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Gaspare Tribraco (1439 – ca. 1493) is an almost completely neglected poet despite the fact that his Bucolicon was probably the first collection of eclogues ordered in an elaborate composition during the Quattrocento. Moreover, his eclogues have survived in two different arrangements, thus offering an extraordinary possibility to analyse the humanist poet’s methods of poetry book composition. His influence was strong not only among poets who knew Tribraco personally, like Tito Vespasiano Strozzi and Matteo Maria Boiardo. The real importance and impact of his work is reflected by his influence on poets who became part of the Neo-Latin bucolic canon, first of all Baptista Mantuanus. This study is the first attempt to thoroughly analyse the structure of both eclogue collections, as well as Tribraco’s relation to classical and medieval pastoral poetry.
Frange, puer, calamos...
Bukolikus allegória, panegyrikus és a költőszerep válsága T. Calpurnius Siculus IV. eclogájában
A bukolikus műfaj allegorizáló fölfogása, mely Nero korában általánossá vált, soktekinte tben elszegényedést hozott Vergilius bonyolult jelképteremtő művészetéhez képest. Calpurniusnak azonban éppen a pásztori allegóriában rejlő lehetőségeket kiaknázva sikerült a pusztán reproduktív imitáció kötelmein túllépnie; Corydon alakjában saját érvényesülési törekvéseiről, a mecenatúra visszásságairól, a költők sanyarú helyzetéről rajzolt keserűen önironikus képet. A IV. ecloga nem pusztán Vergilius, Ovidius és más költők allúziók megidézte szövegeit fordítja visszájára, hanem az augustusi kor irodalmának olyan kulcsfogalmait is, mint a rusticitas, paupertas, simplicitas, vates, ezáltal pedig saját korát Augustus eszményített uralkodásának tükrében szembesíti fogyatékosságaival. A Nero aranykorát magasztaló dalverseny, melyet gyakran vizsgáltak a kerettörténetből kiemelve a gátlástalan adulatio dokumentumaként, csak ebben a szövegkörnyezetben nyeri el teljes értelmét.
The objectives of this in vivo experimental study were to evaluate the feasibility of cortical screw insertion into the intact distal phalanx in standing sedated horses and to document potential postoperative complications. One cortical screw was randomly inserted in lag fashion into each distal phalanx in 9 horses. The second surgery on the contralateral limbs was performed 2–3 weeks after the first operation, when a 4.5-mm cortical screw was inserted in lag fashion into the distal phalanx of sedated horses following perineural analgesia. Following surgery, the drill hole was filled with an antibiotic-soaked swab, which was changed every 48 h. The horses were euthanised 8 weeks after the second surgery. The hooves were disarticulated and evaluated macroscopically and by computed tomography. The surgery time was 13.9 ± 4.8 min (mean ± SD). Pain scores and lameness gradually decreased after 7 days. Solar canal penetration (SCP) was detected in 10 out of the 18 distal phalanges (55.5%). In 7 out of the 10 penetrations intraoperative bleeding was obvious. No postoperative infection was observed. Screw insertion into the distal phalanx was easily and quickly accomplished in standing horses, but its advantages in horses with sagittal fractures should be investigated further. SCP had no impact on postoperative lameness.
The effect of cold-stress (2°C, 7 days cold-hardening) on the level of polyamines in different varieties of wheat and genetically modified wheat samples (chromosome substitution lines, deletion lines, recombinant lines) has been investigated. Biogenic amines (spermine, spermidine, putrescine, and agmatine) were determined as the dansyl derivatives by stepwise gradient elution with the Personal OPLC BS 50 Chromatograph. Short-term cold-hardening caused characteristic changes in free polyamine content of wheat genotypes. The total free polyamine content was significantly lower in the cold-hardened samples than in the control samples. It seems that accumulation of spermine and agmatine might be good markers of cold sensitivity.