Browse Our Mathematics and Statistics Journals

Mathematics and statistics journals publish papers on the theory and application of mathematics, statistics, and probability. Most mathematics journals have a broad scope that encompasses most mathematical fields. These commonly include logic and foundations, algebra and number theory, analysis (including differential equations, functional analysis and operator theory), geometry, topology, combinatorics, probability and statistics, numerical analysis and computation theory, mathematical physics, etc.

Mathematics and Statistics

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In a typical maximum clique search algorithm when optimality testing is inconclusive a forking takes place. The instance is divided into smaller ones. This is the branching step of the procedure. In order to ensure a balanced work load for the processors for parallel algorithms it is essential that the resulting smaller problems are do not overly vary in difficulty. The so-called splitting partitions of the nodes of the given graph were introduced earlier to meliorate this problem. The paper proposes a splitting partition of the edges for the same purpose. In the lack of available theoretical tools we assess the practical feasibility of constructing suboptimal splitting edge partitions by carrying out numerical experiments. While working with splitting partitions we have realized that they can be utilized as preconditioning tools preliminary to a large scale clique search. The paper will discuss this new found role of the splitting edge partitions as well.

Open access
Mathematica Pannonica
Tilak Raj Sharma
Hitesh Kumar Ranote

In this paper, we introduce the notion of a Gel’fand Γ-semiring and discuss the various characterization of simple, k-ideal, strong ideal, t-small elements and additively cancellative elements of a Gel’fand Γ-semiring R, and prove that the set of additively cancellative elements, set of all t-small elements of R and set of all maximal ideal of R are strong ideals. Further, let R be a simple Gel’fand Γ-semiring and 1 ≠ tR. Let M be the set of all maximal left (right) ideals of R. Then an element x of R is t-small if and only if it belongs to every maximal one sided left (right)ideal of R containing t.

Open access

For a continuous and positive function w(λ), λ > 0 and μ a positive measure on (0, ∞) we consider the following integral transform

D w , μ t : = 0 w λ λ + t 1 d μ λ ,

where the integral is assumed to exist for t > 0.

We show among others that D(w, μ) is operator convex on (0, ∞). From this we derive that, if f : [0, ∞) → R is an operator monotone function on [0, ∞), then the function [f(0) -f(t)] t -1 is operator convex on (0, ∞). Also, if f : [0, ∞) → R is an operator convex function on [0, ∞), then the function f 0 + f + 0 t f t t 2 is operator convex on (0, ∞). Some lower and upper bounds for the Jensen’s difference

D w , μ A + D w , μ B 2 D w , μ A + B 2

under some natural assumptions for the positive operators A and B are given. Examples for power, exponential and logarithmic functions are also provided.

Open access

Problem 2 of Welsh’s 1976 text Matroid Theory, asking for criteria telling when two families of sets have a common transversal, is solved.

Another unsolved problem in the text Matroid Theory, on whether the “join” of two non-decreasing submodular functions is submodular, is answered in the negative. This resolves an issue first raised by Pym and Perfect in 1970.

Open access

This manuscript deals with the global existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions for a Kirchhoff beam equation with internal damping. The existence of solutions is obtained by using the Faedo-Galerkin method. Exponential stability is proved by applying Nakao’s theorem.

Open access

We consider hypersphere x = x(u, v, w) in the four dimensional Euclidean space. We calculate the Gauss map, and the curvatures of it. Moreover, we compute the second Laplace-Beltrami operator the hypersphere satisfying ΔIIx = Ax, where A ϵ Mat (4,4).

Open access

In this paper, we show a Marcinkiewicz type interpolation theorem for Orlicz spaces. As an application, we obtain an existence result for a parabolic equation in divergence form.

Open access

Let E, G be Fréchet spaces and F be a complete locally convex space. It is observed that the existence of a continuous linear not almost bounded operator T on E into F factoring through G causes the existence of a common nuclear Köthe subspace of the triple (E, G, F). If, in addition, F has the property (y), then (E, G, F) has a common nuclear Köthe quotient.

Open access

In this paper we study the sum p x   τ ( n p ) , where τ ( n ) denotes the number of divisors of n, and {np } is a sequence of integers indexed by primes. Under certain assumptions we show that the aforementioned sum is   x  as  x   . As an application, we consider the case where the sequence is given by the Fourier coefficients of a modular form.

Open access

In this paper we derive new inequalities involving the generalized Hardy operator. The obtained results generalized known inequalities involving the Hardy operator. We also get new inequalities involving the classical Hardy–Hilbert inequality.

Open access