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Gondolatok a mesterséges intelligencia egyes polgári jogi kérdéseiről

Reflections on certain civil law aspects of artificial intelligence

Scientia et Securitas
Ádám Auer

Összefoglaló. A tanulmány kezdő axiómája a mesterséges intelligencia biztonságos alkalmazása. A biztonságos alkalmazás egyik aspektusa a jogi biztonság, az a jogi környezet, amelyben a felmerülő jogi kérdések rendezésére alkalmazható keretrendszer áll rendelkezésre. A tanulmány a Semmelweis Egyetem projektjében fejlesztett mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazásának olyan polgári jogi problémáit vizsgálja, amelyek a mindennapi hasznosítás során merülhetnek fel. A tanulmány következtetése szerint a vizsgált mesterséges intelligencia szerzői műnek minősül és több védelmi forma is alkalmazható. A jogi szabályozás de lege ferenda kiegészítésre szorul a szerzői mű folyamatos változása okán. Szükséges rögzíteni egy referenciapontot, amely a felelősség kiindulópontjául szolgál.

Summary. The starting point of the study is the safe use of artificial intelligence. Legal certainty is one aspect of safe usage, the legal environment in which a framework is available that can be used to resolve legal issues. The paper examines the civil law issues that may arise in the everyday use of the artificial intelligence application developed within the Semmelweis University project. The study will first focus on the legal protection of the Semmelweis AI, including whether this protection is currently international, regional (European Union) or national and which of these is the optimal choice. The study also reflects on the legislative preparatory work of the European Union in this regard. Our hypothesis is that the majority of civil law areas concerning AI can be regulated within a contractual framework. The AI software developed by the project is a forward-looking medical and practical solution. If we want to use a legal analogy, we can imagine its operation as if we had a solution that could analyse all the national court decisions in each legal field and provide an answer to the legal problem at hand, while simultaneously learning and applying the latest court decisions every day. For this AI solution, the diagnostic process must be carefully examined in order to identify the legal problems. I believe that the optimal solution is to classify this AI application as ‘software’ because this allows property rights to be acquired in their entirety and it opens the door to clarifying individual associated usage and copyright by contract. An important civil law question arises in relation to parallel copyright protection, when the individual personal contributions (creative development work) to the software cannot be separated. Therefore, it is important to record the process and to separate the individual contributions protecting by copyright. The AI plays a questionable role in the diagnostic process. If the software itself cannot make a decision, but only provides a framework and platform, then it will not be entitled to co-ownership relating to the diagnostic images (e.g. just as a camera will not own the rights to the pictures taken with it). However, if the algorithm is part of the decision-making (e.g. the selecting of negative diagnoses), it would possibly be co-owner of the right, because it was involved in the development of the classification. All this should be clearly stated in the licence agreement, based on full knowledge of the decision-making process. However, de lege ferenda, the legal regime needs to be supplemented in view of the constant changes of the copyright work and the changing authors. There is a need to establish a specific point in the legislation that serves as a reference point for liability and legal protection. The issues under consideration are of a legal security nature, since without precise legal protection both the creator of artificial intelligence and the persons who may be held liable in the event of a malfunctioning of such systems may be uncertain.

Open access

A H-UNCOVER vizsgálat eredményei és hatása a magyarországi járványkezelésre

Results of the H-UNCOVER cross-sectional nationwide survey and it’s impact on the Hungarian COVID-19 epidemic

Scientia et Securitas
Béla Merkely
Gábor Áron Fülöp
Annamária Kosztin
Zoltán Vokó
, and
a H-UNCOVER vizsgálat kutatóinak nevében a H-UNCOVER vizsgálat kutatóinak nevében

Összefoglaló. A HUNgarian COronaVirus disease-19 Epidemiological Research (H-UNCOVER) vizsgálat egy országos szintű reprezentatív felmérés volt, melyet az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (ITM) támogatásával végzett el a négy orvostudományi képzést folytató magyar egyetem a Központi Statisztikai Hivatallal (KSH) együttműködve. A vizsgálat célja az volt, hogy egy reprezentatív mintán keresztül felmérje a magyar lakosság SARS-CoV-2 átfertőzöttségét, és támaszul szolgáljon a koronavírus első hulláma kapcsán meghozott restriktív intézkedések utáni lazításra. A világszinten is jelentős méretű vizsgálat alacsony átfertőzöttségi arányt mutatott, így nemcsak a restriktív intézkedések hatékonyságát mutatta meg, de egy biztos járványügyi támaszt jelentett a gazdaság újranyitásának tervezéséhez.

Summary. Close to the end of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, many countries started to consider the possibility of reopening their economy, and lifting some of the containment measures introduced in the previous weeks. Such a decision is utterly complicated, as reopening might easily lead to an increase in active SARS-CoV-2 cases, but a delay puts an almost unbearable burden on the country’s economy. The objective of the HUNgarian COronaVirus disease-19 Epidemiological Research (H-UNCOVER) study was to conduct a cross-sectional survey among the Hungarian population to estimate the total number of infectious cases and the prevalence of prior SARS-CoV-2 exposure, and by using these data help to plan an exit strategy. The H-UNCOVER study was performed by the 4 medical universities in Hungary (Semmelweis University, University of Pécs, University of Debrecen and University of Szeged) with the help of the Central Statistical Office, Hungarian National Ambulance Service, Governmental offices and General Practitioners.

The study was initiated 50 days after the Hungarian restrictions and performed between 1-16 May. With the help of the Central Statistical Office, 17,787 people were selected to represent the Hungarian population of 14 years or older living in private households (n=8,283,810). SARS-CoV-2 PCR and blood tests were performed to assess the prevalence of active infection and seropositivity. These tests were accompanied by a questionnaire about symptoms, comorbidities, and COVID-19 contacts. More specifically, questions included topics about home office, going abroad after the 1st of March, or possible contacts with COVID-19 positive, or quarantined individuals, as well as symptoms which might be due to COVID-19 infection.

Altogether 67.7% of the selected individuals participated in some form in the study, which is an exceptionally high number compared to such studies. 10,502 individuals had SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing and 10,501 people had a blood test to assess SARS-CoV-2 IgG levels. Of the tested individuals, three had positive PCR and 69 had positive serological tests. Population estimates of the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections and seropositivity were 2,421 and 56,439, respectively, thus the active infection rate (2.9/10,000, 95% confidence interval: 0-6.7/10,000) and the prevalence of prior SARS-CoV-2 exposure (68/10,000, 95% confidence interval: 50-86/10,000) were low. A total of 10,474 individuals completed the questionnaire. Self-reported loss of smell or taste and body aches were significantly more frequent among those with SARS-CoV-2.

Our study suggested that the early containment measures initiated by the Government of Hungary were effective in preventing the escalation of the first wave of COVID-19 in Hungary. We also found that the highest prevalence of the disease was in Budapest, and those who attended their workplace on a regular basis, travelled abroad after the 1st of March, or contacted with a COVID-19 positive or quarantined individual had a higher tendency to become infected. In conclusion, the H-UNCOVER study supported the exit strategy after the first wave of COVID-19 in Hungary.

Open access

Járvány, vírus, Virológiai Nemzeti Laboratórium

Epidemic, virus, National Laboratory of Virology

Scientia et Securitas
Ferenc Jakab

Összefoglaló. A fertőző betegségek világméretű fenyegetettsége és terjedése komoly társadalmi, egészségügyi kockázatot jelent minden nemzet számára. A lokális problémák megoldása mellett minden esetben közös nemzeti és nemzetközi összefogás szükséges. Az elmúlt években hazánkban is egyre nagyobb számban jelentek, illetve erősödtek meg új fertőző betegségek, amelyek szignifikáns társadalmi fenyegetést jelentenek. Éppen ezért a Virológiai Nemzeti Laboratórium (VNL) létrehozásának célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont (PTE SzKK) kötelékén belül működő komplex virológiai laboratóriumi egység kutatási teljesítményének és kutatás-fejlesztési tevékenységének növelése, és ezzel párhuzamosan részvétel a hazai és nemzetközi szintű kutatási hálózatok munkájában. A VNL-hez tartozó komplex virológiai kutatási egység egyedüli hazánkban, hiszen minden biológiai biztonsági szintű laboratóriumi facilitással rendelkezik. Ennek megfelelően lehetőség van a 2-es (BSL-2), 3-as (BSL-3) és egyetlen egyetemi fenntartású laboratóriumként 4-es biológiai biztonsági szintű (BSL-4) laboratóriumi tevékenység elvégzésére. Ezzel egyedülálló lehetőséget nyit hazánkban is a fertőző betegségek leküzdésében vívott harcban. Hazánkban a PTE rendelkezik az egyetlen ilyen komplex virológiai kutatólaboratóriummal, amelyet tisztán kutatási és nem járványügyi feladatok elvégzésére hoztak létre. Ennek megfelelően az itt munkát végző fiatal kollégák az egyetemi prioritásoknak megfelelően a nemzetközileg elismert, kimagasló tudományos eredmények elérését tűzték ki célul. Mivel a laboratóriumi egység egyedülálló hazánkban, így a virológia területén nemcsak a kutatást, de az oktatást is kiválóan szolgálja.

A PTE SzKK Virológia Kutatócsoportjának elsődleges kutatási területe az állatokról emberekre terjedő, úgynevezett virális zoonózisok vizsgálata. Ezen kórokozók a legtöbb esetben súlyos, akár halálos kimenetelű fertőzéseket is képesek okozni, éppen ezért a vizsgálatok igen magas szakmai kompetenciát és megfelelő laboratóriumi infrastruktúrát igényelnek. Mindazonáltal az ilyen irányú vizsgálatok száma nemzetközi szinten is igen megnőtt, hiszen az új betegségek megjelenése is gyakoribbá vált, amit elsősorban a környezeti és emberi tényezők együttes hatása eredményezhet. A kutatócsoport az alapkutatásokon kívül számos alkalmazott kutatási projektben is részt vesz, amelyek célja a humán diagnosztikában, betegellátási gyakorlatban is alkalmazható tesztek, potenciálisan antivirális hatóanyagok fejlesztése, tesztelése. Mivel a laboratórium egyedülálló biológiai biztonsági szinttel rendelkezik az ilyen irányú alkalmazott kutatásokban, kutatás-fejlesztési és innovációs (K+F+I) tevékenységekben is részt tud venni, ezzel emelve a hazai kutatás-fejlesztési irányokat a mikrobiológia területén. A virológiai laboratórium nemcsak alap- és alkalmazott kutatásokat folytat, de szükség esetén részt tud venni a hazai védelmi, biztonsági szervek munkájában is.

A VNL fő célja egy hazai, magas színvonalú nemzeti virológiai kutatási centrum létrehozása, amely elősegíti a hazai virológiai kutatások tudományos fejlesztését, valamint a szakterület K+F+I tevékenységének növelését.

Summary. Today, the global threat and spread of infectious diseases pose serious social and health risks for every nation of the world. In addition to local challenges, there is a sustained need for national and international collaborations. In recent years, numerous new infectious diseases have emerged and grown into significant social threats also in Hungary. Therefore, in collaboration with national and international research networks, the ultimate goal of the National Laboratory of Virology (NLV) is to boost the performance and R&D activities of the Virology Laboratory complex of the Szentágothai János Research Centre (PTE-SzKK) at the University of Pécs. Due to its specific, high level facilities, our virology research unit has a unique asset in Hungary. Accordingly, it is capable of conducting experiments requiring Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2), Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) and as the only academically supported unit in Hungary, it is also capable of covering Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) standards to uniquely combat infectious diseases in the area. Our laboratory is a distinctive research facility not only nationally, but internationally as well. Currently, the University of Pécs possesses the only virological research laboratory in Hungary that was established purely for research purposes and not for performing epidemiological tasks. Accordingly, aligned with their academic priorities, our young investigators set their horizons towards achieving internationally recognized, outstanding scientific results. Notably, because our renowned laboratory unit is unparalleled throughout the country, colleagues are wishing to pursue research and training in the field of virology.

The primary research field of the PTE-SzKK Virology Research Group is studying the so-called viral zoonoses; infectious transmissions from animals to humans. In most cases, these pathogens may cause serious, or even fatal infections requiring high level professional competence and corresponding laboratory infrastructure. Nevertheless, the number of international studies has recently surged as new diseases evolve and become more common due to the combined effects of environmental and human factors. In addition to basic science, our team is also conducting a number of applied research projects such as development of potential antiviral agents and tests for human diagnostics and medical care. Since our laboratory possesses a particularly high level of biosafety, it may be equally utilized in clinical practice and by providing novel directions for the national microbiology research and R&D field. Moreover, NLV not only implements basic and applied research, but also collaborates with various organizations of the Homeland Security of Hungary.

The primary goal to establish an NLV was to utilize a National research facility in the field of virology in Hungary in order to increase both research and R&D activity in the country.

Open access

Kiberbiztonság a koronavírus idején – a COVID–19 nemzetbiztonsági aspektusai

Cyber Security in the Time of the Coronavirus – National Security Aspects of COVID-19

Scientia et Securitas
Tamás Palicz
Balázs Bencsik
, and
Miklós Szócska

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19 pandémia az információbiztonság területén új kihívásokat jelentett. A távolról végzett munka különböző formái jelentős mértékben növelték az online tér biztonsági kockázatát. Nőtt a hálózatok nagysága, az adatforgalom, és azon felhasználók száma, akiknek nem volt érdemi tapasztalatuk az online térben. A járvány ideje alatt a kibertérből érkező támadások szektoronként és időszakonként eltérő intenzitásúak voltak, a támadások típusa a phishingtől a malwareken keresztül az információs zavarkeltésig széles spektrumban változott. Számos jelenségnek nemzetbiztonsági vonatkozásai is voltak. Összefoglaló cikkünkben a fenti jelenségek nemzetközi és hazai tapasztalatait összegezzük, különös figyelmet szentelve az egészségügyi rendszernek, illetve a vakcinafejlesztés kibertérből érkező fenyegetéseinek.

Summary. During the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges emerged in the field of information security and cyber security. Home office, home schooling and distance learning, or even telemedicine hit some organizations unprepared. Security risks in online space have increased significantly: the number of network endpoints and the number of computers, laptops and mobile devices have increased with network data traffic as well as the number of users who had no significant experience in online space. They appeared as a significant risk factor. This has been exacerbated, especially in healthcare, by the extremely high workload, which has made systems highly vulnerable. During the epidemic, attacks from cyberspace varied in intensity from sector to sector and period to period. Statistics from international and national organizations have shown that from the end of the first quarter of 2020, the number of cyber security incidents jumped sharply and then remained high even after a small decline. The types of attacks had an extremely wide range: from phishing through malware to misinformation, almost all types of attacks occurred. Many phenomena also had national security implications. Ransomware virus attacks on health have affected almost all health systems and reached high levels by the end of 2020 in particular. It was during the first period that, in an emergency case, there is thought to be an association between a ransomware virus attack and the death of a patient who was not admitted because of the attack.

In addition to distance measures and the associated increase in cyber threats, the emerging threats related to vaccination, which is central to the fight against the epidemic, should also be highlighted. This period has shed light on how many vulnerabilities there are, from vaccine development through drug trials to delivery to vaccines and the organization of vaccines, that cybercriminals are able to attack. In order to prevent and combat these threats and attacks, and to respond appropriately, complex, multidisciplinary collaborations are needed in which security science has a privileged place. In our review article, we summarize the international and national experiences of the above phenomena, paying special attention to the health care system and the threats coming from cyberspace in vaccine development.

Open access

Kontaktkutatás, vezetői információs rendszer

Contact tracing, management support system

Scientia et Securitas
Eszter Bokányi
Péter Pollner
, and
Tamás Joó

Összefoglaló. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk a hazai COVID-járvány első hulláma során kidolgozott informatikai megoldást, amely a kontaktkutatást hálózattudományi megközelítés alapján segítette, és hozzájárult az első hullám sikeres megfékezéséhez.

A kifejlesztett vizuális reprezentációs technika látványos és részletekbe menő megértést, problémafeltárást képes biztosítani a járványügyi szakemberek számára. A grafikus elemek segítenek a gyors megértésben, a különböző hálózati elrendezések bizonyos jelenségekre, például gócpontokra, fertőzési klikkekre vagy a földrajzi terjedésre irányíthatják a figyelmet. A böngészőből történő futtatás alacsony technológiai belépési küszöböt biztosít a társterületeken kutatók számára, nekik így nem szükséges a problémafeltáráshoz külön szoftvereket telepíteni. Az adatbázis SQL-alapú szűrése a vizualizációs felületről lehetőséget biztosít összetettebb kérdések megfogalmazására is.

Summary. In our study, we present an IT solution developed during the first wave of the domestic COVID epidemic. This tool served as an aid for contact tracing. The development focused on the network scientific aspects and contributed to the successful handling of the first wave.

In case of absence of effective drugs or vaccines, controlling a contagious disease can only be achieved by preventing its spread. To this end

  • infectious individuals must be identified,

  • patients, exposed to the infection must be identified,

  • the epidemic branching points that cause the greatest infection must be uncovered,

  • information on the course of the disease must be collected,

  • temporal and efficacy parameters must be determined, and

  • potential cases of infection must be described.

One possible way to accomplish these tasks is achieved by contact tracing. Classical contact tracing is carried out by personal data collection, during which the commissioned epidemiologist has to fill in a questionnaire. The questionnaire basically includes data used to identify the infected person, as well as the data of the persons who were in contact with the infected person, i.e. in contact with them. The effectiveness of the research is also enhanced if the questionnaire records disease-related parameters (e.g., symptoms, timing-related times, etc.) as well. Once the disease is known, questionnaires can be designed according to a definite template format, the organization of data collection groups and the associated costs can be planned in advance. However, in the case of a new, unknown disease, flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly during data collection are of paramount importance.

The developed visual representation technique is able to provide spectacular and detailed understanding and a problem-solving user interface for epidemiologists. Graphical elements help in quick understanding, different network layouts can direct the attention to certain phenomena such as focal points, infectious cliques, or geographical spreading patterns. Running from a browser provides a low technology entry threshold for researchers in other scientific fields, so they don’t need to install separate software. The SQL-based filtering of the database on the visualization interface also provides an opportunity to study more complex questions.

Thus, with the help of the presented computer system, a relational database can be generated from the initially unstructured data of the contact research protocols through several steps. The relational database is made available to analysts and decision-makers.

As the final balance of the first wave of COVID-19 in Hungary showed, data from well-organized contact research and processed in appropriate analytical tools can provide important information for controlling the epidemic and saving lives.

Open access

Összefoglaló. A klinikai orvosbiológiai vizsgálatok elkezdéséhez a kutatásban részt vevők biztonságát ellenőrző Egészségügyi Tudományos Tanács (ETT) kutatásetikai bizottságainak hozzájárulása szükséges. A járványt csak tudományos eredményekkel lehet legyőzni, ezért kitörésekor gyorsították a COVID–19 kutatási protokollok bírálatát. A koronavírus világjárvány szükségessé tett egy megváltozott kutatási adatkezelést is. A járványok megoldása a megelőzés. Bár a vírusellenes vakcinák adása hamar megkezdődött, ami jelentős tudományos teljesítmény, mégis tudományellenes hullám söpör végig a világon, és a kötelező védőoltások körüli jogi, etikai viták fellángoltak. Áltudományos érvelésekkel félrevezetnek embereket. Az ETT nemzeti kutatásfejlesztési programot javasolt a járvány következményeinek leküzdésére.

Summary. Biomedical research activities are subjects to prior professional-ethical approval. ETT (the Medical Research Council in Hungary) through its research-ethics committees ensures the safety of people and protects their interests and health in various clinical investigations and trials. Thus, science, ethics, and safety cannot be separated in biomedical research. The ETT operates three national ethics committees. The opinions of ethical bodies are binding; clinical and biomedical research may not be initiated without the consent of the relevant ETT committees. This is in line with international regulations. The ETT has published the “Codex of Bioethics. On the concepts and practice of biomedical research” on its website.

When the epidemic broke out, the ETT Presidency initiated immediate legislative changes that allowed for online meetings as well as digital consent to investigations, in addition to the previously exclusive personal ones. In the epidemic, time became the determining dimension, but this and the aim of the research could not be combined with such “lightening” that would endanger the safety and interests of the participants in the COVID studies. Thus, under the still strict requirements, the time for reviewing the COVID-19 protocols had to be radically shortened. However, the ETT research ethics committees also rejected submissions during the epidemic. A total of 171 COVID-19-related research protocols were approved in Hungary in 2020. The ETT Presidency initiated a national Research and Development program on infectious diseases, a call for scientific clinical R&D proposals on COVID-19, and also elaborated its priorities.

Throughout human history, the solution to epidemics has always been to prevent the spread of disease through vaccinations. The average production time for traditional vaccines is about 15 years, whereas in the year of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic outbreak, mass vaccinations began with completely new coronavirus vaccines partly made using brand new molecular biology technology that had never been used before. Despite the tremendous professional scientific achievements, a wave of hostilities is sweeping across the world, and the ethos and successes of science, and scientific communities in research are being questioned when their roles are dominant and outstanding. The concept of compulsory vaccination has been arguably classified as a human right. With this, the world of vaccinations was tied to concepts that it really had nothing to do with. Arbitrary pairing and joint treatment of remote concepts favours the spread of fatal diseases such as measles and poliomyelitis, for which there are already vaccines. Meanwhile, pseudosciences are misleading the public.

The coronavirus pandemic has also necessitated changes in data management. The ETT has previously initiated a number of legal and professional proposals on health data management and access to research data, and has developed its own data protection rules following the introduction of the GDPR.

Open access

A preventív és proaktív fogászati azonosítás bevezetése és jelentősége tömegkatasztrófa áldozat azonosításkor

The introduction and importance of preventive and proactive dental identification in disaster victim identification

Scientia et Securitas
Botond Simon
Ajang Armin Farid
, and
János Vág

Összefoglaló. A modern kriminalisztika interdiszciplináris területe a tömegkatasztrófa áldozat azonosítás. A katasztrófát általában egy előre nem látható esemény okozza, amelyben mind az emberi, mind pedig az anyagi kár jelentős. Napjainkban az áldozatazonosítás folyamata reaktív módon történik, tehát az azonosításhoz szükséges dokumentáció az esemény bekövetkezése után kerül összegyűjtésre. A fogászati ante-mortem (AM) adatokat előre, hatóságilag egy központi adatbázisban, preventív jelleggel, kötelező módon nem tárolják.

A preventív AM adatbázis létrehozása felgyorsíthatja és költséghatékonnyá teheti az áldozatazonosítást, mert a jelenlegi reaktív módszer helyett preventív módon, proaktív jelleggel kerülne sor az azonosításra.

Summary. Mass disaster identification is an interdisciplinary field of modern forensic science. A disaster is usually caused by an unforeseen event in which both human and material damage is significant. Nowadays, the victim identification process is reactive, i.e., the authorities react to the event that has occurred and collect the necessary documentation for identification after the event has taken place. Primary identifiers include fingerprints, DNA and dental records. In mass casualty incidents, teeth are usually the most common means of identifying victims. However, dental ante-mortem (AM) documentation is not stored in advance in a central database as a preventive measure.

The creation of a preventive AM database could speed up and make victim identification cost-effective, because it would be done in a preventive and proactive way instead of the current reactive method. The quality of the AM documentation would be guaranteed to be good and accurate, so that post-mortem (PM) data collected in the field can be easily and efficiently compared by a smart pattern recognition software, increasing the likelihood of successful identification. The introduction of digital health involves not only security and technology, but also cultural change. In Hungary, from 2020 onwards, the private sector will be obliged to provide data to the National eHealth Infrastructure (Elektronikus Egészségügyi Szolgáltatási Tér, EESZT), so digital health information will be stored in a centralized system, which can improve the quality of ante-mortem documentation. When identifying victims, it is important to have biometric identifiers that are resistant to environmental influences, have individual characteristics, are easy to collect and compare with reference information, and can be stored and used in a cost-effective way. The palatal ridge has been shown to meet the above properties. The development of digital dentistry and the involvement of the dental sector in data collection will facilitate the work of forensic dental experts, enabling the state to ensure effective identification and subsequent dignified farewells and burials for its citizens in the event of a mass disaster. According to the principle of operation of the preventive AM-PM database, the two- and three-dimensional X-ray and other imaging data, findings, anamnesis documentation and final reports collected during the lifetime of a citizen are stored in a central database. Changes during screening examinations can be traced. One of the most valuable is dental documentation. All information linked to the individual is stored with AM ID, which is also linked to passport and ID card information. In the event of an accident, post-mortem data is also stored in the AM-PM database, which is saved with a PM ID. With the help of a smart algorithm, the AM-PM ID match helps to identify the victim. In the case of missing persons, it is important that the missing person’s medical AM documentation, if not already stored, is immediately included, since when identifying an unknown body, it is probably best to start the search among the missing persons first.

Open access

A szennyvíz alapú epidemiológia jelentősége a COVID–19 járványban és azon túl

The importance of wastewater-based epidemiology in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Scientia et Securitas
Tamás Pándics
Eszter Róka
Bernadett Khayer
Zoltán Kis
Luca Bella Kovács
Nóra Magyar
Tibor Málnási
Orsolya Oravecz
Bernadett Pályi
Eszter Schuler
, and
Márta Vargha

Összefoglaló. A szennyvízalapú epidemiológia módszere a jelenlegi világjárványban egyre inkább előtérbe kerül. Mivel a szennyvízhálózatot szinte mindenki használja, ezzel a módszerrel gyorsan és olcsón lehet reprezentatív egészségügyi információhoz jutni, az így keletkező adatok pedig támogatást és visszajelzést nyújthatnak a döntéshozatalban. A Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ 2020 júniusa óta működteti a COVID–19 előrejelző rendszert. A mintavételek hetente történnek Budapest három szennyvíztisztítójából, valamint a megyeszékhelyekről. A kapott adatok hazánkban is előrejelzik az esetszám alakulását, az eredmények gyors kommunikációja pedig lehetővé teszi a járványhelyzetre történő felkészülést. A szennyvízalapú epidemiológia alkalmazása a jövőben más területeken is megfontolandó hazánkban is.

Summary. Wastewater based epidemiology (WBE) is an emerging method in the current COVID-19 pandemic. Since almost everyone uses the sewerage system, wastewater is technically a composite sample representing the entire population of the area serviced by a wastewater plant. This community sample contains pathogens and compounds excreted by the human body through feces or urine, and can be used to obtain information on the health status of the community. It was successfully used previously for confirming the eradication of poliovirus and tracking legal and illegal drug consumption.

The etiological agent of COVID-19, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is an enveloped, single strand RNA coronavirus. Although it is a respiratory virus, it is also shed in feces both in symptomatic and asymptomatic infections. Wastewater therefore can be used to estimate outbreak trends and support outbreak management.

Wastewater monitoring efforts in Hungary started in June 2020, first in Budapest, then gradually extended to a national surveillance system. Weekly samples are collected in the three wastewater treatment plants servicing Budapest, and from every county seat. The analyzed 22 samples represent approximately 40 % of the population. Raw sewage samples are centrifuged to remove the debris and concentrated by membrane ultrafiltration. RNA is extracted from the concentrate and SARS-CoV-2 is quantified by RT-qPCR. Results are normalized to Enterococcus counts to correct for the bias of dilution from precipitation.

The first results in June reflected the decline of the first wave of the outbreak. During the summer, viral RNA concentrations were low, mainly below the limit of detection. The increase of RNA in the sewage preceded the resurge of cases by 2 weeks. Trends of viral concentration followed the same pattern as the number of infections in the second and third wave. SARS-CoV in sewage shows statistically significant association with the number of new cases in the following weeks, thus it can be used as an early warning system.

Results are communicated weekly to the governance board responsible for outbreak management, or more frequently in case of outstanding results or when it is necessary for decision support. Weekly information is also made available to the public. To inform the public, concentration categories (low, medium, elevated and high) were defined, representing orders of magnitude of the viral RNA concentration. Trends (increasing, stagnating or decreasing) are also indicated.

The establishment of a long-term wastewater surveillance system would provide an opportunity for early recognition of future emerging infections, tracking seasonal influenza, drug use or even the detection of certain bioterror attacks. It would be an important addition to maintaining the health and safety of the Hungarian population.

Open access


Building on ecosystem models that examine individuals’ development within professional environments (Roxå, 2014; Hannah & Lester, 2009), we explore how campus centers for educational development and research can provide a range of experiences for faculty to learn about scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), conduct individual or collaborative – and sometimes multi-institutional – SoTL, and go public with their work. Using extended case studies of colleagues who have become increasingly more active in SoTL, we created a typology of the experiences that supported their development. The case studies illustrate that offering a variety of educational development options at different institutional levels and with different time commitments enables developers to meet faculty where they are – and to provide growth opportunities for deepening SoTL commitments. Our typology can help educational developers prioritize among potential programs by considering the cost-benefit analysis not only for individual faculty but also for micro-, meso-, and macro-level institutional cultures.

Open access

Változó éghajlat, változó környezet, változó kórokozók. Meddig tart a járványok kora?

Changing climate, changing environment, changing pathogens. How long will the era of pandemics last?

Scientia et Securitas
Gábor Földvári
László Zsolt Garamszegi
, and
Eörs Szathmáry

Összefoglaló. Az eddigi összes világjárványt olyan zoonotikus kórokozók, vírusok vagy baktériumok okozták, amelyek könnyen tudnak emberről emberre is terjedni. Minden egyes felbukkanó fertőzés egészségügyi, társadalmi és gazdasági költségeket von maga után. Az országhatárok nem tudják hatékonyan korlátozni a betegségek terjedését. Az eddigi trendek alapján jóval több mint félmillióféle, zömmel teljesen ismeretlen vírus lehet képes embereket megfertőzni. Az ember által letarolt vagy urbanizált területeken olyan állatfajok lesznek dominánsok, amelyek kifejezetten jó kórokozó-fenntartók. A hangsúlyt mostantól kezdve a megelőzésére kell helyezni, melynek a feltételei végrehajtható tervek formájában adottak. A hatékony megelőzés költséges, de jóval olcsóbb, mint egy világjárvány gazdasági következményeit viselni.

Summary. So far, all pandemics have been caused by zoonotic pathogens, viruses or bacteria that could easily spread from human to human. Emerging infectious diseases entail huge costs for the health system, as well as for society and economy in general. Experience tells us that national borders are insufficient to prohibit the spread of infectious diseases. Extrapolation from current trends suggests that the number of largely unknown virus species able to infect humans is well over half a million. Overall, we seem to lack knowledge about 90% of the pathogens of the world. A striking experience is that pathogens can jump hosts based on their standing genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity. Mutations tend to follow later and lead to evolutionary finetuning of the pathogenic lifecycle. Human activity has contributed a great deal to the current dangerous rise of emerging infectious diseases. Climate change induces migration, biological invasions, and a higher incidence of the encounter of species with potential pathogens. Invading species tend to disrupt local ecosystems, resulting in lower biodiversity and higher susceptibility to disease of the remaining endemic species as well as the agriculturally important, domestic plant and animal populations. Habitats devastated by human activity as well urban areas will be dominated by species (such as rodents) that can harbour several potential and actual pathogens. Urbanization is a major risk factor for several reasons, including the elevated temperature in cities that contributes to the increase in pathogen survival during winter and the high population density and consequential contact rate of the local human population. Globalization adds to the security hazard posed by pathogens. From now on, emphasis should be put on the prevention of pandemics, for which we have executable plans. One such plan is the DAMA protocol (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act). We must document the occurrence of potential pathogens in candidate host species. Then we assess the threat level associated with identified potential pathogens, followed by a systematic monitoring of the most dangerous pathogens, looking for early signs of potential outbreaks. Action means advice by experts on possible preventive measures by experts and their evaluation and execution by decision makers. Similar ecological diagnostics seem possible for biological invasions in general. Efficient prevention is costly, but considerably less so than bearing the economic consequences of pandemics by (re-)emerging infectious diseases.

Open access
Scientia et Securitas
György Miklós Keserű

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-járvány egyre növekvő számú fertőzött betegének ellátása érdekében rövid időn belül szükség mutatkozott vírusellenes terápiás lehetőségekre. A gyors reagálás szempontját figyelembe véve erre a célra elsősorban más vírusok ellen már kifejlesztett vírusellenes szerek jöhetnek szóba. A magyar betegek ellátásbiztonsága szempontjából különösen fontos a hatóanyagok és gyógyszerkészítmények hazai gyártása. Ezt a cél tűzte ki a favipiravir, egy széles spektrumú antivirális hatóanyag hazai fejlesztése, amely sikeresen befejeződött, a gyógyszerkészítmény klinikai vizsgálata folyamatban van.

Summary. Increasing impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare system prompted the identification of potential antiviral therapies. Due to the immediate demand, known drugs were subjected to repositioning attempts. These drugs include agents inhibiting the viral entry into the host cells, drugs potentially blocking the release of the viral RNA from the endosomes, antivirals inhibiting the replication of the viral RNA and finally compounds that might prevent the assembly of the new virion. Since there is less experience with camostat and nafamostat, the entry inhibitors tested in Japan, and due to the ambiguous data collected with the endosome blocking chloroquine and hydroxyl-chloroquine, we focused on the actual antiviral treatment options for COVID-19 infections. In addition to favipiravir and remdesivir that were used early, at the onset of the pandemic, we discuss novel candidates including molnupiravir, a promising antiviral actually investigated in clinical trials. Considering the needs of Hungarian COVID patients and the security of supply as first priority, we selected favipiravir and developed a convenient process for the industry-scale production of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). At the end of this review we summarize the development and clinical investigation of favipiravir, a wide spectrum antiviral drug used for the treatment of mild and moderate COVID patients in Hungary in both ambulant and clinical settings. The Hungarian COVID Task Force set up two consortia, one for the development and the other for the clinical investigations of favipiravir. The objective of the favipiravir development consortium was to develop processes for the production of Favipiravir API and dosage forms. The consortium completed the pilot plant scale industrial production of the API and produced clinical samples for the upcoming trials. The selection and laboratory scale optimization of the synthesis route was performed at the Medicinal Chemistry Research Group of the Research Center for Natural Sciences. The laboratory scale synthesis was scaled up for pilot plant production at EVI plc and Gedeon Richter plc. GMP production was realized at the facilities of Gedeon Richter plc. Finished dosage forms were developed at Meditop Ltd who produced the clinical samples under GMP conditions. The clinical consortium is headed by the Hungarian section of the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) and organized two trials. One of these trials investigates favipiravir produced in Hungary while the other trial is performed with favipiravir produced in Japan. Both studies were approved by the Hungarian regulatory agency (OGYÉI) and are ongoing.

Open access


This article investigates how introducing new activities to the practice of academic development can influence and challenge both the academic developers and the Centres for Teaching and Learning (CTL). By applying Wenger's (1998) Communities of Practice, (part of) the practice of the academic developers is conceptualised as exercising collegial relationships. An empirical investigation in the context of a CTL at a Scandinavian university illustrates possibilities for learning and growth of the CTL, as well as how exercising collegial relationships is being challenged when the work of the academic developers branches out. The article concludes that trade-offs are not only an inherent part of practice, but also an aspect of practice that calls for continuous attention.

Open access


This paper discusses a global trend in the approach to hate speech. It describes how the international human rights organisations are recently addressing the dynamics of hate speech and how academic thinking is stretching the framework of the justification of hate speech regulations. This work analyses the aspect of cause and effect in the light of the role of the speaker; examining the academic argument that content expressed by public figures of authority have a higher impact, in particular in the context of the digital media ecosystem, with a social media dominance.

Open access


Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) are at the forefront of many quality enhancement activities aimed at teaching and learning at universities and do not solely focus on supporting individual teacher in conducting quality teaching but are also playing a strategic role in the university. CTLs provide in other words holistic academic development. This article provides examples of how a CTL at the University of Southern Denmark has operationalised holistic academic development using Holt et al.’s points of leverage as a starting point. The leverage points are combined and exemplified to suggest a model for enhancing teaching quality which entails five levels; definitions, descriptions, documentation, evaluation and recognition of quality in teaching.

Open access

From the bureaucratic model to the bureaucratic model

The post-socialist development of the Hungarian higher education

Hungarian Educational Research Journal
István Polónyi
Tamás Kozma


The authors analyze the development of the Hungarian higher education system after the political transition of 1989/90. Higher education in Hungary as well as in all post-socialist countries has made a special path. It followed the development of higher education in other parts of Europe, though in a delayed and transformed, not infrequently distorted form. The authors first describe the development of higher education in other part of Europe. They start in the ‘association model’, evolve through an ‘association-bureaucratic’ model and arrive to a ‘business model'. The evolution of Hungarian higher education is the reverse. It starts from a bureaucratic model, then touches the association-business model and returns to the bureaucratic model. The authors review the legal transformations behind higher educational development, dealing with some elements of this transformation (accreditation, post-socialist managerialism). The peculiarity of the Hungarian managerialism is that it was created by those who socialized in the course of the planned economy, often in government or party offices. They and their followers were the ones who introduced the post-socialist bureaucratic university model as well. They do not believe in market coordination as they grew up under or recall the fake market conditions of state socialism, thus they only rely on central control.

Open access


The relationship between shadow education and competition has been discussed and studied widely by educational experts and policy makers in Japan. One major topic has been the role that shadow education plays in social inequality by creating winners and losers. Another is related to competition and students' psychological health; and a third concerns the cause-and-effect relationships between cram/preparatory schools and competition. The present paper focuses on students' perspectives and describes an empirical study carried out with 211 Japanese senior high school students and 145 university students. The students answered open-ended questions about their cram/preparatory school attendance, and were asked to describe how they perceived the relationship between cram/preparatory schools and competition. The free descriptive answers were content-analysed and categorized. The majority of the respondents not only saw a relationship between the two but also listed a number of functions that increased students' competitive advantage. Educational experts' and sociologists' common criticism that shadow education has detrimental effect on fairness or equal chances in education was hardly at all expressed. Relatively few students expressed doubts or emphasized the negative or harmful side of cram/preparatory school attendance and competition. The results call the attention to the importance of studying different aspects of shadow education more in-depth from the direct “users'” i.e, the students' perspective as well.

Open access


Research on private supplementary tutoring, widely known as shadow education, has a long history but only gathered intensity during the present century. This research has shown much diversity in the scale and nature of shadow education, but further mapping and analysis is needed to reduce gaps in understanding and to keep up with changes. The collection of articles in this special issue of the journal presents insights from parts of Africa, Asia and Europe; and this introductory essay juxtaposes these insights with Hungarian research. The domain of shadow education has many tensions, with both positive and negative implications for individuals, families, the field of education, and societies as a whole. International research helps with understanding these tensions, and in due course with appropriate action to address them. In the process, much can be learned from counterparts in different systems, countries and cultures, not only about the nature and impact of shadow education but also about methodological approaches to research.

Open access


Viruses can be found everywhere, they are part of the real life of humanity. Air travel is the youngest form of geographical movement, which has become an attainable reality for everyone at the expense of extraordinarily huge efforts and sacrifices. The two realities collided at the end of 2019 and then on 11 March 2020 via the declaration of COVID-19 to be a world pandemic changing the world as known. This paper introduces these two realities and researches their legal relations.

Primarily, this paper seeks answers to the question whether pursuant to the Montreal Convention (1999) regulating the liability of the air carrier for damages an event or occurrence deriving from the disease or state of health of the passenger taking place during the operations of embarkation or disembarkation or on board the aircraft is deemed to be an accident. What extent of liability does the state of health of the passenger impose on the contracting parties pursuant to the rules of the Convention and according to legal practice?

An answer is provided by unfolding the conceptual elements of accident via legal cases. This introduces the significance of the internal regulations of the air carrier; the situation of passengers in need of special care; examines the existence of medical certificates and deals with the responsibility of the crew for the treatment of acute situations deriving from the state of health of the passenger (heart attack, thrombosis, virus infection etc.)

The answer is logical. Pursuant to the Convention, the event or occurrence deriving from the state of health of the passenger does not qualify as accident, consequently, the air carrier shall not liable. However, if in the facts of the concrete case a cause and effect relationship exists between the occurrence of the accident and the negligent conduct of the air carrier, the liability of the air carrier for damages can be established.

The study introduces the system of conditions of the liability for damages in full detail, and the causal link producing an accident. The author makes recommendations for and outlines solutions in awareness that despite all real efforts, mankind has not learnt the lesson that the virus is in a winning position.

Open access


Plague was a frequent visitor to early modern England, ravishing the whole country six times between 1563 and 1666. The plague problem was, however, definitely not just an English peculiarity. Plague, due to its recurrent and devastating outbreaks, was one of the central themes of late sixteenth-century medical scholarship and social policymaking. Plague was regulated mainly at the local levels, but most of the continental regulations and contemporary guidance seems to endorse two common features. They placed considerable emphasis on contagion and drew certain correlations between contacting plague and poverty on the one hand and meagre living conditions on the other hand. In some desperate attempts, the Elizabethan and Jacobean governments, set out to contain the spread of the disease, missing some marked features of these novel continental practices, issued various ill-suited regulations which dominated English plague control from 1578 to 1666. Despite these regulations' remarkably egalitarian overtone and seemingly charitable resolutions, this paper argues that the Elizabethan and Jacobean policies of plague control were destined to failure chiefly because of their elitist and inconsiderate measures, reducing them effectively to a harsh policy of confinement of the infected poor masses, taking almost no account of their health or well-being.

Open access


The paper aims to highlight the nature and the relevance of the reference to constitutional traditions in the building of populist constitutionalism, with special regard to the Hungarian case. In Hungary the goals and effects of this reference – especially the references to the achievements of the historical constitution – must be discussed at the level of the constitutional text and with regard to the formation of the new constitutional jurisprudence and, furthermore, to the creation of the constitutional identity. Outstanding political theories have been built about the elements of national populism and all include a political emphasis on a nation's pride in its culture, history and traditions. This paper examines the normative legal consequences of this in a state where the populist political forces have consecutively gained a majority in the Parliament which enables them to adopt and amend a constitution and decide on the personal make up of the constitutional court. It examines the role of the reference to constitutional traditions in the transformation of the constitutional system. The illustrative case studies from Hungary show one element of the alternative to mainstream liberal constitutional democracy: a constitutional perception of the sovereign people with a strong common constitutional heritage, this latter to be respected by all state organs and by domestic, European and international law. The paper offers an understanding of this constitutional concept and assembles disclaimers and serious legal concerns that must be taken into account, at least in Hungary, but probably in many other national populist regimes as well.

Open access


On 1 January 2018, a new act entered into force in Hungary. This act is the new code of private international law in Hungary. The basic purpose of this article is to present the jurisdictional rules of the new law. In the description I discuss how the new act differs from the rules of the old code. In addition, I focus on international and European trends in private international law. I also examine the extent to which the new Hungarian code complies with these trends, as well as discussing the peculiarities of the Hungarian regulation. The new Code uses the concept of jurisdiction as a rule for the ‘international distribution’ of cases and in the sense of public international law. Therefore, I also address in this article the definition of jurisdiction and other conceptual issues, the doctrines of immunity and the description of the jurisdictional system of the Code. I present the relationship between international, European and Hungarian rules which are relevant in private international law. In addition, I provide an overview of the novel system of jurisdictional rules in the Code.

Open access


The author examines the tension that exists between the various components of the separation of powers (in particular the ideas of independence and separation, and the system of checks and balances). He analyses different ways of solving them. Attention is paid, for example, to attempting to supplement the separation of powers with some other normative thesis. The author rejects previous approaches and argues that the components of the separation of powers can be understood as separate principles. Conflicts between these principles should be resolved through proportionality.

Free access


Courts conducting constitutional review do not work as ‘ivory towers’ any longer: they are part of the global dialogue on constitutional ideas and thoughts. This dialogue includes an exchange of experiences with fellow constitutional and apex courts, as well as the close observation of developments in foreign constitutional and legal systems, scholarship, and international trends. The Constitutional Court of Hungary has been an active participant in this dialogue since the Court's establishment in 1989, albeit with varying levels of intensity and goals. Moving beyond the often anecdotal observations in this field, the paper aims to conduct a deep analysis of how the Court uses comparative law in its work (during the preparatory phase and the drafting of final decisions) and examines the factors that may influence the Court's practice in this area. Such a clear overview can assist proponents of the use of comparative reasoning to contravene the increasing amount of criticism of the practice's legitimacy and selectivity.

Open access

Alsó tagozatosok kortárskapcsolatai az offline és online térben +

Offline and Online Relationships among Primary School Children

Borbála Károlyi
Anikó Fehérvári

Összefoglaló. Az okoseszközök, az internet használata egyre fiatalabb életkorban jelenik meg a gyermekek körében. Az online környezet sajátosságairól, a szocializációra, valamint más tényezőkre gyakorolt negatív hatásairól már számos kutatás számolt be, azonban a tanulók kortárskapcsolatainak alakulásáról eddig kevés elemzés született. E pilotkutatás felhívja a figyelmet az offline-online jelenlét, valamint a kortárskapcsolatok összefüggéseire, az azzal járó lehetséges veszélyekre, melyek most különös jelentőséggel bírnak, hiszen a digitális oktatás bevezetése óta még több gyermeket érint az online jelenlét.

Summary. Nowadays, smart devices and the internet among children appear at younger ages than they did a few years ago. The particularities of the online environment, the social, and other negative effects are the topics of several studies, but very few focused on these effects on students’ relationships. Our pilot-research highlights the connections between offline and online relationships and the potential dangers caused by the online presence of children at a young age, which is even relevant since the beginning of the digital online education caused by the pandemic when even more primary-school children joined the online platforms.

Open access

Az online oktatás fejlődése Észak-Amerikában

The Development of Online Education in North America

Dorottya Deák
Open access
Áron Szilveszter
Réka Kassai
Zsófia K. Takács
, and
Judit Futó

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-vírusjárvány miatt 2020 márciusától júniusáig bevezetett iskolai digitális munkarend az oktatási rendszer minden résztvevőjét számos új feladat elé állította. Feltételezzük, hogy különösen nagy kihívást jelenthetett a hátrányos helyzetű családok számára (Jakab 2020). Jelen tanulmányban egy kérdőíves kutatás eredményeit mutatjuk be, amelyben azt vizsgáltuk, hogy a szocioökonómiai státusz, a háztartási rendezettség, a családi rutin, valamint a gyermek tanulásba tett erőfeszítése közül mely tényezők jelzik előre az iskolai digitális munkarendben a tanulási sikerességet. A mintát középosztálybeli és hátrányos helyzetű, romatelepen élő, alsó tagozatos gyermeket nevelő felnőttek alkották. A hierarchikus lineáris regresszió eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a szocioökonómiai státusz önmagában nem szignifikáns prediktora a tanulási sikerességnek, azonban a tanulási erőfeszítés, a háztartási rendezettség és a családi rutin igen. A fenti eredmények – habár pusztán összefüggéseket és nem feltétlen kauzális kapcsolatokat mutatnak – alátámasztják, hogy hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek feltételezhetően sikeresen támogathatók a távoktatásban való eredményes részvételben egy, a fenti változókat célzó, intervencióval.

Summary. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the education system switched to digital distant learning education from March to June 2020. These changes posed a number of new challenges to students, teachers and parents alike. We assume that disadvantaged families were in an even more vulnerable position (Jakab 2020). Thus, we aimed to conduct a study to examine whether and how certain factors, including socioeconomic status, household chaos, family routine, and children’s learning effort affected learning success during this period of homeschooling. The sample consisted of high/middle-class and disadvantaged (living in a Roma settlements) caregivers of 1st–4th grader children. Our results indicate that socioeconomic status alone was not a significant predictor of learning success, however, learning effort, household chaos, and family routine were found to be important predictors. These results – although purely correlational – might suggest that a targeted intervention can be expected to effectively help disadvantaged children adapt to and succeed in a digital distant learning education setting.

Open access

A fizetett munkavállalás hatása a felsőoktatási hallgatók egyetemi pályafutására +

The Impact of Paid Work on University Careers among Higher Education Student

Zsófia Kocsis

Összefoglaló. Az utóbbi évtizedek tapasztalatai szerint a nappali tagozatos felsőoktatási hallgatók fizetett munkavállalását növekvő tendencia jellemzi, azonban a kutatók nem jutottak konszenzusra az eredményességre gyakorolt hatásával kapcsolatban. Kutatásunk célja, hogy feltárjuk a hallgatói munkavállalás hatását az eredményességre és a tanulmányok iránti elköteleződésre. A Társadalmi és szervezeti tényezők szerepe a hallgatói lemorzsolódásban című NKFIH által támogatott kutatás (PERSIST 2019) adatai alapján (N = 2199) a rendszeresen dolgozó hallgatók eredményesebbek, mint a nem dolgozó társaik. Az elkötelezettség és az oktatókkal folytatott intenzív kommunikáció, kapcsolattartás terén nincs jelentős különbség a hallgatói csoportok között. Ebben a vonatkozásban azt láthatjuk, hogy a rendszeres munkavégzés nem gátolja az egyetemi pályafutásukat, s nem akadályozza meg az intézményen belüli kapcsolatok kialakítását.

Summary. Research in recent decades has shown an increasing trend in paid employment for higher education students, but researchers have not reached a consensus on its impact on performance. The aim of our research is to explore the impact of student employment on academic performance and engagement to study. Based on data from PERSIST 2019 (N = 2199), students who work regularly are more successful than their non-working counterparts. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between the student groups in terms of engagement and intensive communication and contact with the lecturers. In this respect, we can see that regular work does not hinder their university careers, and nor does prevent the development of relationships within the institution.

Open access

A globális tudás piaca

Marketplace of the Global Mind

György Csepeli

Összefoglaló. A koronavírus-járvány megmutatta, hogy mennyire törékenyek az emberiség jólétének alapjai. Steven Pinkernek igaza lehet abban, hogy az emberiség még sosem élt oly jól, mint a 20. és 21. század fordulóján, de abban senki nem lehet bizonyos, hogy a trend folytatódik. A klímaváltozás, a migráció, a civilizációk békésnek nem mondható együttélése, a globális egyenlőtlenségek és a pénzügyi rendszer elszabadulása eredményeképpen planetáris idiotizmus jelent meg. A világ minden korábbi korszakhoz képest változékonyabb, bizonytalanabb, kétértelműbb és komplexebb társadalmi-természeti valósággá lett, melynek megismerése, kikutatása az egyetemeken és a kutatóintézetekben munkálkodó tudósok dolga. A vírusjárvány nyertese a digitális szféra, ahol a tudás globális piacterei nyílnak. Az emberiség jövője azon múlik, hogy visszatalál-e a szolidaritás értékeihez, melyek megtartották a Földön.

Summary. The coronavirus pandemic has shown how fragile are the grounds of human wellbeing on earth. Steven Pinker can be right stating that humankind has never lived so well than at the turn of the century but no-one can be sure that this trend will not end abruptly. Climate change, migration, increase of global inequalities the belligerent coexistence of civilisations and the unleash of the financial system have resulted the emergence of planetary idiotism. The world has never been more volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and complex than before. Studying and knowing this world is the task to be done by scholars working in research institutes and universities. The winner of the coronavirus pandemic has become the digital sphere where the global marketplaces of the knowledge production and distribution operate. The future of mankind depends on the willingness to return to the primordial values of solidarity that helped the human survival.

Open access

Iskolák a járvány alatt és után – nemzetközi tapasztalatok

Schools during and after the Pandemic – International Experiences

Péter Harsányi
Open access

Koronavírus és oktatáspolitika

Coronavirus and Educational Policy

István Nahalka

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-járvány számos nehezen megoldható feladatot jelentett a magyar oktatásirányítás számára is. Ma még nem áll rendelkezésre kellő mennyiségű konkrét ismeret annak eldöntésére, hogy a szigorúbb intézkedések jelentősen hozzájárulnak-e a járvány hatásainak enyhítéséhez. Az oktatás folyamatossága biztosításának legfontosabb feltétele, hogy az oktatási rendszerben domináns szerepet játsszon a korszerű pedagógiai kultúra. Magyarországon ez a feltétel nem áll rendelkezésre, ennek okait az oktatáspolitikában kell keresni. Az esélyegyenlőtlenségek növekedése az egész világon jelentős volt, így hazánkban is. Az iskolabezárások a hátrányos helyzetű tanulók esetében okoztak jelentősebb tanulási elmaradásokat. Az oktatáspolitikának és az oktatásirányításnak nem volt válasza erre a súlyos problémára.

Summary. In the course of COVID-19 epidemic the Hungarian educational government also had numerous challenges. Today we have not enough concrete knowledge to say that hard measures are conductive to mitigate the effects of the epidemic or not. The most important condition of the continuation of education is the dominant role of the modern pedagogical culture in the educational system. In Hungary this condition is not ready. The causes of this situation we have to seek in the educational policy. The rising of inequality of opportunity was appreciable on the whole World, in our country too. The closures of schools caused more significant lagging in learning processes and outcomes in the case of handicapped students. Educational policy and administration had no any answer to this serious problem.

Open access

A koronavírus-válság hatása a felsőoktatásra

Európai és globális körkép

Effect of the Coronavirus on Higher Education

European and Global Overview
Ildikó Hrubos

Összefoglaló. A tanulmány azokat a fontosabb kutatási eredményeket foglalja össze, amelyek a koronajárvány kezdeti szakaszában születtek, és nyilván jórészt mozaikszerű empirikus vizsgálódásokon alapulnak. A fő hangsúlya azonban a várható következményekre kerül. Vajon mennyiben, milyen mértékben és formákban szükséges és kívánatos a rendkívüli állapot körülményei között bevezetett tanulási és tanítási formák fenntartása, azok továbbfejlesztése és a jövőbeni gyakorlatba való – hosszabb távban gondolkodó – beépítése. Ez a kutatási megközelítés kapcsolódik az utóbbi években kiemelten kezelt témához, a tanulás és tanítás korszerűsítésének kérdéséhez, de túl is mutat azon. Ismét élesen merül fel a felsőoktatás (és főleg az egyetem) létének kérdése európai és globális színtéren egyaránt.

Summary. The study summarizes significant research results that were born in the initial phase of the coronavirus and are clearly based mostly on mosaic-type empirical surveys. However, they mainly emphasize the expected consequences. In what ways, to what extent and in what forms is it necessary and favourable to maintain the education methods introduced under the state of emergency conditions, and to further develop them – considering the long term – for integration into future practices. This research approach is connected to the subject that has been highlighted in recent years, the matter of modernizing learning and teaching, but points even beyond that. The question of the existence of higher education (and mostly universities) in the European and global arena sharply rises again.

Open access

Közösségi tanulás járvány idején

Social Learning in Pandemic

Katalin Forray R.
Tamás Kozma

Összefoglaló. A társadalmi innovációt és közösségi tanulást kutatók általában társadalmi méretű természeti katasztrófákból indulnak ki (Moulaert et al. 2013: 113–130). Mi a járványt próbáljuk úgy tekinteni, mint az egész közösséget érő kihívást, amely új tanulásokat és innovációkat eredményez (Márkus–Kozma 2019: 5–17). Paradigmatikus kutatási módszerünk a résztvevő megfigyelés (Moulaert–MacCallum 2019: 115–120). Ezt kiegészítjük a szociális média elemzésével, valamint célzott interjúkkal és folyamatos monitorozással. Az események lefutására példaként az oktatást (tanárokat, tanulókat, szülőket és fönntartókat) használtuk. Négy lakossági csoportot és jellegzetes magatartásaikat sikerült körvonalaznunk a kormányzat mint aktor mellett: a „lojálisakat”, a „vádaskodókat”, az „aktívakat” és az „innovatívakat”. Az oktatásügy története a járványveszély idején változó dinamikát mutat. A járványveszély kihirdetésekor a civilek innovativitása fellángolt; ezt azonban a kormányzati adminisztráció később fokozatosan visszaszorította. A kívánatos ezzel szemben a felek partnersége lett volna.

Summary. Researchers of social innovation and community (social) learning usually start their analyses from natural disasters (Moulaert et al. 2013: 113–130). In this paper, we defined the first six weeks of pandemic threat (COVID-19) in Hungary as a community-wide challenge that resulted in new learning and innovation (Márkus–Kozma 2019: 5–17). We choose participatory observation as the main research method (Moulaert–MacCallum 2019: 115–120) which was complemented by social media analysis as well as targeted interviews and ongoing monitoring. We used education (teachers, students, parents and owners of institutions) as an example. We outlined four population groups and their typical attitudes towards the government’s anti-virus education policy: the “loyal”, the “accuser”, the “active” and the “innovative”. The education policy showed changing dynamics at the time of the epidemic threat. When the threat was announced, the innovativeness of civilians flared up; however, this was later gradually suppressed by government decisions. The desired, on the other hand, would have been a partnership between the parties.

Open access

Learning Alone – a kapcsolati beágyazódás vizsgálata a távolléti oktatás alatt

Learning Alone – The Study of Student Relationships during the Emergency Remote Teaching

Gabriella Pusztai
Krisztina Győri

Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-pandémia oktatásra gyakorolt hatását 2020-ban a kutatók rendkívüli gyorsasággal kezdték el vizsgálni. Jelen kutatás összehasonlította a hallgatói kapcsolatoknak a vészhelyzeti távolléti oktatás (emergency remote teaching, ERT) előtti és alatti állapotát és ezek összefüggését a hallgatói eredményesség alakulásával. Kérdőívünket 677 válaszadó hallgató töltötte ki (172 férfi és 505 nő) összesen 29 magyarországi felsőoktatási intézményből. Eredményeink rámutattak az oktatók tanítással nem szorosan összefüggő szerepköreinek nélkülözhetetlenségére, valamint arra, hogy a hallgatói kapcsolatok gyengülése összefüggésben áll a tanulmányok melletti kitartással, a tanulmányi aktivitással, a bizalommal és az elégedettséggel. Mindezt a virtuális egyetem koncepciók kidolgozásánál is szükséges figyelembe venni.

Summary. Researchers have begun studying with utmost haste the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching already in 2020. In the present study, we compared the states of the student relationships before and after the emergency remote teaching (henceforth ERT). Our questionnaire was filled by 677 students (172 males, 505 females) from altogether 29 Hungarian higher education institutes. Our results raise attention to the important dimension of the role of faculty members which are not in close relation to knowledge transfer, furthermore, the results point that the strength of the institutional relationships is in correlation with the persistence related to student persistence, student engagement, the trust, and the satisfaction. All of this should be taken into consideration when working out a concept for a virtual university.

Open access

Mesterséges intelligencia és az e-learning: Az online oktatás jövője

Artificial Intelligence and E-learning: The Future of Online Education

Zsolt Ábrahám
Open access

Nem lineáris életutak a felsőoktatásban, avagy hogyan kerüljük el a lemorzsolódást?

Non-Linear Life Paths in Higher Education, or How Do We Avoid Dropping Out?

Melinda Krankovits
Gábor Kallós

Összefoglaló. Napjainkban a felsőoktatás-kutatás egyik kiemelt területe a lemorzsolódás vizsgálata. Tanulmányunk első részében foglalkozunk a tömeges felsőoktatás problémájával, az expanzió elméleti hátterét ismertetve nemzetközi szakirodalmon keresztül adunk példákat a fogalom mai megjelenésére. A tanulmány a hallgatói életutakat vizsgálja, saját automatikus megoldást kínálva az adatelemzésre. Ebből kitekintve, foglalkozunk a műszaki képzési területen is megjelenő újra beiratkozás (re-gólya) jelenségével. Az eredményekből láthatjuk, hogy az újra beiratkozás alternatívát kínál a lemorzsolódásra.

Summary. Nowadays some of the most important areas of higher education research are dropping out and related case studies. The first part of our study deals with the development of mass higher education, describing the theoretical background of the expansion. This part provided examples of the current appearance of basic concepts through international literature. The study is about students’ life paths, also covers the topic of dropout researched by many, offering our own automated solution for data analysis. Looking out of the topic of dropout, we are dealing with the re-freshman phenomenon in the field of technical discipline. It can be seen, that other choices, such as re-enrollment, offer an alternative to dropout.

Open access

Oktatás a változásban, a változás oktatása

Education in Times of Change, Teaching Change

Aliz Mária Tóth
Open access

Pandémiás oktatás

Pandemic Education

István Polónyi

Összefoglaló. A tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa a hazai közoktatás és felsőoktatási rendszer elmúlt tízéves átalakulását s annak kedvezőtlen következményét a pandémiás oktatás eredményességére.

Az írás először áttekinti a közoktatásban bekövetkezett változásokat, amelyek közül az intézmények államosítása, az intézmények nem mérséklődő polarizáltsága és a forráskivonás súlyos problémákat eredményezett a pandémiás oktatás időszakában. A forráskivonás nyomán elavultak az iskolai IKT-eszközök, a polarizáltság nyomán a tanulók legalább egyötödéhez nem jut el a távolléti oktatás, és a központosítás következtében mind az iskolák, mind a pedagógusok magukra maradtak.

A felsőoktatás-politikai változások legfontosabb elemei az intézményi autonómiát beszűkítő központosítás, az elitizálás és a forráskivonás. A pandémiás oktatás eredményességét ezek az intézkedések jelentősen befolyásolták. Az elitizálás nyomán a távoktatás a magyar felsőoktatási rendszerben rendkívül szűk, így sem az intézmények eszközállománya, sem az oktatók nem voltak felkészülve a tömeges távolléti oktatásra. A forráshiány akadályozta a gyors reagálást, és az autonómia hiánya is az önálló kezdeményezések helyett a központtól való függést eredményezte.

A tanulmány azzal a megállapítással zárul, hogy a pandémiás oktatás hatása a magyar társadalomra alighanem két súlyos hosszú távú következménnyel jár: részint csökkenti a társadalmi kohéziót, részint nyomában tovább növekszik – az egyébként is egyre szembetűnőbb hátrányban lévő – magyar emberi erőforrások lemaradása a fejlett világtól.

Summary. The aim of the study is to present the transformation of the Hungarian public education and higher education system over the past ten years, and its unfavorable consequences for the effectiveness of pandemic education. The paper first presents the changes that have taken place in public education, of which the nationalization of institutions, the polarization of non-declining institutions, and the withdrawal of resources have resulted in serious problems during the period of pandemic education. Withdrawals have led to the obsolescence of school ICT tools, polarization means that at least one-fifth of pupils do not have access to distance education, and centralization has left both schools and teachers to themselves.

The most important elements of higher education policy changes are centralization, which reduces institutional autonomy, the elitization s the withdrawal of funds. The effectiveness of pandemic education has been significantly affected by these measures. Following the elitization, distance education in the Hungarian higher education system is extremely narrow, so neither the equipment of the institutions nor the lecturers were prepared for mass distance education. Lack of resources prevented a rapid response, and a lack of autonomy resulted in dependence on the center instead of independent initiatives.

The study concludes that the impact of pandemic education on Hungarian society is likely to have two serious long-term consequences: partly reducing social cohesion, and partly increasing the backwardness of Hungarian human resources, which are already becoming more and more disadvantaged.

Open access

Szülői segítségnyújtás a jelenléti és távolléti oktatás idején

Parental Assistance during Traditional and Distance Education

Ágnes Engler
Valéria Markos
, and
Ágnes Réka Dusa

Összefoglaló. Tanulmányunk fókuszában a koronavírus során bevezetett járványügyi intézkedések gyermekeket érintő kérdései állnak, a járványnak a családok időgazdálkodásra való hatása és az otthoni tanulás, digitális átállás nehézségei. Kutatásunkban egy telefonos kérdőíves lekérdezésen (CATI) alapuló adatbázist használunk, melyet a járvány első hulláma idején készítettek, 2020 áprilisában a Kopp Mária Intézet megbízásából (N = 1000). Vizsgáljuk, hogy mi befolyásolja az otthoni tanulást akkor, ha a szülőknek esetleg a tananyag elsajátításában is segítséget kell nyújtaniuk. Eredményeink szerint a családok többségének lehetősége és szándéka volt a közös tanulásra, ennek mértékére és mikéntjére nem a megszokott társadalmi háttérváltozók mentén találtunk különbségeket, hanem a családi kapcsolatok és az otthoni munkavégzés kapcsán.

Summary. The focus of our study is on the issues of epidemiological measures introduced during the coronavirus that affect children, the impact of the pandemic on time management of families and the difficulties of home learning and digital transition. In our research, we use a database based on a telephone questionnaire (CATI), which was created during the first wave of the pandemic, in April 2020 on behalf of the Mária Kopp Institute (N = 1000). We examine what influences home learning when parents may need to help with curriculum acquisition. According to our results, the majority of families had the opportunity and intention to learn together, and we did not find differences in the extent and manner of this along the usual social background variables, but in relation to family relationships and working from home.

Open access

A társadalmi felelősségvállalás jelenléte a magyar állami egyetemek szervezeti dokumentumaiban

Presence of Social Responsibility in the Organizational Documents of Hungarian State Universities

Zsolt Dános

Összefoglaló. A tanulmány a magyarországi állami felsőoktatási intézmények honlapjain elérhető szervezeti dokumentumokban tartalomelemzés segítségével keresi az alig két évtizedes múltra visszatekintő egyetemi társadalmi felelősségvállalás jelenlétét. A fogalom, amely az egyetem modern szerepeinek értelmezését tágítja, a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás nyomán tűnt fel, összekapcsolódva a harmadik misszió jelenségével. Emellett az írás kategóriákat kíván felállítani arra vonatkozólag, hogy az egyetemi társadalmi felelősségvállalás hogyan jelenik meg és milyen tudatosságot képvisel az intézmények felelősségvállalásában. A tanulmány mindehhez bemutatja azokat a kereteket, amelyekben az egyetemi társadalmi felelősségvállalás fogalma kialakult.

Summary. The study uses the method of content analysis in the organizational documents available on the institutional websites of Hungarian higher education to look for the presence of university social responsibility, which dates back only two decades. The concept emerged in the wake of corporate social responsibility in connection with the phenomenon of the third mission and seeks to broaden the interpretation of the modern roles of the university, but it has hardly been researched in the Hungarian research. Besides, the writing seeks to establish categories of how university social responsibility manifests itself and what awareness the institution represents in responsibility. For all this, the study presents the framework in which the concept of university social responsibility has been developed.

Open access

Vírus és oktatás – Absztraktok

COVID-19 pandemic on education – Abstracts in English

Open access


This paper summarizes the trends in research about student experiences in out-of-school time (OST) in countries of Europe. The analysis is based on a review of the content of research papers published between 1999 and 2019 in about 36 European countries. OST is recognized as an important aspect of students’ educational experiences that deserves increased research attention. A significant portion of students in all countries participate in OST activities either to improve their school performance or to engage in social activities. Under conditions where parents and students believe that the formal school system is weak, the OST educational experiences may be considered to be necessary to make a significant or necessary contribution to a student’s success compared with formal school itself. Because OST activities are undertaken in a free market their form and structure vary because of differences in the countries’ historical development, condition of public education, and the social, economic, cultural, and political factors that influence the educational systems. The analysis presents examples of how in some European countries conceptual models of OST have been expanded, adapted OST practices for regular school systems, and evaluated the outcomes. This review of the definitions of OST, of evaluations of its impact, and of the evidence for its effect on equality of educational opportunity throughout 36 European countries concludes that the studies provide contradictory messages. Greater consistency in conceptual development could be increased over time as researchers across countries review each other’s strategies and share methods and results.

Open access


The present mixed-methods study explored first-year undergraduate students of a highly selective university in Kazakhstan's perceptions of having private tutoring (PT) and how far it had helped them gain a place at this university. The quantitative data were collected through a close-ended questionnaire from 144 participants to understand their socioeconomic backgrounds and PT experiences over the previous two years, in terms of the scope, types, costs and the subjects studied in the PT they had received. The subsequent qualitative data were collected through interviewing 8 participants to capture in detail the perceived impact of PT on their overall achievement. The study found that 86 out of 144 participants (60%) had received PT. Most of them (72%) had sought PT as an enrichment strategy to obtain higher scores in high-stakes examinations and thus secure a place at that university. Some participants explained the disadvantages of PT, including the financial burden on their families and it being a potentially unfair advantage in a competitive context. The findings of the study are instructive for educators and policy makers in Kazakhstan in revealing the limitations of schooling in the public sector. The pedagogical implications and areas for ongoing research are suggested.

Open access


Innovations created by teachers, teacher communities and schools in their daily practice play a key role in improving the quality and effectiveness of education. As protocols, central regulations, ready-made teaching materials do not provide solutions to all problems emerging in daily practice the invention of new, original solutions are necessary to respond the challenges teachers and schools encounter in their everyday work. Similarly to other knowledge intensive professions creativity and innovativeness are necessary skills for teachers and teacher communities to work effectively. In many countries schools are encouraged to support innovative work behaviour and they are expected to manage effectively change and innovation processes. The increasing importance of innovations and innovation processes in education raises the question of how to measure innovation in this sector and how decision makers can use innovation data. This article presents some of the outcomes of an education sector innovation survey conducted in Hungary in 2018. It demonstrates the possibility to design data collection instruments that allow capturing school/department level innovation processes. The article focuses on one specific problem area: the relationship between organisational characteristics and innovation activity/behaviour.

Open access


According to our initial assumption, there would be two characteristic strategies for Romani catching up. One strategy is to lift the Romanies out of poverty and bring their living conditions closer to the average living conditions of the majority society. According to the other strategy, Romanies create a national minority in the majority society. It should be supported so that the members of the community could preserve their national characteristics and exercise their minority rights. By reviewing the literature (e.g., Armillei 2014; Boscoboinik & Giordano 2008; Ladányi & Szelényi 2016) we searched in which country which strategies are being followed by current governments. The result is that these strategies coexist within a country and are increasingly intermingled according to existing governments. The reason for this phenomenon is the recent changes in Romani societies and the emergence of new middle classes. There are both economic and cultural conditions for emerging these middle classes. A successful Romani strategy has to contain therefore, both economic and cultural actions. The governments of the region must contribute not only to the catching-up of the Romanies but also to the formation of their Romani middle classes.

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