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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.
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Music Education as a Tool for Social Empowerment
Kutatásomban olyan intézményeket vizsgálok, amelyek hátrányos helyzetű gyerekeket segítenek a zenetanulás eszközével. Jelen tanulmányban a Máltai Szimfónia Programot vizsgálom, figyelembe véve mind a szakmai, mind az emberi tényezőket. Vizsgálatom során kvalitatív módszert alkalmaztam, és félig strukturált interjúkat készítettem a program mentor zenetanáraival. A MAXQDA kvalitatív adatelemző szoftvert használtam a válaszok objektív elemzéséhez, így lehetőség nyílt az adatok kvantifikálására. Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy a gyerekek sikereiben meghatározó a megértő környezet, a speciális attitűd és bánásmód. Emellett kulcsfontosságú a speciális módszertan alkalmazása a gyerekek fejlődésében.
The purpose of this study was to fill this research gap by investigating school engagement as a moderator between age and school satisfaction in children and adolescents. School satisfaction and engagement are key indicators of student well-being and academic outcomes. However, research has shown declining levels as students aged. This study tested the hypothesis that decreased school satisfaction with age was amplified by declining school engagement. Participants were 3,177 Romanian students aged 10–19 years. The results of the mediation analysis using Hayes' regression method indicated that, while school satisfaction and engagement were positively correlated, age had a strong negative association. The interaction effect between age and school engagement significantly decreased school satisfaction. The findings show that engagement levels and satisfaction start high for 10–12 year-olds then decline. High school engagement was associated with greater school satisfaction, suggesting that it may have a protective effect. This study highlights the importance of fostering school engagement and satisfaction for children's well-being. Promoting a stimulating and supportive school environment can enhance student interest, enjoyment, and outcomes.
Despite the established value of music for language learning, in that, the bulk of empirical studies that corroborate its usefulness, teachers still eschew its incorporation in the classroom as song materials remain underutilized. The ideological basis of this discrepancy is poorly understood as little is known about English language teachers' beliefs and practices regarding song-assisted instruction. To illuminate this uncharted area, the present exploratory interview study sought to elicit responses from five Hungarian EFL instructors at a well-recognized university in Budapest. Considering the importance of constantly revisiting and enhancing the quality of English instruction, this study will rebound to the benefit of EFL education namely the integration of arts and contributes to a better understanding of teachers' attitudes towards the use of songs as instructional materials. While acknowledging songs' relevance including their motivational and mnemonic properties for facilitating vocabulary retention, the findings reveal that teachers encounter various challenges related to their classroom applications, namely copyright infringement, student-related factors such as age as well as level of proficiency, and lyrical appropriateness. Implications of this inquiry involve the recognition of Hungarian teachers' pedagogical concerns and the need for future research to seek practical strategies for implementing musical materials in the language classroom.
The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between undergraduate students' admission practices and their academic performance. The participants of this study were 233 undergraduate students who were in their first and third-year studies as well as two Madda Walabu University Professors. A mixed Research method was employed to analyze the data collected through Questionnaires, Interviews, and Documents. T-tests and correlation coefficients were performed to see the differences between students' academic performance and their admission practices. The result of this study revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between the students' admission practice and their academic performances at this University. This study determined that one of the factors impeding students' learning and academic performance at Madda Walabu University was the admission practice employed at this University to enroll students into different academic Programs. Therefore, this study expands the understanding that admission practices are among the factors influencing students' academic performances.
The study sought to explore the levels of emotional intelligence and academic engagement among college students, which has not been extensively represented in the existing literature within the Eritrean higher educational context. The study comprised a sample of 119 senior Asmara College of Education students selected through the convenience sampling strategy. The Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test and Student Engagement Scale were employed to assess the levels of emotional intelligence and student engagement of the participants. Frequency distribution, Pearson-moment correlation, and independent sample t-tests were conducted for data analysis. A significance level of 0.05 was selected to determine statistical significance when testing the relationships of emotional intelligence and engagement with demographic variables. The findings of the study revealed that most students exhibited moderate to high levels of emotional intelligence and academic engagement. The independent sample t-tests indicated that female students tended to have higher levels of emotional intelligence and also reported higher behavioral engagement compared to male students. Regarding the program of study, students from the Department of Psychology and Educational Administration showed higher levels of emotional intelligence than Science education students. Conversely, Science Education students displayed greater cognitive engagement compared to those in Psychology and Educational Administration. Age was found to have a significant association with academic engagement, with older students demonstrating higher levels compared to younger students. However, the Pearson product-moment results demonstrated that significant emotional intelligence scores did not significantly differ across different age groups. The findings are expected to offer significant insights into student engagement and emotional intelligence within the context of higher education. Moreover, this study can offer practical guidance for college communities on fostering students' levels of engagement in learning and emotional skills.