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Biology is a study of living objects and their life processes. It examines all aspects of living organisms such as their occurrence, classification, internal and external structure, nutrition, reproduction, inheritance, etc. The term “biology” is commonly replaced by the terms “life sciences” and “biological sciences.” There are dozens of branches of biology. Some of the major ones include:

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The utilization of sea buckthorn pomace (SBP) is attracting growing attention since it is valuable industrial waste. This pomace can find usage as a functional ingredient of food because it contains bioactive, health-promoting components, but to our knowledge, few scientists have so far studied utilization of the antimicrobial activity of fruit pomace. The study aims are to broaden our knowledge of antioxidant and antimicrobial status of SBP by utilizing pomace as a functional apple juice ingredient and by monitoring the antioxidant capacity, the total polyphenol content and microbial changes that occur during the storage of juice samples. Our results of this study highlight that the importance of the utilization of SBP because the results reported here provide further evidence that SBP can contribute to increasing the content of valuable components in apple juice samples and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms during storage.

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A novel magnetic molecular-imprinted polymer (MMIP) was used to selectively extract folic acid directly from real samples. Folic acid was used as template molecule, Fe3O4/SiO2-3-triethoxysilyl-propyl-acrylamide as functional monomer, azobisisobutyronitrile as initiation, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as crosslinker agent, and acrylamide as the secondary monomer in a mixed ethanol-water solvent. The effect of different parameters on the extraction efficiency was studied, and the optimum conditions were established as follows: the concentrations of crosslinking and template were fixed at 0.05 and 0.06 g, absorption percentage was 96.5, pH was adjusted to 8, and extraction time was 8 h with a temperature of 25 °C. By examining the effect of pH, we tried to investigate the effect of the amide groups that present in MMIP and its intermolecular hydrogen interaction with folic acid. After optimising the effective parameters in polymer synthesis and adsorption rate, a magnetic imprinting dispersive solid-phase extraction method combined with fluorescence spectrophotometry at λem = 367 nm (MMIP-DSPE-FL) was constructed for sensitive determination of folic acid in tomato samples. The limit of quantification (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) values were 30.00 ± 0.01 μg L−1 and 10.00 ± 0.03 μg L−1, respectively, after the MMIP-DSPE preconcentration. Three tomato samples were analysed to give recoveries in the range of 80.2–81.6%, with relative standard deviation values below 0.6% (n = 3). The prepared MMIP-DSPE showed high selectivity toward folic acid, which could be used six times without changing adsorption capacity. The adsorption isotherm of the folic acid-imprinted polymer pursued the Langmuir model (RL = 0.029), and the kinetics model followed pseudo-first-order (R 2 = 0.9974).

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All described Uropodina species (351) are listed from the last 30 years with the original occurrences. On continent level, the most of the described species are from Asia (121), from Central and South America (87) and from Africa (79). On country level, the most species were described from Ecuador (21), Vietnam (21), Kenya (18), Thailand (16), Costa Rica (15), China (14), Slovakia (14), Malaysia (14), Madagascar (14), Brazil (13), Indonesia (11), India (10) and Peru (10) and nine or fewer species were described from the other countries in the last 30 years. Trichouropoda pocsi Kontschán, 2004 (Comoro Islands) is a junior homonymous name of Trichouropoda pocsi Hirschmann & Wisniewski, 1987. The new replacement name for the T. pocsi Kontschán, 2004 is Trichouropoda pocstamasi nom. nov.

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The work was carried out to explore whether the anti-inflammatory effect of n-3 unsaturated fatty acids on patients with rheumatoid arthritis is related to the levels of inflammatory markers CRP and ESR. Studies on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with n-3 unsaturated fatty acid diet therapy and the outcome index containing CRP and/or ESR were included, and studies on the subjects suffering from other diseases affecting the outcome index were excluded. PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE and Google Scholar were systematically searched, and all studies published from the establishment of the library to 2024 were collected. The Cochrane Bias Risk Assessment tool was used to evaluate the quality of the included studies. Data analysis was performed using Stata 16.0 software. Seven studies were included in this analysis. A total of 399 subjects were studied to explore the effect of an n-3 unsaturated fatty acid diet on rheumatoid arthritis. The results showed that there was no significant difference in CRP (Hedges's g = 0.06, 95% CI: −0.48–0.37, P = 0.79) and ESR (Hedges's g = −0.14, 95% CI: −0.61–0.33, P = 0.55) between the intervention and control groups. The results of this study showed that the anti-inflammatory effect of unsaturated fatty acids on rheumatoid arthritis was not correlated with CRP and ESR levels. Due to the small number of included studies, more high-quality studies are still needed to confirm this.

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Along with climate change, or by transportation of agricultural products, such as fruits and ornamental plants, their alien insect pests have also started to appear in Hungary. Although these pest species are sometimes sparsely studied, their biology and interactions with their host plants provide key information for monitoring their spread and identifying their vulnerable points, targets for developing methods preventing their overpopulation. In this review article we have collected data on newly emerged moth species recently found in Hungary that might threaten plantations in Hungary in the near future.

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Foodborne pathogens' transmission is essential in the spread of antibiotic resistance, and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli especially threatens public health. E. coli plays an essential role in the resistance to commonly used beta-lactam group antibiotics. Ready-to-eat (RTE) stuffed mussels are among many restaurants and street vendors, presenting potential health risks of food hygiene origin. 200 RTE stuffed mussels were collected from the Asian and European sides of Istanbul and analysed for the presence of E. coli. As a result of PCR analysis, E. coli was detected in 7 (3.5%) samples. An antibiotic susceptibility test was performed using the disc diffusion method to determine ESBL and carbapenem resistance. All isolates were resistant to ampicillin. The double-disk synergy test was performed as an ESBL phenotypic confirmation test, and no phenotypically ESBL-producing E. coli were detected. The bla TEM gene was detected in one isolate (14.2%) by mPCR, but bla CTX-M, bla SHV, and bla OXA genes were not observed. Meropenem and imipenem were used with the disk diffusion method for carbapenem resistance study, and no resistant isolate was found. Carbapenem resistance genes were investigated by monoplex PCR, and bla NDM-1, bla OXA-48, bla VIM, and bla IMP resistance genes were not detected. This is the first report on ESBL-producing E. coli in RTE stuffed mussels in Türkiye, which draws attention to a public health risk.

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A hazai láptalajok osztályozás-története és az osztályozás továbbfejlesztése

History of classification of bog soils in Hungary and a proposal for the further development of classification

Agrokémia és Talajtan
János Dömsödi

A vitaalapnak szánt dolgozat bemutatja a hazai láptalajok kutatás- és osztályozás történeti (kronológiai) fejlődését 1859-től napjainkig. A bemutató ismertetés, kritikai elemzés kiemeli az osztályozás fejlődése, és a genetikus, talajföldrajzi osztályozás kialakulása szempontjából fontos eredményeket. Meghatározza a kialakult osztályozás továbbfejlesztését képező ismereteket, amelyek a következők (DÖMSÖDI, 2015; DÖMSÖDI, 1988):

  1. A „láp” és a „láptalaj” képződés genezise: folyamata, szakaszai, típusai

  2. A láptalajok talajképző tényezői:

    • 2.1 Az egykori láp környezetének éghajlati viszonyai (főként éghajlati, klimatikus tényező).

    • 2.2 A láp élővilág jellege: rétláp, mohaláp, al-láp, fel-láp, (ökológiai fejlődéstörténeti) és növényzete (vegetáció) tényező.

    • 2.3 A láp felszínalaktani jellege és geomorfológiai helye (síkláp, dombláp, völgyláp, medenceláp), domborzati tényező.

    • 2.4 A láp, illetve a talaj kora (földtörténeti; abszolút, relatív kortényező).

    • 2.5 A láp, illetve a talaj földhasználata: rét, legelő, erdő, szántó művelése (antropogén hatások tényezője).

  3. A láptalajok típusai, altípusai, az altípusok típusszelvényei, mindezek definíciói és dimenziói.

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This study examined the production of kombucha beverages with several combination of black tea and Aloysia citrodora. For this purpose, five types of kombucha drinks were prepared using different ratios of pure black tea and pure A. citrodora (80:0, 50:30, 40:40, 30:50, and 0:80). Total phenolic and flavonoid content, radical-scavenging capacity based on DPPH, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in the fermentation period (days 0, 5, 10, and 15), and cytotoxicity on the 15th day have been evaluated. The results showed that phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant properties increased during fermentation (P < 0.01). Using A. citrodora as a substrate enhanced the phenolic and antioxidant properties. The maximum amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids were 240.24 mg GAE/mL and 49.65 μg QE/mL, respectively, and the DPPH value was 92.81% for the samples with an equal ratio of black tea and A. citrodora on the 15th day. In addition, this sample had the highest rate (66%) of destroying PC3 prostate cancer cells at a 600 μg dL−1 concentration. Using A. citrodora in kombucha drink not only improved the health indices but also caused better acceptance by the sensory evaluators compared to the sample of kombucha beverage produced with pure black tea.

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Our study aims to examine the perceptions of chefs and restaurants' management in Hungary regarding the importance of health and nutrition in menu planning in today's catering businesses. We assessed 190 complete responses from chefs/cooks and managers/owners of restaurants and catering businesses in Hungary between February 2021 and February 2022 via email on four aspects; health, nutrition, nutrition practice, and consumers' concerns. This study shows an overall improvement in chefs' and restaurants' management's nutritional knowledge compared with similar studies in the past. However, most chefs still believe that the customers ignore the nutrition and nutrient content of the meals when dining away from home. In addition, experienced chefs do not perceive that the preparation of low-fat foods requires additional work and that low fat-foods can taste great. This study found no significant differences related to nutrition in menu planning based on chefs' and managers' backgrounds (i.e., gender, age, position, educational level, work experience, and type and location of establishment).

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