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Egy új megközelítés az árokkeretek szarmata temetkezési rítusokban betöltött szerepének vizsgálatához

New approach to the study of the role of encircling ditches in Sarmatian burial rites

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Balázs Wieszner


A tanulmány a szarmata árokkereteknek a temetkezési rítusokban betöltött szerepének újfajta megközelítését célozza meg, amely elsősorban a bennük elhelyezett különböző típusú deponálások strukturális mintázatait figyelembe vevő térhasználati modellen alapszik. Az árokkeretekben viszonylagos gyakorisággal kerülnek elő különböző típusú áldozati jellegű edény- és állategyüttesek. A korábbi kutatások ezeket a leleteket csak másodlagosan említették a különböző interpretációkban és azokat az őskultusszal vagy a halotti lakomával hozták összefüggésbe. Pedig az árokkeretekben elhelyezett deponálások egy olyan kötött, szelektivitáson alapuló, ismétlődő viselkedési mintázatot mutatnak, ami az árokkeretek strukturális különbségeinek ellenére is egységesnek tekinthető. Emiatt az árokkeretek temetkezési rítusokban betöltött szerepét célszerűbb a bennük elhelyezett deponálások, illetve azok ismétlődő, standardizáló térhasználati mintázatai révén értelmezni. Az elemzés eredményeként az árokkereteknek a temetkezési rítusokban betöltött szerepében egy olyan egységes társadalmi logika mutatható ki, ami hozzájárulhat a szarmaták társadalmi szerveződésének felvázolásához és megértéséhez.

Open access


The paper is dealing with 194 Aucissa brooches from 27 sites in the Roman province of Pannonia, based on the results and methodology of international archaeological and historical research. Aucissa fibulae, as costume items, are one of the leading artefacts of the early imperial period, initially used mainly by soldiers (sagum), and are therefore an important archaeological source for the Roman expansion, occupation and Romanisation. In Pannonia 98% of the Aucissa fibulae were recovered from settlements, mainly from the early layers of military forts and later towns. The material of the fibulae is bronze, there is only a single known item being silver-plated. The formal, technological and chronological analysis of the Aucissa fibulae in Pannonia is followed by a costume, historical and archaeological analysis. The Aucissa brooches in Pannonia can be dated from the beginning of the 1st century A.D. to the first decades of the 2nd century A.D. The earliest types (subtypes A242.1,2,3) are found in military forts along the Roman expansion trail. The Aucissa brooches come from the areas of the East–West military expansion route (the Drava-Save interfluve, Siscia, Sirmium, Gomolava), the North–South expansion route to the Danube (Amber Road, Salla, Savaria, Carnuntum) and the Danube limes (Brigetio, Matrica, Rittium). The smaller number of later types of fibulae (subtypes A242.4,5,6) found in the interior of the province of Pannonia (vici) indicates a process of Romanisation of the local population (Bátaszék, Csákberény, Mezőörs). The Aucissa brooches can also refer to cultural and trade relations with the Barbaricum (Púchov culture); they can indicate the movement of the Roman army (Devín, Mušov) and also the mobility of people (Veresegyház, Szeged). In some places Aucissa brooches later appeared in the clothing of civilians and women (Emona).

Open access


Copper is one of the most important raw materials in the Carpathian Basin, and its extraction, processing and trade can be traced at least from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages and beyond. Drawing on a variety of sources and research methods, the authors explore the patterns of distribution of this raw material in Europe. The aim of the diachronic analysis is to uncover the networks of connections – commercial, cultural, and migratory – that can be traced over the long term in the Central European region. It also draws attention to other, less stable links in the Carpathian Basin, which have also influenced the history of the region in certain periods.

Open access


This paper covers the mould-blown scallop bowls from Late Roman Pannonia (Hungary), which merit a discussion because compared to other regions of the Roman Empire, scallop bowls have a relatively dense distribution in this province (Fig. 6). All the bowls described and discussed here were part of the grave goods recovered from burials, providing a good context for these vessels.

Open access


Elephant ivory, a prestigious and valuable raw material in the post-Roman West and Byzantium between the 5th and 7th centuries AD, may originate from various sources. While both written and art historical evidence suggests that in the case of early medieval artefacts, African provenance is more likely than Asian, no data at hand is conclusive. The present paper investigates, with the help of FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, carbon and nitrogen concentration and nitrogen isotope (δ15N) analyses, the material resources of elephant ivory artefacts discovered in 6th- and 7th-century AD archaeological context in the Carpathian Basin to contribute to our understanding of late antique long-distance trade networks and economic relations.

Open access


The Gepid Period row cemetery at Tiszaug-Országúti bevágás was unearthed in 2018–2019. Grave 301 was one of the outstanding burials amongst the 194 graves unearthed thus far. It kept the remains of a 9–11-year old boy, who was laid to rest in a scale-down burial created according to the funerary customs of the area and era but dressed in a mortuary costume and provided with goods befitting adult men. He had a purse hanging from his belt, containing an iron knife, and some pieces of flint. A double-row antler comb was placed beside his head. A cast copper alloy belt buckle with a shield-shaped pin base and punch-mark decoration fastened his clothing on the front. While buckles of this type were widely used at that time, the closest analogies to the punch-mark decoration could be collected from the Carpathian Basin. Based on those, the burial could be dated to the mid or late 6th century AD. Another outstanding feature of the cemetery was the four burials (including Grave 301) where the deceased were laid to rest in coffins made from or imitating log boats.

Grave 301 also contained a rounded conical ivory object. The optical microscope and vibration spectroscopy analyses confirmed the initial hypotheses of the finders about the raw material of the artefact. Despite carrying out a comprehensive survey for analogies and an analysis of production and use-related marks, we could not determine what the object could have been used for; it may be a semi-finished product, but it could also be a toy or amulet. At any rate, it was made from a raw material which was extremely rare in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin in the period in question. Grave 301 was positioned in a cluster comprising more child burials, with the graves of two adult women at the fringes; the ongoing archaeogenetical investigations may shed light on the connections between them.

Open access

Проблемы поэтики раннего Чехова в соотношении с газетным дискурсом

Список как формат текста

The Problems of Chekhov’s Early Poetics in Correlation with Newspaper Discourse: The List as a Text Format

Studia Slavica
Dominika Zoltán

В статье рассматриваются некоторые особенности поэтики ранних работ (1880–1885) А. П. Чехова в сопоставлении с современной ему газетой в качестве дискурса. В первой половине 1880-х годов завершается процесс, в результате которого ежедневная газета выдвигается как доминирующий орган в новой системе печати. Этим зарождается массовая коммуникации в России, необходимой частью которой являлась «малая пресса», то есть сфера юмористических журналов, тонких журна-лов и ежедневных газет, в которых Чехов начал публиковаться.

В статье суммируются выводы исследований, реконструирующих культурное пространство рос-сийских газет и журналов обозначенного периода. Вводимое в целях сравнения понятие «газетный дискурс» понимается в статье как новое, единое пространство, которое стремится к универсально-му моделированию мира производством текстов. Газетный дискурс как термин отделяется от по-нятий «малой прессы» и «журналистики». В конце первой части рассматривается также понятие дискурсивной практики и интердискурсивности как один из видов интертекстуальности по клас-сификации Н. Фэркло.

Во второй части суммируется типология, созданная А. Степановым для ранних текстов Чехова на основе смешения или смещения в них высказываний разных речевых жанров. В дальнейшем на основе типологии выделяются те юморески, в которых обыгрываются газетные речевые жан-ры. Для сравнения с практикой газет наиболее интересным из структурных типов ранних текстов является метонимическое рядоположение не имеющих общего референта высказываний одного или разных речевых жанров. И. Сухих считает, что в принципе метонимического упорядочения мелочишек (создание циклов, серий и списков) проявляется требование газет и журналов того времени. «Мысли читателей газет и журналов» и «Записка» интерпретируются как построенные по принципу списка юморески, высмеивающие общую практику газетного дискурса – стремление к универсальности.

В двух юморесках освещается элемент пародийного интердискурса: построение по принципу спи-ска. Этот структурный тип в общем плане в творческой эволюции Чехова ведет к более сложным, составным структурам типа «Жалобной книги». Часто используемый молодым Чеховым газетный жанр реклам и объявлений также может быть переосмыслен как составная структура типа серий или списка. Интердискурсивный элемент в творческой лаборатории Чехова трансформируется в художественный прием: метонимическая логика составления списка становится индексом состо-яния, духовности, атмосферы изображаемой действительности.

Open access

This study aims to answer the question whether the ancient Cēra kings sailed the seas and, if so, whether their technology was suitable for crossing the Indian Ocean, while it tries to summarize what we know about shipbuilding in ancient Southwest India. On the following pages, an attempt is made to introduce the most important passages of the Old Tamil Caṅkam literary sources in order to analyse their data in the light of Greek and Latin sources, and of Indian and Mediterranean inscriptions. It can be concluded that although inscriptions of Tamil traders can be found from Egypt to Thailand, and the Cēra kings built a maritime fleet for probably the first time in the history of ancient South India in order to punish their enemy, the kaṭampu tribe by sailing on the seas, their nautical contribution to the long-distance trade of the Arabian Sea as well as their engagement in coastal shipping can be classified as moderate and incidental in the antiquity.

Open access

Győr-Kálvária összevont lelőhely késő vaskori embertani leleteinek biológiai antropológiai vizsgálata

Biological anthropological analysis of human remains from a Late Iron Age burial of Győr-Kálvária merged site

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Katalin Gyenesei
Krisztián Kiss
Tamás Szeniczey
Ferenc Ujvári
Krisztina Pesti
, and
Tamás Hajdu


A tanulmány a Győr-Kálvária összevont lelőhelyen feltárt húsz csontvázas és két hamvasztásos késő vaskori kelta temetkezésből előkerült emberi maradványok klasszikus embertani és makroszkópos paleopatológiai eredményeit mutatja be.

Open access

Four Proto-Kartvelian words with initial *γw- are traditionally held to be borrowings from either Proto-Indo-European or Proto-Armenian. Based on recent progress in Indo-European and Kartvelian linguistics, this paper argues that all four proposed PIE loanwords in PK are untenable; two out of these cannot be Proto-Armenian loanwords either. The third one, the word for ‘wine’, could be a Proto-Armenian loan in PK, but it has formal problems and the alternative proposed here, a Proto-Zan loan in Proto-Armenian, provides a more regular solution. Combined with the last case (the word for ‘juniper’), which also receives a regular solution only as a Proto-Zan loan, we have two Proto-Zan loans in Proto-Armenian instead of PIE/Proto-Armenian loans in Proto-Kartvelian.

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