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In Sweden, free school lunch has been served for more than a hundred years, and it is now a democratic right of all elementary school children. The school meal has always been associated with different opinions and subject to much debate. The aim of the study is to explore school meal food and taste memories in a convenient sample of Swedish adults. A web-based survey was carried out in the summer of 2020. The 246 respondents attended school between the 1940s and the early 2000s. The material was collectively analyzed using NVivo 12 Pro (QSR International), resulting in two overarching themes. “The traditional school food heritage” theme consisted of accounts of traditional Swedish food through the ages and meanings attached to it. Memories were connected to likes and dislikes of certain foods and dishes. “The social school food heritage” theme consisted of accounts of coercion, control, and peer pressure, but also joy, friendship, and commensality. The Swedish school meal is a shared experience surrounded by strong feelings and memories regarding the food and the context. It means a lot both culturally and socially, acting as a carrier of a common food heritage.

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In the social sciences, it is a classic practice to contrast the development of the countryside and the city as two endpoints of a chain. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, the validity of the rural-urban dichotomy has been increasingly questioned, and we are now talking about two interconnected and complementary systems instead. In examining contemporary school meals, we ourselves observed this close and varied pattern of intertwining between the city and the countryside. Therefore, we believe it is useful to identify rural and urban features in contemporary public catering practices, and to outline mixed models that can be placed between the two endpoints in space and time. All of this can be edifying because urbanized foodways, following current food health and gastronomic trends, sustainability, climate and environmental protection requirements, as well as social considerations, return from time to time to the old village farming practices and foodways in various ways, and utilize knowledge related to traditional farming. Illustrated with specific examples, the study outlines three types of school catering models, from the oldest practice called “rural” to the “urban” (urbanized) type. A comparison of these types of public catering practices reveals the problems observed in today’s public catering.

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The present paper has in its focus a letter written in Buda in the mid-1480s by a mysterious Hungarian author, Ioannes Pannonius, whose figure is shrouded in obscurity. After a brief overview of the letter, the paper summarises the misconceptions and uncertainties surrounding the identity of the mysterious author and then attempts to outline his biography on the basis of fragmentary information. Contrary to the Anglo-Saxon scholarly literature, it argues that the Hungarian author is neither a fiction nor an intellectual “avatar” of Ficino, whom he could challenge in the public ring of contemporary intellectual space in order to defend his own Platonic theory. And if he is not a fictional author, the significance of the short letter is not only that the head of the Florentine Platonic school, Marsilio Ficino, anticipating the later theological debates around Platonism in the 16th century, replies to the letter, but also that it is perhaps the first known, highly publicised debate in the history of Hungarian philosophy.

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Károly Kós, a pioneering master of 20th century Hungarian architecture, spent two years in Istanbul as a fellow of the newly established Hungarian Institute for Science in Constantinople between 1916 and 1917 to pursue research on the architecture of the Ottoman Empire. During this period, he created a whole series of drawings of numerous Byzantine and Ottoman historical buildings and street sections. A volume entitled Istanbul - Urban History and Architecture was published as a summary of his research. However, this historical event and the resulting publication have a far-reaching significance beyond themselves in many ways. Firstly, the aforementioned period was a significant turning point in Ottoman-Turkish architectural history. On the other hand, Kós's work is more than just an analysis of architectural and urban history.

This paper aims to provide an insight into the period and the turning point between the late Ottoman and the early Republican era of Turkey's history; the local context of Kós's activities in Istanbul and, at also to analyse the architectural-historical achievements of the Hungarian master's work in the location which he himself described as ‘The City”.

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Clipeus Christianitatis. Egy nagymúltú európai szállóige képi megjelenítésének változatai Magyarországon a 17. század második felében és a 18. század elején

Clipeus Christianitatis variants of the visualization of a time-honoured european adage in Hungary in the second part of the 17th and early 19th centuries

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
András Szilágyi

The news of the peace of Westphalia in the autumn of 1648 certainly elicited great sighs of relief all over Europe, though contentedness was not yet universal. In countries over which the menace of the expansion and further advance of the Ottoman Empire loomed larger, the news generated a period of great hopes. This applied first of all to Hungary and Croatia where an optimistic public feeling began to spread wide. The main sources of this optimism were the influential politicians and their statements, who were both mouthpieces and shapers of the general attitude. Who were convinced that after 30 years of warfare a period of regeneration ought to come, and sooner or later – not in the distant future – what they had been painfully missing for decades, exactly since the reign of Emperor rudolph (†1612, rudolph I as king of Hungary): a major concerted anti-Ottoman military undertaking would be launched, a comprehensive campaign with the participation and support by Europe’s Christian countries initiated and controlled by the ruler of the Holy roman Empire and also king of Hungary ferdinand III. As the contemporary utterance of the politicizing Hungarian estates reveal, this optimistic expectation was paired with a zealous manifestation of a readiness to act. They voiced their great resolve with which the eligible population would take part and fight as effectively as their reserves allowed against the porte. This uncompromising intrepidity, the fight against the Ottomans at any price was fed – in addition to many glorious examples in the past – by several contemporary events. Clashes with great casualties which made great stirs in the Hungarian and European public life. Contemporaries hailed the fallen, including those of the ill-starred military encounter at vezekény on 26 August 1652, as inflaming examples of perseverance. In the eye of the contemporaries those killed in the clash – including four members of the aristocratic Esterházy family – set an inspiring example of moral courage in the teeth of Turkish superiority in numbers: in a hopeless battle they chose perseverance to the end, that is, heroic self-sacrifice, instead of surrendering. In addition to numerous quondam utterances including some quality works of literature testifying to the intrepidity and fighting value of the Hungarian estates, two works of the applied arts were also created with the aim of perpetuating the glorious memory of the fallen heroes.

The historic military events of the last one and a half decades in the 17th century – the triumphant termination of the Ottoman wars in Hungary, the expulsion of the Turks – overruled the original meaning of the time-honoured adage known all over Europe, the idea that Hungary was one of the safeguards/bulwarks of the western Christian community. Although it might have lost its topicality, it did not fall out of public remembrance. It underwent some modification, some shift of tone, the militant slogan of mobilization giving way to reference to the heroic deeds of the forefathers, to the glorious past, the historical merits of the kingdom, of Hungaria. Added to this – by way of a conclusion – is the profound conviction rooted in historical experience that it was not in vain to persevere above their strength against the pagan world power in calamitous times. To the contrary, the nation owed her well-nigh miraculous survival to it. After all, the fact that her disintegration and perdition could be avoided must have been by the will of divine providence. This idea is conveyed in a visual language by an extremely effective composition, an engraving made in Augsburg in the first decade of the 18th century undoubtedly upon a Hungarian commission. What were the Archabbot of pannonhalma p. Aegidius Karner’s ideas or intentions to have this engraving made? In the closing section of the paper an attempt is made to answer this question.

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Dürer nyitott ajtós címere és a korai híradások apai őseiről

Dürer’s open door coat of arms: early news about his paternal ancestors

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Géza Szentmártoni Szabó

Albrecht Dürer’s name first appeared in Jacob Wimpfeling’s book on German history, printed in 1505, in which the Alsatian author praised the then famous artist. In his book on the work of Martin Schongauer, printed in Nuremberg in 1515, the humanist Christoph Scheurl mentioned that Dürer’s father was born in Cula, near the town of Várad in Hungary. He was therefore the first, albeit with an incorrect town name, to make this biographical information public. Joachim Camerarius also mentioned in the preface to his book on the artist’s symmetry, published posthumously in 1532, that Dürer’s paternal lineage was from Pannonia. The only surviving manuscript is the calligrapher Johann Neudorfer’s biography of Dürer, in which the artist’s father’s biography is in agreement with his family records. This knowledge also reached the Hungarian humanist János zsámboky (Sambucus), who compiled a Latin and Greek epigram in praise of Dürer, mentioning the Pannonian origins of the artist’s ancestors. This information was published in Adam Melchior’s book on the life of German scholars, published in 1615, in the section about Dürer. The artist’s own notes were published by Joachim von Sandrart in 1675.

From then on, this publication became the basis for biographies of Dürer. The present essay will now look at the reception of these family records in Hungary, with its pitfalls, especially the village of Ajtós and the Dürer name, as well as the related open-door coat of arms and the portrait of the artist’s father.

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Emlékszerűség és egyöntetűség. Hauszmann, Stróbl, Lotz és a budapesti Igazságügyi palota központi csarnoka

Monumentalness and homogeneity Hauszmann, Stróbl, Lotz and the central hall of the Budapest Palace of Justice

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
János Jernyei Kiss

The Palace of Justice opened in 1896 is among the country’s most important public buildings; its central hall is one of the most grandiose spaces of late historicism in size and decoration. A year after its inauguration Alajos Hauszmann, the architect, summed up the construction history and programme of the building, and the work appeared in ornate folio edition in 1901. the architect designed the central hall in the style of Rome’s baroque architecture reviving the spirit of antiquity, and also drew on the tradition of the space type of salles des pas perdus. As regards space forms and structures, its relatives are the halls of the palaces of justice in paris, Antwerp and Strasbourg.

The placing of the Justitia statue dominating the space was probably inspired by the central hall of Vienna’s Justizpalast and is permeated with the memory of antique temple interiors abounding in giant cultic statues. With its hieratic character, Stróbl’s statue reminds us of classical Rome’s enthroned Minerva and Dea Roma statues, the modelling of the dress and mantle imitating the Hellenistic and Roman baroque drapery styles.

The 19th century reconstructions of the rich mosaic and sculptural decorations of the spaces, walls and vaults of the Roman baths must have fertilized Hauszmann’s imagination and inspired him to envision the colouring and gilding of the surfaces and painted decoration of the ceiling, although the latter was also influenced by Roman baroque fresco painting. Károly Lotz designed the illusory architecture of the ceiling painting after Andrea del Pozzo by taking care to align the painted architectonic details with the framing mouldings and ornaments.

A cardinal element of the architectural program was the deliberately monumental effect and “homogeneity” of which – in Hauszmann’s view – fine arts were the “precondition and the instruments”. He himself chose the painter and sculptor for the decoration of the hall, because he deemed it important to give them “direction” and “enlightenment” through his personal influence to achieve a “homogeneously harmonious creation”. As a result, both the sculptor’s and the painter’s adaptation to Roman models and to the grandiosity of the formal idiom and dimensions of the hall can be perceived.

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„Gyönyörű volt szál alakja”. Szent István király ikonográfiája a sokszorosított grafikában a 15. századtól a 19. század közepéig - Pótlások (új ábrázolások, adalékok és javítások)

“His stately figure was Beautiful” Iconography of king saint Stephen in graphic prints from the 15th to the mid-19th Century - Complementations (New representations, additions and corrections)

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Éva Knapp

More than twenty years ago, in the “millennial year” (1 January 2000–20 August 2001), a representative work of scholarship was released in honour of the millennial anniversary of the foundation of the state (budapest, boda Antikvárium, 2001) about the representations of the first king of Hungary, Saint Stephen, in the medium of graphic prints. The publication was reviewed by noted scholars and has been referred continuously in special literature ever since.

It is common knowledge that the “image” of king Saint Stephen has been closely tied to Hungarian history, as a decisive personage at its turning points. After the publication of the book I have therefore kept tabs on and collected the data that enlarge, supplement and at a few times rectify its contents. for easier orientation, both the complementary material, the additions, and new representations are adjusted to the item numbers in the iconographic catalogue attached to the volume.

From among the addenda, one picture is a complementation to item 71, because in 2001 no copy of its first publication (1692) could be had. Among the sixteen addenda (27, 37, 46, 49, 62, 70, 79, 95, 96, 104, 108, 126, 153, 188, 191, 219) item 46 also received a new picture which arose as the “b” variant of the copperplate engraving (first published in 1626) in a so-far unknown, unique function in 1632. Another six items of the addenda also contain corrections (69, 76, 94, 100, 139, 139, 208), of which two (76, 100) name the original publication (1609 and 1612, resp.) of the two prints in the Hungarian Historical portrait Gallery removed from their original function. Six items of the corrigenda (5, 61, 75, 179, 187) make the description more accurate, with a picture added to one (187), restoring a cut-out copy kept in the Hungarian Historical picture Gallery now to its original function.

In the past two decades, the material of the volume has been enlarged by twenty five unpublished depictions, i.e. nearly by 10%. These pictures and descriptions collected on the basis of autopsy affect the period between 1493 and 1852, adjusted to the earlier chronology of the data. Their item number received the number of the preceding bibliographic description with the addition of an ‘a’ or two (5a, 35a, 55a, 70a, 79a, 81a, 90a, 90aa, 97a, 105a, 116a, 128a, 155a, 155aa, 187a, 188a, 192s, 193a, 215a, 216a, 216aa, 228a, 238a, 251a, 254a). The new representations are always attached pictures, and their description adopted the structure of the data in the 2001 volume.

Order of new information after the number of the item:

  1. Title or iconographic type of the representation

  2. Title of the print without the religious texts. Latter only given when there is no title.

  3. Form of appearance

  4. Date of making

  5. Technique of production

  6. Place of making, signature

  7. Size by the producing technique and by the state of the sheet

  8. Bibliographic description of the source containing the representation, with the accurate place of the print in the work at issue

  9. Place of preservation and mark of the copy about which the description is made

  10. Remarks

  11. Bibliography

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Magyar történelmi témák 18. századi bécsi festői: adatok Wenzel Pohl munkásságához és az August Rumelnek tulajdonított mohácsi csata-képhez

18th century viennese painters of Hungarian historical themes: addenda to Wenzel Pohl’s work and the battle of mohács painting attributed to August Rumel

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Júlia Papp

Media news made the name of Wenzel Pohl known in Hungary in the early 2000s, for the two large history paintings (The Battle of Mohács, Saint Stephen converting the Hungarians to the christian faith), which had cropped up in the art trade and which were purchased by the Hungarian state and deposited in the Hungarian embassy in Vienna, were attributed to him. Although more recent research has proposed that the painter of the cycle once consisting of six pieces was most probably August Rumel and not Pohl, it is worth knowing of Pohl’s artistic activity irrespective of the Hungarian relevance, too, because his person is gradually fading out of art historiography – for example, his name is missing from the 96th volume of the Saur Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon published in 2017.

The best-known Pohl portraits are the ones he painted of the noted Jesuit astronomer, mathematician and physicist Miksa Hell. A full-figure portrait shows the scientist in traditional Sami costume during his research trip to the North, and we know of a portrait showing Hell is a monk’s frock. His engraved copies of paintings in the Viennese imperial collection, real forerunners to the representative 19th century album of prints presenting the collection, probably belong to a series. In the cycle of paintings about the coronation of Joseph II as Holy Roman Emperor (Frankfurt, 1765) he was assigned the painting of architectural details, which is confirmed by the fact that he was sent on a study trip to Frankfurt to make drawn sketches of the venues of the event. After the representative painting of Martin van Meytens he made a small-scale version of the group portrait of Maria Theresa and her family. His chef d’oeuvre is the representative painting series showing the events of the coronation of Maria Theresa in Pozsony in 1741 painted for the Hungarian court chancellery in Vienna. He painted it with Franz Messmer in the second half of the 1760s. In contrast, the three portraits of monarchs in Riesensaal in Innsbruck so far attributed to him by researchers were actually painted by Jakob Kohl.

The other part of the paper contributes a few new viewpoints to the examination of the painting about the battle of Mohács earlier attributed to Pohl. In addition to contemporaneous woodcuts of the tragic battle of 1526 in news-letters and pamphlets in German, to 16th century Turkish miniatures, and diverse 16–18th century European manuscript and book illustrations, a ceiling fresco in Garamszentbenedek and several large paintings – including Rumel’s work – also conjured up the battle in the 18th century. Since in the nation’s historical consciousness and cultural memory the battle of Mohács did not acquire its symbolic, mythic position represented to this day before the 19th century, the two works of art were way ahead of their time in anticipating the salient position of the tragic event, because, unlike, for example, István dorffmaister’s late 18th century pictures ordered in Mohács, they show the battle as a fatal even in the history of the entire nation. on the other side, by the terminating piece of the series ordered for the Transylvanian court chancellery being the battle of Mohács, the client departed from the 18th century imperial, dynastic outlook which presented as positive parallels to the battle of Mohács and the capture of Szigetvár by the Turks the victorious battles of the late 17th century liberating war led by the Habsburg Empire: the second battle of Mohács and the recapture of Szigetvár, partly as examples of divine justice and partly as legitimation of the Habsburg Empire’s territorial expansion “earned with blood”. It is noteworthy that the right side of central scene of Rumel’s Battle of Mohács resembles the composition of leonardo da Vinci’s Battle of Anghiari surviving in copies only. It is presumable that the renaissance battle scenes served as a model example for the painter.

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Succus Prudentiae: Hevenesi Gábor neosztoikus emblémáinak festészeti recepciója

Succus Prudentiae: applied emblematic reception of Gábor Hevenesi’s neo-stoic emblems

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Ágnes Kusler

The Hungarian Jesuit Gábor (Gabriel) Hevenesi’s emblem book Succus prudentiae (The Seed of Wisdom) was published in 1690 in Vienna and then in 1701 in Nagyszombat (Trnava, Slovakia), containing fifty emblems. He compiled a collection of Christian wisdom and virtues with the help of quotations and paraphrases from the Stoic philosopher Seneca. In this article, I present two instances of applied emblematic reception of the emblems of Hevenesi’s Succus prudentiae in Transylvanian buildings. The first example is the painted decoration of a room in the castle of Nagyvárad (Oradea, Romania). The program survived only in fragments, yet, three emblems could still be identified. The use of a Jesuit emblem book points towards the conception of the decorative program during the Habsburg occupation of the castle during the first half of the eighteenth century. The second example is the former wall and furniture decoration of the Daniel manor house in Szasznagyvesszős (Michelsdorf/Veseuș, Romania). The inner decoration of this building was destroyed before the twentieth century, but it was preserved by the detailed description of the writer József Ponori Thewrewk from 1817. Based on his account, the walls and several pieces of furniture (including a folding screen and a cabinet) were decorated with Hevenesi’s emblems. This program was most possibly ordered by István Daniel the elder, a state official during the Habsburg rule in Transylvania. As an appendix, I draw attention to a surviving cabinet with emblematic paintings based on Jesuit Herman Hugo’s Pia desideria, now in the collection of the Sárospatak Catholic Museum.

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Graves of the early medieval nomads from the eastern Azov region

Kora középkori nomád temetkezések az Azovi-tenger keleti partvidékéről

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Pavel Sokolov
Bence Gulyás


Described and discussed here are the “nomadic” burials of two sites, Serbin and Udarnyi (Krasnodar Krai, Russia). A total of four graves were found at the former Serbin site, while an early medieval grave dug into a prehistoric kurgan was excavated at Udarnyi. The burials broadly date from the fourth–seventh centuries AD on the basis of their poor grave inventories and are culturally related to the so-called post-Hunnic- and Sivashovka-type burials. Three burials contained the skulls and limbs of various domestic animals, indicating that the animals had been skinned. “Head and hooves” deposits were quite common in early medieval Eastern Europe. There are several different traditions of skinning, indicating different cultural traditions. The study describes the burials and their finds, and presents their regional parallels.

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Zongfeng Xia
Fengguang Liu
Dániel Z. Kádár
, and
Juliane House


In this study, we examine ritual Small Talk in Chinese, which is a regretfully understudied phenomenon. We investigate recurrent pragmatic features of Chinese Small Talk in an audio-recorded corpus through the lens of speech acts. We interpret the use of speech acts with the aid of interaction ritual theory and linguistic politeness. As a case study, we examine instances of Small Talk taking place in the vicinity of a Chinese primary school where parents and grandparents engaged in casual phatic conversations to kill the time while waiting for the children. The study of our corpus of Small Talk conversations allows us to unearth linguaculturally embedded patterns of language use in a complex participatory setting where parents and grandparents interact in front of a school.

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Sámuel Domby of Gálfalva (1729–1807) defended his doctoral dissertation De vino Tokaiensi at the University of Utrecht in 1758, and it was published in the same year. Domby was not the first medical student to write about the curative effects of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wines, but his book is really considered unique because he summarised and in many ways also exceeded the knowledge of earlier authors on the subject. He not only communicated what was known about the wines of Tokaj-Hegyalja, but also demonstrated through a series of medical, meteorological observations and chemical experiments why these wines were so excellent, what effects they had on a healthy human body and what ailments could be effectively treated by drinking them. In many respects, his work has stood the test of time: for instance his observations on the importance of terroir and the protection of origin are still worth considering today.

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Studia Slavica
Н. В. Козловская

В статье предлагается опыт анализа новой лексики с первым компонентом Z- в ее количественном и качественном многообразии. Новизна работы определяется выбором лексического материала: слова-композиты с первым компонентом Z- впервые зафиксированы в русском языке 2022–2023 гг.

Текстовый материал отражает одну из важнейших социолингвистических тенденций в русском языке новейшего периода: закрепление знака Z как символа и графического репрезентанта концеп-та. В статье раскрывается механизм дискурсивного перехода неофициального военно-технического номена Z в публицистический текст и дальнейшее формирование у знака символического значения: первоначально знак появляется на фото- и видеоизображениях военной техники, затем переносит-ся на реальные предметы (наносится на одежду, автомобили, плакаты). В коллективном языковом сознании формируется «ассоциативная небула» символа: Z – символ справедливой военной опера-ции (борьбы) и символ победы. Формированию полиинтерпретируемого символического значения способствуют многочисленные публикации, в которых провозглашается наличие мистической свя-зи знака Z с буквами старославянского, древнерусского и церковнославянского алфавитов, с зоо-морфными образами, числом 7, именами древних богов, названиями храмов и др.

Анализ лексического материала способствует раскрытию функционального потенциала символа Z в русском лингвокультурном пространстве последних лет. Потребность многих людей в обозна-чении принадлежности к определенному мировоззрению обусловила широкое использование зна-ка: в названиях интернет-пабликов и аккаунтов, патриотических мероприятий, а также в индиви-дуальном литературном творчестве (в частности, в формировании направления Z-поэзии). Среди рассматриваемых неологизмов и окказионализмов выделяются примеры, образованные с использо-ванием графического механизма языковой игры: Zорок Zороков, Zаписки, Zадача.

В целях разработки принципов лексикографического описания «Z-лексики» проводится анализ содержания концепта «специальная военная операция», иконическим репрезентантом которого является буква Z. К истории понятия относятся разнообразные фрагменты коллективного опыта, отсылки к которым активно используются как в СМИ, так и в интернет-дискурсе: военные испыта-ния, имена полководцев, солдатский подвиг. Также в структуре концепта выделяется псевдоистори-ческий слой, формируемый текстами СМИ о мистическом происхождении знака Z.

С целью выявления особенностей концептуального содержания анализируются устойчивые, ре-гулярно воспроизводимые контексты употребления слов и словосочетаний с Z. Особое внимание уделяется текстам, созданным путем индивидуальной языковой активности, в том числе поэтиче-ским, в которых отчетливо выделяются два полюса оценки.

В статье рассматривается тематическое разнообразие «Z-лексики», которая отражает новые фор-маты изменившейся в 2022 году действительности; формулируются принципы лексикографическо-го представления анализируемой группы слов в неологических словарях и базах данных.

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Прагматические особенности русских деепричастий совершенного и несовершенного вида рассма-триваются в статье в контексте современной теории первого плана и фона нарратива. Объектом изучения становится прагматический потенциал деепричастий, который позволяет им участвовать в формировании стереоскопического пространства текста, конструировать иерархизированную зону фона повествования, выстраивать перспективу нарратива, устанавливая соотношение точек зрения друг с другом.

В статье проанализированы данные российских и зарубежных научных работ о потенциях дее-причастий в сфере ранжирования текстовой информации. Принято считать, что деепричастия формируют зону «фона» повествования, обозначая второстепенные действия и характеристики. Однако сама зона «фона» имеет сложную иерархию в плане значимости, выделенности ее элемен-тов для повествователя и адресата. Деепричастие обладает набором свойств, которые способствуют большему или меньшему «выдвижению» или «затушевыванию» названного им события или явле-ния.

Ряд таких грамматических и смысловых параметров может быть установлен, так сказать, «до тек-ста». Так, в большей степени выделить событие способны деепричастия совершенного вида, обозна-чающие динамические, контролируемые, ограниченные во времени действия, в особенности если они относятся к личному субъекту и присоединяют индивидуализированный объект (Выстрелив в яблоко, Телль улыбнулся). Напротив, такие характеристики деепричастий, как несовершенный вид, непереходность, обозначение длящегося состояния или признака – сопутствуют номинации фоновых явлений, зачастую не выделяемых в качестве отдельных событий (Обломов принимал гостей, лежа на диване).

Также в статье значительное внимание уделяется другой группе параметров, которая выявляется только «в тексте», в ходе анализа корпусных данных (по НКРЯ). Важнейшая характеристика дее-причастий – относительная частотность употребления в форме конверба в сравнении с личными формами. Этот показатель свидетельствует о том, насколько тот или иной глагол склонен к функци-онированию в форме деепричастия, вне зависимости от частотности глагола в корпусе.

На материале НКРЯ в статье исследованы глаголы пяти семантических групп с частотным упо-треблением в форме конверба. Далее, с опорой на материалы параллельного русско-английского подкорпуса НКРЯ и собранного автором поливариантного набора переводов рассказов А. П. Чехо-ва, в статье иллюстрируются прагматические особенности деепричастий от глаголов с различной семантикой. Демонстрируются выявленные в переводах тенденции к изменению или сохранению функций оригинальных конвербов, анализируются эффекты перевода деепричастий с помощью финитных форм, приводящие к изменению перспективы текста, таксисных и каузативных отноше-ний между клаузами.

Полученные данные не только пополняют сведения о прагматическом потенциале русских дее-причастий от глаголов разных семантических групп, но и позволяют повысить качество предпере-водческого анализа произведений русской литературы.

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In this paper, we present a contrastive pragmatic analysis of Small Talk in English and Chinese. We use a radically minimal, finite and interactional system of speech acts to study DCTs conducted with U.S. American native speakers of English and native speakers of Chinese. Our analysis points to a number of important differences between Small Talk in the two linguacultures contrasted, such as a reliance on routines in English Small Talk, and an overall reliance on the speech act Remark in Chinese. The influence of the classic sociolinguistic variables Power and Social Distance for the enactment of Small Talk is also shown to be different in English and Chinese.

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В статье рассматриваются конструкции с функцией «понижения агенса» и их переводные эквива-ленты на материале параллельного корпуса романа М. А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» в пе-реводах на польский, чешский, болгарский, сербский и немецкий языки. Под данным ярлыком объединяются средства, лишающие агенс привилегированного коммуникативного статуса, что проявляется в его реализации в нехарактерной синтаксической позиции, полном опущении или сниженной референтности. Специализированные средства, выполняющие данную функцию, в сла-вянских языках включают пассивы (с выраженным агенсом Очки были растоптаны толпой или без него) и различные имперсональные конструкции, среди которых формы третьего лица множе-ственного числа, не допускающие выражения подлежащего (Очки растоптали), и форма на -no / -to в польском (Rozdeptanо okulary).

На основе 909 контекстов, извлеченных из корпуса, был проведен анализ их распределения и об-суждены в том числе периферийные средства «понижения агенса» (декаузативы, лексические сред-ства, позволяющие не выражать агенс, инфинитивы, номинализации) в связи с аспектуальными характеристиками клаузы, референциальным статусом агенса и дискурсивной важностью участ-ников. В результате были выявлены группы контекстов со сходным маркированием. В частности в цепочках, описывающих последовательность действий ситуационно заданных групп лиц (Туда съездили, в квартире побывали), в польском доминируют употребления форм на -no / -to, в то время как в других славянских языках сохраняются конструкции с формой 3-го л. множ. ч. оригинала, наиболее многочисленные в корпусе.

В русском тексте их оказывается больше, чем в переводных, что можно объяснить ограничением на их употребление в контекстах, в которых референциальный статус агенса соответствует неопре-деленному (В дверь постучали): в других славянских языках такие контексты требуют прибегать к заменам на неопределенное местоимение, декаузатив, номинализацию или иное лексическое сред-ство, позволяющее оставить агенс невыраженным. Аналогично при родовом статусе агенса (Я не знаю, как поступают в таких случаях) в рассматриваемых языках используется или нехарактер-ный для русского рефлексивный имперсонал, или лексема со значением ‘человек’.

Привлечение немецкого перевода позволяет определить результативные контексты, а также сред-ства, альтернативные конструкции с man, которая за счет широты употребления часто использует-ся как «фильтр» для контекстов с семантикой имперсонализации (к которым относится частотный в корпусе пассив, es с глаголами звука и конструкции с местоимениями 3-го л. множ. числа для обозначения ситуационно заданной группы лиц).

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Studia Slavica
Людмила Томіленко

Пропонована стаття містить результати цілісного аналізу складних слів-іменників української мови, зафіксованих у популярних загальномовних російсько-українських перекладних словниках початку ХХ ст. (зокрема 1918–1933 рокiв): «Словнику московсько-українському» (1918 р.) Віктора Дубровського, «Російсько-українському словнику» (1918 р.) Сергія Іваницького та Федора Шумлян-ського й академічному «Російсько-українському словнику» (1924–1933 рр.) за редакцією Агатангела Кримського та Сергія Єфремова.

Виконати комплексне дослідження складної субстантивної лексики допомогли цифрові лекси-кографічні системи, створені на основі перерахованих вище паперових словників (оцифрованих копій), та побудована іменникова база даних.

Складні номінації, особливо іменники, досить поширені в українській мові початку ХХ століття. Разом у трьох аналізованих словниках їх нараховується близько шести тисяч. Зі створеної іменни-кової бази даних було відібрано всі складні слова-іменники, досліджено способи їх творення, вияв-лено й описано поширені тематичні групи.

Найбільше, за нашими спостереженнями, у проаналізованому матеріалі нараховується іменників, що постали внаслідок основоскладання, або композиції (чистого та змішаного), менше – словоскла-дання, або юкстапозиції. Порівняно небагато ми виявили складноскорочених субстантивів – абре-віатур, нечасто трапляються й зрощення. Щодо тематичних груп, то найпоширенішими в дослі-джуваних словниках є такі групи: 1) назви осіб (яка поєднує ще низку підгруп); 2) найменування рослин; 3) назви тварин; 4) найменування пристроїв, приладів, інструментів; 5) назви будівель, споруд, установ, приміщень і т. ін.; 6) чимало міститься різноманітних абстрактних понять тощо.

Стосовно походження складної іменникової лексики, то в аналізованих лексикографічних працях зафіксовано багато слів, утворених на власне українському ґрунті, хоча нерідко трапляються й запо-зичені лексеми та найменування з іншомовними компонентами. Серед запозичених лексем суттєву частину становлять інтернаціональні терміни. Крім добре відомих нині назв, у перекладних слов-никах початку ХХ століття виявлено значну кількість маловідомої, невідомої, застарілої, діалектної, регіональної і т. ін. лексики.

Зважаючи на те, що загальномовні російсько-українські перекладні словники післяреволюційно-го періоду надзвичайно важливі, проте ще не достатньо вивчені праці, порівняльний аналіз лекси-ки, семантики, граматики, правописних особливостей тощо на матеріалі цих джерел є перспектив-ним мовознавчим завданням.

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A Late Neolithic enclosure system at Gönc (County Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, north-eastern Hungary)

Késő neolitikus körárokrendszer Gönc határában (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén vármegye, Északkelet-Magyarország)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Melinda Hajdu
Dániel Kiss


Gönc-Kenderföldek has since long been known as a Late Neolithic site, where a rich and diverse find assemblage from the Late Neolithic (Lengyel, Tisza and Csőszhalom cultures) was collected in the course of the field surveys conducted in its area. The exact location of the site was determined during the past years. Described and discussed in this study is the geomagnetic survey of site, which revealed sections of an enclosure system of four slightly oval ditches.

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Drawing on the concepts of agenda-setting and framing, this article aims to examine the role played by translation in the selection of articles of the New York Times for the Spanish and Chinese versions. It analyses whether the three versions focus on similar topics and therefore follow a similar agenda, identifies the topics that receive more salience via translation, and how these are complemented with texts specifically written for the translated/foreign language versions, as well as the framing mechanisms used by the writers and/or translators to create, suppress or accentuate ideological positionings. For that purpose, a constructed week methodology was used in order to collect a total of seventy articles per language. The analysis, based on Baker's adaptation of narrative theory and Kress and van Leeuwen's study of non-verbal signs, shows that the three versions of the New York Times vary in terms of format and content. Thus, while the English and Chinese versions focus on political and economic issues, the Spanish version undergoes a process of tabloidization.

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Translation and music has become a subfield within translation studies oriented towards discussing singable song translations. Most studies in this subfield have been lyrics-oriented, emphasising lack of semantic fidelity resulting mainly from issues of singability. Though singability is an important factor influencing song translation, song texts function as coherent compositions in wider contexts of time and place, their performers or poetics of translators. This article aims to present a multimodal and comparative analysis of three Polish song translations of Frank Sinatra's My Way. By adopting a descriptive-explanatory approach it demonstrates how the interplay of performer-related, contextual, social or poetics-based factors can be more influential than singability.

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The Copper Age burial ground of Rákoscsaba, Major-hegy north, Budapest, District XVII (preliminary report)

Rézkori temetkezési hely: Budapest XVII. ker., Rákoscsaba, Major-hegy, észak (előzetes jelentés)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Zsuzsanna M. Virág


Budapesten kora rézkori temetkezések csak településekről vagy elszórtan ismertek. Jelenleg egyedülálló a XVII. ker. Rákoscsaba-Majorhegy, észak lelőhelyen előkerült több sírt magában foglaló, önálló temetkezési hely. A temetkezések két területileg is elkülönülő csoportot alkotnak, közöttük a mellékletadásban és a halottakkal való bánásmódban is eltérések mutatkoznak. E jelenség mögött a térség összekötő és közvetítő szerepe, de társadalmi, identitás béli tényezők is meghúzódhatnak.

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This study aims to explore the relevance and underlying factors of an array of interpreting aptitude constructs, and, on that basis, the collective and group-specific perception of their relative importance. To meet the research purposes, a questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to interpreting trainers, trainees and professional interpreters, asking respondents to evaluate the relative importance of 40 aptitude constructs drawn from an extensive literature review. A total of 769 valid responses were collected. An explorative factor analysis retained 23 constructs divided into three factors focusing on cognitive skills for online information processing, personality traits and temperaments, and foundational linguistic skills respectively. While personality traits and temperaments were regarded as a stable and distinctive dimension of interpreting aptitude, cognitive skills for information processing were viewed as the most important factor. Particularly, listening and speaking in B enjoyed the highest rating. Although statistically significant differences existed in the relative importance of certain constructs, the substantive differences indicated by the effect sizes were small. Compared with trainees, trainers and professional interpreters demonstrated a more sharpened awareness of market demands and industrial priorities, but otherwise the three groups converged more than they diverged in the evaluation of aptitude constructs and factors.

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Fair trial is the cornerstone of all judicial proceedings and a fundamental right guaranteeing, among other things, the right to interpreting to those who do not understand and speak the language of the court. With the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, courts around the world struggled to continue adjudication, turning to the solution of remote hearings and hybrid interpreting to comply with requirements of both health policy and the right to linguistic presence in judicial proceedings. This paper describes the solutions applied in domestic, international and EU courts, shedding light on the shortcomings of remote hearings and their possible detrimental effects on interpreting and fair trial.

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Translational language has been reported to have unique characteristics, or translation universals, as compared to native non-translational production. One of the most widely studied features is simplification, i.e., translated texts tend to be less complex than non-translational texts. This study tested this hypothesis by comparing the translated and creative writing texts produced by a single author, Robert van Gulik, on the same topic (Judge Dee's detective adventures). Our well-controlled comparisons showed that the translated text was lexically less diverse, but syntactically more complex and generally less readable. The cognitive load of translation and the source text constrained the amount of vocabulary used in the translation compared with free writings. On the other hand, longer and more complex sentences reflected the translator's efforts to state the information in a more explicit form when conveying the ancient Chinese detective stories to the Western world. Our research, thus, offers some insights into the investigation of the simplification hypothesis and the relation between translation and writing.

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Allocation and management of working memory resources are crucial for successful interpreting. A number of studies have found clear indications that simultaneous interpreters have larger working memory capacity, at least in some areas, than other bilinguals. To date, no studies have focused on the working memory of dialogue interpreters. The study reported in this paper investigated the main differences and similarities in working memory between experienced and inexperienced dialogue interpreters when it comes to central executive functions. We also compared experienced dialogue interpreters to experienced simultaneous conference interpreters. Fifteen dialogue interpreters with two working languages, Swedish and either French, Polish or Spanish, participated in the following working memory tests: tests for updating (2-back), inhibition (arrow flanker), attention-sharing, storage and processing (Barrouillet, letter span, matrix span, operation span). We found no significant differences between the experienced and inexperienced dialogue interpreters, and there were significant differences between the experienced dialogue interpreters and a comparison group of experienced simultaneous conference interpreters (n = 28). Although the number of participants is small, the study may serve as a baseline for future work on the cognition of dialogue interpreting.

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Across Languages and Cultures
Károly Polcz
Szvetlana Hamsovszki
Erika Huszár
Emőke Jámbor
Nóra Szigetváry
, and
Marianna Válóczi


Online terminological glossaries may play a key role in translating and disseminating terms in multiple languages, especially in those highly specialized domains where no other terminological sources are available. The influence of English as a lingua franca is undeniable in the process of shaping target language terminologies. The purpose of this paper is to explore types of secondary term formation and the related translation procedures as reflected in specialized online glossaries in the domain of start-up companies to find out whether they are universal or language-specific. The study investigates 28 online glossaries in five languages with a total of 1,566 terms. It is hypothesised that contact-based term formation with a considerable influence of English is significantly more frequent than interpretative term formation with little or no such influence. It is also proposed that among the translation procedures transference is of the highest occurrence. According to the third hypothesis, languages differ in their preference for various translation procedures. Statistical tests have confirmed all three hypotheses. In addition, our findings also shed light on the lexical gaps in the target languages under investigation.

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Paradoksy pamiętania

O wybranych zagadnieniach postpamięci w wierszach Piotra Macierzyńskiego

Paradoxes of Remembering

About Some Crucial Issues in Piotr Macierzyński’s Holocaust Poetry
Studia Slavica
Ilka Papp-Zakor

Literatura postpamięci jest przede wszystkim gatunkiem narracji literackiej, skupiającym się na traumie Holokaustu z perspektywy drugiego, trzeciego, a nawet czwartego pokolenia po II wojnie światowej. Opiera się zazwyczaj na dokumentach historycznych (zarówno pisanych, jak i wizualnych, na przykład zdjęciach i rysunkach) oraz historiach rodzinnych. Z tego powodu typową dla literatury postpamięci cechą jest analiza jej związku z tradycją literacką i kulturalną (a konkretnie: jak doświadczenie Holokaustu funkcjonuje w kulturze, jak jest pamiętane, intepretowane i wykorzystywane), jak również podejmowanie refleksji nad polityką pamięci i sposobami pamiętania, przy jednoczesnym ich kwestionowaniu.

Niejednokrotnie jest to gatunek wysoce osobisty, w którym zacierają się granice między rolą autora i narratora / podmiotu mówiącego. Literatura postpamięci obfituje w elementy eseistyczne, służące do prowadzenia rozważań na temat wykorzystywanych przez nią narzędzi, jej własnych możliwości oraz raison d’être (lub jego braku). Autorzy postpamięciowi wydają się jednak wierzyć, zgodnie z tezą Imre Kertésza, że po Auschwitz nie można nie pisać o Auschwitz.

Wiersze współczesnego polskiego poety Piotra Macierzyńskiego wydają się przyglądać historii rozumianej jako pewne konkretne wydarzenia, ale w utworach tych padają również pytania o miejsce tych wydarzeń w literaturze. Ta dwoistość historii może z łatwością prowadzić do paradoksów, takich jak niemożliwość zrozumienia przeciwstawiona konieczności rozumienia czy też upływ historycznego (czyli – linearnego) czasu skontrastowany z uporczywym trwaniem (odziedziczonych traum). Podejście to ma też na celu przyjrzenie się paradoksowi wynikającemu z faktu, że w związku z dehumanizującą logiką obozów koncentracyjnych, ocalali z nich ludzie „stracili swą niewinność”, byli zmuszeni jeżeli nawet nie do stania się wspólnikami zbrodniarzy, to przynajmniej do przyjęcia roli gapiów, którzy w sposób pośredni ciągnęli korzyści ze śmierci współwięźniów. Najjaskrawszym bodajże przykładem osób należących do tej ostatniej grupy byli członkowie Sonderkommando, którym pozwalano żyć jedynie tak długo, jak długo musieli pomagać przy zagazowywaniu kolejnych transportów, ale którzy mimo bycia ofiarami czuli się winni, ponieważ stali się częścią nazistowskiej „maszyny do zabijania”.

Poezja Macierzyńskiego koncentruje się na różnych kulturowych (religijnych i świeckich) toposach zwyczajowo pojawiających się w opisach Holokaustu i kontrastuje je ze sobą, tworząc w ten sposób opozycje prowadzące do paradoksów (i tak w jednym z utworów Auschwitz jest porównywane do Egiptu, kraju niewoli, z którego Żydzi uciekli, ale i do Ogrodu Eden, z którego człowiek został wygnany, i do którego pragnie wrócić). Paradoksy te są z kolei źródłem logicznych i symbolicznych pułapek, ilustrujących bezwyjściową naturę traum historycznych.

W niniejszym artykule podejmuję próbę przyjrzenia się kilku opozycjom tego typu. Pragnę również pokazać, że opozycje te funkcjonują na różnych poziomach tekstu i mogą przyjmować różne znaczenia, co przyczynia się do złożoności obrazu, z którym mamy do czynienia za każdym razem, gdy wymawiamy słowo „Holokaust”.

Open access

Фразеология в дискурсе языковой личности (на материале рассказов Н. А. Тэффи)

Phraseology in the Discourse of a Linguistic Personality (Based on N. Teffi’s Short Stories)

Studia Slavica
Ольга Начарова

В статье рассматривается фразеология в рассказах Н. А. Тэффи как составляющая системы и дис-курса языковой личности литературного персонажа. В качестве материала были избраны рассказы «Сильна, как смерть», «Пасхальное дитя» и «Причины и следствия», принадлежащие разным пери-одам творчества писательницы. Целью исследования стало выявление основных стратегий Тэффи в оформлении словесной продукции, а также определение функций фразеологических оборотов в зависимости от возможных намерений и типа нарекающего субъекта.

Анализ проводится в соответствии с распределением фразеологизмов по композиционно- речевым структурам выбранных текстов. В каждом из рассмотренных рассказов Тэффи исполь-зует неповторяющийся набор стратегий. Тексты с доминированием авторского монологического слова проявляют тенденцию к растворению автора в сознании персонажа, или же к представлению «лика» повествователя, его временной маски. Фразеологизмы в таком случае реализуют двойной набор стратегий, ориентированный как на поверхностного, так и на глубинного отправителя.

Была обнаружена следующая корреляция: чем ближе рассказ фельетонной эстетике, тем большее внимание уделяется оживлению внутренней формы фразеологизма, материализации лежащей в его основе метафоры. Отказ от публицистичности ознаменовался для Тэффи переходом к более тонкой языковой игре: наглядность и выпуклость образа сменились обыгрыванием в первую очередь грам-матических смыслов. Как показано в работе, данная стратегия используется в рассказе «Сильна, как смерть», где авторская задумка поддерживается аспектуальной модификацией идиомы терять голову.

Было показано, что в дискурсе языковой личности повествователя и персонажа фразеологизмы решают неодинаковые задачи. Реализуя интенции глубинного отправителя, фразеологизмы могут актуализировать прецедентные тексты, вводить новый тип дискурса, организовывать концепто-сферу и архитектонику рассказа. В связи с этим выдвигается положение о выполнении идиомами особой символьной (в смысле В. В. Виноградова) функции. Кроме того, фразеологизмы, организуя оппозицию стилистических смыслов, служат основным средством разоблачения персонажа и соз-дания комического эффекта.

В работе предпринимается попытка синтезировать результаты, полученные в ходе рассмотрения как собственно языковой составляющей текста, так и дискурсивных практик, соответствующих тем или иным композиционно-речевым структурам. Анализ проводится с учетом жанровых особен-ностей рассказов (публичная лекция, сказ, фельетон), а также коммуникативных ходов и тактик повествователя и героев.

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Sabine Sommer-Lolei
Veronika Mattes
Katharina Korecky-Kröll
, and
Wolfgang U. Dressler


Cognitive processing strategies can explain general word-formation preferences that influence the structures and their developments. They are based on simplicity, transparency, iconicity, salience, and frequency. We present and discuss evidence from our data on first language acquisition for how these cognitively based general preferences can explain the course of development of word formation and how they interact or compete. The analysis is based on the development of distributions of word formations in longitudinal data and panel data of child speech and their input from high and low socio-economic status families. In order to evaluate the productivity of a word-formation pattern in child speech, we applied the mini-paradigm criterion. Age-of-acquisition effects will be presented according to our own processing studies and to literature.

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7. századi temetkezések Békés vármegyéből – Adatok a Tiszántúl avar kori lószerszámos temetkezéseihez

7th century graves from Békés County (SE-Hungary): Data for Avar-age burials with horse harness from the Trans-Tisza region

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Csilla Balogh
András Gulyás
, and
Gábor Lőrinczy


A dolgozat a Békésszentandrás-Benda-tanya és Szarvas-Kovács-halom lelőhelyről nyolc, a 7. század második és harmadik negyedéből származó temetkezés régészeti elemzését adja. A nyolc temetkezésből öt ún. lószerszámos temetkezés, vagyis a sírokba csak a lószerszám került elhelyezésre. Ezek nemcsak a Tiszántúlról eddig ismert lószerszámos temetkezések számát növelik, hanem új adatokat is szolgáltatnak e temetkezési szokás értékeléséhez.

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The study of ‘Ammār’s understanding of freedom complements previous research on Arabic Christian formulations of the subject. Studies either relate them to the concept of ḥērūṯā in Syriac tradition or the context of Christian-Muslim controversy. I demonstrate that in ‘Ammār’s discussion, on a terminological-lexical level, engagement with Islamic thought is less evident while Syriac influences and Patristic and Greek philosophical parallels can be identified. I reconstruct the meanings of his terms through a close reading of extensive passages and group the occurrences lexically-thematically into the following units: 1. freedom (ḥurriyya, derivations from ḥ-r-r, related or synonymous expressions); 2. capacity, choice (istiṭā‘a, iḫtiyār); 3. acquisition, deserving, necessitating (iktisāb, istiḥqāq, istīğāb); 4. intentions, moral responsibility.

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The Chinese term rou doukou has generally been taken to mean ‘nutmeg’. This identification dates from the nineteenth century. However, there is reason to think that rou doukou was originally not nutmeg, but the fruits of a plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. Early descriptions and illustrations of rou doukou are clearly not of nutmeg: in Chinese pharmacopoeias, it is usually listed with herbs, not trees. The earliest reference to nutmeg is probably in the Zhu fan zhi of 1225. However, most Chinese references to rou doukou long after that date still refer to a plant of the ginger family.

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The Naxi manuscripts are generally religious texts used by the Dongba priests in southwest of China. The interpretation of colophons has often been underappreciated in previous studies. This paper reviews previous research on colophons in Naxi manuscripts and redefines the concept of the ‘colophon’ as a term used in the study of Naxi manuscripts. In this paper, the colophons of some of the Naxi manuscripts in the Staatsbibliothek zu of Berlin are discussed, revealing when and where the manuscripts were copied, and the events associated with the copying process. When reading the colophons, one often encounters translation errors and other problems, but their correct interpretation will help shed more light on the circumstances of the production of the Naxi manuscripts, which make up a unique component of the world’s literary heritage.

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After discussing some thus far unknown examples of inner-Tocharian borrowing processes with direction TA >> TB, the present paper argues that also the substantive B lek* ‘gesture’ represents a loanword from Tocharian A, in particular from the Tocharian A form lek ‘shape; gesture’. Under the assumption of a semantic development ‘equality, identity, correspondence’ ⇒ ‘figure, shape’ ⇒ ‘gesture’ – for which parallels are available –, A lek is etymologically connected with the independently reconstructable root PIE *leig-‘(be[come]) equal’ and thus traced back to a nominal pre-form *lóig-u- or *lóig-o-.

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Religious texts are written in understandable language due to their instructive and preaching characteristics. Although different methods are used in these texts, the form of ‘narration/storytelling’ is prominent. In this article, two stories, ‘The House of Hasan’ and ‘The Story of the Nightingale,’ which were published in Eastern Turki by Swedish missionaries in the East Turkistan region with the Swedish Mission Press, are evaluated by considering their stylistic features. While these stories were written in Eastern Turki, Arabic and Persian words, which the public often saw in works related to the Islamic religion, were also frequently used. Such linguistic choices are related to the source person’s message to the receiver and the importance of the receiver’s easy understanding of the text.

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Inscriptions in the highly calligraphic and still undeciphered śaṅkhalipi or ‘shell script’ have been found by the hundreds in most parts of India except the far south, typically in conjunction with sites and monuments dating from around the Gupta period and succeeding centuries. To date, four specimens have also been discovered in the Indonesian archipelago, in West Java and West Kalimantan (Borneo). Another specimen of śaṅkhalipi inscription, engraved on a pillar and exceptionally ornate, was recently discovered in Thailand at the site of Si Thep, a moated early settlement in Phetchabun Province. The article reviews the historical and cultural contexts of shell-script inscriptions in India and discusses the significance of this remarkable first specimen found in mainland Southeast Asia.

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The present paper aims to examine the role of the oil lamp (λύχνος) in the daily life of the residents of Egypt through the documentation of Greek papyri and ostraca from the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine periods. Due to the fragmentary condition of the archival material, the sources of ancient Greek and Latin literature are also taken into consideration with a view to corroborating some uncertain points of detail. Specifically, careful scrutiny is given to aspects such as the oil lamp's price and material, its domestic uses, its role as pledge (ἐνέχυρον) and part of inheritance, as well as its function in various activities performed at night. The matters of its importance in the realm of theatre, its connection to theft, the side-effects of its use, and the exploration of the figurative use of the term λύχνος as a literary device are also examined.

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The study explores the perceptions of small talk shared by the users of a Japanese online community, seeking information on their expected speech and behaviour in small talk and factors contributing to positive/negative evaluations of small talk. The study investigates a discussion thread consisting of 73 responses to a contributor's request for advice on improving small talk capabilities from the perspectives of interaction ritual (Goffman 1967), balancing obligations (Ohashi 2008, 2013, 2021) and typology of speech acts (Edmondson & House 1981; House & Kádár 2022b).

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