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Some observations on the three vessels with characteristic decorative elements of La Tène culture from the cemetery in Szob

A La Tène kultúra jellegzetes motívumaival díszített három figyelemre méltó edény a szobi temetőből

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Károly Tankó


A tanulmány három, a szobi kelta temetőből a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeumba került edényt mutat be, amelyek ugyan nem ismeretlenek a tudományos közönség számára, és különböző aspektusokból korábban már többen foglalkoztak velük, de a minden részletre kiterjedő publikálásuk eddig még nem történt meg. A leletek a magyarországi késő vaskor kutatásának egyik kulcsfontosságú lelőhelyéről kerültek napvilágra, éppen ezért a rövid tanulmány célja az eredeti dokumentációk áttekintésén és a modern digitális módszereken alapuló szakszerű közlés, valamint az újabb adatokon és jelenlegi kutatási eredményeken alapuló kontextusba helyezés.

In the focus of this paper stand three remarkable vessels with characteristic decorative elements of the late Iron Age, associated with the La Tène material culture of Central and Eastern Europe. The finds from one of the key sites of the late Iron Age research in Hungary were brought to the Hungarian National Museum from the cemetery of Szob. These pots are not unknown to the scientific community, they have been dealt with in various aspects in the past. However, the full details have not yet been published. The aim of this short study is to publish these vessels precisely, based on a review of the original documents and using modern digital methods. It also examines and contextualizes these important findings in the light of recent data and research.

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Béla Balázs‘ Der sichtbare Mensch wurde 1924 publiziert und gilt als das erste systematische theoretische Werk über das Medium Film in deutscher Sprache. Dem Buch wurde daher große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet und es wurde mehrfach versucht, es im Werk von Balázs zu kontextualisieren. Im Aufsatz Die frühe Filmtheorie von Béla Balázs wird angestrebt, die Anfänge von Balázs‘ Beschäftigung mit dem Film differenzierter darzustellen, als das bislang geschehen ist, um das geistige Milieu und die Diskurskontexte, in denen Der sichtbare Mensch entstand, präziser rekonstruieren und einzelne Begriffe und Konzepte des Buches — wie Physiognomik, Sichtbarkeit und Visualität — genauer erfassen zu können. Aufgrund von Berichten in der Wiener ungarischen Migrationspresse lässt sich eine Diskussion über Film nachvollziehen, in der Balázs‘ erste Versuche auch zu verorten sind. Die Auflistung einiger Aspekte zur Wiener Filmindustrie der 1920er Jahre, filmbezogene Texte in der ungarischsprachigen Wiener Emigrantenzeitschrift Bécsi Magyar Ujság, Balázs‘ Auseinandersetzung mit Mitgliedern einer ebenfalls nach Wien emigrierten ungarischen Avantgardegruppe, der Sprachwechsel eines migrierten Literaturschaffenden und Balázs‘ Tagebucheinträge machen sichtbar: Der Verstehenshorizont von Balázs‘ Filmtheorie kann nur vor dem Panorama seiner breiten Interessensgebiete und Erfahrungswelten ausgelotet und bestimmt werden.

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The Hungarian neo-avant-garde appeared in such diverse artistic fields as fine art, conceptual and visual literature, happenings, theatre performance and film. For the avant-gardists Tibor Hajas, Miklós Erdély and Tamás Szentjóby, film was both a theoretical and a practical issue. There are films documenting avant-garde activities, and there are films that are truly avant-garde. Thus, the field of film seems to provide a considerable amount of material through which scholarship can evaluate the Hungarian neo-avant-garde. This paper discusses how the evidence of film fits the interpretation of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde as belonging to the “second public”, as part of cultural opposition, and as something forbidden.

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Maria Theresia gilt als Reformerin. Unbestritten hat sie den Reformbedarf ihrer Zeit wahrgenommen. Die anstehenden Reformen betrafen die Bauernbefreiung, die Einführung der Schulpflicht, die Einrichtung einer modernen Gesundheitsvorsorge, die religiöse Toleranz, ein progressives Justizsystem sowie die Förderung eines zukunftsweisenden kulturellen Aufschwungs. Der Beitrag listet die einzelnen Maria Theresia zugeschriebenen Reformen auf und versucht zu bestimmen, was in den konkreten Fällen „Reform“ heißt. Insbesondere wird der Frage nachgegangen, wofür Reform einerseits in der ungarischen Geschichtsschreibung und andererseits in der Epoche der Aufklärung steht, und inwiefern die Reformen von Maria Theresia diesen entsprechen.

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By comparing the colored etching A igentliche Vorstell- und Beschreibung der rnehmsten in Europa befindliche r Land- lcker, Augsburg around 1700, and the journal Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, Kolozsvár around 1880, imagology, a research area of comparative cultural and literary studies, can be discussed in a comparative manner. Based on the findings of this comparison, the article seeks answers to questions about the scientific location and the task of Hungarian studies outside of Hungary.

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In 2011 Hungary's water supply and sanitation sector was characterized by a multitude of utilities, a fragmented market with widely differing tariffs and no centralized regulation, resulting in often inefficient and unsustainable operational and market conditions. In 2011 the Hungarian government introduced the Act CCIX of 2011 on Water Utility Services which resulted in significant market consolidations. In this article we present the results of a qualitative survey carried out in 2015 to examine the opinion of top managers of utilities on the short and midterm effects of the realization of the objectives set by the Act. The interviews focused on examining the efficiency changes experienced by 15 CEOs of different water utility service provider companies since the integration. The paper also examines their expectations for the future across a multitude of technical and economic fields and factors. This qualitative research aimed to study whether the recent changes in policy and market structure led to economies of scale and to the perceptible increase of technical and economic efficiency levels. It was concluded that efficiency benefits of economies of scale prevailed in most cases, however, these were perceived only to a limited extent at the time of the survey, approximately midway through the ongoing integration processes.

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In the investigation of the prehistory of the Yakut language only few and not very reliable sources are at our disposal. Although these sources are very important, some are not available for the researchers, or not prepared to meet modern linguistic/philological requirements. The main aim of this paper is to present the Yakut material of Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica , a famous work of P. S. Pallas published in 1811, for further research. In addition, etymological notes and remarks on the naming conventions of Yakuts are also included. In the appendix all the Yakut materials of the Zoographia , 135 different items altogether, are presented in a systematic way, with the comparison of data from the corresponding works of D. G. Messerschmidt and J. G. Gmelin.

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This paper investigates the expression of authorial identity in English published research articles and Hungarian EFL students’ MA theses written in English. Based on the analysis of a computer corpus of 100 research papers in applied linguistics, it compares the frequency of one indication of author identity, author pronouns, and the rhetorical functions for which these pronouns are used in the two corpora. Frequency counts show that student writers employ a considerably higher number of author pronouns than expert writers do. Concordances of the data reveal that qualitative differences also appear in the two corpora regarding the rhetorical functions fulfilled by the personal reference used. The study also reports on the results of interviews conducted with student writers to reveal the reasons for their performance and shed light on their perceptions of pronoun use in English academic discourse. The interviews portray a considerable discrepancy between what students claim about the nature of academic discourse and what they actually do in writing. It is therefore argued that EFL students need special training in EAP courses that pays attention to the various aspects of style and takes into account the students’ stereotypical cultural, linguistic, academic and educational background.

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XVIII FIT World Congress

Shanghai, China, 4–7 August 2008

Across Languages and Cultures
Krisztina Károly
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The notion of successive illumination parameters of convex bodies is introduced. We prove some theorems in the plane and determine the exact values of the successive illumination parameters of spheres, cubes and cross-polytopes for some dimensions.

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