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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

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The benefits of using formalized debates in the classroom are widely known as debating develops various skills that students need both inside and outside the modern educational system. Such competences range from communication and research skills, critical thinking, team work, public speaking, and self-confidence (Kennedy, 2007; Medina, 2020; Snider & Schnurer, 2006). However, while debating is frequently used both in regular classroom settings and as extra-curricular activities in various countries, it is still largely neglected as an educational tool in Hungary. This is true both in secondary and tertiary education with the teaching of debate mostly absent from teacher-training programs as well. After an overview of research findings on the key benefits of using debates in the classroom, the paper examines the educational policy environment in Hungary concerning the use of debates and based on various surveys argues that the manifold benefits of debating could also be exploited in Hungary as it is not only enabled by the core and general curricula but also caters for a clear need both in teacher training and daily educational practice.

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There is an increased interest in exploring the interaction between knowledge of foreign languages, Reading and Mathematics and correlation of students' achievement in Hungary (e. g. Szirmai, 2003; Garami, 2009; Hegedűs & Sebestyén, 2019). Special learner groups are rarely put in the focus of research, therefore in our paper, we examine achievements in Reading and Mathematics of students with learning disorder or integration, learning and behavioural difficulties (ILBD). We examine data in different types of classes, for example, in special classes with a high number of foreign language lessons. We analyse the data of National Competency Measurement (NCM) of 2019 in the 10th grade (N = 83,751) with SPSS. In this database, there are 3,029 students with learning disorder and 4,284 students with ILBD. 5.9% of the first group and 9% of the latter group learn in classes with a high number of foreign language lessons per week. According to our results, these students have better competence results from Reading and Mathematics than students who learn in classes with “normal” curriculum, and lower achievements than students in classes with a special curriculum.

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The growing manifestation of multiculturalism in Lithuania has been prompting the educational community and education policy makers to pay more attention to the issues related to quality education for bilingual and multilingual children. Due to the lack of experience in analyzing this phenomenon, certain previous studies on multilingualism have created a basis that leads to underestimation of the importance of multilingualism at an early age. In recent years attitudes towards multilingual education have been changing. More effective language learning is becoming one of the priority areas of education.

Building on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the article presents the situation, issues and prospects of multilingualism in Lithuanian pre-school education institutions.

A multilingual environment and properly selected methods enable the child of pre-school age to naturally learn several languages. Therefore, early learning of a foreign language is gaining popularity in Lithuania, and in terms of children with other nationalities, it is aimed at creation of favorable conditions for them to learn the official Lithuanian language.

The article also reviews the organizational models and methods of multilingual education, best practice of multilingual and multicultural kindergartens in Lithuania, challenges faced by the pre-school education institutions in terms of multilingualism, emphasizes the necessity and possibilities for development of teachers' multicultural competence.

Open access


Preparing English as a foreign language (EFL) students for final exams and language exams has become more and more significant in secondary education. However, those students who continue their studies as English majors have to live up to new expectations and rise to different challenges such as reading and discussing literary texts written in English. Thus, they would need help, nevertheless it is generally believed in many university courses that students have already reached the needed language proficiency level and they are able to read academic texts in English without having difficulties (Paran, 2008). Therefore, first-year English majors are often unprepared to cope with the demands made on them in literature courses. The main objective of this interview study, involving four EFL and four English literature tutors from a university in Hungary, is to explore the tutors' perceptions on first-year English majors' reading habits, what reading skills and strategies are required in literature courses. The findings provide an insight into some of the issues related to reading texts in English, what demands English majors have to meet when they enter tertiary education, and some possible solutions.

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In science class, students learn by making and living information, enabling them to make sense of knowledge effectively and permanently and to associate it with daily life. Applied science courses make learning more qualified. While science teaching is carried out in application areas such as laboratories, virtual laboratories are used with the development of information technologies today. Virtual laboratories are auxiliary tools that make teaching and learning easier. Virtual environments offer the opportunity to experiment through simulation programs and modeling. In the study, it was examined which of the experiments in the PhET simulation software was suitable for the student gain in the science course curriculum according to the grade level. In the research, a qualitative research method was employed. Simulation programs on the web address “” were examined by document analysis. According to the findings of the study, there are 80 interactive simulation applications in the PhET application that are suitable for student gains in the science curriculum prepared by the Ministry of National Education. In the PhET simulation software, it was determined that most physical experiments can be done according to the student gains in the science course curriculum, and the experiments in the field of biology are limited.

Open access

Az egyházi oktatás hatása a fiatalok vallásosságának alakulására

The Effect of Denominational Education on the Formation of the Religiosity of Young People

Gergely Rosta
Gabriella Pusztai

Az elmúlt évtizedek alatt az egyházi fenntartású oktatási intézmények oktatási rendszerbeli aránya fokozatosan nőtt. Mivel csökkenőben van a magukat az egyház tanítása szerint vallásosnak vallók aránya a fiatalok körében, a szektor növekedésével párhuzamosan nő a vallásos neveltetésben nem, vagy csak részben részesülő tanulók aránya az egyházi iskolákban. Korábbi elemzéseink az egyházi iskola vallásosságra gyakorolt mérsékelt, de szignifikáns hatását mutatták ki. Jelen tanulmányban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy hogyan hat az egyházi iskola a fiatalok vallásosságára és értékrendjére. Az elemzéshez a Magyar Ifjúság 2016 adatbázist használtuk. Eredményeink szerint az otthoni vallásos neveltetés befolyása meghatározó, az egyházi iskolák a fiatalok vallásos identitását és vallásgyakorlatának kialakulását jelentősen támogatják, de a hittartalmak és az értékpreferenciák tekintetében nem gyakorolnak hatást a fiatalokra.

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Bővülő egyházi oktatás – Absztraktok angolul

Expanding Church-run Education – Abstracts in English

Open access

Egyházak a köznevelési költségvetésben

Church Schools in the Public Education Budget

Gábor Péteri
Bernadett Szilágyi

A 2010. évi kormányváltást követően az egyházi fenntartású intézmények köznevelésen belüli súlya gyors növekedésnek indult. Rövid idő alatt érzékelhetővé váltak az egyházi iskolák térnyerésének társadalmi következményei is. A lezajlott változásokhoz hozzájárultak az új finanszírozási és gazdálkodási szabályok. A tanulmány az egyházi fenntartású oktatási intézmények finanszírozásának és gazdálkodási gyakorlatának vizsgálatával arra a következtetésre jut, hogy i) a köznevelés finanszírozásában az elvárt szektorsemlegesség nem valósul meg; ii) a kedvezőbb pénzügyi helyzetben lévő egyházi iskolák működése viszont hatékonyabb, mint a központosított intézményeké; ugyanakkor iii) az egyházi fenntartású intézmények gazdálkodásának nyilvánossága és így elszámoltathatósága korlátozott.

Open access

Egyházi óvodák: munkakörülmények és szakmai autonómia óvónői szemmel

Churchification Through the Eye of Kindergarten Teachers: Possibilities and Limitations in Pre-School Education

Judit Keller
Alexandra Szőke

Tanulmányunk az egyházi fenntartók számának növekedését vizsgálja az óvodai szektorban. Azt kívánjuk feltérképezni, hogy az iskolákhoz képest decentralizáltan működő óvodák esetében milyen hasonlóságok és különbségek figyelhetők meg az egyházi fenntartók növekvő jelenléte kapcsán. A cikkben bemutatjuk az egyházi fenntartás növekedésének mértékét, az átvétel módjait és az egyházi fenntartóra vonatkozó szabályozási környezetet. Továbbá egy feltáró empirikus kutatás eredményeire alapozva vizsgáljuk, hogy az egyházi fenntartók megjelenése milyen lehetőségeket és korlátokat jelent a mindennapi szakmai munka terén az óvodapedagógusok számára a munkavégzés körülményei, a szakemberi ellátottság, valamint gyermekek felvétele és a pedagógiai program tekintetében.

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