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In the broadest sense, social sciences encompass society, human behavior, and its influence on the world. Social sciences help understand how society works, ranging from the causes of unemployment, economic growth, what makes people happy, and so on. The information it provides is vital for governments and policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local authorities.

Social Sciences and Law

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The objective of our study is to assess the integration of the concept of special educational needs (SEN) retrospectively and analytically within the Romanian legal framework and its consolidation as a fundamental component of national education policy. Concurrently, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of inclusive education for children with SEN within the public education system. Methodologically, our investigation begins with a documentary analysis, examining relevant strategic documents that elucidate the contemporary understanding of SEN. Subsequently, we provide an overview of the Romanian context, drawing upon accessible secondary data, supplemented by the outcomes of a quantitative research endeavor conducted in Bihor County. This quantitative phase offers insights into the practical realities of SEN within the Romanian education system. Additionally, we reflect upon the latest national strategy aimed at facilitating a societal paradigm shift towards SEN in the ensuing years. In conclusion, while SEN has been incorporated into the Romanian public education system, its implementation does not fully align with legislative requirements, necessitating smoother execution. We conclude our analysis by posing forward-looking research questions pertinent to future investigations in this field.

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Termálvíz-visszasajtolás és fenntarthatóság – a visszasajtolási potenciál előrejelzési lehetőségei homokkő rezervoárok esetén

Thermal water reinjection and sustainability – predicting the reinjection potential for sandstone aquifers

Scientia et Securitas
Ábel Markó
Marianna Tóth
, and
Judit Mádl-Szőnyi

A termálvizek visszasajtolása az országos és települési szintű hosszú távú energiabiztonság szempontjából kulcsfontosságú: hozzájárul az energiaforrás fenntartható felhasználásához, megnövelve a beruházások élettartamát. Bár számos potenciális nehézség merül fel, ez nem jelenthet mentséget a visszasajtolás hiányára. A kidolgozott eljárással, a problémák előrejelzésével a visszasajtolási lehetőségek értékelhetők, és – a geotermikus potenciálbecslés részeként – kijelölhetők az arra legalkalmasabb területek. A kutatásban eddig a Zalai-medence mintaterületén regionális hidraulikai, formáció és rezervoártest léptékű értékelést végeztük el: a zalai pannon képződményeknél a nyomásviszonyok nem okoznak problémát, míg a rezervoárlépték jelentős heterogenitást mutat, ami befolyásolja a visszasajtolás hatékonyságát.

Open access

Vegyi, biológiai, radiológiai és nukleáris események áldozatainak kezelése a biztonság tükrében

Victim management in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents, in light of safety

Scientia et Securitas
Csaba Bence Farkas

A vegyi, biológiai, radiológiai és nukleáris (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear – CBRN) káreseményekben az életüket vesztett áldozatok kezelése számos elméleti és gyakorlati kérdést felvető terület. Az elhunytak azonosításához, boncolásához, a tetemek szállításához, tárolásához szükséges ismeretek nélkül a biztonságos munkavégzés elképzelhetetlen. Szintén kérdéses, hogy mely szakmaspecifikus post mortem műveletek hajthatók végre szennyezett tetemek esetében, illetve mely eljárások befolyásolják a nyomozati vagy személyazonosítási érdekeket. Kutatásomban ezekre a problémákra keresem a szükség esetén gyakorlatban alkalmazható, a nemzetközi szakirodalmi ajánlásokkal és a hazai, már meglévő eljárásrendekkel összehangolható megoldásokat.

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The paper analyses the evolution of clauses relating to the debtor's assets in Egyptian legal papyri from Ptolemaic to Roman times. This evolution reflects the socio-economic change brought about by the replacement of a maritime economy by an agrarian one.

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Despite decades of scholarly effort, there is still no universally accepted definition of the concept of minorities or the criteria for minority membership. Beyond its theoretical importance, the lack of a definition also has practical significance, as it may easily lead to the abuse of minority rights. In this paper, we offer a brief historical overview of the various definitional attempts in international law, including those enshrined in legal documents as well as in the practice of adjudicatory bodies. Starting from the era of the League of Nations and the case-law of the Permanent Court of International Justice, we continue by looking at major developments within the United Nations (with special attention to the practice of the Human Rights Committee) as well as the Council of Europe (and the approach of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for National Minorities). Our aim is to explore the trajectory from old to recent conceptual endeavours, where the major dividing line is drawn between the relatively narrow notion of minorities (covering only autochthonous or traditional groups) as opposed to a more inclusive view (including also immigrants and, potentially, visitors under the minority protection mechanisms).

Open access


The paper deals with criminal law protection of state and national symbols in five Central European countries. It aims at reviewing the regulation of these symbols concerning the penal law level, and compare the characteristics of the legal systems analyzed. The paper concludes that there is no significant difference in the protection of state or national symbols at the level of legal regulation between the geographically eastern and western countries of Europe. The state and national symbols (flags, coats of arms or anthems) are symbols of state identity and of the unity of citizens, whose ideological role in forming identity justifies even their protection under criminal law.

Open access


Disinformation and propaganda directed at foreign countries is an important tool in Russia's geopolitical power ambitions, including its war against Ukraine. The European Union and individual nation states, both inside and outside the Union, have developed complex responses to this multifaceted phenomenon. This article focuses on just one of them: the EU embargo on the RT television channel. It will review media analyses of RT, some of the legal action taken against it, and analyse the background and rationale behind the EU's blocking regulation. It points out that, while international media law literature has examined the issue from the perspective of freedom of expression, the European Union has treated the channel as a political weapon. The article argues that democracies need to take decisive action to defend their structures, and that this may require unconventional measures in times of disruption to the international order.

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