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Excess molar enthalpies of binary mixtures for tributyl phosphate (TBP)+methanol/ethanol were measured with a TAM air Isothermal calorimeter at 298.15 K and ambient. The results for xTBP+(1–x)CH3OH are negative in the whole range of composition, while the values for xTBP+(1–x)C2H5OH change from positive values at low x to small negative values at high x. The experimental results have been correlated with the Redlich–Kister polynomial. IR spectra of the mixtures were measured to investigate the effect of hydrogen bonding in the mixture.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
L. Zhou
S. Wen
J. Zhao
B. Yu
B. Han
, and
Ch. Yang


The -ray spectra of188Re decay have been studied by using two Ge/Li/ spectrometers and a three parameters /E-E-T/ List coincidence system. The energies and relative intensities of 52 -rays and cascade relations of 14 -rays are determined. Ten new -rays: 155 /633–478/, 984, 1096, 1463, 1332, 1530, 1574, 1810, 1867, and 1937 keV have been identified. The 155 /633–478/ transition is confirmed and its relative intensity is estimated by means of coincidence experiment. 24 levels of188Re are assigned. Among those, 6 levels are first put into the decay scheme of188Re. In addition to 1443 keV and 1937 keV levels, 1685, 1729 and 1965 keV levels are also observed in the decay of188Ir and other reaction studies. The 1948 level is recently suggested in the190Os/p, t/188Os reaction. The 486 keV and 811 keV -transitions are also put into the level scheme of188Re. The decay branching ratio is deduced.

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A procedure is described for the determination of51Cr(III) in51Cr(VI) samples having a51Cr(VI) to51Cr(III) ratio of 105, by means of a single zinc hydroxide coprecipitation at apH of ca. 13. Acceptable precision (standard deviation of 10–15%) is possible with solid51Cr(VI) samples containing 10 ppm of51Cr as51Cr(III).

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Background and aims: Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and depression have negative consequences on individuals' mental health, but their relationships are complex. This three-wave longitudinal study aimed to detect the metacognitive mechanisms underlying the association between IGD tendency and depression based on the self-regulatory executive function model. Methods: A total of 1,243 Chinese undergraduate student gamers (57% female, M = 19.77, SD = 1.29) were recruited at the baseline survey (Wave 1 [W1]), with 622 and 574 of them taking part in the two follow-up surveys (Wave 2 [W2] at 6 and Wave 3 [W3] at 12 months later), respectively. Results: The three-wave path model demonstrated, after controlling for the autoregressive effect of each variable, that depression consistently predicted IGD tendency but not vice versa, while negative but not positive metacognitions about online gaming (MOG) significantly predicted both depression and IGD tendency. Moreover, two statistically significant mediation paths: (i) negative MOG [W1] → depression [W2] → IGD tendency [W3]; and (ii) depression [W1] → negative MOG [W2] → IGD tendency [W3] were identified. Discussion and conclusions: These findings extend the understanding of the associations among depression, IGD tendency, and MOG, highlighting how negative MOG has a stronger prospective effect than positive MOG on depression and IGD tendency, and also reveal the mutual mediation effects of depression and negative MOG on IGD tendency. Integrated programmes with both emotional regulation training and Metacognitive Therapy are recommended for IGD treatment.

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Solvent extraction of protactinium with tri-iso-octyl-amine (TIOA) in xylene, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform from HCl, HF, HNO3, HClO4 and H2SO4 media was studied using 233Pa as a radiotracer. The extraction efficiencies of protactinium were determined as a function of shaking time, concentrations of mineral acids in aqueous phase, extractant concentrations and diluents in organic phase. The extraction mechanism was discussed. The results show that the extracted species in the organic phase is [(R3NH)nPa(OH)xCl y 5−xy ].

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Doublesex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1 (Dmrt1) is a Z-linked gene that putatively determines the phenotype of gonads in birds. The sex differential expression of Dmrt1 was examined using wholemount in situ hybridization (WISH) in the urogenital systems during embryogenesis. The results revealed that Dmrt1 showed dimorphic expression in chicken gonads, which increased from day 6.5 to day 10.5. The expression of Dmrt1 in male (ZZ) gonads was not twice as much as in female (ZW) gonads, suggesting the existence of other regulatory mechanisms in addition to Z chromosome dosage effect.

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In mammals, testis development is initiated by the expression of the sex-determining gene, SRY , where-as the genetic trigger for sex determination in birds remains unknown. In the present study, the expression of seven genes implicated in vertebrate sex determination and differentiation were studied in chicken embryonic gonads from day 4 to day 12 of incubation using reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results showed transcription of c Lhx9 , c GATA4 , c Vnn1 , c Ppt1 , c Brd3 were sexually dimorphic during chicken gonadal development, whereas c Eki2 , c Fog2 were expressed at similar levels in both sexes. Results of comparative studies between mammals and chickens show that vertebrate sex-determining pathways comprise both conserved and divergent elements: expression profiles of c GATA4 /c Fog2 and c Vnn1 are similar to those in mammals, while others appear some differences. Possible functions of these genes on chicken gonadal development were analyzed based on their expression profiles.

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A two-year field experiment with a split-split plot design was conducted to investigate the effects of soil N(0, 120 and 240 kg N·ha−1) and foliar Zn applications at different growth stages (jointing, flowering, early grain filling, and late grain filling) on Zn translocation and utilization efficiency in winter wheat grown on potentially Zn-deficient soil. Our results showed that foliar Zn application at the early grain filling stage significantly increased the Zn concentration in the grain (by 82.9% compared to control) and the Zn utilization efficiency (by 49% compared to jointing). The Zn concentration in the straw consistently increased with the timing of the foliar Zn application and was highest at late grain filling. However, the timing of the Zn application had little effect on Zn uptake in the grain and straw. A high N supply significantly increased the Zn concentration in and uptake by grain and straw, but it had little effect on the efficiency of Zn utilization. Consequently, a foliar Zn application at early grain filling causes Zn to re-translocate into grain from vegetative tissues, resulting in highly nutritional wheat grain. Finally, these practices improved the efficiency of Zn utilization in winter wheat and led to Zn-enriched straw, which may contribute to Zn recycling if it is returned to the field. The results also indicated that N nutrition is a critical factor in both the concentration and translocation of Zn in wheat.

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Wheat-rye 1BL.1RS translocations have been widely used in wheat breeding programs. A 1BL.1RS translocation wheat line, 91S-23, was developed from a 1R monosomic addition of the rye (Secale cereale) inbred line L155 into wheat (Triticum aestivum) MY11. A new commercial wheat cultivar, CN18, which also contained the 1BL.1RS translocation, was derived from the cross MY11 × 91S-23. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) indicated that the rye centromere was eliminated from the 1BL.1RS chromosomes of CN18 but not from 91S-23. Based on the 1RS source and the centromeric structure of the translocation chromosome, CN18 qualifies as a new wheat cultivar possessing a 1BL.1RS translocation. CN18 displayed high yield performance and resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust, whereas 91S-23 was susceptible to these diseases. The present study provides a new 1RS resource for wheat improvement.

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A simple and rapid HPLC method using a photodiode array (PDA) detector for the analysis of 3-hydroxycarboplatin and its related complex has been established for the first time. Separation of 3-hydroxycarboplatin and 3-hydroxy-1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylic acid (3-HO-cbdca) was carried out on a Phenomenex ODS3 column using an aqueous solution containing 50 mM ammonium acetate and 5 mM sodium 1-octanesulfonate as the mobile phase. The flow rate was 0.8 mL min−1, the column temperature was 40°C, and the detection wavelength was 230 nm for 3-hydroxycarboplatin and 220 nm for 3-HO-cbdca. Different analytical performance parameters such as precision, accuracy, linearity, stability of the solution, specificity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), and system suitability were determined using the Empower 2 software. The calibration curve of standard 3-hydroxycarboplatin showed good linearity (r = 0.9995) within the range 0.5–1.4 mg mL−1. The method was accurate and precise, with an average accuracy of 100.4% (RSD = 1.53%, n = 9), and the results of the system suitability test showed symmetrical peaks, good resolution (R s), and repeatability. It can be applied to the quality control of 3-hydroxycarboplatin.

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