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Earth and environmental sciences cover all planetary and Earth science aspects, including solid Earth processes, development of Earth, environmental issues, ecology, marine and freshwater systems, as well as the human interaction with these systems.
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Napjainkban egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik olyan technológiák és módszerek kidolgozására és alkalmazására, melyek lehetővé teszik a gyors, költséghatékony és környezetbarát talajadat-felvételezést és kiértékelést. Ezeknek az igényeknek felel meg a reflektancia spektroszkópia, mely az elektromágneses spektrum látható (VIS) és közeli infravörös (NIR) tartományában (350–2500 nm) végzett reflektancia-mérésekre épül. Figyelembe véve, hogy a talajokról felvett reflektancia spektrum információban nagyon gazdag, és a vizsgált tartományban számos talajalkotó rendelkezik karakterisztikus spektrális „ujjlenyomattal”, egyetlen görbéből lehetővé válik nagyszámú, kulcsfontosságú talajparaméter egyidejű meghatározása. Dolgozatunkban, a reflektancia spektroszkópia alapjaira helyezett, a talajok ösz-szetételének meghatározását célzó módszertani fejlesztés első lépéseit mutatjuk be. Munkánk során talajok szervesszén- és CaCO3-tartalmának megbecslését lehetővé tévő többváltozós matematikai-statisztikai módszerekre (részleges legkisebb négyzetek módszere, partial least squares regression – PLSR) épülő prediktív modellek létrehozását és tesztelését végeztük el. A létrehozott modellek tesztelése során megállapítottuk, hogy az eljárás mindkét talajparaméter esetében magas R2 értéket [R2 (szerves szén) = 0,815; R2 (CaCO3) = 0,907] adott. A becslés pontosságát jelző közepes négyzetes eltérés (root mean squared error – RMSE) érték mindkét paraméter esetében közepesnek mondható [RMSE (szerves szén) = 0,467; RMSE (CaCO3) = 3,508], mely a reflektancia mérési előírások standardizálásával jelentősen javítható. Vizsgálataink alapján arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy a reflektancia spektroszkópia és a többváltozós kemometriai eljárások együttes alkalmazásával, gyors és költséghatékony adatfelvételezési és -értékelési módszerhez juthatunk.
Abu-Dabbab area is characterized by high seismicity and complex tectonic setting, for these facts, a local geodetic network consisting of eleven geodetic benchmarks has been established. The crustal deformation data in this area are collected using the GPS techniques. Five campaigns of GPS measurements have been collected, processed and adjusted to get the more accurate positions of the GPS stations. The horizontal velocity vectors, the dilatational, the maximum shear strains and the principal strain rates were estimated. The magnitude of the movements is distributed inhomogeneous over the area and it varies in average between 3 and 6 mm/yr. The results of the deformation analyses indicate a significant contraction and extension across the southern central part of the study area which is characterized by high seismic activity represented by the clustering shape of the microearthquakes that trending NE-SW direction. The north and north-eastern parts are characterized by small strain rates. This study is an attempt to provide valuable information about the present state of the crustal deformation and its relationship to seismic activity and tectonic setting at Abu-Dabbab area.
In the region of the Carpathian-Pannonian Basin (44–50N; 13–28E) 81 earthquakes have moment magnitude (M
w); 61 of them are crustal events (focal depth <65 km) while 20 earthquakes belong to the intermediate focal depth region of the Vrancea (Romania) zone. For crustal events the regression of moment magnitude (M
w) on local magnitude (M
l) shows a better fit for large magnitudes using a second order equation against to a linear relationship, and the actual quadratic formula based on 61 events is the following:
The paper presents all stages of the development and processing of the fundamental gravimetric network of Slovenia, which consists of a zero order network, which has six absolute gravity stations, and twenty nine first order gravimetric stations. Descriptions are given of the design of the network, the geological assessment of the gravimetric stations, the gravity survey of the first order network, and the post-processing and adjustment of the gravimetric observations, which was performed in two stages. First the observations in the zero order network were adjusted as a free network, and then a standard adjustment of the first order network was performed. Finally, the adjusted gravity values at the stations were analysed against the Potsdam system, which was the basis of all previous gravimetric calculations in Slovenia. In the analyses an equation for the transformation of gravity values between the Potsdam system and the IGSN71 system (International Gravity Standardization Network 1971) has been derived.
We determined a new one-dimensional P-wave velocity model for the territory of Hungary based on the first arrival times of local earthquakes. During the computations 910 P-wave arrival data of 86 events from the time period between 1985 and 2010 have been used. The applied methodology is a combination of a genetic algorithm based procedure and an iterative linearized joint inversion technique. The preferred velocity profile has been chosen from the best models based on the data of a series of controlled explosions.The resulting flat-layered model consists of three crustal layers and a half-space representing the uppermost mantle. The crustal compressional velocities vary in the range of 5.3-6.3 km/s, while the uppermost mantle velocity was found to be 7.9 km/s. The Moho is located at an average depth of 26 km.Additionally, the V p/V s ratio was calculated by the Wadati-method, which gave a value of 1.74±0.05.
Treating the Fourier transform as an over-determined inverse problem is a new conception for determining the frequency spectrum of a signal. The concept enables us to implement several algorithms depending on the applied inversion tool. One of these algorithms is the Hermit polynomial based Least Squares Fourier Transform (H-LSQ-FT). The H-LSQ-FT is suitable for reducing the influence of random noise. The aim of the investigation presented in the paper was to study the noise reduction capability of the H-LSQ-FT in some circumstances. Four wavelet-like signals with different properties were selected for testing the method. Examinations were completed on noiseless and noisy signals. The H-LSQ-FT provided the best noise reduction for the noisy signal having low peak frequency and wide band width. Finally, the results obtained by the H-LSQ-FT were compared to those of other traditional methods. It is showed that the H-LSQ-FT yields better noise filtering than these methods do.
This paper illustrates the application of multidisciplinary data analysis to the Carpathian-Pannonian Region and on the basis of geodetical data presents verification of a tectonic model of the Carpathian-Pannonian lithosphere with impact on the possible risk and activity of the geodynamic and kinematical zones in consequence of the post-subduction processes. This approach and analyses can be used for the analyses any Carpathian area from the point of view of the recent movements tendencies.All available mentioned geodata were verified and unified on the basis of the same scale and in the Western Carpathians on the remote sensing data, too.Independent GPS epoch-wise observing campaigns took place in several regions and the whole territory is now covered by tens of permanent stations. The long-term observational series from permanent stations generally yield reliable site velocities, however, distribution of such stations is not dense enough to provide velocity field with sufficient resolution all over the monitored region.In the paper we also shortly describe velocity fields available from various national and regional GPS geo-kinematics projects. The heterogeneous velocity fields have been homogenized and used for construction of the intraplate GPS velocities in Central and South-East Europe and their interpretation, focusing on the chosen active zone. As one of most important we consider — so called — “rebounding area” in East Carpathians. The proposed interpretation and solution enable to consider new view on the Pliocene to recent period.
The Oligocene Kiscell Clay is a widespread sediment of the Budapest region. The best-evaluated parts of the deposit are found along the new Metro (subway) line (Line 4) on the Buda side of the Danube River, where cores were cut. The geomechanical parameters of the Kiscell Clay were studied and evaluated using 481 samples from 41 cores. Nearly 5000 data were processed using different statistical parameters. The results of the statistical analyses are compared with previously-described soil-mechanical parameters; regional correlations of the mechanical properties of the Kiscell Clay are made by comparison with the results of previous analyses (Görög 2007a). There are significant discrepancies in the datasets of cohesion and uniaxial compressive strength, but other parameters show better correlation. In any case these analyses provide information for the engineering geologic design and planning for underground structures.
The Madaras brickyard section found at the northernmost fringe of the Backa loess plateau is one of the thickest and best-developed last glacial loess sequences of Central Europe. In the present work high-resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements (at 2 cm) were implemented on samples from the 10 m-section corresponding to a period between 29 and 11 KY cal b2K. One aim was to compare the findings with the ice core records of northern Greenland in order to establish a high-resolution paleoclimatic record for the last climatic cycle and with findings documented in other biotic and abiotic proxies so far. Our results revealed a strong variability of loess/paleosol formation during MIS 2. Millennial time-scale climatic events that characterize the North Atlantic during the last climatic cycle have been identified. From 29 ka up to the start of the LGM, the recorded MS values show a weak, negative correlation with the temperature proxy, and a weak positive correlation with the dust concentration of Greenland. A strong correlation was observed with the local paleotemperatures. Local climatic factors must have had a more prominent effect here on loess/paleosol development than the climate shifts over Greenland. During the LGM the same pattern is seen with a stronger correlation with the dust concentrations and a weaker correlation with the local temperature. Local climatic factors, plus dust accumulation, must have had a prominent influence on loess/paleosol development here. From the terminal part of the LGM a strong positive correlation of the MS values with the temperature proxy for Greenland accompanied by a strong negative correlation with the dust concentration values is observed. Correlation with local paleotemperatures is positive and moderate, strong. Here climate shifts over Greenland, as well as local endowments equally had an important role on the development of the MS signal.