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Psychological journals are peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journals that publish original work in some areas of psychology. The most common publications include cognitive, health and clinical psychology, applied, developmental, biological, social, experimental, and educational psychology, and psychoanalysis.
Behavioral Sciences
Background and aims
The intertemporal and risk decision-making impairments are vital cognitive mechanisms in internet use disorder (IUD). However, the underlying neural mechanisms for these two decision-making dysfunctions in individuals with IUD remain unclear.
This study employed Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to record changes in blood oxygen concentration in the prefrontal cortex of individuals with IUD during intertemporal and risk decision-making tasks.
The findings revealed that the intertemporal decision-making deficits in IUD group were primarily associated with reduced activation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and FC from the left dlPFC to the right dlPFC. On the other hand, risk decision-making impairments were linked to decreased OFC activation and weakened functional connectivity from the left dlPFC to the right dlPFC and OFC.
Discussions and Conslusions
These results suggested that while there were common neural mechanisms underlying intertemporal and risk decision-making impairments in individuals with IUD, specific neural foundations existed for each type of dysfunction.
Gaming disorder (GD) screening often involves self-report survey measures to detect the presence of symptoms. Studies have shown that gamers' responses vary greatly across survey items. Some symptoms, such as preoccupation and tolerance, are frequently reported by highly engaged but non-problematic gamers, and therefore these symptoms are thought to lack specificity and are suggested to be less important in classification decisions. We argue that the influence of response categories (e.g., dichotomous responses, such as ‘yes’ or ‘no’; or frequency categories, such as ‘rarely’ and ‘often’) on item responses has been relatively underexplored despite potentially contributing significantly to the psychometric performance of items and scales. In short, the type of item response may be just as important to symptom reporting as the content of survey questions. We propose some practical alternatives to currently used item categories across GD tools. Research should examine the performance of different response categories, including whether certain response categories aid respondents' comprehension and insight, and better capture pathological behaviours and harms.
This analysis of current and historical research and clinical reports observes that the relationship between psychedelics and schizophrenia is complex and there are reports of psychedelics benefiting this population. Specifically, lower doses of psychedelics (mostly LSD) appear to have a potential beneficial impact on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Background and aims
Simulated gambling products, like loot boxes and social casino games, contain gambling elements, but are not classified as gambling. They are available to minors, raising concerns about a “gateway effect” into gambling. This study examined the time course of young people's engagement in simulated and monetary gambling, and associations between simulated gambling and gambling problems and harm. A necessary, although not sufficient, condition for simulated games leading to real money gambling is that simulated play must come first.
Participants were 1,026 young adults (aged 18–25 years) who played video games in the last year. They reported the age at which they first took part in seven simulated and twelve monetary gambling products, and current gambling problems and harm.
First use of loot boxes and video games with gambling content tended to precede monetary gambling. Forms where gambling is a core gameplay element, such as social casino and demonstration games, tended to follow some monetary gambling forms. Engagement in most simulated gambling products was associated with greater harm from monetary gambling.
The findings leave open the possibility of a catalyst pathway from youth engagement in loot boxes and games with gambling content to later monetary gambling, but causal psychosocial mechanisms remain unclear. However, a pathway from social casino and demonstration games to monetary gambling appears less likely, which may instead reflect containment or substitution effects. Simulated gambling disproportionately attracts youth who are vulnerable to gambling problems and harm, indicating the need for consumer protection measures.
The Sonoran Desert Toad (Incilius alvarius) is the only vertebrate known to produce the powerful psychedelic, 5-MeO-DMT, which is easily-accessible form the animal's exterior glands. This paper seeks to present the biocultural (ecological and cultural) history, and conservation concerns of I. alvarius. Discovery of 5-MeO-DMT in I. alvarius was first reported in 1965 and 1967 (Erspamer et al.), and eventually led to the popular psychedelic use of this species after a pamphlet was published in 1984 (Most). Its mostly unmitigated use in for-profit spirituality, wellness, and adventurism has driven erroneous, coerced, and exploitive narratives of ancient Indigenous use – increasing: exploitation of I. alvarius, biocultural erosion, and malpractice of 5-MeO-DMT. Reconciliation of diverse needs is intellectually and financially challenging. It must be careful of approaches that are implicitly biased by a demand that extracts, appropriates, and trades in Indigenous and wellness motifs – but can be reached from the reconciliation and intersection of Indigenous and Western science and priorities. Few conservation-oriented studies and outreach elements concerning I. alvarius exist, and most have been supported by crowdfunding.
Csecsemőmegfigyelések környezetpszichológiai tapasztalatai egy kvalitatív kutatás tükrében
Environmental psychological experiences of infant observations
Háttér és célok: Kutatásunkban tanulmányi célzattal készült pszichoanalitikus szemléletű csecsemőmegfigyelési jegyzőkönyveket vizsgáltunk. A megfigyelések eredeti céljukat tekintve az anya-csecsemő interakciókra, a baba fejlődésére, illetve a megfigyelő által átélt élményekre fókuszáltak, mi azonban arra kerestük a választ, hogy ezek az információk milyen konkrét tapasztalati élményből táplálkoznak, s ezeknek milyen szociofizikai aspektusai érhetők tetten. Arra voltunk tehát kíváncsiak, hogy a megfigyelés szempontjai között – annak ellenére, hogy ez nem volt cél – megjelennek-e, és ha igen, miként artikulálódnak szociofizikai tényezők. Módszer: Az Ego Klinika módszerspecifikus gyermekterapeuta képzésében részt vevő hallgatók mint megfigyelők szolgáltattak adatokat a kutatás számára. Tíz darab, 2006 és 2016 között készült, egy-másfél éven át heti rendszerességgel zajló csecsemőmegfigyelés feljegyzéseit tartalmazó jegyzőkönyv elemzését végeztük el. A kvalitatív kutatás szövegelemzéssel, a Grounded Theory módszerével készült. Eredmények: Szövegelemzésünk szerint három fontos kulcskategória rajzolódott ki, melyek a megfigyelések szociofizikai vetületét jelenítették meg, ezek a „mozgás a térben”, a „helyélmény” és az „elfedések” kategórianevet viselik. Emellett nem közvetlenül szociofizikai vetületű kategóriák is kirajzolódtak („a múlt lenyomatai”, „érzelmek”, „alkalmazkodások” néven), melyek fontos kontextuális háttérként értelmezhetők. Következtetések: Kutatásunk arra világított rá, hogy a környezetpszichológiai szociofizikai kontextus, mint nem tudatosuló, de mégis erőteljesen jelen lévő tényező húzódik meg a megfigyelendő jelenségek hátterében, annak ellenére, hogy a megfigyelői feladat nem tartalmazta fizikai aspektusok megfigyelését. A jegyzőkönyvekben jól körvonalazhatóan megjelenő szociofizikai tényezők feltehetően a megfigyelő gondolatait, értelmezési módjait is befolyásolták, és úgy tűnik, fontos információforrásként, sok esetben értelmezési keretük sarokpontjaiként szolgáltak. Ez a jellegzetesség egyben felveti annak lehetőségét, hogy a szociofizikai környezeti viszonyok tanulmányozása bevonhatóvá váljék a megfigyelési jegyzőkönyvek elemzésébe.
Background and aims
This scoping review employed a multifaceted conceptualization of well-being to examine how psilocybin use affects well-being and related sub-concepts in healthy individuals. It investigated which factors influence the relationship between psilocybin use and well-being, what research protocols have been employed, and what underlying mechanisms have been proposed in existing studies.
A comprehensive literature search in line with the PRISMA guidelines was conducted. Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched for peer-reviewed articles about psilocybin and well-being in healthy populations.
Studies were heterogeneous in regard to study objectives, study design, study procedure, sample size and psilocybin dosage. In all studies, psilocybin use led to positive well-being-related outcomes for the majority of participants. Facets of well-being positively affected by psilocybin use in this review were self-acceptance, positive relationships, and meaning/purpose in life.
This scoping review provided preliminary evidence for the beneficial effects of psilocybin on well-being and related sub-concepts such as self-acceptance, positive relationships, and meaning/purpose in life in healthy individuals. Ego-dissolution, unity, connectedness, and mystical-type experiences are interrelated concepts that seem to be crucial for explaining such positive well-being-related effects of psilocybin. Under conducive conditions, the use of psilocybin may contribute to healthy functioning, through broad and sustained improvements in a variety of well-being concepts. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the studies, more definite conclusions require further research with a rigorous and homogeneous design.
A termék-influenszer összeillés és a szponzorált tartalom jelölésének együttes hatása a környezettudatos szponzorált posztok értékelésére
The simultaneous effect of the product-influencer fit and sponsorship disclosure on the evaluation of sponsored environmentally conscious posts
Háttér és célkitűzések: A környezetbarát termékekkel kapcsolatos marketingkommunikáció egyre nagyobb teret nyer a közösségi médiában. Előzetes kutatások igazolták, hogy míg az influenszer és az ajánlott termék összeillése pozitívan befolyásolja a meggyőzés sikerességét, a szponzorált tartalom feltüntetése negatív hatással van a meggyőzésre. Jelen tanulmány az influenszer-termék összeillés és a szponzorált tartalom feltüntetésének együttes hatását vizsgálja egy influenszer által posztolt környezettudatos tisztítószer ajánlásának eredményességére. Feltételeztük, hogy magas termék-influenszer összeillés esetén a szponzorált tartalom jelölése kevésbé negatívan fog hatni a termékajánlás eredményességére. Módszer: Hipotéziseink megválaszolásához egy 2 (kontroll versus környezettudatos profil) × 2 (kontroll versus figyelmeztetés szponzorált tartalomra) kontrollcsoportos online kísérletet hajtottunk végre. Résztvevőinket egy egyetemi kurzus keretében toboroztuk (N = 430, M = 22,1 év, SD = 4,22 év). Az ingeranyagokat magunk állítottuk elő fiktív influenszer profilok és posztok létrehozásával. A hipotézisek tesztelését két szempontos varianciaanalízisekkel végeztük. Eredmények: Sem a reklám-, sem a márkaattitűdöt nem befolyásolta az összeillés és a szponzorált tartalom feltüntetésének együttes hatása, az első két hipotézisünket nem sikerült bizonyítanunk. A magas termék-influenszer összeillés azonban pozitívan befolyásolta a reklám- és márkaattitűdöket. A vásárlási szándékot illetően, a feltételezettekkel ellentétben a szponzorált tartalom feltüntetése a magas termék-influenszer összeillés poszt esetében volt negatívabb hatással a vásárlási szándékra. Következtetések: A magas termék-influenszer összeillés pozitív hatása a reklám- és márkaattitűdre összhangban van a szakirodalomban ismertetett eredményekkel. A vásárlási szándékkal kapcsolatos eredményeinket magyarázhatják a szponzorált poszt témája, a módszertani különbségek, illetve a poszt értékelése mögötti eltérő pszichológiai mechanizmusok. A jövőbeni vizsgálatoknál javasolt figyelembe venni az influenszer mögöttes szándékával kapcsolatos fogyasztói feltételezéseket.
Background & aims
The gamblification of UK football has resulted in a proliferation of in-game marketing associated with gambling and gambling-like products such as cryptocurrencies and financial trading apps. The English Premier League (EPL) has in response banned gambling logos on shirt-fronts from 2026 onward. This ban does not affect other types of marketing for gambling (e.g., sleeves and pitch-side hoardings), nor gambling-like products. This study therefore aimed to assess the ban's implied overall reduction of different types of marketing exposure.
We performed a frequency analysis of logos associated with gambling, cryptocurrency, and financial trading across 10 broadcasts from the 2022/23 EPL season. For each relevant logo, we coded: the marketed product, associated brand, number of individual logos, logo location, logo duration, and whether harm-reduction content was present.
There were 20,941 relevant logos across the 10 broadcasts, of which 13,427 (64.1%) were for gambling only, 2,236 (10.7%) were for both gambling and cryptocurrency, 2,014 (9.6%) were for cryptocurrency only, 2,068 (9.9%) were for both cryptocurrency and financial trading, and 1,196 (5.7%) were for financial trading only. There were 1,075 shirt-front gambling-associated logos, representing 6.9% of all gambling-associated logos, and 5.1% of all logos combined. Pitch-side hoardings were the most frequent marketing location (52.3%), and 3.4% of logos contained harm-reduction content.
Discussion & Conclusions
Brand logos associated with gambling, cryptocurrency, and financial trading are common within EPL broadcasts. Approximately 1 in 20 gambling and gambling-like logos are subject to the EPL's voluntary ban on shirt-front gambling sponsorship.
Background and aims
Smartphones extend the situational characteristics of sports betting beyond those available with land-based and computer platforms. This study examined 1) the role of situational features and betting platforms in harmful betting behaviours and short-term betting harm, and 2) whether people with more gambling problems have preferred situational features, engage more in harmful betting behaviours, and experience more severe short-term betting harm.
An ecological momentary assessment analysed 1,378 betting sessions on sports, esports or daily fantasy sports, reported by 267 respondents (18–29 years; 50.9% male) over 10 weeks.
Factor analysis revealed five situational features of betting sessions: 1) quick, easy access from home, 2) ability to bet anywhere anytime, 3) privacy while betting, 4) greater access to promotions and betting options, and 5) ability to use electronic financial transactions. Regression models underpinned the analyses. Greater short-term betting harm was significantly associated with the ability to bet anywhere anytime, privacy when betting, and greater access to promotions and betting options. Betting sessions when these features were prioritised were more likely to involve impulsive betting, use of betting inducements, and betting with more operators. Respondents with more gambling problems were more likely to prioritise privacy and the ability to bet anywhere anytime; and to bet on in-game events, use promotional inducements, bet with more operators, and report greater betting harm.
Discussion and conclusions
Certain situational features of sports betting are empirically associated with engagement and subsequent harm. Only smartphone betting combines all three features associated with betting harm.