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Biology is a study of living objects and their life processes. It examines all aspects of living organisms such as their occurrence, classification, internal and external structure, nutrition, reproduction, inheritance, etc. The term “biology” is commonly replaced by the terms “life sciences” and “biological sciences.” There are dozens of branches of biology. Some of the major ones include:

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The new species Verrucaria aptrootii sp. nov. is described from Darel Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. A comparative morpho-anatomical, chemical study and ITS-based molecular analyses confirmed the position of this new species within the genus Verrucaria. Verrucaria aptrootii sp. nov. is closely related to V. squamulosa and characterized by a not squamulose thallus, plane to concave areoles, excipulum of 25–40 µm, simple, branched periphyses, ascospores of 27–35 × 10–15 µm and calcareous rock substrate.

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This study was conducted to determine the specific features of the mutual influence of the immune and haemostatic systems in immunohaemostasis, the role of immune reactions in the regulation of blood coagulation, and the efficacy of modern methods of treating thrombosis and bleeding.


The study analysed relevant scientific sources on immunology and haematology and identified the specific features of the blood clotting process and the role of immune reactions in it.


The study found that the immune system influences the haematological system through the interaction of blood clotting factors, platelets, plasminogen, endothelial cells with immune cells. The haemostatic system influences the immune system through mechanisms to maintain immune tolerance and immune memory and the properties of clotting factors to activate the stimulation and migration of immune cells to the site of infection. Immune reactions regulate blood coagulation by activating platelets, regulating blood coagulation factors, affecting fibrinolysis, and immune tolerance. The process of platelet activation involves immune cells, immune complexes, and microbial components. The regulation of blood coagulation factors is influenced by the ability of immune cells to produce activators and inhibitors of these factors and to stimulate or slow down fibrinolysis. The immune system's maintenance of immune tolerance to blood components is regulated by mechanisms of immune response suppression, partial immune ignoring of certain blood elements, inhibition of activation of certain immune cells, apoptosis, and selection of immature T-lymphocytes. Treatment methods for patients at risk of thrombosis and bleeding include anticoagulation, antiplatelet, dual antiplatelet therapy, thrombectomy, endovascular methods, medical prophylaxis of bleeding, and coagulation monitoring.


The findings of this study suggest the significance of immune responses in the regulation of blood coagulation processes, and therefore they can be used in the development of immunotherapy methods for the treatment of thrombosis and bleeding.

Open access


Using efficient and safe preservation technologies to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables is always an important research topic. Among numerous preservation technologies, ultrasound is one of the most available and pollution-free methods that improve the storage quality of fruits and vegetables. The paper summarises the application of ultrasound and its combined treatment in fruit and vegetable storage in recent years, including the cleaning effect, passivation of enzymes, sterilisation, and the impact on quality indicators. In addition, the limitations of ultrasound technology in fruit and vegetable preservation are also detailed. Only under the appropriate conditions can ultrasound treatment extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. However, ultrasound combined with other technologies usually can get better preservation effects, providing a broader application prospect for ultrasound technology.

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Bio-waste (51.54% of total weight) was obtained from the head and shell of giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea), and comparison with the fatty acid profiles of shrimp meat revealed a higher total polyunsaturated fatty acids content in bio-waste. The study then investigated the effect of six solvents of different polarities (hexane, acetone, chloroform, methanol, ethanol, and isopropyl alcohol) on astaxanthin yield, antioxidant activity, and colour a* values (redness) of the bio-waste using ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). As a result, hexane showed the highest astaxanthin yield with a linear correlation observed between astaxanthin yield, antioxidant activity, and colour a* values. In contrast, methanol, ethanol, and acetone exhibited the lowest quality values. These findings underline the effectiveness of low polarity solvents in achieving maximum astaxanthin yield.

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Barbershops are important venues for men to get their hair and beards done and hence, play an important role in men's social life. But barbershops can also be a source of infections. The barber's profession brings the barber into direct contact with customers who may carry pathogens, and contaminated instruments or skin-to-skin contacts might transmit infectious agents. Since barbers work with non-sterile and reusable sharp objects, a simple nick might facilitate blood-borne infections. In our review article we summarize current knowledge regarding barbershop-acquired infections including transmission routes and preventive measures. In fact, shaving in barbershops, particularly when reusing non-disinfected razor blades increases the transmission risk for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B or C viruses. Furthermore, distinct bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, fungi (in particular dermatophytic Trichophyton species) as well as ectoparasitic lice could be identified upon screening of the barbers' equipment and working places. However, knowledge regarding and compliance in hygiene practices varied considerably among barbers. Notably, since in certain countries barbershops are venues to contact sex workers, sexually transmitted diseases might also be acquired in barbershops. In conclusion, improving hygiene standards including disinfection of reusable equipment, and surveillance of the preventive measures would reduce the risk for barbershop-acquired infections.

Open access


Nowadays, drone imagery is a common way to quickly obtain information on the state of vegetation, as well as a method for taking orthophotos and terrain models. For terrain modelling, aerial photographs are required to have at least 60% overlap between adjacent images. Typically, the inadequate overlap is only discovered later, during post-processing. In our previous work we have presented a method we developed to determine on the spot, whether the in-flight images are suitable for producing the terrain model or whether it is necessary to re-render a part of the area, which can be done under the same conditions (weather, ionosphere, satellite geometry). Our proposed method for calculating the overlap is different from the usual procedure. Using VBA-based calculations, we computed the overlap between the images based on the position of the centre of the images, the altitude of the flight and the rotation angle of the images. The method was tested in practice, but we felt it necessary to verify our calculations. During the verification, we checked the VBA-based calculations using a Python script. The test showed that the results obtained with a previous midpoint calculation method were 92.2 percent identical to the calculations performed with Python. The Python program is accurate and fast; therefore, the use is recommended on the field.

Open access


The rice bran waxes have a very interesting alcoholic moiety, a mixture of long-chain aliphatic fatty alcohols, collectively known as policosanol. This study aimed to investigate rice bran policosanol extract's effect on testosterone secretion in vitro and in vivo and explore the primary composition ratio. The proliferation of cells and the levels of testosterone in cultured rat Leydig cells were examined, while male sexual behaviour and serum testosterone levels were detected in hydrocortisone-induced mice. It was found that testosterone secretion in primary Leydig cells could be significantly stimulated by a policosanol extract featuring an octacosanol/triacontanol ratio of 3–5/1, with a ratio of 5/1 being the most optimal. A policosanol extract containing 68.72% octacosanol and 13.65% triacontanol was capable of reversing hydrocortisone-induced Kidney-Yang Deficiency syndrome by enhancing sexual behaviour and the weight of reproductive organs, as well as increasing testosterone levels. Consequently, the rice bran policosanol extract with an octacosanol/triacontanol ratio of 3–5/1 could stimulate the secretion of testosterone.

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European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Panjit Chieosilapatham
Kwanjit Duangsonk
Issara Kaweewan
Siripong Tongjai
, and
Thanat Kanthawang


Actinomycetoma, a neglected tropical disease affecting the skin and soft tissues, is primarily caused by filamentous bacteria including Nocardia species. Here, we report a healthy 56-year-old man who has a one-year history of nodular lesions with seropurulent discharge on his right knee. Despite negative initial tissue culture, the sulfur granules that were partially acid-fast and Gram-positive branching filamentous rods were revealed in the tissue section. Repeated investigation identified the rare pathogen Nocardia wallacei, using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene sequencing. The patient was successfully treated with a six-month course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

This report describes a rare case of actinomycetoma due to N. wallacei, highlighting the challenges in diagnosis and the importance of accurate pathogen identification for the successful management of infection. The current literature regarding the causative agent will also be discussed.

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