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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

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Adults learn when they actively engage in meaningful activities. Meaningfulness is an extremely subjective factor, which depends on experiences, values, attitudes and much more. “The ways in which adults learn in and through the workplace are rooted in educational trajectories and their complex intertwining with social institutions (of labour market, workplace, community) and social roles (of employee, citizen, family member) at different stages of the life-course” (Kersh et al., 2011, 355). The interplay between work, studies and lifeworld is the focus of this study, conducted at the University College Copenhagen in 2020–2021. At the College, and in teacher training in particular, we are asking two important questions these days: How can we establish an engaging learning culture in our educational program? How can we create space for all students to find the relevant content to engage with? How can this be done when our students are so diverse according to age, life and work experiences, life situation and life interests? In this article, I analyse my own workplace learning and professional development during my first 2 years at University College, where I have been working on transforming my experience from the university to a new context – a professional teacher education program at University College.

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The significance of equipping higher education graduates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge relevant to their future workplace has been identified as one of the priorities in the higher education sector. Specifically, the issues, such as the preparation of young people for the world of work, facilitating the links between academic studies and practical experiences, and situating practice-based education have become central to the higher education landscape. This article discusses the extent to which practically-based higher education learning spaces can be constructed and co-constructed, involving the cooperation and collaboration of different stakeholders: employers, university lecturers and students. The article will particularly draw on the perspectives from a case study of practically-based higher education in the hospitality sector in England. Drawing on this case study the article will address the following research questions: (1) How can practically-based learning spaces be constructed and co-constructed within the context of higher education? and (2) What is the role of different stakeholders in this process? The article argues that the development of a practically-based higher education learning space is much more complex than simply bringing together academic and practical learning, and involves both institutional affordances, industry engagement and collaboration of key stakeholders.

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Work practices and learning are entangled processes that operate differently in each workplace. Central factors producing this diversity are the informal, social and affective cultures facilitated and supported in each workplace. Recent research findings further suggest that these informal modes of workplace practice are critical for how people in these organisations learn, and for their capacity to innovate and adapt to changes in their business environment. Lockdowns implemented because of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which many organisations and individuals have had to embrace remote working using digital devices, software and broadband, have significantly reduced opportunities for these important informal and social dimensions of workplace practice. Given the likelihood that diverse forms and degrees of remote working will become part of the post-pandemic ‘new normal’, we discuss in this paper approaches to researching the extent to which, and in what forms, the benefits of informal interactions can be enabled and replicated in situations of partially or wholly remote working. The paper contributes to the literature on workplace learning by critically discussing the effects of the pandemic, and especially remote working, on the modern workplace, and discussing possible future directions for research.

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This study investigates occurrences and tools of informal and non-formal learning at work, focusing on the Hungarian IT sector. The aim is to demonstrate that learning at work mainly manifests informally and to identify its patterns. Companies shifting towards teleworking during the pandemic further increased the importance of informal learning. The empirical research uses complex methodology of three pillars: A questionnaire about workplace learning conducted among employees in the IT sector (N = 162). Case studies of three Hungarian IT companies using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Learning activity logging of work-related learning events were recorded by participating employees (N = 19). According to the main conclusions there is a positive correlation between the number of available workplace learning opportunities and opinions on the efficacy of informal learning. Informal learning dominates the learning patterns of employees in a knowledge-intensive industry. In supporting employees’ learning the average number of informal learning opportunities are significantly higher than those of formal learning and both employees and employers agree that this mode of learning is more effective.

The results highlight that reinterpreting workplace learning is necessary due to economic, social and technological trends not to mention employer flexibility becoming more and more inevitable. Thus, the importance of informal learning is unquestionable.

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The development of AI has been an explosive process, permeating almost all areas of life. During this rapid evolution, the legal profession has been slow to catch up. This is especially true for international law, which seemingly remains indecisive regarding whether it has a role to play at all. This article aims at mapping out converging points between AI and international law. Through separating key elements of the definition and nature of AI, the possibility of its legal personality and the means by which AI may become a subject of international law are analysed. Utilizing various modalities regarding legal personality, such as that of inanimate objects, corporations and natural persons, the paper presents avenues for if and when decision-makers want to regulate the field. Last, the advantages and problems with bestowing legal personality and the potential future directions of international regulation are observed.

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The article uses a multi-faceted approach to present the major challenges to vocational education and training (VET) that Hungary and Poland have been facing during the transformation of their economic systems in 1989 and integration into the EU in 2004. The evolution of VET is examined according to historical traditions, its declining prestige, the introduction of dual training, governance, and the involvement of social partners. We also look at recent changes in the two countries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the current situation in the light of VET scenarios recently developed by Cedefop.

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Social problem-solving skills are the individual's way for better social adaptation. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the characteristics of Palestinian adolescents' social problem-solving (Positive orientation, negative orientation, rational style, impulsive style, and avoidance style) in connection to some demographic variables (i.e. gender, age, family composition, father's education, and mother's education). As an instrument, Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R) was applied to 410 Palestinian adolescents whose ages (12, 15, and 18 years old). The results showed that the Palestinian adolescents had the highest level of positive orientation and the least level of negative problem orientation towards solving social-problems. In addition, the finding showed that there were no differences between girls and boys in positive orientation, rational style and impulsive style, while females had a tendency towards negative orientation and avoidance style. There were no differences attributed to age in negative orientation, rational style, impulsive style, and avoidance style. However, it was found that positive orientation was prominent in 18 years old. There was no difference in adolescents' family composition in their dealing with social problems. Also, there was no difference in solving social problems attributed to the father's education. However, there was no difference in negative orientation, positive orientation, rational style, and impulsive style attributed to mother's education. However, there was a relationship between the mother who has elementary school and avoidance style.

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This study is part of a larger research study that seeks to understand how employee-driven innovation (EDI) is initiated, enacted and sustained in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore. To date, most of the EDI studies are conducted in the Nordic context where management, employees and public authorities work closely with each other. In more hierarchical societies, such as those in Asia, employees may be given less discretion in exercising initiative to improve work processes and conditions. This study seeks to provide insights on factors that support employees initiating, enacting and sustaining innovations in Singapore SMEs through case studies. Besides interviews, data gathering was also undertaken through observations of the employees, supervisors/managers and owners at work and their interactions where possible. It is found that employees’ engagement in workplace learning contribute to initiation, enactment and sustenance of EDI in Singapore SMEs. The findings underline the significance of workplace learning in developing and strengthening employees’ innovation capacity.

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New Public Management (NPM)-inspired higher education (HE) governance has become increasingly topical in recent years. However, while existing research provides an overall understanding of relevant changes, it does not offer a complete analysis of complex governance and falls prey to deterministic and relatively narrow ideological impositions. Scholars are overwhelmingly oriented toward governance models or modes and the ideas of efficiency, effectiveness, and competition in NPM. They either promote these aspects as an approach to organizing HE governance or criticize them in addition to evaluating or comparing their outcomes. Therefore, based on a literature review and drawing on Foucauldian ideas of political rationality, this paper proposes a shift from the ideology-based problem-solving paradigm to a renewed approach. By calling for an increased focus on bottom–up initiatives that stem from below while studying NPM-inspired HE governance, this paper recommends conducting a discourse analysis of technical policy papers together with empirical-analytical studies to identify interpretive political rationalities and histories. Overall, the approach proposed in this paper would limit the deterministic mode of policy analysis and lead to more refined ways of understanding HE governance in certain fields, clarifying problematic situations, and effectively estimating future directions.

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Building on the findings of Cedefop’s research project ‘The changing nature and role of VET in Europe’ (2015–18), this article outlines the development and transformation of European VET over the last two decades. Exploring change from epistemological-pedagogical, institutional and socio-economic perspectives, the research not only illustrates the stability and path dependence of national VET systems (and how this sustains overall VET-diversity in Europe), it also demonstrates how the combination of incremental change and major societal and economic shocks shift the orientation of VET. This mapping and analysis of the past is used to outline possible scenarios for the future of vocational education and training in Europe. Three main scenarios - pluralistic, distinctive and special-purpose VET - illustrate the different directions VET can take in the next two decades and the challenges and opportunities involved in this. The final part of the article discusses the potential use of the scenario-approach and how this is taken forward in Cedefop’s follow-up project on the Future of VET (2019–2022).

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There is a general consensus in mainstream education sciences and sociology that the Hungarian educational system has long been highly selective. 1 Although the majority of Hungarian society has high hopes that the educational system promotes social mobility, empirical studies show that the problem of selectivity has not been handled effectively, regardless of the multitude of changes in education policy in past decades. 2 It has become a very fashionable theme in the past few years to denounce the detrimental effects of neoliberalism on the educational system for this failing. 3 We, however, argue that neoliberalism has only played a secondary role in the controversial evolution of educational policy, while its chief causes may rather be found in ambiguous education legislation.

As a result of the aforementioned controversy, the impact of neoliberal economic policy on the institutional selectivity of education needs to be clarified. Accordingly, this paper aims to highlight the main patterns of how the neoliberal idea has affected education, as well as its side effects on social mobility.

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A common feature of the present-day constitutions of the Western Balkans is the effort to solve conflicts of ethnic character using predominantly legal tools, mostly in a parliamentarian way. However, the practice shows that most legal regimes based on instruments that give preference to the interests of one or more equally strong ethnic groups can be built mostly to the detriment of democratic states. Effective and functional state institutions and ethnic power-sharing in multi-ethnic states seem to be in conflict with each other. Rule-of-law-based models can only function properly if parties have mutual trust and can solve their internal conflicts through compromises among themselves. Political agreements based on mutual trust are more effective in the long term as legal instruments. There are examples of such arrangements in multi-ethnic states of Western Europe (Belgium, Northern Ireland, and Switzerland). Analysis of the solutions of the Western Balkans countries and their comparison with these Western examples shows clearly that hard legal tools (vetoes) do not soften but sharpen conflicts, while informal arrangements based on mutual trust are more productive.

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As the role that publicly owned and private think tanks play in evidence-based governance grows, several parameters that have a bearing on the agenda, schedule and timetable of the think tanks have already been studied. Here we look at the interplay between the funding model (public vs. private) and the analysis intention (the temporal outlook; ex-ante vs. ex-post approach), choosing Lithuanian education policy, system and agents as the study domain. Among other findings, we see that the funding model correlates with the temporal outlook: the investigated representative of private think tanks tends to engage in ex-ante work more intensively, while the publicly funded equivalent is exhibitive of both ex-ante (preparatory) and ex-post (evaluative) research tactic in almost equal measure. We conclude that the private sector may afford the luxury of being more focused and efficient in its information behavior mostly due to the clear and non-debatable ideological commitment. In a deliberative democracy this is rarely possible. It would be of great interest to check whether the same generalizations hold for jurisdictions that are free from the post-Soviet administrative tradition.

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The aim of the present study is to identify teachers' reading strategy use in L1 (mother tongue) and L2 (foreign language), and also to examine whether background variables such as gender, qualification, teaching experience, platform of teaching, reading habits, majors, L2 level and the number of L2s known make a difference in teachers' reading strategy use. Reading has been widely researched yet examining L1 and L2 reading strategy use simultaneously yielded contradicting results. Furthermore, there is little research on teachers' reading strategy use although their role in students' reading is vital. An online, anonymous questionnaire including background variables and items from MARSI was used, which was filled in by 256 teachers. Data analysis found that teachers use more reading strategies in L1 than in L2. No background variable had any significant relationship with L1 reading strategy use. Reading habits, L2 level, majors and L2s known, however, did make a difference in teachers' L2 reading strategy use. Thus it seems that L2 metalinguistic knowledge and reading habits might be important to consider when examining reading strategies.

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In today's globalized, multicultural and multilingual world, diverse social processes and macrocontextual factors are influencing people's motivation to learn a new language. According to OECD, the students' mobility to study abroad has increased more than two times during the past 2 decades, which plays a significant role in the world's future development. This paper aims to obtain a deeper understanding of international students' motivation for learning Hungarian in Budapest, Hungary. To achieve this aim, in-depth interviews were conducted with 17 international students who were awarded the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship and have achieved between A1 and B1 level in Hungarian as a foreign language. The interview guide was adapted from Dörney's L2 Motivational Self System and Taguchi, Magid, and Papi scales. The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that international students have integrative and instrumental motivation for learning Hungarian. However, their integrative motivation purposes are more common than their instrumental motivation.

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This article intends to show that while the strong VET-labour market link has a long tradition in the Netherlands and likely maintains strong in the future, the dynamics that substantiate this link, especially in terms of institutional arrangement have seen a radical shift in the last decades. To explore the shifts we make use of Rageth and Renold (2020) model of three ideal types of linkages between education and employment system and the ideas concerning vocational and academic drift (Hippach-Schneider, 2014; Cedefop, 2017, 2020). This article is based on a literature review and case studies conducted in recent years on the Dutch system in the context of various (European) research projects. The article concludes that while the ownership for VET of the employment system decreased, the VET schools, due to the high level of autonomy and institutional capacities, were effectively able to install cooperation mechanism, joint delivery mechanisms in VET programmes and effective feedback mechanisms. The article shows that powerbalancing on VET content and supporting vocational drift does not necessarily require powerbalancing institutionally. In doing so, the article offers reflections to other countries’ VET systems on how to balance education and labour market systems in the determination of the VET content and the governance of the VET system.

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The paper discusses the options for a conceptual framework to describe how the knowledge created and acquired in VET is changing due to technological innovation and the shift towards a knowledge economy. The discussion sets out from the question how vocational or professional knowledge may be distinguished from other forms of knowledge and what philosophical and epistemological traits may underpin this distinction. Building on an analysis of ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ conceptions of knowledge, the paper explores how appropriate descriptors for the classification of theoretical or propositional knowledge as well as practical knowledge may be identified. As a result, a proposal for structuring vocational knowledge is presented. The concluding part addresses the question how the proposed categories may serve to characterise changes in vocational knowledge and explores the requirements for applying the conceptual framework in empirical studies on the effects of technological innovation and societal developments.

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Vocational education and training is more complex than academic education. It is also subject to important differences among countries due to at least two factors: a) the particular fabric of the productive system of the country and b) the involvement of social actors (employers and unions) as well as the labor market relations and the balance between capital and work.

Historical and comparative vocational education and training has deployed a series of analytical tools which have contributed to identify different patterns of existing vocational education systems. Some institutions have also worked in order to help vocational education advance in the past decades: among these, the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has twice devised future scenarios in Vocational education, at the turn of the 20th century and right before the Covid-19 pandemics.

The combination of current VET systems and suggested scenarios indicate that transformations are subject to negotiation among actors within countries (administration, employers, unions, teachers) and across countries; as well as subject to legitimation of decisions before the wider society. The sociology of conventions is a useful approach to analyse processes of negotiation and legitimation behind historical developments in VET systems; we suggest applying it to tackle current VET scenarios.

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The role of the parents is crucial in the children's effective functioning, having a long-term effect on the physical, mental and social health of the individuals. Sense of coherence is one of the most important elements of mental health, having a significant effect on the various aspects of life. So do parental goal emphasis by setting the main directions for the children. The current survey aimed to study the impact of sense of coherence and the perceived parental goal emphasis for teenagers' anxiety disorder. 80 of these students (40 suffering from anxiety disorder and 40 normal individuals) were selected due to a questionnaire about anxiety and sampling method, considering the goal of the research. The sense of coherence questionnaire was filled by students' mothers, and to understand parents', the perceived parental goal emphasis questionnaire was filled by the students themselves. The results were calculated and analysed by a statistical program called SPSS (V.20) with MANOVA on the Dependent variables test. The results indicate that the sense of coherence was different in two groups of mothers and students than anxiety disorder and normal individuals. It shows that sense of coherence had a higher rate in normal students' mothers. Also, the orientation senses of parents and its component had a huge superiority over students with an anxiety disorder than normal.

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Professional learning is complex and is the result of a mix of experiences made in academic and workplace settings. An interesting step in the learning trajectories of professionals is represented by internship. Interns have to engage in boundary crossing when connecting academic learning with professional practices. An interesting issue to explore concerns the experiences of undergraduate interns when they encounter challenges in workplaces. Drawing upon Dewey’s notion of experience to examine internship learning, this article focuses on the role of sociomateriality when neophytes—interns—enter the workplace. Analysing semi-structured interviews with undergraduates (N = 38) performing their internship at the public relations and communication industry where internship is not an established practice, we present three findings. First, materiality of work activity plays a central role in organizing learning for interns at the workplace. Second, interns report networking at the workplace for convergence of work objectives which in turn provides opportunities and constraints for learning about the logic of workplace activities. Finally, interns report balancing between different identities during internship practice in order to direct their participatory efforts within the complex workplace organization. The value of internship learning calls for agency from the learners while considering the implications for the workplace organisations where learning experiences are located. Finally, we bring attention to the role of the workplace supervisors and faculty members in the development of professional learning in such complex professional learning settings.

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The aim of this article is to explore methodological issues related to scenarios on vocational education and training (VET). In particular, we examine the extent to which VET scenarios depend or build on generalizable future expectations (“myths of the future”) or archetypes of the future. The analysis builds on a review of recent methodological literature on scenario building applied to three international scenario studies on VET carried out by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), in which the authors were partly involved.

We argue that neither scenarios on a particular issue (“issue-based”) nor on the future of a particular society (“area-based”) do justice to diverse VET systems but that scenarios in VET need to be “institution-based”. Hence, both the relative independence of VET systems and their path dependency – especially in transnational projects – need to be taken into account. In conclusion, we propose that the regular application of the scenario approach could be a useful complement to various other prospective approaches used to guide European employment and vocational training policies.

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The development of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs for vocational teachers in Africa has been hampered by a lack of relevant research on their CPD practices and learning needs. This study therefore investigated the learning needs of vocational teachers in Kenya based on the professional competencies vocational teachers identify as essential for their work and their self-perception of competence.

Using a concurrent mixed methods approach, data was collected from 170 questionnaire respondents and sixteen interview participants from six Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Kenya.

Despite TVET teachers perceiving themselves as highly competent, they were found to express a relatively high need for CPD. The need was most strongly expressed by teachers who had received Initial Teacher Education (ITE), which suggested that ITE has a positive influence in sensitising teachers on the need for CPD. New teachers were however found to have a lower perception of competence. Mentorship for new teachers is thus recommended.

An unexpected finding was that while TVET teachers in Kenya identify good teaching skills as an essential competency for vocational teachers, they assume mastery of content translates to good teaching skills. It is thus recommended that the curriculum for TVET teachers in Kenya be reviewed to help teachers appreciate, identify, and develop subject-specific teaching skills.

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This article examines the unemployment policy of Central-East-European countries applying mixed methods. First, fuzzy set analysis is used to determine the efficiency of unemployment measures for reducing the poverty gap. Three causal conditions are measured: the net replacement rate of unemployment benefits, labour law regulations related to job security, and public spending on labour-market programs. This analysis reveals two possible pathways: governments may either provide a high level of job security, or spend on active and passive labour-market measures. Second, the fuzzy set analysis was completed with a comparative legal analysis covering the Visegrad countries that examined the policy choices the Visegrad countries made after the economic crisis. The paper argues that due to the different approaches to the welfare state, any potential EU initiatives for regulating unemployment benefits under the European Pillar of Social Rights might put divergent adaptation pressure on the V4 states. The differences are significant, as they would not only challenge effective social integration but also hamper the envisioned political cooperation of the V4 countries in this policy area. Building on previous literature, this paper is written to contribute to research on the European Social Model and social integration within the European Union.

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Vocational education and training (VET) systems around the world serve many aims, the most important of which can be grouped into three main aims: economic, social and educational aims. These different aims find their roots in different socio-cultural and economic contexts and their importance in the functioning of the systems evolves according to the times. Our contribution proposes a reflection on the centrality of the notion of aims in order to better understand and describe the functioning of VET systems. By adopting an exploratory approach based on discourse analysis, we will show the interest in using this notion to build a theoretical framework that facilitates international comparisons between VET systems and also the description of their evolution from the past to the future. To exemplify the relevance of this exploratory approach, the contribution will propose a description of the evolution of the Swiss VET system from 1880 up to 2030, based on the articulation of economic, social and educational aims.

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Since the mid 1990s vocational and education and training systems across Europe have had to respond to a number of external factors which have transformed the demand for skills. This paper examines the way in which VET systems have responded to the external factors and increase their resilience in the face of external shocks of one kind or another. The paper also reveals the way in which VET increasing established itself as a mainstream option for young people over the same period because of its capacity to deliver skills which the labour market demands.

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Scientia et Securitas
Péter Szendrő
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Az Egész visszatérése

The Return of the Whole

György Csepeli
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Az eredményesség és a tanári fluktuáció összefüggései a szakképzésben

Relationship between Effectiveness and Teacher Fluctuation in Vocational Training

Katinka Bacskai
Alexandra Dorogi

Összefoglaló. Kutatásunkban a 2017. és 2019. évi Országos kompetenciamérés érettségit nem adó szakképző iskolákban tanuló diákok adatait vizsgáltuk (N matematika: 11 776; N szövegértés: 11 582). Az iskola eredményességét tekintve az egyik legfontosabb tényező maga a pedagógus, hogy milyen munkát végez, továbbá kiemelkedően fontos az is, hogy mennyire állandó egy iskolában a tanári kar, másként fogalmazva, mekkora a tanári fluktuáció. Eredményeink ezt nem teljesen igazolták, hiszen a magasabb tanári fluktuáció esetén magasabb eredményességet tapasztaltunk. Ugyanakkor vannak eredmények, amelyek alátámasztják a korábbi kutatások eredményeit: a pályakezdő, az iskolát, illetve a pályát elhagyó pedagógusok magasabb aránya alacsonyabb tanulói eredményességgel jár együtt, de ez kizárólag a matematika képességterület kapcsán mondható el. Az olvasás-szövegértés mérési területen ezzel ellentétes tendencia érvényesül.

Summary. In our research, we examined the data of students studying in non-baccalaureate vocational schools the National Assessment of Basic Competencies in 2017 and 2019 (N mathematics: 11 776; N reading: 11 582). In terms of the effectiveness of the school, one of the most important factors is the kind of work the teacher does, and it is also extremely important how constant the teaching staff is in a school, in other words, how much the teacher fluctuates. Our results did not fully confirm this, as we experienced higher efficiency in the case of higher teacher turnover. At the same time, there are results that support the results of previous research: a higher proportion of beginning, out-of-school and out-of-school teachers is associated with lower student achievement, but this can only be said in relation to the mathematics skill area. In the field of reading comprehension, the opposite trend prevails.

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Az iskola évszázada után

After the Century of Schooling

Zsuzsanna Vajda
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A beilleszkedési, tanulási és magatartási nehézséggel küzdő tanulók eredményessége

Effectiveness of Children with Integral, Learning, and Behavioral Difficulties

Roland Hegedűs

Összefoglaló. A hazai és nemzetközi szakirodalomban részletesen kutatott téma a tanulók iskolai teljesítménye és ennek befolyásoló tényezői, mint például családi háttér, iskolai jellemzők, de ezek a kutatások ritkán térnek ki a tipikustól eltérő tanulókra. Vizsgálatunkban arra vállalkoztunk, hogy a beilleszkedési, tanulási és magatartási nehézséggel (BTMN) küzdő tanulók teljesítményét elemezzük fenntartó és nem szerint. A kutatásunkban a 2017 májusában felvett 6. osztályos tanulók matematika- és szövegértés-eredményeit elemeztük az Országos kompetenciamérés adatai alapján. Eredményeink szerint azt nem lehet egyértelműen meghatározni, hogy a tanulók melyik fenntartónál teljesítenek jobban. A nemek szerinti vizsgálat azt mutatja, hogy a fiúgyermekek jobbak ugyan a matematikai feladatokban, de ha a gyermeknél fennáll a matematikai nehézség, akkor kisebb a fiúk és a lányok teljesítménye közötti különbség.

Summary. A well-researched topic is in the international and domestic literature the school performance of students and its influencing factors, such as family background, school characteristics, etc., but most of these examinations and research were aimed at students with typical development. In our study, we undertook to examine the learning performance of students with integration, learning, and behavioural difficulties (ILBD) based on several aspects (maintainer, gender). In our study, we analysed the mathematics and reading results of 6th-grade students enrolled in May 2017 based on data from the National Assessment of Basic Competencies. It is not possible to determine clearly in which maintained school the examined children perform better. Boys with ILBD are also better at math tasks, but if the child has math difficulty, the difference in performance between boys and girls is lower.

Open access

Bölcsődei és óvodai pedagógusok mentális állapota

The Mental Health of Nursery and Kindergarten Teachers

Nikolett Berecz
Kinga Magdolna Mandel

Összefoglaló. Jelen szakirodalmi elemzés a bölcsődei és óvodai pedagógusok mentális állapotával foglalkozik, a stresszel, kiégéssel és munkahelyi pszichoterrorral kapcsolatos kutatások és elemzések megállapításainak összefoglalására törekszik. Célunk, hogy a szakirodalom megállapításai alapján felmérjük a kisgyermeknevelők és óvodapedagógusok mentálhigiénés állapotát, valamint az azt befolyásoló tényezőket, továbbá, hogy összefüggéseket keressünk a stressz, a kiégés és a fluktuáció között, és ezeken alapulva megoldási javaslatokat és lehetőségek tárjunk fel. Az összefüggések elemzése nemcsak jövőbeli kvalitatív kutatások megalapozásához nyújthat segítséget, hanem azoknak a pedagógusoknak, intézményvezetőknek is, akik a korai gyermekkor pedagógiájával foglalkoznak.

Summary. This literature review focuses on the mental health of nursery and kindergarten teachers and tend to summarize the findings of research and analysis related to stress, burnout, and mobbing. Our aim is to assess the mental health status of early childhood educators and kindergarten teachers and the factors that influence it, based on the relevant literature, to explore correlations between stress, burnout, and fluctuation, and to highlight possible solutions based on these findings. The analysis of the connections can help not only to support future qualitative research but also for teachers and leaders who deal with early childhood pedagogy.

Open access

A doktori képzés nemzetközi és hazai átalakulása

The International and Domestic Transformation of Doctoral Education

Gabriella Pusztai
Judit Fináncz
, and
Dorina Anna Tóth

Összefoglaló. A doktori képzés területén jelentős nemzetközi átrendeződés történt a 2000-es évektől. Magyarország a doktori képzés rendszerváltás utáni kialakításakor a stabilabb képzési környezetet teremtő programmodell mellett döntött, azonban a globális kihívások (hosszú képzési idő, tanulói státusz) a magyarországi doktori képzést is érintik. Ez indokolta a doktori képzés struktúraváltását 2016-ban. Tanulmányunkban áttekintjük a nemzetközi és hazai változásokat a képzésben, s képet adunk a hazai beiskolázási adatokról is, melyekhez a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, az Országos Doktori Tanács, a Diplomás Pályakövetési Rendszer (N = 509) és a Persist (N = 1020) létszámadatait és adatbázisait használtuk. Eredményeinkből egy lassan növekvő és tudományterületileg erősen tagolt doktorandusz-társadalom képe bontakozik ki. Tanulmányunk fontos megállapítása, hogy a doktori képzés vonzását a felsőoktatás korábbi szintjein szerzett kedvező tapasztalatokkal lehet növelni.

Summary. There has been a significant international reorganization in the field of doctoral training since the 2000s. After the change of regime, Hungary opted for a program model that created a more stable training environment, but global challenges (e.g. long training time, student status) also affect doctoral training in Hungary. These problems led to a structural change in doctoral training in 2016. In our study, we review international and domestic changes in education, and provide an overview of domestic enrollment data, for which we analyze the headcount data and databases of the Central Statistical Office, the National Doctoral Council, the Graduate Career Tracking System (N = 509) and Persist (N = 1020). In our results, we present an expanding, but highly divided doctoral student society. An important finding of our study is that the attractiveness of doctoral training can be increased by the positive experience gained at previous levels of higher education.

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Felsőoktatás-politikai tévelygések

Higher Education-Policy Missteps

István Polónyi

Összefoglaló. Az írás áttekinti a most záruló kormányzati ciklus felsőoktatás-politikai lépéseit. Négy területet vizsgál meg. Az első a felvételi rendszer átalakítása, amelynek nyomán a felsőoktatás a kormány elitista politikája miatt, a társadalmi mobilitás befagyása felé halad. A másik terület az intézményi vezetés, amely területen a gazdaság és hatékonyság jelszavát hangoztatva – a korábbi csodafegyvernek hirdetett kancellári rendszer bukása után – az alapítványi átszervezéssel kíván előrelépni a kormány. Azonban ez az átszervezés valójában inkább politikai megszállás, amelynek nyomán Fidesz-barát kuratóriumok tulajdonába került át az állami felsőoktatási intézmények nagyobbik része. A harmadik terület a nemzetköziesedés. Ezen a területen szembetűnő ellentmondás a CEU törvénytelen elüldözése, szemben a Fudan Egyetem értelmetlen idehívásával, továbbá a külföldi hallgatók jelentős anyagi támogatással történő idecsábítása szemben a hazai hallgatók külföldi tanulásának elhanyagolásával. És végül a felsőoktatási támogatások alakítása is ilyen ellentmondásos, azáltal, hogy a 2013 óta tartó szigorú elvonással terhelt felsőoktatási intézmények baráti kuratóriumokba átszervezett részének állami támogatását megduplázta a kormány.

Summary. The study reviews the higher education policy steps of the current government term. It looks at four areas. The first is the overhaul of the admissions system, which has seen higher education move towards a freeze on social mobility as a result of the government’s elitist policies. The other area is institutional management, where the government intends to make progress with the reorganisation of foundations, under the slogan of economy and efficiency, after the failure of the former chancellorship system, which was proclaimed a panacea. However, this reorganisation is in fact more of a political occupation, with the majority of public higher education institutions being taken over by Fidesz-friendly boards of trustees. The third area is internationalisation. In this area, there is a striking contradiction between the government’s illegal blocking of CEU’s operation in Hungary and the senseless invitation of Fudan University. But there is also a contradiction between the luring of foreign students to Hungary with substantial government support versus the low level of government encouragement for domestic students to study abroad. And finally, the restructuring of higher education funding is just as controversial. In the higher education sector, which has been subject to severe cutbacks since 2013, funding has been doubled for institutions that have been reorganised by the government to be owned and run by pro-government boards of trustees.

Open access


This paper will discuss the constitutional relevance of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), i.e. the manner how the constitutional judiciary of North Macedonia enforces its provisions. It is important to stress that the ECHR does not provide for a specific way to ensure the implementation of guaranteed human rights and freedoms. It is left to each country to create its own path which, on the other hand, points to the fact that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) cannot act as a supra-national fourth court instance, or as a supra-national Pan-European supreme court. This means that constitutional relevance and the margin of appreciation are related to, and dependent on, each other. Moreover, this paper will analyse the implementation of the ECHR's provisions by the Constitutional Court of North Macedonia as well as the objective and pragmatic need to extend the normative scope of the legal institution of a constitutional complaint, in order to advance and strengthen the constitutional-judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of North Macedonia.

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In 2014, a fundamental reform of private law took place in the Czech Republic. It was a revolution in private law. The reform of Czech private law was also to some extent contributed to by the pressure of the neighbouring more advanced legal systems in which the Czech legislator sought inspiration, especially the ABGB and its basic principles. Czech private law has been influenced since at least 1811 by the ABGB; this regulation affected Czech private law even in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper aims to answer the question how the ius-naturale conception of ABGB affected the Czech Civil Code of 2012 (the reform of private law in 2012) in the field of compensation for non-pecuniary damage, and to what extent and in which institutes this influence manifested itself. The area of compensation for non-pecuniary damage was deliberately chosen – this area is related to the protection of human personality. Personality rights then reflect the theory of natural law, which was suppressed in Czech private law during the second half of the twentieth century.

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Közoktatás-politika 2018–2022

Public Education Policy 2018–2022

István Nahalka

Összefoglaló. A tanulmány a magyar közoktatásban 2018 és 2022 között bekövetkezett változásokat és az oktatáspolitika alakulását meghatározó fontosabb tényezőket vizsgálja. Kiemeli az iskolai esélyegyenlőtlenségek növekedését, az intézmények szelekciójával összefüggő folyamatok negatív tendenciáit, megvizsgálja a Digitális Oktatási Stratégia végrehajtásának alakulását, a COVID-járvány okozta súlyos helyzetet, foglalkozik a pedagógushiánnyal, az oktatásban dolgozók bérhelyzetének romlásával. A 2018–2022 közötti kormányzati időszakot a közoktatás tekintetében a tanulmány a szélsőségesen centralizált szisztéma „finomhangolásaként” jellemzi, példaként bemutatva a viszonyok változatlanságát a központi tartalomszabályozás, valamint az innovációs folyamatok terén.

Summary. The paper examines the main changes and important factors affecting educational policy in the Hungarian public education between 2018 and 2022. It emphasizes the increase of inequality of chances, the negative tendencies of formation of school selection processes, examines the story of implementation of Digital Educational Strategy, the oppressive educational situation caused by COVID–19, deals with the lack of teachers, and the deterioration of wages of employees working at educational institutions. The paper characterizes the governmental public educational policy between 2018 and 2022 as a „fine tuning” of an extremist centralized system, presenting the unchangingness of relations in the central regulation of curriculum content and innovation processes as examples.

Open access


This paper discusses the issue of legitimate expectations in the arbitral practice of green energy cases under the Energy Charter Treaty. Before the economic crisis of 2008, several European countries provided special incentives and subsidies to investors in the field of renewable energy. However, following the crisis, some of them (e.g. Spain and Italy) abridged these benefits, which resulted in a number of arbitration proceedings under the Energy Charter Treaty. Some of these are still pending. Most of these disputes are centered on legitimate expectations, a major component of the fair and equitable treatment standard. The introductory part of the article gives a general overview of the issue of legitimate expectations in international investment law, and identifies the three types of situations which can generate legitimate expectations: specific commitments, unilateral representation or promises, and regulatory frameworks. The main part of the work analyses the most relevant green-energy cases of the Energy-Charter-Treaty-related arbitrations, with special emphasis on the issue of legitimate expectations. In the final part of the paper, conclusions are drawn based on the case law here presented, as well as other researched cases.

Open access

Mérleg 2018–2022 – Absztraktok angolul

Evaluating Hungarian government policies 2018–2022 – Abstracts in English

Open access

Múltból jövőt

From Past to Future

Tamás Kozma

Összefoglaló. Hogyan határozzák meg az eddig történtek az új oktatáspolitikát? a) Folytatódik-e a demográfiai csökkenés, vagy bekövetkezik az immigráció? b) A járványveszély szétzilálta a hagyományos iskolai rendet. Minél hamarabb térjünk vissza a megszokott iskolai rendhez, vagy el kell térnünk ettől a jövőben? c) Az új tulajdonosi viszonyok a felsőoktatásban szorosabb állami ellenőrzést jelentenek, vagy nagyobb mozgásszabadságot hoznak az intézményeknek? d) A kormányzat továbbra is a nemzetközi monopóliumokat támogatja a szakképzésben, vagy sikerül a szakszervezeteknek is befolyáshoz jutni? Végső soron ezek ugyanazok a dilemmák. Folytatódik-e a centralizáció, vagy lehet-e erősíteni az önkormányzatiságot? A tanulmány ezt a dilemmát mérlegeli.

Summary. How would the past define the future of educational policy after the Parliamentary election? a) Will demographic decline continue, or will the new government apply an alternative immigration policy which would give new functions to education? b) The epidemic threat shattered the traditional school order. Would the new government return to the pre-epidemic order, or will it give way to more educational innovation? c) Does the changing institutional ownership mean tighter state control or more freedom for the universities? d) Does the government continue to support international monopolies in vocational education, or would the unions be able to gain more influence? Ultimately, these are the same dilemmas. Will centralization continue, or can local government be strengthened after the elections? The study considers this dilemma.

Open access

A NAT evolúciója 2010–2021 között

Evolution of the National Core Curriculum between 2010–2021

Magdolna Chrappán

Összefoglaló. 2010 és 2021 között jelentős szerkezeti és tartalmi változások zajlottak a köznevelés területén. Ezek egyike a Nemzeti alaptantervek és a kerettantervek változása volt. 2020‑ban jelent meg az új NAT, ami nemcsak a korábbi NAT módosítása volt, hanem komoly elvi változásokat is bevezetett. Mindezt úgy, hogy 2018-ban zajlott egy kísérlet egy korszerű tanulás- és tanulóközpontú NAT kialakítására, ami végül nem lépett hatályba, de bizonyos részei bekerültek a jelenlegi NAT-ba. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk a három NAT szabályozási jellemzőit, s arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, mekkora mozgásterük van a felhasználóknak, mennyire tekinthető ideologikus alapúnak, továbbá mit őrzött meg és mit vetett el a NAT 2020 a korábbiakból.

Summary. Between 2010 and 2021 significant structural and content changes took place in public education. One of these was the change in the national core curricula and framework curricula. In 2020, the new NAT was published, which was not only the modification of the previous NAT, but serious conceptual changes were introduced as well. Along with this, there was also an attempt in 2018 to develop a modern learning and pupil-centered NAT, which eventually did not come into force, but some parts appeared in the current NAT. In our study, we introduce the three NAT regulatory features and seek the answer to themquestion, how much leeway is provided for users, to what extent it can be regarded as an ideological-based curriculum, and what has been kept in NAT 2020 and what it has taken from the previous ones.

Open access

A negyedik ipari forradalom és a hazai szakképzés

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Hungarian Vocational Training

Zoltán Györgyi

Összefoglaló. A 2018-as választások után a Kormány jóváhagyta a Szakképzés 4.0 koncepciót, amely a későbbi jogszabályi változások alapja. Tanulmányunkban ez alapján elemezzük a 2018–2022-es kormányzati ciklus szakképzés-politikáját.

A koncepció – felvezetése szerint – a negyedik ipari forradalom kihívásaira igyekszik választ adni, de a tapasztalatok szerint ez a megközelítés háttérbe szorul. Továbbra is a középfokú szakképzésben tanulók számát helyezi előtérbe. Előrelépést a szakmaszerkezettel és a hátrányos helyzetűek oktatásával kapcsolatban tapasztalunk, de ezek eredményessége egyelőre nem látható. A tanulmány megállapítja, hogy olyan, önmagába forduló rendszer rajzolódik ki, ami alig reagál a társadalom igényeire, nem képes feltárni a rendszeranomáliákat, ugyanakkor a rendszer működésére vonatkozó információk mások számára történő átadását nem tartja fontosnak.

Summary. After the 2018 elections, the Hungarian Government approved the Vocational Training 4.0 concept, which has formed the basis for legislative changes. In this study, we analyse the Hungarian vocational education policy for the 2018–2022 government cycle.

The concept seeks to respond to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, but experience shows that this approach is being overshadowed. It continues to focus on the number of students in upper secondary vocational education. Progress is being made on the structure of professions and on education for disadvantaged people, but their effectiveness is not yet visible. The study concludes that education policy focuses mainly on the short-term needs of the economy but does not take into account the needs of the wider society.

Open access

Nyelvtanulás és eredményesség a magyar közoktatásban

Foreign Language Learning and Achievement in the Hungarian Public Education System

Viktória Vajnai
Krisztián Széll
, and
Anikó Fehérvári

Összefoglaló. Cikkünk szisztematikus irodalomfeltárás, amely öt magyar neveléstudományi folyóirat 1990 és 2019 között megjelent közoktatási ideggennyelv-tanulási eredményességgel foglalkozó empirikus cikkeit dolgozza fel. A vizsgált 20 tanulmány arányosan érinti az általános és középiskolát, illetve a nyelvtanulás egyéni, iskolai és iskolán kívüli tényezőit, ugyanakkor legtöbbjük az angol nyelv tanulásának kutatásához kötődik. A cikkek révén kirajzolódnak a magyar közoktatásban folyó idegennyelv-oktatás problémái, illetve az eredményesség összefüggése az iskolatípussal, szocioökonómiai státusszal és a regionális elhelyezkedéssel, ami arra enged következtetni, hogy a magyar közoktatás nem biztosít egyenlő feltételeket a különböző társadalmi csoportoknak a nyelvtanulásra.

Summary. Our systematic literature review examines empirical articles on foreign language learning and achievement in public education published between 1990–2019 in five Hungarian journals of education. The 20 studies examined cover primary and secondary education, and the personal, school-related, and beyond-school factors of language learning; however, most of them are based on research into learning English. The articles shed light on the problems of teaching foreign languages in the Hungarian public education system and on the relation between achievement and school type, socio-economic status, and regional characteristics, which might lead to the conclusion that the Hungarian public education system does not provide equal opportunities of foreign language learning for all groups of society.

Open access

A roma/cigány társadalom átalakulása

The Transformation of Romani Society in the Recent Government Period (2018–2022)

Katalin Forray R.

Összefoglaló. Az elmúlt kormányzati ciklusban (2018–2022) a roma/cigány társadalom átalakulása felgyorsult. A középosztályosodásnak Magyarországon is különböző útjai vannak, amelyeket a roma/cigány társadalom különböző etnikai csoportjai eltérően használnak. A tanulmány az iskolázottság és az azt támogató programok szerepét vizsgálja. A támogató programokat rendszerint a kormányzat kezdeményezte, de „kiszerződte” civil (egyházi) szervezeteknek. A támogató programok csak akkor voltak sikeresek, ha a civil társadalom együtt tudott és akart működni a kormányzattal. A roma/cigány felemelkedésnek is ez a kulcsa.

Summary. The transformation of Romani society in Hungary accelerated in the last term of government (2018–2020). The Romani middle class emerged in various ways according to the different ethnic origins and cultures. The author examines the role of schooling in developing the Romani middle class and the programmes that support it. The government usually initiated supporting programmes but ‘outsourced’ to non-governmental organisations like foundations, associations, and churches. Supporting programmes proved to be successful only if civil society was able and willing to cooperate with the government. It is the key to the emergence of the Romani middle class in Hungary.

Open access

Tanügyi válság: működészavar vagy perspektíva?

Crisis in Education: Dysfunction or Perspective?

Zsuzsanna Horváth
Open access

Új pedagógia az akaratos gyerek és a transzcendencia szétesése között

A New Pedagogy between the Willful Child and the Disintegration of the Transcendence

Endre Kiss
Open access

Common fate of the Visegrád peoples.

Resemblances of tradition and mentality

Visegrádi sorsközösség.

Hasonló hagyományok és mentalitás
Scientia et Securitas
Gy. Csaba Kiss

Summary. The study is a comparative overview of the mental traditions of the Visegrad nations. Based on the circumstances of modern nationhood, there is a wide zone on our continent, roughly between the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic and the Black Sea, where this modernisation process has taken place in a similar way. Here, the goals of the nation-state could be formulated in terms of dynastic empires. Cultural nation-building played a particular role in our region. In an area made up of a colourful mosaic of languages and religions, the sense of threat was predominant, as can be seen from the national self-images expressed in the national anthems. The prejudice with which competing nationalisms viewed each other is instructive. In the 20th century, our region had to live through two periods of totalitarianism, which is a significant difference compared to the western countries of the continent.

Összefoglalás. 2021. február 15-én emlékezhettünk meg a visegrádi együttműködés 30. évfordulójáról. Azon a napon írták alá az egyezményt Csehszlovákia, Lengyelország és Magyarország vezetői az akkori három ország szorosabb kapcsolatáról. Azon a történelmi helyen, ahol 1335-ben a cseh, a lengyel és a magyar király egyeztette külpolitikai és gazdasági célkitűzéseit. A szovjet befolyási övezetből kikerülve a demokratikus átmenet során magától értetődő volt, hogy az új geopolitikai helyzetnek megfelelően országaink kísérletet tesznek politikájuk összehangolására. A tanulmány a visegrádi nemzetek mentális hagyományainak összehasonlító bemutatására tesz kísérletet. Sok évszázados tapasztalataink szerint ez az a térség, melyet a történelem a Nyugat keleti határvidékére helyezett. A modern nemzetté válás körülményeit figyelembe véve pedig létezik kontinensünkön egy széles zóna, nagyjából a Balti-tenger, az Adria és a Fekete-tenger között, ahol hasonló módon ment végbe ez a modernizációs folyamat. A nemzetállami célokat itt azonban állami függetlenség hiányában, dinasztikus birodalmak keretében lehetett megfogalmazni. Különös szerepe volt térségünkben a kulturális nemzetépítésnek. A nyelvek, felekezetek színes mozaikjaiból álló területen meghatározó volt a veszélyeztetettség tudata, jól láthatjuk ezt a himnuszokban megfogalmazott nemzeti önképekből. Tanulságos, hogy milyen előítéletekkel szemlélték egymást a vetélkedő nacionalizmusok. Ami a közösségi emlékezetet illeti, lényeges mozzanat, hogy a XX. században két totalitarizmust kellett térségünkben átélni, ez pedig jelentős különbség a kontinens nyugati országaihoz képest. Öt fejezetben kívánjuk bemutatni sorsközösségünk hagyományait, mentalitásunk hasonló vonásait. Először a himnuszok tükrében: érzékeltetve a nemzeti önképnek drámaira festett vonásait. Akkor érthető ez, ha ismerjük a nemzetté válás sajátos útjának közép-európai sajátosságait, hiszen a körülményeknek, a gyakran kedvezőtlen adottságoknak meghatározó szerepük volt a nemzeti identitás jellegének kialakításában. Miután egymással versengő nemzeti mozgalmakról volt szó, gyakran előítéletek is kialakultak közöttünk, ezek hátterét, fölépítésük logikáját föltétlenül érdemes megismerni, csak így lehet ugyanis fölszámolni az együttműködést akadályozó tényezőket. A négy visegrádi országban mindmáig jelentős a közösségi emlékezet szerepe, erősebb a történeti tudat, mint kontinensünk nyugati felén. Önazonosságunk fontos alapját jelenti a klasszikus (XIX. századi) nemzeti irodalom. Benne születtek meg a történeti események és személyek mítoszai, az irodalom alkotóinak nemegyszer meghatározó szerepük volt a történelemben, beleértve a kommunista korszakot, valamint az 1989–1990-es demokratikus átmenetet.

Open access

COVID Vaccine Sentiment Dashboard based on Twitter Data

COVID vakcina szentiment dashboard Twitter adatok alapján

Scientia et Securitas
Ferenc Béres
Rita Csoma
Tamás Michaletzky
, and
András Benczúr

Summary. We developed an interactive dashboard that collects Twitter information relevant to COVID vaccines and analyzes their sentiment based on time, geolocation and type of the information source. Vaccine skepticism is a controversial topic with a long history that became more important than ever with the Covid-19 pandemic. Only a year after the first international cases were registered, multiple vaccines were developed and passed clinical testing. Besides the challenges of development, testing and logistics, another factor in the fight against the pandemic are people who are hesitant to get vaccinated, or even state that they will refuse any vaccine offered to them. In the paper, we demonstrate the use of the dashboard to assess changes in sentiment towards vaccination and identify possible events that affect the public view.

Összefoglalás. Kidolgoztunk egy interaktív dashboard alkalmazást, amely összegyűjti a COVID vakcinákkal kapcsolatos Twitter-kommunikációt, és elemzi a vakcinákkal kapcsolatos attitűd időbeli változását, a földrajzi hely és az információforrás típusa alapján. A vakcina-szkepticizmus régóta megosztó téma. Az oltások népszerűsítése, az oltásellenes hangok hatásának csökkentése minden eddiginél fontosabbá vált a COVID–19 világjárvánnyal. Alig egy évvel az első nemzetközi esetek regisztrálása után több oltóanyagot fejlesztettek ki, amelyek klinikai teszteken mentek keresztül. A fejlesztés, a tesztelés és a logisztika kihívásai mellett a járvány elleni küzdelem legfontosabb tényezője azon emberek meggyőzése lett, akik haboznak az oltás felvételével kapcsolatban, vagy akár kijelentik, hogy megtagadják a számukra felajánlott vakcinákat. A cikkben bemutatjuk a közösségimédia-elemzés használatát az oltással kapcsolatos érzések változásának felmérésére és a nyilvánosságot befolyásoló lehetséges események azonosítására.

2021. január 24. és július 31. között a Twitter publikus interfészén elérhető adatokat gyűjtöttünk a „vaccine”, „vaccination”, „vaccinated”, „vaxxer”, „vaxxers”, „#CovidVaccine”, „covid denier”, „pfizer”, „moderna”, „astra” és „zeneca”, „sinopharm”, „szputnyik” kulcsszavak használatával, néhány negatív szűrő mellett, hogy csökkentsük a témához nem illő tartalmak mennyiségét. A közvélemény felmérésének fő technikai eszköze a hangulatelemzés volt, amelyet egy nyílt forráskódú eszköztárral végeztünk, amely hat nyelven előre betanított modelleket tartalmazott. A tartalmakat földrajzi hely és a Twitter-fiók típusa alapján is megkülönböztettük.

A hangulatelemzés során egy adott szöveg szerzőjének véleményét természetes nyelvet feldolgozó eszközök segítségével a negatívtól a pozitív véleményig terjedő hangulatpontszámmal értékeltük.

Összességében a Modernával kapcsolatban találtuk a legpozitívabb, a Sinopharmmal a legnegatívabb véleményeket, bár ezek között nagy a földrajzi különbség. Például Európa a legnegatívabb az AstraZenecával és az (angol nyelvű) Ázsia a Sinopharmmal szemben. Az orvosszakértők véleménye a legpozitívabb, a nem a fősodorba tartozó médiaszerzők pedig a legnegatívabbak az összes vakcinával kapcsolatban. A különböző vakcinák tevékenységének földrajzi megoszlása szorosan követi a vakcinák megoszlását, például a keleti vakcinák esetében több a spanyol nyelvű és ázsiai tartalom.

Eszközünket az AstraZeneca és a Pfizer-BioNTech vakcinákhoz kapcsolódó események követésével is bemutattuk, a kommunikáció mennyisége és hangulata alapján. Sikerült azonosítani azokat az eseményeket, amelyek az üzenetek számának csúcspontját vagy a hangulatváltozást okozták.

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