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Among all scientific traditions alive, medical publishing has a good chance to be the oldest. The first fully peer reviewed academic journal, “Medical Essays and Observations” was launched in 1731 by the Royal Society in Edinburgh. Since then, hundreds of medical journals have been published worldwide. Medical publication in Hungary started in 1857 when the famous physician, Markusovszky founded “Orvosi Hetilap”, which has been published since then every week (with short breaks during the world wars). It is now a most prestigious piece in AKJournals’ portfolio, listed in Journal Citation Reports, with a remarkable impact factor.

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Az alapellátás szerepe a népegészségügyi méhnyakszűrésben

Következtetések egy hazai nagy kockázatú humán papillomavírus prevalencia felmérés adataiból

Emerging role of primary care health visitors in population-based cervical screening

Further conclusions of a high-risk human papillomavirus prevalence survey in Hungary
Orvosi Hetilap
István András Fogarasi
Zsolt Melczer
, and
Anikó Gyulai

Introduction: Cervical screening policy update with primary human papillomavirus detection should cover women who rarely visit gynecologists. Education of registered health visitors in Hungary has incorporated cervical sampling since 2015. Objective: Analysis of data from a geographically representative high-risk human papillomavirus prevalence survey to explore target population characteristics and results of samples collected by health visitors (n = 905) compared to gynecologists (n = 3826). Method: Cervical sampling with Rovers Cervex-Brush Combi device into ThinPrep containers followed by an anonymous questionnaire of demographic and anamnestic data by randomly appointed competent 40 health visitors and 169 gynecologists all over Hungary. Laboratory detection of high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes with Neumann Confidence and Roche Linear Array clinically validated tests. Results: Women enrolled by health visitors were significantly less educated, older, and last screened a longer time ago on average than those who visited gynecologists. Age distribution of women screened by health visitors matched more proportionally the target population above 55 years. Rate of invalid samples was similar by health visitors and gynecologists. Patients of gynecologists showed higher virus prevalence despite higher human papillomavirus vaccination rate. Discussion: Lower age-standardized virus prevalence in rural samples was potentially mediated by the health professional who performed the screening because a patient with pathological anamnesis may prefer going to gynecologists rather than waiting for health visitor contact. Conclusion: Calculating with the onset and beneficial coverage of school vaccination program and the age distribution of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer incidence, screening keeps its importance for another 20–30 years minimum. Inclusion of risk target group of women with lower education, rural residence, 50+ years of age in the screening was more effective through health visitors than through gynecologists. Health visitors are comparable in sampling competence and have a practice in actively approaching and involving women, playing a unique part in achieving prevention objectives. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(7): 263–271.

Restricted access

A differenciált pajzsmirigyrák rizikója mint első és második primer tumor

Risk of differentiated thyroid cancer as the first and second primary tumor

Orvosi Hetilap
András Kiss
Balázs Szili
Bence Bakos
Bálint Tóbiás
Bernadett Balla
István Takács
Péter Lakatos
, and
János Kósa

Certain second primary malignancies have been reported to be more common after well differentiated thyroid cancer than it would be expected in the general population. Conversely, second primary thyroid cancers are more frequent following certain malignancies. In this review, the incidence of second primary malignancies after differentiated thyroid cancers and the risk of second primary thyroid cancer following the most common malignancies have been analyzed based on recent literature. The reported incidence of second primary malignancies might be influenced by study design, genetic predisposition, lifestyle, environmental factors, oncogenic treatment of the first malignancy and detection bias. Nevertheless, after thyroid cancer, a higher incidence of breast, prostate, colorectal, renal cancer, and certain hematological malignancies can be observed compared to the general population. Thyroid cancer occurs more frequently after breast, prostate, colorectal, lung, renal, and bladder cancer, certain hematological malignancies, and neuroblastoma. Long-term clinical follow-up is advised after thyroid cancer to ensure early detection of a possible second primary malignancy. Increased adherence to cancer screening programs is also highly recommended for survivors of the first primary thyroid cancer. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(7): 253–262.

Open access

Dr. Pelech Ernő János (1851–1910) élete és munkássága

Dr. János Ernő Pelech (1851–1910) – his life and work

Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Jerg
Restricted access

A nem gestatiós eredetű béta-hCG-termelés rejtélyének megfejtése: primer choriocarcinoma a tüdőben

Solving the mystery of non-gestational beta-hCG production: primary choriocarcinoma in the lung

Orvosi Hetilap
Antónia Fürich
Dorottya Rózsa
Levente Bogyó
Hanna Tihanyi
Mária Madarász
Gizella Molnár
Balázs Gérecz
Zorán Belics
, and
Petronella Hupuczi

Choriocarcinoma is a mostly very aggressive, malignant tumor that derives from syncytiotrophoblast cells and secretes beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG). Choriocarcinoma is mostly gestational associated with pregnancy and there are rare non-gestational choriocarcinomas, independent of gestation and originated from germ cells mainly occurred extragenitally. Primary choriocarcinoma in the lung is very rare, and its association with kidney metastasis seems to be a literary rarity, as in a 43-year-old woman whose case history and the solving of the hormone-producing tissue of unknown origin is reported here. Histopathological and molecular genetic diagnosis were made on the lobectomy and the nephrectomy specimen. Operative procedures (extirpations of the tumor tissue) and postoperative adjuvant chemo- and immune (antibodies against programmed cell death 1 [PD1] and its ligand [PDL1]) therapy were successfully applied. The patient is being followed up by imaging procedures and beta-hCG measurements. Orv Hetil. 2025; 166(7): 272–275.

Open access

A szerológiai diagnosztika lehetőségei invazív gombafertőzésekben

Serological diagnostic options in invasive fungal infections

Orvosi Hetilap
András Zóka
Márton Gönczi
Róbert Steinhauser
, and
Gabriella Bekő

The early diagnosis of invasive fungal infections (including Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Pneumocystis jirovecii, Cryptococcus spp.) and their differentiation from non-invasive colonization is an important but seldom easy task. The measurement of fungal cell wall compounds (glucans and mannans) in body fluids (primarily sera) can provide us with useful information without putting more invasive burden on the patient. Galactomannan antigens of the Aspergillus cell wall are detected by classical serological methods. 1,3-β-D-glucans are fundamental compounds of the cell walls of almost all fungi with the exceptions of Zygomycetes and Cryptococcus spp. The coagulation or modified, but principally similar biochemical cascade of the Atlantic horseshoe crab lyzed amoebocytes became the standard method for their detection, that is a process beyond classical serology (as it lacks an antigen-antibody bond). Numerous new or improved methods and test kits have become available in the market for the measurement of both galactomannan and 1,3-β-D-glucans since the latest updates of the European and American diagnostic guidelines. We believe that summarizing the recent changes in diagnostic utilities for the Hungarian medical community might prove helpful in making a more informed and conscious diagnostic choice. In our work, we also aim to cover the possible additional antigen- and antibody-based test options that may be relevant in temperate climates. Orv Hetil. 2024; 166(7): 243–252.

Restricted access


Background and aims

The active ingredients of psychological gambling treatments remain unclear, with research identifying effective change techniques only emerging. This study aimed to identify clinical consensus statements on effective change techniques for gambling treatment according to Australian and New Zealand gambling clinicians. Identification of promising change techniques can inform the development of optimised interventions.


A panel of 68 clinicians participated in a two-round Modified Delphi study. Panellists rated the effectiveness of 19 change techniques for reducing gambling severity, expenditure and frequency. Consensus criteria for effectiveness and ineffectiveness were defined a priori. Panellists were also asked to provide culturally relevant considerations and adaptations when using change techniques with culturally diverse, linguistically diverse and Indigenous populations. Responses were analysed through a thematic analysis.


Clinical consensus was reached on the effectiveness of 10 change techniques: relapse prevention, goal setting, motivational enhancement, information provision, cognitive restructuring, financial regulation, information gathering, plan social support, problem solving, and decisional balance. There was no consensus that any technique was ineffective, however social comparison received the lowest ratings. Panellists also identified four key themes of considerations when working with culturally diverse, linguistically diverse and Indigenous populations.

Discussion and Conclusions

This is the first Delphi study to explore clinician perspectives on change technique effectiveness. Ten change techniques were identified as likely to be effective. Findings can inform the selection of promising change techniques for inclusion in gambling treatment programs and expedite optimised intervention development by focussing research efforts on change techniques most likely to be effective.

Open access



The association between depression and gambling disorder (GD) has been well-researched. However, prior research lacks consensus on the temporal association between depression and GD. Furthermore, the extant literature has not explored the nature of the aforementioned relationship using objective research methodology data and large-scale samples. The present study addressed these research gaps by investigating the longitudinal relationship between antidepressant prescriptions and the likelihood of developing GD using registry data over a period of 11 years (2008–2018).


Data were derived from the Norwegian Patient Registry (NPR) that was matched with data from the Norwegian Prescription Registry (NorPD). The dataset comprised 27,420 individuals, where 5,131 were diagnosed with GD. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted where individuals with GD were compared with 22,289 individuals matched on age and gender from NPR.


The results show that individuals with antidepressant prescriptions had higher odds of developing GD (OR = 2.80, 95% CI: 2.60–3.01, p < 0.001). Furthermore, males and older adults were found to have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with GD.


Depression is known to be one of the most common mental health disorders. The findings show that prior antidepressant prescription is associated with GD, which would be in accordance with the escape hypothesis because some individuals gamble to escape dysphoric feelings, such as depression. The study findings add to the existing knowledge on the temporal association of depression and GD. Furthermore, the results also have significant practical implications.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Beáta Bőthe
István Tóth-Király
Nevena Popova
Léna Nagy
Mónika Koós
Zsolt Demetrovics
Marc N. Potenza
Shane W. Kraus
Rafael Ballester-Arnal
Dominik Batthyány
Sophie Bergeron
Joël Billieux
Peer Briken
Julius Burkauskas
Georgina Cárdenas-López
Joana Carvalho
Jesús Castro-Calvo
Lijun Chen
Giacomo Ciocca
Ornella Corazza
Rita I. Csako
Andrea Czakó
David P. Fernandez
Elaine F. Fernandez
Hironobu Fujiwara
Johannes Fuss
Roman Gabrhelík
Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan
Biljana Gjoneska
Mateusz Gola
Hashim T. Hashim
MD. Saiful Islam
Mustafa Ismail
Martha C. Jiménez-Martínez
Tanja Jurin
Ondrej Kalina
Verena Klein
András Költő
Chih-Ting Lee
Sang-Kyu Lee
Karol Lewczuk
Chung-Ying Lin
Christine Lochner
Silvia López-Alvarado
Kateřina Lukavská
Percy Mayta-Tristán
Dan J. Miller
Oľga Orosová
Gábor Orosz
Sungkyunkwan University's Research Team † Sungkyunkwan University's Research Team
Fernando P. Ponce
Gonzalo R. Quintana
Gabriel C. Quintero Garzola
Jano Ramos-Diaz
Kévin Rigaud
Ann Rousseau
Marco de Tubino Scanavino
Marion K. Schulmeyer
Pratap Sharan
Mami Shibata
Sheikh Shoib
Vera Sigre-Leirós
Luke Sniewski
Ognen Spasovski
Vesta Steibliene
Dan J. Stein
Aleksandar Štulhofer
Berk C. Ünsal
Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel
Marie Claire Van Hout
, and
Joshua B. Grubbs


Background and aims

The Moral Incongruence Model of Pornography Use proposes that pornography-use-related problems may be present due to problematic pornography use (PPU) and/or moral disapproval (MD) of pornography use. Despite some supporting empirical evidence, no study has tested the presence of different pornography-use profiles based on individuals' behavioral dysregulation (i.e., PPU) and moral values concerning pornography use. The generalizability of previous findings to diverse populations has also been limited given the scarcity of studies conducted outside of Western countries.


Using data from the International Sex Survey (42 countries, N = 66,994; M age = 32.16 years, SD = 12.27), we conducted latent profile analysis to identify pornography-use profiles based on individuals' frequency of use, MD, and PPU. The profiles were compared along a wide range of pornography-use-related, sexuality-related, and psychological correlates.


Six pornography-use profiles were identified, including two increased risk groups (i.e., Increased risk of PPU without MD and Increased risk of PPU with some MD). Several factors differentiated between the increased risk vs. no/low risk profiles (e.g., relatedness satisfaction) as well as between the two increased risk profiles (e.g., religiosity). Apart from behavioral dysregulation, moral values concerning pornography use played an important role in distinguishing pornography-use profiles and demonstrated the importance of inquiring about MD when working with individuals with pornography-use-related problems.


Findings also support recent calls for better-integrated sex therapy and sexual medicine perspectives into pornography-use-related problems research and care.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan
Hagit Feder
Léna Nagy
Mónika Koós
Shane W. Kraus
Zsolt Demetrovics
Marc N. Potenza
Rafael Ballester-Arnal
Dominik Batthyány
Sophie Bergeron
Joël Billieux
Peer Briken
Julius Burkauskas
Georgina Cárdenas-López
Joana Carvalho
Jesús Castro-Calvo
Lijun Chen
Giacomo Ciocca
Ornella Corazza
Rita I. Csako
David P. Fernandez
Elaine F. Fernandez
Hironobu Fujiwara
Johannes Fuss
Roman Gabrhelík
Biljana Gjoneska
Mateusz Gola
Joshua B. Grubbs
Hashim T. Hashim
Md. Saiful Islam
Mustafa Ismail
Martha C. Jiménez-Martínez
Tanja Jurin
Ondrej Kalina
Verena Klein
András Költő
Chih-Ting Lee
Sang-Kyu Lee
Karol Lewczuk
Chung-Ying Lin
Christine Lochner
Silvia López-Alvarado
Kateřina Lukavská
Percy Mayta-Tristán
Dan J. Miller
Oľga Orosová
Gábor Orosz
Sungkyunkwan University’s research team † Sungkyunkwan University’s research team
Fernando P. Ponce
Gonzalo R. Quintana
Gabriel C. Quintero Garzola
Jano Ramos-Diaz
Kévin Rigaud
Ann Rousseau
Marco De Tubino Scanavino
Marion K. Schulmeyer
Pratap Sharan
Mami Shibata
Sheikh Shoib
Vera Sigre-Leirós
Luke Sniewski
Ognen Spasovski
Vesta Steibliene
Dan J. Stein
Julian Strizek
Aleksandar Štulhofer
Berk C. Ünsal
Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel
Marie Claire Van Hout
, and
Beáta Bőthe


Background and aims

Despite a growing body of research on pornography use among women, there is a lack of understanding of the problematic versus non-problematic nature. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between women's motivations for pornography use and sexual wellbeing using a cross-sectional, self-report survey design among participants from 42 countries.


The total sample included 82,243 participants, of whom 46,874 (57.0%) identified as women and were analyzed. The participants' age averaged at M = 29.67 years, with a standard deviation of SD = 10.11. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing their motivations for pornography use, as well as measures of sexual functioning, sexual desire, and sexual satisfaction.


Study results suggest that across cultures, women's motivations for pornography use are associated with their sexual wellbeing. Specifically, when women reported using pornography for their own pleasure or sexual curiosity, it was associated with fewer sexual functioning problems and higher sexual desire. Conversely, when women reported using pornography due to a lack of sexual satisfaction in their relationships, it was associated with more sexual functioning problems.

Discussion and conclusions

These findings highlight the need to consider the multifaceted nature of pornography use among women, including the usage motives, to fully understand associations with sexual wellbeing. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of conducting further research utilizing longitudinal designs, to establish the directionality between pornography use motivations and sexual wellbeing among women.

Open access