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A Late Neolithic enclosure system at Gönc (County Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, north-eastern Hungary)

Késő neolitikus körárokrendszer Gönc határában (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén vármegye, Északkelet-Magyarország)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Melinda Hajdu
Dániel Kiss


Gönc-Kenderföldek has since long been known as a Late Neolithic site, where a rich and diverse find assemblage from the Late Neolithic (Lengyel, Tisza and Csőszhalom cultures) was collected in the course of the field surveys conducted in its area. The exact location of the site was determined during the past years. Described and discussed in this study is the geomagnetic survey of site, which revealed sections of an enclosure system of four slightly oval ditches.

Open access


Drawing on the concepts of agenda-setting and framing, this article aims to examine the role played by translation in the selection of articles of the New York Times for the Spanish and Chinese versions. It analyses whether the three versions focus on similar topics and therefore follow a similar agenda, identifies the topics that receive more salience via translation, and how these are complemented with texts specifically written for the translated/foreign language versions, as well as the framing mechanisms used by the writers and/or translators to create, suppress or accentuate ideological positionings. For that purpose, a constructed week methodology was used in order to collect a total of seventy articles per language. The analysis, based on Baker's adaptation of narrative theory and Kress and van Leeuwen's study of non-verbal signs, shows that the three versions of the New York Times vary in terms of format and content. Thus, while the English and Chinese versions focus on political and economic issues, the Spanish version undergoes a process of tabloidization.

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Translation and music has become a subfield within translation studies oriented towards discussing singable song translations. Most studies in this subfield have been lyrics-oriented, emphasising lack of semantic fidelity resulting mainly from issues of singability. Though singability is an important factor influencing song translation, song texts function as coherent compositions in wider contexts of time and place, their performers or poetics of translators. This article aims to present a multimodal and comparative analysis of three Polish song translations of Frank Sinatra's My Way. By adopting a descriptive-explanatory approach it demonstrates how the interplay of performer-related, contextual, social or poetics-based factors can be more influential than singability.

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The Copper Age burial ground of Rákoscsaba, Major-hegy north, Budapest, District XVII (preliminary report)

Rézkori temetkezési hely: Budapest XVII. ker., Rákoscsaba, Major-hegy, észak (előzetes jelentés)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Zsuzsanna M. Virág


Budapesten kora rézkori temetkezések csak településekről vagy elszórtan ismertek. Jelenleg egyedülálló a XVII. ker. Rákoscsaba-Majorhegy, észak lelőhelyen előkerült több sírt magában foglaló, önálló temetkezési hely. A temetkezések két területileg is elkülönülő csoportot alkotnak, közöttük a mellékletadásban és a halottakkal való bánásmódban is eltérések mutatkoznak. E jelenség mögött a térség összekötő és közvetítő szerepe, de társadalmi, identitás béli tényezők is meghúzódhatnak.

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This study aims to explore the relevance and underlying factors of an array of interpreting aptitude constructs, and, on that basis, the collective and group-specific perception of their relative importance. To meet the research purposes, a questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to interpreting trainers, trainees and professional interpreters, asking respondents to evaluate the relative importance of 40 aptitude constructs drawn from an extensive literature review. A total of 769 valid responses were collected. An explorative factor analysis retained 23 constructs divided into three factors focusing on cognitive skills for online information processing, personality traits and temperaments, and foundational linguistic skills respectively. While personality traits and temperaments were regarded as a stable and distinctive dimension of interpreting aptitude, cognitive skills for information processing were viewed as the most important factor. Particularly, listening and speaking in B enjoyed the highest rating. Although statistically significant differences existed in the relative importance of certain constructs, the substantive differences indicated by the effect sizes were small. Compared with trainees, trainers and professional interpreters demonstrated a more sharpened awareness of market demands and industrial priorities, but otherwise the three groups converged more than they diverged in the evaluation of aptitude constructs and factors.

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Fair trial is the cornerstone of all judicial proceedings and a fundamental right guaranteeing, among other things, the right to interpreting to those who do not understand and speak the language of the court. With the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, courts around the world struggled to continue adjudication, turning to the solution of remote hearings and hybrid interpreting to comply with requirements of both health policy and the right to linguistic presence in judicial proceedings. This paper describes the solutions applied in domestic, international and EU courts, shedding light on the shortcomings of remote hearings and their possible detrimental effects on interpreting and fair trial.

Open access