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Ethnicity and Representation

Material Folk Art at the Intersection of Local Identity, Minority Policy Goals, and Ethnographers' Aspirations in the 1970s and 1980s in Hungary

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Bence Ament-Kovács


Those Germans who remained in Hungary after the Second World War faced complex political, economic, and social difficulties. In cultural terms, the diverse self-definitions of the Germans living in Hungary at that time precluded national cohesion, despite the use by the authorities of the unifying definition “German.” This national minority was bound together primarily by shared trauma. Individuals and communities alike were searching for their place amidst the changed circumstances, and it was the umbrella organization known as the Democratic Association of Germans in Hungary (Magyarországi Németek Demokratikus Szövetsége) that sought to bring them together. It was not until the 1970s that the association began to professionalize its activities and to conduct ethnographic research in cooperation with qualified specialists. During this process, the village of Harta, which was already famous for its folk art, came to their attention. It was specifically the economic potential of this settlement in Bács-Kiskun County, and its character as an ethnic and confessional enclave, that laid the foundations for the uniform objects and motifs of this local center of furniture painting. After the Second World War, the county administration's cultural policy was relatively accepting of the furniture-making tradition here, and the local intelligentsia showed a supportive attitude towards the settlement's German heritage. In the 1970s, there was still a furniture painter living in Harta, who won the most prestigious folk-art award, regularly participated in exhibitions and gala events, and even produced painted furniture in the cooperative's subsidiary branch at the initiative of the local council president. This ensured that painted furniture from Harta came to represent not only the traditionalist aspirations of the German Association, but also national cultural policy. Harta furniture emerged as the most iconic style of minority painted furniture and as the shared heritage of the German community in Hungary.

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The decorated artifacts of rural craft industries were the forerunners of the products which, from the late 19th century, were made for the organized trade that entered the global market and met the needs of the Hungarian market. The production was managed by the increasingly numerous cottage industry associations, later cottage industry cooperatives and independent companies. Until World War II, craft and folk art products were marketed by centrally managed organizations, as well as by individual entrepreneurs, commercial travelers, trading companies, and cottage industry cooperatives. From 1948 onwards, the marketing of the products of cottage industry cooperatives was exclusively in the hands of state-controlled domestic trading and export companies. After the political regime change in Hungary in 1989, the applied folk arts cooperatives continued to operate for some time, but the centrally managed trading companies ceased to exist. The cooperatives carried out commercial activities by building on their previous relationships. By the 1990s, however, the global market for folk art products and the economic conditions for their production in Hungary had changed, and the folk art products of the cottage industry cooperatives have been phased out. This paper focuses on the history of centrally managed institutions of commerce from the 1870s to 1989 and their aftermath up to the 1990s.

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The study focuses on the examination of today's ethnographical approaches and theoretical-methodological paradigms of cultural heritage, as well as everyday social practices related to heritagization (preparing lists of local values and Hungarikums, monumentalization, festivalization, musealization, etc.). In the first part of the paper, the author briefly describes the most common ethnographic approaches to the concept of cultural heritage, as well as the most important related analytical models. He argues for approaching heritage phenomena and their various manifestations (objects, places, and practices) through a kind of ontological framework. Through an empirical example — the analysis of the collection/preservation of values that started after 2010 among the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia — the study presents the local/regional practices and ritual and symbolic patterns of heritage making in the Western Ukrainian region. Examining the activities of minority political–cultural elites, the author analyzes the transformations of meanings through which the individual local cultural assets or certain accentuated elements become global social realities, for example national/translocal heritage objects.

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In this paper, a quantitative and qualitative analysis is conducted on the <b>/<v> alternations found in the epigraphic texts from three representative subsets of Roman African inscriptions from both urban centres and more peripheral areas (1st century BCE – 7th century CE). The distribution of the confusion has been related to the dating and provenance place of the inscriptions and the level of literacy of those involved in their crafting. The results show a difference in the distribution of <b>/<v> confusions in the three areas examined, with a higher incidence in later inscriptions from Sabratha. Thus, it is discussed whether the different distribution of the <b>/<v> confusions observed in the different regions might be a cue for internal diatopic variation.

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В статье изучается семиотическое явление транспозиции, предпринимается попытка разработать его понятийное определение и описаниe в общих рамках семиотики культуры и, в частности, в се-миотике литературы Юрия Лотмана.

Если понятие транспозиции в семиотике культуры входит в такие области научного исследования как трансмедийность, переводоведение, интертекстуальность, интердискурсивность, интерсемио-тика, то в семиотике литературы Лотмана транспозиция концептуализирована – непосредственно или через опосредование без превращения самого термина «транспозиция» в ключевой – в окру-жении и свете таких понятий как граница; контекст – в вариантах: «контекстные структуры», «кон-структивные контексты», «семантические структуры»; семантическая «упорядоченность» (в том числe и «частичная» и «дополнительная»); условность; бинарность и плюральность; множество и «подмножество» / «субсемиосфера»; семиосфера и т. д.

Перечень составляющих понятийного фона для изучения транспозиции в литературно-семио-тическом понимании Лотмана сам по себе свидетельствует о том, что исследование в данном на-правлении приводит к выяснению экстенсивного терминологического поля и органических вза-имосвязей элементов внутри него. С другой стороны, прослеживание данных понятий на основе многочисленных текстов (oт работы «О разграничении лингвистического и литературоведческого понятия структуры», через «Структуру художественного текста», до работ 90-х годов), возникаю-щих по ходу эволюции научного достижения ученого, позволяет подчеркнуть когерентность теоре-тической работы, относящейся к так называемым «структуралистскому» и «постструктуралистко-му» периодам его мышления.

Толкование в статье согласованности понятий Лотмана в разнообразных его подходах к лите-ратурному тексту, ориентированных на понимание внутри- и внетекстовых форм культурного общения, в котором литература участвует в разных измерениях, позволяет видеть транспозицию в понимании ученого как гарантий текстовой динамики. Текстовая динамика в смысле порождения нового смысла толкуется в статье в свете операций дифференциации в ракурсах принципов реля-ционности и взаимопроекций определенных микро- / макроэлементов и -контекстов, а также смен их упорядоченностей. Эти смены воплощают транспозиции, несущие смысловые трансформации и приводящие к возникновению новых семиотических условностей.

Транспозиция в итоге осмысляется как семантический генератор, касающийся в семиотике ли-тературы Лотмана толкования события в качестве «перемещения персонажа через границу семан-тического поля»; оформления семантического сюжета; умножения бинарностей, превращающихся в составляющие плюральных формаций; развития семиотических условностей в поэтике литера-турного текста и метадискурсивности литературы.

Open access


The paper aims to present the current state, problems, challenges and opportunities of Hungarian native language education. It does so as a tribute to the memory and oeuvre of László Kálmán, who passed away in 2021, and as a way of preserving his approach characterized by a critical approach, but also by a focus on possible solutions. On the one hand, the study outlines the goals and tasks of native language education, including language teaching, drawing heavily on the concept of communicative competence as defined and represented by László Kálmán (see e.g. Kálmán 2010; Kálmán & Molnár 2009). On the other hand, the current state of native language education is described in the light of this framework. In addition to the current regulation of the content of native language education, the study will also describe the current situation with regard to the available teaching aids and textbooks. In this context, and partly independently of it, the paper will examine the question of what major areas of native language education need to be changed and what opportunities are available in this respect.

Open access

Gender confusions and other linguistic changes

A provisional description of Vulgar Latin Phenomena

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Béla Szlovicsák


The main goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary examination of the interaction between the Vulgar Latin grammatical gender system and other levels of linguistic change, such as phonological confusions. To achieve this description conditional inference trees and random forests were fitted to our data which enabled a more thorough understanding of these interactions than would be possible to notice without statistical methods.

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The present paper intends to provide a linguistic analysis of votive texts, with particular regard to the case and declension systems as well as their Latin usage and variants. The aim of the linguistic analysis is to identify variations occurring in the context of votive texts. The epigraphic corpus shows various Vulgar Latin features in theonyms and epithets. The names of the deities are cultural characteristics and are influenced by various factors. The inevitable phenomenon of Roman religiosity manifested itself in religious texts, especially where polytheistic religions were particularly prone to borrowing and assimilation. In the investigation, some questions which the study will attempt to answer: do the case and declension confusions of theonyms and epithets follow the characteristics of the given region? The most common feature of religious inscriptions is that the declension of an epithet follows the declension of the name of the deity and vice versa. Another characteristic is the confusion in the case system. Some of these are influenced by facts other than adjective and noun agreement. In some cases, the meaning of the name influences it, in other cases there are cultural reasons for the declension confusion, especially if the inscriptions come from Celtic, Germanic, Greek, or other language areas.

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