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Biology is a study of living objects and their life processes. It examines all aspects of living organisms such as their occurrence, classification, internal and external structure, nutrition, reproduction, inheritance, etc. The term “biology” is commonly replaced by the terms “life sciences” and “biological sciences.” There are dozens of branches of biology. Some of the major ones include:

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In this study, changes in the odour of apple slices throughout the drying process were monitored and documented using electronic nose sensors, while moisture levels were measured and recorded using an electronic hygrometer. The initial and final moisture contents of apple slices were determined as 86.81 ± 0.05% and 4.92 ± 0.01%, respectively. During drying, apple slices were monitored with six odour sensors powered by an Arduino microprocessor. As the moisture value of the apple slices decreased during the drying process, the electronic nose data also decreased. In addition, the image changes in the apple slices according to the drying level were taught to the Teachable Machine. In this study, it was observed that the machine was able to detect the drying level of apples with 85%–100% accuracy. When 900 apple samples were used in the test phase, machine learning was able to predict the drying level of apples with 100% accuracy based on the confusion matrix data. PCA analysis highlighted different patterns in the sensor data during drying; PLS analysis showed that the sensor data can accurately predict the colour (L*, a*, b*), diameter, and thickness of apple slices with high correlation coefficients (rCV and rPre > 0.9).

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This study evaluated the impact of storage temperature on the antimicrobial activity of essential oil emulsions of Thymus vulgaris L. (TEOE) and Laurus nobilis (LEOE) at 0.6% against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 14579), and Listeria innocua (ATCC 33090) inoculated onto cooked chicken breast to simulate post-cooking contamination. Samples stored under: T3 (regular storage at 3 ± 0.5 °C), T8 (inadequate storage 8 ± 1 °C), and T3A (refrigerated storage with simulated temperature abuse at 25 ± 1 °C). Microbial analysis and sensory evaluations were carried out at 0, 24, 36, 72, and 120 h of storage. The GC-MS analysis showed that carvacrol 31.97% and eucalyptol 41.16% were the main components in TEO and LEO, respectively. Storage temperature influenced the antibacterial effect of EOE. TEOE exhibited greater effectiveness at T8 compared to T3, reducing microbial counts to 1 log CFU g−1. Conversely, LEOE demonstrated superior efficacy under T3 in most instances and received a higher acceptability score. Additionally, at T3A, both emulsions demonstrated comparable effectiveness against all bacterial strains, although a slight reduction in antimicrobial proprieties were noted after simulated temperature abuse at 24 h. Therefore, the optimal combination for preserving cooked chicken meat is TEOE under T8 or LEOE under T3; assuming post-cooking contamination.

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Prescottella (Rhodococcus) soli is a soil-dwelling organism not previously thought to be pathogenic in humans. We discuss the case of a 78-year-old male renal transplant recipient presenting with respiratory symptoms and multiple pulmonary nodules, found to be pulmonary malakoplakia secondary to infection with Prescottella (Rhodococcus) soli. Treatment was commenced with vancomycin, meropenem and azithromycin for an induction period of two weeks and continued with indefinite oral moxifloxacin and azithromycin with significant clinical improvement. Although rare, Prescottella species, including Prescottella soli, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules, particularly in immunocompromised patients. More data is required to inform optimal treatment.

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
L.H. Zhou
W.H. Huang
L.F. Ma
J.C. Li
Y.J. Jin
X.L. Cao
M. Li
W.H. Wang
S.L. Guo
, and
X. Xia


Lotus root is a popular vegetable known for its nutritional value and unique taste. However, it can be susceptible to heavy metal contamination, which has raised concerns about its safety for consumption. This study aimed to analyse the extent of heavy metal contamination in lotus roots and assess the potential health risks associated with their consumption. The results showed that all measured heavy metal concentrations were below the maximum allowable limits, with contamination indices for all metals across nine provinces remaining below 1.0, classifying the lotus roots as “safe” for consumption. Non-carcinogenic risk assessment using the THQ showed values below 1.0 for all heavy metals in both adults and children, indicating negligible health risks. The HI was calculated as 0.107 for adults and 0.126 for children, with arsenic contributing significantly to these values at 47.76% for adults and 39.55% for children. The carcinogenic risk assessment revealed Carcinogenic Risk (CR) values of 8.37 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.04 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.30 × 10−5 for As in adults, and 9.86 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.40 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.71 × 10−5 for As in children. All CR values were within the acceptable range, indicating no apparent carcinogenic effects from lotus root consumption at current intake levels. However, it was noted that increased consumption could elevate risks associated with As, with limits of 174 and 93 g for adults and children, respectively, to maintain safety.

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Acta Alimentaria
I.M. Zharkova
A.V. Grebenshchikov
A.R. Kiselev
S.A. Maksimov
N.S. Karamnova
, and
O.M. Drapkina


Gluten-free bread (GFB) consisting of amaranth flour, tigernut (chufa tuber) flour, apple powder, carrot powder, and soy protein isolate can have osteoprotective effects. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) was chosen as a model of experimental osteoporosis. Experimental studies were carried out on white male Wistar rats (n = 150): Group 1 – healthy animals receiving standard diet (StD); Group 2 – GIO rats receiving StD; Group 3 – GIO animals receiving zoledronic acid (ZA) and StD; Group 4 – GIO rats receiving ZA and GFB; Group 5 – GIO animals receiving GFB. We evaluated the general condition of animals and carried out morphological and biochemical studies. Destructive changes in the spatial structure of the bone tissue in GIO, observed in Group 2, led to the inability of the bone to withstand the functional load. At the same time, isolated treatment with ZA had virtually no effect on the final morphological picture. Including GFB in the diet of experimental animals both alone and with ZA had a noticeable protective effect on conditions triggering GIO.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
József Zsembeli
Elza Kovács
Endre Harsányi
Péter Balogh
Péter Czine
László Huzsvai
Maria Bihuňová
Ján Jobbágy
Hana Středová
Milan Skalicky
Andrzej Strużyński
Roman Rolbiecki
, and
Csaba Juhász


Similar to other regions, in East Central Europe, agriculture is the most vulnerable sector regarding the consequences of climate change through increasing variability in weather conditions, even on the short-term and local scales. Agricultural engineers make decisions; higher education has a crucial role in taking proper actions. Our survey aimed to get up-to-date information on the knowledge and attitude of graduating students completing agriculture-related studies at 6 universities located in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia, with particular attention to weather projections, crop production, and soil protection issues. Analyses revealed adequate lexical knowledge of young engineers in each country. They are familiar with the agro-environmental actualities and future trends, issues to address at the right time, and the repertoire of tools and practices for taking efficient measures. A positive attitude toward proactive actions was proved. We report proof of a high level of preparedness resulting from the proper efficacy of agricultural higher education. The content of the curricula and the teaching methodologies meet well the receptiveness to learning in the V4 countries. Our findings confirm that frequent updating of the content of subjects as well as incorporating practical applications that promote active learning and engagement, are more critical today than ever, and it is possible to achieve a high level of preparedness for the challenges in the agricultural sector.

Open access


This study analyzed the impact of storing Golden Delicious apples at 3 °C with a relative humidity of 85 ± 5% in two environments, namely a darkroom (D03) and a lightroom (L03), on the fruit quality. The research evaluated weight loss (Δm) and color metrics (a*, b*, L*, ΔE, C*, hue angle). The number of apples used for each storage was 12. Weight loss was calculated by measuring the changes in mass during storage. Color differences (ΔE), chroma (C*), and hue angle were determined based on the L*a*b* scale values. Apples stored at 3 °C in D03 experienced a minimal percentage of weight loss of 7.02%. The results indicated that compared to the D03 storage, the L03 storage had a more significant increase in Δm and color variation. The non-destructive method of measuring color characteristics facilitates the assessment of the storage conditions for Golden Delicious apples.

Open access


Nutritional information on packaging is becoming increasingly important in the food industry. Currently, labels are seen not only on the back of the packaging but also on the front. As there are many versions of front-of-pack labels (FoPLs), the research aims to determine which helps consumers the most in making decisions about which food to include in a healthier lifestyle. Nutri-Score, Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) and Multiple Traffic Lights (MTL) FoPLs on cereals were compared using eye-tracking (ET) and choice-based conjoint analysis (CBCA). CBCA was used to assess consumer preferences and the labels and products were also ranked. Based on the results, GDA type FoPL proved to be the most useful based on conjoint analysis, ranking and the analysis of ET parameters. This label helped participants the most in choosing the product that best fits into a healthier lifestyle. The Nutri-Score label, which offers little information on a product's nutritional content, was not favourably received by the Hungarian sample, who preferred more detailed FoP labels.

Open access


This study aimed to survey the current distribution of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) seropositivity within the cat population in Budapest area. Therefore, blood samples of 123 cats aged 0.5–18 years were collected. The measurements were performed by the commercial ID Screen® Toxoplasmosis Indirect Multi-species ELISA kit. The results indicate an overall 31.7% of seropositivity, which was significantly increasing with age. A correlation was also detected between the outdoor lifestyle and T. gondii infection. A significantly higher proportion of cats living outdoors were seropositive (38.8%) compared to those living indoor (18.6%) (P = 0.022). Finally, our study indicates a lower T. gondii seropositivity rate in cats compared to previous studies from Hungary, as well as from other European regions.

Open access

A vízpótlás talajvízszintre gyakorolt hatásának értékelése egy délnyugat-magyarországi példán keresztül

Evaluation of the water supply’s impact on groundwater levels, with an example from South-West Hungary

Agrokémia és Talajtan
András Herceg
Péter Kalicz
Katalin Anita Zagyvainé Kiss
Ján Szolgay
László Horváth
Bence Gallai
, and
Zoltán Gribovszki

Az Európát is érintő jelenlegi, napjainkban zajló éghajlatváltozás statisztikailag szignifikáns felmelegedési tendenciával jellemezhető. Az éghajlatváltozás hatása a csapadékviszonyok és az evapotranszspirációs folyamatok megváltoztatásán keresztül érinti a vízkörforgalmat, így a csapadék eloszlásának és mennyiségének várható változásai a folyamatosan emelkedő hőmérséklettel együtt a növények nagyobb vízfelhasználását eredményezhetik, ami változásokat indukálhat a talajnedvességben, a talajvízben és ennek következtében a vízmérlegben. Az emelkedő hőmérséklet hatására a jövőben a növekvő transzspirációs igény valószínűleg a növényi közösségek fokozott talajvízfelvételét eredményezi, ami a talajvízszint további csökkenését is magával vonhatja. Ha ez bekövetkezik, a talajvízfüggő erdei közösségek regenerálódása ezeken a területeken kérdésessé válik, mivel a fiatal fák gyökérzete nem fogja tudni elérni a vízforrást. Következésképpen a Kárpát-medence sík vidékein és vizes élőhelyein a nagy vízigényű erdők fennmaradása kérdésessé válhat. A fás vegetáció számára kiemelten fontos a talajvíz szerepe a vegetációs időszakban, éppen ezért a talajvízszint változását régóta, rendszeresen monitorozzák.

Konkrét megoldás lehet az árhullámok visszaduzzasztásából származó vízpótlás. A pozitív vízpótlási beavatkozásokra példa a Kaszó LIFE projekt. A projekt célja a leromlott élőhelyek rehabilitációja volt, ami a kedvező ökológiai állapot stabilizálásával teszi lehetővé a hosszú távú megőrzést. A megvalósítás eszközeként tórehabilitációt és folyó-mederbordákat alkalmaztak, biztosítva a Szentai-erdő (Nyugat-belső-somogyi kistérség) erdeinek, kis lápjainak és gyepterületeinek vízellátás javítását.

Jelen kutatás célja pedig a Kaszó LIFE projekt vízpótlási beavatkozásai után, azok felszín alatti vízszintre gyakorolt hidrológiai hatásainak elemzése volt. A meteorológiai adatok és a monitoring adatok alapján elmondható, hogy a Szentai-erdőben 30 éves szárazodási tendencia volt tapasztalható, amelynek elsődleges mutatója a talajvízszint csökkenése. Kiemelendőek a 2016–2017-es vizsgálati időszak évei, amikor az alapvetően lefolyástalan vizsgálati területen nem volt elegendő csapadék a talajvíz szintjének fenntartásához. Kutatási eredményeink azonban azt mutatták, hogy a vízpótlást célzó beavatkozások (mederbordák és tározótavak) összességében a talajvízszint emelkedését biztosítják.

A két beavatkozási típus talajvízszint emelkedésére gyakorolt hatását vizsgálva arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy míg a tavak építése jelentősen befolyásolja a környező kutak vízszintjét, addig a mederbordák esetében kisebb mértékű a hatás.

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