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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.
Social Sciences and Law
In its ‘refugee quota decision’ of 2016 the Hungarian Constitutional Court (HCC) ‘invented’ its competences of ultra vires, sovereignty and constitutional identity controls. The sword of constitutional identity (CI) has been forged against foreign – first of all – EU law. In the development of the new concept the interplay between the Government, the Government-dominated parliament and the Constitutional Court loyal to the Government seems to be evident. The textual analysis of the relevant HCC's decisions proves that the Hungarian Constitutional identity (HCI) contains legal acts in force – including the Fundamental Law (constitution) and the Founding treaties of the EU -, legal acts ‘not in force but valid’ and activities related to the fight for independence of the Hungarian State.
As far as the nature of the HCI is concerned, the article demonstrates the strong relationship with sovereignty control, and the ‘historical constitution’ and emphasises the HCC's statement according to which the CI is not created by the constitution, it is merely acknowledges it.
Given the large number of elements identified as part of the HCI, its openness to the inclusion of further elements, and the questionable nature of the HCI, the author submits that the concept is inappropriate for any meaningful constitutional review.
The HCC – at least until now – despite being invited to do so, has refused to use the sword against EU secondary law and the judgment of the European Court of Justice, and avoided overt constitutional conflict. However, this does not mean that the HCC is ready to enter into sincere dialogue with the court in Luxembourg.
Innovatív genomikai és élettani kutatások az angol telivér állomány versenyteljesítményének fokozása érdekében
Innovative genomic and physiological studies to improve the competitive performance of Thoroughbreds
Célkitűzés: Miosztatin (MSTN) genotípusok összefüggés-vizsgálata izomfejlődéssel és cardiovascularis paraméterekkel angol telivérekben.
Módszer: Három, MSTN-genotipizált csoportban echokardiográfiát és izomultrahangot végeztünk. Adatainkat SPSS 15.0 szoftverrel elemeztük.
Eredmények: A C/C csoport mért izomvastagságai 22,08 (p = 0,004) és 12,24 (p < 0,001) %-kal; a cardiovascularis rendszeré 6,33 (p = 0,015), 6,03 (p = 0,011) és 6,72 (p = 0,014) %-kal magasabb volt, mint a T/T genotípusnál. Pearson-féle R: anconeus pólyahossz r = 0,460; triceps r = 0,590; aorta Valsalva-öböl diasztolé r = 0,423, szisztolé r = 0,450, billentyűk síkjában szisztolé r = 0,462.
Következtetések: Az eredmények hozzájárulnak a galopplovak hatékony tréningmódszereinek kidolgozásához, így jelentősen befolyásolható eredményességük.
Background: The myostatin gene (MSTN; g.66493737) C/T polymorphism has great influence on the development of the muscles and the rates between the types of muscle fibers as well as cardiovascular performance in thoroughbred horses. Consequently MSTN gene decisively determines the optimal race distance and racing ability in thoroughbreds through the muscle development regulation. A more detailed understanding of these genetic attributions and their associations leads us to be able to maximise the athletic potential of thoroughbreds.
Objective: In this paper the relationships were investigated between the MSTN genotypes and muscle development or the main cardiovascular parameters which affect or define the cardiac performance of thoroughbreds.
Methods: Ultrasonography and echocardiography was performed on each individual selected for our study. Sixty-six thoroughbreds were applied in each measurement (22 of each genotype, C/C, C/T and T/T). All of them participated at different races or were trained at the same time in Hungary. A portable MyLab™ ultrasound system (Alfa-Vet, Animal Healthcare Ltd.) was used for the measurements. To investigate the development of the candidate muscles the size of the anconaeous and triceps brachii muscles were used as indicators. The length of the mentioned muscles was given by the size of the total length of the muscle fascia (m. fasciae anconeus and m. fasciae triceps brachii). Thickness was measured at the largest anatomical diameter of the muscles. To characterize the cardiovascular system, the diameter of the Valsalva sinus of the aorta was measured at the end of diastole and systole, respectively, as well as the diameter of the aorta in the plane of the semilunar valves. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 15.0 for Windows software. Homogeneity of variance between groups was checked with Levene’s test and multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine the correlations between the measured variables and the myostatin genotypes.
Results According to our measurements relationship was detected between individual myostatin genotypes, muscular development and cardiovascular parameters of the thoroughbreds. The muscle thickness and fascicle length of group C/C of MSTN showed significant differences compared to group T/T. Aortic diameter at the sinus of Valsalva (end-diastole and end-systole) and aortic diameter at the valve (end-systole) also indicated significant differences between C/C and T/T genotypes too. The thickness of the two muscles (anconaeous and triceps brachii) in the group C/C was 2.08 (p=0.004) and 12.24 (p<0.001) % higher; and of the parameters of cardiovascular system were 6.33 (p=0.015), 6.03 (p=0.011) and 6.72 (p=0.014) % greater, respectively, than in the T/T genotypes.
Conclusions: The results contribute to a better understanding of the effects of MSTN genetic variations on phenotypes, which help to develop new, effective training methods for racehorses in order to prepare them for their best race distance according to their genotypes. Thus, the competitive performance and racing ability of thoroughbreds can be improved significantly.
Supercritical CO2 injection in moderate-tight hydrocarbon reservoirs, a preliminary case study
Szuperkritikus szén-dioxid besajtolása kis áteresztőképességű szénhidrogén tárolók esetén – előzetes esettanulmány.
Rezervoár szimuláció CO2 besajtolására és tárolására
The research deals with the investigation of one alternative of carbon-dioxide utilization – underground storage – from a petroleum geoscience point of view. The basic assumptions and the results of the laboratory studies to be carried out later are based on a specific hydrocarbon field in Hungary. The previously measured and studied geological and petrophysical parameters of the reservoir (porosity, permeability, saturation, capacity, etc.) will be restudied and specified, based on the results of the new concept of laboratory experiments.
By defining these parameters, a 3D geological model, a “Dynamic model” will be created to understand the effect of carbon-dioxide injection on the dynamic behavior of a moderate-tight sandstone reservoir. Based on the results of the dynamic model, the storage capacity will be defined. The carbon-dioxide injection laboratory experiments will contribute to understanding these underground geo-chemical reactions (e.g. carbonation ability, compositional variation) and flow characteristics.
Korunk egyik legmeghatározóbb problémája az üvegházhatású gázok, különösen a szén-dioxid kibocsátásának csökkentése. Alapvetően két fő ágra oszlanak ezen törekvések: egyrészt a kibocsátásért felelős technológiák optimalizálására/„zöldítésére”, másrészt a már kibocsátott szén-dioxid hasznosítására (CCU), illetve befogására és letárolására (CCS). A kutatás a szén-dioxid hasznosítás egyik alternatívájával, a föld alatti letárolás lehetőségének vizsgálatával foglalkozik földtudományi aspektusból.
A kézirat alap felvetései és a későbbiekben magmintákon elvégzendő laborkísérletek eredményei egy konkrét, Magyarországon található szénhidrogén mezőre vonatkoznak. Emiatt más szén-dioxid tárolására alkalmas földtani képződmény (sókaverna, széntelep, illetve sósvizes aquifer) vizsgálatára a tanulmány nem tér ki. A laborkísérletek eredményeinek segítségével az előzetesen a mérnöki gyakorlatban használt és ismert tárolói paraméterek (porozitás, permeabilitás, kapacitás, telítettség stb.) kerülnek pontosításra. Az elvégzendő labormérések: higany besajtolásos porozitás vizsgálat, centrifugális kapilláris nyomásgörbe és relatív permeabilitási görbék meghatározása, röntgendiffrakciós anyagvizsgálat. Ezen paraméterek ismeretében egy pontosított földtani modell kerül megalkotásra.
A kutatás első fázisában a már meglévő, ipari gyakorlatban alkalmazott kőzetvizsgálati módszerek kerültek felülvizsgálatra, és egy új szemléletű, az eddigi módszereket pontosító eljárás került kidolgozásra a hazai geológiai formációkra vonatkoztatva. A későbbiekben a kőzetmintákon végzett tárolói paramétereket szimuláló szén-dioxid besajtolási kísérletek a föld alatti reakciók (pl. karbonátosodási képesség) és az áramlástani sajátosságok megértéséhez és modellezéséhez is hozzájárulhatnak. Feltételezhetően a föld alatti reakcióknak köszönhetően egy, a korábbi becslésektől eltérő tárolótérfogatot lehet meghatározni.
Megállapításra került, hogy a szén-dioxid szuperkritikus állapotban besajtolva, rétegvízzel rendelkező zárt rétegekben egybefüggő „csóvaként” vándorol a porózus kőzeteken keresztül, amely a gravitációs szegregáció következtében vertikálisan kitágul a fedőkőzet alatt. Az oldalirányú szén-dioxid expanzió folyamatát a folyadékok csapdázódása korlátozza. Ezért a többfázisú áramlás és csapdázódás alapos vizsgálata elengedhetetlen a tárolókapacitás pontos meghatározásának érdekében.
A szén-dioxid besajtolhatóságát és a tárolási kapacitást nagymértékben befolyásolja a szén-dioxiddal telített sóoldat relatív permeabilitása, amely erősen függ a kőzet heterogenitásától. Miljkovic (2006) sóoldattal telített homokkő minták szimulációs méréseit hasonlította össze, amelyek csak a heterogenitás tekintetében tértek el egymástól. Megmutatta, hogy a kis strukturálatlan heterogenitás, úgy tűnik, nem befolyásolja jelentősen a CO2 telítettségét és ennek következtében a tárolási kapacitást. Ezzel ellentétben Kuo és társai (2011) kimutatták, hogy a telítési profilt erősen befolyásolja a mag heterogenitása, és nagy injektálási sebességre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a heterogén közeg relatív állandó telítettségét elérje a homogénhez képest. Hozzájuk hasonlóan Shi és társai (2009) heterogén homokkő magokon szimulálták a szén-dioxiddal telített sóoldat elvezetését és beszívódását. Kimutatták, hogy a porozitás változása szignifikáns hatással volt a CO2 migrációs mintázatára alacsony kiszorítási sebesség mellett és ez fokozatosan eltűnik az injektálási sebesség növelésével.
Fontos célkitűzésként jelenik meg a kutatásokban ezen tézisek vizsgálata, valamint a többfázisú áramlási kísérletek elvégzése a magyarországi CCS potenciális jelöltjeként számon tartott tároló magmintáin. A víz-gáz elvezetési relatív permeabilitási vizsgálatok szimulált tározókörülmények között szintén fontos új információkat fognak szolgáltatni, melyek lehetőséget teremtenek a CO2 front végső eloszlásának meghatározására, valamint javaslattételre a tárolási kapacitás pontosítására és a geokémiai változásokra az adott tárolórétegekre jellemző heterogenitás függvényében.
Personal data can be transferred to third countries without any additional measures by achieving the European Commission's adequacy decisions if the third country's data protection level is deemed essentially equal. Only a few countries have obtained this decision, and the United States is no longer one of them, since the European Court of Justice ruled in the Schrems II case that the Privacy Shield Decision could not provide ‘essentially equivalent’ protection for personal data to that provided by European Union legislation, and hence was invalid. This article will discuss what the term ‘essentially equivalent’ means and what it covers. Finally, it will examine and attempt to answer the question of whether the United States will ever reach the mentioned adequate level by comparing the examples of two adequate countries, the United Kingdom and Japan.
The European Union, while acknowledging the pitfalls of problematic consumer markets, seems largely unwilling to deviate from an inflexible standard of consumer behaviour based on the ideal of the average consumer as a reasonably well-informed and observant market participant. The article aims to contrast this high consumer standard with the alternatives offered by the vulnerable consumer concept. The first part of the article deals with the notion of the average consumer as defined in European Union law and its interpretation by the European Court of Justice, particularly in cases concerning problematic markets. This is followed by a brief analysis of two potential interpretations of consumer vulnerability developed in the consumer protection literature. The final chapter examines in more detail the appearance of a singular major exception to the average consumer concept within the European Union consumer protection regime: the narrow scope of consumers acknowledged as ‘particularly vulnerable.’
The impact of EU identity on constitutional identities •
Romanian and Bulgarian Examples
Since the Maastricht Treaty, two questions remain: what is the EU, and is there such as thing as an EU identity? Because of its specific nature, and in view of the political accession criteria, it seems there is an EU political identity. Consequently, the purpose of this article is to evaluate whether this EU political identity has had an impact on Member States' constitutional identity: because they were the latest countries to accede to the EU, but also because they were under a specific monitoring process, Bulgaria and Romania are the best examples of an EU influence, but only of a limited one.
Oceans and marine resources represent an invaluable source of life and well-being for humanity. Despite their contribution, oceans are constantly affected by human activities such as overfishing, shipping, and resource extraction, thus jeopardizing the viability of marine ecosystems. Periodically, a series of global initiatives led by the United Nations have sought to reverse these negative effects and safeguard sustainable ocean use. The United Nation's Law of the Sea (1982, UNCLOS) is a prominent undertaking in this direction, as it has created the legal framework for sustainable ocean governance. Norway, an ocean nation, has been a strong supporter of this international treaty, but also of the recent sustainable development goals (SDGs), which have typically complemented UNCLOS in the global quest for ocean sustainability. In this context, this paper delves into and posits the synergies and interactions between UNCLOS and SDGs and describes the related shifts in Norway's ocean governance regime.
This paper highlights the concept of constructivism that underpins the theory and practice of foreign language teaching. The dominance of this pedagogical movement in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has been particularly important for the study and understanding of digitally supported forms of learning. Constructivism can provide a response to the analysis and practice of new forms of learning: it is based on the premise that knowledge transfer and the role of the teacher are undergoing intense change. Its implications in the classroom define and influence the pedagogical models and traditions of our time. The paper traces the emergence and dimensions of constructivism in today's digitally infused education, providing a theoretical and literature overview.
Összefoglalás. A jelen írás alapja a témában tartott előadásom. Először általános kérdésekkel foglalkozom, majd a tervezett „EU AI Act”-ről lesz szó, utána egy VW projektet ismertetek röviden, majd a „megmagyarázható MI”-ről fogok beszélni, aztán egy saját, hazai kezdeményezésről, az Alfi projektről teszek említést. Végezetül egy kitekintés zárja le az írást.
Summary. This writing is based on a lecture on the topic. In my other (German) affiliation I am manager of a large-scale EU project called “HumanE AI Net” (funded with 12m Euro) comprising 53 leading EU institutions, including large universities (UCL London, LMU Munich, Sorbonne, Sussex or ELTE), networks of research institutes (Fraunhofer, Max Planck Gesellschaft, INRIA, CNR Italy), large international companies (ING Bank, SAP, Philips, Airbus), etc. In the writing I discuss general issues related to Humane AI, the planned EU AI Act, social credit systems, explainable AI, and the Alphie project, respectively.
In April 2021, the European Commission proposed a regulation on artificial intelligence, known as the AI Act. The regulation aims at human-faced AI in a European dimension. Although it is still only a draft, the stakes are high. The planned law has, however, faults (I maintain here), to be corrected before the text passes as law.
Another subject to discuss is the study – and prohibition (at least in Europe) – of social credit systems. The original “Social Credit System” is a national credit rating and blacklist developed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China. Proponents of the system claim that it helps regulate social behaviour, improves citizens’ ‘trustworthiness’ (which includes paying taxes and bills on time) and promotes the spread of traditional moral values. Critics of the system, however, argue that it goes far beyond the rule of law and violates the legitimate rights of people – in particular, the right to reputation, privacy and personal dignity – and that it can be a tool for extensive government surveillance and suppression of dissent.
“Explainable AI” (XAI) has become a hot topic in recent years. AI applications are mostly “opaque”: this is especially true for learning systems and by definition for neural networks (NN). The current fashion, “deep learning”, usually means the application of a particularly opaque NN anyway. It is natural not to know what the system is doing and why. So, let’s change that! With this tenet, XAI was born. I review some solutions to the problem.
In the writing I also mention an application, Alphie, the first version of which was done in the OTKA project “Good Mobile” and is now supported by the MI National Laboratory. Alphie is a science-based playful application for children that helps them to use digital tools more consciously and within limits, while developing a variety of skills. It performs the functions of a ‘grandmother’ who shows emotions towards the child: can be e.g. angry, loving, etc. The application makes the corresponding sounds (!) and facilitates real social interactions (e.g. sends the child to play football (!).