Browse Our Mathematics and Statistics Journals

Mathematics and statistics journals publish papers on the theory and application of mathematics, statistics, and probability. Most mathematics journals have a broad scope that encompasses most mathematical fields. These commonly include logic and foundations, algebra and number theory, analysis (including differential equations, functional analysis and operator theory), geometry, topology, combinatorics, probability and statistics, numerical analysis and computation theory, mathematical physics, etc.

Mathematics and Statistics

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Mathematica Pannonica
Anna Bachstein
Wayne Goddard
, and
Michael A. Henning

The bipartite domination number of a graph is the minimum size of a dominating set that induces a bipartite subgraph. In this paper we initiate the study of this parameter, especially bounds involving the order, the ordinary domination number, and the chromatic number. For example, we show for an isolate-free graph that the bipartite domination number equals the domination number if the graph has maximum degree at most 3; and is at most half the order if the graph is regular, 4-colorable, or has maximum degree at most 5.

Open access

This short note deals with polynomial interpolation of complex numbers verifying a Lipschitz condition, performed on consecutive points of a given sequence in the plane. We are interested in those sequences which provide a bound of the error at the first uninterpolated point, depending only on its distance to the last interpolated one.

Open access

For a lattice L of finite length n, let RCSub(L) be the collection consisting of the empty set and those sublattices of L that are closed under taking relative complements. That is, a subset X of L belongs to RCSub(L) if and only if X is join-closed, meet-closed, and whenever {a, x, b} ⊆ S, yL, xy = a, and xy = b, then yS. We prove that (1) the poset RCSub(L) with respect to set inclusion is lattice of length n + 1, (2) if RCSub(L) is a ranked lattice and L is modular, then L is 2-distributive in András P. Huhn’s sense, and (3) if L is distributive, then RCSub(L) is a ranked lattice.

Open access

In this paper, centralizing (semi-centralizing) and commuting (semi-commuting) derivations of semirings are characterized. The action of these derivations on Lie ideals is also discussed and as a consequence, some significant results are proved. In addition, Posner’s commutativity theorem is generalized for Lie ideals of semirings and this result is also extended to the case of centralizing (semi-centralizing) derivations of prime semirings. Further, we observe that if there exists a skew-commuting (skew-centralizing) derivation D of S, then D = 0. It is also proved that for any two derivations d 1 and d 2 of a prime semiring S with char S ≠ 2 and x d 1 x d 2 = 0, for all xS implies either d 1 = 0 or d 2 = 0.

Open access
Open access

We offer new properties of the special Gini mean S(a, b) = aa /( a + b )bb /( a + b ), in connections with other special means of two arguments.

Open access
Mathematica Pannonica
Allan Frendrup
Zsolt Tuza
, and
Preben Dahl Vestergaard

We treat a variation of graph domination which involves a partition (V 1, V 2,..., Vk ) of the vertex set of a graph G and domination of each partition class V i over distance d where all vertices and edges of G may be used in the domination process. Strict upper bounds and extremal graphs are presented; the results are collected in three handy tables. Further, we compare a high number of partition classes and the number of dominators needed.

Open access

Proctor and Scoppetta conjectured that

  • (1) there exists an infinite locally finite poset that satisfies their conditions VT and NTC but not SIS;

  • (2) there exists an infinite locally finite poset satisfying their conditions D3-C and D3MF but not both VT and FT; and

  • (3) there exists an infinite locally finite poset satisfying their conditions D3-C and D3MD but not NCC.

In this note, the conjecture of Proctor and Scoppetta, which is related to d-complete posets, is proven.

Open access

In this paper we introduce the concept of the Hamilton triangle of a given triangle in an isotropic plane and investigate a number of important properties of this concept. We prove that the Hamilton triangle is homological with the observed triangle and with its contact and complementary triangles. We also consider some interesting statements about the relationships between the Hamilton triangle and some other significant elements of the triangle, like e.g. the Euler and the Feuerbach line, the Steiner ellipse and the tangential triangle.

Open access

We prove certain Menon-type identities associated with the subsets of the set {1, 2,..., n} and related to the functions f, fk , Ф and Ф k , defined and investigated by Nathanson.

Open access