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This study aims to explore the relevance and underlying factors of an array of interpreting aptitude constructs, and, on that basis, the collective and group-specific perception of their relative importance. To meet the research purposes, a questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to interpreting trainers, trainees and professional interpreters, asking respondents to evaluate the relative importance of 40 aptitude constructs drawn from an extensive literature review. A total of 769 valid responses were collected. An explorative factor analysis retained 23 constructs divided into three factors focusing on cognitive skills for online information processing, personality traits and temperaments, and foundational linguistic skills respectively. While personality traits and temperaments were regarded as a stable and distinctive dimension of interpreting aptitude, cognitive skills for information processing were viewed as the most important factor. Particularly, listening and speaking in B enjoyed the highest rating. Although statistically significant differences existed in the relative importance of certain constructs, the substantive differences indicated by the effect sizes were small. Compared with trainees, trainers and professional interpreters demonstrated a more sharpened awareness of market demands and industrial priorities, but otherwise the three groups converged more than they diverged in the evaluation of aptitude constructs and factors.

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Fair trial is the cornerstone of all judicial proceedings and a fundamental right guaranteeing, among other things, the right to interpreting to those who do not understand and speak the language of the court. With the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, courts around the world struggled to continue adjudication, turning to the solution of remote hearings and hybrid interpreting to comply with requirements of both health policy and the right to linguistic presence in judicial proceedings. This paper describes the solutions applied in domestic, international and EU courts, shedding light on the shortcomings of remote hearings and their possible detrimental effects on interpreting and fair trial.

Open access


Translational language has been reported to have unique characteristics, or translation universals, as compared to native non-translational production. One of the most widely studied features is simplification, i.e., translated texts tend to be less complex than non-translational texts. This study tested this hypothesis by comparing the translated and creative writing texts produced by a single author, Robert van Gulik, on the same topic (Judge Dee's detective adventures). Our well-controlled comparisons showed that the translated text was lexically less diverse, but syntactically more complex and generally less readable. The cognitive load of translation and the source text constrained the amount of vocabulary used in the translation compared with free writings. On the other hand, longer and more complex sentences reflected the translator's efforts to state the information in a more explicit form when conveying the ancient Chinese detective stories to the Western world. Our research, thus, offers some insights into the investigation of the simplification hypothesis and the relation between translation and writing.

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Allocation and management of working memory resources are crucial for successful interpreting. A number of studies have found clear indications that simultaneous interpreters have larger working memory capacity, at least in some areas, than other bilinguals. To date, no studies have focused on the working memory of dialogue interpreters. The study reported in this paper investigated the main differences and similarities in working memory between experienced and inexperienced dialogue interpreters when it comes to central executive functions. We also compared experienced dialogue interpreters to experienced simultaneous conference interpreters. Fifteen dialogue interpreters with two working languages, Swedish and either French, Polish or Spanish, participated in the following working memory tests: tests for updating (2-back), inhibition (arrow flanker), attention-sharing, storage and processing (Barrouillet, letter span, matrix span, operation span). We found no significant differences between the experienced and inexperienced dialogue interpreters, and there were significant differences between the experienced dialogue interpreters and a comparison group of experienced simultaneous conference interpreters (n = 28). Although the number of participants is small, the study may serve as a baseline for future work on the cognition of dialogue interpreting.

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Across Languages and Cultures
Károly Polcz
Szvetlana Hamsovszki
Erika Huszár
Emőke Jámbor
Nóra Szigetváry
, and
Marianna Válóczi


Online terminological glossaries may play a key role in translating and disseminating terms in multiple languages, especially in those highly specialized domains where no other terminological sources are available. The influence of English as a lingua franca is undeniable in the process of shaping target language terminologies. The purpose of this paper is to explore types of secondary term formation and the related translation procedures as reflected in specialized online glossaries in the domain of start-up companies to find out whether they are universal or language-specific. The study investigates 28 online glossaries in five languages with a total of 1,566 terms. It is hypothesised that contact-based term formation with a considerable influence of English is significantly more frequent than interpretative term formation with little or no such influence. It is also proposed that among the translation procedures transference is of the highest occurrence. According to the third hypothesis, languages differ in their preference for various translation procedures. Statistical tests have confirmed all three hypotheses. In addition, our findings also shed light on the lexical gaps in the target languages under investigation.

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Paradoksy pamiętania

O wybranych zagadnieniach postpamięci w wierszach Piotra Macierzyńskiego

Paradoxes of Remembering

About Some Crucial Issues in Piotr Macierzyński’s Holocaust Poetry
Studia Slavica
Ilka Papp-Zakor

Literatura postpamięci jest przede wszystkim gatunkiem narracji literackiej, skupiającym się na traumie Holokaustu z perspektywy drugiego, trzeciego, a nawet czwartego pokolenia po II wojnie światowej. Opiera się zazwyczaj na dokumentach historycznych (zarówno pisanych, jak i wizualnych, na przykład zdjęciach i rysunkach) oraz historiach rodzinnych. Z tego powodu typową dla literatury postpamięci cechą jest analiza jej związku z tradycją literacką i kulturalną (a konkretnie: jak doświadczenie Holokaustu funkcjonuje w kulturze, jak jest pamiętane, intepretowane i wykorzystywane), jak również podejmowanie refleksji nad polityką pamięci i sposobami pamiętania, przy jednoczesnym ich kwestionowaniu.

Niejednokrotnie jest to gatunek wysoce osobisty, w którym zacierają się granice między rolą autora i narratora / podmiotu mówiącego. Literatura postpamięci obfituje w elementy eseistyczne, służące do prowadzenia rozważań na temat wykorzystywanych przez nią narzędzi, jej własnych możliwości oraz raison d’être (lub jego braku). Autorzy postpamięciowi wydają się jednak wierzyć, zgodnie z tezą Imre Kertésza, że po Auschwitz nie można nie pisać o Auschwitz.

Wiersze współczesnego polskiego poety Piotra Macierzyńskiego wydają się przyglądać historii rozumianej jako pewne konkretne wydarzenia, ale w utworach tych padają również pytania o miejsce tych wydarzeń w literaturze. Ta dwoistość historii może z łatwością prowadzić do paradoksów, takich jak niemożliwość zrozumienia przeciwstawiona konieczności rozumienia czy też upływ historycznego (czyli – linearnego) czasu skontrastowany z uporczywym trwaniem (odziedziczonych traum). Podejście to ma też na celu przyjrzenie się paradoksowi wynikającemu z faktu, że w związku z dehumanizującą logiką obozów koncentracyjnych, ocalali z nich ludzie „stracili swą niewinność”, byli zmuszeni jeżeli nawet nie do stania się wspólnikami zbrodniarzy, to przynajmniej do przyjęcia roli gapiów, którzy w sposób pośredni ciągnęli korzyści ze śmierci współwięźniów. Najjaskrawszym bodajże przykładem osób należących do tej ostatniej grupy byli członkowie Sonderkommando, którym pozwalano żyć jedynie tak długo, jak długo musieli pomagać przy zagazowywaniu kolejnych transportów, ale którzy mimo bycia ofiarami czuli się winni, ponieważ stali się częścią nazistowskiej „maszyny do zabijania”.

Poezja Macierzyńskiego koncentruje się na różnych kulturowych (religijnych i świeckich) toposach zwyczajowo pojawiających się w opisach Holokaustu i kontrastuje je ze sobą, tworząc w ten sposób opozycje prowadzące do paradoksów (i tak w jednym z utworów Auschwitz jest porównywane do Egiptu, kraju niewoli, z którego Żydzi uciekli, ale i do Ogrodu Eden, z którego człowiek został wygnany, i do którego pragnie wrócić). Paradoksy te są z kolei źródłem logicznych i symbolicznych pułapek, ilustrujących bezwyjściową naturę traum historycznych.

W niniejszym artykule podejmuję próbę przyjrzenia się kilku opozycjom tego typu. Pragnę również pokazać, że opozycje te funkcjonują na różnych poziomach tekstu i mogą przyjmować różne znaczenia, co przyczynia się do złożoności obrazu, z którym mamy do czynienia za każdym razem, gdy wymawiamy słowo „Holokaust”.

Open access

Фразеология в дискурсе языковой личности (на материале рассказов Н. А. Тэффи)

Phraseology in the Discourse of a Linguistic Personality (Based on N. Teffi’s Short Stories)

Studia Slavica
Ольга Начарова

В статье рассматривается фразеология в рассказах Н. А. Тэффи как составляющая системы и дис-курса языковой личности литературного персонажа. В качестве материала были избраны рассказы «Сильна, как смерть», «Пасхальное дитя» и «Причины и следствия», принадлежащие разным пери-одам творчества писательницы. Целью исследования стало выявление основных стратегий Тэффи в оформлении словесной продукции, а также определение функций фразеологических оборотов в зависимости от возможных намерений и типа нарекающего субъекта.

Анализ проводится в соответствии с распределением фразеологизмов по композиционно- речевым структурам выбранных текстов. В каждом из рассмотренных рассказов Тэффи исполь-зует неповторяющийся набор стратегий. Тексты с доминированием авторского монологического слова проявляют тенденцию к растворению автора в сознании персонажа, или же к представлению «лика» повествователя, его временной маски. Фразеологизмы в таком случае реализуют двойной набор стратегий, ориентированный как на поверхностного, так и на глубинного отправителя.

Была обнаружена следующая корреляция: чем ближе рассказ фельетонной эстетике, тем большее внимание уделяется оживлению внутренней формы фразеологизма, материализации лежащей в его основе метафоры. Отказ от публицистичности ознаменовался для Тэффи переходом к более тонкой языковой игре: наглядность и выпуклость образа сменились обыгрыванием в первую очередь грам-матических смыслов. Как показано в работе, данная стратегия используется в рассказе «Сильна, как смерть», где авторская задумка поддерживается аспектуальной модификацией идиомы терять голову.

Было показано, что в дискурсе языковой личности повествователя и персонажа фразеологизмы решают неодинаковые задачи. Реализуя интенции глубинного отправителя, фразеологизмы могут актуализировать прецедентные тексты, вводить новый тип дискурса, организовывать концепто-сферу и архитектонику рассказа. В связи с этим выдвигается положение о выполнении идиомами особой символьной (в смысле В. В. Виноградова) функции. Кроме того, фразеологизмы, организуя оппозицию стилистических смыслов, служат основным средством разоблачения персонажа и соз-дания комического эффекта.

В работе предпринимается попытка синтезировать результаты, полученные в ходе рассмотрения как собственно языковой составляющей текста, так и дискурсивных практик, соответствующих тем или иным композиционно-речевым структурам. Анализ проводится с учетом жанровых особен-ностей рассказов (публичная лекция, сказ, фельетон), а также коммуникативных ходов и тактик повествователя и героев.

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Sabine Sommer-Lolei
Veronika Mattes
Katharina Korecky-Kröll
, and
Wolfgang U. Dressler


Cognitive processing strategies can explain general word-formation preferences that influence the structures and their developments. They are based on simplicity, transparency, iconicity, salience, and frequency. We present and discuss evidence from our data on first language acquisition for how these cognitively based general preferences can explain the course of development of word formation and how they interact or compete. The analysis is based on the development of distributions of word formations in longitudinal data and panel data of child speech and their input from high and low socio-economic status families. In order to evaluate the productivity of a word-formation pattern in child speech, we applied the mini-paradigm criterion. Age-of-acquisition effects will be presented according to our own processing studies and to literature.

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7. századi temetkezések Békés vármegyéből – Adatok a Tiszántúl avar kori lószerszámos temetkezéseihez

7th century graves from Békés County (SE-Hungary): Data for Avar-age burials with horse harness from the Trans-Tisza region

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Csilla Balogh
András Gulyás
, and
Gábor Lőrinczy


A dolgozat a Békésszentandrás-Benda-tanya és Szarvas-Kovács-halom lelőhelyről nyolc, a 7. század második és harmadik negyedéből származó temetkezés régészeti elemzését adja. A nyolc temetkezésből öt ún. lószerszámos temetkezés, vagyis a sírokba csak a lószerszám került elhelyezésre. Ezek nemcsak a Tiszántúlról eddig ismert lószerszámos temetkezések számát növelik, hanem új adatokat is szolgáltatnak e temetkezési szokás értékeléséhez.

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The study of ‘Ammār’s understanding of freedom complements previous research on Arabic Christian formulations of the subject. Studies either relate them to the concept of ḥērūṯā in Syriac tradition or the context of Christian-Muslim controversy. I demonstrate that in ‘Ammār’s discussion, on a terminological-lexical level, engagement with Islamic thought is less evident while Syriac influences and Patristic and Greek philosophical parallels can be identified. I reconstruct the meanings of his terms through a close reading of extensive passages and group the occurrences lexically-thematically into the following units: 1. freedom (ḥurriyya, derivations from ḥ-r-r, related or synonymous expressions); 2. capacity, choice (istiṭā‘a, iḫtiyār); 3. acquisition, deserving, necessitating (iktisāb, istiḥqāq, istīğāb); 4. intentions, moral responsibility.

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The Chinese term rou doukou has generally been taken to mean ‘nutmeg’. This identification dates from the nineteenth century. However, there is reason to think that rou doukou was originally not nutmeg, but the fruits of a plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. Early descriptions and illustrations of rou doukou are clearly not of nutmeg: in Chinese pharmacopoeias, it is usually listed with herbs, not trees. The earliest reference to nutmeg is probably in the Zhu fan zhi of 1225. However, most Chinese references to rou doukou long after that date still refer to a plant of the ginger family.

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The Naxi manuscripts are generally religious texts used by the Dongba priests in southwest of China. The interpretation of colophons has often been underappreciated in previous studies. This paper reviews previous research on colophons in Naxi manuscripts and redefines the concept of the ‘colophon’ as a term used in the study of Naxi manuscripts. In this paper, the colophons of some of the Naxi manuscripts in the Staatsbibliothek zu of Berlin are discussed, revealing when and where the manuscripts were copied, and the events associated with the copying process. When reading the colophons, one often encounters translation errors and other problems, but their correct interpretation will help shed more light on the circumstances of the production of the Naxi manuscripts, which make up a unique component of the world’s literary heritage.

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After discussing some thus far unknown examples of inner-Tocharian borrowing processes with direction TA >> TB, the present paper argues that also the substantive B lek* ‘gesture’ represents a loanword from Tocharian A, in particular from the Tocharian A form lek ‘shape; gesture’. Under the assumption of a semantic development ‘equality, identity, correspondence’ ⇒ ‘figure, shape’ ⇒ ‘gesture’ – for which parallels are available –, A lek is etymologically connected with the independently reconstructable root PIE *leig-‘(be[come]) equal’ and thus traced back to a nominal pre-form *lóig-u- or *lóig-o-.

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Religious texts are written in understandable language due to their instructive and preaching characteristics. Although different methods are used in these texts, the form of ‘narration/storytelling’ is prominent. In this article, two stories, ‘The House of Hasan’ and ‘The Story of the Nightingale,’ which were published in Eastern Turki by Swedish missionaries in the East Turkistan region with the Swedish Mission Press, are evaluated by considering their stylistic features. While these stories were written in Eastern Turki, Arabic and Persian words, which the public often saw in works related to the Islamic religion, were also frequently used. Such linguistic choices are related to the source person’s message to the receiver and the importance of the receiver’s easy understanding of the text.

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Inscriptions in the highly calligraphic and still undeciphered śaṅkhalipi or ‘shell script’ have been found by the hundreds in most parts of India except the far south, typically in conjunction with sites and monuments dating from around the Gupta period and succeeding centuries. To date, four specimens have also been discovered in the Indonesian archipelago, in West Java and West Kalimantan (Borneo). Another specimen of śaṅkhalipi inscription, engraved on a pillar and exceptionally ornate, was recently discovered in Thailand at the site of Si Thep, a moated early settlement in Phetchabun Province. The article reviews the historical and cultural contexts of shell-script inscriptions in India and discusses the significance of this remarkable first specimen found in mainland Southeast Asia.

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The present paper aims to examine the role of the oil lamp (λύχνος) in the daily life of the residents of Egypt through the documentation of Greek papyri and ostraca from the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine periods. Due to the fragmentary condition of the archival material, the sources of ancient Greek and Latin literature are also taken into consideration with a view to corroborating some uncertain points of detail. Specifically, careful scrutiny is given to aspects such as the oil lamp's price and material, its domestic uses, its role as pledge (ἐνέχυρον) and part of inheritance, as well as its function in various activities performed at night. The matters of its importance in the realm of theatre, its connection to theft, the side-effects of its use, and the exploration of the figurative use of the term λύχνος as a literary device are also examined.

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The study explores the perceptions of small talk shared by the users of a Japanese online community, seeking information on their expected speech and behaviour in small talk and factors contributing to positive/negative evaluations of small talk. The study investigates a discussion thread consisting of 73 responses to a contributor's request for advice on improving small talk capabilities from the perspectives of interaction ritual (Goffman 1967), balancing obligations (Ohashi 2008, 2013, 2021) and typology of speech acts (Edmondson & House 1981; House & Kádár 2022b).

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In this paper, the results of a large web-corpus study on gender of Russian inanimate indeclinable common nouns are presented. In most cases, neuter is assigned to indeclinables as a default. However, morphophonological and semantic analogy may lead to feminine and masculine gender assignment. An extensive variation is observed in the whole group of indeclinables and for particular words, which is much larger than anything that can be found in indeclinable nouns. These data support the idea that both masculine and neuter genders have a special status in the Russian gender system (Magomedova & Slioussar 2023). Masculine tends to be chosen in case of conflicting gender cues. When there are no strong cues pointing to any gender, neuter is assigned as the default option. The results of the study are hardly compatible with various structural approaches to gender assignment, but can be accounted for in competition-based models.

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Jan Don
Fenna Bergsma
Anne Merkuur
, and
Meg Smith


In this paper, we propose a comprehensive account of the paradigms of Frisian verb-classes. Verb-classes in Frisian are an example of a more general phenomenon of inflectional classes that we encounter in many natural languages across the major word classes. Members of different inflectional classes show different paradigms. Traditionally, inflectional classes have been analyzed using class-features (see e.g., Marzi et al. 2020). However, such features suffer from being ad hoc devices that seem to have no other function in the grammar than to code this difference. In the present analysis we propose that the verb stems from different classes show a difference in size. Using phrasal spell-out, we will show that these stems differ in the amount of morpho-syntactic structure that they may realize, rendering class-features superfluous.

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One of the basic questions in the theory of morphology concerns the nature of word formation: how morphemes are assembled into larger objects, and—crucially—whether there are distinct systems in which this occurs (lexicon versus syntax), or just one. Stative (a.k.a. “adjectival”) passives like opened in the opened door, or flattened in the metal is flattened, have provided an interesting testing ground for questions of this type. Following a period in which such passives were argued to be formed lexically, much subsequent work has developed the idea that they are derived syntactically, in fully phrasal structures. This paper examines a number of properties of English stative passives which raise problems for a fully phrasal treatment. These include (but are not limited to) (i) modification asymmetries relative to eventive passives; and (ii) interactions with un-prefixation. The generalizations that are revealed suggest that stative passives are built syntactically, but without phrasal internal structure: what I call small(er) syntax. Importantly, small structures are not tantamount to a lexical analysis; I provide a direct comparison that argues that the evidence favors the smaller type of approach. The argument for small structures has implications for the syntax of Roots that are introduced throughout the discussion.

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Cover and uncover: is the attempt to unveil and reveal the hidden meaning of the mysteries a paradox (Porph. Antr. 4. 16–17)? The present contribution aims at exploring Porphyry's interest in the commentary Περὶ τοῦ ἐν Ὀδυσσείᾳ τῶν νυμφῶν ἄντρου (Cave of the Nymphs) for the allegorical interpretation of images, symbols and terms variously linked with the Mysteries and encapsulating truths on the nature of the divine, the soul and ultimately the cosmos. More specifically, attention will be drawn mostly (but not only) on features connected with Orphism, here defined and understood as a form of ‘mysteriosophy’. The scope of this analysis falls within the study of Porphyry's use of allegorical exegesis but also within the broader discussion of different forms of philosophical religion in Late Antiquity, underscoring the complex but fruitful relationship between theology, philosophy and the Mysteries.

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In Old Catalan, some verbs like beure ‘to drink’ display a velar consonant in the forms that come from Latin perfectum, such as 3sg.prt *ˈbibwit > bec [ˈbek] ‘s/he drank’. This velar was initially a perfect marker. However, the consonant spread analogically from perfective to imperfective forms through an exaptation process. In the present paper, we compare two different verb classes, and prove that the existence of syncretism between the first and third persons of the present indicative (1sg.prs.ind beu [ˈbew] ‘I drink’ vs. 3sg.prs.ind beu [ˈbew] ‘s/he drinks’) is a factor that accelerates the analogical process of velarization.

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In the ancient world, visual and verbal σύνθημα appears to be of enormous importance during conflicts. It is one of the elements pertaining to the management and organization of political intelligence. In particular, the signal, declined in the verbal form, for its fundamental function of ‘recognition’ to validate the belonging of a soldier to a particular side, had to be chosen with great care. Its use appears to have intensified and, at the same time, perfected, according to what can be gathered from historiographical evidence and from military treatises, at the time of the transition between the Classical and Hellenistic eras, when the way of waging war also underwent an important transformation.

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The study presents the development of the art policy of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party between 1957 and 1985, describing the processes and tendencies supporting it. The art policy of the Kádár era was framed by four documents among the various party resolutions, with different weight and effectiveness: the The Cultural Policy of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (1958); The Vocation of Literature and the Arts in Our Society (1966); Topical Issues in Our Arts Policy (1977); and the On the Current Tasks of the HSWP's arts policy (1984). György Aczél, the main director of the art policy of the Kádár era, played a decisive role in their creation, albeit with age. The appearance of the documents always marked a change in the era of art policy, in close connection with the consolidation after 1956, the attempts at economic reform in the 1960s and the reversal of the 1970s.

Open access

Komödie und Pornographie

Catulls Carm. 10 über die Gefahren erotischer Literatur

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Heiko Ullrich


Catullusʼ Carm. 10 seems to present the speaker as a miles gloriosus duped by the girlfriend of Varus, presumably a friend of the poet and fellow Neoteric. While it has been claimed that Plautusʼ Miles Gloriosus is the most influential role model for Carm. 10, the present article shows that the speaker employs a variety of scenes both from Plautusʼ and Terenceʼs comedies to adopt and maintain the mask of the parasitus who suffers from his financial failure and personal humiliation during the time spent with the praetor Memmius in Bithynia. But Varus and his girlfriend want to hear other stories from the famous province of the infamous encounter between King Nikomedes and young Julius Caesar – and the speaker seems to perform according to this expectations when he calls Memmius an irrumator and (one of) his hosts a cinaedior. But in the end he is not willing to write pornography on demand even if some of his friends (including Aurelius and Furius of Carm. 16 as well as Varus of Carm. 10) consider the poet not just up to the task but currently the best choice for such delicate matters.

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Die schwüle Welt des Harems •

Erotische Phantasmagorien der frühen Neuzeit

Hungarian Studies
Brigitta Pesti


In the 18th century, as political and economic relations with the East strengthened, and the first travelogues on Turkey and various other works on ethnological, geographical and cultural topics were published, a particularly positive reception of the Orient became widespread, originating from the southern and south-eastern Europe. As a result, the image of the threatening apocalyptic enemy, the “bloodhound”, was replaced by the stereotype of an attractive and exotic foreigner.

The euphoric reception of Ottoman culture was initially manifested in the presentation of operas and Turkish feasts held in noble and royal courts, but was also exhibited in portraits of people in Turkish clothes, posing among oriental backdrops. Depictions of harems and odalisque (harem ladies) were important motifs of these paintings from the very start. At the beginning of the fashion of Orientalism, the theme of the harem, also known as Turquerie, appeared only in the circles of the highest aristocracy, as a spicy bit of its self-representation, but by the 19th century, the identification of harem and erotica and, in many cases, harem and open sexuality, had become widespread in European fine arts.

In my study, I aim to review briefly the appearances of the motif of the harem in literature and the fine arts, as well as the literary and cultural historical development of its erotic connotations, and offer its interpretation in a Central European context.

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This article deals with the enigmatic biography and the controversial oeuvre of Karl Maria Kertbeny (recte: Karl Maria Benkert; 1824-1882). Kertbeny was a representative of the so-called Hungarus identity, a convinced Hungarian of non-Hungarian mother tongue. He worked primarily as a journalistic mediator and literary translator and was largely responsible for the image of Hungary and of Hungarian culture and literature in German-speaking countries, especially in the period from the middle of the 19th century onwards. In the article, the overly critical attitude that posterity took towards Kertbeny is set to some extent straight.

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Through personal narratives of powwow involvement and motivation for dancing, this essay examines the ways in which regional and personal identities are being formed, adjusted, negotiated, and expressed through dance regalia at powwows in the Midwestern United States. Dancers use clothes as an explicit marker of their Native identity and powwows as a justifying context for their ideologies of authenticity. Powwow involvement is also used to consolidate, reclaim, craft, revive, and create an identity that authenticates one's place in the powwow community in which internal and external roles and rules reinforce each other. Giving voice to different constituents at Midwestern powwows, from Natives to non-Native enthusiasts, the study explores the factors that influence the bases and strategies of such authentication, as well as the rhetoric by which these ideologies are expressed.

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“The Sisters of the Redeemer in the Trauma of Dispersion”. •

The Sisters of the Divine Redeemer in the 1950s and 1960s in the Light of Recollections and State Security Reports

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Katalin Paréj-Farkas


While researching the history of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, also referred to as the Sisters of the Redeemer, it became clear that the ordeals of the Second World War and the Communist dictatorship had a profound impact on the congregation, which was engaged in nursing and teaching. The sources allow us to reconstruct the horrors of the advancing battlefront and the sisters' flight, along with their determination to provide social assistance and their role in saving Jews. The Communist regime that emerged after the war forced the congregation into an increasingly impossible situation, depriving them of their teaching positions and nursing vocation. Their internment in 1950 and the revocation of the congregation's operating license seemed to have eliminated the community entirely. However, recollections of the events of the 1950s and 1960s, together with state security reports, attest that the congregation survived in the form of a “subterranean stream,” and that tiny communities of sisters continued to pursue their monastic vocation, often in a single apartment that functioned as a mini convent. The traumas they had experienced rarely crushed the sisters' inner sense of peace, and they strove to cope with the harassments inflicted by the party-state by adapting to the new situation.

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Focusing on the concept of ‘folklore text,’ the study surveys the textological dilemmas that a researcher faces during the collection, transcription, publication, and interpretation of folk poetry. Behind the development and implementation of strategies for text editing procedures lie complex cultural processes, which can be interpreted within the framework of the given discipline or placed within a broader cultural and technological historical context. The paper examines the methodological history of Hungarian folklore collections not only according to the theoretical concepts that define the research subject and research aspects but also based on the objective, technological conditions of the collection. The author proposes a folklore textological approach to the publication of texts that is much more conscious of the historicity and origin of folklore texts and considers their own philological-textological tradition. A new, process-based, and transcriber-centered concept of text would provide an intriguing direction for solving numerous folklore textological problems, which might show the role collectors and transcribers play in the creation of a text in a sharper and more nuanced light. The findings of the study are based on investigations carried out in the field of historical folklore text research, primarily on the examination of the methodological history of the collection and transcription of folktales; with certain restrictions, their applicability might be extended in terms of subject matter (to other genres) and time (even to the latest folklore phenomena arising in the digital medium), and they may also provide useful perspectives for representatives of other disciplines that study orality.

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The first question addressed in this study is how to resume everyday life in a synagogue community following the cataclysm of the Shoah and how different aspects of this relaunch can be interpreted as an attempt to process the trauma of the Holocaust, either on an individual or group level. The second part of the paper revolves around the symptoms of “prolonged social trauma” in the dynamics of the changed community during the 1970s and 1980s and those of religious life in the field under study. In this case, the area in question represents a narrow locality, the Páva Street Synagogue and its community in Budapest between 1945 and 1989. Changes in the life of the community are brought to the fore via interviews using the oral history method along with press and archive sources. The Páva Street Synagogue in Ferencváros is one of the “periphery synagogues” of Budapest, where religious life with different intensities can be considered almost continuous. The synagogue, built with public funding and inaugurated in 1924, was used as an internment camp in the second half of 1944. Following the liberation of the ghettos and camps, community life began again a few months after the persecution. Between 1945 and 1956, this resumption involved a series of steps, including the physical rehabilitation of the synagogue environment and the organization of its daily routines. The events of 1956 created further difficulties for the community: the building was damaged once again and the community disintegrated. Although everyday life resumed, the symptoms of trauma manifested in the 1970s and 1980s as the community dwindled and its members grew older, leaving generations missing from the synagogue.

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In 1858 a leading Hungarian literary critic as well as collector and editor of folk poetry started a debate about the possible literary career of women, arguing that literature and other forms of public artistic activity are fields that should not be open to women as it may cause serious moral and social problems. Yet, he noted that in case women still insist on becoming literary authors, they should turn only to certain genres, such as tales. The article investigates how the tale became a gendered genre, and presents women tellers, collectors and writers of tales as well as the diverse ways they were represented in Hungarian culture in the 19th century.

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My purpose in this article is to propose a new reading of Sappho fr. 1 by suggesting that the poetic “I”, in fact, intends to rupture her ties with the past and to break her previous erotic habits by asking from the goddess of love to assist her in a relationship that will prove to be permanent and stable this time instead of her multiple and rather casual affairs that had thus far predominated in her love life.

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The Romans were conquerors, and it is unsurprising that they looked favorably upon the greatest conqueror of antiquity, Alexander the Great. In Livy's Ab Urbe Condita, there are several passages in which he uses the image of Alexander to help craft his own concept of Rome's place within the wider Hellenistic world, especially within the eastern Mediterranean. Livy, despite his generally positive opinion of Alexander, ultimately created scenarios where he portrayed the Romans as superior to the Macedonian king, first, because of the primary focus of Livy's history, namely the rise of Rome to Mediterranean dominance, and second, because of the political atmosphere in which Livy was writing, namely the complete submission of the Mediterranean basin under Augustus' empire. Although scattered throughout Livy's extensive writing, when analyzed together these passages illustrate a persistent and connected motif that influences Livy's larger narrative: Alexander was great, but Rome is greater.

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This article provides a description, scholarly edition, and translation of an interesting variant of a well-known folk narrative entitled Qiṣṣat al-Ḥağğāğ about the famous Umayyad governor al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf and a young man. The story also appears in various other manuscripts but has rarely been studied. In this case, it is preserved in Ms. TF 136 No. 387 from the Bašagić’s Collection of Islamic Manuscripts, which is housed at the University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia. The variation of the story was also integrated into the Arabian Nights, being a part of the well-known Wortley-Montague manuscript stored in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. To preserve the authentic scribal practices, the presented edition offers the text with all its orthographic and linguistic peculiarities, regardless of how insignificant or incomprehensible they might seem. The edition is accompanied by a translation and explanatory notes. This is probably the first time that a complete text from the Bašagić’s Collection has been thoroughly studied.

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Béla Bartók's relationship with the Pro Arte Quartet was not as personal as the composer-pianist's relationship with the Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet, the New Hungarian Quartet, or even the Kolisch Quartet. Professionally, however, it was equally fruitful. This study describes the relationship between the composer and the quartet, mainly based on the surviving correspondence between Bartók and the impresario Gaston Verhuyck-Coulon, and between Bartók and the Viennese publisher Universal Edition. It discusses in detail the circumstances surrounding the dedication of String Quartet no. 4, the commissioning of String Quartet no. 5, and the background to the surviving recordings of String Quartets nos. 1 and 5. It also takes stock of the plans that went up in smoke: the exclusive performance rights of String Quartet no. 3, a concerto for string quartet and orchestra, the studio recording of String Quartet no. 4, and the fact that the ensemble never met Bartók in person.

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Parnasso in festa (HWV 73, 1734), George Frideric Handel's festa teatrale, composed for the wedding festivities of his royal pupil Princess Anne, is a neglected piece within his oeuvre, mostly because of its hybrid nature. The fact that a considerable portion of the work was adapted from the Oxford oratorio Athalia ought not to cloud our appreciation of the newly-composed parts, since this appropriation is best understood as an act of Athalia's “repatriation” to its patrons. As a musical “centaur,” Parnasso shows intriguing multi-layered ambiguities. Was the Janus-faced Handel (Apollo/Orpheus) lamenting the departure of his favorite, or was this a bitter-sweet celebration of an unwanted marriage? Dramatically, the focus falls on Apollo's and Orpheus's loss of their loved ones, but how does this fit together with the massive vocal domain of Carestini (Apollo) and Strada (Clio)? On the vocal side, Carestini was given the most virtuosic numbers, resulting in the musical polarization of the main roles. Anna Maria Strada, as a Muse, represented the pastoral side, while Carlo Scalzi (Orfeo) added plaintive pathetic arias to the palette. Nevertheless, harmonizing points both in Carestini's and Strada's musical style and vocal tone formed a “thread” that helped sew the diverse parts of the Parnasso-centaur together.

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Der Pester Lloyd als Quelle musikhistorischer Forschungen •

Ein Annäherungsversuch mit Beispielen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert

Studia Musicologica
Hedvig Ujvári


The cultural exchange processes can also be formulated from the point of view of transfer research, because plurality and hybrid cultures are primarily characteristic of the Central European communication space. The actors of these cultural mediation processes, who had the authority to shape and transport knowledge and culture, were authors, translators, publishers, journalists, and critics. As far as the research initiative of the author of this study is concerned, which focuses on the period between 1867 and the turn of the century (around 1900), it must be stated that this period has so far been only sparsely investigated. As a result of our own wide-ranging press-historical research, a cultural-historical database of the most important German-language organs of this epoch was created, whereby the focus was primarily on the culture section, mainly on the feuilleton yield of these newspapers. In addition to literature and theater, there was also intensive reference to neighboring disciplines, since art criticism, art history and, last but not least, the musical stages in Pest and Vienna were given plenty of space in these organs. In the following, an overview of the history of the press is given in a compact form, followed by selected finds on the subject of music from the last third of the nineteenth century.

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Georges Cziffra (1921–1994) was one of the outstanding figures of Hungarian and international performing arts in the twentieth century. His adventurous life, career, fate, the virtuosity of his technical skills and his international fame have created a cult of his own, especially in recent years. However, his professional career and general biography have not yet been studied, and little to no literature has been written in the two and a half decades since his death. Thus, the reader/researcher can rely almost exclusively on his autobiography (Cannons and Flowers) and on personal reminiscences and anecdotes, which, as my research has shown, resemble a very limited extent of reality. My aim is to reconstruct and present an objective, fact-based biography in the current study, relying on the material of archives and other institutions and libraries I have collected, as well as on the complete contemporary digitized press material.

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