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Psychological journals are peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journals that publish original work in some areas of psychology. The most common publications include cognitive, health and clinical psychology, applied, developmental, biological, social, experimental, and educational psychology, and psychoanalysis.
Behavioral Sciences
A perfekcionista énbemutatás jellemzői magyar tanulók körében
Perfectionistic self-presentation among Hungarian students
Háttér és célkitűzések
A perfekcionista énbemutatás viszonylag kevésbé kutatott területnek számít a perfekcionizmus szakirodalmában. Azokat a személyközi megnyilvánulásokat foglalja magában, melyekkel a perfekcionisták a saját megítélésüket próbálják javítani (pl. környezetük előtt elrejtik tökéletlenségeiket, egy idealizált képet mutatnak magukról). Kutatásunk célja az volt, hogy megvizsgáljuk a perfekcionista énbemutatás összefüggéseit a társas önértékeléssel, az önhátráltatással, valamint a tanulmányi elégedettséggel és néhány családi háttértényezővel, hogy ezáltal komplexebb képet kapjunk a perfekcionista viselkedés jellemzőiről.
Az adatgyűjtés 2019 szeptemberétől decemberig tartott, és 192 középiskolás diák vett benne részt online (N = 124) és papír (N = 68) alapon. Kérdőívcsomagunk a perfekcionista énbemutatás (PSPS-JR, 2011), a társas önértékelés (SSES, 2011) és az iskolai önhátráltatás (ASHS, 2001) magyarra fordított változatait, valamint 11 iskolai elégedettséggel és továbbtanulással kapcsolatos kérdést tartalmazott.
A kutatáshoz használt kérdőívek jóságmutatói mind megfelelőek voltak. A perfekcionista énbemutatás mindhárom dimenziója direkt hatással van a tanulók társas önértékelésére, amit az önhátráltatás mediáló hatása nem befolyásol. A perfekcionista énbemutatás a 14–15 évesek körében volt a legjellemzőbb, és a lányok mutatták a legmagasabb értékeket a hibák elrejtése alskálán. Az önhátráltatás magasabb énreklámozással, hibák elrejtésével és alacsonyabb iskolai elégedettséggel járt együtt. A pozitív tanulmányi attitűd (iskolába járás szeretete, jó jegy fontossága, iskolai teljesítménnyel való elégedettség, továbbtanulási szándék) az énreklámozásnak pozitív, az önhátráltatásnak negatív előrejelzője.
Eredményeink alapján a perfekcionista énbemutatás társas önértékelésre gyakorolt direkt hatása miatt érdemes a jövőben nagyobb hangsúlyt fektetni a perfekcionista énbemutatás társas aspektusainak feltárására.
Background and aims
Gender nonconformity (GNC), which refers to an individual's expression of gender that does not align with the socially prescribed norms for their biological sex, may be associated with adverse behavioral problems, such as problematic smartphone use (PSU) and problematic internet use (PIU). This study examined the associations between GNC and PSU and GNC and PIU among Chinese adolescents.
This cross-sectional study utilized data from the 2021 School-based Chinese Adolescents Health Survey, recruiting 23,054 eligible adolescents aged 11 to 21, with an average age of 14.9 (SD: 1.7) years from 504 classes in 84 public high schools across 7 cities in China. Gender nonconformity, PSU/PIU, and demographics were measured. Mixed-effect linear regression models were performed.
Among the participants (51.0% male), 5.3% reported high GNC and 26.9% reported moderate GNC. After adjusting for covariates, high GNC was significantly and positively associated with PSU (Β = 1.11, 95% CI = 0.49–1.72) and PIU severity (Β = 2.16, 95% CI = 1.40–2.93). Stratified analyses indicated that the associations between GNC and PSU differed between males and females, with a significant association observed only among male students (Β = 1.91, 95% CI = 0.97–2.86).
Discussion and conclusions
GNC is positively associated with the severity of PSU and PIU among Chinese adolescents, with male gender-nonconforming adolescents being more vulnerable to PSU. These results highlight the importance of implementing education on gender expression diversity in schools to create an inclusive school environment, which may potentially help prevent PSU and PIU among gender-nonconforming adolescents.
Az autizmus és a tehetség kapcsolata neuropszichológiai megközelítésben
The relationship between autism and giftedness in a neuropsychological approach
A tanulmány a neurológiai alapú teljesítményzavarok, kiemelten az autizmus idegrendszeri fejlődési jellemzőinek a tehetségfejlődés szempontjából történő áttekintése. Az elemzés kiterjed az autizmus és intelligencia kapcsolatára a végrehajtó funkciók, a mintázatfelismerés, a szisztematizálás és a beszéd szerepének kiemelésével és a komplex fejlesztési eljárások hatásának bemutatására. Kiemelt kérdéskör a kreativitás, amely a neuroatipikus fejlődés esetén szintén eltér a szokásostól, és kapcsolatot mutat a pszichotikus állapotokkal. A feltárt összefüggések jelzik, hogy mely tényezők tekintetében van különös gondosságra szükség, amikor az atipikus idegrendszeri fejlődés kiemelkedő képességekkel és erős fejlődésre való törekvéssel párosul. A korai beavatkozás és a környezeti tényezők döntő szerepet játszhatnak a különleges képességnek tehetség irányú fejlődésében. Az autizmus jellemzői mentén a tehetséggondozás számára konkrét lehetőségeket ismertetünk.
Diák kiégés hagyományos és alternatív pedagógiai programú oktatási intézményekben
Student burnout in schools using traditional and alternative educational programs
Háttér és célkitűzések
A diákok iskolai kiégésének kutatása mára már bekerült a pszichológiai kutatások fókuszába. A középiskolás diákok esetében is megfigyelhető a jelenség, amit a számukra kialakított mérőeszközökkel bizonyítani is lehet. Feltáró jellegű kutatásunkban arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy az iskola egyes jellemzői összefüggést mutatnak-e a kiégés mértékével.
Kérdőíves kutatásunkban a magyar nyelvre adaptált Diák Kiégés Kérdőívet használtuk (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Pietikäinen és Jokela, 2008; Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen és Nurmi, 2009; magyar változat: Jagodics, Kóródi és Szabó, 2021). A vizsgálatba középiskolás diákokat vontunk be (N = 2,205), akik eltérő követelményeket támasztó iskolatípusokban tanulnak az iskola jellegét tekintve (szakgimnázium [N = 741]; gimnázium [N = 898]; magasan teljesítő gimnázium [N = 327]; Waldorf-gimnázium [N = 81] és egyéb alternatív gimnázium [N = 151], másrészt megkülönböztethetők hagyományos vagy alternatív pedagógiai program szerint.
Elemzéseink szerint a diákok kiégéspontszáma a szakgimnáziumban tanulók esetében a legmagasabb, míg a legalacsonyabb kiégéspontszám a Waldorf-program alapján működő iskolák tanulóira jellemző. Emellett a középiskolás lányokra magasabb kiégés jellemző, mint a középiskolás fiúkra, amely különbségek iskolatípustól függően eltérőek.
A kutatásunk eredménye cáfolta azt a széles körben elterjedt nézetet, hogy a magas követelményeket támasztó, országosan is kiemelkedő intézmények tanulói lennének a leginkább kiégettek. Sokkal inkább úgy tűnik, hogy a kiégettség a követelmények és erőforrások egyenlőtlenségével magyarázható, amely a szakgimnáziumokban lehet a legerőteljesebb.
Background and aims
People with Gambling Disorder (GD) often make risky decisions and experience cognitive distortions about gambling. Moreover, people with GD have been shown to be overly confident in their decisions, especially when money can be won. Here we investigated if and how the act of making a risky choice with varying monetary stakes impacts confidence differently in patients with GD (n = 27) relative to healthy controls (HCs) (n = 30).
We used data from our previous mixed-gamble study, in which participants were given the choice of a certain option or a 50/50 gamble with potential gains or losses, after which they rated their confidence.
While HCs were more confident when making certain than risky choices, GD patients were specifically more confident when making risky choices than certain choices. Notably, relative to HCs, confidence of patients with GD decreased more strongly with higher gain values when making a certain choice, suggesting a stronger fear of missing out or “anticipated regret” of missing out on potential gains when rejecting the risky choice.
The current findings highlight the potential relevance of confidence and “regret” as cognitive mechanisms feeding into excessive risk-taking as seen in GD. Moreover, this study adds to the limited previous work investigating how confidence is affected in value-based risky contexts.
Background and aims
Because psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is likely to be provided by interdisciplinary professional teams comprised of social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists, understanding the acceptability of this treatment approach among these professional disciplines is essential as the treatment advances through approval processes at the Food and Drug Administration.
The study includes data from three separate survey studies investigating the attitudes and beliefs about PAT among national samples of social workers (n = 309), psychiatrists (n = 181), and psychologists (n = 366). The combined sample (n = 856) was predominantly female (64.3%), with a mean age of 49 (SD = 16.13), and 17 (SD = 13.56) years of professional experience.
There were no significant differences between groups in confidence that PAT would be effective. However, there were significant between-group differences in psychiatrists' understanding of PAT compared to social workers. Next, psychologists' mean ratings of the acceptability of PAT were significantly greater than social workers' ratings. Mean ratings about believing that PAT was a reasonable treatment approach were higher among psychologists compared to social workers and psychiatrists. Additionally, mean ratings regarding the disadvantages of PAT were significantly greater among social workers compared to psychologists and psychiatrists. Lastly, social workers' ratings that PAT could permanently improve clients' lives were significantly lower than psychiatrists and psychologists.
Findings help elucidate overall impressions of PAT among disciplines likely involved in providing this treatment should it be approved and suggest the need for education and training across professions. However, given the inconsistencies across disciplines, more research is needed to inform successful interdisciplinary training programs and better understand potential barriers to dissemination of this new treatment.
Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is increasingly discussed in terms of its psychotherapeutic potential; however, little is known about community attitudes towards psilocybin assisted therapy (PAT).
To address the question: What are the public's attitudes towards psilocybin and psilocybin-assisted therapy? And what factors explain these attitudes?
This study investigated the attitudes of 118 young adults in the Australian Capital Territory through an online survey.
Participants who were more open to experience and who had used recreational drugs were more likely to have positive attitudes towards all aspects of PAT. Additionally, psychedelic drug use and agreeableness was positively associated with attitudes towards psilocybin safety, legality, and research; and psilocybin use was positively associated with attitudes towards psilocybin knowledge and acceptability.
This convenience sample of young adults was generally positively disposed towards PAT. People who were more open to experience and who had used recreational or psychedelic drugs had more favourable attitudes towards PAT.
Electronic gaming machines (EGMs) are one of the most harmful forms of gambling at an individual level. It is unclear whether restriction of EGM functions and accessibility results in meaningful reductions in population-level gambling harm.
A natural policy experiment using a large (N = 15,000) national dataset weighted to standard population variables was employed to compare estimates of gambling problems between Australian residents in Western Australia (WA), where EGMs are restricted to one venue and have different structural features, to residents in other Australian jurisdictions where EGMs are widely accessible in casinos, hotels and clubs. Accessibility of other gambling forms is similar across jurisdictions.
Gambling participation was higher in WA, but EGM participation was approximately half that of the rest of Australia. Aggregate gambling problems and harm were about one-third lower in WA, and self-reported attribution of harm from EGMs by gamblers and affected others was 2.7× and 4× lower, respectively. Mediation analyses found that less frequent EGM use in WA accounted for the vast majority of the discrepancy in gambling problems (indirect path = −0.055, 95% CI −0.071; −0.038). Moderation analyses found that EGMs are the form most strongly associated with problems, and the strength of this relationship did not differ significantly across jurisdictions.
Lower harm from gambling in WA is attributable to restricted accessibility of EGMs, rather than different structural features. There appears to be little transfer of problems to other gambling forms. These results suggest that restricting the accessibility of EGMs substantially reduces gambling harm.
Background and Aims
Both Peyote and San Pedro cacti contain mescaline, a classical psychedelic eliciting mystical and visual effects, but only Peyote is a vulnerable species. We sought to address the questions 1; do people who use Peyote substitute with San Pedro, and vice versa, and; 2. how popular is the use of wild harvested mescaline cactus compared with the use of cultivated plants?
Data were collected as part of the 2022 Global Drug Survey, a self-report survey distributed internationally in 11 languages. We asked mescaline cacti consumers about consumption practices, preferences and conservation and conducted chi square tests of associations comparing all motivations by preferred mescaline source.
Of participants who reported using mescaline in the last 12 months (N = 284; 73.2% male, 21.8% female, 5.0% other gender; mean age 36.3, SD 12.5), 20.0% reported consuming Peyote collected from native habitats. Of participants specifying Peyote as their preferred source of mescaline, 82.2% had consumed Peyote in the past 12 months. Indigenous cultural traditions (57.8%), availability (40.0%) and environmental sustainability (33.3%) were the most commonly reported motivations for Peyote preference (n = 45), whereas for San Pedro (n = 86), availability (54.7%), potency (45.3%) and indigenous cultural traditions (44.2%) were most the commonly reported San Pedro preference motivations. Price and potency were significantly more likely to be chosen by those preferring San Pedro compared with Peyote. Less than 7% of participants who consumed San Pedro in the past 12 months had consumed San Pedro from native habitats. Of the participants who specified San Pedro as their preferred source of mescaline, 96.5% had consumed San Pedro in past 12 months. San Pedro was the most commonly reported source of mescaline product consumed (56.1%) with Trichocereus bridgesii being the most reported preferred San Pedro species. Mescaline cacti consumed in the last 12 months rarely deviated from mescaline cacti of preference.
Wild Peyote is not the most popular mescaline source, but consumption of related products remains unsustainable. Promoting San Pedro as a Peyote substitute may act as an intervention to reduce Peyote consumption.