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A simultaneous live/dead and acrosome staining, originally described for domestic mammals, was successfully applied on red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymidis and vas deferens of shot stags. The staining is simple enough for routine application. Seven classes of spermatozoa were distinguished in the smears of frozen/thawed semen samples. Morphology, including cytoplasmic droplets, was evaluated as well. Percentage of live cells with intact acrosomes and with no other morphological aberrations might be a practical index of semen quality.
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) bacteria frequently cause watery diarrhoea in newborn and weaned pigs. Plasmids carrying genes of different enterotoxins and fimbrial adhesins, as well as plasmids conferring antimicrobial resistance are of prime importance in the epidemiology and pathogenesis of ETEC. Recent studies have revealed the significance of the porcine ETEC plasmid pTC, carrying tetracycline resistance gene tet(B) with enterotoxin genes. In contrast, the role of tet(A) plasmids in transferring resistance of porcine ETEC is less understood. The objective of the present study was to provide a comparative analysis of antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene profiles of porcine post-weaning ETEC strains representing pork-producing areas in Central Europe and in the USA, with special attention to plasmids carrying the tet(A) gene. Antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes of 87 porcine ETEC strains isolated from cases of post-weaning diarrhoea in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Midwest USA was determined by disk diffusion and by PCR. Central European strains carrying tet(A) or tet(B) were further subjected to molecular characterisation of their tet plasmids. Results indicated that > 90% of the ETEC strains shared a common multidrug resistant (MDR) pattern of sulphamethoxazole (91%), tetracycline (84%) and streptomycin (80%) resistance. Tetracycline resistance was most frequently determined by the tet(B) gene (38%), while tet(A) was identified in 26% of all isolates with wide ranges for both tet gene types between some countries and with class 1 integrons and resistance genes co-transferred by conjugation. The virulence gene profiles included enterotoxin genes (lt, sta and/or stb), as well as adhesin genes (k88/f4, f18). Characterisation of two representative tet(A) plasmids of porcine F18+ ETEC from Central Europe revealed that the IncF plasmid (pES11732) of the Czech strain (~120 kb) carried tet(A) in association with catA1 for chloramphenicol resistance. The IncI1 plasmid (pES2172) of the Hungarian strain (~138 kb) carried tet(A) gene and a class 1 integron with an unusual variable region of 2,735 bp composed by two gene cassettes: estX-aadA1 encoding for streptothricin-spectinomycin/streptomycin resistance exemplifying simultaneous recruitment, assembly and transfer of multidrug resistance genes by the tet(A) plasmid of porcine ETEC. By this we provide the first description of IncF and IncI1 type plasmids of F18+ porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli responsible for cotransfer of the tet(A) gene with multidrug resistance. Additionally, the unusual determinant estX, encoding for streptothricin resistance, is first reported here in porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli.
The nucleus accumbens (NAcc), an important basal forebrain structure, has a central integratory function in the control of feeding and metabolism. The primary cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) exerts its neuromodulatory effects on the endocrine functions both centrally and peripherally. The present study was designed to elucidate the possible consequences of direct administration of IL-1β into the NAcc on the endocrine regulation of metabolism. Plasma concentrations of insulin and leptin, two key hormones in the homeostatic control were determined 15 minutes after a single bilateral microinjection of IL-1β into the NAcc of adult male Wistar rats, and the effects were compared with those found in vehicle treated control animals. Insulin plasma levels of the cytokine treated animals were significantly higher than those parameters of the control rats. No differences were found in leptin plasma concentrations between the two groups. Our findings show that IL-1β mediated processes in the NAcc have important roles in the central neuroendocrine control.
The mediodorsal prefrontal cortex (mdPFC) is a key structure of the central glucose-monitoring (GM) neural network. Previous studies indicate that intracerebral streptozotocin (STZ) microinjection-induced destruction of local chemosensory neurons results in feeding and metabolic alterations. The present experiments aimed to examine whether STZ microinjection into the mdPFC causes metabolic deficits. To do so, glucose tolerance test (GTT) and measurements of plasma metabolites were performed in STZ-treated or control rats. Intraperitoneal D-glucose load was delivered 20 min or 4 weeks following the intracerebral microinjection of STZ or saline (acute or subacute GTT, respectively). The STZ-treated rats displayed acute glucose intolerance: at the 120th min of the test, blood glucose level of these rats was significantly higher than that of the ones in the control group. When determining the plasma level of various metabolites, 30 min following the intracerebral STZ or saline microinjection, the triglyceride concentration of the STZ-treated rats was found to be reduced compared with that of the control rats. The GM neurons of the mdPFC are suggested to be involved in the organization of complex metabolic processes by which these chemosensory cells contribute to adaptive control mechanisms of the maintenance of homeostasis.
A case of a 13-year-old girl after being injured on the left eyeball by a stick from a cage, is presented. Along vitreous haemorrhage, retinal oedema and ischaemia, the disc was replaced by a cavity. Multimodal imaging was performed, which confirmed the optic nerve damage. The eye had no light perception anymore. Our case is a demonstration for complete avulsion of the optic nerve after blunt injury.
Thermobifida alba is the mesophilic member of the Thermobifida genus, the genome and enzyme sets of which have not been described and published yet. Thermobifida strains are thermotolerant actinomycete, which possess wide sets of cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysing enzymes. Previously, three endomannanases (Man5ATh, Man5ATc, and Man5AThf) of thermobifidas were cloned and investigated, and hereby the endomannanase of T. alba DSM 43795 is described. All four endomannanases belong to the glycoside hydrolase family 5, their sizes are around 50–55 kDa. Their structure consists of a catalytic domain and a carbohydrate binding module, while there is an interdomain linker region in-between consisting repetitive tetrapeptide motifs (eg.: PPTEPTD-Ta, PTDP-Tc, TEEP-Tf, DPGT-Th). The pH optima of Man5A enzymes from T. alba, Thermobifida halotolerans, Thermobifida cellulosilytica, and Thermobifida fusca are slightly different (6.5, 7.0, 7.5, and 8.0, respectively), however, the temperature optima of the enzymes were detected within a wider range of 65–75 °C. In this research, Man5ATa exhibited the lowest Michaelis-Menten constant (KM) (0.13 mM) on LBG-mannan substrate, while others shared similar kinetic parameters: 0.9–1.7 mM of KM. Despite the high sequence similarity of the investigated mannanases, they exhibit different temperature stability parameters. These different functional characteristics can be advantageous for industrial applications producing biologically active, oligomannan prebiotics under different conditions.
A tápláltsági állapot bioimpedancia-alapú meghatározásának lehetősége a rehabilitációban
Possibility of bioimpedance-based nutritional status assessment in rehabilitation
Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Még nem rendelkezünk olyan malnutritiodiagnosztikai módszerrel, amellyel a rehabilitációs intézetek betegeinek tápláltsági állapotát és annak változását objektív, pontos, reprodukálható módon követni tudjuk. Célkitűzés: A vizsgálat célja az Országos Orvosi Rehabilitációs Intézet pácienseinek malnutritiorizikó-szűrése mellett a bioimpedancia-alapú testösszetétel meghatározása a megfelelő táplálás kialakítása érdekében. Módszer: Malnutritiorizikó-szűrésre a Nutrition Risk Screening 2002 kérdőívet használtuk. A testösszetétel-analizálást a multifrekvenciás bioimpedancia-alapú seca mBCA 525 készülékkel végeztük. Eredmények: 41 beteg felvételt követő, validált szűrőmódszerrel mért malnutritiorizikójának összefüggése a testtömegindexszel való evidens kapcsolatához (r = –0,662, p<0,001) képest gyengült a zsírmentes testtömegindexszel (r = –0,487, p = 0,001) és a vázizomtömeggel (r = –0,476, p = 0,002). A malnutritiorizikó a zsírtömeggel nem mutatott korrelációt. A testtömegindex erős összefüggései a testösszetétellel agysérültek esetében lényegesen gyengültek. A vázizom- és a zsírtömeg között erős összefüggést tapasztaltunk valamennyi esetben. A testtömegindex csak agysérültek esetén mutatott összefüggést az extracelluláris és a teljes testvíz arányával. A vízterek minden esetben erős összefüggést prezentáltak a fázisszöggel (r = –0,711, p<0,001). A fázisszög agysérültek esetében mutatta a legerősebb korrelációkat a zsírmentes testtömegindexszel (r = 0,638, p<0,001), valamint a vázizom- (r = 0,544, p<0,001) és zsírtömeggel (r = 0,588, p<0,001). Következtetés: A malnutritiót mérő skálák nem elég szenzitívek a rehabilitációs intézetek betegcsoportjaira, a testtömegindex-kalkulációval pedig kevesebb rizikós beteg szűrhető ki, mint a testösszetétel-mérésekkel. A rehabilitációs kórházak számára alkalmas módszernek tartjuk a szűrés kombinálását bioimpedancia-alapú testösszetétel-analizálással. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(17): 670–676.
Summary. Introduction: We do not have a diagnostic method for malnutrition yet that can monitor the nutritional status of patients in rehabilitation institutions and its changes in an objective, accurate, reproducible way. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the risk of malnutrition in patients at the National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation of Hungary completing with bioimpedance-based body composition in order to develop adequate nutrition therapy. Method: The Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 questionnaire was used. Body composition analysis was determined by the multifrequency bioimpedance-based seca mBCA 525 device. Results: The association between the risk of malnutrition measured by a validated screening method of 41 patients was weaker with fat-free mass index (r = –0.487, p = 0.001) and skeletal muscle mass (r = –0.476, p = 0.002) than with body mass index (r = –0.662, p<0.001). It was not correlated with fat mass. Strong correlations of body mass index with body composition were significantly weakened in the case of brain injuries. A strong correlation between skeletal muscle and fat mass was observed in all cases. Body mass index correlated with extracellular and total body water ratio only in the case of brain injuries. The extracellular and total body water ratio presented a strong correlation with the phase angle in each case (r = –0.711, p<0.001). Phase angle showed the strongest correlations with fat-free mass index (r = 0.638, p<0.001), skeletal muscle (r = 0.544, p<0.001) and fat mass (r = 0.588, p<0.001) in the case of brain-injured patients. Conclusion: Malnutrition screening tools are not sensitive enough for patient groups of rehabilitation institutions, and with body mass index, less risky patients can be screened out than with body composition analysis. Combining screening with bioimpedance-based body composition analysis is a suitable method for rehabilitation hospitals. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(17): 670–676.
We report a case of an infant with spontaneous chylothorax due to the congenital malformation of a small lymph vessel of the chest wall. Conservative therapy with omitting long-chain fatty acids from the diet, fat-free nutrition, total parenteral nutrition and intravenous somatostatin did not result in the decrease of pleural effusion. Thoracic surgical intervention performing thoracic duct ligation and using fibrin sealants was applied after 10 days of unsuccessful conservative therapy, and resulted in the complete recovery of the patient. Our experience support the already existing observations, that in cases where the daily loss of chyle exceeds 100 ml per age years and/or lasts longer than 2 weeks, early surgical intervention is recommended.
Anti-nutritive components in multi resistant potato cultivars were investigated in relation to conventional and organic farming for three years. Glycoalkaloids, nitrate, nitrite, asparagine, and glutamine contents of tubers were examined. Farming technology was found not to have an effect on the level of glycoalkaloids, which was influenced mostly by the genotype and season. Nitrogen fertilisation caused significant increase in nitrate, asparagine, and glutamine contents as compared to organic farming. Nitrite content was found to be more independent of farming technologies than nitrate. Tubers of cultivar Rioja had the lowest nitrate content irrespective of season or technology. In conclusion, the absolute amount and changes of different anti-nutritive components of potato tubers were influenced differently by the technology, genotype, and season in a complex manner. Organic farming had no effect on the glycoalkaloid content, but the nitrate levels had a tendency to be lower compared to conventional farming. This can be seen as a positive effect of organic farming.
Thin films prepared by vacuum evaporation of 57Fe and subsequent low energy ion implantation were investigated by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy and AFM measurements. A sextet with Mössbauer parameters of δ = 0.1 mm/s and B = 26 T appearing in the CEM spectra was identified as amorphous iron. Passivation and phosphonation of the thin films revealed the high affinity of amorphous iron in chemical reactions.