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Victor Hugo wrote Le Voyage Vers les Pyrénées in 1843, during his travel in Spain. This work is analysed by the author from several aspects. First, taking the ancient archetypes of travelogue and story-telling as points of departure, the author discusses the characteristics of the genre in the 19th century. Then she goes on and inserts the work in the process of paradigm change typical of the century, when the notions `pittoresque', `couleur locale' and `the exotic' were all present in the texts; nevertheless, the emphasis was increasingly shifted towards the need for presenting reality. Basing her arguments on quotes, the author argues that in the case of Victor Hugo, the notions mentioned basically have the same workings in travelogues written in prose as well as in poems.

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As a starting point of this study, we suppose that verbality and the use of written records come across in a different way in the francophone or the so-called post-colonial literature than, for instance, in the European literature, in which it has a longer tradition. To establish the truth of the thesis and to show the typical features, we have chosen two novels, one is by Patrick Chamoiseau, the other is by Fouad Laroui. The first one is linked to creole traditions, the latter one to Arabic- Moroccan traditions but both of them use the genre of the (post)-modern novel. The paper, on one hand, reveals the manner of verbality, embedded into the text, on the other hand, it shows the general structures, hidden under the surface like for example the child's path towards the school, i.e., towards knowledge, or the otherness of the home-comer compared to the ones who stayed at home. Nevertheless, the key point of the interpretation of both novels is their relationship to the French culture and language which in both cases is simply an inevitable fact, but nowadays this fact does not raise any difficulties in forming an independent identity or applying post-modern discourses in their own contexts.

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Pablo Pastor
Éva Martonyi
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Éva Martonyi
Imre Majorossy
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Norbert Mátyus
Éva Martonyi
Róbert Varga
, and
Zsófia Babics

Béla Hoffmann, A látóhatár mögött, Olasz irodalmi tanulmányok. [Al di là dell'orizzonte. Studi di letteratura italiana] Savaria University Press, Szombathely, p. 239. Klaus-Dieter Ertler, Der frankokanadische Roman der dreissiger Jahre: Eine ideologieanalytische Darstellung, Canadiana Romanica, volume 14, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, Verlag, 2000, 436 p. Roger Toumson, Mythologie du métissage, Presses Universitaires de France, collection „Ecritures francophones”, 1998, 270 pages.  „Studi Francescani nell'ambiente francescano”: un corso organizzato dal Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Francescani, Assisi 2002

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Edit Bors
Éva Martonyi
György Domokos
, and
Réka Bartoss

This part is a collection of short book reviews from the following authors: István Csűry: Le champ lexical de \emph{mais}. Étude lexico-grammaticale des termes d'opposition du français contemporain dans un cadre textologique; Ildikó Lőrinszky: Utazás Karthágóba. Kelet és mítosz Flaubert műveiben a fiatalkori írásoktól a Szalambóig; Maria Teresa Angelini - Fábián Zsuzsanna: Olasz-magyar főnévi valenciaszótár; Giancarlo Petrella: L'officina del geografo. La „Descrittione di tutta Italia”di Leandro Alberti e gli studi geografico-antiquari tra Quattro e Cinquecento.

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Biagio D'Angelo
György Domokos
Éva Martonyi
Márton Náray-Szabó
, and
István Miskolczi

This part is a collection of short book reviews from the following authors: Paola Mildonian: Alterego. Racconti in forma di diario tra Otto e Novecento; Guido Cifoletti: Lingua franca barbaresca; Henry Bauchau: Une poétique de l'espérance; Franck Neveu: Dictionnaire des sciences du langage; Gérard Genette: Métalepse.  De la figure à la fiction;

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