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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

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The focus of this paper is on the uncertainty and controversy associated with the substantial compliance standard as part of the strict compliance principle in the letter of credit law, as well as the possibility of applying new technology to solve such problems. The letter of credit confirms a payment under international sales contracts and contains a promise from the bank to pay the seller if they can present the complying documents as required in the letter of credit. Thanks to the basic principles of a letter of credit, it is stable and trustworthy. Such basic principles as well as the practice of letters of credit are recognized in the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit of the International Chamber of Commerce.

To retain the commercial utility of the letter of credit, the strict compliance principle should be revitalized and consistently applied. However, this principle is not associated with exact standards, which leads to the scenario that courts apply different standards. Such a situation might reduce the commercial utility of letters of credit. Hence, the financial industry is trying to apply new technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and the Internet of Things to support the strict compliance principle, and try to reduce the uncertainty related to the substantial compliance standard.

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Over the past few years, the concept of gamification has gained increased attention in foreign language teaching research as it demonstrates potential to promote motivation and learner engagement. The authors of the paper believe that gamification can become an innovative and promising tool to help students overcome their motivational difficulties. When it comes to language learning and teaching, one of the major issues to be tackled is the differences among students in terms of academic achievement. Applying gamification in the field of education profoundly supports the process of teaching and learning by creating a supportive environment, which is reinforcing and enables individual progress. One specific feature of gamification is that it breaks down learning into elements, similarly to motivation theory, where goals are not uncommonly divided into subgoals. It also includes applying the characteristics of games, and implementing these in real-world situations, while generating specific behaviours within the gamified situation. The most important benefit of using gamification in language teaching is that it provides differentiation. Learners can progress at their own pace, their assessment is individualised, their motivation is strongly influenced by their own skills and abilities that are reinforced by gamification itself. As the process of learning meets the individual’s needs, differentiation can be brought about. This paper highlights the most important outcomes of research into gamification in language learning, while exploring its underlying principles in the field of motivation.

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One of the critical issues facing Historians today has been the emergence of Strong State regimes and the politicized pseudo history they produce in countries claiming to adhere to democratic norms. The attack on the Capital of the United States was based on a series of lies about voter fraud supported by President Donald Trump and members of Congress. Countering ideology based on a complete disregard for truth is now of paramount importance in the United States. This paper studies Trump's promise to Make America Great Again (MAGA) as a further evolution of Lost Cause mythos that began after the Civil War. The original story casts the enfranchisement of African Americans as a failure touting white supremacy and the righteousness of Jim Crow laws. How can History teachers counter these highly politicized myths? I suggest that the methodology of our profession may provide us with some important tools. John Dewey underscored the importance of critical inquiry to the preservation and advancement of democracy. Teaching students how to think historically goes a long way in the process of producing citizenry who are ready to participate in civil society. To that end I conclude this essay with a course that I teach entitled “Witches, Aliens, and Other Enemies.” The course is designed to set moments of mass hysteria and paranoia in the American narrative against the background of reason and rational legal law utilizing the Salem witch hunt at the end of the seventeenth century and the “red scare” following World War II as case studies to stimulate student exploration.

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Sense of coherence (SOC) is a relevant contributor and predictor of the individuals' mental and physical health. There are a number of studies about SOC, but only two validation articles of the sense of coherence scale (SOCS) were found on adolescents and none on children. The aim of this research was to validate the SOC scale in youth under 18. We hypothesized that younger children and children without psychiatric problems will have higher SOC than older ones, and children with psychiatric symptoms. We also wanted to examine the factor structure of both the 13 and the 29 item versions of the scale to study which is more valid in child and adolescent population. 199 children and 198 adolescents were included in the study; the mean age was 14.3 (SD 2.1) years. The sample included average youth from schools and youth under psychiatric treatment. Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Inventory of Life Quality (ILK) were used for validation of the SOCS. SOCS-13 was applied to compare SOC of children and adolescents. Children had higher SOC than adolescents in both samples. Males had higher SOC than females in children but not in adolescents. Psychiatric and behavioral symptoms were associated with a lower SOC regardless of age. Confirmatory factor analysis proved a three-factor structure model for both the 13 and the 28 item versions of the SOCS. The short form of the sense of coherence scale is valid and reliable to be used with children and adolescents from 10 to 18 years of age.

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The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical examination on the importance of writing in history teaching in schools to age groups 7–16 year old. It presents a discussion and an overview of best and meaningful practice in history teaching when using written historical sources as evidence for analyses in the classroom. It also looks at how educators can support pupils' own writing in history lessons in effective ways. The paper attempts to do this by reporting on various pedagogical research work conducted specifically on writing in history and its many facets when it comes to history learning in schools. The author offers various pedagogical recommendations based on her own as well as others' research work on the written word in history teaching. The paper looks at written sources from four different aspects. It discusses written sources as primary historical sources in themselves and how they can be made more palpable, that is more tangible and easier to use for pupils. It then looks at Secondary written sources, that is, historians' interpretation of history and how these can be presented to pupils, followed by how Primary written sources can also produce opportunity to practice the skill of detecting bias. Lastly pupils' own writing is discussed and how their writing in history can be made better.

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Toppling the statue of the slave merchant Edward Colston in Bristol, removing the monuments of King Leopold II from public places in Belgium, Black Lives Matter protests, and mass demonstrations targeting remembrance of certain chapters of the history of the Global North – these are some of the significant events that drew attention to the ongoing disputes around the legacy of colonialism during the summer of 2020. These developments form an integral part of the long-drawn-out process of decolonisation: decolonising the culture of the former mother countries. From museology through the natural sciences and linguistics to visual arts, vast areas of the academic, scientific, and cultural scene of the Global North are crucially affected by decolonizing tendencies, with the teaching of history arguably among the most disputed ones. This paper reviews the key decolonising aspirations of history teaching in the United Kingdom by studying the goals, messages, methods, and endeavours of three movements: Why Is My Curriculum White?, The Black Curriculum, and Rhodes Must Fall Oxford, address different levels of education and urge the transformation of numerous aspects of history teaching (teacher training, curricula, teaching methodology, etc). Source materials examined include the work, teaching aids, and written, audio, or video content published on various social media platforms by these three organisations, as well as parliamentary papers and reports of public and non-governmental bodies.

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Az ionkromatográfia alkalmazhatóságának lehetőségei a gyógyszeranalitikában

Potential applications of ion chromatography in drug analysis

Scientia et Securitas
Boglárka Páll
Róbert Kormány
, and
Krisztián Horváth


Gyógyszermolekulák kémiai szintézissel történő előállítása során előfordulhat, hogy a szintézisút toxikus vegyületeket tartalmaz, vagy szintézis során képződik toxikus melléktermék. Ezeket az anyagokat alacsony koncentrációszinten kell kizárni a gyártott végtermékben, hogy az adott hatóanyag törzskönyvezése sikeres legyen. Így a genotoxikus (megváltoztatja a DNS által tárolt genetikai információt), rákkeltő szennyezők analitikai kontrollja folyamatos kihívás elé állítja az analitikusokat. Erre a vizsgálatra a legelterjedtebb módszer a nagyhatékonyságú folyadékkromatográfia. Ennek egyik speciális változata, a nagyhatékonyságú ionkromatográfia alkalmas a kis méretű ionos vagy ionizálható molekulák, pl. szervetlen anionok és kationok, szerves savak, aminok, valamint hidrolizálható vegyületek vizsgálatára. A kéziratban bemutatásra kerül a nagyhatékonyságú ionkromatográfiás technika, valamint annak gyógyszeranalitikai alkalmazása.


In the production of drug molecules, the synthesis pathway may contain toxic compounds, or a toxic by-product may be formed during synthesis. These substances must be excluded at low concentration levels in the final manufactured product in order for the registration of the active substance to be successful. The drug analytics task to quantify these contaminations. This part of the pharmaceutical industry involves a wide spectrum of analytical techniques, which together complement each other to give a complete picture of the product being manufactured. Measurement techniques range from titration to large instrumentation (mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry). Chromatography is one of the most widely used techniques. Lots of pollutant which must have quantified, have polar properties and its may present a risk for patients. The analytical control of genotoxic (altering the genetic information stored in DNA), carcinogenic contaminants is a constant challenge for analysts. Organic acids, amines, acid chlorides which are easily ionizable, hydrolysable are difficult to analyze at low concentration limits by the means of gas chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography. For the analysis of such contaminants, the high performance ion exchange chromatography method is a possible solution. In drug analytics, the ion chromatography techniques (ion exchange, ion exclusion, ion pair, ligand exchange) are not as widely used as the other liquid chromatography methods. In addition to inorganic anions and cations, ion chromatography is a suitable chromatographic method for the analysis of organic acids, amines, and hydrolysable compounds. In case of amines, this technique has better peak symmetry and theoretical plate height than gas chromatography. However, additional acidic API may cause the disappearance of these peaks. With this instrument, not only impurities can be tested, but also the counter ions of basic drug substances can be easily measured to verify the molecular composition of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. The manuscript describes the applications of ion exchange chromatography through some examples from pharmaceutical industry. In some cases, the methods have been validated according to international guidelines to demonstrate the applicability of high-performance ion exchange chromatography for the analysis of ionizable organic/inorganic compounds in pharmaceutical production.

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Causes of dike deterioration – environmental and anthropogenic effects

Árvízvédelmi töltések károsodása – környezeti és antropogén hatások

Scientia et Securitas
Zsombor Illés


The flood protection embankments of Hungary and Europe face challenges. Previously unprecedented droughts and low-water periods in the rivers are experienced. As a consequence, the water balance of the dikes can alter and desiccate in the long term. The most staggering fissures appeared on dikes built from clays susceptible to volume change. The safety aspects of these fissures are not fully understood. The concerns raised depend on the crack’s spatial extent, the material of the dike and the environmental effects, such as heavy rains and floods. The General Directorate of Water Management ordered a comprehensive survey of dike pavement cracks in Hungary. It was a nationwide survey. Hungary has about 4,400 km of primary flood protection embankments, out of which 1,250 km are paved. There are a number of reasons why the pavement of an embankment can crack. The main intention of this paper is to classify the primary and secondary sources of pavement cracks on flood protection embankments. The main features of crack patterns related to clays with shrink-swell potential are identified.


Magyarország és Európa árvízvédelmi töltései számos kihívással néznek szembe. Az egyik legjelentősebb az éghajlatváltozás következtében jelentkező szélsőséges időjárás. Az elmúlt évtizedek során az árvizeket gyakran hosszan tartó aszályok követték, a folyóink vízállása az aszályos nyarak során rekord alacsony értékeket mutat. A vízhiány következtében a gátak óhatatlanul kiszáradnak, burkolt vagy burkolatlan koronájuk megrepedezik.

Mintegy 4400 km elsődleges árvízvédelmi töltés található hazánkban, ebből 1250 km burkolt. Számos hatás idézhet elő töltésburkolat-repedéseket. Jelen cikk fő célja az árvízvédelmi töltések burkolatrepedései elsődleges és másodlagos forrásainak osztályozása, a köztük lévő kapcsolatok feltérképezése. A zsugorodási-duzzadási potenciállal rendelkező agyagokhoz kapcsolódó száradási repedésminták főbb jellemzőinek meghatározása. A felmérés fontos hozadéka, hogy a repedés geometriája és a töltés anyaga következtetni enged a repedés kialakulását előidéző folyamatokra.

2018-ban országos felmérés készült a burkolatrepedésekről az Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság megbízásából. Az árvízvédelmi töltésburkolat-repedés felmérése, a töltés és a burkolatrepedés geometriai tulajdonságai mellett az adott szakaszok rétegrendjét, töltésanyagát és a kialakuláshoz vezető folyamatokat is dokumentálták a felmérők. Az eredményeket, a levonható konklúziókat és a felmérés korlátait is tárgyaljuk.

A repedéseket hat jól elkülöníthető kategóriába sorolhatjuk irányultságuk alapján, ezeket a tanulmány részletezi. A kialakulásuk három legfőbb oka a töltéskonszolidáció, az aszály következtében létrejövő száradási (zsugorodási) repedések, és az árvízhez köthető károsodások. A Tisza és mellékfolyóinak repedezett töltései szinte kizárólag kötött talajból épültek, míg a Dunántúlon sokszor átmeneti vagy szemcsés talajt is használtak a töltés építéséhez.

A hosszirányú komponenssel, illetve a repedés két széle közötti magasságbeli különbséggel rendelkező károsodásokat zsugorodás okozhatta. A térfogatváltozó talajok és a hozzájuk köthető zsugorodási burkolatrepedések a Tisza és mellékfolyóira jellemzők.

A feltárt repedések biztonsági vonatkozásai nem teljesen ismertek. Ez függ a repedések térbeli kiterjedésétől, a töltés anyagától és a környezeti hatásoktól, mint például a heves esőzések, árvizek. Az Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság által rendelt felméréshez hasonló átfogó adatgyűjtést Európában még nem végeztek, Amerikában is csak az egyes államok megyéire terjedtek ki útburkolat-repedés felmérések. A jelentősebb repedések évenkénti felmérése célszerű lenne, hiszen információhoz jutnánk a terjedésükről. Hány évvel a töltés vagy a burkolat átadása után jelennek meg? Egy aszályos nyár után nő-e a repedések kiterjedése?

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