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Scholarly interests in metaphor translation are predominantly drawn to ‘translatability’ with a focus on cultural universals/specificities, overlooking the underlying ideology in metaphor ‘transfer’ from source texts to target texts. Benefiting from a methodological weld of the cognitive approach to metaphor and critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study examines the underlying ideology in metaphor re-encoding by Chinese conference interpreters at the Summer Davos Forum in China. The analysis demonstrates that the interpreters deploy different metaphor translation strategies to (a) preserve/accentuate positive values and (b) reduce/conceal negative values in metaphor re-encoding for China-related discourses, thus introducing ideological shifts in the TTs. The results suggest that ideology cannot only condition metaphor transfer but override linguistic or cultural factors in metaphor translation/interpreting regarding ideologically charged discourse. The article concludes by highlighting the value of the methodological integration of the cognitive approach to metaphor and CDA for a critical examination of metaphor transfer in translation/interpreting studies.

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This inquiry focuses on the testimony of Abraham Mesapsa, Archbishop of Ohrid, concerning the authenticity of the remains of Saint John the Almsgiver from 1629. The document, preserved in the Slovak National Archive, was already annotated in the 19th century. This study incorporates commentary on the hitherto unanalysed text. A detailed examination has shown that the spiritus rector of the document was apparently the Esztergom Archbishop and Cardinal Péter Pázmány, who had meticulously prepared the erection of a new mausoleum for the relics of Saint John the Almsgiver. Pázmány took advantage of the services of the greatly impoverished Archbishop of Ohrid, who was at that time in Vienna seeking financial support for his almost ruined archbishopric. Abraham, who often abused the trust of European rulers as well as the Russian Tsar, evidently confirmed the authenticity of the relics of Saint John the Almsgiver in exchange for financial help. His not particularly trustworthy document was then presented to the highest authorities of the Habsburg monarchy during the centenary festivities in Pressburg as an important testimony.

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The paper discusses the issue of Byzantine presence in the territory of the prefecture of Illyricum in the Balkan interior after the Slavic-Avar invasion in the early seventh century. It is argued that the Slavic settlement of the Balkan Peninsula was not as thorough as usually assumed, but that there were in the Balkan interior, amidst its general depopulation, sporadic remains of the provincial Roman population of urban culture during the seventh to ninth centuries with certain degree of Byzantine political authority until the Bulgarian conquest in the early ninth century.

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Greek pioneers of medical history in the 19th and 20th centuries. The extensive and detailed bibliography dedicated to medical history by Demetrios Ap. Karamperopoulos (Athens 2009) provides an excellent overview of the development of the history of medicine in Greece from 1750 to the present day. Well-known scholars whose research shaped the beginnings of Byzantine studies are represented as pioneers of deep-rooted research in the history of medicine as well as remarkable Greek physicians who not only proved to be authorities of the medical discipline, but likewise were profound historians and philologists. Of particular interest are the manifold and individually distinguished motives of all the eminent scholars, which led them to occupy themselves intensively with ancient, late antique and Byzantine – or generally medieval – primary sources and, moreover, led them to scrutinize the rich and in their time almost completely unexplored manuscript tradition related, to evaluate it in detail and to make it accessible to the scholarly communities of their epochs. Furthermore, noteworthy are the diverse and quite significant thematic emphases, which in turn strikingly reflect contemporary nosological and scholarly focuses. The universe of scholarship unfolded and, at the same time, the scholars' ambition, transcultural networking and pioneering spirit opens up to today's reception a striking reflection of the Byzantine multicultural society, but also of a genuine Byzantine scholarship that includes not only professional doctors but also highly respected amateur physicians (philiatroi). This paper aims to offer a few first insights into this scholarly universe of medical history, which represents the roots of today's success story of the whole discipline of medicine in all its facets, by means of an exemplary selection of some Greek scholars and their pioneering and valuable publications in the field of medical history.

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The Greeks are not a central theme in Saba Malaspina’s Latin chronicle, covering the reigns of Manfred and Charles I of Anjou. A detailed analysis of the context in which the Greeks and Greece are mentioned in this chronicle, with its extremely meticulous rhetorical construction, nevertheless reveals the extent to which Saba Malaspina’s discourse contains both a series of clichés and a more refined perception of the relationship between the Greeks and the Kingdom of Sicily, as regards both the Greek populations of the Mezzogiorno and the clashes between the Byzantine emperor and the Angevin king. Saba Malaspina’s position as a bishop with close ties to both Rome and Calabria may have helped him to develop a more refined image of the Greek than that of a number of Latin writers of his time.

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Between the end of the 13th century and the early decades of the following century, the manuscript now marked Vat. Pal. gr. 367 was compiled in Cyprus. On folios 33v–39v, it includes the text known today as the Cypriot Passion Cycle. The article focuses primarily on the episode of the Crucifixion (Περὶ τῆς σταυρώσεως), where the text presents some interpretative issues, including a blank space precisely where the Virgin Mary should utter her lament. How should this gap be interpreted? Beyond the nature of the threnos that should have been inserted (impossible to determine precisely), attention here is shifted to the fact that the need to insert a lament at this point could only have come from Western models.

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The paper discusses the origin and use of the division into the “seven ages of man” in Serbian medieval hagiographies, with reference to data from diplomatic sources. Our intention is to examine the reliability of such a division and the time of its appearance in medieval Serbia, and to point out that the appearance of this concept in Serbian medieval hagiographies is a direct reception of ancient models.

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The letters from the German Byzantinologist Franz Dölger (editor-in-chief of Byzantinische Zeitschrift), informative documents on the history of the period and of contemporary science, occupy a special place in the legacy of Gyula Moravcsik kept in the Manuscript Archives of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. They give a shocking picture of the losses suffered during World War II, but also of the chaos following its conclusion. There are also many references to the post-war fate of individuals in the emerging status quo. We can gain insights into the private lives of the two families, but thanks to the close friendship between them, we can also glean valuable information about the development of both Hungarian and international scholarship in the field of Byzantine Studies.

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The present paper attempts to reveal the sources of a drawing by Giovanni Antonio Dosio (1533–1611) showing an obelisk inscribed with pseudo-hieroglyphs in the context of the classical authorities Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, Tacitus and Pliny the Elder. Dosio's artistic engagement with hieroglyphic studies is a characteristic feature of the humanistic scholarly community of his time. The inscription on the obelisk designed by Dosio proves to be an attempt to formulate the humanae vitae conditio in cryptographic manner by means of pseudo-hieroglyphs, i.e. with symbolic reference to the mysterious wisdom of ancient Egypt.

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In the Middle Ages, Western society was fascinated by chess and at the same time, convicted it. All over Europe, archaeological excavations have uncovered both luxurious and very simple pieces. In many churches, mosaics or stained-glass windows depict figures playing this pagan game. Medieval literature is also a source for studying the history of chess and its establishment in the feudal society. This study aims to present the lexical, literary and cultural integration of this Oriental game in French medieval society, by studying a corpus of medieval narratives (30 romances and chansons de geste), examining the terms used in the texts, questioning the courtliness of the chess player and of his game, and analysing passages in which chess is not just a stylistic device but actually plays an important role in the narrative progression of the story.

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Voyage dans la Pouille réelle et imaginaire

L'Italie méridionale et son imaginaire “ byzantinisant ” dans la littérature de fiction, XIIe–XIIIe s.

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Annick Peters-Custot
Michelle Szkilnik


The medieval romance Guillaume de Dole mentions a mysterious queen of Puglia as well as a fairy who are both remarkable embroiderers. Examining the geopolitical situation of Apulia in the 12th and 13th c., the article argues that this surprising promotion of Apulia and its supposed fairies and queens in literature is due to a genuine interest in a region hotly coveted by princes, kings and emperors, but also to the desire to move away from Arthurian romance and explore new imaginary territories.

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„Mundi inversi“ Slávy dcery

“Mundi inversi” of The Daughter of Sláva

Studia Slavica
Róbert Kiss Szemán

Studie se zabývá strukturálními otázkami jednoho z nejvýznamnějších děl Jána Kollára, Slávy dcery (1824), které vyšlo před dvěma sty lety. Po prvním vydání básník dílo rozšířil o dva nové zpěvy (1832): Lethe provází čtenáře do slovanského nebe, Acheron vykresluje utrpení hříšníků ve slovanském pekle. Tyto písně sice zůstaly v genealogickém vztahu s původním dílem, ale jako nové, zvláštní textové formy zásadně změnily strukturu prvotní básnické skladby. Studie podrobuje kritice v české a slovenské literární historii obecně přijímaný estetický úsudek, dle kterého autor zmíněnými dvěma novými zpěvy „pokazil“ své původní dílo z r. 1824.

Prostředníctvím recepční estetiky autor studie vychází z vědecké hypotézy, že Kollár, který ve 20. letech vytvořil básnickou skladbu Slávy dcera, ji na přelomu 30. let dekonstruoval a rozšířil. Nový textový konglomerát nejenom zásadně změnil rozsah původního básnického díla, ale otevřel také možnosti nové čtenářské interpretace na změněném recepčním horizontu třicátých a čtyřicátých let 19. století.

Výskyt topoi souvisejících s alteritou není v Kollárově díle raritou: již dříve se autorovi podařilo identifikovat mimo jiné topos „fertilitas Pannoniae/Slaviae“ nebo „querela Hungariae/Slaviae“. V této studii se autor pokouší popsat dva nové zpěvy básnického díla pomocí pojmu „mundus inversus“, tedy literárního topoi „obráceného světa“ (Curtius, 1946). „Mundus inversus“ je kulturní topos známý z alterity, ke kterému sahali i autoři pozdějších období, včetně Kollára, s cílem představit kulturní a jazykové neřesti své doby, jakož i společenskou a politickou absurditu. Ke zobrazení převrácené společnosti použil Kollár bohatý vzorový materiál, v němž jsou většinou zastoupeni aktéři slovanských, německých a uherských dějin, církve a kultury. (Byly z nich vybrány ty nejtypičtější příklady, včetně sonetů představujících sv. Jeronýma jako „slovanského“ církevního otce, dále někteří emblematičtí němečtí historikové nebo maďarsko-srbský bilingvní básník Mihály Vitkovics.)

Ukazuje se, že rozšíření Slávy dcery o dva zmíněné zpěvy slouží i k tematizaci nevýhodného postavení nastupujících novodobých slovanských národů v mocenských strukturách habsburské říše a Uherského království. V tomto pojetí sloužily karnevalizace (Bachtin) a literární topos „mundus inversus“ také jako kritika koloniálního systému 19. století, a přispěly tak k formování slovanského národního emblematismu.

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Since many details in the relations between Byzantium and Hungary have already been covered in research, this article attempts to point out the transnational connections between the two states. Hungary had been a constant factor of Byzantine policy in the Balkans since it had become a stately consolidated Christian kingdom around 1000. This was of particular importance after the victory over Bulgaria in 1018 made the Byzantine Empire a territorial neighbour for almost 200 years. During this period, not only important marriage ties between the ruling houses fall, but also the establishment of members of the Arpadian house in Constantinople. In the 13th century, for Byzantium, the connection with the Hungarian royal house was a protection against Charles of Anjou in lower Italy and his plans for the conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the second half of the 14th century and in the 15th century Hungary became the main ally of the Emperor of Constantinople against the Ottomans. However, the profound social and ecclesiastical differences between the Eastern Roman Empire and Hungary made it impossible for Hungary to be included in the cultural community of the Byzantine Commonwealth.

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The aim of our study is to explain and define the ‘dream-program’ in its relation to the premonitory dream, based on the definitions introduced by Herman Braet. Although the ‘dream-program’ has drawn on a variety of traditions, our study focuses on the effects of dream material borrowed from Antiquity. In our paper we attempt to explain meaningful dreams through ancient classification systems and their literary manifestations in the French medieval literature. As the ‘dream-program’ is more common in twelfth-century narrative literature, our textual examples dating mainly from this period allow us to define sub-categories according to dream scenarios, thus broadening our reflections on the concept. Our ambition is to (re)explore this type of dream, which essentially claims a literary status and a cultural dimension.

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This paper aims to illustrate the abilities and practicability of digital prosopographical databases through the case of historical dates. Numerous historical databases were created in the last few decades, and they applied different models to record and store historical data in an effective way. Although the developers and researchers of these projects faced several problems due to a conflict between the characteristics of structured databases and the nature of historical evidence and historical studies. The paper compares the methodologies of two databases, PBW and RELEVEN through the cases of the death of John of Bari and Bisantius Guirdeliku. The primary sources provide conflicting dates of these events. Thus, the analysis can address the issues of interpretation and authority behind a piece of information.

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Published between 1878 and 1881, the three volumes of Standish O'Grady's History of Ireland comprise a narrative of Irish mythology, driven by the author's conviction that many of the ancient tales were rooted in actual history. Although not immediately felt, the impact of History of Ireland became long-lasting, a point of departure for an array of literary works treating Irish mythological topics during what came to be known as the Irish Literary Revival. This paper addresses History of Ireland from the perspective of O'Grady's background as a student of ancient Greek civilization. It considers the most important comparisons that he drew between Irish and Greek antiquity, including his contention that the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, Tara, was equivalent in symbolism to Mount Olympus in ancient Greece. The paper assesses the strengths, weaknesses and significance of O'Grady's case for considering Irish mythology as approximate to that of the Greeks.

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This article examines the Platonic references present in the corpus of Philostratus' Erotic Letters (F2 manuscripts, edited by Kai Brodersen) with regard to the themes of vision and desire. The aim is to show that Philostratus ironically subverts and turns upside down the Platonic theses on love: he reverses the Platonic axiology by returning to earth and anchoring himself in bodily beauty. But on the other hand, to do this, he draws on elements present in Plato's own text, first and foremost his images, and the way in which Plato himself conceives of the institution of pederasty, so that he takes more from Platonism than might at first appear. This article thus hypothesises that for both Plato and Philostratus, the bodily and human beauty that arouses erotic desire is merely an image, but for Plato, the beauty of bodies is the image of true and ideal beauty, whereas for Philostratus, this image is that produced by the talent of the epistolary writer.

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The paper aims to map the chronological development of the poetic work of Janko Silan, a representative of Slovak Catholic Modernism. It focuses on the development of his poetic method from his debut to posthumously published works. Literary scholarship in Slovakia regards his poetry timeless for its appealing subjectivism, authentic spirituality and humanity.

Janko Silan’s debut Kuvici [Owls] displays distinct modernist tendencies. Silan adopted the motif of little owls from Slovak folklore, where they were known as harbingers of death. The lyrical subject too presents himself as one who is sad and aware of his mortality. The author also incorporated autobiographical motifs into his collection, especially the motif of eye disease and blindness.

The poetry of Silan, the seminarian, includes three thematically distinct collections: the spiritual Rebrík do neba [Ladder to Heaven], the love poems in the Sonety májové [May Sonnets] and the commemorative poetic composition Slávme to spoločne [Let us Celebrate It Together]. The explicit spiritual theme in his seminarian’s poetry does not contain aesthetic value; it is baroquely patulous and sentimental. The love theme of Sonety májové [May Sonnets] is surprising to the reader coming from an author who is preparing for priestly celibacy. It seems that as an anthropological value, sexuality too is a gift from God and needs to be incorporated into the spiritual life. The book of poems, Slávme to spoločne [Let us Celebrate It Together] is dedicated to the author’s mother, Helena. Silan describes her as a “beautifully holy woman”.

The poetry of the priest period, between 1942 and 1945, includes Silan’s collections Kým nebudeme doma [Until We Are Home] and Piesne z Javoriny [Songs from Javorina]. Literary critics and historians highly praise the second of Silan’s priestly collections. It is described as Franciscan because of many natural motifs that the author utilizes.

Janko Silan is described as a “verbumist” because he was involved in a group of poets gathered around the magazine and publishing house Verbum (1946–1949). This period includes the collections Piesne zo Ždiaru [Songs from Ždiar] and Úbohá duša na zemi [Poor Soul on Earth]. In them, the author expresses his anxiety about the political situation and threat of Communist totalitarianism.

Silan’s collection of poetry from the 1960s Oslnenie [Sun Blindness] corresponds with a relaxed political and social context. His poetry is “grounded”, human-centred, without explicit spiritualization. The smile that the author allows himself adds to the anthropological value.

When Janko Silan was banned from publishing his poetry, he wrote “for the desk drawer”. The most famous from this period is the collection Katolícke piesne z Važca [The Catholic songs from Važec] and the novel Dom opustenosti [The House of Abandonment]. The prevalent themes are the violation of human rights in Czechoslovakia and the repressive impact of totalitarianism on an individual who, for reasons of conscience, is not willing to conform to Communist ideology. Of several works written in this period, Dom opustenosti [The House of Abandonment] has been particularly popular with readers and scholars.

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The present etymological study brings arguments for additionally reconstructing two new zoonyms in Proto-Semitic, (1) *ṣar«- ‘a kind of (poisonous?) snake’, which is attested in two of the most archaic Semitic languages, Akkadian and Eblaite, and perhaps in one representative of the Modern South Arabian languages, Soqotri, and one of Ethio-Semitic, Endegeň, plus indirect traces in Hebrew and Geez; (2) *ṣawr- or *ṣur-/*ṣar- ‘lizard’, attested only in Akkadian and Eblaite, but with promising external cognates within Afroasiatic, namely East Cushitic, Chadic, and maybe Egyptian.

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Antroponyma v koexistenci s přírodou Vlastní jména osob ve vztahu k živočichům a rostlinám

Anthroponyms in coexistence with nature Personal names in relation to animals and plants

Studia Slavica
Marie Janečková

Studie se zabývá antroponymy, konkrétně příjmeními se vztahem k přírodě, tedy k živočichům a rostlinám. Současná příjmení z názvů zvířat (savci, ptáci, ryby atd.) a rostlin (byliny, květiny, stromy) mají dlouhou tradici. Záměrem studie je sledovat současnou frekvenci takových příjmení. K tomuto účelu jsme využili server, který se opírá o databázi příjmení Ministerstva vnitra České republiky. Příjmení z názvů zvířat jsou většinou metaforická a metonymická. Nejvyšší frekvenci výskytu mají příjmení z názvů savců (jelen, vlk, liška, ježek). V češtině převládají formy deminutivní, například Jelínek (9815 jmen) proti Jelen (764), totéž Vlček (6909) proti Vlk (3259). Příjmení z názvů zpěvných ptáků, tj. Čermák (7955), Sýkora (5852), Strnad (4422), Slavík (4404) a mnoho dalších, jsou velmi rozmanitá. Výrazné zastoupení mají také příjmení z názvů chovaných, stejně jako volně žijících ptáků: Holub (6439), Kohout (3848), Hrdlička (3278). Příjmení z názvů dravých ptáků a ostatních živočichů nejsou tak početná. Vysoký počet nositelů mají příjmení z názvů květin: Růžička (9599), Fiala (9182). Příjmení z názvů ostatních rostlin, např. Kopřiva (2549), Šafránek (1781) aj. vykazují nižší frekvenci výskytu. Slovotvorná struktura příjmení z názvů tradičně rozšířených stromů (dub, buk, bříza, javor, lípa aj.) je bohatá. Jména vyjadřují podobnost, nebo vlastnost, např. Doubek (1609), Bouček (895), ale také vztah k místu bydliště: Dubský (1418), Bukovský (625), Březina (3064). Frekvence příjmení z názvů stromů ve srovnání s ostatními typy je však celkově nižší. Jen příjmení Jedlička (3666) a Vrba (3551) vynikají početností.

V celkovém srovnání frekvence jsou příjmení z názvů zvířat mnohem početnější. Příjmení Jelínek, Čermák, Vlček, Holub, Sýkora, Liška, Strnad, Slavík, Ježek, Beránek, řazené podle počtu nositelů, patří do první stovky nejpočetnějších českých příjmení.

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In the mid-17th century, Venice became the stage on which the Zrínyi family played out its many and multifaceted political, commercial and cultural interests. The elder brother Miklós (1620–1664), besides being one of the most well-regarded poets of 17th-century Hungarian literature, was also a politician (serving as the Ban of Croatia) and a skilled businessman. He spent his entire life fighting against the Turkish Ottoman invaders, while also attempting to reign in the uneasy alliance with the Habsburgs. The focus of this paper is to explore the visits Miklós made to Venice, together with his younger brother Péter (1621–1671) and his sister-in-law Katarina Frankopan (1625–1673), to look after their commercial interests, as well as to purchase Italian editions for their well-stocked library and find a publisher for their own translations and, last but not least, to forge diplomatic ties with the French ambassador Piero Bonsi (1631–1703), in a bid to defend the independence of Hungary, even if this meant upsetting the traditional European alliances.

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This paper contributes to our cross-linguistic understanding of pluractional adverbials through an in-depth, corpus-assisted study of the N(um)-nkéd construction in Late Old and Early Middle Hungarian. We argue that N(um)-nkéd pluractionals are (i) mereological-only, (ii) they can be associated with the agent, theme, time or location of the eventuality, (iii) they can modify states as well as events and (iv) they cannot instantiate pluractional comparisons across substates. These findings call for a more fine-grained cross-linguistic approach to pluractional adverbials, especially in terms of the mereological-scalar dichotomy: in addition to (i) context and (ii) the type of the N(um)-denotation, (iii) the morphosyntactic makeup of the pluractional also has to be taken into account. Adopting a diachronic approach will also enable us to shed light on a somewhat neglected aspect of pluractional adverbials: their functional load, especially in terms of the division of labour vis-à-vis universal quantifiers (‘day-by-day’ vs. ‘every day’) and distributive operators (‘all the boys one-by-one’ vs. ‘each boy’). By observing changes playing out in the Late Old Hungarian to Early Middle Hungarian as evidenced in corpora, we will show that the development and spread of bona fide universal quantifiers and of the partitive-distributive suffix -ik indeed happened in tandem with a sharp reduction of the frequency of the relevant types of pluractional adverbials.

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Plural pronouns can have split antecedents distributed in various positions. This article scrutinizes the distribution of plural pronouns taking split antecedents in English, relying heavily on informant judgments to determine acceptability. Two conditions on split antecedents are proposed. These conditions are expressed in terms of the valents of predicates in a dependency grammar (DG) framework of syntax. The DG approach proves to be effective in cases that challenge semantic predicate-argument approaches.

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This article traces the concept of forgiveness and related displays of mercy as enjoined by Zoroastrian scripture and exegesis and as displayed through the writings and actions of rulers and clerics. It connects those Zoroastrian themes to similar ones among ancient Greeks and medieval Manichaeans. Forgiveness emerges through this investigation as a central aspect of Zoroastrian piety and praxis, which the faith’s followers attributed back to Ahura Mazdā in his ascribed role as their creator deity. Therefore, as this analysis elucidates, Zoroastrians consistently held, exercised, and extolled forgiveness and mercy from ancient through medieval and even modern times, in their communities of Central Asia, Iran, and the Indian subcontinent.

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This paper examines the expression of homoerotic desire towards young boys and its metaphysical reflection, the shāhid-bāzī / naẓar-bāzī tradition, within Azeri Turkic Ṣūfī poetry. It comparatively analyses elements of this tradition alongside the contemplation of ephebe in Greek tradition. The shāhid-bāzī traces its roots back to the controversial prophetic saying known as ḥadīth al-ru’yah. Its precursors offer a wide range of images within the historical and religious-mythological contexts of Greek, Arabic, and Persian traditions. The paper argues that while the male beloved derived main metaphors from these traditions, Ḥurūfism, as an ideological undercurrent in Azeri poetry, added specific lettrist and calligraphic features to this depiction. The male beloved in Azeri poetry has been classified into several types, including Christian and Zoroastrian boys, Turkish warriors, cup-bearers, schoolboys, and adult beloveds. This paper explores the appearance and clothing of the male beloved, his primary metaphors, and explains the use of female epithets in the depiction of male beauty.

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Studia Slavica
Анна Красникова
Валентина Нозеда

Пресуппозиции, как и другие виды инференции, составляют важнейший компонент вербальной коммуникации, позволяя говорящим порождать высказывания, удовлетворяющие принципу эко-номии языковых средств. В любом тексте cодержание можно разделить на утверждаемое и подразу-меваемое, то есть находящееся в пресуппозиции. Чаще всего адресат соглашается с пресуппозици-ями, то есть принимает пресуппозиционное содержание как истинное, и именно это обеспечивает успешное развитие коммуникации. Однако коммуникативные свойства пресуппозиций могут быть использованы в манипулятивных целях, чтобы представить как самоочевидное и неоспоримое то, что на самом деле является ложным и сомнительным. Один из самых известных примеров — Der Wille des Volkes, «воля народа», который приводил еще Готлоб Фреге (1892): в этом выражении оши-бочно предполагается существование одной единственной воли всех людей, относящихся к тому или иному народу. Фреге первым затронул и проблему манипулятивного потенциала пресуппози-ций. После него ряд ученых обращались к исследованию манипулятивного эффекта пресуппози-ций в различных типах текстов, особенно политических. Тем не менее, до сих пор практически нет работ, в которых бы использование пресуппозиций для передачи адресату определенной картины мира рассматривалось бы на русскоязычном материале.

В данной статье наличие и использование пресуппозиций, а также их потенциально манипуля-тивные функции анализируются на примере книги «Москва: иллюстрированная история» (1985– 1986) — этот выбор обусловлен намерением изучить тексты, не относящиеся к категории откро-венно пропагандистских, где большая часть пропагандистского содержания выражена в ассерции. Исследование показывает, какие идеи заложены в пресуппозициях, насколько регулярно использо-вался этот прием и какое неоспоримое представление о реальности создавалось в результате. Боль-шинство идей, заложенные в текстах, можно свести к следующим: наличие единой многонацио-нальной страны, которая существовала на протяжении всей русской истории и в которой Москва уже с ранних веков была главным центром; отождествление всех государств, в которых русский народ был титульным, от Киевской Руси до Советского Союза; представление о том, что Россия всегда была окружена врагами; неизбежность классовой борьбы на всех этапах развития истории.

Очевидно, что эффект манипуляции зависит от социально-исторического контекста. Следова-тельно, представленные здесь тексты, скорее всего, воспринимались читателями того времени, по-груженными в пропитанную пропагандой среду, как связные и конгруэнтные.

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This paper investigates the diachronic development of Hungarian word order, focusing on the syntactic position in front of the finite verb in light of the syntactic shift from OV to VO order. The so-called Verb Modifiers (VMs), which precede the verb in Modern Hungarian, showed significant word order variation in earlier periods. It is examined how this variation, and especially the difference between verbal particles and other VMs, can be accounted for. The study concludes that the VM–V order is not a syntactic remnant but a result of a syntactic change that affects all VMs already in the early texts.

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The making of heritage is a complex contemporary process that permeates society from the normative contexts of the global as well as national level to local communities. It enters extremely diverse sites, since it is part of both rural and urban life-worlds, and it is present in the institutional space of museums as well. Cultural elements that have been detached from their former contexts and made into heritage are no less diverse. The symbolic valorization of different historical periods depends on the regional and local contexts of heritage-making. The prestige (acceptance or rejection) and meanings of the legacy of certain periods, relationship to tradition, as well as the ways in which ‘authenticity’ is interpreted are products of a constant re-defining process steered by various social actors, such as members of local communities, cultural brokers, and experts. These positions often represent intertwining roles (researcher, expert, mediator, active or passive local actors) that are difficult to distinguish from one another in the various situations in which heritage-making can be researched empirically.

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The present paper examines the distribution of referentially independent genitive and unmarked subjects and subject-oriented person-number inflections in non-finite clauses in Meadow Mari (Uralic), focusing on participles, event nominals, and temporal gerunds. Empirically, the study addresses existing gaps in the description of these phenomena, uncovering more general patterns as well as several microparameters. It also reveals a striking similarity between event nominals and temporal gerunds. Theoretically, the paper contributes to a better understanding of these constructions in the following ways. First, it proposes an analysis of temporal gerunds as event nominals embedded in postpositional phrases. Second, it outlines an approach to licensing overt subjects and inflections in participial clauses and event nominals. Third, building upon Dékány & Georgieva's (2020) work on Udmurt, it explores ways to unify the treatment of event nominals and participial modifiers in Mari, which share morphology; a covert N account is shown to be the most promising one.

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How to write History (?)

The Rerum Ungaricarum libri and Neo-Latin historiography in Hungary in the 16th century

Hungarian Studies
Gábor Petneházi


Gian Michele Bruto (Brutus) (1517–1592) wrote his monumental history of Hungary from 1574 until his death. The Rerum Ungaricarum libri was the story of Hungary's decline and fall in the 16th century, written in a single narrative. According to the plans of its original commissioner, the Transylvanian prince and Polish king Stephen Báthory (1571/76–1586), it was meant to provide a political counterweight to the narrative of the court of Vienna and to represent an independent, constitutional Hungary to the European public. Although a version of the work had certainly been completed by 1584, it was not published during Báthory's lifetime. In 1587, Brutus first entered into Habsburg service, then at the end of 1591, having been informed his work was to be published there, he travelled to Transylvania. He died in Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia, RO) in May 1592. The Transylvanian court was still planning to publish the work in the 1590s: the Transylvanian historiographer István Szamosközy (1570–1612) brought Brutus' manuscripts into a publishable condition and also wrote a continuation of it (Rerum Ungaricarum libri IV) – but this publication was never realised either.

The first edition of the work appeared in print only in the 19th century in the series Monumenta Hungariae Historica Scriptores. The text of that edition was edited by Ferenc Toldy (1805–1875) on the basis of two highly damaged and mutilated 16th-century manuscripts and contained not quite thirteen books of the original work.

In 2020 an almost complete manuscript of twenty books (fully annotated by the author himself) was discovered in the Diocesean Library, Trent. The philological analysis of the three separate manuscripts now available has allowed four different editing stages to be distinguished, three of which are attributed to Brutus and the fourth to István Szamosközy. In addition to a philological comparison of the manuscripts, this article traces the fascinating history of the Rerum Ungaricarum libri in its political and literary context.

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This paper aims to present twenty-one Norico-Pannonian winged brooches from Brigetio. It focuses on their typological details, distribution areas, and chronology. Wearing habits can also be investigated based on burials and tombstone depictions. This paper also contributes to the manufacturing process and workshops of the variants from Brigetio.

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The paper deals in with the evidence probably related to a bronze workshop discovered along the Pannonian limes, at Dunaújváros (Hungary), an ancient Roman auxiliary fort with an associated civil settlement known as Intercisa. Such evidence raises the issue if the workshop was under the military command inside or outside the fort.

Rescue excavations were carried out in 1962 and 1967. In the 1970s, a late Roman building was discovered with 19 furnaces filled with glass, bronze and iron slag under it. Metal slag and half-melted bronze fragments were found in furnaces No. 7 and No. 10. The existence and density per square meter of such objects led to the interpretation of the site as a workshop district. The coin finds and the terra sigillata fragments allow the life of this district to be dated to the 2nd–3rd century AD.

Some years later other excavations were carried out on an area of 800 m2 about a 200 m distance from the workshop district. Among other finds a pit (1983/9) was brought to light in the area containing huge amounts of terra sigillata and pottery, as well as other objects, among them a bronze statuette of Mars Ultor also thrown in for waste disposal. This find comes as no surprise in military forts, but this iconography remains unique in Intercisa, while fragments probably belonging to bronze imperial statues come from the camp (Visy, 1983). Thanks to comparisons with other statuettes of the same kind the changing interpretation of such iconography in the provinces is discussed and its importance for the military fort analyzed as well.

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This paper presents the glass prismatic bottles and fragments brought to light in the Roman settlement of Intercisa (today Dunaújváros, Hungary). Bottles occur in a low number among the finds of the vicus and the castellum of Intercisa. Bottles and containers account for around 15% of all vessel fragments, while prismatic bottles have a lower share, around 4%. Almost all identifiable fragments are square bottles, with a single rectangular one amongst them. Their designs vary; most feature geometric motifs, while plant motifs and inscriptions are less frequent. Most fragments presented below are yet unpublished.

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Modern topographical research in and around the legionary fortress of Brigetio (Komárom/Szőny, Hungary) started in the 1920s motivated by the desire to stop the centuries-long archaeological lootings at the site and to prevent further loss of archaeological data caused by the uncontrolled removal and selling of artefacts. The excavations led by István Paulovics between 1927 and 1929 touched upon the northern surrounding wall of the castra, a short section of the via decumana south of the fortress and parts of the late Roman cemeteries southeast of the fortress. During the excavation 67 stamped bricks and tiles were collected and taken to the Hungarian National Museum. Forty-five of them were mentioned in the 1933 brick stamp corpus of J. Szilágyi, but 22 have never been published. The significance of the material is twofold. On the one hand it yielded a wide array of Valentinian tile stamps, for example the stamps of Lupicinus tribunus, Terentianus tribunus, Caris tribunus, Verianus tribunus, Corta Vicen, Quadriburgium, and Vincentia. On the other hand, 27 of the 43 legio I Adiutrix stamps (the garrison of Brigetio between the early second and early fifth centuries AD) came from late Roman archaeological contexts, which means that some of the types of the otherwise undatable legio I Adiutrix stamps can now be dated with reasonable probability to the fourth century.

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In this paper I present the exploitation of birds at the Ottoman Period (16th–17th century) rural site of Visegrád-Alsóvár located in North Hungary. Four poultry species and the jackdaw were identified from the 213 avian remains that formed 7.3% of the total bone assemblage. The species composition of the bird bone assemblage suggested that fowling was not practiced at the site, but various domestic birds were exploited for their meat, eggs, and perhaps other secondary products, such as feathers and dung. The representation of bones from poultry even exceeded that of the pig well reflecting the importance of avian meat and egg in addition to the preference for mutton in the diet of the Muslim population that inhabited the area of the Lower Castle after 1544, when Visegrád fell to the advancing Ottoman Turkish army.

Sexing and ageing of several avian remains were possible owing to the presence of the medullary bone tissue in certain remains and the good preservation of tarsometatarsi from the domestic chicken. The latter also allowed biometrical analysis targeting the size of chicken raised at Visegrád-Alsóvár and its comparison with coeval and recent chickens. The presence of a medium and large size type suggested the advanced nature of bird breeding in addition to the variety of poultry at this site.

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This paper discusses variations and changes in the identity-marking function of a writing of Turkic origin, the Székely script, from the thirteenth century to the present day. The script's peculiarity lies in the fact that during its known history, it had only an identity-marking function; no significant knowledge-communicating function can be found in any of its monuments.

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Studia Slavica
Катерина Глуховцева
Ірина Глуховцева

Наявна наразі система афористичних висловів дозволяє констатувати, що в україністиці добре пред-ставленими є образні висловлення буттєвого культурного коду, експліковані концептами життя/ смерть, щастя/нещастя, доля та ін.; антропного, репрезентовані концептами краса/потворність, красивий/некрасивий, розумний/нерозумний та ін.; просторового, до якого зараховуємо концепти Україна, рідний край, батьківщина; часового, що може виражатися поняттями минуле, сучасне, май-бутнє та ін., морального (мужність/боягузтво, совість та ін.), духовного (мова, книга, пісня) та ін.

У статті розглянуто лінгвістичні, пісенні та букіністичні афоризми як такі, що експлікують духов-ний код українського народу. Ці текстові одиниці, створені культурними діячами різних історичних епох, відображаючи індивідуально-авторські погляди еліти суспільства, зазвичай репрезентують духовні пріоритети, культурні цінності етносу, які передусім визначають його ідентичність.

В афоризмах, образних висловлюваннях і сентенціях знакових постатей України про мову, пісню і книги, що й самі є надбанням української культури, ці феномени постають широким номінативним полем власних і загальних назв, центром якого є концепти мова, пісня, книга. Ці явища культури нерідко образно маніфестовано як неземні, небесні, священні, які ніколи не зникнуть. Семіотична цілісність, прецедентність, культурна значущість, образність афоризмів духовного коду поєднані з лінгвопрагматичною установкою автора, дидактичністю.

Зокрема, концепт мова (слово) у власне афоризмах та образних висловлюваннях про мову, сен-тенціях, експлікуючи духовний код етносу, постає як Бог, космічне явище, п’ята ефірна стихія (П. Мовчан), свідок історії, пам’ять народу, втілення думки (П. Мовчан, М. Рильський, І. Огієнко, М. Шумило, П. Гриценко), дзеркало душі народу, душа кожної національності, її святощі, серце на-роду, головний двигун культури, душа Української нації, вияв людського духу, генетичний код нації (І. Огієнко), ідентифікатор народу, наша національна ознака (П. Гриценко), сорочкa духу народного (Б. Харчук), коштовний скарб народу (І. Франко, М. Шумило, І. Огієнко), характер народу, духовнa могутність нації (М. Шумило), обличчя нації (С. Плачинда), національний бастіон (Л. Пархонюк), час, минуле й сучасне народу (В. Русанівський), дар природи (К. Крапива).

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В останнє десятиріччя з’явилося чимало наукових праць і тематики українсько-угорських зв’яз-ків, де розглянуто їх аспекти в різні періоди й на різних теренах. Ці студії репрезентують розлогу проблематику: історичну, лінгвістичну, етнологічну та ін. — і на загал є комплексними, реалізую-чи міждисциплінарні підходи й методи з урахуванням сучасних реалій та застосуванням новітніх методів аналізу. Більшість досліджень присвячено регіону Закарпаття, де мешкає значна угорська діаспора, стосовно становища якої проведено чимало спостережень через призму мовної, історич-ної, етнокультурної ситуації краю. Авторами праць є дослідники з України та Угорщини, переважно представники наукових чи освітніх установ, осередків тощо, таких як Ужгородський національний університет, Центр гунгарології в Ужгороді, наукові центри Закарпатського угорського інституту ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ, інші виші, а також установи Центру гуманітаристики та Центру суспільних наук Угорської академії наук [віднедавна мережа HUN-REN], угорські університети і т. д.

Із суспільно-історичних студій назвімо колективну монографію Інституту ім І. Крип’якевича, монографії Ч. Фединець, М. Фонт та ін. Чи не найбільше досліджень, присвячених мовній ситуації Закарпаття, здійснили лінгвісти Закарпатського угорського інституту ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ, нині об’єднані в Науково-дослідний центр ім. Антона Годинки, найважливішими напрямами студій якого є аналіз мовної політики загалом і України зокрема, мовного ландшафту Закарпаття, питань багатомовності, а також освіти, релігії, міжкультурних, міжмовних контактів, різних аспектів со-ціолінгвістики і лінгвокраїнознавства. Згадаймо тут імена ректора Інституту С. Черничка, А. Берег-сасі, К. Гуреш-Ласло та ін., які підготували низку індивідуальних чи колективних монографій і цих проблем («Угорці і угорська мова на Закарпатті» та ін.). Питаннями мовної інтерференції, словни-карства і т.п. цікавляться їхні колеги Є. Барань та В. Ґаздаґ. Дослідження проводять i урахуванням новітніх лінгвістичних та соціологічних метод, візуальної антропології тощо, текстовий виклад уна-очнюють графіки, карти, схеми, таблиці, фотоілюстрації.

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В работе предпринимается попытка создать типологически ориентированное описание полипреди-кативных конструкций с наиболее распространенными причинными союзами (бо, тому(,) що, через те(,) що, від того(,) що, оскільки) в украинском языке. Конструкции классифицируются по важней-шим параметрам типологического варьирования, многие из которых связанны с сочинительными и подчинительными свойствами: 1) позиции союза в причинной клаузе, 2) способности причинной клаузы употребляться в препозиции/постпозиции по отношению к главной клаузе, 3) способности причинной конструкции употребляться на различных семантических уровнях: собственно-при-чинном, иллокутивном (с вопросительной и побудительной модальностью) и эпистемическом, или инферентивном, 4) способности причинной клаузы употребляться с выделительными частицами и под отрицанием, 5) способности причинной клаузы отвечать на вопрос со значением ‘Почему?…’ В языках мира рассматриваемые свойства могут коррелировать друг с другом, однако логически они являются независимыми. Материалом исследования служат корпусные и текстовые примеры, и, в меньшей степени, грамматические описания; также используется метод элицитации.

В результате исследования выясняется, что в украинском языке имеются как причинные показа-тели, обладающие с точки зрения рассматриваемых параметров исключительно подчинительными свойствами (через те(,) що, від того(,) що), так и те, которые сочетают сочинительные и подчини-тельные свойства в той или иной степени (бо, тому(,) що, оскільки). В большей степени сочини-тельными свойствами обладает союз бо, что, вероятно, связано с его происхождением из частицы, хотя и он демонстрирует некоторые подчинительные свойства (клауза с бо может использоваться в качестве ответа на вопрос ‘Почему?…’ и ограниченно сочетаться с выделительными частицами и отрицанием).

Сочинительные и подчинительные свойства причинных показателей в украинском языке не устроены иерархично: так, причинная клауза, вводимая союзом тому(,) що в нейтральных кон-текстах не употребляется в препозиции по отношению к главной (сочинительное свойство), од-нако свободно употребляется с выделительными частицами и под отрицанием (подчинительное свойство), а союз оскільки наоборот способен вводить причинную клаузу в препозиции (подчини-тельное свойство), но употребление с выделительными частицами и под отрицанием для него не свойственно (сочинительное свойство). Однако в целом в отношении одних из рассматриваемых параметров (ср. употребление причинных показателей при ответе на вопрос ‘Почему?…’) укра-инские союзы чаще демонстрируют подчинительные свойства, чем в отношении других (ср. эпи-стемическое или иллокутивное употребление причинных показателей). Между дистрибутивными свойствами украинских причинных показателей и их русских и белорусских когнатов имеется зна-чительное сходство, однако сами эти когнаты могут существенно отличаться по частотности.

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