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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.
Social Sciences and Law
A puha (soft) és a kemény (hard) készségek munkaerőpiaci szükségessége
The Labour Market Requirement of Soft and Hard Skills
Összefoglaló. Jelen tanulmány célja annak vizsgálata, hogy a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacon a puha (soft) vagy a kemény (hard) készségek jelennek meg erősebb elvárásként a munkavállalók szerint. A kutatás eredménye rámutatott arra, hogy egyes puha készségek (például a rugalmasság, kommunikáció, csapatmunka) erősebb elvárásként vannak jelen a munkaerőpiacon, mint az olyan kemény készégek, mint például a szakmai ismeret. Az eredmények azt is mutatják, hogy a puha és a kemény készségekkel szembeni elvárások kevésbé függnek össze, vagyis a munkavállalók szerint a munkáltatók nem rendszerszintű, egymással szorosan kapcsolatban álló készségekként értékelik ezeket. Eredményeink arra is rámutatnak, hogy a puha és kemény készségek önbevalláson alapuló szintje erősen összefügg a válaszadó nemével, életkorával és iskolai végzettségével.
Summary. The aim of the present study is to examine whether soft or hard skills are seen as the strongest requirement in the current labour market. The results of the research showed that some soft skills (e.g. flexibility, communication, teamwork) are almost more strongly expected than hard skills (e.g. professional knowledge). These results basically indicate that expectations of soft and hard skills are less interrelated and that employees perceive employers as valuing these skills as non-systemic, closely related skills. Our results also show that self-reported levels of soft and hard skills are strongly correlated with gender, age and educational attainment of the respondent.
Roma diákok iskoláztatása.
Válogatás Liskó Ilona munkásságából
Education of Roma Students.
A Selection From The Work of Ilona Liskó
Tükörbe nézve.
Az Educatio® folyóirat a hazai neveléstudományi lapok között
To Look in the Mirror.
The Place of the EDUCATIO® Journal among the Hungarian Educational Scienses Journals
Összefoglaló. Ennek a tanulmánynak az a célja, hogy megvizsgálja fennállásának 30 éves évfordulóján az Educatio folyóirat néhány tudománymetriai jellemzőjét. Az írás elemzi a folyóirat egyes tartalmi, mennyiségi jellemzőjét és a neveléstudomány területén mérhető súlyát, jelentőségét és hatását összehasonlítva a másik három jelentős magyar pedagógiai folyóirattal: a Magyar Pedagógiával, az Iskolakultúrával és az Új Pedagógiai Szemlével. Ezen túlmenően megvizsgálja, hogy a hazai neveléstudomány jelentősebb műhelyeinek tagjai mennyit publikálnak az Educatióban és mennyit hivatkoznak a folyóirat írásaira.
Summary. The purpose of this study is to examine some of the scientific metrics of the journal Educatio on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. The article analyzes some of the content and quantitative features of the journal and its measurable weight, significance and impact in the field of educational research, comparing it with the other three major Hungarian pedagogical journals: Magyar Peadgógia (Hungarian Pedagogy), Iskolakultúra (School Culture) and Új Pedagógiai Szemle (the New Pedagogical Review). In addition, the study examines how much the teaching and research members of the most significant workshops in Hungarian education publish in Educatio and how much they refer to the journal’s writings.
Access to constitutional complaint procedures: A real chance?
Remarks on the availability of legal aid in constitutional court procedures in Austria, Germany and Hungary
In a recent decision, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that the constitutional complaint before the Hungarian Constitutional Court can be seen as an effective domestic remedy. This decision shows the growing role of constitutional complaint procedures even in the international system of human rights protection; therefore, it is worth examining how national laws ensure efficient access to such procedures. The current paper aims to analyse a specific aspect of this complex problem, namely, the question of legal aid in constitutional court proceedings – particularly constitutional complaints procedures – in Germany, Austria and Hungary. As a general staring point, it is intended to derive the need for legal aid from the national constitutions, followed by an analysis on the availability of legal aid schemes for constitutional complaint procedures and their conditions. The examination is based on the national legal provisions and case-law, as well as the relevant secondary literature. This comparative study can enable some conclusions to be drawn on the question of how constitutional complaints can become more efficient tools in the protection of fundamental rights for those in need, as well.
This paper discusses the system of minority protection of the League of Nations. Minority protection occupied a prominent place on the League’s agenda, which developed a significant expertise in the field. The League’s system of minority protection is often regarded as an experiment. With regard to both material and procedural aspects this assessment is certainly correct. In particular, minority protection based upon legally binding treaties and declarations gave rise to the question of how individual and group rights should be treated within the frame of an international political organization. The paper further examines whether at least some of the elements of the League’s minority protection system still persist in the context of contemporary international human rights law.
The paper is devoted to the role of the head of state in initiating and implementing constitutional reforms in Senegal. This country can legitimately be regarded as one of the few examples of a relatively successful democratization process in Africa, as evidenced, among other things, by the lack of military coups leading to the loss of power by civilian governments, as well as by two democratic transfers of power (in 2000–2001 and 2012), after which the main opposition parties gained the presidency and the majority of parliamentary seats. Both these fundamental political transformations generated important constitutional changes (for example, the adoption of the current Constitution of 2001, or the constitutional modifications of 2016 and 2019) that have influenced, to a greater or lesser extent, the position of the presidency in Senegalese systems of government. The author analyses their significance for the functioning of contemporary political institutions in the broader context set by the politics of constitutional amendment which was conducted by previous presidents of this country. The main goal of the paper is to examine to what extent the constitutional modifications introduced before and after the adoption of the 2001 Constitution were designed to contribute to the beginning or consolidation of pro-democratic trends, and to what extent they were created to strengthen the position of an incumbent president himself, leading to a political imbalance and regress in the democratization process. The author argues that the constitutional modifications adopted over the years have often gone in two opposite directions, influencing the efficiency and durability of Senegalese institutional structures.
A COVID–19 járvány hatása a leghátrányosabb helyzetű településeken élők mindennapjaira: ahogy a hátrányos helyzetűek és a szociális szolgáltatásokat nyújtók látják
The effects of Covid-19 on the everyday life of people living in the most disadvantaged areas: as they and professionals in the social service sector see
Összefoglaló. Jelen tanulmányunk a biztonság társadalmi aspektusait egy speciális csoport, a mélyszegénységben élő családok és az őket segítő szakemberek körében vizsgálja a COVID–19 idején. Kvalitatív módszerrel (csoportos és egyéni interjúk) a makro- (szociális támogatórendszer) és a mikrotársadalmi biztonság dimenziók összefüggését, valamint a mikroszintű biztonság dimenziók közti viszonyokat elemezzük. Ez utóbbi dimenziók leírásánál a kisgyermekes családok munkaerőpiaci és ezzel együtt anyagi helyzetére, mentális egészségi állapotukra, valamint az oktatási helyzet bemutatására koncentrálunk. Az egyes témák leírásánál az érintett családok és az őket segítő szakemberek helyzetértékelése is megjelenik a velük készített interjúk elemzése alapján.
Summary. This study examines the social aspects of security among a specific group of families living in extreme poverty and the professionals helping them during Covid-19. Using a qualitative method (group and individual interviews), we analyse the relationship between macro (social support system) and micro social dimensions of security, as well as the linkages between micro-level dimensions of security. In describing the latter dimensions, we will focus on the labour market situation of families with young children, and hence on their financial situation, their mental health situation and their educational situation. The description of each theme also includes an assessment of the situation of the families concerned and the professionals who help them, based on an analysis of the interviews conducted with them. In the first phase of the study, social problems were identified on the basis of interviews with experts. In the second phase, individual interviews were conducted with the people concerned, the disadvantaged. 11 interviews were conducted with experts: 5 individual and 6 group interviews. In the second phase, 50 disadvantaged people were interviewed individually.
In general, it can be concluded that the daily life of people living in disadvantaged areas has been further affected by the pandemic. The labour market situation has changed and, in this context, the financial situation of the interviewees has further deteriorated. Single-parent families were particularly affected by these problems. The transition to online education has created difficulties for families, children, and teachers and additional tasks for social workers. In many places, the lack of accessible services, the low availability of equipment and low level of digital literacy have prevented distance learning from taking place, and the negative consequences for the population under study can only be predicted. The epidemic has affected the population not only financially but also mentally. The reduction in social life has led to an increase in domestic violence. In some areas, the number of births in disadvantaged families has increased, especially among minors. In fact, the epidemic has brought to the surface the problems that disadvantaged people face on a daily basis: unemployment and deprivation, compounded by educational underachievement. The workload of those working in the social field has also become more visible: a shortage of staff and a lack of resources. At the same time, the enormous potential and flexibility of the current human resources have been revealed.
A globális, az európai uniós vírusválság határpolitikai hatásai.
Államhatárok régi-új szerepben a Kárpát-medencében, 2020–2021
The border policy effects of the global and EU virus crises.
State borders in old and new role in the Carpathian Basin, 2020–2021
Összefoglaló. Az elmúlt mintegy másfél év alatt a COVID–19 vírus valójában több struktúrában megrengette a világot, az Európai Uniót és egyes országokat is. A világ államai rövid idő alatt bezárkóztak, az Európai Unió 30 napra lezárta külső határait, az egyes tagállamok pedig az uniós belső határokat is lezárták. Veszélybe került a schengeni rendszer. A Kárpát-medence államai az elsők között reagáltak a határok lezárásával. Az egyéni döntések kritikája erőteljesen megjelent az Európai Bizottság részéről. A globális, az európai és a szomszédállami folyamatok összefüggtek. A határok lezárása feltehetően hozzájárult a vírus terjedésének a korlátozásához. (Ausztrália példája ezt erősíti.) A határzárak a nemzetközi tranzitforgalomban, a határ menti területeken élők és az ingázók között okozták a legnagyobb bizonytalanságot, több esetben zűrzavart.
Summary. According to the first ‘official announcement’ in December of 2019 the Covid-19 virus is reported to have emerged in China. The global spread of the virus was extremely fast. On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared Covid-19 to be a global pandemic. As of 31 March 2020 about 91% of the world population lived in countries with border and travel restrictions (border-closed world). The brief analysis reviews the main processes affecting EU and Member States borders, with a special regard to Hungary and its neighbours in the Carpathian Basin. On 17 March 2020, the EU closed its external borders for 30 non-EU citizens. In parallel, a number of Member States decided to close their borders to both Schengen Zone members and third countries. As a response to border closures, the EU Commission and some states organized the repatriation of about 600,000 EU citizens. On 4 March, virus was officially reported to have been detected in Hungary. On 11 March the Hungarian Government declared a national state of emergency. On 15 March the first coronavirus-related death was announced. On 16 March the Government ordered the complete closure of Hungarian borders. After a border ‘traffic chaos’ along the Austrian-Hungarian border, the Hungarian Government – with collaborations with Romania – opened humanitarian corridors for foreign citizens. The possibilities of border crossings of citizens of seven neighbours of Hungary were formed not just by Hungary. In 2020 because of different changes (modifications, opening and closing) we could form at least three categories: open borders, partly open borders, closed borders. In the neighbouring countries (Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia) the progression of the epidemic followed the same pattern. Over the past year and a half the virus crisis has actually shaken many structures of the globalized world, the European Union and many countries in the Carpathian Basin. The virus crises has disrupted intensive connections between Hungary and neighbouring countries. Neither Hungary nor its neighbours were able to insulate themselves from the epidemic waves. The border restrictions primarily affected the movements of persons. Because of ‘permanent uncertainty’ commuters were the losers of the crisis.
Iparági sérülékenység a pandémia tükrében
Industrial vulnerability in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic
Összefoglaló. Jelen tanulmányban a termelési folyamatokat, valamint statisztikai adatokat elemezve azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a pandémia során milyen hatások érték az inputokat, magát a termelést, az outputokat, illetve hogyan változtak meg olyan versenyprioritási tényezők, mint az idő, a minőség vagy a rugalmasság. Mivel a rövidebb, a kevésbé komplex és rugalmasabb értékláncok válságállóbbnak tűnnek, ez felgyorsíthatja az ellátási láncok regionalizációját, amit tovább fokoz, hogy a termelőszektor gyors visszarendeződésével szemben a szolgáltató ágazatoknak elhúzódó kilábalással kell szembenézniük. Ezért azt is megvizsgáltuk, hogy az egyes országok ellenálló képessége függ-e a termelő szektor méretétől. Eredményeink alapján, ahol nagyobb az ipar aránya, ott gyorsabban képes a gazdaság talpra állni, ami újabb lökést adhat a fejlett államok iparfejlesztési törekvéseinek.
Summary. The coronavirus epidemic posed challenges to all. However, with proper discipline, increased efficiency and adaptability, companies and economies can emerge stronger from this situation. In this study, we examine vulnerability of industries along three dimensions according to the general model of production complemented by aggregate statistics from Eurostat.
In terms of procurement, shorter value chains seem more resilient than complex and long supply chains. Supplier risks may be also mitigated by increasing the number of suppliers of critical inputs. The costs and risks of transporting goods are also increasing. 90% of industrial products are involved in international trade, mostly transported through maritime shipping that faces significant increase in tariffs, and the difficulty of replacing crews could lead to further disruptions to the operation of maritime routes. Thus, it is not surprising that the pandemic has increased the issue of supply chain flexibility and simplification, and has drawn attention to the importance of inventories and input replacement. Companies may consider to diversify production sites or even reshore or nearshore their production.
The rate of recovery varies in each sector: in services requiring a personal presence, such as tourism, the sudden economic downturn is followed by a slow growth, contrary to the rapid rebound of industrial production. Therefore, countries with significant manufacturing will witness V-shaped recovery, while higher reliance on services is characterized by slower and longer L-shaped scenario. Thus, the pandemic also pointed out that industrial production is key in a national economy: besides that industrial innovations increase productivity (and living standards) and manufacturing functions also have a significant multiplier effect on the service sector, manufacturing also has significant resistance against a pandemic. This could give a further push to the ongoing industrial development programs of developed economies such as Germany, the United States, or the European Union. At the same time, services that are able to move online show no decline, while service requiring a personal presence may struggle in the long run. Overall, structural changes are inevitable and companies have to adapt to the novel consuming and working preferences.
Környezetbiztonság – jövő nemzedékek védelme – elővigyázatosság
Environmental security – protection of future generations – precaution
Összefoglaló. A biztonságpolitika és a környezetvédelem egyre fontosabbá váló közös kérdése a környezetbiztonság, a környezettel összefüggésben jelentkező veszélyhelyzetek, konfliktusok, válságok kezelése, lehetőség szerint megelőzése, hiszen azok a környezeti, társadalmi, gazdasági rendszerek stabilitását súlyosan megzavarják. Környezetbiztonságról akkor kerül szó, amikor a környezet terhelése, erőforrások felhasználása az elfogadhatónak tartott mértéket meghaladja. Erre példa, amikor ez környezeti migrációt vált ki vagy közreműködik vírusok terjedésében. Kiemelt kérdéseink egyike a jövő nemzedékek biztonságának veszélyeztetése, akiknek sorsa a mai generációk kezében van, számunkra jelent tehát kötelezettségeket. Az egyre szélesebb értelmet nyerő fenntartható fejlődés gondolata is e köré épül, erkölcsi értéket is megjelenítve egyben. A környezetvédelem és egyidejűleg a környezetbiztonság rendelkezésére álló számos eszköz, intézmény sorában – második részletesebben vizsgált kérdésként – előkelő helye van az elővigyázatosság elvének, hozzásegítve, hogy a lehető legkorábban próbáljuk kezelni a kockázatot jelentő helyzeteket, nem várva a teljes tudományos bizonyosságra azok létét illetően. Kiemelt témáink révén képet kapunk a kérdéskör komplexitásáról, sajátos összefüggéseinek rendszeréről, elhelyezve mindezt a környezetbiztonság egészében.
Summary. Environmental security is unquestionably a vital element of both security and environmental policy, having a growing importance. This covers the management of conflicts, connected with environmental problems, the prevention and managing of crisis situations, which might seriously threaten the stability of environmental, social and economic systems in local, regional, national and global level. We may even assume that the effects of environmental degradation might always lead to possible conflicts, but the major delimitation is the extent. For example, one may mention environmental migration or the environmental implications of the current pandemic, due to the uncontrolled interaction between mankind and the natural environment. Environmental protection is a part of sustainable development, having ecological orientation. The most important constituents of sustainable development are inter- and intragenerational equity, both having a fundamental moral value. Environmental security is not only the enigma of the current generation but is connected to a great extent with the interests of future generations, who have no real influence on their own situation, as their destiny is in the hands of the current generation. The most suitable response should be to indicate the obligations of the current generation to protect the rights of the next ones. The Fundamental Law of Hungary is clear in this respect, placing future generations in the centre, among others in Article P). The substance of these references is clarified in the decisions of the Constitutional Court, using among others non-retrogression principle as a starting point. The latest decisions also refer to the precautionary principle as a major point of reference, which is a rational tool for both environmental security issues and for the protection of the rights of future generations. The precautionary principle means that we should control risky situations at the earliest possible stage, preceding the duty of prevention, not waiting till the full scientific certainty becomes reality. This requirement should form the basis of any activity having the chance for significant pollution, degradation, or generating a crisis situation. According to the Constitutional Court even the state – which has a primary responsibility in this respect – must take special care for the careful assessment of risks and should take all the available measures to avoid negative consequences. The Court also underlined that the precautionary principle has a constitutional character, based upon the rights of future generations.
A leprától a spanyolnátháig.
Szemelvények a medicina egyetemes és magyar vonatkozásaiból, kitekintéssel annak hadtörténeti vonatkozásaira az első világháborúig
Leprosy to Spanish Fever.
Excerpts of the Universal and Hungarian Aspects of Medicine with a View to their Military-Historical Aspects
Összefoglaló. A tanulmány az egyetemes és magyar medicina járványtörténeti és hadtörténeti összefüggéseit vizsgálja történeti példák alapján, a kérdés fontosabb vonatkozásainak vázlatát igyekszik megrajzolni. A szerzők megállapítják, hogy a járványtörténet az orvostörténetnek egyik azon fejezete, amelyik a hadtörténelemhez is szorosan kapcsolódik, ily módon a téma a tágabb értelemben vett, korszakokon átívelő védelempolitika tárgykörébe is illeszkedik. A felsorakoztatott példák rávilágítanak, hogy a járványok természetszerűleg a háborúk kísérői voltak, ugyanakkor azok terjedéséhez is hozzájárultak. Az európai társadalmak a történeti korokban a legnagyobb járványokat intézményi szinten csak a katonaság bevonásával, valamint már a középkortól kezdve egészen a legutóbbi időkig csak katonai szigorúságú intézkedésekkel voltak képes megfékezni.
Summary. The foundations of modern medicine were formed during the Enlightenment. Medical treatment in Europe took its present form in the second half of the 19th century, when healing based on observations, experience, idealistic philosophical theories and beliefs were supplanted by medicine based on scientific empiricism due to the turbulent development and specialization of natural sciences. Today, healing is based on basic laboratory research. Hygiene, supported by bacteriological research, has come to the fore in clinical practice. The healing network (hospitals, medical institutions and healing society in general, from doctors to caregivers) and the public health insurance system have been established.
The history of human conflicts coincides with the history of medicine. The history of war and the epidemics that have plagued humanity are an extreme form of both of these. A common feature between ancient and modern societies is that their greatest public health challenge is/was caused by infectious and epidemic diseases, which are/were the leading cause of mortality from time to time. The authors cite examples from epidemiological history and solution strategies in Europe and Hungary. The history of epidemics in the Middle Ages, Early Modern and Modern Ages is one of the chapters of medical history closely related to military history. In this way, the topic naturally fits into the scope of defense policy (military) in a broader sense, spanning the epochs. The examples show that epidemics not only accompanied the wars, but that the movement of soldiers also caused large-scale epidemics in Europe to a large extent or facilitated their spread. At the same time, the solution was in the hands of the armies, the military administration. In the Middle and Early Modern Ages, the only effective way to deal with epidemics, i.e., quarantine, could be implemented and maintained only with the participation of military forces.
In Europe, epidemic management has been changing since the 18th century. At the same time, the greatest epidemics from the 18th century until the end of the First World War could only be curbed at the institutional level with the broad involvement of the army. Military mentality and rigor have been reflected (in a good sense) in effective epidemic management in European culture. From the Middle Ages to the present day, the management and possible curbing of major epidemics, in addition to extensive vaccination efforts, could have been maintained only with the participation of the military.
A magyar állampénzügyi rendszer rezilienciája a COVID–19 járvány kapcsán
Resilience of the Hungarian public finance system in relation to the COVID-19 epidemic
Összefoglaló. A COVID–19 járvány a magyar gazdaság teljesítményeit és pénzügyi egyensúlyát is gyengítette, ám a korábbról stabil államháztartási alapok következtében a negatív hatások csak átmenetinek vélelmezhetők. Magyarország 2010–2019 között egy sikeres állampénzügyi reformot hajtott végre, amely jó alapot ad a válság elleni védekezéshez. Ugyanakkor a járványválság még erősebben ráirányítja a figyelmet a magyar nemzetgazdaság versenyképességének erősebb javítására, az infláció fékezésére, a költségvetési egyensúly megfelelő keretek között tartására, és a kis- és középvállalati szektor mérethatékonyságának növelésére. A tanulmány bemutatja a válság alatti fiskális és jegybanki intézkedések vázát, és egyúttal utal a válság utáni időszak kihívásaira, amelyek a nemzetközi térből, s különösen a jegybanki politika megváltozásából fakadnak.
Summary. The COVID-19 epidemic hit the position of the otherwise strong Hungarian economy. We could see an economic downturn and financial imbalance developed in the last one and half years. As in the recovery (post-crisis) period of the 2010 decade, the crisis is being addressed with the active involvement of the state and the central bank. However, in the course of managing the crisis, it arises that on the new growth trajectory to be built after the recovery period, the competitiveness aspects, especially in the small and medium-sized enterprise category, which plays a major role in Hungary, should be more efficient than in the previous decade. It is necessary to improve the size efficiency, liquidity and capital efficiency of the SME sector by means of fiscal regulation, and the allocation of state resources should be more strongly linked to the requirements of export capacity and innovative business conduct.
The decade after the 2007–2008 crisis – the previous recovery period – was characterized by the weak enforcement of fiscal policies in regulating and improving competitiveness, especially in Hungary, where change is essential. After 2013, Hungarian monetary policy also caught up with the international practice of quantitative easing, achieving significant results in improving both the financial balance and economic growth. However, the previous quantitative easing of the central bank, as well as the increase of budget expenditures on epidemiological expenditures, investments, normative budget annual subsidies from the European Union and subsidies from the European Reconstruction Fund, and even investment loans from our Eastern economic partners, generates an overheated economy, inflationary pressures, and external and balance of payments deficits. Added to this is the wage dynamics of the population, and the permanent and even increasing disbursement of family benefits during the crisis.
All in all, in the 2020s we will face a new financial-debt crisis, unemployment and labor shortage problems, the competitiveness problems of the small business sector, culminating in the reorganization of the world economy, new competitiveness aspects, it will be a rather complex task. Thus, the turn of competitiveness that has essentially failed in the context of an abundance of resources and consolidated macroeconomic conditions (2010-2019) must be implemented “uphill”, it is only the time, will and opportunity to take its first steps. But the main lesson of the crises caused by the epidemics (also) is that the remaining economic entities have become stronger. And perhaps there is a chance to avoid falling into the trap of medium development through a new central bank policy that moderates inflation and truly enforces modernization considerations, as well as improving financial positions and improving economic positions (competitiveness).
Önkormányzati kommunikáció a COVID-19 világjárvány okozta krízishelyzetben
Local government communication in a crisis situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-járvány kezelésében az önkormányzatok kiemelkedő szerepet kaptak. Tanulmányunkban azt kívánjuk bemutatni, hogy ebben a krízishelyzetben, a járvány magyarországi három hulláma során az önkormányzatok milyen módon kommunikáltak különböző online felületeken (települési honlapok, települési és polgármesteri Facebook-oldalak) a lakossággal. A változó járványhelyzet, a reagálás gyorsaságának szükségessége felhívta a figyelmet arra, hogy milyen fontos az önkormányzatok és a lakosok közötti kommunikáció, illetve az új kommunikációs csatornák alkalmazása. A településtípusok között nem mutatkozott nagy különbség a kommunikáció mikéntjére, jellegzetességeire vonatkozóan, bár a feladatmennyiséget tekintve nyilván más-más kihívásokkal kellett az eltérő méretű önkormányzatoknak szembenézniük.
Summary. Local governments had a key and prominent role in tackling COVID-19 pandemic. Their task was to take short-term measures quickly, to organize protection and care for those in need. The main objective of our paper is to present, how local governments communicated with their inhabitants on various online interfaces in this crisis situation. Our analysis covers 54 settlements representing all the different levels of the settlement network from large cities to small villages. We examined the webpages and Facebook pages of local governments and mayors, firstly during the first wave, then during the second and the third waves of the pandemic.
Recognizing their responsibility, local governments clearly tried to provide all the information to the inhabitants as quickly as possible. They considered the online interfaces the most effective, but the online communication had typically been complemented by information published on more traditional channels as well. There were no significant difference in terms of the way and characteristics of communication among the different types of settlements, although local governments of different sizes obviously had to face different challenges in terms of the amount of tasks they had to tackle.
The communication process was a very difficult task because of the lack of information and the not entirely transparent data provision. Even on the Facebook pages especially suitable for this purpose, interactivity rumbled, and in many cases the questions and suggestions of the inhabitants remained unanswered. It is instructive that, with few exceptions, local authorities do not place emphasis on surveying local needs and opinions.
The full range of measures and contact with the public cannot be evaluated from local governmental online communication, but it can be said that the publication of information has changed thematically and has significantly declined in volume and frequency since the first month of the epidemic in March 2020. There were local governments that performed excellently in online communication, i.e. they published regular and relevant information, but there were also some (mainly small settlements) that did not use these channels at all or after a while. The latter may be explained by the fact that the population of the settlement – due to its age composition or the characteristics of Internet use – can be effectively informed mainly through other, traditional channels. There is little doubt that the lack of information available to local governments, declining local empowerment, and growing central management in epidemic management may also have resulted in less and less communication at the local level.
A pandémia hatása a személyes kapcsolathálózati struktúrára.
Otthoni munkavégzés: védelem a vírustól vagy társas izoláltság?
Effect of Covid-19 on personal network structures
Home office: virus protection or social isolation?
Összefoglaló. Jelen írásban a biztonság három dimenziójának (egészség, munka, emberi kapcsolatok) összefüggésében a home office pozitív és negatív jellemzőit vizsgáljuk meg a pandémiás időszakban. Tanulmányunk egy 2020 májusában, reprezentatív mintán lekérdezett felmérés adataira épül, mely a vírushelyzetre vonatkozó kérdéseket és egy kapcsolati naplót tartalmazott. Az eredmények alapján a home office-ban dolgozók kevésbé voltak kitéve a fertőzésveszélynek: kevesebb időt töltöttek saját otthonukon kívül és tömegközlekedést is kevésbé használtak. Másrészt az otthonról dolgozók átlagosan kevesebb emberrel is találkoztak személyesen. A találkozásokban mutatkozó különbséget ugyanakkor kifejezetten a munkatársi kapcsolatok magyarázzák, míg a családi és baráti kapcsolataik megvédték az otthonról dolgozókat a társas izoláció veszélyétől.
Summary. The emergence of the Covid-19 virus in spring 2020 has significantly transformed the daily lives of the population. One of the major changes affecting the world of work is that many people have been able to work remotely from home. In this paper, we focus on the home office phenomenon with regard to the three dimensions of security (health, work and human relations) and examine its positive and negative impacts in the context of human relations during the pandemic. It is assumed that home office is more secure against the virus, as those working from home may choose not to leave their homes at all and thus protect themselves from the virus by being physically isolated. On the other hand, it is also assumed that home office workers encounter fewer people than non-home office workers and are therefore more vulnerable to social isolation.
In our study, we compare the characteristics of these two groups using descriptive statistics based on data from a national representative sample of 1,001 people contacted by telephone in May 2020. The survey included questions on the pandemic situation on the one hand, and a so-called contact diary on the other hand, in which respondents were asked to name all persons (and their characteristics) with whom they had spoken on that day beyond saying hello. First, the results show that home office workers were indeed less exposed to the risk of infection, as they spent significantly less time away from home, used public transport less, and none of them were abroad. Second, our data also show that there is a significant difference in the number of face-to-face encounters between home and non-home workers. Home office workers met on average two people face-to-face on the day of the survey, while non-home office workers met on average five people. While no significant difference was found in the number of relatives – whether or not they lived under the same roof as the respondent – between home office workers and those who went to work, the number of encounters with non-relatives was significantly higher among non-home office workers. The difference was mainly due to workplace contacts. This suggests that those working from home were protected from the risk of social isolation by their emotionally and physically close relationships. These results further support the finding that, in a crisis situation, the security provided by family ties is particularly valued and strong bonds are essential for the individual.
A politikai filozófia a világjárványról
The Pandemic, from the Perspective of Political Philosophy
Összefoglaló. Ez a filozófiai esszé arra tesz kísérletet, hogy megpróbálja nyomon követni a világjárvány kibontakozását, a változatos védelmi stratégiákat, valamint a mégiscsak bekövetkező tragédiákat a politikai filozófia perspektívájából. Mégpedig valós időben. Az esszé abból a hipotézisből indul ki, hogy az emberiséget váratlanul érte ugyan a járvány, mégis igen gyorsan tudott reagálni (lásd az oltóanyag előállításának gyorsaságát), az egyes emberek azonban nem tudtak kilépni saját természetük korlátai közül. Ennek megfelelően a hatalom ismét elkövette a szokásos hibákat, a lázadók lázadtak, és a politika továbbra is a konfliktusok kezelésének művészete maradt. A politikával foglalkozóknak azonban kincsesbánya ez a korszak a politika természetének elemzéséhez.
Summary. This paper, written in the genre of the literary essay, tries to keep track of the birth and development of the pandemic, the various defence strategies and the tragedies that took place anyhow, from the perspective of the discipline of political philosophy.
Now political philosophy is not characteristically ready to react promptly to the events of the day. It has got a long term perspective, and therefore has no intention to keep an eye on the headlines of the online news portals. It has got long term debits, which cannot be easily paid back in cash.
And yet the claim of the paper is that in fact we are confronted by a state of affairs when political philosophy is obliged to take note of contemporary events. And it has to try to respond to those events almost “real time” or directly. We are aware of 4 million dead, by now, which is an unacceptable number.
To tackle states of emergency parliaments are usually ready to offer exceptional measures for government action, even in parliamentary democracies. Yet politicians do not necessarily want to take on board the struggle with the virus – they can easily drop it out from the issues of the day –, claiming that public health should not be politicized. Yet by leaving the stage to let professional experts make the decisions, they give up their chance to unite the camp. Statesmen can only unite their camp behind them, if they make use of the window of opportunity opened by an emergency situation, and if they are able to make use of the phobias and anxieties of everyday people, in the fashionable populist, plebeian manner.
The essay analyses two basic relationships influenced by the pandemic. One is claimed to be the intergovernmental, or global scene. Here, the great and developing powers are competing with each other, through the still mostly acceptable international norms of taking advantage of inequality. The other is the inner political scene, where there is a growing distrust between the authorities and the ordinary people, fuelled by restrictions, fake news, and forms either of controlling society by illegal means, or of influencing leaders by indirect means.
The last part of the essay presents three major aspects from where one can analyse the happenings: a social, a communicational and an economic perspective on its effects.
The essay finishes with some cautionary, sceptical notes on human nature, in order to keep vigilance in emergency situations on the loss of balance, either internal or external, to avoid the major dangers.
Stílusváltozatok a világ rendészeti járványkezelésében
Varieties of Style in Law Enforcement Dealing with the Pandemic
Összefoglaló. A világjárvány a Föld minden országát fenyegeti. Az ellene folytatott küzdelem eredményeit és kudarcait akkor lehet felmérni, ha a veszély elmúlt. Addig csak a vírus támadásának a más társadalmi kockázatoktól eltérő egyedi tulajdonságai tárhatóak fel. Tanulmányozásra várnak az egyes országokban bevezetett rendkívüli intézkedések és az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) globális védekezésre tett kezdeményezései.
Summary. The time has not yet come for a comprehensive assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. At this stage, it is possible to collect information, formulate incomplete hypotheses, and define possible research directions and methodology. With this in mind, our paper will focus primarily on domestic practices. We will study the legislation, the constitutional basis of the special legal order, the functioning of public administration organisation, the reactions of criminal substantive and procedural law and, finally, the changed tasks and functions of law enforcement administration in the emergency situation.
On the basis of the information available to us, we are seeking answers to three questions.
Firstly, can the pandemic be considered a global threat to societies, one with specific characteristics that are different from all other threats?
Secondly, what role do the state, government in general, and public administration authorities and law enforcement in particular, have to play in combating the pandemic?
Thirdly, can international cooperation achieve such a level of global capacity for action that is needed to tackle the global threat?
In response to the first question, the study describes the specificities that justify the uniqueness of the pandemic in nine points:
the classification as the highest risk,
the three hazards theory,
the incomparable nature of the consequences of pandemics and natural disasters,
the exclusion of any prior consideration of risk-taking,
the application of the tolerable and intolerable distinction,
the inconsistency of the typology of internal and external risks,
a characteristic that cannot be predicted by legislation,
the mathematical measurability of consequences, and
the impact on the world economy.
Our second aim was to present the domestic practice of combating the epidemic through the special legal order, drawing on the evaluations of legal scholars on the subject published since 2020. We have reviewed the constitutionality of the special legal order, its impact on central state and municipal administration, on substantive and procedural criminal law, and on law enforcement administration. Attention was paid to a specific institution dictated by the exceptional situation: the hospital command system. The police officers temporarily appointed to this post are responsible for supporting the organisational work in health institutions, which cannot include medical activities requiring medical training.
The third theme focused on the World Health Organisation’s response to the epidemic from a global perspective. We recalled that the idea of an international treaty was first raised by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2020 and subsequently endorsed by the G7 leaders on 19 February 2021. EU leaders then expressed their commitment to start work on the preparation of an international treaty on pandemics in the framework of the World Health Organisation.
We are convinced that this threefold approach will be worth pursuing when the opportunity arises to assess good and bad practices in epidemic management. However, this will be a task for the post-COVID era.
Válaszkeresés járvány idején a felmerülő erkölcsi kérdésekre
Searching for answers to moral issues that arise during an epidemic
Összefoglaló. Most már második éve általános tapasztalat – és nemcsak egy kis területen, hanem az egész világon – a COVID–19 halálos járvány terjedése (az elnevezés pontosan: SARS-CoV-2), amelyet már nem lehetett egyszerű megfázásnak vagy gyorsan elmúló betegségnek tekinteni, hanem egy olyan súlyos állapotnak, mely fenyegeti minden ember életét, függetlenül attól, hogy ki hol él. Az egészségügyi kutatók az ellenanyag kifejlesztéséért küzdöttek, mely megállíthatja a vírus terjedését. A gyógyítás kérdései mellett azonban filozófiai és vallási kérdések is felmerültek, melyekre pszichológusok és hittudósok is keresik a választ. Az ember teremtettségéből és szabad akaratából kiindulva a jelen tanulmány a Bibliában közölt kinyilatkoztatás és a keresztény tanítás alapján vállalkozik nemcsak lehetséges válaszokat adni, hanem a járvány komolyságával számolva a jelenség hitbeli és teológiai magyarázatát is megfogalmazni.
Summary. The Covid-19 epidemic, which began in late 2019 and early 2020, has reached everyone: the family, the workplace, and public life. The phenomenon also requires a comprehensive solution. The unfortunate experience has taught everyone that there is no age limit for the virus because it affects everyone equally. It has become clear that it is not individual solutions that are needed, but only community path finding, that no one lives alone in isolation. Throughout its two-thousand-year history, Christianity has accompanied man in both its successes and failures.
God’s revelation-based teaching is unchanged and to this day He provides His resulting answers to everyone by placing the whole man before God. This Christian-minded anthropology means that man lives in a personal relationship that assigns him to God alone. In terms of faith, it thus approaches the crisis, the disease, the drama of being, in a different way, which sees the reality of life and death in a greater context.
The spread of the current epidemic has been interpreted by many as a divine punishment. But God, the Creator, who is good, cannot be the source of good and evil at the same time, he cannot be the starting point of evil. It is precisely because of these characteristics that spiritual and moral behavior is valued in the epidemiological situation. Christianity does not see God-consciously directing punitive action in unpleasant events for people and humanity, as God is first and foremost a Father.
In the Old Testament, there is no connection between a particular disease or other plague and the personal sins of those who suffer it. Far from the New Testament, the conclusion is that it links the plagues, diseases, and epidemics we experience to the sins committed by individual people. The turn of the New Testament, then, is also significant in the presentation of God. It is no longer the image of the fearsome and terrible God that emerges, but the teaching of Jesus, who says of His Father, “God is love.” The God of the New Testament is a God of co-suffering and compassion who thinks not of punishment but of forgiveness.
Troubles are not necessarily attributable to the sins of individuals, but actually to the sins of all mankind. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to feel somehow responsible for the other when they see that their sins continue. However, the viral situation has also shown unparalleled human behaviors and values, especially on the part of healthcare professionals. Perhaps involuntarily, among those who acted for others, man’s better self manifested itself, so they were able to make sacrifices as well. Of them, too, Jesus said, just before his suffering, that “no one loves more than he who gives his life for his friends.” It is love that overcomes fear, that can be the cure for a virus.
A válságok hatása a politikai rendszerekre
The impact of crisis on political systems
Összefoglaló. A második világháborút követően talán nem volt egyetlen esemény sem, amely olyan hatást gyakorolt a világ országaira, mint a koronavírus-járvány kirobbanása. A vírus-válság felgyorsította a liberális világrend erózióját, kiélezte a nagyhatalmak közötti ellentéteket, válságforgatókönyvek és prognózisok készültek. A válság rávilágított arra is, hogy kudarcra vannak ítélve azok a kormányzatok, amelyek nem ruháztak be a közösségi infrastruktúrába, és elhanyagolták a közszolgálati tudást. Az is kiderült, hogy a kormányzati intézményeknek szakértőkre és nem lojális mamelukokra van szüksége a válsághelyzetből fakadó közpolitikai gondok megoldása során. Egy világméretű és példátlan sebességgel terjedő válság elleni eredményes fellépés elsődleges frontvonala tehát a nemzetállam maradt.
Summary. In times of crisis, all political systems give the executive exceptional powers, as it is not possible to face new and rapidly changing challenges within the framework of existing laws. One of the American founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, who feared the excessive power of central government, believed that in times of emergency the system of checks and balances should be suspended. Constitutional democracy will be threatened if the rule of law is not restored after the emergency has passed.
Perhaps no event since the Second World War has had such an impact on the countries of the world as the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. The virus crisis accelerated the erosion of the liberal world order, sharpened the antagonism between the great powers, especially the US and China, and highlighted the vulnerability of the production chains that had been outsourced to the Far East in the hope of cheap labour. Crisis scenarios and forecasts were drawn up, and prominent scientists and researchers expressed the view that there would be no return to the world before the virus. The virus crisis has also highlighted the failure of governments that have not invested in community infrastructure and have neglected public knowledge. It has also shown that government institutions need experts, not loyal mamelukes, to solve public policy problems arising from the crisis.
The coronavirus is the most pressing challenge of this century so far, and in responding to it, localism is being valorised as a crucial centre of solidarity and problem-solving. Forecasters fear that rising inequalities and the erosion of family savings could trigger a wave of political discontent that is more angry and violent than ever before. The majority of people will not be able to manage their children’s digital education and work from home without a separate room and computing infrastructure, so governments will need to develop special programmes to address this, and people’s health and the capacity of public health to cope will come to the fore.
The pandemic crisis has provided a new argument for those who argued for the reinvention of the state and the importance of governments’ ability to act quickly to deal effectively with natural and economic crises. In recent decades, many have buried the nation state, arguing that successful responses to global problems in a globalised world cannot be found within the framework of a nation state. The Covid-19 crisis has shown that the nation state remains the first front line for effective action against a crisis that is spreading at an unprecedented global scale and speed. Different countries have followed different crisis management strategies and very significant differences in contagion rates have emerged. The crisis has reassessed the role of nation states and borders, which already played an important role in receiving migration flows.
According to Victor Hugo (1802–1885), “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”. This powerful statement demonstrates the importance of school in the development of a nation and the lives of individuals. It has been proven that the language used in early childhood education has an impact on the cognitive development and learning achievement of children in their educational arena.
Most countries in Africa are still discussing the language to be used as a medium of instruction in their educational system.
Ghana, which is known as a multilingual society with over 80 languages is not excluded from this controversy. The language policy of education in Ghana has had a complex history since the colonial era. The question of international schools in Ghana is critically examined; most of these schools do not teach any of the Ghanaian languages, but a foreign language.
Ghana, however, has been a strong advocate of the so-called African personality and the use of English as the medium of instruction is in overt opposition to this ideology. The argument about which language to be used as a medium of instruction in Ghanaian Schools has been going on for a long time without coming to a specific conclusion.
Education is the proven guarantor of gender equality and sustainable development. Empirical evidence from previous studies in European countries (Favara, 2012; Geerdink & Dekkers, 2011; OECD, 2009) shows that women are incompletely represented in many areas of technical and scientific education. This study examined the impact of gender stereotypes and factors related to family background, university criteria, and the main factors influencing students’ academic choices at the University of Debrecen. The research question was: what is the impact of gender stereotypes and demographic factors on students’ academic choices? The research relied on a qualitative approach. 12 qualitative interviews were conducted with international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The research used semi-structured interviews with five main blocks of questions. The dimensions explored included the following: 1. introduction and context of the interviewee, 2. gender stereotypes, 3. family background, 4. university characteristics, 5. factors motivating academic selection. After data collection, the transcripts were analysed using an open coding method, which involved line-by-line and word-by-word analysis (Khandkar, 2009). This helped to identify the most important factors influencing students’ academic choices. The socio-educational role of the family, the scholarship Stependium Hungaricum, the facilities and services of the university, the geopolitical academic location, the UNIDEB ranking, the quality of life and study, the scholarships, the realistic, materialistic goals of future life, and the impact of gender stereotypes expressed by the students (as a product of society, choice and belief, the liberal generation) influenced the academic choice of the international students at the University of Debrecen.
Az Európai Unió és a tagállamok válasza a COVID–19 pandémiára – a szabad mozgás jogának közegészségügyi korlátozásai
European Union and Member State Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Restricting the Free Movement of EU citizens on Public Health Grounds
Összefoglaló. A szabad mozgás és tartózkodás joga az uniós polgárság alapintézményének egyik leglényegesebb eleme. A 2020-ban kirobbant koronavírus világjárvány következtében az Európai Unió tagállamai az Európai Unió történetében először kénytelenek voltak radikális, korábban nem alkalmazott eszközökkel korlátozni a szabad mozgás és tartózkodás jogát annak érdekében, hogy megakadályozzák a vírus terjedését. A tanulmány keretében a COVID–19 világjárvány miatt bevezetett korlátozások alapulvételével annak vizsgálatára kerül sor, hogy a szabad mozgás joga közegészségügyi okból történő korlátozása milyen sajátosságokkal bír más, az Európai Unió alapszerződéseiben ugyancsak nevesített kivételekhez (közrend, közbiztonság) képest. A tanulmány ugyancsak vizsgálja azt a kérdést, hogy az Európai Unió által kibocsátott digitális zöldútlevél (vakcinaigazolvány) a Sinopharm és Szputynik-V vakcinával beoltott uniós polgárok számára is biztosítandó-e az uniós jog rendelkezései alapján.
Summary. The right of free movement of EU citizens is the cornerstone of Union citizenship. To control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and to protect the health and well-being of all Europeans, Member States gave a surprisingly quick response, taking unilateral restrictive measures affecting the operation of the internal market in an unprecedented way. On the one hand they have implemented serious travel restrictions at internal borders of the EU. On the other hand, several States have coupled travel bans/restrictions with a temporary reintroduction of border controls at their borders with other Members of the Schengen Area. During the first wave of the pandemic, altogether 17 Schengen States sent notifications regarding the reintroduction of border controls, which is particularly disheartening given that the lifting of EU internal border controls in the Schengen Area is one of the integration’s greatest achievements.
There is no doubt that the Member States’ restrictions on free movement detailed in the paper are well-founded from the point of view of both public international law and European law. As to how they should be put into practice: that is another issue. Still, it is the preferential role of free movement as a part of integration that requires a deeper examination of controversial measures to ascertain whether these are in compliance with EU legal principles. Among the elements to be reviewed are proportionality and the prohibition on discrimination.
It is beyond doubt that COVID-19 can definitely be regarded as a ‘disease with epidemic potential’ that can justify restrictions on free movement. However, the question arises whether Article 29 TFEU provides for the introduction of public health restrictions with general effect. In other words, does it allow for restrictions not based on individual assessment, as opposed to individual threats to public policy and public security? In answering the above question the paper puts a special emphasis on the delimitation of Member States’ public health and public policy/security justifications.
At the time of writing (June 2021) several Member States have already started to issue EU Covid-19 passports. The article also seeks answer to the question whether the Digital Green Certificate could (or, at least, should) be provided for Union citizens vaccinated with Sinopharm or Sputnik-V (vaccines approved by Hungary as a Member State, under European Union law).
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of project on children’s attitude toward environmental balance. This study is a qualitative study using a holistic single case study design involving “compost cases”, at a kindergarten in Perak, Malaysia. The participants consisted of a focus group of 18 children and an educator. The data was obtained through triangulation results from unstructured interview, observation, and unofficial documents such as children notebooks, sketches, and pictures of investigative activities. The findings showed that the children understand the negative impact of using chemicals on Earth. The finding also showed that children able to give suggestions on producing compost, burying food scraps in the soil and use the compost dining set for banquet to deal with waste management problems. In addition, the finding showed that children able to classify waste materials which is easily decompose for compost production. The finding also showed that activities project able to develop entrepreneurial attitudes in children to sell the product produced. The valuable experience through observation and hands-on activities from early childhood will help the continuity of learning process throughout their lives.
Pandémia és különleges jogrend Magyarországon
Pandemic and law of emergency in Hungary
Összefoglaló. A tanulmány a COVID–19 pandémiára adott jogalkotói lehetőségeket és válaszokat elemzi, külön figyelmet fordítva a vonatkozó hazai jogfejlődésre. A szerzők elméleti síkon haladva, de gyakorlati példákkal szemléltetve értelmezik a hazai megoldásokat, amelyeket a pandémiás válság kezelésére alkalmaztak az államok. Az alkalmazott megoldásoknak kettős feltételnek kell megfelelniük: a jogállamisági és hatékonysági szempontoknak egyidejűleg kell érvényesülniük. A demokratikus intézményeknek mindebben aktív szerepük van, ugyanakkor lényeges a meghozott intézkedések politikai elfogadottsága is.
Summary. The essay displays the possibilities and answers of the legislature and the Government of Hungary regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, with a special focus on the Hungarian constitutional traditions and development. The essay reaches out from the theoretical for practical reassurance primarily through solutions used in Hungary and secondarily in other European countries. Displaying the struggles of solution seeking in Hungary and other European countries provides a platform for a much-needed comparative approach. These practices must comply with two conditions: maintaining the rule of law and effectiveness, both of which have to prevail simultaneously. Like in the case of the delicate and ever balancing antiterrorist solutions of western democracies, two very different questions of ‘How can we survive?’ and ‘How can our way of life prevail in the end?’ must be answered with the same answer. The democratic institutions have a crucial role, and with that role these institutions have to be continuously active. In times of grave danger, with a real threat to human life, an emergency with the possibility of such a devastation that paralyses or eliminates state and society, the original role of democratic institutions to serve the people is enhanced. The political acceptance (legitimacy) of the emergency measures taken during the pandemic can make a great difference, but the question of legitimacy itself, favorable as it should be, need not be the most crucial question regarding emergency laws. Introducing emergency legislation is based on some level of real or anticipated threat. The focus and only real goal of emergency legislation, by definition, must always be ensuring the safe return to normal or peacetime legislation. So we can say with confidence that functioning democratic institutions provide a much better chance of a safe and timely return to normalcy and leaving pandemic restrictions behind.
The Scottish Government has a strong commitment to strengthening children’s human rights, with the aim of making Scotland ‘the best place to grow up and bring up children’. The Education (Scotland) Act 2016 introduced a raft of measures to boost the rights of children with additional support needs (ASN). The programme for government in Scotland, published in September 2020, included a commitment to incorporate the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child into Scottish domestic legislation. In order to examine the extent to which the rights of Gypsy/Traveller children are being respected in practice, this paper draws on an analysis of official statistics conducted as part of an ESRC funded project entitled Autonomy, Rights and Children with Special Needs: A New Paradigm? (ES/P002641/1), which ran from 2018 to 2020. In addition, the paper uses findings from an Independent Children’s Rights Impact Assessment which was carried out in summer 2020 with a view to investigating the impact of the emergency measures implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the terms of the Coronavirus Act 2020, schools across the UK were closed, with widespread implications for children and young people, particularly those with additional support needs. The central aim of this paper is to explore the impact of the emergency measures on the recently enhanced rights of children with ASN, with a particular focus on the rights of children from Gypsy/Traveller backgrounds. I conclude that people living itinerant lives experience long-standing exclusion from mainstream schooling and wider society, and their marginal status has been reinforced during the recent pandemic when children’s human rights have been side-lined.
Brand names are prevalent in our society: they influence consumption and future buying behaviour. As research has shown, children are also aware of brands and brand names, and brand names learned in childhood can influence their attitude towards the known brands.
The collaboration of various scientific fields including pedagogy, psycholinguistics, and marketing communication enabled us to investigate the appearance of brand names in the verbal consciousness of 4–5-year-old kindergarten children of different nationalities.
In the frames of this research, brand names were identified by the application of an interdisciplinary and comparative word association experiment conducted with 100 Hungarian, 100 Russian, and 100 Laotian children, from the 4–5-year-old age group. The experiment is a traditional word association experiment and the research design was not set into the context of any brands or consumption habits research.
Results show that in the experiment, several globally known brand names were elicited (e.g. Lego, My Little Pony, Batman), however significant cross-cultural dissimilarities were also revealed. Most activated brand names can be connected to the world of children (e.g. toy brands), but in the experiment spontaneously elicited brands reflect not only the conception of childhood but also the society and culture surrounding the children.
Demencia prevenció: A korai diagnózistól a személyre szabott intervencióig
Dementia Prevention: From Early Diagnosis to Personalised Intervention
Taiwan government consolidated the kindergarten and daycare systems in 2012, and launched a new national curriculum framework, Early Childhood Education & Care Curriculum Framework (ECECCF), as a guidance for quality early childhood education programs. Research has shown that the effects of a new educational program highly depended on the fidelity of its implementation. It has thus been suggested that the degree of implantation of a program needs be evaluated before conducting further program evaluation.
Thus, the purpose of this study was to construct an Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework Implementation Scale (ECECCF Implementation Scale) for Taiwanese preschool programs. 216 preschool classes in Taiwan were involved. The study consisted of two stages: In Stage 1, the exploratory factor analysis showed that the implementation of ECECCF could mostly be explained by four factors, and all the factors extracted had acceptable reliability and validity. In Stage 2, rubrics were constructed for each item and factor analysis was re-conducted, resulting in a 19-item scale of four factors (Awareness and Adjustment, Learning Centers Arrangement, Teaching Guidance and Curriculum Development). The reliability and validity tests shows that: (1) the final version of the ECECCF Implementation Scale is a valid and reliable instrument, explaining 62.9% of the total variance; (2) the criterion validity indicated that the ECECCF scale can not only be used for assessing the implementation of ECECCF, but also can be used for understanding teachers’ needs in instructional and operational curriculum for further professional development.
The recognition of the importance of early childhood education (ECE) has been growing continuously in recent years. Early childhood institutions are where professional pedagogy and child-rearing practices meet first in someones' life (Tobin et al., 2009), it has great significance in education. Acknowledgement of the existence of the needs of young children's education is evident, however, we have limited chances to compare different education systems outside of Europe and the United States. Realizing this situation, we came to the conclusion that it is highly necessary and required to publish such an analytical issue in the Hungarian Education Research Journal. Teacher's views and their narratives of childhood are relevant if we aim to understand the fundamental differences of ECE institutions in any region or country. In our present investigation we collected data from Hungary, Laos and Malaysia in order to acquire greater knowledge on the conceptions of early childhood in the three countries. We assumed however that the teachers' qualification and the early childcare system is diverse, yet we have found similarities among the teachers' perception.
This paper addresses the current educational rights of the Roma community (in the Czech Republic). The aim of the paper is to present the educational system, its advantages and disadvantages and the ways in which the legal system supports educational rights. The second part of the paper focuses on the exercising and negotiation of rights in the contemporary social context. The work is based on ethnographic research conducted since 2005 by the Levínská, Bittnerová, & Doubek team in socially excluded localities. The data analysis is based on the theoretical concept of cognitive anthropology and the cultural models theory (D’Andrare, & Strauss, 1992). Cultural models and the ways in which parents, students and teachers negotiate rights are presented. The tension between rationality and morality (Bateson, 1958) is demonstrated by the models’ endurance; communication, cognitive and material support; and independence. Although the system itself provides equal opportunities, the prospects that education affords are a fundamental problem. One obstacle is racial bias, which influences members of the dominant group. Another significant obstacle is poverty and the costs of higher education, which are beyond the financial capacity of poor families. A third obstacle is knowledge, which is insufficient in excluded localities and poor families, and that families are unable to give students adequate support in navigating the full scope of student responsibilities.
In the last two decades more and more studies have emphasized the central role of teachers' social and emotional competence in their teaching performance. In spite of this, there are not enough programs focused on developing teachers' social and emotional competence that are integrated into teacher education. This is particularly true in Vietnam where the concepts of social and emotional competence (SEC) and social and emotional learning (SEL) are rather new. In the study, we present four main emerging impact aspects of teachers' SEC including teachers' well-being and career motivation, teacher-student relationship, classroom management, and the effectiveness of SEL implementation. The article gives some recommendations for teacher education regarding SEC issue in Vietnam as well. These recommendations would contribute to develop a new approach of teacher education to meet the country's new general education curriculum enacted in 2020.
During the research entitled Teaching Creative Music, the focus is on getting to know creative music, which is becoming more and more widespread in Hungary, however using it, but still takes up little space in our music education, and its impact in high school and university environments is limited. The Kodály Concept contains a number of well-established practices also László Sáry’s collection of Creative Music Exercises (Sáry, 1999), mainly evoking Christian Wolff and John Cage, evoking the work of Stockhausen, also works well, but there is no teaching aid for the secondary school classes (9-12) based on different combinations of systematic vocal and rhythmic tasks – although in the 2017 NAT [“National Curriculum”], creative music activity as a reproduction is included as a requirement among the development tasks. There is also less experience among those pursuing higher music studies in terms of methodological preparation at the national level.
We believe that much more student-based assignments should be used in high school singing and music education so that their classroom motivation and musical creativity can develop further, and their subject-related knowledge deepen.
We are interested in the “rehabilitation” of this field, as there are a lot of opportunities in the creative music exercises, during which repetitive activity and musical creativity are essential, and Odena and Welch have already studied the latter (Odena–Welch, 2007).
Music pedagogical research supports the need to study the field, as high school students are undermotivated in their lessons and their musical creativity is not sufficiently exploited (Deliège–Wiggins, 2006).
In this article, we would like to explore an analysis of some of the practices of a creative music course over a semester in terms of how student activity and creativity changed during the 9 hours of the practice (measured with 3 groups per week). For all of this, we also use elements of Teachout and McKoy’s model, who examined music teacher attributes in terms of teacher success and failure.
Anxiety has commonly been regarded as one of the most significant affective obstacles in language learning achievement, and has been the subject matter of many second language researches (MacIntyre & Gregersen, 2012; Huang, 2012; Hewitt & Stefenson, 2011; Riasati, 2011; Horwitz, 2001).
The primary purpose of the present study is to explore the anxiety levels of a class of students studying at the University of Dunaújváros and to investigate their attitude towards acquiring a second/foreign language. On the basis of the information gained the study is aiming at revealing some degree of correlation between students’ anxiety and their academic achievement.
Responses to the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale show that the relatively high levels of anxiety among these participants are related to the worry about (1) the consequences of failing their foreign language class, (2) thinking that the others are better at languages and (3) communication with native speakers of the foreign language. However, the results on the relationship between anxiety levels and academic achievements show no significant correlation between these two variables, which leads us to the conclusion that the participants’ anxiety levels do not exceed the level which would have a negative impact on their academic results.
Our study seeks to outline the defining trends and phenomena of Hungarian public education and teacher training – with a focus on Hungarian history teaching – between 1990 and 2020. The authors were, on various levels and to various degrees, participants, and at times influential actors, in the processes presented in this study. From this, and as a consequence of their convictions, they advocate the aspect of continuity in the interest of maintaining Hungarian traditions, as well as the perspectives of renewal in the interest of implementing new Hungarian and foreign thinking, approaches and innovations.
This mosaic-like overview seeks to outline the main pillars of the context of Hungarian history teaching with the use of fundamental professional literature from the period on pedagogy and history didactics. The focus of the study is history teaching, and for a better understanding of its processes we highlight some important policy decisions and documents. We wish to show the education policy, pedagogical and educational-methodological environment in which the journal articles that provide the backbone of the volume were formulated.
Designed for three age groups, Ko Nipa Africa! – Teach about Africa! awareness-raising and sensitization education program is aimed at developing social competencies, especially empathy, social sensitivity, and tolerance in childhood. In addition, its main task is to transform the misconceptions and prejudices about Africa present in Hungary with active learning. The series of programs seeks to bring the diverse cultural, natural, and historical values of the African continent closer to the younger generation using the approach of global education, and the method, and tools of experiential pedagogy. Since the founding of the program series in 2012, it has been tested, implemented, and reworked in dozens of educational institutions, and several studies have demonstrated positive changes in students' thinking as the result of sensitization.
The study aims to determine the status of organizing science activities for preschoolers aged 5–6 and teachers' views on improving science education quality for 5–6-year-olds in Vietnam. The research was undertaken on 150 preschool teachers working with 5–6 years old classes in 24 public preschools in 3 provinces, including Quang Binh, Quang Tri, and Thua Thien Hue. Mixed methods, including surveys, interviews with teachers, and observation of science discovery activities, were used. According to the study results, science education activities were regularly organized in the preschools with specific plans following the school-year curriculum and the national ECE framework of Vietnam. Teachers used various methods and forms for organizing scientific activities, but the classroom environment was dominant. The participation of family and society in science activities at preschools was limited. Teachers also highlight some measures to improve the quality of science education in preschools, including providing necessary facilities, equipment, toys for preschools and increasing modern teaching methods. The findings of this study provide necessary evidence on science education for preschool children in practical terms as the basis for further studies on solutions to improve the efficiency of science education for preschool children in Vietnam.
Thirty years have passed since Germany ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is now on the verge of incorporating it into its Basic Law. This article takes a closer look at recent developments in strengthening children's rights in Germany, focusing on vulnerable children and youth, such as members of the Romani minority, and their educational development. While some improvements have been made in education, the COVID-19 pandemic brought new dimensions into play and exacerbated their vulnerability.
Secondary school students are the members of gen Z, while their teachers mostly belong to gen X. Due to multitasking in virtual space, dotcom kids' attention, work memory, and brain activity are changing. Their vision of the future, attitude, and priorities are entirely different from those of earlier generations. The children of gen Z question and reject traditional authority; however, they are creative and innovative. In contrast to this, both the knowledge, the attitude, and the value system of their teachers are significantly different from those of the net generation.
The purpose of the research was to map adolescents' opinions about generation stereotypes as well as what their teachers think about them – according to the students. The anonymous digital questionnaire was spread in social media; adolescents assessed frequently mentioned statements about gen Z. According to the results, it can be claimed that there are some stereotypes, especially about the usage of digital tools and lasting concentration, which were proved to be true by adolescents. However, youngsters rejected stereotypes referring to the instability of their future perspective, behaviour on the sites of social media, and the quality of relationships. On the other hand, they believe that their teachers' opinion about them is different in many ways, such as in online communication, emotional attitudes, and digital safety.
This article focuses on article 28 (right to education), article 29 (goals of education) and article 30 (children from minority or indigenous groups) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and their implementation in the several national policies of Western Europe, especially the UK and Ireland, and to a lesser extent, France. The present research looked more particularly into the situation of children from two communities: Gypsy, Roma and Travellers (referred to as GRT) and Irish Travellers. Although they are from different backgrounds, the analysis proved relevant because of the bridges that exist between their cultures and lifestyles, and because of their minority status within larger dominant communities, placing their children in the frontline of the UNCRC battle. The text of the UNCRC itself was a starting point. The research was mainly based on a series of reports from governments, from organizations such as the Traveller Movement, on articles from newspapers, and testimonies from GRT children and Irish Travellers. The results showed that the implementation of articles 28 to 30 of the UNCRC was being by and large slowly carried out by the countries under study. Yet, national disparities were evident. Also, their national policies revealed different contexts. Ireland seemed to be paving the way for the inclusion of minorities within the educational system.
Erőművek életciklus-elemzése a fajlagos anyagfelhasználás tükrében
Life-cycle analysis of power plants in the light of specific material use
This paper seeks to compare the academic model of ‘militant democracy’ advocated in 1937 by Karl Loewenstein with the real political developments that had taken place only a few years before in Austria, under the responsibility of Engelbert Dollfuß. It further aims to to reveal the ‘missing link' between the actions (mere plans included) of - in particular - Catholic political leaders in Germany 1931/1933 (Heinrich Brüning, Franz v. Papen, Heinrich Held), directed at least from 1932 onwards in particular against the rise of the National Socialist movement, well-known both to Loewenstein and Dollfuß. It is argued that Loewenstein's model contains serious theoretical flaws and paves, at least when taken literally, the way to dangerous exaggerations, while the approach of the Dollfuß government was far more balanced. Any assessment of Dollfuß’ measures that – as is still the case in Austria – only focuses on the breach of the constitution then in force (the main document being the Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz, B-VG) as such, without offering a better alternative to prevent the National Socialist danger is unconvincing, not only from a moral, but also, and in particular, from a legal perspective.
Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is commonly understood in Malaysia as providing care and education for young children from the age of newborn until about six years old, before they enter formal elementary education. Various curriculum and teaching approaches were developed to enhance children's learning experiences based on their needs, age, and ability to support all three main developmental aspects: cognitive (language development and problem-solving skills), physical (development of gross and fine motor skills), and social-emotional (interaction with others). This paper will provide an overview of Malaysia's ECCE from its early implementation until today based on literature review of related research conducted in Malaysia. The definition of ECCE in Malaysia, its history and development, ECCE providers and type of institutions, current ECCE curriculum, and ECCE related acts in Malaysia are presented. In addition, the challenges faced, its consequences, and future course of ECCE in Malaysia are also discussed. It is envisaged that this article would be a platform for the relevant stakeholders worldwide to gain an insight on the Malaysian ECCE, serve as a benchmark and act as a reference for their respective ECCE settings.
The paper aims at providing an overview of hate crimes through an interdisciplinary lens based not only on theories but also empirical research results. The paper first deals with the central components of hate crimes: prejudice and aggression. Not only the classical social-psychological theories of these phenomena are discussed but also some newer ones. As hate crimes do not occur in a vacuum, the next chapter of the paper deals with the social, political, cultural context and factors that facilitate or impede the occurrence of hate crimes. Community disorganization, urban ecology, racial balance, residential stability, economic conditions, and the role of the media and the internet are discussed in detail. The last chapter of the paper deals with the perpetrators of hate crimes, let them be lonely ones or members of organized hate groups. The paper demonstrates that the investigation of hate crimes can only occur in an interdisciplinary setting that can simultaneously take into account legal, social, cultural, and political factors.
The profound changes in both everyday life and the legal system over the last hundred years have transformed civil law as well. While the notion that civil law concerns relationships of private persons still prevails, the traditional public law–civil law division now seems questionable. This paper points out some of the key changes in civil law within the framework of the transformation of the legal system as a whole, and seeks to outline a different approach that may help better to understand the present situation.
The pandemic caused a new digital scheme of work to be implemented in higher educational institutes to avoid physical contact, which is referred to as emergency remote teaching in the literature (Hodges, Moore, Lockee, Trust, & Bond, 2020). The inevitable consequence of emer