMSMs, such as stator winding failures, can lead to significant performance degradation and operational failures. Traditional fault detection methods often rely on signal processing and manual analysis, which may be time-consuming and lacking in accuracy. This study explores the application of deep learning techniques for automated fault detection in PMSMs. The deep learning models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are employed to classify electrical faults in the motor data, which includes the scalogram images of stator current signal allowing models to learn fault patterns. The performance of the used networks has been compared, in order to choose the reliable one for classification purposes and hence to be utilized for developing the prediction system. The experimental results show that the ResNet50 has better capability to classify the variation of data used where it could achieve 100% of accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score as compared to other techniques.
Aircraft wings encounter multiple forces during flight, like thrust, drag, and abrupt variations caused by storms. Although these forces aid in maintaining overall stability, they can also cause the growth of cracks and expand over time, a process referred to as fatigue.
The resulting lift, drag, and pressure distribution on the wing have been analyzed using computational fluid dynamics in ANSYS. These loads were then incorporated into the wing model to evaluate the shear and equivalent stresses.
Cracks growing on the aircraft wing surface. The wing surface manufactured from AL2024-T3 alloy was investigated when subjected to non-preoperational multi-axial cyclic loading. This fracture mechanics analysis employed two methods: experimental calculation and Numerical simulations.
An urgent problem today is the industrial production of biomethane using biogas plants from organic waste, which is environmentally hazardous to the environment. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the methodological approach to the formation of the raw material base for biogas production. Achieving this goal was carried out based on monitoring and assessing biomethane emissions into the atmosphere based on data from space satellites for various areas. The most significant results are the developed methodological approach to substantiate the raw material base based on indirect measurements of biomethane emissions during satellite sensing. Based on the use of this approach, a substantiation of a promising raw material base area was carried out.
An analysis study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the transient groundwater table with and without impacts of seismic loads on stability of excavation nailed slope using Bishop and Janbu simplified methods. The results showed that the factor of safety values increased with increasing of the groundwater table depth and reached a relatively maximum level for each of the two methods of analysis when the groundwater table drops to the depths 18, 19, and 20 m. Also, the results indicated that the percentage of increase in the factor of safety decreased significantly, starting from depth = 13 m, and the differences converge greatly to the point of fading at depths 17 and 18 m and these findings support the notion that the presence of groundwater table in the upper layers of the excavation sides poses a greater risk and increases the possibility of collapse failure.
Today, due to the increase in urban infrastructure, it is faced with the problem of overflowed waters. In urban areas, reduced rainwater infiltration increases the volume of wastewater in the sewer system, leading to water quality issues in the receiving bodies. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of overflowed waters can help reduce pollution in in the recipient. To do this, firstly it needs to analyze the quality of the water in the recipient and the quality of the overflowed waters during precipitation. By monitoring and analyzing water quality, it will be possible to apply protective measures to solve this problem.
The main purpose of this paper is to design and model a sustainable water distribution network for the new housing development in Bernolákovo. WaterGEMS software and Microsoft Excel are used for the analysis and design of the water distribution network. The survey of the village was developed with the help of a global positioning system to ensure the layout and the satellite image of the study area. Steady-state analysis has been carried out for the calculation of hydraulic parameters. The analysis performed by the software is essential for identifying potential problems and performing quick diagnostics so that expensive errors can be avoided. The study results indicate that the proposed distribution network will provide high-quality drinking water in the required quantity.
This study evaluated the strength properties of concrete produced with palm bunch ash–calcined anthill clay (PBA-CAC) as pozzolans. Two groups of palm bunch ashes were produced: ashes generated by burning only palm bunches (PBA) and ashes obtained by blending palm bunches and anthill clay at elevated temperatures (PBA-CAC). The PBA and PBA-CAC satisfied the requirements of Class C pozzolans. The concrete constituents were batched by mass, and the cement–fine aggregate–coarse aggregate ratio was 1:2:4. The cement content was partially substituted with PBA and PBA-CAC at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%, with the 0% specimen serving as the control. The concrete cubes were cured for 7, 14, 28, 56, and 90 days, whereas the concrete cylinders and beams were cured for 7, 28, 56, and 90 days. The 28th day strength values of the control specimens exceeded those of the PBA and PBA-CAC concrete specimens. By the 90th day of curing, the strength values of the specimens produced with 5% PBA and 5% PBA-CAC exceeded those of the control specimen. The PBA-CAC specimens generally had higher values of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength than PBA specimens containing the same amount of pozzolan.