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Among all scientific traditions alive, medical publishing has a good chance to be the oldest. The first fully peer reviewed academic journal, “Medical Essays and Observations” was launched in 1731 by the Royal Society in Edinburgh. Since then, hundreds of medical journals have been published worldwide. Medical publication in Hungary started in 1857 when the famous physician, Markusovszky founded “Orvosi Hetilap”, which has been published since then every week (with short breaks during the world wars). It is now a most prestigious piece in AKJournals’ portfolio, listed in Journal Citation Reports, with a remarkable impact factor.

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Background and aims

Online dating applications (ODAs) are gaining popularity, raising concerns about their potential addictive effects on users' health. The main objective of this study was to investigate the association between problematic ODA use and mental health, substance use, and sexual behavior outcomes in men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). To achieve this, we first validated a German version of the Problematic ODA Use Scale (PODAUS), which assesses problematic ODA usage patterns.


Problematic ODA use was assessed in 226 HIV-negative MSM counseling for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis at baseline and 6-month follow-up (n = 164, Mage = 42, SD = 11). The German PODAUS was validated using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) and correlational analysis. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to investigate associations of PODAUS with mental, sexual health, and substance use outcomes.


CFA supported PODAUS’ 6-item unidimensional structure, demonstrating excellent fit indices. Reliability analyses indicated good internal consistency (α = 0.79) and high test-retest reliability (r s = 0.68). Regarding mental health, significant positive associations were found between PODAUS and symptoms of depression, loneliness, anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and impulsivity, with medium to large effect sizes. Regarding sexual health, significant negative associations of small to medium effect sizes were found between PODAUS and lifetime prevalence of sexually transmitted infections, body acceptance, and sexual fulfillment, while a significant positive association with trait sex motivation occurred.

Discussion and Conclusion

The German version of PODAUS emerges as a valid, reliable tool to assess problematic ODA use. In an MSM sample, problematic ODA use was associated with lower mental and sexual health.

Open access



There is a need to systemically diversify psychedelic clinical trials, considering the growing interest in in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics within Black, Indigenous, and Peoples of Color (BIPOC) and queer communities. Doing so contributes to a more inclusive foundation of evidence-based research and addresses ethical considerations surrounding anticipated demand for these treatments following regulatory approval. Cultural attunement may be key to facilitating effective research and ensuring equitable treatment.


Here, we introduce a primer for culturally attuned psychedelic clinical trials. We narratively review prevalent psychological and pragmatic barriers to diversity – as part of set and setting – in modern psychedelic trials. We also propose potential strategies for the culturally attuned recruitment, assessment, and retention of diverse participants.


This primer narratively synthesizes existing literature on barriers and potential strategies for culturally attuned psychedelic trials. Here, the scope is on classic psychedelics and other drugs with consciousness-altering effects (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine [MDMA], ketamine). The term ‘diversity’ focuses on BIPOC and sexual- and gender-diverse populations, primarily in the US.


Psychological and pragmatic barriers include stigma, medical mistrust, history of psychedelic-assisted conversion therapy, income disparities, schedule inflexibilities, and transportation inaccessibility. Culturally attuned recruitment, assessment, and retention strategies include queering/diversifying the study team, debinarizing the therapist dyad, developing culturally attuned flyers, community outreach, using culturally attuned language, improving transportation-related access, diversifying room setup, and using culturally attuned assessments.


Psychedelic research groups are encouraged to adapt and enact these recommendations in their clinical trials, to improve accessibility to innovative mental health treatments for diverse populations.

Open access

Az akut szuicid veszély értékelése

A komplex rizikóbecslés lehetőségei a klinikai gyakorlatban

Assessment of acute suicide risk

Opportunities for comprehensive risk evaluation in clinical practice
Orvosi Hetilap
Péter Osváth
Csilla Molnár
Csenge Lovig
Fanni Napsugár Major
Szonja Venczák
Sándor Fekete
Tamás Tényi
Lisa Cohen
Igor Galynker
, and
Viktor Vörös

Introduction: The identification of acute suicide risk is of paramount importance for the prevention of suicidal behavior. However, we currently lack sufficient data to reliably detect pre-suicidal mental states. Objective: Hungarian adaptation of the screening test and questionnaire developed by Galynker and colleagues based on the concept of the suicide crisis syndrome. Method: Acute Suicidal Risk Test, based on the suicide crisis syndrome, and Rihmer’s Short Suicide Scale were administered consecutively to all patients treated at our outpatient and inpatient clinic during the study period. In cases where the screening tests were positive, a more detailed questionnaire assessing the symptoms of suicide crisis syndrome was completed. Results: 99 patients completed a total of 150 questionnaires, with one-third (n = 35) being outpatients and two-thirds (n = 64) inpatients. The most frequent clinical diagnoses were depressive (44.7%), adjustment (34%), psychotic (33.3%), and substance use disorders (33.3%), with a high rate of comorbidities. The screening tests indicated suicide risk in 54.3% (n = 19) of outpatients and in 76.6% (n = 49) of inpatients. After inpatient treatment, this proportion significantly decreased (n = 17, 33.3%). The full diagnostic criteria for suicide crisis syndrome were the most frequently met in patients with a positive Acute Suicidal Risk Test, either alone (74.2%) or in combination with the Short Suicide Scale (87.1%). The presence of both positive Acute Suicidal Risk Test and Short Suicide Scale was associated with severe Suicide Crisis Syndrome symptoms (29%). Discussion: The short screening test, based on the suicide crisis syndrome, identified acute suicidal risk in a significant proportion of patients. One of the key advantages of the suicide crisis syndrome concept and method is its ability to detect suicide risk even in the absence of overt suicidal intents. The value of the acute screening test is further enhanced by Rihmer’s Short Suicide Scale, which primarily assesses lifetime suicidal risk. Conclusion: The combined use of these tests supports clinical decision-making for acute psychiatric admissions and helps prevent the premature discharge of patients, underscoring the relevance of this screening method in suicide prevention. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(4): 146–153.

Open access

A korai elbocsátás kritériumainak és biztonságának vizsgálata anastomosissal járó elektív colorectalis műtétek során

Analysis of criteria and safety of early discharge after elective colorectal surgery with anastomosis

Orvosi Hetilap
Tamás Sztipits
Tamás Hidas
, and
András Vereczkei

Introduction: Thanks to minimally invasive techniques and effective perioperative protocols, morbidity and hospital stay associated with colorectal surgery can be reduced. After elective colorectal procedures, some patients may be discharged within 72 hours. However, early discharge is not a routine practice, and its criteria are unclear. Method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among patients who underwent elective colorectal surgery with anastomosis between March 2022 and May 2024. We analyzed the relationship between early discharge (<72 hours) and 30-day morbidity as well as unplanned hospital readmissions. To identify factors influencing successful early discharge, we examined demographic, medical history, intraoperative, and postoperative data. Results: A total of 109 patients underwent elective colorectal surgery. There were 85 laparoscopic, 8 robot-assisted, 4 open procedures and 12 stoma closures. The 30-day morbidity rate was 8.25% (n = 9), with severe morbidity (Clavien–Dindo 3b) at 4.6% (n = 5). Cases with complications within 72 hours (n = 9) were excluded. After an uncomplicated postoperative course, 30 patients were discharged early, while 70 patients had longer hospital stay (hospital stay: 67.5 ± 4.13 vs. 99.8 ± 2.06 hours; p = 0.0001). The groups were similar in age (57.17 ± 5.27 vs. 61.94 ± 2.75 years; p = 0.09), gender (p = 0.83), body mass index (p = 0.13), and performance status (p = 0.85). Bowel function recovery was comparable (31.0 ± 3.84 vs. 34.5 ± 3.49 hours; p = 0.26). Right- and left-sided resections were equally represented in both groups (p = 0.28), stoma closures were more frequent in the early discharge group (11 vs. 1; p<0.00001). There was no readmission, morbidity, or mortality within 30 days in either group. Conclusion: Following uncomplicated elective colorectal resections and stoma closures, early discharge within 72 hours is safe. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(4): 139–145.

Open access

A szomatosztatin és szisztémás felszabadulásának jelentősége gyulladásos, fájdalommal járó és egyéb állapotokban

The role of somatostatin and its systemic release in inflammatory, painful and other conditions

Orvosi Hetilap
Balázs Tornai
Barbara Hetényi
, and
István Zoárd Bátai

Somatostatin (SST) is a multifunctional peptide hormone of 14–28 amino acids, first discovered in the hypothalamus and later detected in other tissues, acting through different receptors (SST1–5). It has mainly inhibitory properties in endocrine and various nervous system processes. Its physiological properties and role go beyond the regulation of hormones, and it is involved in the modulation and regulation of neurogenic inflammation. During neurogenic inflammation, neuropeptides released from sensory neurons – such as substance P and the gene-related peptide calcitonin (CGRP) – trigger inflammatory responses. SST inhibits the release of these, other mediators and the associated inflammatory processes. The anti-inflammatory effect of SST has animportant clinical relevance in the treatment of neurological and inflammatory diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, migraine, chronic pain syndrome, neurodegenerative disorders, etc.). Synthetic derivatives (e.g., octreotide) can also be used in various clinical conditions, as well as in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumours (they inhibit excessive hormone production and tumour growth). Recent research has highlighted the importance of SST in pain perception. SST and its analogues are able to reduce nociceptive transmission and thus modulate pain sensation, especially in chronic and neuropathic pain. SST and its analogues represent a potential therapeutic target for modulating neurogenic and inflammatory pathophysiological processes, as a target for the treatment of pain and inflammatory diseases. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(4): 123–129.

Open access

A testösszetétel meghatározásának módszerei a klinikai gyakorlatban

Body composition assessment methods in clinical practice

Orvosi Hetilap
Tamás Leel-Őssy
Máté Babity
Márk Zámodics
Eszter Szigeti
Andrea Hájer
Orsolya Kiss
Csaba Horváth
, and
Szilvia Mészáros

Body composition assessment might be an essential tool in clinical studies. Over the metabolic diseases, body composition assessment can play an important role in sports medicine and in old patient care. Numerous methods are available, including simpler and more cost-effective ones, as well as more expensive but complex procedures. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is considered the gold standard method for body composition assessment in clinical practice. However, the increasing precision of bioelectrical impedance-based devices might provide reliable alternatives. In our article, we summarized the basic characteristics of methods for determining body composition, with particular emphasis on the procedures most widely used in clinical practice. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(4): 130–138.

Open access



To explore the individual and interactive associations between mobile gaming addiction (MGA), excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), and overweight/obesity among schoolchildren, and to investigate whether these interactions vary by gender or grade level.


Data were drawn from the Children's Growth Environment, Lifestyle, and Physical and Mental Health Development project (COHERENCE) conducted in Guangzhou, China, during the 2019/20 academic year. 418,197 children aged 6–12 years were included in the study. All participants were asked to complete an eligible questionnaire to provide details of their MGA over the past three months and SSBs consumption over the past week. Multiplicative and additive interaction models were performed to evaluate the interaction effects of MGA and excessive SSBs consumption on overweight/obesity, and variations by gender and grade level were also examined.


Excessive SSBs consumption was identified as a risk factor for childhood overweight/obesity, but MGA was not. However, the combination of MGA and excessive SSBs consumption was associated with an increased risk of overweight/obesity. This multiplicative interaction was significantly stronger in girls than in boys, with no differences observed across grade levels. Additionally, the additive interaction effect between MGA and excessive SSBs consumption was present only in girls and children in the lower elementary grades.


This cross-sectional study found that the combination of MGA and excessive SSBs consumption is linked to an increased risk of childhood overweight/obesity, particularly in girls and children in lower elementary grades. These findings highlight the importance of addressing these factors together in targeted interventions.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Mohsen Saffari
Chi-Hsien Huang
Po-Ching Huang
Yun-Hsuan Chang
Jung-Sheng Chen
Wai Chuen Poon
Marc N. Potenza
Mark D. Griffiths
, and
Chung-Ying Lin


Background and aims

There are limited data regarding associations between gaming disorder and physical activity (PA). The present study investigated the direct association between these two variables and assessed the potentially mediating roles of PA avoidance and two types of weight stigma (i.e., internalized weight stigma and perceived weight stigma) in the association.


An online cross-sectional survey that assessed PA avoidance, two types of weight stigma, and PA level was completed in late 2023 by 884 Taiwanese young adults aged between 20 and 40 years (63.9% females). Multinomial logistic regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to assess the associations between variables and perform the mediation analysis.


Cognitive behavioral symptoms and negative consequences related to gaming disorder were more common among participants with lower PA than those with moderate to high PA. Individuals at risk of gaming disorder exhibited higher level of PA avoidance, internalized weight stigma, and perceived weight stigma. The SEM found a direct association between gaming disorder and PA, which was negatively mediated by PA avoidance. However, this direct effect was not present when the association was negatively mediated by serial mediations of weight stigma and PA avoidance.

Discussion and Conclusions

Higher gaming disorder was associated with higher levels of PA, but this association may not be present when taking into account the mediation effect of weight stigma and PA avoidance. The findings suggest complex relationships and further research is needed to examine individual differences and relationships among clinical groups.

Open access


Background and aims

Behavioral addictions (BAs) represent complex and multifaceted disorders often associated with maladaptive neural alteration. To deepen our understanding of the essence of BAs, this study focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying its three stages: reward seeking, self-control, and decision-making. The aim of the current meta-analysis is to investigate the brain regions and neural networks involved in BAs.


Adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we systematically searched for relevant articles published before September 1, 2024, in the Web of Science and PubMed databases, and supplemented our search with Google Scholar. We conducted analyses using activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis and meta-analytic connectivity modeling (MACM) analyses.


A total of 50 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies involving 906 participants were included. The findings showed that individuals with BAs exhibited hyperactivation in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), bilateral caudate and left middle frontal gyrus (MFG), and a high degree of connectivity was found between the right caudate, left caudate, and right IFG. These findings indicated that BAs were associated with the fronto-striatal circuits. Individuals with BAs demonstrate specific neural activation patterns in the reward seeking, self-control, and decision-making stages, characterized by differences in activation and functional connectivity of brain regions associated with these stages.

Discussion and conclusions

This study verifies the pivotal role of the fronto-striatal circuits in BAs and highlights the specific patterns of brain activity in different stages of addictive behavior. These findings expand our understanding of neural mechanisms underlying BAs and supports and provide partial support for the I-PACE model.

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Cecile Giovannetti
Anja Loizaga-Velder
Ricardo Campoy Gomez
Gloria Rachel Ochoa Jaime
Teresa Castillo Valenzuela
Guadalupe Sanchez
Olivia Marcus
Gabrielle Agin-Liebes
, and
Brian Rush



The Yaqui Intercultural Medicine Clinic was established in 2020 to provide accessible, culturally-attuned treatment for substance use and mental health disorders among an Indigenous Yaqui community in Mexico. The treatment program integrates ayahuasca ceremonies and psychotherapeutic support within a community-based outpatient treatment service. This observational pilot study was conducted to evaluate the safety, short-term symptom improvement, and cultural implications of the clinic's program.


Data from 37 patients who were diagnosed with depression, anxiety, complicated grief, or substance use disorder were included in the analysis. Patients were included in the study if they participated in at least one ayahuasca session with psychotherapeutic support. Data were collected using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Index for Complicated Grief (ICG), and the Post-Traumatic Stress Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5).


Patients demonstrated marked reductions in scores of depression, anxiety, complicated grief, suicidality, and PTSD symptoms following ayahuasca ceremonies. After two ceremonies, mean BDI-II scores dropped from 15.7 to 5.1, mean BAI scores dropped from 16.6 to 6.3, and ICG scores reduced from 39.6 to 10.7. Among eight patients presenting suicide risk, seven cases resolved following a single ayahuasca ceremony. Safety assessment indicated that ayahuasca ceremonies were well-tolerated.


Preliminary data suggest that ayahuasca ceremonies integrated within a culturally-attuned community-based mental health program show promise for rapidly reducing mental health symptoms among a small group of Yaqui patients. These findings support further research of community-based ayahuasca-assisted therapeutic programs for mental health treatment within Indigenous communities.

Open access