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Двуязычное славяно-румынское Сибиуское четвероевангелие (Tetraevanghelul slavo-român de la Sibiu) было опубликовано в 1551–1553 годах в Сибиу. По мнению Лайоша Деменя, Сибиуское чет-вероевангелие было переведено в Молдове, а Ион Геце и Александру Мареш считают, что оно было переведено в Южной Трансильвании. Совсем недавно эти две теории были уточнены Иоаном-Фло-рином Флореску. По его мнению, для перевода Сибиуского четвероевангелия, кроме вышеупомяну-тых источников, переводчики также использовали два ранних чешских перевода Библии – Дрезден-скую Библию (Biblia Drážďanská, 1370 г.) и Оломоуцкую Библию (Biblia Olomoucká, 1417 г.).

Фраза λεγεώνα αγγέλων, λεγε⌉να ανγγελ⇓ переводится в румынском тексте как: doosprezece întunerece de ingeri, то есть ‘двенадцать ангелов тьмы’. Очень странным воспринимается в румынском тексте слово întunerece со значением ‘темнота’. То есть, данное место означает ‘двенадцать *темнота анге-лов’. Однако в Дрезденской Библии и Оломоуцкой Библии мы находим следующий текст: i dá mi nynie viece nej dvandácte tem anjelóv / by mi dal ninye wiece nezli dwanadst tem andyelow . Здесь слово tem является эквивалентом слова legion, и в современном чешском языке оно означает то же, что и румынское întunerece ~ întuneric, то есть ‘темнота’. Чешское tma происходит от старославянского τ⇓μα, которое означает ‘легион, толпа, множество, 10 000–12 000 человек’. Однако старославянское τ⇓μα является тюркским заимствованием. Исходное слово (tümän, tümen) в тюркских языках имеет то же значение, что и в старославянском языке. Однако во время, когда было заимствовано слово τ⇓μα, в старославянском уже существовал омоним этого слова, т. е. уже было слово τ⇓μα с точно такой же формой, но с другим значением ‘темнота’. В процессе употребления эти два слова перепутались, и в чешском tma ~ tem утратило значение ‘множество, легион’ и осталось только значение ‘темнота’.

На основании приведенных выше примеров можно сформулировать следующий фундаменталь-ный вопрос: можно ли предположить прямую филологическую связь между текстами в случае схо-жих или тождественных переводческих решений в чешских, румынских, немецких и венгерских переводах Библии, которые были созданы далеко друг от друга во времени и пространстве? В этом исследовании я попытался доказать, что следует предположить, что в Карпатском бассейне в XV– XVI веках существовала общая многоязычная устная библейско-церковная терминология. В от-сутствие письменных переводов Библии священники на церковных богослужениях переводили и объясняли латинские или старославянские библейские тексты для своей аудитории в устной форме. Именно сформированная таким образом устная библейская лексика, возможно, послужила источ-ником и для переводчиков Сибиуского четвероевангелия. Переводчики Сибиуского четвероеван-гелия при переводе старославянского текста, несомненно, опирались на устную традицию. В под-держку этой гипотезы напрашивается еще один аналогичный пример: первый сборник румынских кальвинистских проповедей, опубликованный в Брашове в 1568 году дьяконом Coresi (Cazanie), также был создан в Подкарпатской Руси и позже привезен в Южную Трансильванию с той целью, чтобы напечатать его.

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We argue that traditional breaking of the historical long vowels in the predecessor of Southern Standard British English (e.g. Wells 1982, 213ff) is in fact ongliding to (or prevocalisation of) r in jr/wr which has been ongoing starting with (at least) Middle English, continued into Early Modern English and Southern Standard British English. It can be captured as prevocalisation of pharyngeal r before j/w-final diphthongs in terms of gestural phonology, producing sequences like fijər fear, fejər fare. This schwa-like onglide to r allows us to look at Middle English from a different perspective, from the point of view of a ‘tug of war’ between the long monophthongs and diphthongs (inherited from Old English, to which we can add Old French and Norse words) with identical stressed peaks (e.g. ij tile vs life, nice; shower vs uw power, etc.). This resulted in a merger favouring a diphthongal basis in the southern varieties of Middle English (as opposed to its northern counterparts, in which a monophthongal basis was established), resulting in fire/shower (< Old English fȳr/scūr) having ij and uw, respectively, setting the stage for prevocalisation in jr/wr (merging them with original ijə(r)/uwə(r)). We explore some of the consequences of such a supposition.

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Grafija, pravopis i jezična analiza

Poçimÿe stenÿe od çudnovatoga prikaɀanÿa prihodechiega Duha Sfetoga meù Apostole, i Vçenike Isukarstove

Ortography, graphics, linguistic features

Poçimÿe stenÿe od çudnovatoga prikaɀanÿa prihodechiega Duha Sfetoga meù Apostole, i Vçenike Isukarstove
Studia Slavica
Marijana Tomelić Ćurlin
Marina Bočina

U jednom od najstarijih arhiva u Republici Hrvatskoj u Nadbiskupskom arhivu u Splitu (Arhiv ustanova ve- zanih uz splitsku katedralu) čuva se vrijedna građa koja svjedoči o bogatoj kulturnoj i pisanoj baštini jednoga naroda. Među tom građom nalaze se i Štenja iz splitske katedrale – životopisi svetaca i druge liturgijske knjige, stara zbirka od 33 knjižice. Veliki dio tih knjižica čine štenja (Štenja svetaca), to jest kratki životopisi svetaca koji su se čitali prilikom liturgijskih obreda i bili u uporabi svećenstva u katedrali. Cijela je zbirka nastajala u dugom periodu (od 1678. pa sve do 1908. godine), a Štenja svetaca (njih 11) datiraju iz 18. stoljeća. Tijek jezičnih mijenja najbolje se očituje na temelju povijesnih spisa, dokumenata, bilješki i književnih djela te ostalih tekstova koji mogu pomoći pri jezičnoj analizi. U ovom će se radu jezično analizirati štenje pod brojem 4 s naslovom Poçimÿe stenÿe od çudnovatoga prikaɀanÿa prihodechiega Duha Sfetoga meù Apostole, i Vçenike Isukarstove. Iako kod većega broja zapisanih štenja autor nije poznat, to u ovom tekstu nije slučaj. Autor se potpisao (Paulus Covacich Presbyter) te naveo godinu kada je tekst nastao (MDCCLXXII). Nakon sažetih podataka o samome zapisu, donijet će se pojedine značajke vezane za grafiju, pravopis i jezik toga teksta.

Iako je čakavština u Splitu u 18. stoljeću već odavno zamrla i prepustila mjesto štokavskom jezičnom izrazu, pretpostavka je da bi se ipak ponegdje u tekstu mogle osjetiti i čakavske jezične crte koje će posvjedočiti o postojanju splitske čakavske riči, odnosno da bi se u podlozi ovoga teksta mogao osjetiti čakavski (stariji) jezični sloj. Zbog velike rasprostranjenosti štokavskoga narječja koje je uslijedilo i „zavladalo” čakavskim prostorom, jasno je da će u tekstu u pojedinim segmentima gramatičke odrednice zasigurno svjedočiti i o vrlo jakom štokavskom (novijem) jezičnom sloju. Neizostavno će biti i preklapanje tih dvaju slojeva, kako na kojoj jezičnoj razini. Zasigurno će biti zanimljivo to jezičnom analizom dokazati. Na temelju detaljnje analize (fonološke, morfološke, sintaktičke i leksičke) te pregleda grafije i pravopisa zadanoga štenja iz 18. stoljeća, pokazat će se prisustvo različitih jezičnih slojeva, odnosno prisustvo čakavskih (starijih) i štokavskih (novijih) jezičnih odrednica. Tekst ove knjižice ima iznimnu povijesnu, jezičnu, dokumentarnu i znanstvenu vrijednost i zasigurno će, kao takav, posvjedočiti o bogatoj splitskoj pisanoj baštini.

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O jednom mogućem pristupu istraživanjima vulgarnosti u dijalektalnim govorima

A Possible Approach to the Research of Vulgar Expressions in Dialect Speeches

Studia Slavica
Đuro Blažeka
Mihaela Blažeka

Budući da smatraju da je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima opsceno-vulgarnog sloja jezika terminologija vrlo nedosljedna, autori daju jedan prijedlog mogućeg razgraničenja termina. Temeljni termin bio bi vulgar-nost – rečenice ili sintagme s opscenim sadržajem u kojima se nalazi vulgarizam, ali ne nužno. One služe ispunjavanju različitih pragmatičkih funkcija, a čiju klasifikaciju autori pokušavaju razraditi i koja će biti podložna daljnjim razradama. Psovku kao termin vrlo su usko ograničili, a svode je na jednu od 14 funkcija vulgarnosti i odredili su je s tri neizostavna uvjeta: mora sadržavati vulgarizam, mora biti direktno upućena sugovorniku i izražavati seksualnu agresiju kojom se želi povrijediti govornik ili netko njemu blizak. Za oprimjeravanje im je poslužila vrlo bogata građa vulgarnosti iz govora Preloga, a usput su objasnili i neke jezične osobitosti u formiranju tog sloja jezika i radili usporedbe s nekim elementima Austinove teorije govornih činova.

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Gregor Strniša is considered one of the most important Slovenian poets and dramatists of the twentieth century. His literature is hermetic and often difficult to understand because it is based on a specific poetics that Strniša developed based on concepts from modern physics.The article attempts to explain the basic concepts of Strniša’s poetics and their implementation in his poetry and drama. The basic finding, supported by the analysis of examples of poems (“Brobdingnag”, “Dreams of the Year”) and the play “Dryad”, is that Strniša takes up physical concepts as metaphors and as means of shaping his poetry. The central concept of his poetics is “cosmic consciousness” as a description of the standpoint of the lyrical Self in his poetry.

A detailed observation of the use of physical concepts in Strniša’s poetry and drama shows a development that begins already in the collection Mozaiki and is completed only with Strniša’s last volumes of poetry Škarje and Jajce. Initially, he describes cosmic consciousness through various metaphors, the most important of which is the mosaic as an image of a unified whole made up of many parts. In his last collections, Škarje and Jajce, cosmic consciousness is no longer described, but forms the shape of a poem in the most general sense, namely by using concepts from modern physics, especially the principles of uncertainty and complementarity, and the relativity of time and space.

He transforms the relativity of special and general relativity into the relative and absolute transcendence of the literary text. For Strniša, transcendence means above all experiential inaccessibility, even illogicality. Yet it is precisely the latter that, from the point of view of Strniša’s poetics, is the central source of both poetic and scientific creation, since it is imaginative creation that – by analogy with the principle of indeterminacy – can transcend the rule of the excluded third and approach the true reality of the world.

The same is true of Strniša’s dramas, except that there the social context is somewhat more pronounced, since the setting/time of his plays is usually modernity, but always in a complementary relation to an immaterial, spiritual/imaginary space that appears behind the individual images and transcends the temporal and spatial determinants of the world of experience. By analysing Stniša’s radio play Driada, which is his last dramatic work, I show that uncertainty is the source of his imagination, from which both the poet and the scientist draw, and without which there would be no real value, no meaning.

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Исходными пунктами статьи были, во-первых, указания в комментариях на возможные претек-сты поэмы А. Блока «Возмездие», во-вторых, достижения критической литературы касательно тем ‘Ницше и Ибсен’, ‘стихотворение Ибсена «Рудокоп» и роман Томаса Манна «Доктор Фаустус»’, в-третьих, более ранние работы автора по творчеству Блока в контексте сочинений Новалиса, Вагнера, Ницше и Ибсена. В статье дан сопоставительный анализ заключительной части Проло-га поэмы Блока, стихотворения Ибсена «Рудокоп» и его драмы «Юн Габриэль Боркман» на фоне «Кольца нибелунга» Вагнера. В центре внимания стоит мотивный комплекс руды (алмаза) и работы рудокопа, символизирующего поэта, но помимо этого с мотивом подземного богатства соприкаса-ется и один из самых ницшевых героев драматурга – Боркман. Вероятное воздействие философии Ницше на Ибсена, их несомненное духовное родство, обзор чего также дается в статье, кроме того, интерес Блока к отдельным трудам Ницше послужили основой для включения в нашу тематику произведений философа (прозы и стихотворений), которым присущ мотивный комплекс «рудник», «шахта», «копание», «рудокоп», а также родственные «пещера» и «клад» (в связи с последними реле-вантен и «дракон», перекликающийся с «Кольцом нибелунга»). Разбор этих произведений показал, что ницшевский смысл мотивов во многом похож на ибсеновский и предвосхищает блоковский. В качестве еще более раннего претекста стихотворения Ибсена (а возможно, и других рассматрива-емых произведений) проанализировано сочетание минералогической и ботанической символики романа Новалиса «Генрих фон Офтердинген», сравниваются отрезки двух текстов с одними и теми же мотивами. В результате сопоставления выкристаллизовываются как тесные текстуальные связи, так и различия в мироощущении романиста и Ибсена-лирика. В статье впервые в научной литера-туре освещено соприкосновение в мышлении и художественной практике Блока и Томаса Манна касательно таких тем, как кризис гуманизма и наступление нового варварства, стихийность, музыка как космический порядок, романтизм, «возмездие», демонический аспект искусства и т. д. Интереса заслуживает в контексте статьи и то, как Т. Манн писал о триаде Ницше–Вагнер–Ибсен и какие внешние и внутренние связи он нашел в творчестве двух последних. Особое внимание уделено па-рафразу ибсеновского стихотворения в романе «Доктор Фаустус»: и трансформациям по сравнению с оригиналом, и проецируемости лирического сюжета на судьбы романных героев. В итоге статья устанавливает преемственную линию в развитии исходного романтического мотивного комплекса, характер его разветвлений и модификации его символического смысла у рассматриваемых авторов.

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In the present paper, the aspect-related part of a long-forgotten Polish descriptive grammar written in French will be investigated. In the light of our historical knowledge, this work by Henri Grappin, professor of Slavic linguistics at École nationale des langues orientales vivantes can be thought-provoking both in terms of the date (1942) and place of its publication (Paris). The part of Grappin’s grammar examined in this paper, which deals with the Polish verbal aspect and its formal exponents, accounts for about 13% of the entire work. The method used by the author, in accordance with which he first reviews the means of verb formation (mainly prefixes and suffixes) and the phonetic alternations taking place during this process, can be considered particularly appropriate from the point of view of language learning. An overview of the meanings of prefixes and suffixes and the presentation of their derivatives formed with base verbs (simplicia) provide a suitable basis for a more detailed description of the Polish aspect system in chapter 22. By talking about the semantic value of prefixes and suffixes, Grappin draws attention to the fact that these morphemes not only have an aspect-marking function, but can also enrich base verbs with various additional nuances of meaning. Grappin does not yet speak here of concepts known in contemporary aspectology, such as boundedness or telicity, but the dual function of prefixes, the difference between aspect and Aktionsart (action mode), perhaps following Agrell’s dissertation, appears clearly in the grammar. In the section on prefixes, it is important to highlight the attention paid to the prefix po-, it seems to be a valid recognition even today that po- is the most homonymous prefix of the Polish language. In the subsection on verbs of motion, Grappin correctly points out the complex relationship between definiteness and indefiniteness as well as aspect, which can be the source of many mistakes for students of Polish as a foreign language. The author deals with iterative, augmentative, delimitative, perdurative and distributive verbs under other names in separate subsections, and points out the essentially conative meaning of imperfective verbs and the resultative meaning of perfective verbs. Although the work under investigation is hardly ever cited in the relevant literature on the topic, its part dealing with the verbal aspect in Polish contains valuable linguistic data that on the one hand may be of interest to aspectologists of our time, and on the other can be utilized in teaching Polish as a foreign language.

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В статье приведены в качестве образцов тематически широкого творчества Петефи несколько хорошо известных венгерскому читателю стихотворений вместе с их достоверными русскими пе-реводами. Стихотворение Раз на кухню залетел я… (положенное и на музыку) является настоящим перлом жанровой лирики поэта, написанным в духе народной поэзии. Стихотворение Если ты цве-ток…, написанное в виде цепи метафор, также отличается народной тональностью. Стихотворение Неудавшийся замысел является, собственно, краткой стихотворной новеллой, выражающей глубо-кую приверженность поэта к родной матери. Стихотворение Одно меня тревожит… представляет собой апогей общественно-революционной лирики поэта, написанный в виде грандиозного виде-ния всемирной борьбы народов против тиранов за свободу.

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Реінтерпретація шестодневів в історичній романістиці останніх десятиліть

«Залишок дня» К. Ішіґуро та «Шестиднев, або Корона дому Острозьких» П. Кралюка

Reinterpretation of Six Days in Historical Novels of Recent Decades: The Rest of the Day by K. Ishiguro and Six Days, or the Crown of the Ostrozki House by P. Kralyuk

Studia Slavica
Олена Мізінкіна
Андрій Чмир

У статті співставляються два романи – «Залишок дня» та «Шестиднев, або Корона дому Острозь-ких» – з метою показати в них новітній мистецький прийом реінтерпретації шестиднева.

Біблійна легенда про створення світу лягла в основу перших шестодневів, які були написані богословами ІІІ–VII ст. Такі твори, на думку дослідників, мали сакральний характер. У романістиці ХХ–ХХІ ст. спостерігається своєрідне оновлення шестодневів.

Для порівняння обрано твори авторів, які мають багато спільного: Кадзуо Ішіґуро та Петро Кра-люк – вже досвідчені письменники, мають у своєму доробку чимало прозових творів; творчість обидвох митців визнана суспільством (британець – лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури, укра-їнець – лауреат численних вітчизняних премій); сучасники, які не бояться експериментувати з сю-жетами, героями, вічними темами, жанрами.

Зіставлення романів «Залишок дня» та «Шестиднев, або Корона дому Острозьких» дає підстави констатувати те, що їхні автори десакралізують шестоднев. Первісна ідея творення всесвіту зво-диться до представлення зовнішнього та внутрішнього світу головних героїв. Яким було життя Сті-венса та Василя-Костянтина читач дізнається за ті ж шість днів. Тобто часові рамки, які у романах пов’язані з оповідями персонажів, зберігаються. Композиція творів К. Ішіґуро та П. Кралюка нага-дує побудову шестодневів.

Водночас на основу шестоднева письменники накладають свої ідеї. Якщо К. Ішіґуро у заголовок кожної частини (яка є окремим днем у житті персонажа) виносить час доби та назву населеного пункту, то П. Кралюк – барву та місто (поселення). Головний герой «Залишку дня» – це людина, яка обізнана з подіями І пол. ХХ ст. у Великобританії, Німеччині, Франції, внаслідок виконання поса-дових обов’язків. Герой «Шестиднева» – особистість, яка причетна до визначальних подій в історії України, Королівства Польського, Великого князівства Литовського у XVI ст. Оповідачі в обох ро-манах – вони ж головні герої, які на схилі літ рефлексують та шукають виправдання своїм вчинкам. Ці чоловіки різні за соціальним становищем у суспільстві, бо в К. Ішіґуро це дворецький Стівенс, а в П. Кралюка – князь Василь-Костянтин Острозький. Такий вибір статусу героїв допоміг письмен-никам відтворити ключові події в Європі крізь призму їхнього сприйняття. В обох романах поряд з оповідачами є персонажі (економка міс Кентон – у Стівенса, художник Іван – у Василя-Костянти-на), які допомагають головним героям усвідомити свої помилки, фактично здійснивши акт сповіді. Задля рефлексії героїв письменники творять ситуацію подорожі (у «Залишку дня» – автомобільна мандрівка Стівенса, а в «Шестидневі» – екскурси в минуле у снах та мареннях Василя-Костянтина).

Таким чином, Кадзуо Ішіґуро та Петро Кралюк переосмислили принципи шестидневів, осучас-нивши їх. Письменники використали первісну форму, змінивши зміст. Такий художній прийом вирізняє поетику їх ніх романів та привертає увагу вибагливого читача-інтелектуала.

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In addition to the common concatenative morphological system of Hungarian, there is a smaller portion of word forms that are templatic. These words satisfy requirements on their phonological shape. We here examine constraints on the number of syllables in templatic word forms. We observe that while the vowels in concatenative forms typically harmonize in backness (and in a more limited way also rounding), the vowels in nominal templatic forms often do not. On the other hand, the vowels in verbal templatic forms do harmonize. Furthermore, truncation is applied to satisfy the limit on word size in nominals, but truncation is generally not available as a repair for templatic verbal forms. We model our observations by a subsumption hierarchy of morphological layers: a concatenative layer, a (vowel) harmony layer, and a (stem) integrity layer.

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This article analyses an article by Simone Weil written in 1937–1938 entitled 'The Iliad or the poem of force'. The aim is to show that Simone Weil's reading of the Iliad is essential for understanding the genesis of her own thought, and in particular of her concept of force, although it appears in other contexts where there is no question of Hellenism, and although other possible inspirations can be identified. On the other hand, he argues that Simone Weil's analyses are highly refined and interesting in their own right, insofar as they highlight essential points of the Homeric text, despite their partiality.

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Hypereides' In defence of Euxenippus against Polyeuctus upon his indictment for treason was dated by its first editor Churchill Babington to the year 334 BC, while the second editor, Domenico Comparetti, places the possible date of composition almost ten years later, to the period between 330 and 324 BC. According to Comparetti, the orator could only have quoted the expression ‘Molossia is mine’ from the letter of Alexander's mother Olympias to the Athenian people at the time when Olympias was already ruler of the territory in question, i.e. after the death of her brother in 331 BC. This date has been accepted as the factual date of composition for over 150 years, so editors have adapted several emendations and alternative interpretations to this view. This study argues that the speech should be dated to 334/333 BC according to the surviving, clearly interpretable text and that any emendations are therefore superfluous – Churchill Babington was right.

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The paper discusses the creation of the Chronicle of Morea (Τὸ Χρονικὸν τοῦ Μορέως), the author's intentions and the structure of the work. The endings of the two earliest Greek manuscripts of the Chronicle differ: one continues the story of the Peloponnesian Franks in chronological order, the other ends with a significantly earlier, out-of-place legend of Sir Geoffroy de Briel, of almost 400 lines, a story mentioned thousands of lines earlier in the other manuscript. An overall analysis of the poetic work and the significance and location of this detail suggest that the Chronicle, like the ancient epics, may have been composed of smaller units that were performed as separate pieces. The first half of the paper examines the structure of the Chronicle in detail, exploring what holds the individual units together and for what purpose they were structured as an organic whole. It then analyses the issues of the above-mentioned story, which does not fit the structure: the excerpt contains several folktale motifs, but also parallels with the stories of the antiheroes of the chansons de geste (Crusade cycle). It shows the possible links between the Chronicle and the Old French chansons and how the French literary and cultural tradition influenced the work.

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As far as concerns 15th-century Hungary, there is a rhetorical closeness in the literary writings of Italian Humanists such as Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Francesco Filelfo, Antonio Bonfini or Sicilian Pietro Ranzano. Their panegyrics of John Hunyadi and his son King Matthias Corvinus give the exalted portrait of these rulers as Christian warlords and defenders of the Faith against Turks. Hungary is currently identified as bulwark of the Western Christendom opposed to the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. This topos is also echoed by Pope Sixtus IV and his Chancellery and also by late Scholastic chronicler János Thuróczy. The Hungarian bulwark image was, thus, spread among European sources starting from the 16th century. Hungarian superiority at the head of European powers was, thus, assured through this propagandistic theme.

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By studying the literary and artistic representations of the gods, created by the people who paid religious worship to them, we can learn what each deity meant to con-temporary society. This meaning is extremely complex, and yet this complexity can manifest itself in the form of a single divinity. The concept of liminality is closely re-lated to the goddess Ceres. An event like crossing over from life to death or from war to peace is a good example of liminality. This type of change disturbs the balance of society and creates a crisis that affects both the individual and society. In numerous cases, the introduction of religious rites serves the purpose of mimetically represent-ing the crisis and allaying the fear of transition to a new condition. Transitional rites are performed to create a new group of social interactions. For the individual, the goddess can be tightly linked to death, birth, marriage, and divorce, through various rites. In my study, with the help of the relevant sources and literature, I will demon-strate the role of transitional rites associated with the cult of Ceres in ancient Roman society. I am pointing out how these rituals appeared in practice and how they were applied, with the help of works from ancient authors such as Cicero, Virgil, Festus, Plutarch, and Varro.

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Though in some instances they behaved simply as the preservers of established states, Hellenistic kings were in general businesslike kingdom-builders and in the West, no other general or king is as deserving as Pyrrhus (307–272 BC) of the reputation of being an energetic soldier throughout his life. Even if he is viewed positively as an entrepreneurial king, though, his campaigns have often been characterised in ancient and in modern literature as mere “adventures” and this has resulted in his operations in Italy and Sicily being almost unanimously regarded as failures, and his eventual coming back to the Balkans in keeping with the inevitable return of all the mercenary nostoi of the age. There is, however, an alternative prism through which we can view Pyrrhus' war efforts in Italy and Sicily and his arrival to the Epirote kingdom: his actions in Italy and Sicily were essential for securing his own greatness in the West and the interests of both Tarentum and Syracuse, both movements inspired by the final period of Agathocles' tyranny (317–289 BC).

This article will focus on the true meaning of Pyrrhus' Syracusan basileia, not only in Sicily but in Italy too, and consider the extent to which his actions were determined by the immediate precedent set by Agathocles. Rather than viewing them as two separate events, it will also investigate the interconnection between Pyrrhus' period sin southern Italy and Sicily. It was the same need to minimise the power of both Carthage and Rome that lay behind his operations in both regions, and the control of the vital straits of Messina and Otranto were key objectives for the cities of Syracuse and Tarentum, respectively.

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Kolokacije leksema rat u hrvatskom jeziku i frazemi s antroponimima Marko i Janko povezani s tematikom rata u hrvatskom, makedonskom i srpskom jeziku: Korpusna analiza i kulturno-lingvističke specifičnosti

Collocations of the lexeme war in Croatian and idioms with anthroponyms Marko and Janko in the context of war in Croatian, Macedonian, and Serbian: A corpus-based analysis and cultural-linguistic features

Studia Slavica
Slavomira Ribarova

Rad analizira kolokacije leksema rat u hrvatskom jeziku i dva frazema implicitno povezana s tematikom rata. Obrađuje etimologiju leksema rat u hrvatskom jeziku, njegovo značenje te preklapanje kolokacija potvrđenih statističkim alatima u korpusima ( Croatian Web i Aranea) i onih u Rječniku hrvatskog jezika V. Anića i na Hrvatskom jezičnom portalu.

Proučavanje kolokacija s leksemom rat u rječnicima i korpusima upućuje na djelomično preklapanje u njihovoj zastupljenosti. Rječnici uključuju kolokacije s višim LogDice vrijednostima, potvrđene u korpusu Aranea (domovinski, svjetski, drugi), ali i kolokacije s nižim LogDice vrijednostima (bratoubilački, rat zvijezda i rat dviju ruža), koje nisu potvrđene korpusnom semantičkom analizom. Rezultati korpusne analize pokazuju da je kolokacija domovinski rat najfrekventnija u hrvatskom jeziku, s izraženom semantičkom povezanošću u korpusu Aranea.

Rad zatim analiza dva kulturno specifična rečenična frazema implicitno povezana s ratnom tematikom: kasno Marko (Janko) na Kosovo stiže i provesti se kao Janko (Marko) na Kosovu, te pruža pregled razvoja njihove zajedničke motivacije i etimologije. S obzirom na prisutnost frazema na širem Balkanskom poluotoku, hrvatski frazemi uspoređuju se s ekvivalentima u makedonskom (доцна стигна Марко (Janko) на Косово, помина како Марко на Косово) i srpskom jeziku (kasno Marko (Janko) na Kosovo stiže, proći kao Janko (Marko) na Kosovu). Antroponimne komponente u frazemima odnose se na dvije različite osobe, a analiza potvrđuje da izbor antroponima Marko ili Janko ne mijenja semantičko značenje frazema. Međutim, razlike se javljaju u upotrebi frazema proći kao Janko (Marko) na Kosovu – u hrvatskim i srpskim varijantama frazem se javlja s oba antroponima, dok je u makedonskom zabilježena samo varijanta s Markom.

Analiza računalnih korpusa za hrvatski, makedonski i srpski jezik ispituje sličnosti i razlike u učestalosti kanonske forme, varijacijama antroponimnih komponenti i aktualizacijama frazema. Rezultati pokazuje da je antroponim Marko znatno češći od Janko te da frazemi imaju najveću frekvenciju u srpskom korpusu. Frazem kasno Marko na Kosovo stiže najfrekventniji je u svim trima jezicima, dok provesti se kao Janko (Marko) na Kosovu bilježi znatno manju ili nikakvu frekvenciju. U svim trima jezicima uočena je upotreba posebnih sintagmi za najavu frazema, a zbog duljine, frazemi se ponekad pojavljuju u skraćenoj formi u hrvatskom i u srpskom korpusu, što nije zabilježeno u makedonskom korpusu.

Analiza aktualizicija frazema kasno Marko na Kosovo stiže upućuje na njegov visok kolokacijski potencijal u svim trima jezicima, pri čemu se bilježe aktualizacije na sintagmatskoj i paradigmatskoj razini. U skladu s definicijom ustaljenih aktualizacija prema Moon 2008, bilježe se dva tipa ustaljenih leksikalnih supstitucija: zamjena samo antroponimne komponente Marko ili zamjena obiju onimnih komponenti.

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Od Čechů k Cikánům a zpátky. Antonín Jaroslav Puchmajer, jeho Románi Čib a program národního obrození

From Czechs to Gypsies and back. On the philological work of Antonín Jaroslav Puchmajer Románi Čib and its relation to the national awakening

Studia Slavica
Ondřej Šefčík

České národní obrození je ve svých prvních dvou generacích (jak je klasifikoval Miroslav Hroch) primárně orientováno filologicky: obě generace se filologii věnovaly programově a důsledně, věřily totiž, že právě gramatika, lexikon a literatura aktivně psaná v národním jazyce jsou samy o sobě základním a nejdůležitějším vnějším znakem samotné existence národa (tomuto zaměření můžeme říkat filologický obrat). Klíčový vliv na dobovou českou gramatologii pak měla zásadní a inovátorská česká gramatika Josefa Dobrovského, která byla často metodologicky i formálně napodobována dalšími obrozenci stejné i mladší generace. Jedním z nejpozoruhodnějších děl tohoto typu je gramatika cikánského jazyka Románi Čib, kterou německy (a částečně česky a ovšem také romsky) napsal kněz, básník, národní obrozenec Antonín Jaroslav Puchmajer). Posmrtně vydaná Románi Čib je vůbec pozoruhodným jazykovědným dílem, které se vymyká obvyklému poli zájmu českého obrozeneckého hnutí, neboť je zaměřeno na neslovanský jazyk, navíc marginalizované národnosti. Jde o gramatiku v dobovém kontextu velmi moderní, přiznaně vzniklou pod metodologickým vlivem gramatiky Josefa Dobrovského, doplněnou dále romským slovníčkem a čítankou, navíc pak slovníčkem zlodějské jazyka hantýrky, kterou Puchmajer důsledně odlišuje od vlastní romštiny. Rozsah svazku je přitom relativně skromný (pouhých 88 stran!). Kromě toho je Románi Čib ale také (patrně podvědomě) miniaturou filologického programu národního obrození 19. století, jak jej právě vypracovali (a úspěšně využívali) čeští národní obrozenci první a druhé generace, má totiž všechny vlastnosti, které byly v dobovém kontextu považovány za zásadní pro každý národní program. Puchmajerova Románi Čib obsahuje všechny tři části programu: vyjma gramatiky a slovníčku pak čítanka obsahuje nejen vůbec první publikovanou ukázku původních romských veršů, ale také ukázku překladu Nového zákona a osmnáct bajek v romštině, které napsal sám Puchmajer. Důležité je i „etnogenetické“ pojetí předmluvy: Puchmajer v ní ostře vyděluje Romy (které chápe jako česko-moravsko-uherskou zvláštnost) od německých Sintů, a tím také vlastně inkorporuje Romy do širšího těla vlastního národa. Vzhledem k tomu, že jím popsaný český dialekt už neexistuje (zanikl během druhé světové války, moderní čeští Romové přišli ze Slovenska po válce), je Románi Čib také specifickým etnografickým dokladem sui generis. Pozoruhodný je i obecně humanistický (byť kritický) pohled na Romy, ve kterém autor zdůrazňuje i mravní převahu „čistokrevných“ Romů (kterým říká Kálo) nad „míšenci“ (Párno). Puchmajerovo Románi Čib zůstává pomníkem nejen dobové gramatologie, ale i pomníkem ztracených českých Romů.

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Válka v kontextu současných českých textů

War in the context of contemporary Czech texts

Studia Slavica
Marie Kopřivová

Tato studie se pokouší pomocí velkého množství jazykových dat a lexikografického popisu češtiny sledovat, jak se v češtině píše a hovoří o válce, jak se tento diskurz proměňuje v čase a jak se do textů promítá česká historická zkušenost. Rozsáhlá data pocházejí z českých korpusů: výběrově od 50. let 20. století do podzimu roku 2024. Po roce 1990 vzhledem k současnosti data narůstají, jsou zastoupena především publicistikou, ale i výběr beletrie je rozsáhlý a roste podíl webových textů. Data jsou doplněna i malým, ale unikátním výběrem textu z mluvených projevů. Pro výzkum byl zvolen přístup data-driven: vyhledané slovo válka je zkoumáno v kontextech pomocí kolokačních měr, nástroje pro sémantickou podobnost slov, frazémové anotace. Důležitou roli hraje i frekvence, která díky poměrně velkému časovému rozsahu textů a velkému zastoupení publicistiky odráží aktuální válečné konflikty ve světě. Výsledky přinášejí dynamický pohled na to, jak se v češtině reflektuje téma války.

Opakovaně jsou zmiňovány války, které silně zasáhly do české historie a po nichž se změnily politické poměry. Jedná se především o válku třicetiletou (1618–1648) a dvě světové války ve 20. století. Po první světové válce (1914–1918) vzniklo samostatné Československo, během druhé světové války (1939–1945) bylo Československo okupováno a poté zde nastal komunistický režim. Zejména z této doby se objevují vzpomínky na autentické prožitky příbuzných v mluvených datech. Tyto tendence potvrzuje i zvolený sémantický model vytvořený na základě rozsáhlých webových textů. Mnohem méně zmínek je věnováno časově delší studené válce (v letech 1947–1991), jak je nazýváno období napjatých politických vztahů mezi Spojenými státy a tehdejším Sovětským svazem.

Aktuálně probíhající válečné konflikty pak odrážejí především data psané češtiny z roku 2022, jde o válku na Ukrajině. V těchto textech se objevuje podpora ukrajinských imigrantů a ke srovnání průběhu války slouží zkušenosti z první a druhé světové války. Objevují se také zmínky o negativních věcech doprovázejících válku, jako je např. inflace.

Nejčerstvější data pocházejí z webu a prezentují mimo jiné názorové rozdíly v přístupech k válce na Ukrajině. V těchto textech je už zmiňován i aktuální konflikt na Blízkém východě. Pod vlivem jednotlivých názorových skupin, často spojených s tzv. antisystémovými weby, vzniká i řada neologismů. Jejich velkou část představují kompozita s ironickým významem.

V korpusu česky psané beletrie, v němž se objevují i mimoevropská a historická válečná témata, je téma války poměrně časté. Patří sem ovšem i slavná postava dobrého vojáka Švejka, která rovněž rezonuje v dalších textech a zároveň je slovotvorně produktivní. Jedná se o jeden z českých stereotypů.

Podobně širší časovou perspektivu představují frazémy a jejich modifikace. Zde je zřejmé, že válka představuje metaforický koncept. Kolokace představují dále slovesné kombinace, které demonstrují počátek, průběh a konec konfliktu a s ním spojenou smrt.

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Výraz vojna v korpusoch slovenského jazyka

The expression vojna (war) in the corpora of the Slovak language

Studia Slavica
Radovan Garabík
Jana Wachtarczyková

V príspevku analyzujeme výskyt lexémy vojna v hlavných slovenských jazykových korpusoch. Zaujíma nás, ako a čím môžu korpusy prispieť k poznaniu jazykovej situácie v konkrétnom lingvokultúrnom priestore, aké informácie prinášajú a ako načrtávajú jazykový obraz sveta. Téma vojny za posledných 30 rokov nevystupovala v slovenskom prostredí do popredia, keďže populácia ju prevažne vnímala ako jav temporálne alebo geograficky vzdialený, teda niečo, čo priamo neovplyvňuje každodenný život.

Zameriame sa na synchrónnu a diachrónnu analýzu v troch hlavných podkorpusoch Slovenského národného korpusu, publicistike, beletrii a odborných textoch, ako aj hovorenom korpuse slovenčiny. Ukazuje sa, že výskyt výrazu vojna a príbuzných lexém (napr. vojak, vojenský, vojnový) je vo webovom korpuse relatívne nízky a predpokladáme, že odráža bežnú jazykovú prax v slovenskom diskurze. Mierne vyšší výskyt je v publicistike a beletrii, pričom v korpuse odborných textov sa tento výraz objavuje ešte častejšie, čo je spôsobené prítomnosťou vedeckých a odborných publikácií z oblasti histórie. Všeobecný hovorený korpus má tiež podobný výskyt ako webový, ale v nahrávkach Ústavu pamäti národa má vojna výrazne vyšší výskyt. Ide o prirodzený odraz orálnej histórie a tzv. malých dejín, ktoré sú písané príbehmi jednotlivcov a pamätníkov historických udalosti (napr. SNP).

Potvrdzuje sa, že dejiny spoločenstiev sú stále písané aj ako dejiny vojen. Pre diachrónnu analýzu sme preskúmali výskyty v niektorých časovo vymedzených korpusoch. V korpuse pokrývajúcom roky 1995 až 1989 je výskyt výrazu vojna výrazne vyšší. V skoršom období rokov 1843 až 1954 je však porovnateľný so súčasným bežným jazykom. Vďakaj anotácii Slovenského národného korpusu sme schopní analyzovať časovú závislosť frekvencie výskytu lexémy v rokoch 1955–2024. Očakávaný predpoklad poklesu týchto výskytov v závislosti od času sa potvrdil len čiastočne, najmä v odborných textoch, v dôsledku nárastu popularity iných vedných odborov. V beletrii a publicistických textoch sa v poslednom desaťročí frekvencia lexémy vojna značne zvýšila. V porovnaní s historickými textami z druhej polovice 19. storočia a prvej polovice 20. storočia sa moderné korpusy ani všeobecný hovorený korpus výrazne nelíšia.

Do analýzy sme zaradili aj vektorové reprezentácie slov a ich vizualizáciu na skúmanie sémantických vzťahov slov. V slovenskom modeli má k výrazu vojna najbližšie spojenie vojnový konflikt a považujeme ho za kontextovú dominantu sémantického poľa pojmu vojna. Reflektujeme aj vektorový prenos z mužského rodu (vojak) do ženského rodu (vojačka). Napriek zjavnej veľmi veľkej rodovej nerovnosti v modernej armáde model nevykazuje rodovo zaujaté výsledky (nižšiu prestíž ženských variantov slov), ako to často vidíme v anglickojazyčných modeloch (v slovenských tento jav nebol potvrdený). Na záver ukazujeme možnosť použitia veľkého jazykového modelu na generovanie lexikografických definícií ako príklad možného budúceho smerovania lexikografie.

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Литературное наследие представителей первой волны русской эмиграции навсегда запечатлело об-раз французской столицы глазами русского вынужденного эмигранта – образ прекрасного, почти сказочного города, в котором многие из них побывали еще детьми, позднее ставшего свидетелем их метаморфоз. Для множества литераторов первой волны Париж стал второй европейской столицей, принявшей их. Первой для многих оказался Берлин, который в первые послереволюционные годы был почти обязательным транзитным пунктом для русского интеллигента, покинувшего советскую Россию, «чем-то вроде узловой станции», по меткому выражению Леонида Андреева.

Одной из ключевых фигур литературного небосклона Парижа тридцатых годов, бесспорно, явля-ется Владислав Ходасевич — умный, тонкий, проницательный критик. Набоков считал его крупней-шим поэтом своего времени, «литературным потомком Пушкина»; Гумилев назвал его «европейцем по любви к деталям красоты». Однако Париж оказался для Ходасевича местом бытовой неустроен-ности, духовного одиночества и невозможности творить свободно.

В европейской картине мира Париж наделен богатыми коннотациями — это город любви, вдох-новения, искусства и т. д. Тем интереснее становится фиксация парижских смыслов в опыте людей разных эпох, национальностей, происхождения. Для этой фиксации мы применим лингвистиче-ский и дискурсивный подходы, в центре которых находятся способы категоризации и языковой ре-презентации пространства, при этом важно будет помнить, что пространственные описания любых типов коррелируют с символическими ценностями и с эстетикой автора или авторов.

Сочетание двух подходов – сопоставительного, призванного оттенить парижскую атмосферу эмигрантского бытия на фоне двух российских столиц, Петербурга и Москвы, а также Берлина, и микроисторического (Дж. Леви, К. Гинзбург), предполагающего максимально детализированное из-учение фактов жизни конкретного человека, его индивидуальных стремлений и действий в сопря-жении с макроисторическим контекстом, позволяет раскрыть образ Парижа и парижские мотивы в литературном наследии Ходасевича в более полном объеме, что, в свою очередь, вносит вклад в изучение творчества поэта, критика и публициста.

Собрание стихов 1927 года (сумма его сильнейшей поэзии) и Некрополь 1939 года — две главные книги Ходасевича, и обе составлены и изданы в Париже. Они представляют собой его «патент на благородство» и оправдание творческой жизни. В его творчестве материальность Парижа как го-родского пространства стала метафорической — это колодец парижского двора, из которого уже нет пути в большой открытый мир, и дискурсивной — это некрополь, умозрительное кладбище культурной эпохи.

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«Не сводя глаз с Парижа»: влияние французского языка на значение книжныж славянизмов на рубеже XVIII и XIX веков

“Feast your eyes on Paris”: The influence of French on the meaning of book Slavicisms at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries

Studia Slavica
Tivadar Palágyi
Angela Palágyi

В статье анализируются французские кальки в русском языке, включая новогреческий язык в качестве tertium comparationis. Оба языка, русский и греческий, характеризовались тем, что в их распоряжении уже имелся престижный сакральный язык со значительным абстрактным словарным запасом чтобы обновить язык на рубеже XVIII и XIX веков. В случае русского языка речь идет о церковнославянском языке, а в случае греческого языка – о древнегреческом, который охватывал всю античную культуру в дополнение к библейской и византийской лексике, переведенная уже в средние века на церковнославянский язык с помощью калек. Новые понятия и идеи эпохи Просвещения распространились по всей Европе XVIII века на французском языке. Русские, а также новогреческие лингвисты-новаторы-переводчики и писатели стремились приспособить собственный унаследованный от прошлого лексикон высокого стиля к французским понятиям современной эпохи. Это достигалось, в основном, путем кальки, то есть заимствованием значений. В статье сравниваются разные русские и греческие этимологические словари с целью выяснения отношения к калькам в обеих культурах. На основе анализированных примеров можно утверждать, что разные русские этимологические словари относительно единообразны в оценке семантических калек. В отличие от русских словарей, в греческих словарях доля признанных заимствований намного выше. По сравнению со словарем Бабиниотиса, Словарь новогреческого языка (Λεξικό της κοινής νεοελληνικής) фонда Триандафиллидиса склонен видеть большее французское влияние на современное значение древнегреческих слов.

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Scholarly interests in metaphor translation are predominantly drawn to ‘translatability’ with a focus on cultural universals/specificities, overlooking the underlying ideology in metaphor ‘transfer’ from source texts to target texts. Benefiting from a methodological weld of the cognitive approach to metaphor and critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study examines the underlying ideology in metaphor re-encoding by Chinese conference interpreters at the Summer Davos Forum in China. The analysis demonstrates that the interpreters deploy different metaphor translation strategies to (a) preserve/accentuate positive values and (b) reduce/conceal negative values in metaphor re-encoding for China-related discourses, thus introducing ideological shifts in the TTs. The results suggest that ideology cannot only condition metaphor transfer but override linguistic or cultural factors in metaphor translation/interpreting regarding ideologically charged discourse. The article concludes by highlighting the value of the methodological integration of the cognitive approach to metaphor and CDA for a critical examination of metaphor transfer in translation/interpreting studies.

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This inquiry focuses on the testimony of Abraham Mesapsa, Archbishop of Ohrid, concerning the authenticity of the remains of Saint John the Almsgiver from 1629. The document, preserved in the Slovak National Archive, was already annotated in the 19th century. This study incorporates commentary on the hitherto unanalysed text. A detailed examination has shown that the spiritus rector of the document was apparently the Esztergom Archbishop and Cardinal Péter Pázmány, who had meticulously prepared the erection of a new mausoleum for the relics of Saint John the Almsgiver. Pázmány took advantage of the services of the greatly impoverished Archbishop of Ohrid, who was at that time in Vienna seeking financial support for his almost ruined archbishopric. Abraham, who often abused the trust of European rulers as well as the Russian Tsar, evidently confirmed the authenticity of the relics of Saint John the Almsgiver in exchange for financial help. His not particularly trustworthy document was then presented to the highest authorities of the Habsburg monarchy during the centenary festivities in Pressburg as an important testimony.

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The paper discusses the issue of Byzantine presence in the territory of the prefecture of Illyricum in the Balkan interior after the Slavic-Avar invasion in the early seventh century. It is argued that the Slavic settlement of the Balkan Peninsula was not as thorough as usually assumed, but that there were in the Balkan interior, amidst its general depopulation, sporadic remains of the provincial Roman population of urban culture during the seventh to ninth centuries with certain degree of Byzantine political authority until the Bulgarian conquest in the early ninth century.

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Greek pioneers of medical history in the 19th and 20th centuries. The extensive and detailed bibliography dedicated to medical history by Demetrios Ap. Karamperopoulos (Athens 2009) provides an excellent overview of the development of the history of medicine in Greece from 1750 to the present day. Well-known scholars whose research shaped the beginnings of Byzantine studies are represented as pioneers of deep-rooted research in the history of medicine as well as remarkable Greek physicians who not only proved to be authorities of the medical discipline, but likewise were profound historians and philologists. Of particular interest are the manifold and individually distinguished motives of all the eminent scholars, which led them to occupy themselves intensively with ancient, late antique and Byzantine – or generally medieval – primary sources and, moreover, led them to scrutinize the rich and in their time almost completely unexplored manuscript tradition related, to evaluate it in detail and to make it accessible to the scholarly communities of their epochs. Furthermore, noteworthy are the diverse and quite significant thematic emphases, which in turn strikingly reflect contemporary nosological and scholarly focuses. The universe of scholarship unfolded and, at the same time, the scholars' ambition, transcultural networking and pioneering spirit opens up to today's reception a striking reflection of the Byzantine multicultural society, but also of a genuine Byzantine scholarship that includes not only professional doctors but also highly respected amateur physicians (philiatroi). This paper aims to offer a few first insights into this scholarly universe of medical history, which represents the roots of today's success story of the whole discipline of medicine in all its facets, by means of an exemplary selection of some Greek scholars and their pioneering and valuable publications in the field of medical history.

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The Greeks are not a central theme in Saba Malaspina’s Latin chronicle, covering the reigns of Manfred and Charles I of Anjou. A detailed analysis of the context in which the Greeks and Greece are mentioned in this chronicle, with its extremely meticulous rhetorical construction, nevertheless reveals the extent to which Saba Malaspina’s discourse contains both a series of clichés and a more refined perception of the relationship between the Greeks and the Kingdom of Sicily, as regards both the Greek populations of the Mezzogiorno and the clashes between the Byzantine emperor and the Angevin king. Saba Malaspina’s position as a bishop with close ties to both Rome and Calabria may have helped him to develop a more refined image of the Greek than that of a number of Latin writers of his time.

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Between the end of the 13th century and the early decades of the following century, the manuscript now marked Vat. Pal. gr. 367 was compiled in Cyprus. On folios 33v–39v, it includes the text known today as the Cypriot Passion Cycle. The article focuses primarily on the episode of the Crucifixion (Περὶ τῆς σταυρώσεως), where the text presents some interpretative issues, including a blank space precisely where the Virgin Mary should utter her lament. How should this gap be interpreted? Beyond the nature of the threnos that should have been inserted (impossible to determine precisely), attention here is shifted to the fact that the need to insert a lament at this point could only have come from Western models.

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The paper discusses the origin and use of the division into the “seven ages of man” in Serbian medieval hagiographies, with reference to data from diplomatic sources. Our intention is to examine the reliability of such a division and the time of its appearance in medieval Serbia, and to point out that the appearance of this concept in Serbian medieval hagiographies is a direct reception of ancient models.

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The letters from the German Byzantinologist Franz Dölger (editor-in-chief of Byzantinische Zeitschrift), informative documents on the history of the period and of contemporary science, occupy a special place in the legacy of Gyula Moravcsik kept in the Manuscript Archives of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. They give a shocking picture of the losses suffered during World War II, but also of the chaos following its conclusion. There are also many references to the post-war fate of individuals in the emerging status quo. We can gain insights into the private lives of the two families, but thanks to the close friendship between them, we can also glean valuable information about the development of both Hungarian and international scholarship in the field of Byzantine Studies.

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The present paper attempts to reveal the sources of a drawing by Giovanni Antonio Dosio (1533–1611) showing an obelisk inscribed with pseudo-hieroglyphs in the context of the classical authorities Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, Tacitus and Pliny the Elder. Dosio's artistic engagement with hieroglyphic studies is a characteristic feature of the humanistic scholarly community of his time. The inscription on the obelisk designed by Dosio proves to be an attempt to formulate the humanae vitae conditio in cryptographic manner by means of pseudo-hieroglyphs, i.e. with symbolic reference to the mysterious wisdom of ancient Egypt.

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In the Middle Ages, Western society was fascinated by chess and at the same time, convicted it. All over Europe, archaeological excavations have uncovered both luxurious and very simple pieces. In many churches, mosaics or stained-glass windows depict figures playing this pagan game. Medieval literature is also a source for studying the history of chess and its establishment in the feudal society. This study aims to present the lexical, literary and cultural integration of this Oriental game in French medieval society, by studying a corpus of medieval narratives (30 romances and chansons de geste), examining the terms used in the texts, questioning the courtliness of the chess player and of his game, and analysing passages in which chess is not just a stylistic device but actually plays an important role in the narrative progression of the story.

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Voyage dans la Pouille réelle et imaginaire

L'Italie méridionale et son imaginaire “ byzantinisant ” dans la littérature de fiction, XIIe–XIIIe s.

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Annick Peters-Custot
Michelle Szkilnik


The medieval romance Guillaume de Dole mentions a mysterious queen of Puglia as well as a fairy who are both remarkable embroiderers. Examining the geopolitical situation of Apulia in the 12th and 13th c., the article argues that this surprising promotion of Apulia and its supposed fairies and queens in literature is due to a genuine interest in a region hotly coveted by princes, kings and emperors, but also to the desire to move away from Arthurian romance and explore new imaginary territories.

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„Mundi inversi“ Slávy dcery

“Mundi inversi” of The Daughter of Sláva

Studia Slavica
Róbert Kiss Szemán

Studie se zabývá strukturálními otázkami jednoho z nejvýznamnějších děl Jána Kollára, Slávy dcery (1824), které vyšlo před dvěma sty lety. Po prvním vydání básník dílo rozšířil o dva nové zpěvy (1832): Lethe provází čtenáře do slovanského nebe, Acheron vykresluje utrpení hříšníků ve slovanském pekle. Tyto písně sice zůstaly v genealogickém vztahu s původním dílem, ale jako nové, zvláštní textové formy zásadně změnily strukturu prvotní básnické skladby. Studie podrobuje kritice v české a slovenské literární historii obecně přijímaný estetický úsudek, dle kterého autor zmíněnými dvěma novými zpěvy „pokazil“ své původní dílo z r. 1824.

Prostředníctvím recepční estetiky autor studie vychází z vědecké hypotézy, že Kollár, který ve 20. letech vytvořil básnickou skladbu Slávy dcera, ji na přelomu 30. let dekonstruoval a rozšířil. Nový textový konglomerát nejenom zásadně změnil rozsah původního básnického díla, ale otevřel také možnosti nové čtenářské interpretace na změněném recepčním horizontu třicátých a čtyřicátých let 19. století.

Výskyt topoi souvisejících s alteritou není v Kollárově díle raritou: již dříve se autorovi podařilo identifikovat mimo jiné topos „fertilitas Pannoniae/Slaviae“ nebo „querela Hungariae/Slaviae“. V této studii se autor pokouší popsat dva nové zpěvy básnického díla pomocí pojmu „mundus inversus“, tedy literárního topoi „obráceného světa“ (Curtius, 1946). „Mundus inversus“ je kulturní topos známý z alterity, ke kterému sahali i autoři pozdějších období, včetně Kollára, s cílem představit kulturní a jazykové neřesti své doby, jakož i společenskou a politickou absurditu. Ke zobrazení převrácené společnosti použil Kollár bohatý vzorový materiál, v němž jsou většinou zastoupeni aktéři slovanských, německých a uherských dějin, církve a kultury. (Byly z nich vybrány ty nejtypičtější příklady, včetně sonetů představujících sv. Jeronýma jako „slovanského“ církevního otce, dále někteří emblematičtí němečtí historikové nebo maďarsko-srbský bilingvní básník Mihály Vitkovics.)

Ukazuje se, že rozšíření Slávy dcery o dva zmíněné zpěvy slouží i k tematizaci nevýhodného postavení nastupujících novodobých slovanských národů v mocenských strukturách habsburské říše a Uherského království. V tomto pojetí sloužily karnevalizace (Bachtin) a literární topos „mundus inversus“ také jako kritika koloniálního systému 19. století, a přispěly tak k formování slovanského národního emblematismu.

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Since many details in the relations between Byzantium and Hungary have already been covered in research, this article attempts to point out the transnational connections between the two states. Hungary had been a constant factor of Byzantine policy in the Balkans since it had become a stately consolidated Christian kingdom around 1000. This was of particular importance after the victory over Bulgaria in 1018 made the Byzantine Empire a territorial neighbour for almost 200 years. During this period, not only important marriage ties between the ruling houses fall, but also the establishment of members of the Arpadian house in Constantinople. In the 13th century, for Byzantium, the connection with the Hungarian royal house was a protection against Charles of Anjou in lower Italy and his plans for the conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the second half of the 14th century and in the 15th century Hungary became the main ally of the Emperor of Constantinople against the Ottomans. However, the profound social and ecclesiastical differences between the Eastern Roman Empire and Hungary made it impossible for Hungary to be included in the cultural community of the Byzantine Commonwealth.

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The aim of our study is to explain and define the ‘dream-program’ in its relation to the premonitory dream, based on the definitions introduced by Herman Braet. Although the ‘dream-program’ has drawn on a variety of traditions, our study focuses on the effects of dream material borrowed from Antiquity. In our paper we attempt to explain meaningful dreams through ancient classification systems and their literary manifestations in the French medieval literature. As the ‘dream-program’ is more common in twelfth-century narrative literature, our textual examples dating mainly from this period allow us to define sub-categories according to dream scenarios, thus broadening our reflections on the concept. Our ambition is to (re)explore this type of dream, which essentially claims a literary status and a cultural dimension.

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This paper aims to illustrate the abilities and practicability of digital prosopographical databases through the case of historical dates. Numerous historical databases were created in the last few decades, and they applied different models to record and store historical data in an effective way. Although the developers and researchers of these projects faced several problems due to a conflict between the characteristics of structured databases and the nature of historical evidence and historical studies. The paper compares the methodologies of two databases, PBW and RELEVEN through the cases of the death of John of Bari and Bisantius Guirdeliku. The primary sources provide conflicting dates of these events. Thus, the analysis can address the issues of interpretation and authority behind a piece of information.

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Published between 1878 and 1881, the three volumes of Standish O'Grady's History of Ireland comprise a narrative of Irish mythology, driven by the author's conviction that many of the ancient tales were rooted in actual history. Although not immediately felt, the impact of History of Ireland became long-lasting, a point of departure for an array of literary works treating Irish mythological topics during what came to be known as the Irish Literary Revival. This paper addresses History of Ireland from the perspective of O'Grady's background as a student of ancient Greek civilization. It considers the most important comparisons that he drew between Irish and Greek antiquity, including his contention that the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, Tara, was equivalent in symbolism to Mount Olympus in ancient Greece. The paper assesses the strengths, weaknesses and significance of O'Grady's case for considering Irish mythology as approximate to that of the Greeks.

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This article examines the Platonic references present in the corpus of Philostratus' Erotic Letters (F2 manuscripts, edited by Kai Brodersen) with regard to the themes of vision and desire. The aim is to show that Philostratus ironically subverts and turns upside down the Platonic theses on love: he reverses the Platonic axiology by returning to earth and anchoring himself in bodily beauty. But on the other hand, to do this, he draws on elements present in Plato's own text, first and foremost his images, and the way in which Plato himself conceives of the institution of pederasty, so that he takes more from Platonism than might at first appear. This article thus hypothesises that for both Plato and Philostratus, the bodily and human beauty that arouses erotic desire is merely an image, but for Plato, the beauty of bodies is the image of true and ideal beauty, whereas for Philostratus, this image is that produced by the talent of the epistolary writer.

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The paper aims to map the chronological development of the poetic work of Janko Silan, a representative of Slovak Catholic Modernism. It focuses on the development of his poetic method from his debut to posthumously published works. Literary scholarship in Slovakia regards his poetry timeless for its appealing subjectivism, authentic spirituality and humanity.

Janko Silan’s debut Kuvici [Owls] displays distinct modernist tendencies. Silan adopted the motif of little owls from Slovak folklore, where they were known as harbingers of death. The lyrical subject too presents himself as one who is sad and aware of his mortality. The author also incorporated autobiographical motifs into his collection, especially the motif of eye disease and blindness.

The poetry of Silan, the seminarian, includes three thematically distinct collections: the spiritual Rebrík do neba [Ladder to Heaven], the love poems in the Sonety májové [May Sonnets] and the commemorative poetic composition Slávme to spoločne [Let us Celebrate It Together]. The explicit spiritual theme in his seminarian’s poetry does not contain aesthetic value; it is baroquely patulous and sentimental. The love theme of Sonety májové [May Sonnets] is surprising to the reader coming from an author who is preparing for priestly celibacy. It seems that as an anthropological value, sexuality too is a gift from God and needs to be incorporated into the spiritual life. The book of poems, Slávme to spoločne [Let us Celebrate It Together] is dedicated to the author’s mother, Helena. Silan describes her as a “beautifully holy woman”.

The poetry of the priest period, between 1942 and 1945, includes Silan’s collections Kým nebudeme doma [Until We Are Home] and Piesne z Javoriny [Songs from Javorina]. Literary critics and historians highly praise the second of Silan’s priestly collections. It is described as Franciscan because of many natural motifs that the author utilizes.

Janko Silan is described as a “verbumist” because he was involved in a group of poets gathered around the magazine and publishing house Verbum (1946–1949). This period includes the collections Piesne zo Ždiaru [Songs from Ždiar] and Úbohá duša na zemi [Poor Soul on Earth]. In them, the author expresses his anxiety about the political situation and threat of Communist totalitarianism.

Silan’s collection of poetry from the 1960s Oslnenie [Sun Blindness] corresponds with a relaxed political and social context. His poetry is “grounded”, human-centred, without explicit spiritualization. The smile that the author allows himself adds to the anthropological value.

When Janko Silan was banned from publishing his poetry, he wrote “for the desk drawer”. The most famous from this period is the collection Katolícke piesne z Važca [The Catholic songs from Važec] and the novel Dom opustenosti [The House of Abandonment]. The prevalent themes are the violation of human rights in Czechoslovakia and the repressive impact of totalitarianism on an individual who, for reasons of conscience, is not willing to conform to Communist ideology. Of several works written in this period, Dom opustenosti [The House of Abandonment] has been particularly popular with readers and scholars.

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The present etymological study brings arguments for additionally reconstructing two new zoonyms in Proto-Semitic, (1) *ṣar«- ‘a kind of (poisonous?) snake’, which is attested in two of the most archaic Semitic languages, Akkadian and Eblaite, and perhaps in one representative of the Modern South Arabian languages, Soqotri, and one of Ethio-Semitic, Endegeň, plus indirect traces in Hebrew and Geez; (2) *ṣawr- or *ṣur-/*ṣar- ‘lizard’, attested only in Akkadian and Eblaite, but with promising external cognates within Afroasiatic, namely East Cushitic, Chadic, and maybe Egyptian.

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Antroponyma v koexistenci s přírodou Vlastní jména osob ve vztahu k živočichům a rostlinám

Anthroponyms in coexistence with nature Personal names in relation to animals and plants

Studia Slavica
Marie Janečková

Studie se zabývá antroponymy, konkrétně příjmeními se vztahem k přírodě, tedy k živočichům a rostlinám. Současná příjmení z názvů zvířat (savci, ptáci, ryby atd.) a rostlin (byliny, květiny, stromy) mají dlouhou tradici. Záměrem studie je sledovat současnou frekvenci takových příjmení. K tomuto účelu jsme využili server, který se opírá o databázi příjmení Ministerstva vnitra České republiky. Příjmení z názvů zvířat jsou většinou metaforická a metonymická. Nejvyšší frekvenci výskytu mají příjmení z názvů savců (jelen, vlk, liška, ježek). V češtině převládají formy deminutivní, například Jelínek (9815 jmen) proti Jelen (764), totéž Vlček (6909) proti Vlk (3259). Příjmení z názvů zpěvných ptáků, tj. Čermák (7955), Sýkora (5852), Strnad (4422), Slavík (4404) a mnoho dalších, jsou velmi rozmanitá. Výrazné zastoupení mají také příjmení z názvů chovaných, stejně jako volně žijících ptáků: Holub (6439), Kohout (3848), Hrdlička (3278). Příjmení z názvů dravých ptáků a ostatních živočichů nejsou tak početná. Vysoký počet nositelů mají příjmení z názvů květin: Růžička (9599), Fiala (9182). Příjmení z názvů ostatních rostlin, např. Kopřiva (2549), Šafránek (1781) aj. vykazují nižší frekvenci výskytu. Slovotvorná struktura příjmení z názvů tradičně rozšířených stromů (dub, buk, bříza, javor, lípa aj.) je bohatá. Jména vyjadřují podobnost, nebo vlastnost, např. Doubek (1609), Bouček (895), ale také vztah k místu bydliště: Dubský (1418), Bukovský (625), Březina (3064). Frekvence příjmení z názvů stromů ve srovnání s ostatními typy je však celkově nižší. Jen příjmení Jedlička (3666) a Vrba (3551) vynikají početností.

V celkovém srovnání frekvence jsou příjmení z názvů zvířat mnohem početnější. Příjmení Jelínek, Čermák, Vlček, Holub, Sýkora, Liška, Strnad, Slavík, Ježek, Beránek, řazené podle počtu nositelů, patří do první stovky nejpočetnějších českých příjmení.

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In the mid-17th century, Venice became the stage on which the Zrínyi family played out its many and multifaceted political, commercial and cultural interests. The elder brother Miklós (1620–1664), besides being one of the most well-regarded poets of 17th-century Hungarian literature, was also a politician (serving as the Ban of Croatia) and a skilled businessman. He spent his entire life fighting against the Turkish Ottoman invaders, while also attempting to reign in the uneasy alliance with the Habsburgs. The focus of this paper is to explore the visits Miklós made to Venice, together with his younger brother Péter (1621–1671) and his sister-in-law Katarina Frankopan (1625–1673), to look after their commercial interests, as well as to purchase Italian editions for their well-stocked library and find a publisher for their own translations and, last but not least, to forge diplomatic ties with the French ambassador Piero Bonsi (1631–1703), in a bid to defend the independence of Hungary, even if this meant upsetting the traditional European alliances.

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This paper contributes to our cross-linguistic understanding of pluractional adverbials through an in-depth, corpus-assisted study of the N(um)-nkéd construction in Late Old and Early Middle Hungarian. We argue that N(um)-nkéd pluractionals are (i) mereological-only, (ii) they can be associated with the agent, theme, time or location of the eventuality, (iii) they can modify states as well as events and (iv) they cannot instantiate pluractional comparisons across substates. These findings call for a more fine-grained cross-linguistic approach to pluractional adverbials, especially in terms of the mereological-scalar dichotomy: in addition to (i) context and (ii) the type of the N(um)-denotation, (iii) the morphosyntactic makeup of the pluractional also has to be taken into account. Adopting a diachronic approach will also enable us to shed light on a somewhat neglected aspect of pluractional adverbials: their functional load, especially in terms of the division of labour vis-à-vis universal quantifiers (‘day-by-day’ vs. ‘every day’) and distributive operators (‘all the boys one-by-one’ vs. ‘each boy’). By observing changes playing out in the Late Old Hungarian to Early Middle Hungarian as evidenced in corpora, we will show that the development and spread of bona fide universal quantifiers and of the partitive-distributive suffix -ik indeed happened in tandem with a sharp reduction of the frequency of the relevant types of pluractional adverbials.

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Plural pronouns can have split antecedents distributed in various positions. This article scrutinizes the distribution of plural pronouns taking split antecedents in English, relying heavily on informant judgments to determine acceptability. Two conditions on split antecedents are proposed. These conditions are expressed in terms of the valents of predicates in a dependency grammar (DG) framework of syntax. The DG approach proves to be effective in cases that challenge semantic predicate-argument approaches.

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This article traces the concept of forgiveness and related displays of mercy as enjoined by Zoroastrian scripture and exegesis and as displayed through the writings and actions of rulers and clerics. It connects those Zoroastrian themes to similar ones among ancient Greeks and medieval Manichaeans. Forgiveness emerges through this investigation as a central aspect of Zoroastrian piety and praxis, which the faith’s followers attributed back to Ahura Mazdā in his ascribed role as their creator deity. Therefore, as this analysis elucidates, Zoroastrians consistently held, exercised, and extolled forgiveness and mercy from ancient through medieval and even modern times, in their communities of Central Asia, Iran, and the Indian subcontinent.

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