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Chemical engineering is an engineering branch that deals with the chemical production and manufacture of products that undergo chemical processes. This includes equipment design, creating systems and processes to refine raw material, as well as mixing, compounding, and processing chemicals to create products.

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Nutritional information on packaging is becoming increasingly important in the food industry. Currently, labels are seen not only on the back of the packaging but also on the front. As there are many versions of front-of-pack labels (FoPLs), the research aims to determine which helps consumers the most in making decisions about which food to include in a healthier lifestyle. Nutri-Score, Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) and Multiple Traffic Lights (MTL) FoPLs on cereals were compared using eye-tracking (ET) and choice-based conjoint analysis (CBCA). CBCA was used to assess consumer preferences and the labels and products were also ranked. Based on the results, GDA type FoPL proved to be the most useful based on conjoint analysis, ranking and the analysis of ET parameters. This label helped participants the most in choosing the product that best fits into a healthier lifestyle. The Nutri-Score label, which offers little information on a product's nutritional content, was not favourably received by the Hungarian sample, who preferred more detailed FoP labels.

Open access

A vízpótlás talajvízszintre gyakorolt hatásának értékelése egy délnyugat-magyarországi példán keresztül

Evaluation of the water supply’s impact on groundwater levels, with an example from South-West Hungary

Agrokémia és Talajtan
András Herceg
Péter Kalicz
Katalin Anita Zagyvainé Kiss
Ján Szolgay
László Horváth
Bence Gallai
, and
Zoltán Gribovszki

Az Európát is érintő jelenlegi, napjainkban zajló éghajlatváltozás statisztikailag szignifikáns felmelegedési tendenciával jellemezhető. Az éghajlatváltozás hatása a csapadékviszonyok és az evapotranszspirációs folyamatok megváltoztatásán keresztül érinti a vízkörforgalmat, így a csapadék eloszlásának és mennyiségének várható változásai a folyamatosan emelkedő hőmérséklettel együtt a növények nagyobb vízfelhasználását eredményezhetik, ami változásokat indukálhat a talajnedvességben, a talajvízben és ennek következtében a vízmérlegben. Az emelkedő hőmérséklet hatására a jövőben a növekvő transzspirációs igény valószínűleg a növényi közösségek fokozott talajvízfelvételét eredményezi, ami a talajvízszint további csökkenését is magával vonhatja. Ha ez bekövetkezik, a talajvízfüggő erdei közösségek regenerálódása ezeken a területeken kérdésessé válik, mivel a fiatal fák gyökérzete nem fogja tudni elérni a vízforrást. Következésképpen a Kárpát-medence sík vidékein és vizes élőhelyein a nagy vízigényű erdők fennmaradása kérdésessé válhat. A fás vegetáció számára kiemelten fontos a talajvíz szerepe a vegetációs időszakban, éppen ezért a talajvízszint változását régóta, rendszeresen monitorozzák.

Konkrét megoldás lehet az árhullámok visszaduzzasztásából származó vízpótlás. A pozitív vízpótlási beavatkozásokra példa a Kaszó LIFE projekt. A projekt célja a leromlott élőhelyek rehabilitációja volt, ami a kedvező ökológiai állapot stabilizálásával teszi lehetővé a hosszú távú megőrzést. A megvalósítás eszközeként tórehabilitációt és folyó-mederbordákat alkalmaztak, biztosítva a Szentai-erdő (Nyugat-belső-somogyi kistérség) erdeinek, kis lápjainak és gyepterületeinek vízellátás javítását.

Jelen kutatás célja pedig a Kaszó LIFE projekt vízpótlási beavatkozásai után, azok felszín alatti vízszintre gyakorolt hidrológiai hatásainak elemzése volt. A meteorológiai adatok és a monitoring adatok alapján elmondható, hogy a Szentai-erdőben 30 éves szárazodási tendencia volt tapasztalható, amelynek elsődleges mutatója a talajvízszint csökkenése. Kiemelendőek a 2016–2017-es vizsgálati időszak évei, amikor az alapvetően lefolyástalan vizsgálati területen nem volt elegendő csapadék a talajvíz szintjének fenntartásához. Kutatási eredményeink azonban azt mutatták, hogy a vízpótlást célzó beavatkozások (mederbordák és tározótavak) összességében a talajvízszint emelkedését biztosítják.

A két beavatkozási típus talajvízszint emelkedésére gyakorolt hatását vizsgálva arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy míg a tavak építése jelentősen befolyásolja a környező kutak vízszintjét, addig a mederbordák esetében kisebb mértékű a hatás.

Open access


The simplest way to remove pesticide residues from fruits and vegetables is to wash them with tap water. However, this method is not effective enough. In this study, the effectiveness of different washing methods assisted by ultrasound on pesticide removal was investigated. For this purpose firstly, apples were soaked in a cypermethrin (CYP) and spirotetramat (SPI) solution, which are frequently used as insecticides. Subsequently, the apples were washed in solutions prepared with vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda at different concentrations (0.5%, 1% and 2%) and assisted by ultrasound (2.5–5 min). The residues in the medicated and washed samples were analysed on an LC-MS/MS instrument after extraction using the QuEChERS extraction method. The results of the analysis showed that acidic vinegar and lemon juice were more effective than baking soda. Moreover, the application of ultrasound significantly increased this effect. When a 0.5% vinegar solution was assisted by ultrasound, 62% of the cypermethrin residue was removed and 82% of the spirotetramat residue was removed. These values were 51.5% and 49.6% higher than tap water, respectively. In conclusion, acidic solutions such as vinegar, which we can easily prepare at home, are highly effective in removing pesticide residues when assisted by ultrasound.

Open access


Dillenia indica is one of the important medicinal plants and is extremely popular in many systems of medicine including ayurvedic, homeopathic, and siddha. Traditionally, different parts of this plant have been used to treat cancer, wound healing, diabetes, diarrhea, bone fractures, abdominal pains, cuts and burns. In the present study, a simple, precise, accurate and validated high performance thin layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method was developed for simultaneous estimation of three pharmaceutically active compounds i.e., betulinic acid (BE), β-sitosterol (BT) and lupeol (LP) in fruits, leaves, root bark and stem bark of D. indica. Standards and plant samples were applied on TLC aluminum plate precoated with 0.2 mm layer of silica gel 60F254. The plate was run in a twin glass chamber comprising toluene:methanol:chloroform (8:1:1, v/v/v) as a mobile phase which resulted in better separation of compounds. The plates were immersed in anisaldehyde-sulfuric reagent and then heated at 105 °C for 5 min in CAMAG TLC plate heater for appearance of bands. Densitometric scanning was performed at λmax = 525 nm using tungsten light source in CAMAG TLC Scanner4 armed with WinCATS software. R F values of BE, BT and LP standards and those of plant samples were found to be 0.38 ± 0.01, 0.54 ± 0.01 and 0.65 ± 0.02 respectively. The method was further validated by following the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. For BE, BT and LP, the linear regression data for the calibration plots revealed a satisfactory linear association with correlation coefficients (r 2) = 0.9736, 0.9989 and 0.9957, respectively. Linear ranges for BE, BT and LP were 2,000–6,000 ng/band, 200–1,000 ng/band, and 200–600 ng/band respectively. Accuracy of the method was assessed by recovery study conducted at three different levels with the average recovery of 99.19, 99.69 and 100.95% for BE, BT and LP, respectively. The results exhibited the highest content of BE (0.148 ± 0.01%), BT (0.031 ± 0.01%) and LP (0.047 ± 0.01%) in stem bark. The developed method will be useful for routine and quality control analysis of fruits, leaves, root bark and stem bark of D. indica species.

Open access


Artificial sweeteners are low-calorie substances used as food additives with aim to impart a sweet taste to beverages without adding significant calories. Due to the regulatory compliance regarding the type and the amount of artificial sweetener, and due to the large consumption of beverages and the effects of artificial sweeteners on human health, their identification and quantification is of a great importance. In this research simultaneous determination of acesulfame K (ACE-K), sodium saccharin (Na-SAC) and aspartame (ASP) as the most commonly used sweeteners in beverages was performed with a reversed – phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP – HPLC) with diode array detection (DAD). The best separation of the analytes was achieved on a Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (3.0 × 50 mm, 2.7 µm) column and isocratic elution with a mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and diluted phosphoric acid (pH = 3.8) with 7/93 volume ratio (V/V), and flow rate of 1 mL min−1. The chromatographic process was followed at 195, 220 and 230 nm, under constant column temperature (25 °C). Under these chromatographic conditions, the total time of analysis was less than 5 min. The developed method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ). The LOD under established chromatographic conditions was 0.03, 0.07 and 0.17 mg L−1 for Na-SAC, ACE-K and ASP, respectively. The amount of artificial sweeteners in analyzed samples ranged from 30.32 to 148.37 mg L−1 for ACE-K, from 16.10 to 93.05 for Na-SAC, and from 6.06 to 512.72 for ASP. The validated method was successfully applied for determination of analytes in different commercially available beverages.

Open access


People are consuming increasing amounts of poultry eggs and their products, and their safety is always a public concern. However, the complex composition of poultry eggs and their products, particularly the proteins and lipids, can easily cause matrix effects, requiring the use of sorbents to remove these components to avoid affecting the detection results. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) is a MOF material with high specific surface area, high porosity, and high stability, making it widely used as a sorbent in pesticide residue detection. In this study, we evaluated the performance of ZIF-8 compared to classic solid phase extraction (SPE) and Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) in the pretreatment step. The results showed that ZIF-8 could better reduce the matrix effect in poultry eggs and their products. After optimizing the extraction solvents, chromatographic and mass spectrometric conditions, and pretreatment processes, we established a method using ZIF-8 as a sorbent combined with high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) for the detection of 80 pesticide residues in seven different types of poultry eggs and their products, yielding satisfactory results. All the target analytes showed good linearity, both with values of r 2 > 0.996. The average recovery and coefficients of variation (CVs), expressed as relative standard deviations, ranges from 72.5% to 113.2% (chicken egg) (CV: 0.1%–12.9%), 72.2%–114.2% (salted duck egg) (CV: 0.1%–9.8%), 70.3%–105.6% (goose egg) (CV: 0.1%–12.0%), 70.9–120.4% (marinated egg) (RSD: 0.1%–14.8%), 70.7%–108.5% (duck egg) (CV: 0.1%–12.3%), 71.1%–105.0% (quail egg) (CV: 0.2%–5.6%), 70.7%–111.5% (century egg) (CV: 0.1%–13.4%). The values of limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were, respectively, ranging from 0.15 to 0.85 μg kg−1 and 0.34–2.6 μg kg−1. When this method was applied to the detection of real samples, one chicken egg sample was found to contain 0.013 mg kg−1 of fipronil, and one marinated egg sample was found to contain 0.0087 mg kg−1 of thiamethoxam, indicating the necessity of stringent safety monitoring for poultry eggs and their products.

Open access
Acta Chromatographica
Fouad Echerfaoui
Aimen El Orche
Khadija El Bourakadi
Abdelhafid Benomar
Casimir Adade Adade
Amine Laouni
Mounir El Kacemi
Mustapha Bouatia
, and
Miloud El Karbane


Formaldehyde plays a significant role in the global economy due to its unique chemical properties and widespread use in both the medical field and various industrial sectors. However, formaldehyde (HCHO) is classified as a persistent organic pollutant and is known to be harmful. Exposure to formaldehyde, both direct and prolonged, can cause severe health issues and potentially lead to death. It is recognized as a human carcinogen by numerous organizations and can negatively impact the endocrine system, as well as having mutagenic or teratogenic effects. Formaldehyde has been detected in various matrices at levels exceeding those permitted by international health regulatory bodies. Chromatography, particularly high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with detection methods, is an analytical technique frequently used to determine volatile organic molecules, including formaldehyde. This investigation aimed to develop and validate an assay method to identify and quantify formaldehyde in cosmetic products using HPLC-PDA. The chosen isocratic system consisted of a ZORBAX RX-C8 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm; 5 μm) and a mobile phase mixture of acetonitrile and water in a 55:45 (v/v) ratio, with a flow rate of 1.5 mL min−1. Formaldehyde was detected at 353 nm after derivatization with a 0.1N 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, with a retention time of approximately 5.0 min and a total run time of 7.0 min for formaldehyde. The method was validated according to ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines. The validation parameters demonstrated high selectivity, precision (RSD <2%), accuracy (mean recovery of 101.3%), linearity (r > 0.995 in the 1,000–2,400 ppm range), and a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.1 ppm. The validated analytical method was applied to 35 cosmetic products. None of these products were labeled as containing formaldehyde, although 6 imported products were labeled as containing formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. The results indicated that 88.6% of the samples tested positive for formaldehyde, with free formaldehyde levels ranging from 20 to 981 ppm. All samples contained formaldehyde levels below the 2000 ppm threshold.

Open access


Currently, there are no reported green “high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC)” methods for domperidone (DOM) and cinnarizine (CNZ) simultaneous detection. The objective of the present study was to design and verify a reverse-phase HPTLC method for the concurrent analysis of CNZ and DOM in commercial tablets that is fast, sensitive, and greener. As a green mobile phase, acetone and water in an 80:20 (v/v) binary ratio were used to simultaneously determine CNZ and DOM. The stationary phase was reverse-phase silica gel 60F254S plates. Concurrent measurements of CNZ and DOM were performed at 230 nm. Four different tools were used to assess the greenness of the current method: AGREE, AES, ChlorTox, and NEMI. For both medications, the current approach was linear in the 25–1,000 ng/band range. The accuracy, precision, robustness, sensitivity, and environmental friendliness of the suggested technique for the CNZ and DOM simultaneous detection were verified. The new method's profile was noticeably greener, as seen by the results of every greenness tool, including NEMI, AES (89), ChlorTox (1.08 g), and AGREE (0.83). Utilizing the current approach, the amount of CNZ and DOM in pharmaceutical tablets was found to be 99.53 and 98.87%, respectively. These findings validate the suitability of the existing method for measuring CNZ and DOM simultaneously in commercial tablets. The results of the proposed study indicated that measuring CNZ and DOM in commercial products could be done consistently with the current methodology.

Open access
Acta Chromatographica
Yangfan Du
Shunjun Ma
Dizhong Chen
Runrun Wang
Xianqin Wang
Congcong Wen
, and
Xiuwei Shen


A fast, accurate, sturdy, and sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method was developed to measure the levels of ADB-BUTINACA in rat plasma for a pharmacokinetic study. The ADB-BUTINACA and midazolam (internal standard) were separated on a UPLC BEH C18 column (2.1 mm × 50 mm, 1.7 μm) using a gradient elution of acetonitrile and water (0.1% formic acid) as the mobile phase. ADB-BUTINACA and midazolam were detected in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode for quantitative analysis, the mass detection was performed on a positive electrospray ionization (ESI) source. The calibration curve displayed excellent linearity from 1 to 1,000 ng mL−1, with a lower limit of quantification of 1.0 ng mL−1 and a limit of detection of 0.3 ng mL−1. The precision for both inter-day and intra-day assays was below 14%, while accuracy ranged from 92% to 111%. The method also showed an average recovery between 87% and 90%, with a matrix effect ranging from 104% to 111%. The data was acceptable according to the guidelines of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This newly validated quantitative method successfully supported the pharmacokinetic study of ADB-BUTINACA.

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Szabolcs Homolya
Eszter Vozáry
Katalin Badak Kerti
Tímea Kaszab
Mohsen Mardani
, and
Anikó Lambert Meretei


In the confectionery industry large quantities of palm fat in the fillings of chocolate products are used. Based on today's nutritional science results, it is desirable to replace palm oil with healthier fats. Oleogels can provide a kind of solution for this replacement. In our work the rheological, textural and thermal properties of oleogels containing high oleic sunflower oil, beeswax and monoglycerides were determined. In the samples we examined, the gelator concentrations were: 20% beeswax, 15% beeswax and 5% monoglyceride, 10% beeswax and 10% monoglyceride, 5% beeswax and 15% monoglyceride, and 20% monoglyceride. Based on our results, the oleogel containing 15% beeswax and 5% monoglyceride seems an eutectic crystal of beeswaxes and monoglyceride. It has relative high hardness, high storage modulus and high viscosity therefore it can replace the Chocofill filling fat, which contains mainly palm fat, used in large quantities in sweets.

Open access