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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

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Tanárnak lenni jó?

Is It a Good Choice to Become a Teacher?

Anikó Mátyás
Open access

A végzett pedagógusok diplomás pályakövetése

Graduate Career Tracking of Graduating Teachers

Mihály Fónai
Éva Csonka

A tanulmány végzett pedagógusok diplomás pályakövetésének néhány területét vizsgálja. Célja a fiatal tanárok társadalmi hátterének, felsőoktatási és szakmai életútjának a leírása és összefüggések keresése a származás és a pályakezdés mutatói között. Az elemzés a Diplomás Pályakövető Rendszer adatbázisán alapul a 2016–2021-es periódusban. Az eredmények a vizsgált területeken azt mutatják, hogy a pályakezdő tanárok helyzete összetett és ellentmondásos. A fiatal tanárok jellegzetesen nők, egyetemistaként elsőgenerációs hallgatók, családjaik relatíve alacsony státusza ellenére viszonylag jelentős tanár szülői és nagyszülői háttérrel és mintákkal. Munkaerőpiaci helyzetük is ellentmondásos, alacsony jövedelmet és presztízst érzékelnek, ennek ellenére szakmai tudásuk horizontálisan és vertikálisan is illeszkedik a végzett munkájukhoz.

Open access

Az információbiztonság időszerű kérdései a magyarországi kkv-k körében

Current issues of information security among SMEs in Hungary

Scientia et Securitas
Adrienn Kiss
Csaba Kollár


A tanulmány célja az információbiztonság vizsgálata a magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások (kkv-k) körében. Tanulmányunk aktualitását az adja, hogy az Európai Unió Bizottsága által évente kiadott Digitális Gazdaság és Társadalom Indexe szerint a magyarországi kkv-kat alacsony adat- és információbiztonsági szint jellemzi. Kutatásunk során egyaránt alkalmaztunk kvalitatív és kvantitatív módszereket. Az előbbinél dokumentumelemzéssel megvizsgáltuk, hogy a hazai szakirodalom milyen fontosabb információbiztonsági kihívásokat azonosít, illetve interjúk segítségével feltérképeztük a kkv-k információbiztonsági gyakorlatait és kihívásait, az utóbbinál pedig egy online, nagymintás kérdőív révén vizsgáltuk a szektor vezetőinek információbiztonsággal kapcsolatos véleményét, fejlettségét.


The aim of the study is to examine information security among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hungary. The relevance of our study is that, according to the Digital Economy and Society Index published annually by the Commission of the European Union, Hungarian SMEs are characterised by a low level of data and information security. In our research, we used both qualitative and quantitative methods. In the former, we conducted a document analysis to identify the main information security challenges identified in the domestic literature and mapped the information security practices and challenges of SMEs through interviews, while in the latter, we used an online, large-scale questionnaire to investigate the views and development of the sector’s managers on information security. The findings of our study are based on the responses of 150 SME managers and 31 IT professionals working in the sector. We divided our questionnaire into six sections: demographics, business profile, device usage, digital habits, information security awareness survey based on the international HAIS-Q, information security awareness in daily practice. In the present research we deviated somewhat from the international model, firstly because we had to adapt the model to the domestic requirements and our research objectives, and secondly because this model was only a part of our questionnaire. During the research we have clearly identified the need to develop and implement practice-oriented training programmes that can help managers and IT professionals in the domestic SME sector to develop their information security awareness and even to make the transition to Industry 4.0. Based on the responses to the interview questions, it can be concluded that, overall, SME managers and their organisations are increasingly starting to build cybersecurity solutions and information security measures around their organisation. There is still a need to develop and share information security good practices that can reach SMEs, as there is a need for training and exchange of experiences, but not all companies are fully committed to the issue, so the actual need for action and organisation is ultimately lagging behind. A small proportion of the organisations surveyed have been victims of a cybersecurity incident and a good proportion of SME managers believe that until an incident has happened to an employee or the organisation, they will not learn from it. Basically, there is a growing demand for increased security and the use of security tools and education in information security, but this is evolving as a slow process and not as fast as the world around us is changing, so it is questionable when an information security explosion will occur that may radically change the tools and attitudes of organisations.

Open access

Az n-3 zsírsavak hatása nagy teljesítményű tenyészkocák fontosabb termelési és szaporodásbiológiai paramétereire

Effect of n-3 fatty acids on the performance and reproduction parameters of modern sows

Scientia et Securitas
Róbert Roszkos


A kutatás célja olyan n-3 zsírsavakra alapozott takarmányozási módszer fejlesztése, ami javíthatja a nagy teljesítményű tenyészkocák termelési mutatóit, és ezáltal gazdaságosabbá teheti termelésüket. A kifejlesztett kiegészítő takarmányok hatásainak vizsgálata nagyüzemi körülmények között, több kísérletben, különböző dózisokban és eltérő időszakokban etetve történt. Az eredmények pontosabb értékelése céljából a hagyományos vizsgálatok mellett gyorsvizsgálati módszerek (pl. elektronikus orr) alkalmazására is sor került. A kísérletek eredményei alapján olyan etetési stratégia kidolgozása van folyamatban, amely hatékonyan képes kiegészíteni a magyarországi sertés késztakarmányok esszenciális zsírsavkészletét, és hosszú távon eredményesen javíthatja a tenyészkocák teljesítménymutatóit.


The research aimed to develop a feeding strategy based on n-3 fatty acids, which can improve the production parameters of high-performance breeding sows and thereby make their production more economically advanced. To earn this, the effects of the developed supplementary feeds on the performance of sows and their piglets in several large-scale swine farm experiments, at different doses and periods were investigated.

In the first trial, the effects of n-6 and n-3 fatty acid supplementation on the performance parameters of sows and the fatty acid profile of sow milk were examined. Besides traditional fatty acid analysis, a novel electronic nose method was also used. The control group received 10 g of sunflower oil-based supplementation rich in n-6 fatty acids per kg feed. Experimental animals received the same amount of fish oil as an n-3 fatty acid source. The diets were corn- and soybean meal-based. Supplementation of fish oil reduced the wean to oestrus interval (non-significantly) in the trial group and decreased the number of sows having oestrus later than seven days after weaning. The treatments did not affect the performance of the subsequent farrow of sows. Supplementation of fish oil significantly increased the amount of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5, n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5, n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3), in the milk (p < 0.001). The chemical composition of milk was not affected by the treatments. The electronic nose could separate milk samples collected from control and trial groups based on their odour profile.

In the second trial, the effects of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on the performance parameters of sows and their piglets were investigated in a special nutritional situation when α-linolenic acid (C18:3, n-3) was already high in the sows’ compound feeds. The control group received no supplementation during the trial, but experimental animals received 5 g of fish oil-based supplement instead of linseed meal-based supplementation. The diets were corn- and soybean, and linseed meal-based. Supplementation of fish oil during lactation reduced the weaning mortality of piglets in the trial groups (1st replication: p < 0.00; 2nd replication: p < 0.04). Wean to oestrus interval decreased significantly in the case of the trial group in the 1st replication (p < 0.019) but was not changed in the 2nd. The rate of late oestrus, conception, and farrowing were apparently improved in the trial group in both replications compared to the control. The results of the subsequent farrow were also better in the trial group, where the number of live-born piglets increased in both replications compared to the recent farrow.

Based on the results, a feeding strategy is being developed that can effectively supply Hungarian sow feeds with those n-3 fatty acids, which can improve the long-term performance parameters of breeding sows.

Open access

Egy egészség – a 21. század problémája az antimikrobiális rezisztencia: Van kiút?

One health - antimicrobial resistance is the problem of the 21st century: is there a way out?

Scientia et Securitas
Ádám Kerek
Zoltán Nagy
, and
Ákos Jerzsele


Napjaink kiemelkedő állat- és közegészségügyi problémája az antimikrobiális rezisztencia (AMR) kérdésköre. Az AMR terjedése szempontjából az egyik legnagyobb jelentőségű az Escherichia coli baktérium, amelynek plazmidon kódolt rezisztenciagénjei lehetőséget adnak a horizontális génátvitelre. A szerzők célul tűzték ki, hogy az AMR kevésbé vizsgált területeit térképezik fel. Egyrészt vakcinafejlesztés modellezéséhez kiválasztott törzseket, másrészt probiotikumkészítményeket vizsgáltak új generációs szekvenálással. Számos mobilis genetikai elemet, plazmidon és fágon kódolt gént sikerült azonosítani. Az eredmények rávilágítanak arra, hogy új vakcinák, valamint probiotikumok fejlesztéséhez érdemes a kiválasztott baktériumtörzsek rezisztenciagén szűrését elvégezni.


The spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public and animal health problem of our days, with the most conservative estimates suggesting that it could become the leading cause of death worldwide by 2050. The role of Escherichia coli is significant, as in many cases it creates the potential for horizontal gene transfer through antimicrobial resistance genes encoded as mobile genetic elements on plasmids. Authors have set out to map two less researched areas of potential involvement in the spread of antimicrobial resistance. One area is the investigation of potential vaccine candidate Escherichia coli isolates using next-generation sequencing (NGS). The other area is the investigation of commercialized probiotic products for farm and companion animals with NGS. Our results suggest that vaccine candidate strains may carry several mobile genetic elements encoded on plasmids or phages. Among these, there are genes clearly of public health importance (TEM-1, ampC, qnrS1, ugd) that may be responsible for the development of resistance to antibiotics classified as category B (3rd to 4th generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, colistin) by the AMEG (AntiMicrobial Expert Group); the presence of these genes as mobile genetic elements is of particular concern. The ampC gene is a gene responsible for beta-lactamase overproduction, whereas TEM-1 is an ESBL gene (extended spectrum beta lactamase), which has a significant role in public health mainly in nosocomial or multiresistant infections. In the case of probiotic products, those intended for farm animals are much better regulated, thereby mobile genetic elements were not found in our study. However, preparations intended for companion animals are not regulated at all, and we found resistance genes against aminoglycosides (APH(3’)-Ia) and tetracyclines (tetS) that might have public health significance as these were encoded on mobile genetic elements on plasmids. Our results suggest that it is strongly recommended to include a pre-screening step for antimicrobial resistance genes in bacterial vaccine development. As regards probiotics, preparations for companion animals should be subject to similar regulation as those for farm animals. It is in our common interest to prevent the further spread of antimicrobial resistance as widely as possible in the light of the One Health concept and to use and preserve antibiotics responsibly for future generations.

Open access

Fókuszban a gyermek: A gyermekek érdekét sértő bűncselekmények büntetéskiszabási gyakorlata

The child in focus: sentencing factors of the criminal offences violating the interest of children

Scientia et Securitas
Bernadett Csapucha


A KDP keretén belül lefolytatott kutatómunkám magját a gyermekek érdekét sértő, valamint a család elleni bűncselekmények képezték. Kutatásom nóvuma a gyakorlati oldalban rejlett, egy egyedi szellemi terméket létrehozva az országos, illetőleg a Fővárosra kiterjedő aktavizsgálataim révén. Jelen írásom – mely tulajdonképpen a lefolytatott kétéves kutatásom rövid összefoglalójaként fogható fel – alapvetően a kutatási eredményeimre épít, így az – a jogerős ítéleteken keresztül – bemutatja a magyar helyzetképet, kiemelt figyelmet szentelve a büntetéskiszabási gyakorlatnak, valamint az arra hatást gyakorló tényezőknek.


This is to summarise the main ideas and findings of my two-year research that I have conducted in the framework of the Cooperative Doctoral Program.

One of the key goals of my research was to draw attention to the necessity of the increased criminal law protection of families, and especially of minors, and also, to provide a comprehensive view of how, by applying what means and how efficiently, this group of society can be protected through the application of the currently effective rules, i.e., mainly criminal substantive law and criminal procedural law.

I think that the criminal law protection of the family is undisputedly a hot issue: just to take a look at the intensive media coverage of this topic. The protection of children in the family as a social unit should be paid special attention to, as they are in an especially vulnerable position. The effective Criminal Code (Act C of 2012, Btk) essentially broke with the regulatory scheme in the Criminal Code of 1978, which discussed the provisions aimed at the protection of children and families in the same chapter as the delinquencies against sexual morality, as now it deals with these in a separate chapter (Chapter XX).

The core of my research was basically Chapter XX of the Criminal Code, which deals with the crimes that violate the interests of children and that are committed against the family, however, I attached primary importance to the former.

The following is meant by delinquencies that violate the interests of children: the endangering of minors, child labour, preventing the exercise of visitation rights with a minor, changing a minor’s custody; while the following statutory definitions will qualify as crimes against the family: failure to observe the maintenance obligation, domestic violence, violation of family legal status, bigamy.

Both regarding the crimes that violate children’s interests and those that are against the family, it was my goal to conduct an in-depth dogmatic analysis, in order to explore the theoretical side of delinquencies in question as comprehensively as possible.

However, the major novelty of my research lay in the practical aspect, where I exclusively focused on the crimes that violate the interests of children, creating a unique intellectual product based on my case-file analysis on the national and Budapest levels, as thus, I had the opportunity to examine this scope of crimes and the related legal practices from a pretty broad perspective.

This short article, which is basically a brief summary of the research that I conducted for two years, is fundamentally built on my research findings, which are primarily practical conclusions.

I have presented the Hungarian situation through the binding court decisions, drawing special attention to the Hungarian sentencing practices and the factors that affect these.

Open access


A fizikai képességek magas színvonala nélkülözhetetlen a hon- és rendvédelmi szervek személyi állományának tagjai számára. A hadrafoghatóság, bevethetőség alapvető feltétele a fizikai, mozgásszervi egészség és edzettség megléte. Az állomány felmérésére jelenleg alkalmazott fizikai tesztelési eljárások a sérülések megelőzésére, a teljesítmény optimalizálására kevésbé alkalmasak, pedig a hosszú távon fenntartható magas szintű teljesítmény a szervezeti hatékonyság és a produktivitás kulcseleme. A hon- és rendvédelmi területen dolgozó szakemberek kiképzési, oktatási költsége jelentős anyagi ráfordítás mellett valósítható meg, így a sérüléseik megelőzése, fizikai alkalmasságuk fenntartása igen fontos feladat. Külföldi példák alapján a biomechanikailag helytelen mozgások kiszűrése hozzájárul a sérülések megelőzéséhez.


High level of physical fitness is an essential requirement towards the members of armed forces, firefighters, law enforcement services and other government services. Physical condition assessment is routinely used to determine operational readiness of these units, however, these routine tests are not suited for injury prevention. A musculoskeletal disorder, or injury can negatively influence the success of the mission and cause a long-term disability and inefficient productivity. Therefore, specific tests are required to measure musculoskeletal properties which play a significant role in the mechanisms of injury in order to screen potential injury and apply preventive measures. Several countries apply movement analysis tests and functional movement screening for their armed forces. These tests can efficiently predict the possibility of musculoskeletal injuries, thus keep soldiers in service. In most cases at the operational level specific positions mandate special physical requirements from the subjects. Task-specific testing methods provide a comprehensive report about the subjects’ current physical state. Our research team have previously developed a user-friendly, simple and cost -effective movement analysis system that can monitors and records the subjects’ movements with artificial intelligence-based Kinect Azure camera without any markers, which enables state of the art measurement, documentation and can avoid subjective evaluation or conformation bias. This method is able to provide a biomechanical report about the subject during key movement patterns such as walking, running, jumping, or squatting. The system can detect the incorrect and the well-executed technics. A corrective treatment plan is also provided if sub-optimal movement patterns are recognized. During musculoskeletal rehabilitation there is a need for objective testing and retesting in order to provide optimal quantity and quality of training loads to avoid further injury. Repeated testing provides feedback about successful rehabilitation process.

Open access


This article presents the results of an interpretive case study of three lecturers teaching English at a South African University. The purpose of the study was to explore the lecturers' strategies to decolonize the curriculum succinctly. Purposive, with convenient sampling, identified the three most available lecturers. An emailed reflective activity, one-on-one semi-structured interviews, and document analysis were consulted for data generation. Inductive and deductive processes were used to ensure guided analysis of the generated data. The article argues that universities are not doing enough to help lecturers to have relevant strategies to decolonize the curriculum, particularly the English curriculum. This study revealed that the University environment allowed the lecturers to be left without any option other than the frequent use of verbal and habitual strategies in decolonizing the curriculum. Yet, they would prefer the option of using written strategies. As a result, the study copiously recommends that English lecturers use all three levels of strategies (written, verbal and habitual) to decolonize the university curriculum.

Open access


Every year, several teachers retire from the education sector in Rivers State and these teaching retirees still have a lot they can contribute to the education system but can only deliver lifelong educational services when life after retirement is patterned to what is obtainable during active service. The study investigated teaching retirees' life adjustment pattern for lifelong educational service delivery in Rivers State. The study's design was descriptive survey and 18,073 retirees formed the population of the study out of which 391 retirees were sampled through multistage sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire which was face and content validated by experts in University of Port Harcourt with a Cronbach alpha determined reliability index of 0.94. Answers were provided to the research questions using mean score and SD while at 5% level of significance the hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics. The study revealed that retired teachers adjust economically using different patterns including engaging in paid employment. The retirees also adjusted socially through different patterns. Conclusively, the study identified that the retirees had economic and social adjustment patterns needed for providing lifelong educational services in Rivers State.

Open access