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The manuscript Iviron 463 contains the Greek version of the Barlaam and Joasaph Romance. Apart from the beautiful miniatures in the codex, it is also special because of a complete, heretofore not transcribed Old French translation running through the margin of the manuscript. The uncommon bilingual manuscript is of significant importance not only from the perspective of Old French philology but also from the perspective of linguistic and literary interactions between cultures. This paper examines the circumstances of the creation of the manuscript and the questions related to the commissioner in more detail.
The life and work of Karl Emil Franzos is considered to be well researched, but if you look at him as an Austrian writer and journalist, the remark is only applicable to his career and his belletristic work, his activities as publicist still require more detailed analysis. The present study sees itself as a contribution in this direction, an attempt is made to trace Hungarian German-language press. The investigation is based on the autopsy of the following newspapers: Pester Lloyd (years 1854–1904), Ungarischer Lloyd (1867–1876), and two magazines: Ungarische Illustrirte Zeitung (1871–1872), Neue Illustrirte Zeitung (1872–1886).
The Hungarian research of the material of the Austrian National Library, including the Imperial Court Library, is an ongoing story about Hungary as well, however, the spectacular subjects (Bibliotheca Corvina, Johannes Sambucus, Hans Dernschwam) overshadowed the regularity. More recently, the role of Vienna as a center has even been investigated at a theoretical level.
From the perspective of the Court Library, the habits of three social groups must also be taken into account when examining the development of Hungarian or Hungarian-related book collections. (1) The Viennese printers who published the books were interested in delivering their products to the court. (2) The Hungarian patrons, either wanting to prove that the modern court spirit influenced them as well, or keeping their reputation by maintaining an institutional collection – doing this out of boast or mere politeness. (3) But the most interesting is always the author. The intellectuals like to be near power – even when it's the hated power. The author, the publisher, wants to be known and to live in the spotlight (even if they suffers from it). Since the 16th century, we can always find Hungarian intellectuals living in Vienna, who were at home in the capital of the Empire, and were not immigrants from Hungary.
The 21st century's digital ÖNB clearly shows the wealth it has in Hungarian books, and we could also say that it is one of the largest Hungarian digital libraries.
After the fall of Communism a new generation started its career in Hungarian literature. They invented a new literary concept based on the experience that modernity had liquidated the language and postmodernity dispersed meaning. The most important feature of this concept was that realistic and postmodern expectations should not be confronted as opposites. This perspective appears in many books and many articles by Emmanuel Bouju, offering a possibility to link the three consecutive steps of a continuity through six epimodern values that can be perceived as a bridge overarching the different periods of art and literature.
Several authors and works of contemporary Hungarian literature show strong parallels with the international literary process. Tranquility by Attila Bartis, The White King by György Dragomán and Pixel by Krisztina Tóth can be linked to Bouju's theory. In my approach the aforementioned novels use different branches of art as a sort of prism in order to understand the “preposterous aspects of the present and the past” (Boym).
As Emmanuel Bouju's essay enables us to define the trinity of Modernism, Post-modernism and contemporary After-Postmodernism as a whole in which ruptures may be considered as three steps of the same continuity, the Hungarian books examined here are works that have re-claimed the validity of the coherence of the story whilst, as a heritage of the postmodern, they have also preserved skepticism regarding master narratives.
Even though our sources globally make it difficult to hear the voices of individuals during the mid-Byzantine period, some of them give us a few insights, notably when Byzantine authorities are confronted with Western neighbours. Indeed, Byzantine singing and liturgic practices are frequently mentioned in Latin sources. They are often associated with other aspects of what one may call a “sound landscape”, and they are presented in a positive manner. But laughter and pronunciation are vocal variations that are usually more criticized in the perception ‘Latins’ and Byzantines have of each other. Furthermore, when political and military tensions arise, variations in the tone of voice of the Other can be severely judged and condemned. Finally, very often, voices heard within the context of encounters between ‘Latins’ and ‘Greeks’ may be associated with questions of order and disorder according to Byzantine authors.
György Lukács is an intellectual ‘heavyweight’ of that century which, since Eric Hobsbawm, we have called a short one, although the years from 1900 to 1914 and from 1989 to 2000 do not fit into the picture of a century that was defined by war and civil war, by ideological trench warfare, by the Shoah and the Gulag, by the Cold War and decolonisation, by new art forms and media. With his early books The Soul and the Forms and his Theory of the Novel, he made an enduring contribution to aesthetic modernity; with History and Class Consciousness, his first work in the footsteps of Hegel and Marx, he made a pioneering attempt to place Marxism on philosophical feet and, like Antonio Gramsci or Karl Korsch, to correct the theoretically non-ambitious, Darwinian-influenced Marxism of the last quarter of the 19th century. It is seen in this essay as a work of discontinuity in continuity.
Az avar centrum és a bizánci periféria •
Mediterráneumi eredetű alakos motívumok a késő avar díszítőművészetben a Kr. u. 8. században
The Avar centre and the Byzantine periphery: Mediterranean figural motifs in late Avar ornamental art from 8th century AD
A késő avar ornamentika összképe erős antik hatás alatt alakult ki. A tanulmány a késő avar kori díszítőművészetben megjelenő, antik típusú, valószínűleg bizánci eredetű alakokat és jeleneteket veszi sorra. Közülük más-más típusúakkal találkozunk a késő avar kor elején, valamint közepén és második felében, és úgy tűnik, hogy e két csoport esetében az avar környezet adaptációs mechanizmusai is különbözőek. A korábbi csoport erősebb avar adaptációs hatásnak kitett motívumaival szemben a későbbi csoportra kifejtett hatás minimálisnak tűnik, és nem világos, hogy a mediterrán kultúra irányából furcsának tűnő néhány egyedi jelleg hol került a jobbára övdíszeken ismert ikonográfiába. A két csoport közötti különbség hátterében valószínűleg azon kihívások változása áll, amelyekre az avar társadalom kulturális eszközökkel kísérelt meg választ adni.
The overall picture of the Late Avar decorative art was formed under a strong antique influence. The paper discusses antique-type figures and scenes that appear in Late Avar decorative art, probably of Byzantine origin. At the beginning and in the middle–second half of the Late Avar period, there are two different groups of figures and scenes while the adaptive mechanisms of the Avar culture were also different in their case. In contrast to the motifs of the earlier group, which were subject to a stronger Avar influence, the Avar adaptation in the later group seems to be minimal, and it is not clear where some of the features that seem unusual from the context of Mediterranean culture have been incorporated into the iconography, which is mainly known from belt decorations. The differences between the early and late groups are probably due to changes in the challenges to which the Avar society attempted to respond through cultural means.
Egy maszkos üveggyöngy töredéke a Közép-Tisza-vidékről (Szajol-Széle II. lelőhely, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegye)
A face-bead shard in the Middle Tisza Region (Szajol-Széle II site, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County)
A La Tène kultúra Kr. e. 4–3. századi elterjedése az Alföldön, annak kapcsolatrendszere és viszonya a helyi, illetve szomszédos kulturális entitásokhoz továbbra is számos kérdést vet fel. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegyében zajló terepi és kutatói munkának köszönhetően bővülő késő vaskori régészeti leletanyag rendszeres feldolgozásával a korábbi évekhez képest jóval teljesebb képet alkothatunk a korszakban zajló folyamatokról. A Szolnoktól keletre fekvő Szajol település határában végzett terepbejárás és fémkeresőzés során egy maszkos üveggyöngy került elő. A korábban azonosított maszkos gyöngyök elsősorban az Északi-középhegység és az Alföld átmeneti zónájában, a Dunakanyarban, valamint a Felső-Tisza-vidéken kerültek elő. A jelen közleményben bemutatásra kerülő példány mostani ismereteink szerint a legdélebbi elfordulása ennek a tárgytípusnak Magyarország területén.
The spread of the La Tène culture during the 4th–3th c. BC in the in the Great Hungarian Plain its system of relations and its relationship with local and neighbouring cultural entities still raises a number of questions. Thanks to the regular field works and researches we can have a more detailed picture of the La Tène period of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. During a field walk and metal detecting a new face-bead shard come to light from east of Szolnok at Szajol-Széle site II. This fragment is probably the most southern occurrence of this time of beads at the moment. From this aspect it is necessary to publish this freshly occurred archaeological find.
A halomsíros kultúra különleges női sírja Sükösd határában
A unique female grave of the Tumulus culture at Sükösd
Sükösd határában 2020 decemberében egy halomsíros kultúrához tartozó, különlegesen gazdag mellékletekkel ellátott temetkezés került feltárásra. Az eredeti helyzetben megfigyelt fiatal nő egykori, díszes viseleti elemei közül kiemelkedik a bronz lábtekercspár és a sírban talált borostyánleletek.
In December 2020, a burial belonging to the Tumulus culture with particularly rich grave goods was excavated at Sükösd. The young woman was discovered intact and was richly adorned with jewellery. The most outstanding of these are the bronze anklets and the amber finds.
A kőnyersanyag-források és az őskori ember: Egy sokrétű viszony kutatása
Lithic raw material sources and prehistoric men: Research of a manifold relationship
A hazai ősrégészetben a kőnyersanyagok rendszeres kutatása csak az 1970-es években indult el. Ezt a kutatást kezdettől fogva a proveniencia szemlélet jellemezte. Az 1990-es évektől a hangsúly az archeometriai vizsgálatokra helyeződött. A nemzetközi kutatásban viszont a technikai viselkedés rekonstruálása került a középpontba. A paleoetnológiai szemlélet felhasználásával komplexen vizsgálható az őskori embercsoportok viselkedése a nyersanyagok beszerzése és felhasználása terén. A cikk az elemzések elméleti és módszertani alapjait mutatja be.
The systematic research of lithic raw materials in Hungarian archaeology only started in the 1970s. From the beginning, this research was characterized by the provenance approach. From the 1990s, the focus shifted to archaeometric studies. In international research, on the other hand, the reconstruction of technical behavior also came into focus. By using the palaeoethnological approach, the behavior of prehistoric human groups in the procurement and use of raw materials can be investigated in a complex manner. The article reviews the theoretical and methodological foundations of these analyses.
A korai magyar történelem régészeti és archeogenetikai kutatásának legfrissebb eredményei Nyugat-Szibériától a Középső-Volga vidékig
Archaeological and genetic data from the Early Medieval cemeteries of the Volga and Ural region
Ebben a tanulmányban a Volga–Urál régió, valamint Nyugat-Szibéria magyar őstörténeti vonatkozású régészeti hagyatékát mutatjuk be. A humán csontanyag archeogenetikai vizsgálatával ezen közösségek, illetve a Kárpát-medence honfoglalás kori népességének kapcsolatrendszerét elemezzük.
We present the archaeological findings of the Volga–Ural region and Western-Siberia in relation to Hungarian prehistory. Based on archaeogenetic analyses of the human remains, we discuss relationships between these populations and the Conquest Period Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin.
Kutatások az énlaki (Inlăceni) castellumban
New research in the auxiliary fort at Énlaka/Inlăceni (Romania)
A 2021-es ásatás a két oldalkapu területén zajlott. Kiderült, hogy a kőkapuk tornyai később, Caracalla alatt épültek. A porta principalis sinistra területén a 3. század közepén épült kapunyílást elzáró fal maradványai is napvilágra kerültek. Az ásatás során a cohors VIII Raetorum építési feliratának töredéke került elő a 149. évből. Az új felirat nemcsak az építés pontos idejét jelzi, hanem azt is, hogy az építtető ez a cohors volt, és nem a korábban feltételezett cohors IIII Hispanorum.
The excavation in 2021 took place in the areas of the two side gates. It turned out that the stone gate towers were built later, under Caracalla. In the area of the porta principalis sinistra, the remains of the wall blocking the gate opening, which was built in the middle of the 3rd century, dame to light. During the excavation, a fragment of the building inscription of the cohors VIII Raetorum from the year 149 was found. The new inscription not only indicates the exact time of construction, but also indicates that the builder was this cohort and not the previously assumed cohors IIII Hispanorum.
A New Upper Palaeolithic site in the Northern Great Plain of Hungary
Új felső paleolit lelőhely az Észak-Alföldön
Jászfényszaru-Szeméttelep 1. egy felső paleolit lelőhely a Jászságban, amit Jászfényszaru határában fedeztek fel egy teljes felületű feltárás során. A lelőhelyen főleg szarmata és honfoglalás kori jelenségek kerültek elő, de egy kis felső paleolitikumra keltezhető leletanyagot is azonosítottak, amely Korai Epigravettien jellegzetességeket mutat. A leletanyag a Kárpát-medence utolsó glaciális korú emberi megtelepüléseinek jobb megértéséhez járul hozzá.
Jászfényszaru-Szeméttelep 1 is a new Upper Palaeolithic site in the Jászság region of Hungary in the Northern Great Hungarian Plain. The site was occupied mainly during the Sarmatian and Hungarian Conquest Period, but a small assemblage of Upper Palaeolithic finds was also identified, which can be related with the Early Epigravettian. Our research contributes to the better understanding of the Carpathian Basin's human occupations during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Római kori fibulák az Aquincum/Budapest-Graphisoft Park területén végzett feltárások anyagából
Roman fibulae from the cemetery of the civil town in Aquincum/Budapest-Graphisoft Park
A tanulmány célja, hogy az aquincumi polgárvárosi keleti temető területén előkerült római kori fibulákat bemutassa. A fibulák tipológiai-kronológiai szempontú elemzése mellett a tanulmány igyekszik részletesen foglalkozni a viseleti szokásokra vonatkozó kérdésekkel is.
The aim of this paper is the presentation of the fibulae unearthed at the eastern cemetery of the civil town in Aquincum. The fibulae are analyzed with respect to typology, chronology, and their wearers.
Some observations on the three vessels with characteristic decorative elements of La Tène culture from the cemetery in Szob
A La Tène kultúra jellegzetes motívumaival díszített három figyelemre méltó edény a szobi temetőből
A tanulmány három, a szobi kelta temetőből a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeumba került edényt mutat be, amelyek ugyan nem ismeretlenek a tudományos közönség számára, és különböző aspektusokból korábban már többen foglalkoztak velük, de a minden részletre kiterjedő publikálásuk eddig még nem történt meg. A leletek a magyarországi késő vaskor kutatásának egyik kulcsfontosságú lelőhelyéről kerültek napvilágra, éppen ezért a rövid tanulmány célja az eredeti dokumentációk áttekintésén és a modern digitális módszereken alapuló szakszerű közlés, valamint az újabb adatokon és jelenlegi kutatási eredményeken alapuló kontextusba helyezés.
In the focus of this paper stand three remarkable vessels with characteristic decorative elements of the late Iron Age, associated with the La Tène material culture of Central and Eastern Europe. The finds from one of the key sites of the late Iron Age research in Hungary were brought to the Hungarian National Museum from the cemetery of Szob. These pots are not unknown to the scientific community, they have been dealt with in various aspects in the past. However, the full details have not yet been published. The aim of this short study is to publish these vessels precisely, based on a review of the original documents and using modern digital methods. It also examines and contextualizes these important findings in the light of recent data and research.
The Súl′ov-Hradná II: Military deposit of Lusatian culture from Western Slovakia
Súľov-Hradná II: a Lausitz-kultúra fegyverdepója Nyugat-Szlovákiából
Súľov-Hradná II: Vojenské depozitum lužickej kultúry zo Západného Slovenska
The Final Bronze Age (ca. 1080–725 BC) in the Western Carpathians is characterized by increased cross-cultural militarization, which culminated in the collapse horizon era in Ha C1a. Here, the Lusatian culture introduced a series of investments in defensive infrastructure in the Ha A2–B1 period, many of which were maintained and reinforced over the following centuries. Spectacular finds of deposited weapons, including bronze swords (Komjatná, Martinček, Liptovské Sliače), which are rarely found in graves of that time, are known from the Váh river valley. The Final Bronze Age hoard of Súľov-Hradná II, Bytča dist. (Ha B1; 1080–960 BC), newly represents a multi-typic find of 9 bronze swords (reine Schwerthort) and magnificently illustrates the recurring codified behaviour of votive weapon deposition in the aquatic and mountain environment of the Western Carpathians. As the Old Germanic toponym of Žibrid hill (867 m; germ. Sivrit/Sieg-fried = victorious peace) suggests, the knowledge of the deposition event may have survived to the present day, and it recalls the old Celto-Germanic rule of sacrificing the weapons of the defeated party, and provides a powerful addition to the understanding some characteristic and strikingly recurring patterns in the bronze archaeological record in Central Europe.
A késő bronzkort (kb. Kr. e. 1080–725) a Nyugati-Kárpátokban a kultúrák közötti fegyveres konfliktusok jellemzik, amelyek a bronzkort követő Ha C1a periódusban érik el a csúcspontjukat. A Lausitz-kultúra Ha A2–B1 fázisában építik ki azt a védelmi infrastruktúrát, melynek részeit a következő évszázadokban is megtartják és megerősítik. Ebből az időszakból származnak a Vág völgyéből előkerült, fegyvereket – többek között a korabeli sírokban csak elvétve előforduló bronz kardokat – tartalmazó kincsleletek, fegyverdepók (Komjatná, Martinček, Liptovské Sliače). A késő bronzkori Súľov-Hradná II (Bytča körzet) lelőhelyről (Kr. e. 1080–960) egy 9 bronzkardból álló lelet (reine Schwerthort) került elő, amely ismételten illusztrálja a Nyugati-Kárpátok vizes és hegyi környezetében jellemző, rendszeres, votív fegyverdeponálási szokást. Amint azt a Žibrid-hegy (867 m t.f.m.; germán Sivrit/Sieg-fried = győzelem-béke) ógermán eredetű neve is jelzi, a deponálási szokás ismerete a mai napig megőrződhetett a terület toponímiájában. A legyőzött fél fegyvereinek ősi kelta–germán feláldozási szokása fontos adalékot jelent a közép-európai bronzkor néhány ismétlődő jelenségének megértésében.
Neskorá doba bronzová (ca. 1080–725 pr. Kr.) je v Západných Karpatoch charakteristická zvýšenou medzikultúrnou militarizáciou, ktorá vyvrcholila érou zánikového horizontu v Ha C1a. Lužická kultúra tu v období Ha A2–B1 zaviedla sériu investícií do obrannej infraštruktúry, z ktorých mnohé boli udržiavané a zosilnené počas nasledujúcich storočí. Práve z tohto obdobia sú z údolia rieky Váh známe veľkolepé nálezy deponovaných zbraní vrátane bronzových mečov (Komjatná, Martinček, Liptovské Sliače), ktoré sa v hroboch tej doby vyskytujú zriedkavo. Neskorobronzové depozitum Súľov-Hradná II, okr. Bytča (1080–960 pr. Kr.) novo reprezentuje homogénny nález 9 bronzových mečov (reine Schwerthort) a ilustruje opakujúce sa kodifikované správanie votívneho ukladania zbraní vo vodnom a vysokohorskom prostredí Západných Karpát. Ako uvádza aj starogermánske toponymum vrchu Žibrid (867 m; germ. Sivrit/Sieg-fried = víťazný mier), znalosť udalosti deponovania mohla pretrvať až do súčasnosti, a pripomína staré keltsko-germánske pravidlo obetovania zbraní porazenej strany, a poskytuje silný doplnok v pochopení niektorých charakteristických a nápadne sa opakujúcich vzorcov v archeologickom zázname bronzu v strednej Európe.
A tihanyi altemplom régészeti kutatása
The archaeological research of the medieval crypt of Abbey of Tihany
A tanulmányban a tihanyi bencés apátság középkori altemplomának és az ott található temetkezéseknek a régészeti jellegű kutatásait és a legújabb, 2021. évi ásatás eredményeit mutatjuk be, különös tekintettel az alapító, I. András király sírhelyére.
In this study, we present the archaeological research of the medieval crypt of the Benedictine Abbey of Tihany and the burials there, and the results of the latest excavation in 2021, with a focus to the tomb of the founder, King Andrew I.
In the German-language literature of the last twenty to thirty years, there has been a tendency to depict strangeness and integration. Through Melinda Nadj Abonji’s novel, this paper attempts to point out the phenomena that problematize integration and strangeness, which would be related to the space represented or which can be read from representations through space.
PLP Addenda: Die byzantinische Elite nach den Eroberungszügen des serbischen Herrschers Stefan Uroš IV. Dušan in Makedonien •
Die Zeugnisse der Register des Klosters Treskavac und der Kirche des heiligen Stefan in Konče
The research about the Byzantine persons who do not appear in the Greek sources is one of the greatest desiderata of the prosopographical research of the Palaiologan period. The present study aims to show the situation of the Byzantine aristocracy after the Serbian occupation of Byzantine Macedonia. The data were collected from the Registers of the Treskavac Monastery and of the Church of Saint Stefan in Konče. The registers provide only basic information about the transaction of the property, so it is not entirely clear whether the Byzantine aristocracy sold or abandoned their estates in the region of Pelagonia or Kriva Lakavica. However, Byzantine noblemen are often mentioned in the border descriptions, which proves that they had a strong influence in the region even after the Serbian conquests.
Artus de Bretagne is a French Arthurian prose romance: its hero, Arthur, son of the Duke of Brittany, is a descendant of Lancelot and the text reuses many Arthurian motifs. This romance was probably composed around 1300. The oldest preserved version is found in the manuscript Paris BnF 761. Having edited Artus de Bretagne and studied all the manuscripts, I hypothesised that this version consisted of an initial, unfinished version followed by a continuation. In this article, the stylistic method, adapted to the medieval text, makes it possible to confirm this hypothesis. Portraits are very different in the two parts. As this Arthurian romance adopts an original oriental setting, with a Greek toponymy, and as the supposed patron is Duke John II of Brittany, who is known to have travelled to the Byzantine area following the crusade led by his brother-in-law Edward I, King of England, the study of the portraits invites us to put forward (with caution) the hypothesis of an influence of the Byzantine romances, as a fairy, a princess and an automaton have the same appearance.
“From now on, Kolozsvár is always the way the train takes us home…” •
(The appearance of the Trianon theme in contemporary Hungarian fiction)
One characteristic of fiction is its ability to shape collective knowledge of the past, to create images of the past that can persist for generations – and as a consequence, for generations without direct experience, these images embody the past. In my study, I seek to answer the question how the memory of the transitions of power that ended the First World War is represented in contemporary Hungarian novels (published after 2000), and what other concepts are linked to the notion of the Treaty of Trianon. In the novels of Barbara Bauer, Zsuzsa Selyem, Magda Szabó, Andrea Tompa, János Térey and Gábor Vida, the theme is conveyed with different approaches, a varying significance, in a prose language that is distinctly different in each case, but at the same time is integral to the individual oeuvre of each author.
This paper demonstrates the application of surveying methodologies aiding the management of heritage properties, especially for UNESCO World Heritage sites. The objective of the current study is to provide an overview of the historical background of surveying a particular field of engineering and the related social environment. In Europe, all types of historic streets and avenues share a centuries-long common history. Investments financed by governments, capital or residential sources relating to these streets have provided opportunities for interesting architectural experiments. This study demonstrates the intensity of these investments and the morphological and functional changes in relation to their distance from the CBD. To achieve this objective, based on an on-line database of housing features and values, apartments (n = 1,031) from the range of Residential Real Estates in Teréz Town Budapest were collected. Data statistics tools included a Decision Tree and an Artificial Multi-layer Neural Network employed in order to analyse inequalities in price according to the condition of the property and available conveniences. The characteristics of monocentricity/polycentricity are shown to be adaptable elements that have been used historically in urban landscapes and can be implemented in urban design to enhance green spaces and improve the overall quality of urban life. As good examples, the Andrássy/Hübner - Court and the ICOMOS prize-winning renovation of the Wahrmann Palace are presented. Real estate can carry both real and philosophical meaning. Sometimes buildings express physical reality in the environment, at others, they have a symbolic meaning, e. g. an urban idyll, harmony with the habitat, local community, heritage property, wealth or poverty, integration or segregation of people or families. Functional changes support long-term decision-making for investors and city residents in search for better locations within global cityscapes.
This article deals with the proposal to edit in French the Geoponica, issued by François de Neufchâteau in 1807, when he was president of the Society of Agriculture of Paris, in a document which I found in the National Library in France. This proposition, based on the Greek manuscript attributed to Constantine VII, would be a major scientific and editorial achievement, but it would also entail political issues, as it would respond to the dynastic evolution of the Napoleonic régime. This interest in Byzantine literature is uncommon but can be linked to the growing interest in the Orient and its past, which is an important aspect of the French imperial society under Napoléon. Those elements reveal the historical and scientific implications of such a proposition to edit a Byzantine text, a proposition that would remain unsuccessful, however.
By comparing the colored etching A igentliche Vorstell- und Beschreibung der fü rnehmsten in Europa befindliche r Land- Vö lcker, Augsburg around 1700, and the journal Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, Kolozsvár around 1880, imagology, a research area of comparative cultural and literary studies, can be discussed in a comparative manner. Based on the findings of this comparison, the article seeks answers to questions about the scientific location and the task of Hungarian studies outside of Hungary.
At the center of the study is the motif spread in Italy and Greece, in the Middle Ages and in folklore, of Mary's search for Jesus during the Passion. The historiographical and philological reconstruction of the motif takes its cue from a medieval Italian text, the “Pianto delle Marie marchigiano”, and first investigates modern Italian songs, to show their continuity with the Middle Ages; then the observation expands to the Hellenic “moirologia”, to highlight the strong resemblance to the Italic counterparts; we therefore try to bring these similarities back to historical unity, showing that we are dealing with two forms in which a long-lasting cultural memory persists.
This article sets out to explore different roles that the mention of zoophytes can play into some texts of Plato, Aristotle and byzantine commentators. Thus, the staging of the life of the marine lung in the Philebus represents a possible horizon of regression to be kept in mind, and not, as in John Philopon, a stage of man's formation that will necessarily be surpassed. For the latter, as for Aristotle, evoking zoophytes is a way of resolving the question of the frontier between living animals and plants by postulating the continuity between the plant and animal orders.
Not only the relationship of the known descendants of Prince Árpád to each other, but also their existence is sometimes in question. This paper discusses the possible names of Árpád’s grandchildren, taking into account the written sources – above all the DAI. After reviewing and partially refuting previous research findings, a new solution regarding Árpád’s family tree and the possibilities of princely succession to the throne will be offered with the help of philological methods. The paper draws attention to the importance of textual criticism and the importance of researching the manuscript tradition.
Károly Kós and Henri Godbarge were both architects with strong ideas on local roots. Following the Arts & Craft and Art nouveau movements, they respectively contributed to the Transylvanism and néo-basque styles, which have many things in commun, particularly a special connection to the Orient(s), to social and family realities and to the ancestors.
The second part of Psellus’ poem on grammar is a glossary compiled from rare words (270–490), where the lines are ordered and linked according to the Greek alphabet. The first part (1–269) is not – as it might be expected of a didactic poem – a systematic descriptive Greek grammar, but rather a loose collection of teacher’s comments lacking a definite logical structure. The didactic comments set in verse are organised to some extent by words (e.g. ἔγκλισις, μεσότης) that refer to several different grammatical phenomena functioning as cues and thus connecting the subsequent sections. At the time the novelty of this otherwise ordinary poem might have been that Greek grammar was set in political verse (versus politicus) in order to make it easy to memorise and the fact that it discusses Psellus’ views on koine.
This paper explores the problem of the source value of charters from the point of view of research in linguistic history. Charters written in Latin often contain elements of the vulgar language (in this case, Hungarian). Only four authentic Hungarian charters have survived from the 11th century in their original form. Therefore, we have also included the non-authentic and non-original charters of the 11th century in our research over the recent decades.
These charters may contain 4–5 chronological layers, and so our task is to separate them. Charters of uncertain status cannot be analysed using the same methodological principles as the authentic and original charters. This paper discusses the methodological principles that may facilitate the identification of the source value of these charters for historical linguistics. Although these principles are defined based on charters from Hungary, due to their universal nature a significant portion of them may also be used successfully in other regions of medieval European charter research.
Franciscus Filelfus (Tolentino 1398 – Florenz 1481) is the author of the largest Humanistic correspondence in Latin and Greek. He is also a relevant source for the intellectual and political history of his times. In the 1420s, he gained a full knowledge of Greek in Constantinople, where he was integrated into Byzantine élite. In particular, the joint emperor John VIII Palaiologos appointed him as his personal secretary. On behalf of John, Filelfo attended in 1423 the international congress in Buda, where he met personally with the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and other European leaders. In his Letters to Roman popes, kings and princes, the Italian humanist proposed himself as alter Nestor, the best man to give his advice on the war against the Turks in Central and South-Eastern Europe. He is particularly interested in Hungarian history. At this respect, he mentions the most important events relating to Hungarian resistance against the Ottoman empire such as the defence of Belgrade (Nándorfehérvár) in 1456. Therefore, he praises the exploits and military successes against the Turks pursued by the regent John Hunyadi and his son, King Matthias Corvinus who is remarkably worthy of admiration. Both are praised as defensores Christianitatis. Therefore, Filelfo assigns to Hungary and Hungarian people the leading role in the crusade against the Ottomans.
In this work we contend that studying dance syntax systematically is essential to gain a deeper understanding of dance practices. The reason is that syntax has to do with an essential aspect of dance, music and action in general, namely possibility. To the best of our knowledge, the efforts towards a systematic method to study dance syntax are scarce. Therefore, this work proposes the method of Finite-State Automata, borrowed from computer science, and presents three case studies of progressive complexity were the method is applied: (1) learning the basics of salsa, (2) diachronically comparing hip-pushing action in Afro-Ecuadorian Bomba del Chota, and (3) characterizing improvisation in Afro-Peruvian zapateo. While the first case is didactic and introduces the method progressively, the second and third cases are based on several years of fieldwork conducted by the authors with the Afro-Ecuadorian and Afro-Peruvian communities. The precondition for the application of the method we propose is structural analysis itself; that is, that the dance can be analyzed into small movement units that are combined progressively into more complex units. In regards to syntax, however, structural analysis is only the first step. The goal is a synthesis that brings forward the possibilities that arise from structural analysis; that is, the possibilities that are available to dancers and agents in a dance event. We trust that the approach to syntax this work presents will stimulate a renewed interest for researchers in dance, music and movement in general.
In the discourse of 20th and 21st century Hungarian literary history writing the aspect of regionality is recurrently present, primarily in relation to minority/ethnic Hungarian literature. The positions and relations of these literatures can be inferred not only from the perspective of their naming and designation, but also from the way they are discussed or even represented as books. The study attempts to show the regionality formations in the history of Hungarian literature, which in mutual reflection, overlapping and displacement, have tried to gain a dominant position in the discourse on Hungarian literature. As a point of comparison, the essay also includes the regionality phenomena of Romanian literature in the field of interpretation.
The Hungarian Playwrights' Association was founded on 7 January, 1904, with the aim of providing moral and financial protection to theatre authors and the developing Hungarian stage. In its first incarnation it lasted until March 1919, and was subsequently re-established in December 1920. Like so many associations at that time, the Association was dissolved by ministerial decree on 8 December, 1950. The legal situation of playwrights at the time, along with the lack of adequate representation of their interests, prompted the Hungarian cultural sector to protect their rights by setting up an appropriate body of self-representation, following the examples of foreign countries. The association is of great importance in the history of the self-organisation and interest representation of Hungarian artists, as it was the first such independent Hungarian representative body.
The research project Chapters from the History of 20 th Century Hungarian Operetta: The Operetta Art of Ákos Buttykay has as its subject the operetta art of Ákos Buttykay (1871–1935), who was unjustly disqualified from the operetta canon. The subject is highly topical and necessary since the reconstruction of the history of 20th-century Hungarian operetta has been complicated by the fact that, with the exception of a few popular and well-known operetta composers – including Pál Ábrahám (Paul Abraham), Imre Kálmán (Emmerich Kálmán) and Ferenc Lehár (Franz Lehár) – the oeuvre and biography of the composers who were instrumental in the development of the Hungarian operetta style have yet to be reviewed. This shortcoming became evident to me during my research into the history of 20th century Hungarian operetta and the reconstruction of Buttykay's career and operetta works – using archival sources and contemporary press sources – is the first step towards filling this gap. I chose Buttykay mainly on the basis of my preliminary research and findings, as a composer who had written dozens of operettas and whose name was associated with the most successful operettas of the Hungarian musical stages in the first half of the 20th century.
A fundamental segment of contemporary Hungarian prose literature has attempted to represent and textually portray the change in political regimes which took place in 1989. The dictatorship, the totalitarian system and the subsequent transition period proved to be excellent raw material; resulting in a very different kind of prose which, when compared to previous representations of Transylvania, elicits attention on the one hand by being distinctly separate from the assumption of an ideological role, and on the other hand by creating the given linguistic and fictional space through continuous transition(s), (inter-ethnic) in-betweenness and the relevance of otherness.
Weltuntergang und Doppelmonarchie •
Politische Dimensionen des Katastrophendiskurses in Kometenromanen von Maurus Jókai (1874) bis Hannes Stein (2013)
The study mediates between two literary thematic fields: the discourse on disasters, with special attention to the comet theme, and the literature about the future or the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. In this context, we ask about the political issue of the comet material or motif. The topic will be explained using the works of Camille Flammarion, Vincenz Chiavacci, Karl Kraus, Hannes Stein and Maurus Jókai as examples.
Volksgruppenmedien und Digitalisierung •
Ein Onlinemedium als Gemeinschaftsprojekt
Since 1 September 2021, the Hungarian Volksgruppe (ethnic group) in Austria has an online medium under the joint management of the four largest Hungarian associations in Vienna and Burgenland. This unique project was made possible by the new ethnic group funding of the Austrian Federal Chancellery. However, the new communication and networking opportunities offered by the new online medium to the Hungarian community in Austria also go hand in hand with several challenges that go far beyond the question of funding. For example, the editors and staff of the online medium must clarify a number of conceptual and practical issues that are of central importance, especially for minority media. The paper presents both the potentials and the challenges of minority media in the age of digitalization and demonstrates them using the example of the online medium of the Hungarian ethnic group in Austria.
Baroque tradition in early Romanticism •
Grounding the modern literary canon in Hungary
The elaboration of a canon of literary tradition was a key issue within the renewal of Hungarian literature at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The leading figures of the movement, Ferenc Kazinczy (1759–1831) and Ferenc Kölcsey (1790–1838), both saw Miklós Zrínyi's (1620–1664) poetry collection Adriai tengernek Syrenaia (Syrena of the Adriatic Sea), published in 1651, as a model that offered aesthetic value, national ideology, and an example for reforming the literary language. The present study examines the extent to which these aspirations may be linked to the poetic modernity of Zrínyi's time, the first half of the 17th century, and concludes that the Syrena volume was not simply a model for the successors, but it can be philologically proven that Kazinczy and his circle (mainly by following Francis Bacon) continued the agenda initiated by Zrínyi. In this sense, the waves of modernity do not follow one another, but are layered on top of one another in the history of Hungarian literature.
It was in the Latin-language historical literature of medieval and Renaissance Hungary that the noble ideology was first formulated which has determined the discourse on Hungarian national and literary consciousness up to the present day. These chronicles, however, contain a great deal of information not only about the Hungarians, but also about the peoples who lived alongside them. Thus, Romanians are also important figures in this Latin-language historical literature. In the first part of this study we will discuss the depiction of the Romanians in Anonymus' and Simon Kézai's Chronicles, the Illustrated Chronicle and Antonio Bonfini's monumental work. In the second part of the study I will describe the influence of the Hungarian Reformation literature of the 16th and 17th centuries on Romanian literature. From a Hungarian perspective, the Romanian Reformation is worth studying because it is a clear demonstration of Hungarian “cultural imperialism” in the 16th to 18th centuries, so much so that Hungarian culture has been unable to repeat cultural export on such a scale ever since. This means that between 1540 and 1750 there was no other language into which so many Hungarian-language ecclesiastical works (catechisms, psalms, hymns, postulates, agendas, piety works) were translated as Romanian. In other words, no other culture has been so powerfully influenced by a Hungarian impact as was Romanian culture during these two centuries.
This study focuses on literary mystification, which has become extremely common in Central European postmodern literature in recent decades. Mystification is essentially a game related to the authorial name, to pseudonyms, masks and various alter egos. The paper attempts to separate three procedures of postmodern text creation by considering the aspect of mystification: early postmodern text creation, based on the principle of imitation; areferential postmodernism, based on simulation, and the anthropological postmodern, which is present through a transitive strategy. The study analyses the pseudonymised works, among others, of István Baka, Árpád Tőzsér, Péter Esterházy, Lajos Parti Nagy, András Ferenc Kovács and Zoltán Csehy.
The paper discusses two defining phenomena of recent years: transculturalism and translingualism in the context of contemporary Hungarian literature. The first part of the article deals with the theoretical basis of transculturalism and focuses on the relationship between transculturalism and literature. The second part presents the most significant translingual authors of Hungarian origin and lists some of the most typical characteristics of their works. Finally, the paper poses a question about the place of translingual writers in the canon of national literature.
Within the regional literary canon of Transylvanian Hungarian literature, female authors had a marginal position during the last century, as a quantitative methodology can show. The objective of the paper is to point out the structural dimensions of this marginalization, through exploring patterns in the reception of women authors, and characteristics of the literary field of Transylvanian Hungarian literature. The question is whether thematic or genre issues, the prestige of certain literary and cultural forms (like memoirs, children's literature, theatre etc.) affected during the past century the canonical position of female authors. The analysis outlines a possible structure of a women's literary tradition.
Die Wiener Weltausstellung 1873. •
Die Berichterstattung von Ármin Vámbéry und Max Nordau über die orientalische Abteilung sowie den Schah-Besuch in der Kaiserstadt.
The oeuvre of the orientalist, Turkologist and traveler Ármin Vámbéry has been well researched, his long life full of adventures and his travels made him a famous personality on several continents during the Dualism-era, and so he has not succumbed to oblivion to this day. However, his creativity and work are multi-layered, so they require the approaches of various scientific disciplines, e.g. some facets of his widely ramified and not least unexplored journalistic work can be contributed to Vámbéry research. This article is devoted to Vámbéry's publication on the occasion of the Vienna World Exhibition of 1873, which also allow a comparison with the feuilletons of his friend, who later became a writer, cultural critic and Zionist, Max Nordau (1849, Pest–1923, Paris).
Proper names have always played a significant role in the history of language and culture of any nation. Besides, research on personal names in different epochs and in local regions are important both for history and onomastics. Surnames could reflect the history of a nation almost in every country because they are passed on from one generation to the next. Surnames are particularly interesting for studying traditions and they are strictly connected to the social and historical background in the analyzed region. The study of surnames can also be of benefit to other areas of onomastics such as toponomastics and socio-onomastics.
Although the topic of surnames has been exploited in many countries and languages for a long period, there are still some new aspects that can be presented on this topic. This research examines the surnames in the mass media in the Odesa Region. Historically, the Odesa region was multicultural that is why we came across with both Slavic and non-Slavic surnames but the object of this investigation is Slavic surnames. The analyzed mass-media texts are drawn from the 19th-century newspapers Odessa Vestnik and Odessa Advertisement Sheet. About 2,000 surnames were taken for the analysis from announcements and advertisements in these newspapers. The study of the surnames has concentrated on the names of all levels of the society. The purpose of the paper is to make the typology of the surnames and present the quantity of surnames in each group. Some historical events that impact the name-giving process are mentioned and social factors which influence the name-giving process are described.
The study has revealed that 19th-century surnames were created from anthroponyms, toponyms, ethnonyms, and appellatives. The last group contains occupational surnames, surnames with the semantics of fauna and flora as well as surnames derived from other concrete or abstract nouns. An additional complicating factor was that it was not always easy to interpret and identify the origin of some surnames. The results of this paper indicated that analyzed surnames from the 19th century in this region are part of culture. The surnames derived from appellatives represent a significant part of the studied surnames (56%), among them there are occupational surnames (13%); surnames with the semantics of flora and fauna (23%) as well as surnames having other concrete or abstract meanings (20%). Personal names make up 29%, toponyms are of 11%, and the least frequent category is surnames derived from ethnonyms (4%).
From the perspective of further research, it would be interesting to compare the received results with the typology of the modern surnames in the same region.
The paper offers a general overview of the place that Hungarian literature occupies in the polysystem of translated literature in Serbia. Unlike established philological disciplines with a longer tradition (English, German, French or Russian philology), which offer several different historical overviews of the history of a given literature, thus enabling the experts, the students and the general public to gain a more systematic insight into the respective literatures, there has only been one history of Hungarian literature published in Serbia so far. Given the fact that it was published back in 1976, and that many aspects of its methodology and insights have become outdated, it is an urgent necessity to produce a new work on the subject, specifically for the Serbian readership.