Browse Our Mathematics and Statistics Journals

Mathematics and statistics journals publish papers on the theory and application of mathematics, statistics, and probability. Most mathematics journals have a broad scope that encompasses most mathematical fields. These commonly include logic and foundations, algebra and number theory, analysis (including differential equations, functional analysis and operator theory), geometry, topology, combinatorics, probability and statistics, numerical analysis and computation theory, mathematical physics, etc.

Mathematics and Statistics

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In the present paper, we establish the convergence rates of the single logarithm and the iterated logarithm for martingale differences which give some further results for the open question in Stoica [6].

Open access

Let n ∈ ℕ. An element (x 1, … , xn ) ∈ En is called a norming point of T L n E if x 1 = = x n = 1 and T x 1 , , x n = T , where L n E denotes the space of all continuous symmetric n-linear forms on E. For T L n E , we define

Norm T = x 1 , , x n E n : x 1 , , x n  is a norming of  T .

Norm(T) is called the norming set of T.

Let · 2 be the plane with a certain norm such that the set of the extreme points of its unit ball ext B · 2 = ± W 1 , ± W 2 for some W 1 ± W 2 · 2 .

In this paper, we classify Norm(T) for every T L n · 2 . We also present relations between the norming sets of L n l 2 and L n l 1 2 .

Open access

This article indicates another set-theoretic formula, solely in terms of union and intersection, for the set of the limits of any given sequence (net, in general) in an arbitrary T 1 space; this representation in particular gives a new characterization of a T 1 space.

Open access

We give all solutions of completely multiplicative functions ƒ , g, for which the equation Ag(n + 1) = Bƒ (n) + C holds for every n ∈ ℕ. We also study the equation G(p + 1) = F(p − 1) + D and we prove some results concerning it.

Open access

We consider a graph whose vertices are legally colored using k colors and ask if the graph contains a k-clique. As it turns out this very special type of k-clique problem is in an intimate connection with constructing schedules. The practicality this clique search based construction of schedules is checked by carrying out numerical experiments.

Open access

Assume that Aj , j ∈ {1, … , m} are positive definite matrices of order n. In this paper we prove among others that, if 0 < l In Aj , j ∈ {1, … , m} in the operator order, for some positive constant l, and In is the unity matrix of order n, then

o 1 2 k = 1 m P k 1 P k det 2 A j l I n 1 / 2 2 1 j < k m P j P k det A j + A k l I n 1 / 2 j = 1 m P j det A j 1 / 2 det k = 1 m P k A k 1 / 2 ,

where Pk ≥ 0 for k ϵ {1, …, m} and j = 1 m P j = 1 .

Open access

The evolute of a conic in the pseudo-Euclidean plane is the locus of centers of all its osculating circles. It’s a curve of order six and class four in general case. In this paper we discuss and compute the order and class of evolutes of different types of conics. We will highlight those cases that have no analogy in the Euclidean plane.

Open access

Fast [12] is credited with pioneering the field of statistical convergence. This topic has been researched in many spaces such as topological spaces, cone metric spaces, and so on (see, for example [19, 21]). A cone metric space was proposed by Huang and Zhang [17]. The primary distinction between a cone metric and a metric is that a cone metric is valued in an ordered Banach space. Li et al. [21] investigated the definitions of statistical convergence and statistical boundedness of a sequence in a cone metric space. Recently, Sakaoğlu and Yurdakadim [29] have introduced the concepts of quasi-statistical convergence. The notion of quasi I-statistical convergence for triple and multiple index sequences in cone metric spaces on topological vector spaces is introduced in this study, and we also examine certain theorems connected to quasi I-statistically convergent multiple sequences. Finally, we will provide some findings based on these theorems.

Open access

For a graph G, we define the lower bipartite number LB(G) as the minimum order of a maximal induced bipartite subgraph of G. We study the parameter, and the related parameter bipartite domination, providing bounds both in general graphs and in some graph families. For example, we show that there are arbitrarily large 4-connected planar graphs G with LB(G) = 4 but a 5-connected planar graph has linear LB(G). We also show that if G is a maximal outerplanar graph of order n, then LB(G) lies between (n + 2)/3 and 2 n/3, and these bounds are sharp.

Open access

We study the path behavior of the symmetric walk on some special comb-type subsets of ℤ2 which are obtained from ℤ2 by generalizing the comb having finitely many horizontal lines instead of one.

Open access