While this page contains FAQs, please note that many questions regarding specific topics can also be found on dedicated pages on our site. If you are seeking information on a specific topic, we encourage you to also visit these pages:
Can I use the website on mobile devices?
The new website is designed to be used on all devices: desktop, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.
Can I use the website with cookies if JavaScript is disabled?
We recommend leaving cookies in place for the best possible user experience. Access to the site is possible with either cookies or JavaScript disabled, however some functions and content may not be available.
Do I need to register on
Not at all. You will be able to search our catalog without an account, as well as save searches and export them during a session. Sharing via Twitter, Facebook, or Mendeley will also be possible.
Can I login with my account from the previous website?
Unfortunately, your old account will not work and you will need to create a new account. This is very easy. Please go to the registration page to do this.
What will you be doing with my personal data?
Akadémiai Kiadó complies with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Which browsers will be supported?
We support current versions of the following browsers on Windows, Macintosh, Android and iOS platforms:
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If you experience issues viewing aspects of the site, please ensure that you are using one of the above browsers and that it is fully updated. Please keep in mind that no two browsers (or two versions of the same browser) will display pages in exactly the same way.
In what formats is AKJournals content available online?
Subscribers may access the full text HTML and inline PDF journal content on our new online platform. We offer the option to download the PDF version for articles where the full text HTML not available.
Additional Questions?
AKJournals can be contacted via mail, phone, e-mail, or fax (contact us).
For Subscribers
How do I subscribe to an AK journal?
Individuals may purchase an online-only subscription via this site. If an individual wishes to purchase a print + online subscription, they must contact us to place the order. Institutions or libraries must contact AKJournals directly to order. To learn more, visit our Subscriptions page.
What if I'm having trouble with my online access?
Please contact us.
How do I change my mailing address?
If your journal subscription includes a print copy that you receive via postal mail, please contact us to update your mailing address.
What are the current prices for a specific AK journal?
Prices for individual articles and individual subscriptions can be found on any article page. First, visit our Journals page to select the journal of interest; then, click on any article within that journal, and pricing will be found near the article's title. Institutions can find full pricing at our Librarians page.
When will my journal subscription begin?
Subscribers purchasing an online-only subscription via this website have immediate access to all the journal's content. Subscribers purchasing a print + online subscription will receive the next print issue and be granted access to the journal's online content after the order is successfully processed; subscribers ordering a print + online subscription must contact AKJournals directly to order so that the subscription period is appropriately applied based on the frequency of the print issues for the journal.
How do I request permission to republish material from an AK journal?
All requests for permission to reproduce material from an AKJournal publication should be submitted through the Copyright Clearance Center. Click on the Get Permission button on the article page.
For Authors
How do I submit a manuscript?
Each journal has its own author guidelines, which should be consulted before submission. All submissions are processed online. To learn more, visit the author instructions for the journal of interest.
How should I format my manuscript?
Each journal has its own author guidelines, which should be consulted before submission. To view author guidelines, visit the web page for the journal of interest and click on the Instructions for Authors tab in the right panel.
Can my article be published Open Access?
Yes! To learn more, follow this link.
Is there a fee to have my article published?
There is no fee to submit a manuscript nor is there a fee for the publication of accepted manuscripts. However, a fee is required if the author(s) require their article to be published Open Access (please refer to the question above).
For Librarians
Who should we contact for institutional subscriptions and institutional access issues?
Please see our Librarians or Subscriptions page. If you have any questions about the content hosted on our site, you can can contact us.
How does an institution renew or place an order for a new year?
You can order through your subscription agent, or directly by contacting us.