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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

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Project-based learning (PJBL) emerges as an instructional teaching method promoting collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. This pedagogical approach facilitates active engagement by forming student groups to collaboratively create and develop projects, thus, encouraging the exploration of diverse perspectives and ideas within the classroom. The PJBL approach departs from traditional learning methods and offers students opportunities for enjoyment, active participation, self-expression, and creativity. PJBL instills valuable teamwork skills from a young age by equipping students with essential resources for their future endeavors through immersive experiences. This article focuses on Hungarian teachers' perspectives on PJBL by employing a qualitative approach. The study conducts semi-structured interviews with nine educators to unravel their insights on the advantages and challenges of implementing PJBL in the classroom. The paper explores the nuanced views of Hungarian teachers and aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how PJBL is perceived in the educational landscape. The findings contribute valuable insights to the broader discourse on project-based learning displaying a context-specific lens on the perceptions of educators in Hungary and enriching the understanding of PJBL's dynamics within the educational settings.

Open access


We have seen the tremendous development of new technologies, especially in the field of electronic communications. As they are present in our daily lives, it is expected that the new technical possibilities will be used in the courts.

In Poland, the digital transformation of civil procedure began with the implementation of electronic writ proceedings. Among the electronic tools which support the trials, there is a possibility of hearing the parties and witnesses using videoconferencing, and the Electronic Case Management System, which allows authorized entities to get access to the information on the pending case.

The procedural rules are fluctuating and depend on the changes taking place in the economic and social structure. It can be assumed that as circumstances change, the rules may, and even should, be reinterpreted, and the legislator should strive to change the procedural provisions so that they will be consistent with the objectives and guidelines resulting from the procedural principles.

The analysis of the issues related to the digitization of civil cases, as an issue of paramount importance, allows us to assume that digitization does not entail modifying the model and its basic principles. The digital transformation of the civil trial emerges within the framework resulting from the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, as none of the procedural principles is violated. It can even be assumed that digitalisation allows for a more complete implementation of procedural principles.

In fact, this can also be an argument in favour of introducing modern technological tools to procedural regulations.

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During the 2010s, technological development created the opportunity to hold online hearings, when the parties are physically distant from each other, when their personal appearance would entail significant threat to them, or when external circumstances would impose additional barriers for interested stakeholders to appear in the courtroom. As a consequence, amongst others, the Belgian Constitutional Court heard a case concerning the constitutionality of such trials, and rejected this new form of judicial operation due to numerous constitutional concerns. Nevertheless, the context of such controversies changed significantly during the pandemic, and in the light of the public health risks several judicial bodies decided to continue most of their operations through digital means. As a result, the holding of numerous online trials was ordered. Obviously, losing parties often submitted remedies against the incorporation of these platforms into judicial work by claiming the violation of their right to fair trial. For instance, the French Constitutional Council, the Spanish Constitutional Tribunal, as well as the Supreme Courts of Austria, Norway, Costa Rica and India assessed the constitutionality of these trials during the public health emergency, and in most of the cases, the application of online hearings was upheld. Bearing in mind this tendency in the relevant case law, one should argue that the rapidly evolving technological landscape requires the reconsideration of our attitudes towards online hearings: it should be clarified which grounds are acceptable justifications for ordering online trials during ordinary periods, and how the analysis is affected by unforeseen extra-ordinary circumstances. Online, or partly online proceedings may provide greater flexibility for both the court and the parties, and could also support the efficiency of judicial work, however, the main fair trial safeguards should be maintained. Our contribution will conceptualize this issue, and will provide a deeper understanding of the constitutional implications of remote trials.

Open access


The emergence and fast proliferation of chatbot solutions have reshaped how we interact with customer services, professionals and organizations providing advisory services. Law firms and legal professionals have also been affected by chatbots, which have become an integral part of the legal market. They are used for training, discovery, legal research and various other tasks by multinational law firms and sole practitioners alike.

Besides their benefits, however, chatbot solutions also face a number of limitations and their use could raise both legal and ethical concerns. Unsupervised use of such solutions can lead to serious professional responsibility issues, while their use in certain cases, such as in cases involving acting as a defense counsel or advising on sensitive matters, can also raise ethical concerns, or endanger the trust in lawyers built by generations of legal professionals. The processing of certain data or confidential information can further raise privacy or confidentiality issues, especially with respect to the need for artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions to constantly rely on huge datasets.

Bearing the above in mind, the regulation of chatbots in the legal market is certainly a complex topic with many challenges. In this paper, I provide an overview of the use of chatbots in the legal market, summarize the main concerns regarding their use (especially including professional liability, privacy and ethical concerns) and also highlight the main challenges concerning AI and chatbot regulation and the potential approaches regulators could follow to prevent or minimize risks associated with the unlawful or unethical use of technology and disperse unnecessary fears by also supporting technological development and by preserving the positive effects of the use of chatbots in the legal market.

Open access

Ellátásbiztonság az energiaátmenet időszakában

Security of supply in times of energy transition

Scientia et Securitas
Ágnes Csermely
Péter Kaderják
Balázs Lengyel
Anna Mészégető
, and
Pálma Szolnoki


A zöld energetikai átállás folyamatát leggyakrabban klímavédelmi szempontok alapján elemzik. Ebben a cikkben az energiabiztonságra gyakorolt hatását vizsgáljuk a megújuló energiahordozók térnyerésének. A mérleg pozitív serpenyőjében szerepel az energiafüggetlenséghez való hozzájárulás, a széles körben elérhető technológia és a fosszilis energiahordozókhoz képest kiszámítható árazás. A folyamat ugyanakkor számos kihívással is együtt jár, melyek közül kiemeljük a szezonális tárolás lehetőségének korlátosságát, az ellátásbiztonsághoz szükséges nem időjárásfüggő tartalékkapacitások fenntartásának nehézségeit, a hálózatüzemeltetéssel kapcsolatos problémákat, a digitalizációval együtt növekvő kiberbiztonsági kockázatokat és a kritikus alapanyagok koncentrációjából fakadó kihívásokat. E kihívásokra költséghatékony megoldásokat kell kialakítani, így a zöldenergia térnyerése komplex, a szakpolitika koordinációját igénylő, több évtizeden áthúzódó folyamat lesz.


The green energy transition process is most often analysed from a climate protection perspective. In this article, we look at the impact of rising renewable generation on the security of energy supply. On the positive side there is renewables’ contribution to energy independence, their widespread availability, and their predictable pricing compared to fossil fuels. However, the process of increasing the share of renewables also carries several challenges, including the limitations of seasonal storage, the difficulties of maintaining non-weather-dependent reserve capacity for security of supply, grid management issues, the growing cyber security risks associated with digitalisation and the concentration of the availability of critical minerals. Cost-effective solutions to these challenges need to be developed, making the take-up of green energy a complex process that requires policy coordination over the next several decades.

Open access



Scientia et Securitas
Marcell Gáspár
Attila Aszódi
Open access

Energetikai szektorban előforduló por közegek robbanási és gyulladási tulajdonságainak vizsgálata

Investigation of the explosion and ignition properties of dust media occurring in energy sector

Scientia et Securitas
Zoltán Siménfalvi
Viktória Kállai
Viktória Mikáczó
Máté Petrik
Tamás Pusztai
Bernadett Pusztai-Spisák
Zoltán Szamosi
Levente Tugyi
, and
L. Gábor Szepesi


Ipari környezetben, ahol az alapanyagok között por alapanyagú termékek találhatóak, felmerül a porrobbanás lehetősége, ez alól az energiaszektor sem kivétel. Ebben az iparágban is megjelentek a biomasszák mint energiahordozók, amely termékekről számos esetben bebizonyosodott, hogy porrobbanás-veszélyesek, ezért szükséges védelmi intézkedéseket tenni. Jelen közleményünkben összefoglaljuk azon vizsgálati eljárásokat, amelyekkel meghatározhatóak a későbbi védelmi intézkedések alapadatául szolgáló paraméterek. Ismertetjük a vizsgálati eljárásokat, berendezéseket, valamint néhány konkrét vizsgálati eredményt is bemutatunk.


In an industrial environment where dust-based products are among the raw materials, the potential for dust explosion arises, and the energy sector is no exception. This industry has also started to use biomass as a source of energy, which has been shown in many cases to be explosive and therefore requires protective measures. In this article, we have presented the distribution of dust explosion accidents in the US in 2021, which shows that 4% of the accidents directly related to the energy industry are much higher than the direct proportion. The set of conditions required for such accidents to occur is described and the investigation procedures that can be used to determine the parameters that will form the basis for future protection measurements are summarized. These parameters include the maximum explosion overpressure (Pmax), the explosion constant (Kst), the lower explosibility rate (LEL), the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC), the minimum ignition temperature of dust clouds (MIT), the layer ignition temperature (LIT), and finally the minimum ignition energy (MIE). The test procedures and equipment are described, and some concrete test results are presented. Determining these variables is essential for the design of explosion protection for a dust explosion hazardous technology or area. The description of the test procedures is based mainly on the standard specifications applicable in the European Union. The structure of the measurements and the interpretation of the results obtained are described through the analysis of a fermentation residual solid.

Open access