Browse Our Mathematics and Statistics Journals

Mathematics and statistics journals publish papers on the theory and application of mathematics, statistics, and probability. Most mathematics journals have a broad scope that encompasses most mathematical fields. These commonly include logic and foundations, algebra and number theory, analysis (including differential equations, functional analysis and operator theory), geometry, topology, combinatorics, probability and statistics, numerical analysis and computation theory, mathematical physics, etc.

Mathematics and Statistics

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In this article, we study a fractional control problem that models the maximization of the profit obtained by exploiting a certain resource whose dynamics are governed by the fractional logistic equation. Due to the singularity of this problem, we develop different resolution techniques, both for the classical case and for the fractional case. We perform several numerical simulations to make a comparison between both cases.

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The main aim of this paper is to prove that the nonnegativity of the Riesz’s logarithmic kernels with respect to the Walsh– Kaczmarz system fails to hold.

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Binary groups are a meaningful step up from non-associative rings and nearrings. It makes sense to study them in terms of their nearrings of zero-fixing polynomial maps. As this involves algebras of a more specialized nature these are looked into in sections three and four. One of the main theorems of this paper occurs in section five where it is shown that a binary group V is a P 0(V) ring module if, and only if, it is a rather restricted form of non-associative ring. Properties of these non-associative rings (called terminal rings) are investigated in sections six and seven. The finite case is of special interest since here terminal rings of odd order really are quite restricted. Sections eight to thirteen are taken up with the study of terminal rings of order p n (p an odd prime and n ≥ 1 an integer ≤ 7).

Open access

Column-row products have zero determinant over any commutative ring. In this paper we discuss the converse. For domains, we show that this yields a characterization of pre-Schreier rings, and for rings with zero divisors we show that reduced pre-Schreier rings have this property.

Finally, for the rings of integers modulo n, we determine the 2x2 matrices which are (or not) full and their numbers.

Open access

For a continuous and positive function w(λ), λ > 0 and μ a positive measure on (0, ∞) we consider the followingmonotonic integral transform

M ( w , μ ) ( T )  := 0 w ( λ ) T ( λ + T ) 1 d μ ( λ ) ,

where the integral is assumed to exist forT a positive operator on a complex Hilbert spaceH. We show among others that, if β ≥ A, B ≥ α > 0, and 0 < δ ≤ (B − A)2 ≤ Δ for some constants α, β, δ, Δ, then

0 1 24 δ M ( w , μ ) ( β ) M ( w , μ ) A + B 2 0 1 M ( w , μ ) ( ( 1 t ) A + t B ) d t 1 24 Δ M ( w , μ ) ( α )


0 1 12 δ M ( w , μ ) ( β ) 0 1 M ( w , μ ) ( ( 1 t ) A + t B ) d t M ( w , μ ) ( A ) + M ( w , μ ) ( B ) 2 1 12 Δ M ( w , μ ) ( α ) ,

where M ( w , μ ) is the second derivative of M ( w , μ ) as a real function.

Applications for power function and logarithm are also provided.

Open access

Let ƒ be analytic in the unit disk B and normalized so that ƒ (z) = z + a2z2 + a3z3 +܁܁܁. In this paper, we give upper bounds of the Hankel determinant of second order for the classes of starlike functions of order α, Ozaki close-to-convex functions and two other classes of analytic functions. Some of the estimates are sharp.

Open access

The authors have studied the curvature of the focal conic in the isotropic plane and the form of the circle of curvature at its points has been obtained. Hereby, we discuss several properties of such circles of curvature at the points of a parabola in the isotropic plane.

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Let k ≥ 1. A Sperner k-family is a maximum-sized subset of a finite poset that contains no chain with k + 1 elements. In 1976 Greene and Kleitman defined a lattice-ordering on the set Sk (P) of Sperner k-families of a fifinite poset P and posed the problem: “Characterize and interpret the join- and meet-irreducible elements of Sk (P),” adding, “This has apparently not been done even for the case k = 1.”

In this article, the case k = 1 is done.

Open access

A linear operator on a Hilbert space , in the classical approach of von Neumann, must be symmetric to guarantee self-adjointness. However, it can be shown that the symmetry could be omitted by using a criterion for the graph of the operator and the adjoint of the graph. Namely, S is shown to be densely defined and closed if and only if k + l : k , l G S G S * = .

In a more general setup, we can consider relations instead of operators and we prove that in this situation a similar result holds. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a linear relation to be densely defined and self-adjoint.

Open access

Let X be a topological space. For any positive integer n, we consider the n-fold symmetric product of X, ℱ n (X), consisting of all nonempty subsets of X with at most n points; and for a given function ƒ : XX, we consider the induced functions ℱ n (ƒ): ℱ n (X) → ℱ n (X). Let M be one of the following classes of functions: exact, transitive, ℤ-transitive, ℤ+-transitive, mixing, weakly mixing, chaotic, turbulent, strongly transitive, totally transitive, orbit-transitive, strictly orbit-transitive, ω-transitive, minimal, I N, T T ++, semi-open and irreducible. In this paper we study the relationship between the following statements: ƒM and ℱ n (ƒ) ∈ M.

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